January 17, 2022

"Republican policies represent a nosedive for our democracy.... And Democratic policies represent a managed decline.... The status quo is unsustainable... There is too much human despair out there."

Said Marianne Williamson, quoted "Marianne Williamson: A Politico or Apolitical?/The outsider from the 2020 presidential race ponders what’s next" (NYT).
In some ways, Ms. Williamson is like a Rorschach test: Many thrill to her message, while others doubt her sincerity and believe she is feeding into the speculation about a second presidential run only in order to linger on the stage. 

The night Mr. Trump was elected, Ms. Williamson was speaking at the Marble Collegiate Church in New York, as she did every Tuesday. A childhood friend, Geri Roper, was in the audience. Afterward, “sad and shocked,” the two women drank Lillet and Perrier cocktails at the bar at the NoMad Hotel, Ms. Roper recalled. “You should run for president,” Ms. Roper told her friend....

Asked again, this week, if she was ready to announce that she intends to run for president, she just laughed and declined to answer. Later she sent a text. “The media is always interested in the horse race, but to me that’s not what matters most,” it read. “What matters most is not just the who but the what....”

Not just the who but the what — a great slogan. Of course, the NYT writer (Casey Schwartz), has the sense to ask, what?! And, of course, she has no idea what.


Heartless Aztec said...

"What? Me worry!?" As told to me by Alfred E Neuman.

David Begley said...

I met her in a yoga studio in Sioux City. Brighter than Biden, but she’s a loon.

hawkeyedjb said...

She probably has as many accomplishments to her name as Kamala Harris, and she seems to be smarter. So, why not? It's no longer a requirement to have managed anything, even to have done anything. Maybe I'll run.

tim maguire said...

"Republican policies represent a nosedive for our democracy.... And Democratic policies represent a managed decline."

"They're both bad but the other side is worse." Yawn.

rhhardin said...

She's a poster girl for feelings taking precedence over stable structure that women represent. Althouse only asks what, not how Republican policies represent a nosedive for our democracy, which must mean ignoring her feelings in favor of a society that won't collapse in mob greed.

rehajm said...

She’s the loonie bin crazy one, right?

(I see Mr Begley clarified for us)

You see, like ugly bridesmaid dresses Democrats need a truly insane candidate to make their shit look better.

john said...

She's not old enough.

rehajm said...

She's a poster girl for feelings taking precedence over stable structure that women represent

Did I hear Williamson was once up for the Dodd-Noonan chair at Claremont Colleges?

tim in vermont said...

Yes, instead of calling it 'voter rights,' let's be honest and call what the Democrats want to do is to get rid of voter ID and secret ballots (that's what ballot harvesting does) and see how it polls.

Naw, the New York Times couldn't be honest against the interests of the Democrats, no matter what.

tim in vermont said...

"Brighter than Biden"

So she passed the third grade first try? Impressive, as wordle would put it.

Temujin said...

I hope she runs. As a Democrat. What fun. She and Petey and Kamala and Hillary all up on the stage. And Bernie. He'll be back. Maybe bring in AOC for an early test-the-waters run. And Elizabeth Warren. She's probably still got 5 bottles of beer left from that six pack she bought for the last campaign.

So much to look forward to.

gilbar said...

Republican policies represent a nosedive for our democracy.. And Democratic policies represent a managed decline

does anybody eagerly await Robert Cook to tell how THAT'S ALL TRUE?
and how Stalinism is our only hope?

Tim said...

She sounds like Carter redux. Didn't we reject that once already? The fearsome thing about socialists is they only have to win once. We have to fight the battle and win over and over again. Sometimes Pinochet looks like a best case alternative from where we are.

tim in vermont said...

"She's not old enough."

Now you've got Joe Biden's interest!

David Begley said...

From my report, “Williamson features reparations as one of her principal issues. She proposes to pay $200 to $500 billion over twenty years to the descendants of former slaves. I asked her about paying money to the heirs of the 350,000 Union soldiers who died. She gave a long answer (nine minutes!). She started with a history lesson on slavery in America....”

Rereading my report doesn’t do her justice. In person, you can see how crazy she is. Her nine minute response was bizarre. Her point was the guilt-ridden Whites would FEEL better if Blacks were paid reparations. Speak for yourself lady.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

The perfect NYT interview, the subject puts words together in an interesting way yet the sentences are still void of meaning and substance. This is how we got Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m sorry but having lived through a 4-year presidency in which every presidential utterance was couched as “said with no evidence” or preceded by “falsely claimed” I find the new fact free era distasteful. I’m unimpressed by Marianne and the current idiot POTUS repeating vague assertions of nefarious behavior or lawmaking in which zero facts are marshaled in support and no examples of actual text or statements from their opponents are presented. TV talkers immediately set to debating the ideas without examining the subject, just the assertions. It’s so headspinningly out of phase with how they journ-0-listed just one short year ago that one can hardly find the underlying facts at all under the stinking piles of opinion heaped everywhere.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Does not matter who wins on D-ticket. Well, must be a loyalist insider *wink*..
Willing to obey the insider grift club. Democracy! The Democrat party is now an evil mix of Billionaire corporate social media giants with the power of Soviet-style censorship... and a compliant biased press.

Howard said...

The DNC cabal and the mainstream media PR system for the Davos billingers will never let her gain traction as a candidate.

Howard said...

I love it when we are on the same page, April

tim in vermont said...

Dems haven't figured out the talking point here:

To Save Democracy we need to restrict GOP Congress' power to reject electors sent by the state.


To Save Democracy we need to empower Congress to reject the electors sent by corrupt GOP state govts.

Twitter nails it.

Robert Cook said...

”She sounds like Carter redux. Didn't we reject that once already? The fearsome thing about socialists is they only have to win once. We have to fight the battle and win over and over again. Sometimes Pinochet looks like a best case alternative from where we are.“

Only to fascists.

tim in vermont said...

Of course Dem legislatures will be empowered to throw out their own elected electors when they decide that the popular vote nationwide means that their own state voted incorrectly. Twelve Democrat controlled states have passed this as a law.

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lewis Wetzel said...

There has been a lot of the use of the term "our democracy" by lefties, lately.
They don't talk about "our republic."
I suspect that what they mean, and what Williamson means, when they use the term "our democracy" is different than one-person, one vote. I think that what Williamson means by "our democracy" is something close to "control of government and culture by leftists."

tim in vermont said...

Democrats use "Our democracy" the same way the mafia used the term "La cosa nostra," it's a club alright, but we ain't in it.

Iman said...

“I met her in a yoga studio in Sioux City.”

If I had a dime for every time I heard that…

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

David Begley said...

I met her in a yoga studio in Sioux City. Brighter than Biden, but she’s a loon.

So, I'm guess that whole second date thing didn't happen, huh?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Just finished the article.

The Dunning-Kruger is strong with that one.

Lewis Wetzel said...

An observation and a few questions:
Williamson sees no path to the good. Their is only bad and worse.
What makes Williamson think that Democrats can manage a decline? What is the model? When have the Democrats managed anything well?
"Too much human despair"? Really? Who is she talking too? What is this statement based upon?

She seems to be projecting her mental and emotion difficulties on the world.

gspencer said...

I've always loved her message,


DanTheMan said...

"More than at any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly."
- Woody Allen

Maynard said...

Which one was Marianne Williamson on Gilligan's Island?

Tom Grey said...

"nosedive" - thanks to the most recent Rep President, there were some 81 + 74 million votes counted in the last election. Far far more than ever before. 67% of registered voters, after the last 12 Pres. elections being around 56-57% (JFK over Nixon was 60%, including dead guys in Chicago). Note Wisconsin illegal ballot boxes:

Ann has no comment on the lack of any NYT front page story about the Synagogue hostage taker, killed without killing. The FBI claimed 'no hate crime'*; some couple of anti-Semites in the UK who were connected have been arrested.
Apropos of carrying a gun, somebody tweeted he saw a Jewish friend - openly carrying.

'When seconds count, the police are only minutes away' (with their guns.)

It's funny that many Trump supporters reverse the title: Dem policies are a nosedive down (as we're all seeing!); GOPe policies are the managed decline. Anti-elite Trump policy results were great. Which is why there's still far more elite NeverTrumpers than FJB, er, LGBTQ - Let's Go Brandon, Today, Quit!

*(as I comment!) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10409927/FBI-finally-admits-Texas-synagogue-siege-anti-Semitic-terror-attack.html

Only the gullible believe the FBI.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The perfect NYT interview, the subject puts words together in an interesting way yet the sentences are still void of meaning and substance. This is how we got Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Scott Robbins of the Markley, Van Camp and Robbins radio show has a word for this: McGurkin. The statement is composed of English words, which by themselves have meaning, but put together, the statement is meaningless.

tim in vermont said...

"Which one was Marianne Williamson on Gilligan's Island?"

Mrs Howell.

Sebastian said...

"of course, she has no idea what"

Except that "Republican policies represent a nosedive for our democracy"

"our democracy": code for the lefties getting to do their thing.

So, do the Althouses of America know what? They want normal, boring. What does that mean today?

jaydub said...

It's hilarious that having recently won the presidency and both houses of congress the Dems and the Dem punditry are panicking over the question "where can we find a 2024 candidate who can get us out of this mess?"

hombre said...

Which Republican policies, Ms. Williamson and what democracy? She is untethered from reality as are the NYT and it’s groupies.

wendybar said...

The synagogue terrorists family is wondering how he was allowed to travel to America with his CRIMINAL RECORD!! They must not know of Joe Bidens Open Border!!! Everybody is welcomed with open arms and plenty of free stuff courtesy of the American people who they are trying to keep locked down!!! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10408425/Blackburn-terrorist-Brother-Faisal-Akram-blames-mental-health-struggles-shooters-actions.html

Wince said...


Isn't that how they say Kamala got the job in the first place?

tim in vermont said...

Did you know that the actress who played Mary Ann moved in with and took care of the actress who played Mrs Howell during her terminal illness. Talk about method!

Maynard said...

Mrs Howell.

All this time I thought that was Nancy Pelosi.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Not just the who but the what — a great slogan. Of course, the NYT writer (Casey Schwartz), has the sense to ask, what?! And, of course, she has no idea what.

Of course she does. Her "what" is the same old bullshit as all the other Democrats, just packaged slightly differently.

The Left, and Democrats, don't allow diversity of thought.

Joe Smith said...

The biggest non-entity to ever run for office.

At least Pat Paulson had a great schtick...

Achilles said...

Can Of Cheese for Hunter said...

Does not matter who wins on D-ticket. Well, must be a loyalist insider *wink*..
Willing to obey the insider grift club. Democracy! The Democrat party is now an evil mix of Billionaire corporate social media giants with the power of Soviet-style censorship... and a compliant biased press.

Says a Cruz/McCarthy/Rubio/McConell supporter maxing out the irony meter.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The what is unacceptable to the party Williamson might run with.

A retreat from trying to federalize everything and leave people the fuck alone.

narciso said...

shes not unattractive, but she's just another scam artists


effinayright said...

Robert Cook said...
”She sounds like Carter redux. Didn't we reject that once already? The fearsome thing about socialists is they only have to win once. We have to fight the battle and win over and over again. Sometimes Pinochet looks like a best case alternative from where we are.“

Only to fascists.

Cookie, have you seen the polls of Dems who want to put unvaccinated people into concentration camps?


– Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Such a proposal is opposed by 61% of all likely voters, including 79% of Republicans and 71% of unaffiliated voters.

– Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications. Only 27% of all voters – including just 14% of Republicans and 18% of unaffiliated voters – favor criminal punishment of vaccine critics.

– Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Are those signs of "democracy"? Or fascism, straight up. Remember: those are YOUR people.

gilbar said...

“I met her in a yoga studio in Sioux City.”

of all the yoga studios in Sioux City, she had to come into mine

Lurker21 said...

If only she had endorsed a Yogic Air Force, she could have gotten the Natural Law Party's endorsement.

Also, she could have topped the trillion dollar coin idea by proposing that we pay off the national debt with magic crystals.

I look forward to her winning and having dinner parties at the White House with Hillary Clinton and Eleanor Roosevelt.

Big Mike said...

I just saw Joe Biden on TV admitting the obvious — that the Colleyville hostage incident was an act of terrorism. He looks terrible! I’ve seen people on their deathbeds who look healthier.

Achilles said...

hombre said...

Which Republican policies, Ms. Williamson and what democracy? She is untethered from reality as are the NYT and it’s groupies.

It was Republicans that signed off on the distribution of "Ballot" drop boxes in Wisconsin and Georgia allowing illegal vote harvesting in both states.

She might be talking about that.

Zev said...

Not just the who but the what — a great slogan. Of course, the NYT writer (Casey Schwartz), has the sense to ask, what?! And, of course, she has no idea what.

Lol, well put.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I was puzzled by "Republicans represent a nosedive" and then it hit me... Jan6 = #AllRepublicans

TestTube said...

Williamson is totally wrong!

It is Democratic Party policies that represent a nosedive, while Republican policies represent a managed decline!

Heck who am I kidding. Both parties policies represent a nosedive. Republicans are nosedivier in some areas, while Democrats are more nosedivey in others.

But both are nosedivalicious.

Rosalyn C. said...

" ... the two women drank Lillet and Perrier cocktails at the bar at the NoMad Hotel ..." Oh trés chic. Sounds kind of bougie actually, and that's not the image Marianne Williams projects as a spiritual leader. I would have expected a story more along the lines of getting together with friends and doing a meditation retreat and then discussing her possible avenues of future service. Oh well, instead it's drinks at the bar.

Seems like she was inclined to run the last time to keep her name in the public space, that's the what. Remember all the people who thought that if Trump could run for President, why not me? We're not seeing so much of that anymore. It's too hard.

cf said...

Trump is the one that demonstrated -- with one hand tied back because he is outside of govt fishbowl, and with the worst ruling class ever tying him down from the start, Pres. Trump is the one that demonstrated sound, 21st Century, world changing solutions that made more sense in four years than elected govt has offered ever in the last twenty. What a Mind for the American experiment he has:

-- Killed the useless Pari$ Climate Sop so we might actually address, as an independent and free-thinking nation, the human pollution that alters our climate

-- ended three bloody wars, started none.
* made the Koreas do a 180 degree turn away from brinkmanship toward economic goals.
* bloody ISIS unleashed by Obama's women wiped up in a year

-- Realigned the Middle East in ways UNIMAGINED by our worst ruling class ever and their secretaries.

-- forthrightly addressed the true brink: china.

-- brought home industry and created jobs, blue collar jobs, jobs for everyone.

Just sayin . . . "make america great again" expressed in real result works really well.

Rollo said...

Marianne entered the wrong race.

She would have easily won the international "Hot Granny" or "Grandmother I'd Like to ..." competition.

Robert Cook said...

"Remember: those are YOUR people."

The fuck they are! What makes you think I support the Dems? They are scarcely better, it at all, than the Republicans. Both parties put forth shit candidates and are up the asses of the corporate plutocrats who are raping the world. I have not voted for a Democrat for president since 1992. (And I have not voted for a Republican for president since 1980.)

The people in the poll you cite who favored those positions are idiots. Idiots abound in both parties.

Howard said...

I'm sorry Robert Cook, but if you don't comply with our binary political identity system you don't exist.

Drago said...

Binary Howard: "I'm sorry Robert Cook, but if you don't comply with our binary political identity system you don't exist."


Says the democratical hack.

Greg The Class Traitor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg The Class Traitor said...

Achilles said...
Says a Cruz/McCarthy/Rubio/McConell supporter maxing out the irony meter.
Are you really that ignorant?
If Cruz had been part of the "Inside Party", he would have beaten Trump in the 2016 Primary.

Rubio and Kasich stayed in for the sole purpose of splitting the anti-Trump vote so Cruz wouldn't get it all

It was Republicans that signed off on the distribution of "Ballot" drop boxes in Wisconsin and Georgia allowing illegal vote harvesting in both states.

Really? Please name names. Especially in WI