"... for endorsing the most extreme interventions. By questioning the wisdom of school closures—and taking our child out of public school—I found myself going against the party line. And when I tried to speak out on social media, I was shouted down and abused, accused of being a Trumper who didn’t care if teachers died. On Twitter, mothers who had been enlisted as unpaid essential workers were mocked, often in highly misogynistic terms. I saw multiple versions of 'they’re just mad they’re missing yoga and brunch.' Twitter is a cesspool full of unreasonable people. But the kind of moralizing and self-righteousness that I saw there came to characterize lefty COVID discourse to a harmful degree. As reported in this magazine, the parents in deep-blue Somerville, Massachusetts, who advocated for faster school reopening last spring were derided as 'fucking white parents' in a virtual public meeting. The interests of children and the health of public education were both treated as minor concerns, if these subjects were broached at all.... Beyond the infuriating nonresponse to school closures—'kids are resilient'—the discussion regarding masks has also been oblivious at times.... None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale. What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve. How can I get excited about universal pre-K proposals, for example, when K–12 is in shambles?"
Writes Angie Schmitt in "Why I Soured on the Democrats/COVID school policies set me adrift from my tribe" (The Atlantic).
"Throughout the pandemic, Democrats have been eager to style themselves as the ones that 'take the virus seriously,'
That is certainly the case of the left justices in the Supreme Court argument right now on the Biden vax mandates, most forcefully and bullying at times, as well as ignorant of facts.
Kagan just making up sh*t right now. This after maybe it was her or Sotomayor declaring that "we all know, everyone knows" that the best and only way to stop COVID is for everyone to be vaxed, that they are effective, etc.
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda..." If only Stalin knew!
I wish they'd take statism seriously. Because statism leads to Democide, which has killed more people than Covid ever will.
derided as 'fucking white parents'
I would need to go check, but was Sidney Poitier derided as "acting white"? I wouldn't be surprised if he was.
I am reading the Robert Kennedy Jr's book, "The Real Anthony Fauci." He is a long time Democrat, of course, with some views I don't agree with but this book is good and will be read by lots of people, especially Democrats.
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale."
Shorter version: I want free stuff for everyone, and Jeff Bezos should pay for it. See, I am a good person.
I think this goes into the "clueless" file.
Ummmm...Michael K,
That is RFKjr, an anti-vaxxer's anti-vaxxer. If he wrote a good book, it is an accident.
The writer is only 1/3 aware, but maybe that's a good start. When will she recognize the truth of Fen's Law? "The left doesn't really care about the things they lecture the rest of us about". That's when she'll face a read decision point.
Leftists are rotten to the core. It's no good trying to separate yourself as a good leftist.
She says she was set adrift from her tribe.
Let that sink in for a moment.
A quick search brought me to an interview with an actor in the movie The Butler (which I didn't see), where this line of dialogue occurs:
WINFREY: (As Gloria Gaines) "In The Heat Of The Night," with Sidney Poitier. Lord, Sidney Poitier, I love Sidney Poitier.
OYELOWO: (As Louis Gaines) Sidney Poitier is a white man's fantasy of what he wants us to be.
WHITAKER: (As Cecil Gaines) But his movies have him fight for equal rights.
OYELOWO: (As Louis Gaines) Only in a way that's acceptable to the white status quo.
WHITAKER: (As Cecil Gaines) Ah.
OYELOWO: (As Louis Gaines) Brother can't act.
WHITAKER: (As Cecil Gaines) What you talking about? He just won the Academy Award. He's breaking down barriers for all of us.
OYELOWO: (As Louis Gaines) About being white, not acting white. Sidney Poitier is nothing but a rich Uncle Tom.
So she went 'against the party line' and didn't feel a part of her 'tribe.'
Why do lefties identify so closely with a political party?
I don't know a single conservative or republican who is so tied to the party.
It's weird and creepy.
But probably why they're always winning...
"As reported in this magazine, the parents in deep-blue Somerville, Massachusetts, who advocated for faster school reopening last spring were derided as 'fucking white parents' in a virtual public meeting."
Did there ever live the Klansman who was so obsessed with skin color as the modern American liberal? Asking for a friend.
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale. What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve."
I don't trust these people's motivations at all, but I 100% support whatever abuse they want to do inflict on my kids. Yup, that doesn't sound insane at all.
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale. What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve."
These two statements seem rather incongruous.
The point at the end - that K-12 is in shambles but the focus is on universal Pre-K - is the headline anecdote.
Why fix existing, well-funded systems when you can instead put focus on adding more money and services to the system.
This is just standard liberal/left behavior. Unshakable support for the "party line" except when it PERSONALLY affects them negatively. Then, they decide to modify their beliefs in this one area. Because, while they don't care when it hurts others, they do care when it hurts THEM. Because, well, that's different.
From Nellie Bowles by way of BariWeiss-dot-substack:
“Meanwhile, some of the children lucky enough to be in schools are still being made to sit outside in the winter cold to eat socially distant lunch. The only way to make sense of that cruelty is to realize a lot of people have a little sadism in them.”
What she doesn't understand is that the school closures are part of the Democrats' agenda that she still supports. I guess I could be happy that she is semi-conscious at this point, but I suspect that as soon as her kids are back in school, she goes right back to sleep.
What she doesn't understand is that the school closures are part of the Democrats' agenda that she still supports.
What will happen with such people is that they will move to other states where the conditions are better, and because she still support the Dems, she will vote Dem and turn that sane state into another Dem/Progressive hell-hole.
See, You knew it all along! Hate is a "family value". Bullying too! Prime examples are hard to suppress. Viruses gonna virus, and the only way Covid is gonna die is if it has dirt on the Clintons. Maybe, like, why Bill is wearing that blue dress in Epstein's painting?
"Twitter is a cesspool full of unreasonable people. But the kind of moralizing and self-righteousness that I saw there came to characterize lefty COVID discourse to a harmful degree."
Twitter lives up to its roots everyday, 24/7. Full of reminding of fault, reproach, vexing, finding fault.
Twitter - one who twits
Twit \Twit\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Twitted; p. pr. & vb. n.
Twitting.] [OE. atwiten, AS. [ae]tw[imac]tan to reproach,
blame; aet at + w[imac]tan to reproach, blame; originally, to
observe, see, hence, to observe what is wrong (cf. the
meanings of E. animadvert; akin to G. verweisen to censure,
OHG. firw[imac]zan, Goth. fraweitan to avenge, L. videre to
see. See Vision, Wit.]
To vex by bringing to notice, or reminding of, a fault,
defect, misfortune, or the like; to revile; to reproach; to
upbraid; to taunt; as, he twitted his friend of falsehood.
[1913 Webster]
None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale. What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve.
That type of cognitive dissonance is why are political class sucks on both sides.
The schools are closed because the Democratic agenda is to support unions, and the Teachers union want the schools closed. You and your neighbors endorse that wholesale, so your schools in deep blue Mass are closed. The Op-Ed just shows you to be a sucker that Dem's already have in the pocket and don't need to serve.
None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale. What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve
She's halfway to enlightenment. She's come to realize that Democrats don't support the Democratic agenda. Now all she has to do is realize that it's not the Democratic agenda. Not anymore. Truly supporting liberal values in today's America means voting for Republicans.
That is RFKjr, an anti-vaxxer's anti-vaxxer. If he wrote a good book, it is an accident.
Oh, I agree and have thought of him for years as a nut but he is making (some) sense now. Lots of citations to valid references.
Shorter Democrat loyalist:
No matter how much team-D abuses me, I will still be loyal!
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale. What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve."
A typical dumb-ass Democrat response. Diagnosis, failure to learn.
It's interesting how democrats can be all for interventionist government policies, right up until one of those policies directly affects them. Reminds me of Virginia dems going up against compulsory CRT instruction at local school boards.
As they say...everyone's a conservative about something they really understand.
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale. What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve."
Some of the nice women of America realize that the Dems are not nice. But they are still too nice to break up with their abusive boyfriend and instead move in with the mean, mean Republicans.
The only thing that will wake Dems up from their Woke insanity is losing a dozen blue states in 2024.
None of this is working. The Great Barrington Declaration is turning out to be right, but no one notices.
Thi is very interesting:
Florida has lower cases per 100,000 than New York. Florida has 63% vax rate vs. 72% for NY and no mask mandate or vax passports.
Trust the Science.
“Meanwhile, some of the children lucky enough to be in schools are still being made to sit outside in the winter cold to eat socially distant lunch. The only way to make sense of that cruelty is to realize a lot of people have a little sadism in them.”
I am reading the Robert Kennedy Jr's book, "The Real Anthony Fauci." He is a long time Democrat, of course, with some views I don't agree with but this book is good and will be read by lots of people, especially Democrats.
My (Bernie Bro) sister recommended the book to me recently. I find it encouraging that some lefties try to think as independently as our hostess.
What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve
She is, however fitfully, on the way to enlightenment.
I could be harsh, and ask "what took you so long"? But I'll settle for "welcome, sister, you might now try to think about the consequences of giving power to people who aggressively don't give a shit about you, or about the people you care about."
Resistance to the virus and resistance to Trump are strangely intertwined, or at least they resemble one another. There is a fanatical quality, an inability to allow for doubt or dissent.
Maybe some of Trumps policies were good...
Maybe the lockdowns didn't slow the virus...
There's no place for discussion anymore. It's weird.
Own your insanity, Democrats.
Gretchen said...
This is very interesting:
Florida has lower cases per 100,000 than New York. Florida has 63% vax rate vs. 72% for NY and no mask mandate or vax passports.
MN, home of the Mayo Clinic, also has no mask mandates and no vax passports
86.0 cases per 100,00
65.7% "fully vaccinated"
FL, home to a Mayo Clinic branch, no mask mandates and no vax passports
283.5 cases per 100,00
63.6% "fully vaccinated"
NY, no Mayo Clinic branch, mask mandates, vax passports:
341.4 cases per 100,00
72.1% "fully vaccinated"
NJ, no Mayo Clinic branch, mask mandates, vax passports:
347.3 cases per 100,00
70.8% "fully vaccinated"
PA, no Mayo Clinic branch, no mask mandates or vax passports that I know of:
168.0 cases per 100,00
64.2% "fully vaccinated"
The two States with the best case rates? Idaho, and Montana. Both their vaxx rates are in the low 50s
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale. What I’ve lost is my trust that the party is truly motivated to act in the interests of those they claim to serve."
To paraphrase Yoda, "The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one."
Self awareness and enlightenment? Not so much.
"Resistance to the virus and resistance to Trump are strangely intertwined, or at least they resemble one another. There is a fanatical quality, an inability to allow for doubt or dissent."
Or climate or race or gender.
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale."
With apologies to Mel Brooks...
"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple Democrats. These are people of the land. The common clay of the woke West. You know… morons."
She's been purple pilled.
Did there ever live the Klansman who was so obsessed with skin color as the modern American liberal?
I think I understand the rationale behind asking, but yes, I'm pretty sure there must have been.
"None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale."
So what's the problem, racist?
David Oyelowo is also a while person's idea of what an African-American is like. For starters, he is not even American. But he does make me wonder if there are White or Asian actors in Nigeria complaining about the lack of roles for them in the country's burgeoning film industry. But I suppose this discussion goes with the Poitier farewell.
The reason why the writer is still a progressive and a Democrat may have something to do with the fact that they pay better for articles. More prestige, too. You can write about people in flyover country being idiots, but they don't buy the Atlantic.
I hate what theyre doing, but I support their agenda.
Pretty much sums up the average democrat thought process.
IMHO public school K-12 has been in shambles for some time, it has only taken Covid to fully reveal the teachers folly.
"BUMBLE BEE said...
..."the only way Covid is gonna die is if it has dirt on the Clintons."
Greatest analysis ever.
I applaud the anti-vaccine movement by Republicans in particular but unfortunately it seem to end up with so many of them getting COViD and ending up in the hospital and or dying. And then there are those others who need care but can’t get it because no hospital beds are available, but individual freedom must be privileged over the common good. Let’s go with that.
roesch/voltaire: "I applaud the anti-vaccine movement by Republicans in particular..."
Given the performance of your fellow leftists before the Supreme Court today and the hilariously moronic questions and "thoughts" offered by the Big 3 Lefties on the court, its not surprising you would jump in with another lie right off the bat and equate opposition to vaccine mandates which wildly exceed all constitutional limits with the vaccines themselves.
But then again, with the general collapse of every conspiracy hoax you've helped perpetuate at Althouse blog for 5+ years now, what else could you do?
Good luck with your latest battery of BS.
If the polls are any indication, you've got quite the uphill slog. Not to worry though, you've got lots of "help" from the likes of gadfly, Left Bank and assorted others in the lefty "braintrust".
What color was the dress Monica was wearing when…?
It was bl-00oo00o0-uuuee…
Drago, I think Roach has been at Althouse for maybe 10+ years, so his record is twice as bad as you purport.
Danno: "Drago, I think Roach has been at Althouse for maybe 10+ years, so his record is twice as bad as you purport."
I fear you are correct.
roesch/voltaire said...
but individual freedom must be privileged over the common good. Let’s go with that
You're absolutely right, R/V. The gov't should always be able to force you to do the right thing, as opposed to what you want.
So let's start by requiring all males to wear condoms every time they have sex with another man. it will stop the spread of AIDS and other STDs, saving the health care system a lot of work.
We'll make it a gov't mandate, with "catching an STD" taken as conclusive proof that you didn't wear a condom.
So, any gay male sho gets an STD, immediately gets fired from his job.
That work for you?
The GFY with whining about "individual freedom must be privileged over the common good".
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