February 18, 2022

Here’s a place…

 … where you can talk about whatever you want.


rcocean said...

Here's a place where everyone knows your name.

Bryan Cranston spoke about being 'blind' to racial issues and confronting his own white privilege during an interview with the Los Angeles Times that was published on Thursday.

During the sit-down, the 65-year-old performer spoke about how he stepped away from a directing role in a play that would have ran at the renowned Geffen Playhouse and instead took on a part in another play entitled Power of Sail.

The Breaking Bad star, who will portray a Harvard professor who invites a Holocaust denier to an academic symposium, also discussed confronting his own 'white blindness' to various social issues while working on the production.

A Holocaust denier vs. a Harvard Professor. Who wins in that play?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The heavy hand of our government’s reaction to Jan6 means that we have left it up to Canadians to do what we should’ve been doing. Meanwhile we’re cowering in fear instead. And don’t believe for a minute that fear won’t be capitalized by our government. The Canadian government saw how our government dealt with Jan6 and they are copying it to the letter.

Winter is coming.

Small Dead Animals latest 👉🏽 http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/2022/02/18/trudeaus-canada-2/

Original Mike said...

Jeez…Two episodes this evening of alarming squawking from the other room. Investigation determined it was my iPhone delivering an emergency warning from the government that it was…wait for it… SNOWING! In Madison, Wisconsin it was SNOWING! Specifically, snow squalls!, which I guess is somehow worse than other forms of snowing. Looks like we got maybe a tenth of an inch.

It gets even "better". I clicked on the warning and it told me to "Slow Down!" Of course, if I actually had been driving, in the dark (and in a snow squall!) I'd probably be in a ditch now after trying to determine why my phone was having a conniption fit.

Does no one possess a modicum of judgement anymore? Emergency Government Warnings have now been turned off on my iPhone (until now, I hadn't realized that I had somehow consented to Emergency Government Warnings). I can imagine a real, actual emergency that I might appreciate receiving a warning of, but now I won't because whoever is responsible for this program is an idiot.

narciso said...

there was a kidnapping in tampa, some 200 miles away, and it sounded like an air raid siren, defcon 2

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

r/dataisbeautiful has a graph purporting to show that for the first time less than 50% of answers to a poll of Americans say they believe in God. In just 11 hours, the post has garnered over 30k upvotes and 27 awards.

Then I watched Jordan Peterson confirm Elon Musk suspicions that our biggest threat is under-population. If the trend continues we’re going to under-reproduce ourselves extinct.

There’s nothing optimistic on the horizon.

Michael said...

Political leaders across the globe are watching to see what Trudeau can get away with.

No one is safe

narciso said...

well its axiomatic if you are a pagan and you worship nature, as skydragon acolytes, that promises just apocalypse, then you won't have generational confidence, the lockdowns helped exacerbate these feeling of annui

Howard said...

Life is beautiful things are looking up with the passing of Covid. Baseball is just around the corner. Flowers will be blooming before you know it. The snow is gone right now but more is coming.

You people are a disgrace to depression.

MadisonMan said...

Apparently there's an ad on Instagram for Coffee that looks remarkably like someone playing Wordle. So that's how you know Wordle is no longer a thing.

narciso said...

Ive been submitting the novel to grammerly, but it only takes about 50 pages per entry,

Lucien said...

Narcissi: It may be more of a lawyer thing, but have you tried Wordrake?

Meade said...

“ Emergency Government Warnings have now been turned off on my iPhone”

But HOWLING WINDS, man! Without Emergency Government Warnings turned on, how will you ever know about the HOWLING WINDS??

Michael K said...

You people are a disgrace to depression.

Yeah. Depression is mostly a lefty phenomenon. Sorry, life is good without the masks.

Original Mike said...

"But HOWLING WINDS, man! Without Emergency Government Warnings turned on, how will you ever know about the HOWLING WINDS??"

WHAT?? SPEAK UP! I can't hear you over the HOWLING WINDS!

MadisonMan said...

@OriginalMike @810PM, I note the 40-vehicle pileup on Hwy 51 around sunset, associated with this weather event. Some people need all the help they can get re: bad weather. It does mean that more sensible people have to live with interruptions on their phone.

MadisonMan said...


I observe that 90+% of the Grammerly ads I see target women. Do men not make grammar mistakes, do they not care, or do they not work in fields that require a person to have accurate grammar?

Maynard said...

You people are a disgrace to depression.

I am not sure what means, but it sounds like someone needs a mental health intervention.

Take a break from trolling for a few days and your outlook is likely to improve greatly.

Best of luck to you.

Mr Wibble said...

I observe that 90+% of the Grammerly ads I see target women. Do men not make grammar mistakes, do they not care, or do they not work in fields that require a person to have accurate grammar?

I'd say that women are more likely to work in wordcel jobs, and to be much more nitpicky about that stuff than a lot of men.

Original Mike said...

"I note the 40-vehicle pileup on Hwy 51 around sunset, associated with this weather event. "

They were probably all checking their squawking phones. Seriously. This is counterproductive and somewhat dangerous. If someone doesn't know to slow down when it gets slippery, they're beyond government "help".

"It does mean that more sensible people have to live with interruptions on their phone."

Not me. Not anymore.

narciso said...

I started with a short story and then it ballooned to nearly 400 pages

stephen cooper said...

narciso i would love to read those 400 pages.

Fernandinande said...

Investigation determined it was my iPhone delivering an emergency warning from the government that it was…wait for it… SNOWING!

We were driving at night on I70 in the mountains near Vail, and got a "government warning" on the phone - I dangerously pulled over to the shoulder of the road to see if it was about I70 being closed. Nope. It was a notification that there had been a lot of Chinese flu cases in that county (whatever it was), so watch out!

rcocean said...

Howling Winds:

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by winds, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the windy streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,
who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking in the windy darkness of drafty flats floating across the tops of cities contemplating the weather,

rcocean said...

That's not poetry - that's typing.

Readering said...

Listening on internet to KUSC
and the final episode of The Evening Program With Jim Svejda. Retiring after 43 years. I've listened on the car radio for almost 30. FM dial set to 91.5 always. Right now An American in Paris with London Symphony and Mitch Miller on clarinet.

narciso said...

How much heroin did ginsburg inject that made him think the olacid 50s were deranging

narciso said...

Im reminded of that novel by bowman a pynchonesque affair where characters like howard hunt and say william burroughs who were both in mexico in 1950 were paired up

Narr said...

The weather alerts sorry ALERTS we get are anodyne, compared to the alerts sorry ALERTS we get that Amber sorry AMBER has been kidnapped again. Someone should watch that child.

If 'olacid' isn't a word it should be. (narciso@944). I can't think of a clever definition now so leave it to you people.

Good night.

Josephbleau said...

“But HOWLING WINDS, man! Without Emergency Government Warnings turned on, how will you ever know about the HOWLING WINDS??”

A mighty wind’sa blowing’ Crost the land and crost the sea. A mighty wind’s a blowin’, it’s blowin’ you and me.

They say the highway is one big road, and it goes from here to there. And they say you carry a heavy load, when you’re rolling down the line, somewhere.

narciso said...

Placid but ill take the coinage

William said...

I saw that Russian figure skater's program. She had a black and red outfit that vaguely suggested the Spiderman outfit. Her long legs and arms were also vaguely spider like, and some of her moves were as sinister as they were dazzling. There was more Black Widow than ballerina in her performance.....Some of her twirls were spectacular, almost superhuman, like she had been bitten by a radioactive spider. Then she fell down, got up, and fell down some more. The klutz part of her performance in some way emphasized the spectacular grace of the other parts....It was a memorable performance. It's the one everyone will remember from these Olympics. The dying fall of the swan.

effinayright said...

Howard said...
Life is beautiful things are looking up with the passing of Covid. Baseball is just around the corner. Flowers will be blooming before you know it. The snow is gone right now but more is coming.

You people are a disgrace to depression.

LOLZ. Across America the Karens and the Mask-Krazies are going bee-zerk over the ending of mask mandates, and here comes Howard to celebrate covid's end and accuse US of being depressed (or whatever "a disgrace to depression" is supposed to mean).

Howard, the Stupid is not just Strong in you..it is INVINCIBLE.

William said...

Or maybe Russia will invade Urkraine, and we'll all look back to wonder at how we worried about a few pratfalls and banned substances while Russia was gearing up to murder thousands. Or maybe there's something about her performance that Putin could study and learn from. Prior preparation doesn't always prevent piss poor performance.

narciso said...

Good news everybody


Butkus51 said...

This week in Canada is why we have a 2nd amendment.

narciso said...


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I stopped at The Trading Post, a small outlet for products like sheds. It's a three-person operation. They insisted that I wear a mask because they were afraid the government would shut them down if a spy came in and saw that I was unmasked. No government should have that power to insist that a nonsense regulation be enforced or else.

narciso said...


Narayanan said...

narciso said...
I started with a short story and then it ballooned to nearly 400 pages
am I seeing \/grammerly/\ approved word-stringing from narciso ... keep it up

Original Mike said...

"We were driving at night on I70 in the mountains near Vail, and got a "government warning" on the phone - I dangerously pulled over to the shoulder of the road to see if it was about I70 being closed. Nope. It was a notification that there had been a lot of Chinese flu cases in that county (whatever it was), so watch out!"

That's the thing: these alerts are designed for drivers, but drivers fooling with phones is inherently dangerous. This was not well thought out. Another case of, 'since we can do it, we must do it'. Foolish.

Bender said...

That's odd.

Twice I posted something (with some links). Twice it published on the posting page. Then when I went to the main page, it was deleted.

Bender said...

There's a place for us . . .



Which do you prefer?

Bender said...

Blogger would not let the embeds stay.

Mutaman said...

"Baseball is just around the corner. "

Fake news
Bryan Hoch
· 13h
#SpringTraining is officially delayed. Games will begin no earlier than March 5:

gadfly said...

Original Mike said...
"I note the 40-vehicle pileup on Hwy 51 around sunset, associated with this weather event."

Highway 51 north of Stevens Point has always been an adventure when it snows and back in the day, Breaker 19 news from friendly truckers (those who don't shut down the North American auto industry for three weeks) was much appreciated.

farmgirl said...

Nay, Howard. I’ll tell you what: Spring feels like it’s dragging it’s heels!
Keep thinking daffodils…

Ann Althouse said...

Well, I know that highway like I know my hand
Yes, I know that highway like I know the back of my hand
Running from up Wisconsin way down to no man's land.

Well, if I should die before my time should come
And if I should die before my time should come
Won't you bury my body out on the Highway 51.

rhhardin said...

A strategy for voting relayed by Derb

"Elect only white men to every office.

No other instructions are needed, because if you don't follow this one everything that frightens you now will become much worse."

It has problems in implementation but maybe what has been noticed is more subject to public sharing.

BUMBLE BEE said...

So, the police in Ottawa killed an elderly disabled woman by trampling her and her walker in a cavalry charge. They're just following orders. Heard this excuse before? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Mr. Forward said...

I was watching Baywatch and accidentally turned the sound on. She was showing him some very nice fashion sketches and he said they were "Too Wisconsin". So they went down to the beach where she sketched the clown costumes Californians were wearing in the 90's.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Look for the Union label, a catchy little tune.

Kai Akker said...

---I can imagine a real, actual emergency that I might appreciate receiving a warning of, but now I won't because whoever is responsible for this program is an idiot. [Original Mike]

I get you. Our misguided efforts to produce a risk-free world are working counter-productively. It will obviously take one big or many medium-size debacles to bring about any change in that mindset.

[cough Fed cough cough]

Or 6% interest rates that devastate the government's budget and bring about long-needed cutbacks.

Browndog said...

BUMBLE BEE said...

So, the police in Ottawa killed an elderly disabled woman by trampling her and her walker in a cavalry charge. They're just following orders. Heard this excuse before? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Serious allegations require rock solid proof. She's not dead. Dislocated shoulder, body bruises, etc.

Ottawa police basically said she had it coming because she threw her "bicycle" at the horses trying to injure them.

Kai Akker said...

---the final episode of The Evening Program With Jim Svejda. Retiring after 43 years. I've listened on the car radio for almost 30. [Readering]

So, a classical deejay? I don't know him, but those long-duration broadcasters really leave a hole behind them that is hard to fill after they depart. I still think sometimes of Robert J. Lurtsema, in New England. Greg Whiteside retired in Philadelphia last year. Very positive in his attitudes, and his presence and upbeat spirit helped many listeners during the isolation of those first months of this cursed CCP virus affliction.

It's why I like Howard's reminders here that there is much to appreciate and don't miss it! Even with the trolling.

Ann Althouse said...

"So, the police in Ottawa killed an elderly disabled woman by trampling her and her walker in a cavalry charge."

I can't find a solid news article with that info. Why is there only that one obscure video where you can't really see what's happening?

Kai Akker said...

"Aware of his reputation for long pauses, on another April Fools' Day Lurtsema treated the listeners to a selection of his "best pauses." "

Bender said...

"So, the police in Ottawa killed an elderly disabled woman by trampling her and her walker in a cavalry charge."

I can't find a solid news article with that info.

I followed this on Twit last night. The story went around of a woman being killed, and many others being injured, then the Ottstapo put out a statement saying that no one was injured and everything was fine. Meanwhile Canadian state Pravda has been pushing out the government line, while independent media were ordered to stay out of the area and a Fox-affiliated crew were arrested when they were simply standing in the wrong area far away from anything happening.

So, who to trust?

wendybar said...

Ottawa police basically said she had it coming because she threw her "bicycle" at the horses trying to injure them.

2/19/22, 7:04 AM

She had a scooter, not a bicycle. She was disabled. This is disgusting.

Browndog said...

Why is there only that one obscure video where you can't really see what's happening?

Maybe... it's you sources?

Video one

Video two

Video three

Overhead still photo

wendybar said...

Jeffrey Epsteins friend and "Pimp" suicided himself in prison, and SURPRISE!!!!.....the cameras weren't working. Bill was saved by the bell again... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/jeffrey-epsteins-close-friend-modeling-agent-jean-luc-brunel-found-dead-apparent-prison-suicide-allegedly-hung-prison-cameras-not-working-time/

Browndog said...

Bender said...

Yes, the rumors were heavy. Then, Sara Carter from Fox News tweeted "reports say the woman died,"

Completely irresponsible.

The woman's niece posted on Instagram she was injured, but resting comfortably in the hospital. She also mentioned her aunt is full blood Mohawk, so Trudeau is going to have a big problem with First Nations.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Althouse said: Why is there only that one obscure video where you can't really see what's happening?

There are a couple of tweets where you can make out what happened.

One overhead picture


And a video from ground level


farmgirl said...

Your Wisconsin snow squall- with the howling winds- has made it safely to the NEK.
And your Wisconsin winds have teeth!!! February: bitter pill February.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

That's the thing: these alerts are designed for drivers, but drivers fooling with phones is inherently dangerous. This was not well thought out. Another case of, 'since we can do it, we must do it'. Foolish.

Yes, it is foolish without a way to display them to the driver in his field of vision. My Garmin GPS will display text messages in a sidebar. I can read them, but not reply.

Browndog said...

Ottawa Police
We hear your concern for people on the ground after the horses dispersed a crowd. Anyone who fell got up and walked away. We're unaware of any injuries. A bicycle was thrown at the horse further down the line and caused the horse to trip. The horse was uninjured.

boatbuilder said...

"This week in Canada is why we have a 2nd amendment."


RoseAnne said...

I am not a fan of "demanded" apologies. I also don't believe the US needs to comment on everything done by other countries (let alone act on them).


1. Just a few months ago, members of the Biden administration - including Biden - had a meltdown over the Border Patrol on horses "whipping" people at the border.

2. We were told there would be an investigation taking weeks, not months and one or more members of the Border Patrol were put on restricted duty.

3. Mayorkas - the man who said "weeks, not months" - said yesterday members of the Border Patrol had acted "unprofessionally" in meetings with him, but still has not resolved whether or not they had actually done what he and others claimed months ago.

4. While horses have long been used in crowd control safely, they were not last night in Ottawa. They were used as a weapon without justification.

5. Where is the outrage from the same members of the Biden administration - Biden included - who smeared the Border Patrol agents?

What I saw on videos reminded me of how some Civil Rights demonstrations were broken up in the 60's in the US. The US has been guilty of the behavior in the past but we are frequently lectured on putting Jim Crow in the past.

I have not seen anything so far from the US government censuring Trudeau for approving what happened in Ottawa last night. If it hasn't happened, it needs to right away.

Bender said...

Sara Carter from Fox News tweeted "reports say the woman died,"

Ottawa Police: "Anyone who fell got up and walked away. We're unaware of any injuries."

It's a battle between misinformation and disinformation.

Again, whom to trust.

(corrected the grammer this time)

rhhardin said...

Woman killed or not doesn't matter, is not the point. The problem is shutting down a protest with escalating and unallowed force.

It's not resolved by the lady's surviving or not surviving.

Andrew said...

The prison cameras weren't working
Is equal to
The FBI lost the files,

Bender said...

Well, the fact that Ashli Babbitt WAS killed DOES matter.

madAsHell said...

I observe that 90+% of the Grammerly ads I see target women.

You do know that Grammerly, or whatever, accepts your writing onto THEIR server for evaluation.

Do you really want to share your business correspondence with THEIR server??

As for the young women........who writes business correspondence??

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