February 14, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


Big Mike said...

Looks like things are about to get nasty north of the Canadian border. Trudeau seems prepared to use violence, and explicit threats of violence, to get his way.

Iman said...

My wife and I tested closed captioning during the halftime show and got some amusing results: cc tried but could NOT keep up with the lyrics… it got progressively worse and at times it seemed to give up in frustration.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Does speculation as to what might be happening with the Canadian government count as “misinformation”?

I want to know what the rules are.

Joe Smith said...

First, fuck Hillary Clinton.

Second, the 'NYT' has ruined Wordle as I predicted on these very pages.

My second guess today was 'LYNCH.'

It fit all of the criteria and 'could' have been correct.

But not in the Woke-a-verse®.

It scolded me that it wasn't a proper word for the game.

Are people in this country so weak-minded that a legitimate word is banned to spare sensibilities?

Don't answer that...

Andrew said...

I know that some commenters here are regular readers of the Powerline blog. Two of the bloggers at Powerline had a surprisingly intense argument:

I seriously hope this isn't the end of the blog. It's one of my favorite online places.

Bender said...

The Gunsmoke episode where Festus murders someone was on earlier. No, that's not hyperbole. He murders a guy. Totally guilty. But after Matt arrests him, Doc and Matt both agree that no jury will ever convict him, and they are both OK with that.

It was a revenge killing of a guy who had raped a young woman. Or, in the language of TV back then, "ruined her." Festus assures her afterward, however, that she's not "ruined," and she goes on to marry some other Haggen.

walter said...

Blogger Lem said...
I want to know what the rules are.
The rule is you don't get to know.

News suggests a supply chain shock to Chardonnay.

Bender said...

The beautiful France "Nuyen" Nguyen is on Gunsmoke now. Color episode.

JK Brown said...

Snidley Trudeau goes 14th century on Canadians

Powers from the Emergencies Act

direct any person or “class of persons” to render essential services, with “the provision of reasonable compensation;”
regulate “the distribution and availability of essential goods, services and resources;”

1349 - "The first Statute of Laborers dates from 1349. Its history was economic. They had had a great plague in England known as the Black Death; and it had carried off a vast number of people, especially the laboring people. There was naturally great demand for workers. Laborers were very scarce.
"So they got this first Statute of Laborers through; it required all persons able in body under sixty to do labor to such persons as require labor or else be committed to gaol. That, of course, is compulsory labor; "

(1350) "The next year the statute [of Laborers] is made more elaborate, and specifies, for common laborers, one penny a day; for mowers, carpenters, masons, tilers, and thatchers, three pence, and so on. It is curious that the relative scale is much the same as to-day: masons a little more than tilers, tilers a little more than carpenters; though unskilled labor was paid less in proportion. The same statute attempts to protect the laborer by providing that victuals shall be sold only at reasonable prices, which were apparently fixed by the mayor."

(1388) - "The Statute of Richard II restricts laborers to their hundred and makes it compulsory for them to follow the same trade as their father after the age of twelve. The wages of both industrial and agricultural laborers are again fixed — shepherds, ten shillings a year; ploughmen, seven; women laborers, six shillings, and so on. Servants are permitted to carry bows and arrows, but not swords, and they may not play tennis or foot-ball. And here is the historical origin of the important custom of exacting recommendations: servants leaving employment are required to carry a testimonial, and none are to receive servants without such letter — the original of the blacklist."

The statutes were repealed in 1869

And as you can see, we still have the custom of letters of recommendation from this period.

Jaq said...

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Democratic whip and one of the loudest proponents of his party's Build Back Better Act—which offers work permits and de facto legal status to 6.5 million illegal immigrants and would be the largest amnesty in U.S. history—gleefully noted that the bill would put downward pressure on incomes. "Oh, most certainly," he told reporters. "If there are more workers filling those jobs, it's deflationary."

Congressman Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) concurs. "If you have more people that are allowed to work in this country, then there's gonna be less of a tight labor market," he explained in December.
. - Newsweek

Let's "fight inflation" by depressing wages and making everything cheaper for the owning classes who do all of the donating and own the Democratic Party lock, stock, and barrel.

gspencer said...

You know, that Durham report from last week is a pretty big deal.

Jaq said...

BREAKING: U.S. State Department orders full evacuation of U.S. personnel from Ukraine and CLOSES embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine. State Department has also ordered the destruction of networking equipment and computer workstations, and telephone system.

Even Hillary didn't go this far, only using hammers and BleachBit.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Black Plague hit Europe around 1344. It killed about 1/3 to 1/2 of the people. It lasted about 5 to 10 years, then reappeared periodically. So, there was a labor shortage for decades.

farmgirl said...


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

No concrete today. The King County picketers showed up at the Snohomish County concrete depot and shut down all truck traffic.

gadfly said...

Mazars USA has resigned as the accounting firm representing Donald Trump. They noted that the financial statements they prepared on Trump and his business from 2011 to 2020 “should no longer be relied upon” by anyone.

Mazars came to the conclusion that Donald Trump and the Trump Organization engaged in bank and tax fraud by lying about the value of its assets - based on the firm's own investigation, information from “internal and external sources,” and the New York Attorney General’s own public filings.

In New York State, tax fraud of more than $10,000 results in Third Degree Criminal Tax Fraud charges in violation of New York State Tax Law Section 1804 with exposure for as many as seven years in prison.

The federal bank fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1344, defines bank fraud as knowingly executing or attempting to execute a scheme or artifice 1) to defraud a financial institution; or 2) to obtain any of the moneys, funds, credits, assets, securities, or other property owned by or under the custody or control of a financial institution by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises. Bank fraud under this law, or its related conspiracy statute, is a felony. Penalties can be for as many as 30 years in prison.

Bender said...

Snidley Trudeau goes 14th century on Canadians

And the Dudleys are helping him.

Lance said...

Re: Mazars and Trump

That account falls right on the edge of bounded distrust for me. We've seen too many false reports of "Trump is about to be convicted". Mazars saying the financial reports are now unreliable does not by itself convict Trump, and that's all I see in the news articles other than assertions by Trump, the NY attorney general and fed prosecutors.

Big Mike said...

I cannot resist publicizing this observation from Glenn Reynolds (aka Instapundit):

”Biden’s America is a place where crooked officials do crooked stuff and their underlings offer lame excuses secure in the knowledge that the crooked press won’t ask awkward questions.”

walter said...

Don't ruin Gadfly's wank.
He's had a bad couple days.

Mutaman said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...

"Even Hillary didn't go this far, only using hammers and BleachBit."

Hey Tiny Tim: Let me know when her accountant resigns because her financial statements are unreliable.

gadfly said...

Lance said...
Re: Mazars and Trump

That account falls right on the edge of bounded distrust for me. We've seen too many false reports of "Trump is about to be convicted". Mazars saying the financial reports are now unreliable does not by itself convict Trump, and that's all I see in the news articles other than assertions by Trump, the NY attorney general and fed prosecutors.

Interesting article on "bounded distrust" which imagines a gunny sack full of what might be facts.

But what are facts are the reports that have been around for forty years about Trump dishonesty. He is a born grifter and his father taught him well. And the issue isn't about ignoring potential consequences because Trump has never been caught breaking the law - he has many times. And that is not badge to proudly wear on his lapel.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I am the law!

Judge Justin Trudeau

Mutaman said...

I fired my accountant once but I can't say my accountant has ever fired me.

Gahrie said...

I always imagine gadfly as Snidley Whiplash wringing his hands in a corner declaring "I'll get you next time".

Mutaman said...

Now that Trump no longer has an accountant is he still able to run the grifting
online fund-raising that has long been a deceptive grab cash from unsuspecting seniors
and the mentally challenged,so many of whom post here.

Rt41Rebel said...

So Trudope has announced a run on the banks. That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them.

wildswan said...

What should we do about the Wednesday War in the Ukraine if it happens? I think Putin has decided that the President is slow and easily confused. So Putin will use that to get something. Quick things will happen in bewildering ways and a US response will be necessary and the person in the White House will not be up to it. So we have to be. It will be something Joe Biden can't handle and he'll look stupid and lost. Per usual. We need to get enough time so that people other than Joe Biden can work out a response. I could easily be wrong but it seems incredible that anyone would seriously try to grab a hostile, indigestible other place but not at all incredible that someone would try to make the US President look as old and confused as he is. Perhaps this will be more of flash mob than a war.

Rt41Rebel said...

I have to admit I kinda like it that Mutaman and Gadfly continue to flap their keyboards about Trump's finances as the rest of us wonder about the greatest global economic catastrophe in history, the brink of WW3, the Gotham-ing of nearly every major US city, the Covid fascism that is destroying most traditionally free nations, and the invasion of our country at the southern border. They do seem to have STFU about Russian collusion though, which is disappointing.

Big Mike said...

Right about now I wonder whether Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wishes he had cooperated better with Donald Trump to expose Joe Biden’s graft and corruption. Maybe he’d have Donald Trump’s support against Vlad Putin, instead of the senile Joe Biden.

I recognize that folks like Mutaman and gadfly turn a blind eye to the corruption of the likes of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, nevertheless there may still be honest people among the independent and swing voters in this country.

Mutaman said...

Rt41Rebel has left a new comment on the post "At the Sunrise Café...":

"I have to admit I kinda like it that Mutaman and Gadfly continue to flap their keyboards about Trump's finances as the rest of us wonder about the greatest global economic catastrophe in history, the brink of WW3, the Gotham-ing of nearly every major US city, the Covid fascism that is destroying most traditionally free nations, and the invasion of our country at the southern border. They do seem to have STFU about Russian collusion though, which is disappointing."

Gee from what I can see most of "the rest of us" spend most of their time here bitching about uppity black people.

Mutaman said...

Or whining at the top of their lungs: "You're not the boss of me"! Politics for five year olds.

Jaq said...

"Or whining at the top of their lungs: "You're not the boss of me"! Politics for five year olds."

Uppity working class truckers! We are too the boss of them!

Jaq said...

And the name calling begins. Shouldn't you be volunteering to go fight in this war Biden green lighted?

rehajm said...

From Kim Strassel at WSJ- Trump really was spied on

Mr. Durham says Mr. Joffe’s “goal” was to create an “inference” and “narrative” about Mr. Trump that would “please certain ‘VIPs,’ referring to individuals at [Perkins Coie] and the Clinton Campaign.”

This statement struck me- it’s all legacy media does at this point…

iowan2 said...

Mazars USA has resigned as the accounting firm representing Donald Trump. They noted that the financial statements they prepared on Trump and his business from 2011 to 2020 “should no longer be relied upon” by anyone.

This announcement looks exactly like that letter from the National association of school boards sent to the DoJ

Exactly, as in. Composed by the govt. Mazars being told, unless they want the IRS to start telling firms they will be constantly audited if they use Mazar's, They will publicly incriminate the Trump operation.

Of course either Mazars knew what was going on...for ten years worth of audits, and ignored it, or nothing was ever amiss

So Gadfly lands on Mazars being incompetent.
Not strong armed with reputational ruin led by the Federal Government of the United States.

Lucien said...

Is Trudeau subject to a vote of no confidence, and if so, where is it?

Jaq said...

It doesn't come as a shock to me that the same partisan Democrat prosecutors who executed pre-dawn raids on Trump's lawyers are using that same corrupt power to go after and intimidate, and doubtless threaten with jail over fabricated charges, Trump's accountants.

This is how the Democrats now operate, it's banana republic stuff. Imprisoning political opponents. The saddest part to me are the people who cheer it on. Meanwhile, we are supposed to ignore that Hillary destroyed records of meetings with foreigners while she was both Secretary of State, and recieving hundreds of millions of dollars in "donations" to her "foundation." This is the XYZ Affair all over again with Hillary as Tallyrand, but this time the press is not outraged, but complicit. It's only bad when Trump is accused of it, not when Hillary's aid Huma Abedin admits to it under oath, as has happened.

Jaq said...

Maybe COVID did kill Bob Saget. Vagus nerve dysfunction can make people collapse and hit their head. He was infected when he fell. While it could never be proven, it certainly can't be ruled out.


Fauci and his ChiCom partners really cooked something up when they concocted this virus.

Iman said...

Biden’s America: Another day, another misadventure.

jaydub said...

"Now that Trump no longer has an accountant is he still able to run the grifting
online fund-raising that has long been a deceptive grab cash from unsuspecting seniors
and the mentally challenged,so many of whom post here," says one of the more prolific posters here, thereby exemplifying the point he was attempting to make.

walter said...

Vagus nerve disruption also implicated in vax induced neurological damage.
The Spanish study cited seems to be directed at "long covid" which is greater associated with moderate to severe infection.
Did he have any symptoms at all?
We know he was multi-jabbed.

walter said...

Curious that this info seems to have been largely undiscussed. Must not have had supporting evidence:
"In 2014, Saget published his first memoir, Dirty Daddy: The Chronicles of a Family Man Turned Filthy Comedian.
In the memoir, Saget revealed that three of his uncles died from heart attacks between the ages of 37 and 47.
He lost an uncle to heart failure at age 40 and another who suffered a double heart attack.
The late comedian’s Uncle Sammy reportedly had a fatal heart attack at age 37 while playing tennis.
Saget also revealed in the book that his father, Benjamin, had a massive heart attack and a second one when he was a kid.
Law enforcement sources have told TMZ that the working theory among investigators is that the Full House star likely died from a heart attack or stroke, noting that an official determination on his cause of death is yet to be established."

farmgirl said...

I thought Bob Saget died of head trauma? But it was severe- in the back of the head.

walter said...

Well..what caused him to fall?
Also, some suggest the extent of injury was not typical of a simple fall.
I just posted about family cardiac history since that would have been low hanging fruit to examiner if remotely supported.

walter said...

"Some neurosurgeons said that it would be unusual for a typical fall to cause Mr. Saget’s set of fractures — to the back, the right side and the front of his skull. Those doctors said that the injuries appeared more reminiscent of ones suffered by people who fall from a considerable height or get thrown from their seat in a car crash.

The autopsy, though, found no injuries to other parts of Mr. Saget’s body, as would be expected in a lengthier fall. The medical examiner ruled that the death was accidental. The local sheriff’s office had previously said there were no signs of foul play.

“This is significant trauma,” said Dr. Gavin Britz, the chair in neurosurgery at Houston Methodist. “This is something I find with someone with a baseball bat to the head, or who has fallen from 20 or 30 feet.”

Dr. Britz noted that the autopsy described fractures to particularly thick parts of the skull, as well as to bones in the roof of the eye socket. “If you fracture your orbit,” he said, referring to those eye bones, “you have significant pain.”"
"The report noted that Mr. Saget had an enlarged heart, but did not suggest any link to his death. It also found signs of the coronavirus on a PCR test, but did not suggest that the virus contributed to Mr. Saget’s death. The actor said on a podcast in early January that he had contracted the virus, without specifying exactly when. PCR tests can show the presence of the virus days or even weeks after someone has recovered."
More like 3 months after. Which also means...oh, nevermind.

Bender said...

the Full House star likely died from a heart attack or stroke

That really doesn't mean much. If you hit your head resulting in some even slight bleeding and it forms a clot and the clot moves into a vein and into the heart or clogs some vessel in the brain, all while you are asleep, then....you might wake up dead.

walter said...

Violent night at the Ritz.

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