"People, you know, decided I was all these other things I’m actually not. I’m incredibly torn up by being told these things about myself. And I get it, folks are angry. I accept that and I did it to myself. This was my thought process and I’ll work hard not to think that way again."
Said Whoopi Goldberg, quoted in "'I stand corrected': Whoopi Goldberg apologizes for Holocaust comments" (NY Post).
What she'd said was "The Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man... It’s how people treat each other.... It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white because black, white, Jews, Italians, everybody eats each other."
That became an outrage, perhaps because she was wandering toward race-blindness territory and in danger of allying with those naifs who ask why we can't all love one another.
By the way, is Whoopi Goldberg — nee Caryn Elaine Johnson — Jewish?
About her stage surname, she claimed in 2011, "My mother did not name me Whoopi, but Goldberg is my name—it's part of my family, part of my heritage, just like being black", and "I just know I am Jewish. I practice nothing. I don't go to temple, but I do remember the holidays."
She has stated that "people would say 'Come on, are you Jewish?' And I always say 'Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.'" One account recalls that her mother, Emma Johnson, thought the family's original surname was "not Jewish enough" for her daughter to become a star.
Researcher Henry Louis Gates Jr. found that all of Goldberg's traceable ancestors were African Americans, that she had no known German or Jewish ancestry, and that none of her ancestors were named Goldberg. Results of a DNA test, revealed in the 2006 PBS documentary African American Lives, traced part of her ancestry to the Papel and Bayote people of modern-day Guinea-Bissau. Her admixture test indicates that she is of 92 percent sub-Saharan African origin and of 8 percent European origin.
It's a bit like blackface, especially if you, like the Nazis, regard being Jewish as racial. Goldberg was taken to task for failing to regard Jews as a race. Attacked, she readjusted: "I’ll work hard not to think that way again."
Roseanne Barr got fired and taken off the show with her name for less. Whoopie deserves to be fired since that is what the left does...FIRE people who say racist things. How the View even stays on the air with ALL of the misinformation coming from these comics who are under ABC's News Division is beyond me. They spew more misinformation than Joe Rogan even did.
To Whoopie...you are only RACIST if is against black people. THAT in itself is RACIST.
She's too stupid to spend much time on this. But then, she's a Democrat and I have to say, they don't make Democrats like Althouse anymore. To not know that the Nazi's were all about race is too ignorant to even begin a discussion.
I guarantee you, she had those clapping seals in the audience right there with her.
“I’ll work hard not to think that way again." Get your mind right, Caryn.
Pretty funny that Gates called out Johnson about her fake Jewish heritage.
It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white because black, white, Jews, Italians, everybody eats each other."
they just eat more Jews
Henry Louis Gates explained to her that she was most likely not at all Jewish. Was a presidential Beer Summit necessary to smooth things over afterwards?
Celebrities say convoluted, nonsensical things all the time. They make things up and get confused. Maybe we should start ignoring them.
of course, according to the ADL, she's right!
The ADL says Only WHITES can be racist, because Only WHITES are a race.. or something
Racism: The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.
For the specific question, it doesn't matter if Goldberg considers Jews a race. The Nazis obviously did.
it’s not about race. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man.
Huh? Racial issues aren't about man's inhumanity to man? I suppose when you get to tell Nazis what Nazis think, you also get to decide where other arbitrary lines get drawn. This race, that race, let's all check with Whoopi Goldberg before we start putting out opinions about who's white.
Roseanne Barr got fired and taken off the show with her name for less.
The asymmetry is what could ultimately tear the nation apart.
wendybar said...
How the View even stays on the air with ALL of the misinformation coming from these comics who are under ABC's News Division is beyond me.
Yeah, it's a mystery. Which party do they support, again?
They are cowardly sheep who would walk us all straight to the gulag given the chance.
I don't think it was because she was being colorblind. There's an violent undercurrent between blacks and Jews; the Black Hebrew movement is probably the most notable propaganda that feeds that violence. Whoopi was hitting too close to that propaganda so that's why it was a big deal. Others in Hollywood have been more blatant; Nick Cannon comes to mind.
I watched the clip yesterday and my first reaction was how collectively dumb their panel is without Meghan McCain. Both Joy and Ana Navarro knew Whoopi was saying something wrong, but neither knew how to correct her. The other two didn't seem fazed at all.
I wonder what she'd say if someone said slavery was about man's inhumanity to man.
Microcosm of lefty illuminati. Spewing crackpot opinions and lies for 25 years now. And ..... the winner of 31 Daytime Emmy Awards.
As far as I've been able to understand, Nazi views on race were a real ugly pseudo-scientific hash of eugenics and imaginary German history. They appear to have been far more concerned with the purity of the 'Aryan' race, actually with rebuilding it, than any kind of racial bean-counting. Trying to square what they did with their professed ideology is a fool's errand. Whoopi is not wrong in a sense but the issue with her statement should be far less the false controversy of what is and is not a 'race' but the sadly typical attempt by somebody following the Progressive orthodoxy of trying to place events on a victimhood ladder.
It’s not about race. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man.
What she's trying to do (I think) is see the Holocaust in human terms. You could compare it to other holocausts like the killing fields in Cambodia, or what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs now. You could definitely compare the Holocaust to slavery and all the people who died on the slave ships.
When Stalin closed the borders with Ukraine after removing all the food from Ukraine, many Ukrainians died a horrible death, what was called at the time by one journalist a Holodomor. Even today Ukrainians are mad at the New York Times for its horrific cover-up of these atrocities.
Anyway, I wish we lived in a culture where people could make mistakes and learn. That's one of the primary ways I learn things, actually, is by screwing up. Failure is a great teacher.
Whoopi sounds more addled than prejudiced. Over the years, she's said a lot of stupid things, but she's not in the cancellable class.
This mainly reveals Whoopi's reliance on psychological projection: A person imagines the world as they experience the world (she indicates a fixation on skin color) and thereby paints her own views on others ("white" Germans vs. "off white" Jews). Relying on one's own categories and projection never lets one see the perspective of others and thereby allows lumping everyone (to her, of a different skin color) into a vague broad unit.
Regarding "whiteness" as supposedly different from all others -- I recommend that everyone visit China or Japan. They each have a far greater sense of racial unity and propensity to reject outsiders than the USA, and it applies to all racial or ethnic groups. Japanese people often resist interaction with Chinese and Koreans as speaking a different language despite similar skin color and appearance. We all know what China is doing to its "different" Uyghurs.
All Whoopi is doing is repeating the definitions of ethnicity and racethat guide our federal and state criminal laws that declare that a person may be classified by ethnicity if they are a crime victim but not if they are a criminal. So if an Hispanic man randomly pushes a white person in front of a train while screaming he hates whites, he is officially counted a racially white hate crime offender, and ethnicity is not counted in the perpetrator stats. If the roles are reversed, he is counted as an Hispanic victim of white hate, because ethnicity is broken out in the victim stats.
Look it up. This is a fact. It's all about the enforcement. And pretending white people commit crimes actually committed by Hispanics. Nice?
Heck, Biden should appoint Whoopi to the Supreme Court. She seems to have a much better understanding of the law than the rest of these legal liars, on and off the Court.
Whoopie is obviously a very nuanced thinker...after all, a couple of years ago she did say about Roman Polanski , "I know it wasn't rape-rape. It was something else but I don't believe it was rape-rape."
The Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man
That's not a naïve, superficial statement. It's a fundamental truth. Humans have committed horrific atrocities against other humans wherever they have lived.
Race is a social construct to justify injustice against other groups of people. And being a Jew is not being a member of a race. It's being a follower of Judaism or born into a family that is part of Jewish culture.
Racism today is about people who are dumber than you are, owing to its common application. Other cases - against Jews and against Asians - no longer seem to qualify. So she's going with the evolved meaning of racism.
It's also behind saying that blacks can't be racist.
Connotations are wonderful things, and act back on the denotations eventually.
Whoopi said, "People, you know, decided I was all these other things I’m actually not. I’m incredibly torn up by being told these things about myself."
As a white, working class, Trump voter from a rural area I would like to welcome you to the club, ma'am.
And Humperdink, if this pisses you off so much coming from a tv celebrity, what are you doing besides not paying attention that this distinction is enforced in our state and federal laws? You're doing nothing. Have you ever testified against this perversion of identities in the justice system? Ever bother to even call you congresscritter?
I bet not.
Roman Polanski didn't commit a RAPE rape, and Judaism isn't a RACE race.
Birches said...
I watched the clip yesterday and my first reaction was how collectively dumb their panel is without Meghan McCain. Both Joy and Ana Navarro knew Whoopi was saying something wrong, but neither knew how to correct her. The other two didn't seem fazed at all.
This is the primary weakness of the left currently.
They live in a bubble and they don't really know what is going on. They get their information for sources that are intent on deceiving their audiences.
But also at this point anyone who gets their information from those sources wants to be deceived and there is no excuse.
Whoopi Goldgerg is a multi millionaire who has more privilege than almost any white person.
She is also one of the most racist people in the country.
She is wealthy because she is racist.
That is why the Aristocracy pays her so much money.
She is a racist tool sowing racism and division.
Whoopi blundered too close to saying, "All Lives Matter" there.
And then Whoopi Goldberg went on with Stephen Colbert and...doubled down on the Holocaust being about "white on white" crime, and not race.
Unreal. Progressive privilege. She will keep her job no matter how nuts she is, because she is on the "progressive, right side of history" that we keep hearing about. Ignorance is bliss.
No bigger Hater than co-host Joy Behar.
The point of the Siege of Leningrad was not to starve the city to submission but to starve the city to death. If the city was starved to death rather than conquered it would be inhabitable. Just clear out the corpses, slap on a new coat of paint, and you've got some prime real estate. That was the strategy. The Germans never got to occupy Leningrad, but they certainly starved a great many Russians to death. As war crimes go, strictly small bore stuff. I don't think the Russians even strictly qualify as Slavs. The Rus were originally some kind of Nordic tribe....The Germans were not motivated by racism or anti-Semitism. I don't think there were all that many gays and almost no gypsies there either. So how do you calibrate this war crime?
Tori Mason
Whoopi telling Colbert that a Jewish person wouldn’t run from the KKK because you can’t “look Jewish”…now I’m officially brain dead. I am out
Aside from nice White suburban housewives and office workers, who watches those shrieking idiots?
They are about as relevant as Prince Harry and Megan Markel. And just as dumb and insulated from the real world.
I remember seeing an HBO special of a Whoopi stand up routine in the 80’s. It had a very Pryoresque vibe to it - the stories were very funny.
What happened to her?
Tina Trent asked: "And Humperdink, if this pisses you off so much coming from a tv celebrity, what are you doing ..... Ever bother to even call you congresscritter?
I bet not.
Ah Tina, Tina. Never ask a question for which you know not the answer. You look like fool when you do so. I used to call my congress critters regularly. One of PA Senator Casey's aides and I were on a first name basis for awhile. Now, no one answers the telephone. Senator Pat Toomey is just as bad. It's all voice mail. Now I just email. And generally get no response. I am exceedingly polite in communications as I am hopeful to elicit a response, but to no avail. Your presumptuousness surprises me.
the Nazis did consider Jews a race, their counterparts in the Ukraine, like Chrysta Freelandss grandfather, a mr Chomiak who was a virulent racist, likewise,
No bigger Hater than co-host Joy Behar.
I think Joy's a hater because her parents called her Joy and she's still fighting them.
My parents called me Taylor and I don't give a damn about clothes.
Althouse writes, "It's a bit like blackface, especially if you, like the Nazis, regard being Jewish as racial."
It looks like Caryn Elaine Johnson was thinking exactly like a Nazi in that her original defense of that Holocaust wasn't racial comment included the notion that the National Socialists were genocidal against two other "white groups", implying the Jews are racially homogeneous, conveniently forgetting (if she ever knew) the Ethiopian Beta Israel, the Cochin Jews of India, the Yemeni Jews, the Kaifeng Jews of China... Not every Jew in the world is an Ashkenazim.
(One wonders what other "white group" victim of the Holocaust inhabits Whoopi's somewhat less than spacious mind.)
Putin made her say it. Putin is the man you send when you need to kill the boogyman. He is all powerful. All hail Putin.
Race is a social construct to justify injustice against other groups of people.
Tell that to your doctor.
Of course you probably believe that gender is a social construct too.
Hi Whoopi, Joe Rogan says thanks for getting the spotlight off him and he looks forward to you coming on his podcast and offering more insight into this opinion you have about Nazi Germany and its rationale for exterminating Europe's Jewish population.
All these different points of view simply add flavor to the public discourse.
Would love to see her go on Rogan to talk more about it. She had a valid point but it is at a higher level. Atrocities are about mans inhumanity to man. Holocaust is one example of an atrocity.
Race was the key factor in the Holocaust but it may be something different for the next one. And there's always a next one.
"I’ll work hard not to think that way again." is the most chilling part of the story.
Whoopi really needs to re-educate herself regarding the Nazis.
Perhaps if she thought of them as Ayran Lives Matter...
The Stalinist Bolsheviks hated Jews because the Sephardic hated the Ashkenazi. So Trotsky was here hunted down and killed.
One eye: word.
"everybody eats each other"
OK, verboten. At least for now, even progs have to recognize that the Holocaust is special. 6 million is rather a lot to eat.
"That became an outrage, perhaps because she was wandering toward race-blindness territory"
Not sure about that. Wasn't she also applying the prog-American template, according to which Jews are just white, and even Asians are becoming white-adjacent?
"Researcher Henry Louis Gates Jr. found that all of Goldberg's traceable ancestors were African Americans, that she had no known German or Jewish ancestry, and that none of her ancestors were named Goldberg."
So, phony all the way down. A true American?
"Goldberg was taken to task for failing to regard Jews as a race."
I hate to come to her defense, but aren't the attackers assuming that, in context, we should apply the Nazi categories, and that Jews were a race, and persecuted as a race, because the Nazis said so?
Goldberg was taken to task for failing to regard Jews as a race.
No, Goldberg was taken to task for denying the predicate of the Holocaust was that Nazis believed Jews to be an inferior race.
Like Goldberg, you’re trying too hard to make a smaller point at the expense of a far more important larger point.
Tell that to your doctor. Of course you probably believe that gender is a social construct too.
Don't need to be a doctor to know that gender is a biological fact and race is not.
I am with Whoopie on what she said. But I fear she said it for the wrong reason. Which is why she stupidly apologized. NEVER APOLOGIZE, WHOOPIE. Jews are in fact NOT a race. The Holocaust was only about race because Hitler said they were a race. Hitler was full of it. What Whoopie should have said, but never will, is that the same is true about every other issue dividing the land now over "race." None of those issues are about race either. Every race on earth, for instance, at one time or other enslaved every other race. Race became a convenient excuse for slavery here simply because black skin was a good marker for the dishonored racial target group. (Thousands of Indians were also enslaved -- by other Indians -- and sold in S. Carolina for the same reason. Easy to identify.) Race is an excuse. Invented by the enslavers. And we today simply perpetuate their demented excuse. The only race is the human race. When we all start putting that down on all those official forms asking us about it, the sooner we can get past these "abstract thoughts too noble to neglect."
I should add: Nazis made their insane racial theories perfectly clear; to deny racism is at the core
of Naziism and the Holocaust requires one to be willfully obtuse.
The Whoopi couch
The Jews are obviously White Europeans. Deal with it.
But I think the Jews prefer to think of themselves as poor Hebrew slaves fighting White pharaohs.
Caryn? Neve saw that spelling of the name Karen. But “Whoopi” is named after a fart joke. How appropriate. And Goldberg….well I guess she wanted to be considered a Jewish person? Is that cultural appropriation? These days, she’s falling more into the angry black woman category. And, Joy is just stupid.
"Of course, it's acceptable to think." Keith Olbermann said Bush needed to apologize for saying, at a rose garden press conference, "'it was unacceptable to think' that there was any kind of comparison between the behavior of the US and the actions of Islamic extremists who killed women and children to achieve their objectives."
Olbermann seized on that "unacceptable to think" turn of phrase and ran with it.
A good interviewer could ask Whoopi just exactly what was unacceptable for her to think?
"I’ll work hard not to think that way again." is the most chilling part of the story.
She didn't work that hard, because she doubled down on it when she was on Colbert later that night. She's not sorry...and she will keep her job, unlike Roseanne Barr who was cancelled for far less.
I’d like to get Rachel Dolezal’s view.
Tell that to your doctor. Of course you probably believe that gender is a social construct too.
Don't need to be a doctor to know that gender is a biological fact and race is not.
Explain Tay-Sachs and Sickle Cell Anemia.
By the way, BLM disagrees with you too.
Whoopi lives in a delusion that she is the all-wise Guinan from Star Trek. In reality, where she apparently does not live, she is just another multi-millionaire black celebrity playing the race card, whining about institutional racism while her wealth and status disproves it.
I don't care to know which state you live in, but it's likely your state legislator voted one way or another on codifying Whoopie's taboo observation into the law, and they're generally accessible. And you can certainly see the consequences of people being cowed into silence on the subject of codifying racial difference into law and especially enforcement: it has destroyed the institution of equality before the law.
But people are terrified to take a stand.
I think it is fair to say that Whoopi didn't put a lot of thought into this. Whether she COULD put a lot of thought into it is another question.
She thought it was a real battle, one side against the other, between Germans and Jews. "It's not race race."
Good thing for her she doesn't work at Georgetown Law.
I think Whoopi conflated 2issues. She can’t have it both ways. I’d like to see the clip- to study people’s body language and speech inflection- it’s sad people are crucified for making mistakes and the apologies are usually about saving face as poppy to real contrition.
People eat people- now she knows.
James Baldwin explained Whoopie's thinking very precisely.
She was thinking of Jews as white people.
If only “we” could see humanity 1st.
The social constructs are CRT, title IX, quotas and so on- to deal w/the possible prejudices…
Explain Tay-Sachs and Sickle Cell Anemia.
Genetics. Genetics is science. Race is very much non-science. Race is poison, worthless, stupid. It's an awful way to divide humanity. And it helps absolutely no one.
Racism is often taken to mean bigotry or cut prejudice or intergroup hatred even where skin color is not involved. Before condemning this as sloppy and inaccurate usage, consider that it might be an inevitable consequence (and a laudable antidote) to our practice of seeing racism everywhere and in everything.
I never liked celebrities who thought they only had to make a funny face to make us love them and swoon over them: Whoopi, Bill Cosby, Robin Williams, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon.
I'm going to say something and I want you people who believe in race to answer me.
I'm going to describe a person. Now, after I describe this person, I want you to tell me what you know about them.
Are you ready for my description? Are you ready for my classification? Here it goes. Tell me what you know about this person from the classification:
That became an outrage
because this is Whoopi "It's not rape rape" Goldberg, so everyone correctly believes she's trying to say that teh holocaust, and the murder of 6 million Jews, isn't all that big of a deal, because "it's not about race"
Spiros Pappas said...
The Jews are obviously White Europeans. Deal with it.
The Ashkenazim certainly are, but I the the Sephardim and Mizrahim might take issue with you on that.
I was taught in school there were three races: Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid. However, on the sprawling suburban streets of Los Angeles, we were taught that there were levels within the Caucasoids. Ironically, the most primitive Caucasoids of Scandinavian extraction was considered Supreme followed by WASPs. Then you have the Scots-Irish (white trash), eastern Europeans and Russians. The remaining are the swarthy greaseball Caucasoids usually associated with criminality. While some eastern Europeans and Russians can pass for higher level whites, they are frequently classes among Southern Europeans of Spain, France and Italy. Greeks, Turks, other ME Muslims and Jews round out the bottom of the Caucasoid barrel.
This is not my view it's my recollection of the prevailing wisdom of the late 60's early 70's in conservative militaristic LA.
So technically Whoopie is correct the Holocaust was amongst the Caucasoid family. It's easy to see how someone of Negroid heritage would see it this way. However, in those days, the Jews were not considered properly white by many of the dominating whites, therefore a form of granular racism was the driving factor of the Final Solution.
Tay-Sachs Disease and other "Jewish diseases" are evidence of a shared ancestry, not a distinct racial type. These diseases are the result of ferocious pogroms that left behind tiny communities of Jews. In the 1600s, for example, devastating pogroms reduced the population of Jews in Europe to just a few thousand. So, I think, the Jewish diseases are more likely a product of isolation and inbreeding.
gahrie said...
Tell that to your doctor. Of course you probably believe that gender is a social construct too.
Don't need to be a doctor to know that gender is a biological fact and race is not.
Explain Tay-Sachs and Sickle Cell Anemia.
Are Swedes a "race"? How about Estonians? Are Askeneazi Jews a different "Jewish race" from other Jews? How many "races" of "Jews" are there?
If having a slight variation in your probably collection of minor variants makes a "race", then the term is so broad it essentially has no meaning.
And yes, they're all minor variants. Major variations would preclude the ability to have offspring together, which is that actual definition of "race": can't produce fertile offspring together
At most, we have different "breeds" of humans, not "races"
She has stated that "people would say 'Come on, are you Jewish?' And I always say 'Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.'"
Um, yes they would - see the "Hannukah Song" by Adam Sandler as one example.
Goldberg is an ignorant disseminator of nonsense… as are the other members of her coven.
Whoopi Goldberg talking about the Holocaust.
What could go wrong?
She needs to stick to insulting white people and Christians. The Jews fight back.
She has stated that "people would say 'Come on, are you Jewish?' And I always say 'Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.'"
Too many black people think "White Like Me" (Eddie Murphy) was a documentary about how good whites in America have things, rather than a satirical dig at how blacks foolishly hold such beliefs.
"I’d like to get Rachel Dolezal’s view."
She is in conference with Lia Thompson. Expect a joint statement on the unity of subjectivity and the validity of "my truth."
Whoopi (and usually Joy Behar, although she didn't go there this time) is the perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. She talks with great confidence from a position of being only slightly informed about something (it appears to generally be via talking points) and if challenged always asserts her expertise in the subject matter.
Much ado about nothing.
I look over the fence at the woke in-fighting and can only laugh. People like Whoopi are just trying to stay relavant to the "influencers", whoever they are and whoever they influence. Just an extension of junior high school where when select girls started wearing something or using new terms, everyone who cared had to follow. The left has never left junior high school. They have just moved on to the View.
As for Whoopi, I don't see her a lot (never watch the View) but it seems that she says more stupid stuff than half-way smart stuff. And she's inarticulate, as the quote in question shows. Why even bother with her?
I have a question about vaccinated/unvaccinated: tangentally related, as the unvaccinated are banned from many places, jobs, medical treatments… the original premise was b/c unvaccinated could spread Covid- while thinking the vaccinated did not, since proven untrue- as all can spread it. So now- are the unvaccinated still being discriminated against for their own safety? To protect against their getting Covid and dying?
If true- to save lives: what’s the rationale behind denying medical support and life saving treatment to the unvaccinated?
I think Whoopi could be thoughtful. She’s just more about being a color than a virtue.
6 million non-jews were murdered in the German national Socialist death camps.
But all we ever hear about is the 6mm Jews.
3mm Christian Poles were murdered by socialism for the same bullshit "racial purity" reasons as the 3mm Jewish Poles.
We never hear about them, either.
It is impolite, as in politically incorrect to even mention.
And more widely, 100mm were murdered in the name of socialism in the 20th century.
We seldom hear about them either
We need to remember all of them
"If true- to save lives: what’s the rationale behind denying medical support and life saving treatment to the unvaccinated?"
To coerce them into getting vaccinated against their will.
Nice, huh? Particularly since vaccination doesn't inhibit transmission. This is just mindless thuggery by the agents of the state and of the public health elite, who have been exposed as relatively worthless bureaucrats by this whole episode.
Explain Tay-Sachs and Sickle Cell Anemia.
By the way, BLM disagrees with you too.
Population groups living in isolation will over time develop certain genetic traits. Not all dark skinned population groups have Sickle Cell Anemia (I believe the factor there is living in an area with Malaria). Tay-Sachs is a problem with Ashkenazi Jews, not Sephardic Jews and other Jewish groups.
There are many population groups around the world that have dark skin and would be classified as "Black", but skin pigmentation alone shouldn't constitute a biological race. In sub Sahara Africa there is a huge difference in skin pigmentation (along with facial and body types). From ebony skin color in West Africa to mocha colored in East Africa to light brown in some South African tribes. Lumping all these skin tones into a "Black" category is a product of culture, not some scientific principal. And of course "White" is a cultural distinction that is constantly changing. It wasn't that long ago that Jews and southern Italians weren't considered "White". Most Hispanics, another culturally created category, can now be considered "White" if they choose.
What makes you think that I agree with all that BLM does? I certainly would disagree that the slavery in the US and subsequent horrors was a unique product of "White" Europeans. Unfortunately, that type of horror is a human trait, as a cursory reading of history from all continents would reveal. That's why I agreed with Whoopi's statement.
I was taught in school there were three races: Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasoid.
I was taught the same thing. So idiotic. What happens if a Negroid and a Caucasoid have a baby?
If somebody tried to teach me that shit today, I would mock them without mercy in the public square. Your lines are shit. Your classifications are shit. Your science is shit. This is a worthless waste of taxpayer dollars.
Once you "classify" somebody as a Caucasoid, or "Caucasian," or "white," what do you know about this person?
You sloppy fucks are so willing to "organize" a billion people whom you do not know and say the most stupid shit about them. And when I ask you about an individual white person, and ask what we now about this person, what do you say?
Nothing. There's nothing to say. Hitler is white. Lincoln is white. Washington is white. Biden is white. There is no unity principle. It tells you shit all about a person. You say, "white people are this" and I give you a white person is not that. All it fucking tells you is some vague shit about their pigment. Incredibly unhelpful and stupid way to class human beings.
She is such a moron.
Maybe the biggest ration of no talent to success in Hollywood history.
If Whoopi were white we'd have never heard of her.
She'd be the lady with the funny name who snarled at you at the DMV.
Just painfully unfunny.
Talk about your affirmative action...
So Saint Croix doesn't believe in dog or cat breeds. They're all dogs or cats, no differences in them at all.
Here's the problem with denying "race" exists - because it is like "breed" or "variety" or "gender", it conflates biological markers (melanin levels, susceptibility to Tay-Sachs for humans; drought tolerance or disease resistance in plants) and cultural markers. So those who say "race doesn't exist" point to the cultural markers and say "race is a totally culturally built construct that doesn't exist in reality", ignoring that people whose ancestors came from different places have many empirically identifiable genetic markers that are used in part to define "race". And their fellow racists point to the exact same cultural markers and say they are genetic and define a person's race.
"Gender" is the same. Sexually dimorphic behaviors are culturally encoded as "male" or "female", but there is an underlying genetic, physical difference between the two types of human. Dishonest people point solely to the cultural encoding and say "see! all gender is socially constructed!" while ignoring that which is physically imparted. The really dedicated ones try to delineate between "sex" and "gender", and spend extensive time trying to draw a line where one ends and one begins.
It's probably more profitable to refer to the different regionally differentiated humans as "breeds" since it is highly analogous to animal breeds. But that usage was determined to be racist.
Its important that the unvaccinated get the CV-19 vaccine that has proven worthless. Otherwise, people will get the Omicron Varient that the CV 19 vaccine is also useless in fighting.
Letting the unvaccinated die, is vital to sending the message: "Do what we say or else. No matter how stupid".
Hope this clears up the confusion.
PS - Plus, Libtards think Unvaccinated are Trump supporters and therefore deserve to die. Blacks too.
As a white person I see race as something I don't want to talk about and that should probably never be talked about among polite society and certainly should not be talked about the way this dork with a megaphone did it. Whoopi's sell-by date passed long ago, probably somewhere around nun-on-the-run 2 or so. She's become more odious every year since. That show, where bitchy ignorant broads rant about shit tends to marinate the participants and make them less self-aware the longer they do it. They really do need at least one normal chick to balance out the crazy.
More taxonomy issues. Why not just whack a hornets' nest with a broomstick?
"Race is a social construct to justify injustice against other groups of people. And being a Jew is not being a member of a race."
So your first claim is that race doesn't exist, and your second is about the criteria for belonging to a race.
Saint Croix said...
I'm going to say something and I want you people who believe in race to answer me.
I'm going to describe a person. Now, after I describe this person, I want you to tell me what you know about them.
Are you ready for my description? Are you ready for my classification? Here it goes. Tell me what you know about this person from the classification:
2/1/22, 9:56 AM
In todays progressive world, the first thought is RACIST! If you didn't vote for Joe Biden, then you ain't black!!!
The Jews are obviously White Europeans. Deal with it.
Roughly 20% of Jews (and close to 50% of Israeli Jews) are Sephardic, meaning essentially North African or Middle Eastern. While some of them migrated to Europe at various times, most have never set foot there.
Jews consider themselves a nation, not a race, as there are Jews of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. What distinguishes the Nazi holocaust was the explicit attempt at genocide. Ukraine and Cambodia were holocausts but not explicitly genocidal. Millions of Russians starved along with the Ukrainians, and Cambodia was a civil war, with Cambodians slaughtering other Cambodians.
Goldberg is my name—it's part of my family, part of my heritage, just like being black", and "I just know I am Jewish.
I'd love to know what recipe she submitted to the Oy Vey Gourmet cookbook...
"One account recalls that her mother, Emma Johnson, thought the family's original surname was "not Jewish enough" for her daughter to become a star."
Probably because it's Scottish.
Some weird sort of appropriation or amplification based on Jews controlling Hollywood.
I don’t do Twitter- it kicks me off after a glance. I did mention this woman b/c she has an interview w/Peterson which I think is interesting. Thoughtfulness is the end to the means of Truth and respect.
The Tutsi and the Hutu are tribal- are they are or are not the same “people”. It was genocidal.
There are no such thing as polar bears. They have no problem interbreeding with brown bears, and the cubs are perfectly functional bears. Just because you can detect obvious differences doesn't mean that we can't redefine terms and categorizations to show that your eyes are lying to you. Except we like, for political reasons, that polar bears should be a separate species, because brown bears are not endangered so don't carry a lot of weight with donors.
"I don’t do Twitter- it kicks me off after a glance."
Yep. New feature to limit views by those not logged in.
If only her mom picked Kooshin.
What we are witnessing here is simple to explain. Per the progressive worldview, Whoopi has gotten into her mind that racism is, necessarily, whites oppressing blacks. There is probably some acknowledgement that whites can also be racist to Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders, a belief that she will trot out as necessary, but those are all side shows to the core belief. All logic comes from this assumption. Nazi genocide against the Jews does not fit this assumption - Jews look too white to qualify, plus she probably sees Jews as oppressors per the common black trope - so, logically, it is not racism. The logic here is fine. The assumption is highly dubious, but if you accept the assumption the conclusion makes sense.
The thing is we have seen with Whoopi before is she can become pedantic over specific definitions based off her personal vocabulary, and she does not have the filter to keep this to herself. Hence this hot take, not to mention the "rape rape" claim. She probably has a collection of these sort of arguments, some rather silly and some highly offensive but all of them well-meaning as far as she is concerned, all waiting for the moment to get released on The View.
She's a smart talented woman with a lot of blind spots and, hence, this nonsense.
Shorter Whoopi: As a black person, I can't have Jews using the race card.
Goldberg is my name;
Saying stupid stuff
Is my game.
Goldberg is my name;
Saying stupid stuff
Is my game.
So your first claim is that race doesn't exist, and your second is about the criteria for belonging to a race.
No, my main claim is that race, as we commonly use it, is a cultural concept not a scientific one.
When I said that being a Jew has nothing to do with race, I was referring to the misguided view of race that dominates our discourse - that is being part of distinct genetic group. Anyone can become a Jew, with proper study and, for some unfortunate males, a very sharp knife. If it were solely genetics than many Palestinians would have a good claim of being Jewish.
One of the problems with talking about race is that we use that word in so many different ways. I remember when there was a distinction between being prejudiced, being a bigot and being a racist in the classical sense (first believing that there are different races and that one race is superior to another). Unfortunately those distinctions have fallen away and we use racist as an umbrella term for all three. I blame the left for this, through overusing the word "racist".
The name "Whoopi Goldberg" is very clearly intended as a joke. ("Ha, I'll take a silly first name and add a Jewish-sounding last name, even though I'm not Jewish.")
It's not even an original joke. You can find lots of TV shows and movies in which women have a wacky or hippie-ish first name and traditional Jewish last name, which is meant as a gag. (I.e., "Dharma Finkelstein" from the sitcom "Dharma and Greg," or "Cher Horowitz" from the movie "Clueless.")
This is a cliched gag -- and on some level, it's making fun of "old-country" Jewish surnames -- but I wouldn't call it antisemitic on its own. On the other hand, the name "Goldberg" itself, while a real name, has often been used by actual antisemites to refer to Jews. You kind of have to wonder why young Whoopi thought it was particularly funny.
Of course, if a Jewish comedienne ever gave herself a "funny black-sounding" stage name (which I won't even try to give an example of here), she would be kicked out of the business before her first open-mike night at the Laugh Factory.
You say, "white people are this" and I give you a white person is not that.
I've been told that all White people are racist. I've also been told that only White people can be racist.
The Tutsi and the Hutu are tribal- are they are or are not the same “people”. It was genocidal.
There are plenty of similar examples...the Catholics V Protestants in Ireland, the Basque and Catalonians ins Spain, the Muslims and Christians in the Balkans, and on and on.
Man is both tribal and violent.
I can understand her point in that when it comes to being discriminated against it is a different dynamic if the person being discriminated against can blend in with the discriminating group versus if that person clearly stands out from the discriminating group. After all many Jews were forced to wear yellow stars, in part to identify them as Jews. Would a Black person in Nazi Germany need to wear something so people could identify that person as Black? But her not understanding that the Nazis definitely saw it as a racial thing is surprising. Surely she has heard at least some of the propaganda about the "Aryan Race." I think her thinking has been warped by Leftist ideology and the redefining of words used in furtherance of that ideology. Now on the left Racism is only something White people can do against Non-White People. And since Germans are white, and Jews are white therefore any activity of Germans against Jews can not be racism. QED. In a different example of redefining words in furtherance of an ideology yielding 'interesting' results, I am reminded of a clipped internet argument from somewhere where someone wondered if a man fellated the penis of a transwoman that it must be a queer act, only to be corrected by a few other people that it was a completely heterosexual act because the penis belonged to a WOMAN so it was a straight man engaging in a sexual act with a straight woman so therefore absolutely heterosexual. He protested that something about a penis in a man's mouth feels inherently queer. Nope completely, 100% straight he was again assured.
When words get redefined to suit an instantaneous political interest it creates an awful lot of ridiculous scenarios from trying to square peg round hole things.
A racist makes a racist statement and claims she's not a racist-racist.
I have yet to find a more boring subject, yet others are perpetually outraged about it.
Says more about them that it does me.
walter said...
"One account recalls that her mother, Emma Johnson, thought the family's original surname was "not Jewish enough" for her daughter to become a star."
Probably because it's Scottish.
Shhhh! No one wants to see her show up on The View in a kilt complaining about the Battle of Culloden!
On another note; Jeff Dunetz over at The Lid blog is demanding she drop her stage name. He's suggesting she call herself Whoopi McShtuppie, but seems to have missed suggesting my personal favorite Whoopi McWhoopiface.
"“I feel, being black, when we talk about race it’s a very different thing to me,” Goldberg told Colbert. “So I said I thought the Holocaust wasn’t about race. And it made people very angry. I’m getting a lot of mail from folks and a lot of anger. But I thought it was a salient discussion because as a black person I think of race as being something that I can see.”"
Right. As I called it in a previous comment (ahem). So, an American applying American categories to a non-American situation, blithely wallowing in her ethnocentric rhetorical imperialism. Because race is something I can see, the Jews were not victims of race murder. (Actually, the Nazis and their helpful antisemite allies did think they could see the Jews' race--hooked noses, you know.) What the episode exposes is not just ignorance and foolishness, but also the peculiar self-centeredness of American blacks.
But the response isn't much better: we have to view the Holocaust as race murder because that is how the Nazis defined it.
So Saint Croix doesn't believe in dog or cat breeds.
Ugh. I'm a dog guy. Of course I believe in dog breeds. Cats, I don't give a shit about. They all look like fucking cats to me, except the fucked up ones. But there's an incredible variety of dogs. And an infinite number of breeds. They make up more all the time.
The reason they "make up more breeds all the time" is that there are literally no constraints. It's all dog reproduction, and you can make new breeds by putting a male dog and a female dog together for whatever breed you want to do.
Of course I can (and do) throw around words like "golden retriever" or "dalmatian" to describe dogs. You might also have heard me say "white guy" or "black guy." And I will never capitalize Black guy unless it is to mock the shit out of it. Why is Black capitalized and white not capitalized, you racist fucktards?
I am perfectly fine with using language to describe dogs, or even people. The words "white" and "black" (or, for that matter, "colored") are not evil words. They're words! It's fine to describe what you see.
What's evil as shit is the belief that you can discriminate legally based on these sloppy divisions. We've already fought a civil war over this!
Finally, when I brought a new puppy home to my apartment, I had the following discussion with my landlord.
Me: "She's a shepherd mix."
Landlord: "We don't allow German Shepherds. They are on the list."
Me: "She's a mix. She's a rescue."
Landlord: "We don't allow German Shepherds. They are on the list."
I go to my vet with my dog and I ask him, "What is she mixed with?"
He looked at my dog and said, "I don't know."
I look at my dog and said, "Maybe a Boxer mix?"
My vet said, "Maybe."
I said, "Could you put Boxer mix on a little piece of paper?"
And he could. So don't fucking tell me that dog discrimination is acceptable. The hell it is. My dog has lived with me now for seven years. And she still looks like a German Shepherd, sort of.
Uh oh!
'Why is there one rule for Whoopi and another for everyone else?' Staffers' fury at ABC for not firing Goldberg over her 'Holocaust wasn't racist' outburst as she returns to The View to apologize
I thought of Fauxcahontas, too, IIB.
I'm old enough to remember a B/black Jewish lawman by the name of Goldberg who had his 15 minutes of fame back in the 80s(?), but all google tells me is that he wasn't Reuben.
A lot of people think I'm Jewish because of my surname (and because I'm so smart) but my genetic tests show only a small % of Jewish (by their definitions, and a bigger % than Neanderthal, though I identify as White Neanderthal on official forms now).
One of my Jewish friends used to say that his identity as a Jew was only important at all to him because it was REALLY important to certain other people. Some Jews around here aren't very observant anymore, and only get to temple on Christmas and Easter.
"[A]s a black person I think of race as being something that I can see."
That is essentially the definition of race: morphological distinction between geographically separated populations of the same species. That's why someone can "look Jewish." While Ashkenazi Jews were not geographically separated from non-Jewish Europeans, they were somewhat reproductively isolated for a variety of reasons, such as rules of endogamy and the paucity of adult male converts to Judaism (which would necessitate circumcision).
When Goldberg says "something that I can see", I imagine she means "skin color." But skin color is just a crude proxy for what race is really about: ancestry.
Blogger TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...
So Saint Croix doesn't believe in dog or cat breeds. They're all dogs or cats, no differences in them at all.
No, that is not what Saint Croix said. The uneven distribution of genetic traits among varying groups of people is real, but it conforms to no culturally defined or accepted notions of distinct races. To say that race in that culturally defined sense does not exist is not to say no genetic differences exist. Race is a fiction. Always.
Re: Sebastian:
Not sure about that. Wasn't she also applying the prog-American template, according to which Jews are just white, and even Asians are becoming white-adjacent?
Isn't that just the American template? It's not unique to progressives today -- they're just the most invested in perpetuating it into the future. In American history, until very recently, it's mostly Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews. And they have always fallen on the White side of the strict American colour line. My go-to examples here are always Judah Benjamin and David Yulee, the two first Jewish senators, both elected from secessionist states. Although talk of White-adjacency for Asians is kind of nonsensical, there's a kernel of truth there too. If you look at the dissent in Plessy v Ferguson, it notes that Chinese ride in the White carriages, not the Coloured carriages.
But quibbling aside, from an American perspective, Jews and Germans are both "White." And indeed, until I was in my 20s, I wasn't particularly sensitive to the distinction between Jews and Germans, as many Jewish Americans have extremely Germanic last names. On that score, Whoopi isn't wrong. Her error is in universalising the peculiarly American understanding of "race." The Nazis didn't draw the same lines as we did -- nor do most people, in fact.
"No, my main claim is that race, as we commonly use it, is a cultural concept not a scientific one."
So your claim is that there is a scientific taxonomy of race that is purely logical and data driven? That there are scientists without political agendas of any kind that are able to come up with the exact same categories that a disinterested alien scientist would come up with, had that alien had access to the same data? Is that what you are saying? Is there some "periodic table of the races" that can be determined solely from dispassionate observation and analysis of the natural world?
Sorry, no. Scientists are people and people have political agendas.
"Race is a fiction. Always."
Definitions of race are political, always.
Narr said...
Some Jews around here aren't very observant anymore, and only get to temple on Christmas and Easter.
Now that was funny
Blogger Saint Croix said...
What's evil as shit is the belief that you can discriminate legally based on these sloppy divisions. We've already fought a civil war over this!
What's evil as shit is the commonplace everyday discrimination based on these sloppy divisions. The harm of reverse discrimination are several orders of magnitude less. Dipshit fucktards use this as the excuse for continued Jim Crow-lite treatment of POC.
When you say "We've already fought a civil war..." That's stolen valor. You didn't fight the civil war. Those people are dead and nobody alive can take credit for their sacrifices. It's also a false conclusion that the civil war ended discrimination based on skin color. That's as true as claiming the rebel flag and statues of murderous traitors are merely the celebration of history.
When you say "We've already fought a civil war..." That's stolen valor. You didn't fight the civil war.
Because no one ever refers to a group they belong to (like say American people) as "we" unless they were actually physically present.
So you're pedantic as well as ignorant.
The Very Inconsistent Howard: "When you say "We've already fought a civil war..." That's stolen valor. You didn't fight the civil war. Those people are dead and nobody alive can take credit for their sacrifices."
Howard himself, on many occasions, has literally labeled all conservatives alive today the "very people" who fought the Civil War on the side of the south, enslaved others, put Jim Crow in place and practiced segregation.
At no time did Howard ever say the people living today WEREN'T those people. Quite the opposite.
Howard's rhetorical schizophrenia is best understood in context when you consider that on so very many issues, he goes back and forth like a ping pong ball. For instance, for around 6 months in 2020, the violent and often murderous antifa protestors were literally the Normandy invaders of bravery and determination and righteousness and were even deserving of getting military retirement pay for their efforts (literally, not figuratively) right up until the moment Howard followed the direction of his masters and switched to "antifa doesn't exist, its just a myth".
I hope that helps explain things a bit more.
So your claim is that there is a scientific taxonomy of race that is purely logical and data driven?
I am. There are three distinct genetic populations of humans. (If you want to call them breeds instead, go right ahead) 1)Eurasians have DNA from modern man (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) and one type of Neanderthal. 2) There is a population of Pacific Islanders descended from Modern man and two different types of Neanderthal. 3) Sub-Saharan Africans are pure Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
@tim in vermont:
Is there some "periodic table of the races" that can be determined solely from dispassionate observation and analysis of the natural world?
I take your point, but this is true of taxonomic ranks such as species, genus, and family. Among classification schemes generally it is known as the lumper-splitter divide. For example, there is no agreed upon standard to differentiate between a language and a dialect of a language or between language families.
Only 23 Mentions of Nazis so far. Ad Hitler? A mere three.
Are Jews a "race"? It depends on what you mean by "race". Israel lets you in if your mother is Jewish. Or it that the Orthodox Jews. Anyway, no religious belief is required.
I've known several Jews who are athiests yet go to reform Synaguoge every week. And then there's the Atheistic USSR which had laws against antisemitism and labeled people "Jews" on their internal passports.
If you think only of skin color, Jews aren't a race. But if you expand the definition they are.
People used to be more loosy-goosy with the word "race". People used to talk of the Anglo-Saxon Race. Or the French Race, etc. Then it got narrowed down to mean: black, white, yellow, and brown. Now it seems to be getting more expansive.
Can you please give me some examples of this "continued Jim Crow-lite treatment of POC"?
“When you say "We've already fought a civil war..." That's stolen valor.”
We = The United States of America. As in : We the people… stolen valor- goodness.
“… a shit about. They all look like fucking cats to me, except the fucked up ones.”
Hahaha!!! You don’t like naked cats that look like roasting hens?! Gee- why not? Lol
Balfegor writes, "The Nazis didn't draw the same lines as we did -- nor do most people, in fact."
You're profoundly in error, Balfagor, which is rare for you, but inevitable as no one is always right. The Nazis didn't draw the same lines as we do. Yes, but the truth is they drew many, many more where we might draw only a few.
This is just a portion of a chart explaining numerous categories of Jews, Aryans, and Mischlingen (mongrels). The Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt der SS (RuSHA) the main National Socialist agency involved in the enforcement of the Nuremberg Laws, identified so many "races" and mixtures thereof they had to invent names for them; the quite racially conscious Weimar Germans never thought they were needed or even real. A RuSHA officer could draw you similar charts of Jews and other "non-Aryans", such as Jews and Slavs, Jews and Romani, Jews and Poles, Jews and Japanese -- the list is finite, but certainly vast in its detail.
So your claim is that there is a scientific taxonomy of race that is purely logical and data driven? That there are scientists without political agendas of any kind that are able to come up with the exact same categories that a disinterested alien scientist would come up with, had that alien had access to the same data?
My claim is that there is just one human race and dividing people into different races has nothing to do with science.
None of the thoughts expressed by Goldberg would be out of bounds in a thoughtful, nuanced discussion.
I don't expect thought or nuance from celebrity blabbermouths, so I'm not surprised that she spoke artlessly and defended herself stupidly. Her ignorance about the meanings and uses of the concept of race is, while not surprising, worth noting.
I am surprised that she's managed to spend so many decades in US show business without learning that my group is as passionate and combative about our identity and our history as hers is.
Chapelle, in one short joke, expressed, mocked, and covered for, her type of shallowness around race.
Apparently she went on to screw up her apology on Colbert. She'd do better to steer clear entirely of the Holocaust subject. She keeps saying the wrong thing. That Nazi/Jew persecution wasn't some kind of intramural scuffle like the Northern Ireland thing. It even tops Jim Crow laws. Whoopi wasn't exactly dismissive of the Holocaust, but you can tell that, on her scorecard, Jim Crow laws were more discriminatory than Auschwitz.....I capitalize Black. It costs me nothing, and, who knows, maybe it makes someone happy. I feel no great need to see white capitalized. It won't do much to validate my existence or ease its pain.
Spiros Pappas writes, "The Jews are obviously White Europeans. Deal with it.
Someone wise once said it is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Read my 8:25 AM comment and learn something you obviously don't know. Deal with it.
J. Farmer writes, "Can [Howard] please give me some examples of this 'continued Jim Crow-lite treatment of POC'? "
Howard will never respond, but here's one example, the ridicule and abuse of persons of color who do not support Joe Biden.
"Race" used to be applied even to animal types.
Applied to humans, the term should be used in the Potter Stewart sense: people [think they] see it even if they can't define it. Like pornography, or Racism.
"Jew" specifically is a loaded word; even Jews disagree on who qualifies.
And the eternal questions, "Who is a Jew?" and "Is he/she/xe a Jew?" are best answered with, who wants to know?
FWIW I thought the neutral language now is "descent group," emphasis on proven lineage.
Farmer: "@Howard:
Can you please give me some examples of this "continued Jim Crow-lite treatment of POC"?"
I suspect the examples will involve POC being ostracized and outcast by democraticals for refusing to stay on the racist democraticals rhetorical and policy plantation.
Howard said...
What's evil as shit is the commonplace everyday discrimination based on these sloppy divisions. The harm of reverse discrimination are several orders of magnitude less. Dipshit fucktards use this as the excuse for continued Jim Crow-lite treatment of POC
1: Wrong
2: Go fuck yourself
Either treating people based on their skin color is wrong, or it isn't.
If it is wrong, then all the left wing approved discrimination is wrong. Including Biden's promise
If it isn't wrong, if what Biden's doing is acceptable, then it's just a matter of "who's ox is getting gored", and there's nothing particularly wrong with Jim Crow.
Pick your position, and stick to it. but you can't bitch about Jim Crow while you're supporting government racism.
3: You're full of shit. There is no significant "anti-POC" racism in the US, by anyone other than leftists like you.
Feel invited to provide actual evidence otherwise. I won't hold my breath
My claim is that there is just one human race and dividing people into different races has nothing to do with science.
"Virtually all modern definitions of subspecies follow the spirit of these original definitions, with the general view being that subspecies are groups of actually or potentially interbreeding populations that are phylogenetically distinguishable from, but reproductively compatible with, other such groupsGuiding Principles for Identifying Species and Subspecies
Does the subspecies taxon not apply to human beings? We might as well say that there is only canis familiaris and dividing dogs into different breeds on the basis of morphological traits has nothing to do with science.
My Jewish daughter-in-law lamented when first moving to Texas, that nobody here looks like her. She is Sephardi. Now, after joining the Jewish Community Center, all of her friends look enough like her to be sisters and cousins. Whoopi seems to think all non-Black people look the same. We can tell the difference.
This is not about us all loving each other, and it's not just about not accepting Jews as a race.
She said the Holocaust was just whites fighting with each other.
What she's doing is saying that the only racism is white on black, and Jews are of the white oppressor class.
It's a kind of anti-Semitism.
J. Farmer said...
My claim is that there is just one human race and dividing people into different races has nothing to do with science.
Does the subspecies taxon not apply to human beings? We might as well say that there is only canis familiaris and dividing dogs into different breeds on the basis of morphological traits has nothing to do with science.
Dogs are different breeds. They're all the same race.
My "race" is human.
My "subspecies" is "mutt", just as it is for probably 90% of Americans with 3 generations or more of "American" ancestors.
Heck, what percentage of "African Americans" don't have a white ancestor? Less than 50%?
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