"Similarly, Spotify should be allowed to decide whom to do business with.... Content creators and content consumers alike choose their preferred associations.... But I do worry about the continued fragmentation of society that attends the idea that everyone sharing a cultural space must align ideologically to coexist... I’m wary of boycotts generally, as there are few limiting principles once you decide you cannot tolerate someone’s thinking. Given Young’s own controversial, science-averse advocacy on such issues as life-saving, child-blindness-averting GMOs, one could ask what’s stopping a retaliatory boycott. Or, to return to the real estate analogy, freedom of association means you’re free to move, but you shouldn’t be able to threaten an exodus to get the homeowners’ association to evict a neighbor.... There’s something deeply corrosive about attempting to live in a way that demands everyone agree with you...."
From "What concerns me most about Neil Young’s Spotify fight" by Sonny Bunch (WaPo).
Yes, let's agree to try to live together...
There’s something deeply corrosive about attempting to live in a way that demands everyone agree with you...."
I have a brilliant idea. Why don't we divide our country up into smaller units (we could perhaps call them "states") and allow the people in those smaller units to make laws and regulations that they agreed with, even if they were different from those in other "states"? Then people could decide which of those states had laws and regulations they agreed with, and move there to live.
"freedom of association means you’re free to move, but you shouldn’t be able to threaten an exodus to get the homeowners’ association to evict a neighbor"
Why shouldn't you be able to? If you are a prog, and you know what's right, and you have the power, you should be able to.
"There’s something deeply corrosive about attempting to live in a way that demands everyone agree with you...."
Right. There's something deeply corrosive about left politics. Progs have attempted to "live in a way that demands everyone agree with you." With "you" being progs in power. Since 1789.
But the corrosiveness is not a bug, it's the key feature: it destroys civil society and subjects everyone to prog rule.
Echoes of Bret Weinstein's fight at Evergreen college. "Day of absence" where minority groups voluntarily leave campus - go for it. "Day of absence" where majority group is forced to leave campus - nope.
Here's the obvious question: How can people like Neil Young and Howard Stern draw such a sharp line between 1) Rogan's allowing his guests to express certain opinions that might cause some people to avoid vaccinations which might--MIGHT--then result in them having a more serious illness/death, and 2) their own promotion of a lifestyle full of substance use and indiscriminate sex which results in many ruined lives and early deaths?
Gahrie said...
There’s something deeply corrosive about attempting to live in a way that demands everyone agree with you...."
I have a brilliant idea. Why don't we divide our country up into smaller units (we could perhaps call them "states") and allow the people in those smaller units to make laws and regulations that they agreed with, even if they were different from those in other "states"? Then people could decide which of those states had laws and regulations they agreed with, and move there to live.
Because there is no way for mediocre control freaks to suck a living out of productive people that way you silly.
Leave Me Alone.
Our Constitution is a document of limitation. "Okay, we're giving/ceding these things to you. Outside of these, leave us alone."
With the 10th Am. being the punctuation point to that point.
Brandeis in Olmstead v. US (1928),
“The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man’s spiritual nature, of his feelings and of his intellect. They knew that only part of the pain, pleasure and satisfactions of life are to be found in material things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They conferred against the government, the right to be let alone—the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men.”
Keep in mind how many people Neil Young is asking his followers to boycott and refuse to listen to. He's saying to those who agree with him: "Don't listen to what half the country is thinking. More, don't allow anyone to listen to what the fringe, i.e., half the country, thinks and will go on thinking." Putting your hands over your ears and shouting: "Na Na Na, Na, I'm not listening" ... what a great symbol of progressivism. Progressives are often called Progs" but I think of them as "Prods" because they constantly shove and prod as if we were cattle at the round-up. Back in the day Bull Connor and his men used actual cattle prods on people and they were then condemned by all segments of society. But I think the Prods will be soon be rehabilitating cattle prod use as long as the prods are in the right hands just as they are rehabilitating censorship when done by Our Betters.
As I understood Don Jr the other day that picture was taken d during a meeting where young was trying to sell his catalog to the Trump organization.
Because, you know, principles.
yes michael caputo pointed that out,
he looked better than young eight years ago,
Remember way back in 1985 when Neil Young was blaming Homosexuals for Aids?? Yeah...he didn't want that "f" word behind the cash register handling his potatoes?? So glad you on the left know how to pick them!! https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2022/01/30/awkward-lefties-cheering-neil-young-for-trying-to-cancel-joe-rogan-trip-spectacularly-over-his-homophobic-past/
Re: GMOs: I’ve long believed that the population of those strongly opposed to GMOs and those insisting you inject an mRNA vaccine overlap closely. Yet both processes are very similar-we use our deeper understanding of biology to create the effect we want. Gene splicing instead of selective breeding. mRNA response vs. injecting a weakened strain to cause an immune reaction.
Hippies for Censorship
(via Instapundit)
money clip:
"Does Rogan give space to some crackers views about the Covid vaccines? Yep. So what? And I ask that as someone who is very pro-vaccination. If you dislike what Rogan says, then set up your own podcast to counter him. How about doing that, Neil Young? You could be pro-science for a change. Here’s the thing about Rogan: his success is the least mysterious thing in the 21st-century media landscape. It is the colonisation of the mainstream media by woke elites who all think in the exact same way, and who will hound you off their turf if you don’t, that created the conditions in which a questioning, dissenting pod like Rogan’s could become a global phenomenon. It is the mainstream media’s failures that birthed the success of Rogan and others; it is the stifling of free, frank, deep discussion in the old media that created the space for new media to emerge and flourish. The old hippy Neil Young would have understood that; the newly square Neil Young clearly doesn’t."
I would not call Dr. Malone a "cracker"
Why shouldn't I be free to threaten a mass movement of a neighbor is not evicted?
And sunny seems to want someone to prevent me from making that threat. Who does she have in mind?
And how does one "evict" a fellow homeowner anyway?
That is a REALLY stupid analogy, sunny.
I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with artists organizing a boycott of Spotify. Just as I would have no problem with pedjt organizing a boycott of Twitter.
Boycotts/strikes are the American way. So is getting others to join in.
I've come to the conclusion that this may not be about science or free speech or free association or any of those lofty concepts, it's about "cui bono"
This controversy has reminded me of Napster back in the early free days of the Internet and Metallica objecting to music sharing without compensation for the artists. Back then how to use the Internet was still being figured out. Now it's more about who gets to use it. And the end game being government regulation.
Frankenfoods vs. Vaxula as it were.
Well, good for Hunny Bunch...I mean, Sonny Bunch.
The best we can hope for is that the highly-transmissible-less-virulent Omicron variant flames out in a few weeks. Perhaps by summer reduced hospitalizations and deaths will drive the media to whip up a frenzy about something else, and COVID will (all too slowly) become a distant memory.
the progs have barred any alternative discussion on any major platform, using any number of pretexts, they have deplatformed metered most samizdat it's not the same thing,
I am ok with people who complain about someone else’s comments and opinions. That is why we have the 1st Amendment. But when people like Young and his musicians demand Spotify drop Rogan because they disagree. This is a trend of boycotts to suppress free speech that Regressives have been using against people they disagree with, especially politically, since the start of the Obama era. I invite these Regressives to go to China and loudly protest that the Chinese are enslaving Uighars in Tianamen Square and see where that gets them (hint: an all expenses paid vacation to a concentration “re-education” camp). But then again, since many Regressives have no problem doing business with China and try to shut down the Uighar talk (see: The NBA, LeBron James, Disney - I could go on and on ad nauseum). Basically, they are no better than the dictators internationally that they make a lot of money with and want to suppress free speech in our country while they feel free to ram their “free speech” down our throats. Just pull your catalog and shut up - one day this “free speech” suppression will be used against them and they will be crying CENSORSHIP!!!
I should caveat my comment about pedjt and boycotting Twitter.
A year ago no caveat would have been needed. But with Truth on the near horizon, a boycott now might seem a bit self-serving.
Not wrong, but it might be more seemly for someone else to do it.
Also unnecessary. Rather than boycotting Twitter, buycott Truth.
"There’s something deeply corrosive about attempting to live in a way that demands everyone agree with you...."
Yet - this is what the left are sinking into as each day passes.
Social Media giants... Media outlets that cowardly adhere to the democrat party's directions.
It all started with the collective censorship of Hunter Biden's multi-million dollar insider corruption (and the big guy).
young, mitchell, lofgren, just another lickspittle minion of surgeon general murthy, did we forget this already,
Somewhere Lysenko is smiling.
And this from the guy that wrote “Needle and the damage done”.
Several have commented on Spotify's share price. Let's say it did decline because of this. (it may or may not have)
So what?
People who own Spotify will have suffered if they sell at a loss. But for the most part they won't unless the price never comes up again.
Mostly those people have nothing to do with Spotify other than owning it.
If Spotify is using stock as loan collateral, they might get a margin call. If they need to issue more shares, it might be at a lower price. (or they could hold off)
Otherwise the share price has nothing to do with Spotify as a company.
If you want to talk about how this kerfuffle hurts Spotify, how about talking about revenue streams. Have they lost any advertisers? Have they list any subscribers?
On net. They may have lost some. But the CFAPT effect means they may have gained more than they lost. Or not. I don't know and dare enough to find out.
That's up to you fellows who are saying how bad this is for Spotify to do.
How much do we miss Christopher Hitchens?
Principled stand: "I do not wish to be associated with Joe Rogan on your station, so please pull my music."
Punk move: "Either you censor Joe Rogan, or Ill take my ball and go home."
Presumably that’s a picture of two fully vaccinated individuals.
Spotify get to decide who to do business with, as do the artists, and as do the actual consumers. Mark down every name who YOU disagree with, and then never give them another dime....or thought. Freedom!
Liberty is freedom for me, and from anyone else. That's why I don't play loud music from my front porch, expect the same from my neighbors, and would never buy property with a HOA.
"Remember way back in 1985 when Neil Young was blaming Homosexuals for Aids??"
He wasn't wrong, per Randy Shilts et al.
It's nothing more than virtual signaling.
'Nuff said.
wendybar said...
Remember way back in 1985 when Neil Young was blaming Homosexuals for Aids??
Shhh! No one's supposed to talk about how back in the day disgust with Gays was the only thing that Hippies and Okies from Muskogee had in common.
Lem -
A lot.
Yes, let's agree to try to live together...
Come on people now, smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now
HOA is a voluntary association. Tyrrany from an HOA require the board to be reminded of that.
Spotify is for one and all. Rogan being there has zero effect on Young. Young was freeto leave, and stupid to do so.
I'd never buy a property without an hos if it's in any kind of development.
The alternative is trying to rely on police or zoning commission when a neighbor had 20 junk cars, chickens. Unkempt yard, illicit construction etc.
HOAs are the purest form of Democracy. Are you anti democracy, Jess?
I may not like all the bylaws but it's child's play to get elected to the board and change them.
@John Henry
It looks, right now that the stock price drop was primarily the result of some big woke funds dumping their stock. It was probably coordinated, which makes it illegal, but won’t, of course, be prosecuted by the hyper partisan FJB/Garland DOJ. But if they did do that, they and their shareholders, are probably the big losers. Normally, funds this size, don’t move in and out of stocks this quickly, because, for one thing, they pay more to buy, or sell for less, when the size of their movements disrupts the market for a stock. But in the longer run, I expect the stock to rebound from these big woke funds dumping their stock.
New lefty chant: Dont Trust Anyone Over 80!
Neil Young looks pretty orange in that photo with Trump.
William50 said...
Yes, let's agree to try to live together...
Come on people now, smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now
Worst......guitar solo.......ever
I’m wary of boycotts generally, as there are few limiting principles once you decide you cannot tolerate someone’s thinking.
I think boycotts are highly effective at the nation state level. For instance, cutting Russia off from the financial system is a way better move (vis-a-vis Ukraine) than sending troops to Ukraine or pointing guns at people. Boycotts are better than war.
Biden is such a fucking idiot that he's stopping the highly successful boycott of Iran.
Anyway, boycotts (or "sanctions") is a great tool in the political arsenal for a powerful country like the U.S. You don't have to drop a nuke, or threaten to drop a nuke, or shoot people, or point guns at people, when you can cripple an economy instead.
At the human level, you probably want to avoid politicizing your life so much that you are now in a war with your neighbors. If you're boycotting and attempting to destroy your neighbors, that's better than shooting them. But it's still hateful, spiteful, ugly behavior, and it often causes as many problems as it solves.
It is a free country, and you are free not to watch a Joe Rogan podcast. Of course that's an adult response and those don't go with throwing temper tantrums.
One of the reasons that I love For What It's Worth is that it's not a call to war. It's more like a call to peace in my book.
So, Neil, you might want to call up Stephen Stills and ask him for advice before you decide to go to war with somebody. You are super-talented, but he might be a better writer and thinker.
And even if you want to go to war, you want to win the war, not lose the battle without a shot being fired. Your tactics suck. Can I ask, why did you not do the obvious singer move and write a song about Spotify? That could be awesome.
Making music is what you do, man. Seriously, why the heck do you think your money would impress people more than your music? Writing a song is actual work. This was the laziest protest in the world.
Drago, I think the chant is more on something about unclean, blasphemy, heresy, and burn the witch.
"There’s something deeply corrosive about attempting to live in a way that demands everyone agree with you..." -S. Bunch
As anyone who's ever spent time around celebrities knows, there's something deeply corroding about being surrounded 24/7 by people who instead of whispering "memento mori" tell them how wonderful and brilliant they are.
Rust never sleeps.
A homophobic hater wants to censor someone for intelligent conversation. Sounds about right.
Typical biased democrat propaganda article. If he has anything of value to say, he can’t say it due to his prejudice.
Joni Mitchell calling for a Ministry of Truth. As long at the government is the one paving paradise she is all good.
Spotify CEO Daniel Ek announces "content advisory" for any podcast episode discussing COVID, as a "new effort to combat misinformation."
Young is a septuagenarian. I'm old and I don't care what he thinks. Why would young people care in the least bit what a cranky centimillionaire septuagenarian thinks. Spotify isn't paying Rogan a hundred million dollars for fun and games. Another old fart who thinks he is still relevant just like FJB.
Well how can you write for that Billy Kristol
You keep that bullshit, our coffers are full
Let me know, Sonny, how you feel
Tell the truth, now, just keep it real
But oh well, Sonny don't, well, Sonny don't
Sonny don't, Sonny don't, Sonny don't
You say you do when you don't, oh-oh Sonny, don't
I am not a fan of the tactic of boycotts, but I am even less a fan of unilateral disarmament, so, had Spotify caved, I would have canceled, but who knows what the end result would be. At least they are not a quasi monopoly, like Twitter.
wild chicken said...
"Remember way back in 1985 when Neil Young was blaming Homosexuals for Aids??"
He wasn't wrong, per Randy Shilts et al.
what were views of CDC and Fauci then about AIDS?
Shhh- everyone!? The pretty smart people have enlightening news:
Wonder what Neil Young had to say about Tipper Gore back in the day?
Noble, reasonable sentiment, likely to be drowned out by louder voices.
Crap- it didn’t work? CNN mind meld- something about Doritos being bad for you… the girly potato-shaped fella has reinforcements that say this…
John henry wrote:
"But the CFAPT effect means they may have gained more than they lost."
Please, people, if you use acronyms, write out the full phrase on first mention, then use the acronym afterwards if you wish.
What is the CFAPT effect?
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