January 7, 2022

Here’s a post where you can write about whatever you want.

It will have to go with a photograph, because once again, it was too cold for a sunrise run.


gspencer said...

Alec Baldwin refuses to hand over his phone, ignoring a search warrant. Not only should the warrant be pursued, NM authorities should also get a similar warrant for records from the carrier of his cell service.

What's the delay? Baldwin's shooting of this lady happened almost 3 months ago.

rcocean said...

Rod Dreher posted a column about how Ashli Babbitt deserved to die. She was a woman with "anger issues" and was to blame for her own death. This follows in line with Dreher previous columns. He couldn't wait to jump on Covington kids and only back offed because he saw his commenters would crucify him. The man's a complete fake, and I doubt he's really a Chrisitan except as a grift. First he starts out as a Southern Methodist and trashes Evangelicals. Then he turned Catholic and trashes the Catholic Church. Now, he's Eastern Orthodox. i expect he'll turn Buddist in a couple years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WE finally warmed up today. so if this nice weather travels your way - you'll be out walking again soon.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bathroom air extractors should stay on for at least a minute after somebody leaves.

It's 2022 for crist sake.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Jill Biden apparently has her own 'Hail to the Chief'-style entrance theme, courtesy of the Marine Corps band

Trashiest family in the trailer park!

Bender said...

Bathroom air extractors should stay on for at least a minute after somebody leaves.

Those eco-sensor faucets should stay on for at least five seconds with more than a trickle of water.

Those eco-sensor toilets should stay off until you fully stand up and move a couple of steps away rather than erupting beneath you.

farmgirl said...

The 1st time a toilet flush automatically for me- I died a little, it scared me so!
I hear it’s going below zero and not coming up during the day for a few days- I heard that started on Monday, but my sister says tomorrow.
I’ll keep you posted…

gilbar said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Jill Biden apparently has her own 'Hail to the Chief'-style entrance theme, courtesy of the Marine Corps band
Trashiest family in the trailer park!

i like, that Not Only does she have her own Music; her people DENY that she asked for it
And say that the Marine Corps Band
a) came up with it, completely on their own... Because of how Much they LOVE dr. jill
b) claims they were TOLD to write it. Which is them Lying about it; 'cause of how Much they HATE dr jill

Bender said...

Jill Biden apparently has her own 'Hail to the Chief'-style entrance theme, courtesy of the Marine Corps band

Adapted from Rainbow High (Evita).

Howard said...

The Marine band is "The President's Own"

Original Mike said...

"Those eco-sensor toilets should stay off until you fully stand up and move a couple of steps away rather than erupting beneath you."

Hang toilet paper in front of the sensor until you're ready to flush.

I really hate "automated" devices. Let me activate it when I want to.

Loren W Laurent said...

Sometimes I read Althouse while rubbing body lotion on my shoulders and thighs.

There is nothing sexual about this; I simply am dedicated to proactive skin care.

However, I am not ashamed to say that G-d gifted me with pleasing Thigh Gap.


Howard said...

Thomas Powell Knox joined the Marine Band in 1961 as a trumpet player and moved to the arranging staff in 1966. Three years later, Knox was appointed chief arranger and continued to compose and arrange for the Marine Band until his retirement in 1985. Some of his more notable compositions include "God of Our Fathers" (commissioned for Ronald Reagan's first inauguration) and "American Pageant", which was commissioned for Richard Nixon's first inauguration. Knox arranged or composed over 300 pieces, many of which are still played by the Marine Band and other bands across America.

Narr said...

"I am not ashamed to say that G-d gifted me with pleasing Thigh Gap."

Pix or it didn't happen.

Bender said...

I really hate "automated" devices. Let me activate it when I want to.

To make things worse, if you need to manually flush, you need to press a small button with your hand, rather than stand away and flush a big handle with your shoed foot.

Bender said...

Loren doesn't want to get the hose again.

Narr said...

Any band that can trace back to J P Sousa is fine by me.

gilbar said...

serious question
Does Loren use a treadmill? Do any of her friends?
swish swish swish

Narr said...

Bender's right about the shoe flush. And what's the first thing you encounter trying to get out of the restroom, usually? Yes, a pull handle so even if you wash, maybe the dipshit in front of you didn't . . .

I stuff my pockets with paper napkins and towels wherever I go, in case I have a close encounter with others' filth and slime. And I use about 8-10 little alcohol swab things (1.3 X 1.3" [folded] from China by way of Sam's Club--I'm looking for domestic supplies and will switch when I find them) for fingertip and nostril cleansing every day.

The funny thing is that I haven't been seriously sick in the last 2.5 years, despite all the deadly pathogens about. Knock on wood.

Clyde said...

Jeez, I watched that ridiculous Dr. Jill video and its risible music and all I could think was “Man, there are a lot of fat-bottomed girls in that video, and not the kind that make the world go round.”

Original Mike said...

Why does Volkswagen think I'm too lazy to turn on the windshield wipers?

farmgirl said...


Wa St Blogger said...

I wonder if there are written rules. Like, it is a peaceful demonstration when it consists of x and y, but it becomes non-peaceful when z happens. We call it a riot when it contains a and b. It is an insurrection if it contains such and such components, and it is an armed event when it contains a certain number of participants and most brandish these certain weapons. It is a violent event when a certain percentage of non-demonstrators are injured as a result of direct action with protestors and not because one got a Sprained ankle trotting to the loo or banging their knee on the stall door when the auto flush went off before they were ready and these occurred on the same week as the demonstration.

Give me exact criteria and then I will listen to you about why one event was a peaceful protest and another was an insurrection. Otherwise stfu.

Wa St Blogger said...

Jan 6 is a deadly insurrection like tianamin square was a deadly insurrection, and for the same reasons.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The King County Prosecutor, Dan Sattenberg, has announced that he's not running for reelection. He's not a George Soros prosecutor as he's been in office for 14 years, since the death of his predecessor, Norm Maleng. Sattenberg is one of those don't-prosecute prosecutors. He won't be missed.

Narr said...

As much as I like young Tucker--at least in comparison to the competition--he sometimes sets my teeth on edge with kneejerkism. Tonight he critiqued NPR, and quite effectively to this former fan, but ended up appearing to defend the BMI from accusations of racist origin and intent, when the problem with the BMI is much more basic than that.

On a more serious note, he huffed a lot about Chinese investment in farmland in the USA. As a first pass at pushback, I would ask why it's a bad idea for the Chinese to become dependent on us for their food--which to some degree they already are. We became the USSR's breadbasket (not through direct ownership, granted), and where are they now?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The great Ignore

Narayanan said...

from AOSHQ >>>> how does a bat pee

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Trashiest family in the trailer park!

That's an insult to all trashy trailer park families. They could only hope to rise that high.

effinayright said...

Bender said...
Bathroom air extractors should stay on for at least a minute after somebody leaves.

Those eco-sensor faucets should stay on for at least five seconds with more than a trickle of water.

Those eco-sensor toilets should stay off until you fully stand up and move a couple of steps away rather than erupting beneath you.

Once in Japan, I sat for the first time on one of those all-singing, all dancing multi-flush toilets then appearing in hotels.

I used to read kanji well, but this time I mistook "Flush" for "Wash" ---and got the surprise bidet of my life!!

Big Mike said...

On this day in 2015 two Muslim brothers forced their way into the offices of Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and murdered twelve people, wounding another eleven.

Je suis Charlie

Drago said...

The ratings are in on the lefties moronic January 6th-alooza and Musical & Clam Bake, and it ain't good.

Here's just a sampling:

"Even during the supposed highlight of the night, the two-hour special from the Capitol, CNN trailed Fox News big time. For further context, CNN’s ratings were down some 90 percent in primetime compared to the previous January 6th. Ironically, Bret Baier’s hard-hitting interview with Liz Cheney on Fox News dwarfed anything CNN did all day, and Tucker Carlson, as usual, was the highest-rated show of the night."

The Nation has voted with their feet (heading to red states along with working class minorities abandoning the democraticals/marxists in droves) as well as with their remotes and the verdict is in:

No one except lunatic lefties care about January 6th and no one is buying the lies anymore, no matter what shenanigans Christopher Wray and his band of Merry FBI Democratical morons can gin up.

Now that the jig is well and truly up, can you imagine how hard its going to be for the democraticals/media/DOJ/FBI stasi to pull off another Reichstag Fire and have anyone outside of Joy Reid's homophobic studio believe it?

I mean, we all know they're going to try it, but everyone is pretty hip to what's happening now.

In the next several years, if you happen to find yourself in a gathering of republicans or conservatives and anyone, and I mean anyone, begins to talk about committing criminal acts to "support the cause" (wink wink), well then, you've found your Fed. And when you find 1 Fed doing his or her best to get promoted in the new Woke Stasi-Dem FBI, you're going to find at least 5 to 10 more.

But only every single time.

Joe Smith said...

'On a more serious note, he huffed a lot about Chinese investment in farmland in the USA. As a first pass at pushback, I would ask why it's a bad idea for the Chinese to become dependent on us for their food--which to some degree they already are. We became the USSR's breadbasket (not through direct ownership, granted), and where are they now?'

It seems to me, that if the Chinese own the land, they can decide where the crops go.

That's the problem.

Joe Smith said...

'I used to read kanji well, but this time I mistook "Flush" for "Wash" ---and got the surprise bidet of my life!!'

I have a funny story about the first time I used a public toilet in Japan...

I might just tell it some day after a few glasses of 12-year-old Yamazaki.

gadfly said...

Original Mike said...
Why does Volkswagen think I'm too lazy to turn on the windshield wipers?

Just a guess, but "rain-sensitive wipers" are not unlike light-sensitive headlights that turn on when the sun goes down or when fog sets in.

Safety is about sharing information with everyone on the road. Advances in computer applications in vehicles have been amazing over the past decade. Kinda-like getting Covid jabs.

BUMBLE BEE said...

In Pelosi's honor... https://thegloriousamerican.com/featured/sherwin-williams-releases-san-francisco-streets-color-swatch-series-1-6-21/

Gospace said...

So the number of pro-vaxxers saying that General Washington forced inoculation on his troops and that was fine and the military today should just buckle under and get their damn shots. Let's compare.

The two most common forms of smallpox kill either 1% or 30% of those infected. All age groups, but was normally contracted in childhood or early adult years. The dreaded covid overall kills about 0.5% of those infected- concentrated among the elderly and the less healthy. The death rate among healthy 18-26 year olds- 60% of the active duty military- the death rate is miniscule. In fact, I sincerely doubt a single military member in that age range has died from the dreaded covid. The military is very secretive about covid deaths. But from the numbers, fatality rate is at least two orders of magnitude lower than the overall death rate.

Smallpox, any version, is a debilitating disease. Spreads rapidly, and if a significant cohort is infected- the unit is out of action. Or easily defeated- they can't fight. The dreaded covid? Hell, a significant portion of active duty military only knows they have it because they're tested for it. And like flu, most military members can work right through it. Maybe not at full efficiency, but they aren't down for the count. Seems there are some differences.

Next- smallpox inoculation can kill you. The soldiers knew this- yet- they submitted. Wow! What did they know? Well, for one, they knew smallpox could kill them. And- at some point, they were likely to get it. And that the chances of dying from the inoculation was less than the chance of dying from smallpox. Just because they didn't have pyrex labware and DNA analysis doesn't mean they were ignorant. The first wave of people getting smallpox would have the highest death rate, the circle around them, the next highest, and so on in each outbreak. The pox on people with milder cases would be broken open, and then a skin opening scratched into the "patient", and the pus put into the scratch. They were infected with the weakest strain possible. The chances of never getting smallpox was low. The chances of dying from it were high, and the inoculation method lowered the chances of dying. And, if you already had had smallpox- you weren't inoculated! They understood natural immunity! Apparently modern science has forgotten about this. Fauci and the public health agencies deny it's very existence. In plain language- they're lying, and forcing people with natural immunity to receive vaccination that will do them no good. And- it's becoming increasingly obvious, may harm them and their immune system.

And it became obvious early on- the "vaccine" didn't actually stop you from getting the dreaded covid. And additional shots don't. And now, the data is showing that the vaccinated are more likely to get the omicron variant. And the more shots, the more likely- almost like additional shots were damaging the immune system. And the more shots you get- especially for young healthy males of military age- the more likely adverse cardiological events will occur.

The military members refusing the dreaded covid vaccine are making a rational choice. The FOGOs ordering mandatory vaccines for a mostly non-deadly disease among the healthy- which by definition the military is- are behaving irrationally. Especially wordering the previously infected to get it.

Clyde said...

Here is a meme I made on Imgflip:


Let's see if it shows up when I click on it.

farmgirl said...


Not my parish- not my bailiwick.
My Faith. Covid and the power thereof …

BUMBLE BEE said...

Good one Clyde.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What was it? "No border, no wall. no USA at all". We're almost there!

J. Farmer said...

The January 6th protest was yet another example of the Don Quixotes of the Republican Party tilting at windmills. The success of Mark Levin's American Marxism epitomizes just how thoroughly confused, convoluted, and anachronistic the Republican Party worldview is.

Republicans are correct in saying American institutions are dominated by elites. However, what unites the elite is not not political ideology or partisan affiliation but socioeconomic status (i.e. they're rich). Republicans complain about elites on the campaign trail, get elected, and then cut their taxes and expand their power and influence. The reason Republicans have been losing the culture war for the last 40 years is because they refuse to fight the class war. Advocating traditionalist conservatism and economic libertarianism is self-defeating. The latter makes the former impossible. Southern agrarians were making this critique before Marx was even born. The dynamic has since been labeled "creative destruction." But what is it that capitalism creatively destroys?

"The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world-market given a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country. To the great chagrin of Reactionists, it has drawn from under the feet of industry the national ground on which it stood. All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed. They are dislodged by new industries, whose introduction becomes a life and death question for all civilized nations, by industries that no longer work up indigenous raw material, but raw material drawn from the remotest zones; industries whose products are consumed, not only at home, but in every quarter of the globe. In place of the old wants, satisfied by the productions of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes. In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations. And as in material, so also in intellectual production. The intellectual creations of individual nations become common property. National one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness become more and more impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures, there arises a world literature." -The Communist Manifesto, 1848

This process is now more succinctly described as "globalization."

cf said...

althouse, I would like to have you consider that today, Jan 08, is the date that will reverberate through history: it wasn't the 6th, it was the 8th by my reckoning.

On this day a year ago, Global communications corporations Twitter and Facebook officially erased @realDonaldTrump from the world, disappearing a sitting United States President from the Public Plaza. January 8, 2021. that's the day of infamy.

I call it Day One, Year Zero. Not sure what to call the machinery that is now in charge, but the American Civilization has ended.

I've been in a ghost dance of prayer song all year that this not be so, sober about what has occurred & where we are now.

so Today I'll be "holding High Watch" for Powerful Goodness (&/or the Simulation) to lift all American hearts and minds to be renewed in individual Freedom.

G-dspeed, America

farmgirl said...

I guess my sister was right. It was 1degree @5am… it’s -6 @9am
At least the sun is out!!

wendybar said...

So, when do we get to talk about how ignorant our Supreme Court is about the facts of Covid?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The second wing of Webb is being deployed now. https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive

wendybar said...

Alec Baldwin is refusing to answer to a subpoena for his I phone. What is he hiding?? Hmmmmmmmm.....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer goes full Commie.

wendybar said...

Feel safe yet?? We have a WIDE OPEN BORDER...it wouldn't be too hard to do.... https://saraacarter.com/taliban-has-been-pushing-around-biden-admin-threatens-to-send-2000-suicide-bombers-to-dc/

wendybar said...

We have a gulag in America. We are torturing political prisoners. We are no better than Cuba anymore...https://theblacksphere.net/2022/01/biden-administration-tortures-jan-6th-detainees/

madAsHell said...

Perkins Lane traverses a steep bluff in Seattle. The Lane is lined with beautiful houses that capture the spectacular views of Elliot Bay, and the islands beyond.

......and then it rains.....and rains.

victoria said...

Trashiest family in the trailer park!

No, NorthOfTheOneoOne, that would be the Trump family,all of them

Vicki from Pasadena

wendybar said...

victoria....Trumps kids were NOT the ones on video tape molesting young chinese girls, nor were they naked in the same room with their 14 year old niece. Ivanka didn't write a diary about taking showers with Daddy. You can say what you want about the Trumps, but nobody is as trashy as the China Bidens. Are you sure you aren't Ashley Biden?

Narr said...

Joe Smith--seriously? What will the Chinese do if we decide to keep what is grown on 'their' land? Sue us?

What's wrong with making them dependent on us for a change?

J. Farmer said...

@Can Of Cheese for Hunter:

J Farmer goes full Commie.

I can forgive your ignorance but not your incuriousness. Perhaps one day you will begin to understand why classical liberalism, with its abhorrence of tradition and idolatry of the individual, can never hope to conserve anything. Unfortunately, the rhetorical flourishes of talk radio blowhards and cable news clowns will be of no help to you in this endeavor.

Drago said...

victoria: "Trashiest family in the trailer park!
No, NorthOfTheOneoOne, that would be the Trump family,all of them

Vicki from Pasadena"

At this point I'm going to have to assume victoria's family also engaged in father-daughter "showers" (wink wink) and sex with underage chinese girls while smoking crack.

Maybe that's why victoria isn't bothered by these video-proof/authenticated diary evidenced-things? It might seem very familiar to her.

victoria could clear that up of course. But I suspect she won't.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Let's not forget about Joe Biden's naked swims at the Naval Observatory when he was V.P. In front of female Secret Service agents. Just goes to show Brandon's contempt for women and his galactic-level creepiness.

farmgirl said...

I’m putting this here- about protesting…


Drago said...

Mike of Snoqualmie: "Let's not forget about Joe Biden's naked swims at the Naval Observatory when he was V.P. In front of female Secret Service agents. Just goes to show Brandon's contempt for women and his galactic-level creepiness."

I have to believe fathers taking showers with their daughters is more of a problem, but victoria from Pasadena assures us this is all good.

I'm not sure how victoria will justify and defend crack/coked up sex with underage chinese girls, but I'm sure she's up for doing just that.

Time will tell.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Feel good story of the day: "Statue of Iranian Terror Chief Qasem Soleimani Torched Hours After Being Unveiled"

MadisonMan said...

Wouldn't a Devout Muslim object to the objectification of Soleimani anyway?

J. Farmer said...

@Mike of Snoqualmie:

Feel good story of the day: "Statue of Iranian Terror Chief Qasem Soleimani Torched Hours After Being Unveiled"

From the link: "The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an opposition group of Iranian expatriates devoted to overthrowing the theocratic regime"

The NCRI is a front group for Mujahedin-el-Khalq (MEK), a bizarre Islamist-Marxist cut headed by a husband-and-wife team that operates out of Albania. They are widely loathed inside Iran because of their alliance with Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq War, and they have practically zero popular support among Iranians or the Iranian diaspora.

Nonetheless, they have managed to attract the attention of credulous US officials, pay them large speaking fees, and then recruit them to shill for the organization inside the US, including as a potential successor government to the Islamic Republic. John Bolton is one of their biggest cheerleaders.

The neocon obsession with pursuing regime change in Iran drives so much of our absurd, destructive middle east policy. Germany, France, Russia, China, India, and Japan all maintain diplomatic and trade relations with Iran. We should, too.

farmgirl said...

Co- headed? Or Freud at work?

Narr said...

Cult, headed.

Welcome back, J Farmer.

rcocean said...

glad some boring libtards showed up. Now, I can flirt and fight with them. And be Gay. very, very gay.

And by Gay I mean happy. Of course.

Its like Crossfire, with less intelligent people.

rcocean said...

Watching old movies. Pre 1950. They had voices then. You can close your eyes and just listen to the dialogue and it all sounds marvaleous.

But no great acting. Like Today. With uh...whoever.

J. Farmer said...


Watching old movies. Pre 1950. They had voices then. You can close your eyes and just listen to the dialogue and it all sounds marvaleous.

I love the theatricality and pretentious Received Pronunciation of the invented accent of an imaginary transatlantic or "World English". Radio broadcasters of the era really laid it on thick. While it's practically synonymous with Northeastern preps, I loved it most when it was on top of a native southern accent, like Tallulah Bankhead on a West End stage. It faded in the 1970s with the rise of method acting and the more naturalistic realism of New Hollywood. Cinema was ridding itself of the more stylized approach it had inherited from the theatre.

Lewis said...

Lewis And Martina

L: A broken nose more expresses health
Than your ridiculous screams and cries.
I keep, at least, some human cowardice
At home. Making tea in the grubby room
but acknowledging this Angel. he will not,
For the moment, destroy me . That you wished
To deliver yourself to man was what disappointed.

M: There was no sense, speaking in the wrong language,
In any action. Neither theirs nor mine.
If I felt or smelt destruction don’t think of it
As intended. I have told people as, perhaps,
A piece of vanity, that I saw things.
Nothing was so crude. Only those who wished to love me.
They could not. Hate becomes, sometime, stronger than love.

L: And yet, for me, nothing was more ‘subtle’ than mine.
To you it was merely looks, a means of accommodating
Body to body and the dysfunction I must finally feel
When doubt had to sleep with both of us. I ached
And I ache everyday for what, well, I never wanted.
For I tried for merely a word that would say
You know me.

M: I know you but
You were not enough. Or never could be.
Listen, Lewis, I joy in those few months
When we really were discovering what it was
that always is so strange about each other:
Our mortality, our distant death, our always otherness.
Don’t you see – I have gone there,
I have lost you,
I have lost myself. And your child
Is the only human word I can now discover.
I hate you. You were not an Angel. I hate myself
For saying this. How could I demand this impossible?

L: No, you could not. And yet you, O beautiful you,
had a right to. You had a claim on an Angel.
But he did not come. Only me. I love you.

M: But you, my fool, my once-was-guest, remember:
Love cannot be there merely to please you.
We women are accused of eating hearts –
it is not us but God that burns your soul,
it is not I, it is never I, but these fragments,
These joys and sorrows, this ecstasy you refuse
To forget. Don’t forget. I may be mad
But I do not miss the compliment.
For in a glass I joy greatly at what memory can produce.
The happiness of a boy who cried “I love you!”
Because he had never loved before nor has since.

L: I had never loved before nor have since.

Lewis said...

The Saviour Of Painters.

“Who rules, who serves?
See in my new land
The blankness of paper,
The white, almost
Halcyon expression
Of the clean,
Empty canvass.”

The jewelled profusion
Of sense and nonsense
Whose hundred centuries have
Their each and own argument
Cakes his walls and floor
Like ditched cargo.
An infinite sea
He tells me
Of his plans for more.

“I reward rich,
Deserved talent
It is true
But I assure you
My fiscal policy
Is tighter
Than your belt.
And my name:
The Saviour of Painters.”

Lewis said...


What maltreatment made you beseech
A stranger of his word,
The second hand poets song
Destined, surely, this silent home?

Two extraordinary eyes, beautiful and young,
Always demanding a tale impossible to tell.
Yet for one smile even the stones had words.
I gave you room and board, I talked and talked
And talked till finally you loved me:
For one moment I knew a chance joy
Like a starved man fed poison.
In the morning you were gone.

Or was it I who fled the miles
Just for a coward’s home?

Lewis said...


Lewis said...


Stop trying not to be who you are - the more you do the more sexy you become. You can't iron out the ironies of life. Your breasts, your hips, you can't get rid of them. Your 'Otherness' - it will always be there. That's not 'genda' (O not effing genda on the agenda!), that's you, an individual. Mortal, delicate, alive.

Lewis said...


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