January 1, 2022

"A governor, not governing during a crisis; and sunning his belly on vacation instead. @GovRonDeSantis is the Nero of Ted Cruzes."

Tweeted Joy Reid, quoted in "Ron DeSantis accompanied wife to cancer treatment while critics claimed he was 'missing'/DeSantis announced his wife's breast cancer diagnosis in October" (Fox News).

Let this be a lesson to everyone: You don't know what other people's troubles are, and maybe some of those troubles you don't know about aren't even a secret and could have been known by you.

This gets my "empathy" tag.

ADDED: Why don't links to Fox News work? Can anyone tell me the solution? If not, I will stop linking to Fox News.

ALSO: On the anti-empathy side, we need to remember that a politician might use his wife's illness — and specifically breast cancer — as a cover for behavior that really is unseemly. 

I don't know about Ron DeSantis, but I remember John Edwards. He used his suffering wife as a political prop and, behind the scenes, carried on an affair. 

"John Edwards' betrayed wife 'tore off bra,'" the BBC reported, as Edwards was on trial in 2012 for using campaign donations to hide his pregnant girlfriend:
Breast cancer sufferer Elizabeth Edwards... collapsed during the fight in an airport car park [in October 2007], a witness said.... [The witness] said Mrs Edwards had screamed: "You don't see me any more." Then she took off her shirt and bra, exposing herself to her husband in front of his staff, the court heard.

"He didn't have much of a reaction," [the witness] said. Mrs Edwards had gone through intense treatment for breast cancer before the incident took place.... [The witness] testified that as people rushed to cover Mrs Edwards and get her into a car, she heard Mr Edwards call his wife's doctor for help. After that he got on a waiting plane and made a scheduled appearance in South Carolina, she said.

Whatever happened in that trial?

On May 31, 2012, Edwards was found not guilty on Count 3, illegal use of campaign funding (contributions from Rachel "Bunny" Mellon), while mistrials were declared on all other counts against him. On June 13, 2012, the Justice Department announced that it dropped the charges and would not attempt to retry Edwards. Edwards returned to the practice of law....


Jaq said...

I am still wondering what Ted Cruz was supposed to be doing when that state level emergency was going on in Texas. Call people on the phone and yell at them? He could have done that from Mexico.

Like Rush used to say, it's a propaganda playbook, and there are only so many plays in it, and they run them over and over. Ted Cruz going to Mexico with his family is the new "Plastic Turkey" jibe.

Kevin said...

It’s not Joy’s fault.

Biden handed Covid to the states so the media could relentlessly attack Republican Governors ahead of the midterms.

Truth has no business in this game.

gilbar said...

How many Floridians are dying from covid these days?
How many New Yorkers are dying form covid these days?

DeSantis went with his wife to cancer treatment? And this is BAD?

AOC in Miami Beach for 'taste of freedom' as New York sees record number of COVID cases: report

Charles said...

I also noted that the DeSantis crew also responded with the open and publicly available schedule of the Governor that he is still doing a full schedule as well as accompanying his wife.

They are just liars from top to bottom. Why would anyone ever trust what the media people say with our checking. I always assume they are lying as my start.

Steve said...

Doesn't matter if it was a lie....the effect was felt....putting doubt into peoples minds

michaele said...

Reminds me of what Harry Reid said about his lie of Romney not paying income taxes for a certain number of years..."Well, it worked, didn't it?"

farmgirl said...

Amen, Althouse.
Reminds me of folks who won’t go to Church because “all the real sinners” sit in the front rows. Hellooo-oooh!!

Happy New Year, to all of us!!

Temujin said...

The interesting thing is that, here in the State of Florida, DeSantis is widely respected- almost loved- as our Governor. He's been brilliant. And we all know people have memories as long as their next thought, but I remember what DeSantis was doing before covid hit. He hadn't been in office that long, but he had already been working with both sides of the aisle here in Florida to get things done for the State. He was already showing his talents.

He's smart, productive, unafraid, and knows the ropes when it comes to politics. Damn right the national Democratic media wing should be afraid of this guy. He will be the next President and he will not suffer fools lightly. But he's not Trump. He's much more polished in the ways of our media, the political class, our military and national security clowns. He will be the Democrats worst nightmare, and the nation's best hope going forward.

Joy Reid is on the same network that continues to give Al Sharpton and Donny Deutsch airtime. 'Nuff said.

rehajm said...

Did she tweet her apology yet?

Temujin said...

By the way, the national media lapdogs seem to think that showing up in an ice cream parlor and making one generic pre-written comment to the press about some national pressing issue is called 'working'. It's not. It's bullshit and everyone knows BS when they see it.

And for the love of God, can we please stop getting more New Yorkers coming to Florida to get their freedom while complaining about the policies that gave them that freedom?

tim maguire said...

Isn’t the lesson that media types will make up anything they want to support their cause and most of their followers will believe the lie even after it is corrected?

Howard said...

How do we know she actually has breast cancer?

tim maguire said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...I am still wondering what Ted Cruz was supposed to be doing when that state level emergency was going on in Texas.

There’s nothing Ted Cruz could or should have done, but the optics were terrible. Just another piece of evidence that Cruz is a terrible retail politician.

Heartless Aztec said...

Ron DeSantis is beloved here in North east Florida.

Sally327 said...

I think that sort of attack might have been more compelling at the beginning of the pandemic, if at all. But not now. We all pretty much know the drill when there is a spike or a new variant surfacing. The numbers will start to go up, Fauci will get on TV and spout a bunch of inconsistent directives, there will be various dire predictions from one camp and then scoffing at that from the other side. Yadeya it's the same old story.

Cruz leaving TX during a winter freeze/energy crisis for warmer climes was a very bad look because there were lots of people stuck in homes all over the state who would have loved to have had that option but didn't have the money to do it. Leaving Tallahassee for Sanibel or somewhere, even if DeSantis had done that which he didn't, would not really equate to Ted leaving Houston for Cancun. The pandemic is everywhere.

Mary Beth said...

When Joy-less Reid goes low, Howard goes lower.

Sebastian said...

"Let this be a lesson to everyone: You don't know what other people's troubles are"

You say that as if it matters, as if progs take lessons or care to know other people's troubles.

Let this be a lesson to everyone: progs don't care about you, your life, your troubles. They care about their own power and about anything that helps to advance it. They don't take lessons: they already know.

wendybar said...

Another idiot paid to be an idiot, to the people who hate America. She, and the others like her are the people who helped Barack Hussein Obama divide this country by RACE, gender, religion and gender. Congratulations. Hope Progressives enjoy the utopia they built.

David Begley said...

The Left is so, so arrogant.,They think they are God-like. Man has NEVER stopped a respiratory virus and it never will. That being said, the vaxs and the drug treatments have mitigated death and illness.

The Left also thinks it can stop global warming. CAGW isn’t a threat and we will end up wasting trillions if we continue down the path of decarbonization. Do not crucify Americans on a cross of wind turbine blades!

wendybar said...

Howard said...
How do we know she actually has breast cancer?

1/1/22, 7:24 AM

Sick. And Low. But then, not surprised.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joy Reid is a White Supremacist Leftist Soviet-religionist lying propagandist MS\DNC A$$.

Andrew said...

"I am still wondering what Ted Cruz was supposed to be doing when that state level emergency was going on in Texas. Call people on the phone and yell at them?"

I understand your point, and I agree that it's unfair. And the media played their usual double standard. But the fact is, when you're a politician, especially one on the front lines like Cruz, the optics matter. He could have gone to a charity event. He could have visited people in shelters. He could have walked down the streets and asked how residents were doing. He could have called the utility companies and asked for updates, and told Texans where to go for information. Yes, he's a Senator, and that's not the same as being a governor or state legislator. But to leave for vacation was a foolish thing to do. Especially a place like Cancun, an escape for the wealthy. At the very least, Cruz could have just stayed home and suffered through it with everyone else.

In my city there was a mayor who I didn't agree with politically. But he was always visible. He would attend one event after another. He would clear litter with volunteers. He would show up when a single crack house was being demolished, and announce his plan for the neighborhood. He would walk through the unsafe parts of the city, and meet the residents. Yet he would also dine with the bigwigs and gain their commitment to funding new initiatives. He always gave the impression that he was present in the city. He embodied optimism for the city's future. And it paid off. Maybe it was pure politics, but he was respected across the board.

Point being, Cruz lost the opportunity to convey to Texans, "I'm in this with you, and we'll get through this together." That might not be fair. But that's what he signed up for.

David Begley said...

“He will be the next President and he will not suffer fools lightly. But he's not Trump. He's much more polished in the ways of our media, the political class, our military and national security clowns. He will be the Democrats worst nightmare, and the nation's best hope going forward.”

Agree 1000%. I hope Trump doesn’t run.

Andrew said...

Just a P.S.: I don't put DeSantis in the same category as Cruz. DeSantis is a marvel. He is doing everything well, and is a master politician. I sincerely hope he runs for President in the next few years. But I don't know if even he can withstand the DC swamp machine.

Amadeus 48 said...

Joy Reid is a swivel-eyed lunatic. Her show is intended to keep Democrats indoors who might otherwise be outdoors baying at the moon.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

republicans are not allowed to take vacation.

Democrats are.

Nancy said...

I can't get directly to many things Ann links to because of paywalls. For this one as well as NYT pieces, I read it by pasting the url into archive.is.

iowan2 said...

Steve said...

Doesn't matter if it was a lie....the effect was felt....putting doubt into peoples minds.

True to a certain extent.

Some time back I had a an old sage remind me that billboard advertising wasn't so much to increase business, but to validate their customers past choice.

The cables are doing much the same. Validating what their viewers already think they know. Changing hearts and minds not the goal. Validating is the purpose.

Temujin said...

Howard: How do we know she actually has breast cancer?

How do we know you actually have a brain?
Answer: We give you the benefit of the doubt, but you're making it harder.

Temujin said...

Not sure what happened to your link. I copied the link and placed it in my search to get to the page.

Temujin said...

"On the anti-empathy side, we need to remember that a politician might use his wife's illness — and specifically breast cancer — as a cover for behavior that really is unseemly."

Yes, it could be. But sometimes family suffering and trauma really is family suffering and trauma. Even with politicians.

Other times you get placed in the Senate when your husband dies (Jean Carnahan), or to the House (Debbie Dingell).

Fritz said...

I don't know how to make Fox news links directly linkable, but if the user puts the cursor in the address bar with the link and hits return, it comes up. It's a small act, but it's annoying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shall we go into crack-pipe - made rich by laundered tax payer money--> Hunter Biden?

Oh no - that's illegal. The FBI gonna shut that down.

Conrad said...

"Cruz leaving TX during a winter freeze/energy crisis for warmer climes was a very bad look because there were lots of people stuck in homes all over the state who would have loved to have had that option but didn't have the money to do it."

What's he supposed to do -- throw down a cardboard box somewhere and pretend he's homeless? Seriously, I don't think normal people doing what normal people do, such as taking a family vacation around the holidays, is really going to move the needle for any persuadable voters. Let's not fall into the twitter mindset that, just because a person CAN be criticized for something, that thing is bad, wrong, and must be avoided or apologized for.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Fox News, for some reason, doesn't like blogs linking to its servers. As others have said, a cut and paste of the URL usually works with no problem. The current link in this post directs me back to the Blogger main page, however.

Freder Frederson said...

How many Floridians are dying from covid these days?
How many New Yorkers are dying form covid these days?

Death rate in Florida is 289 per 100,000, 300 in New York.

What is your point?

The interesting thing is that, here in the State of Florida, DeSantis is widely respected- almost loved- as our Governor.

Maybe among the people you associate with, but the polls don't show it. His approval ratings are around 50%, which is not bad, but hardly "almost loved". And in a potential matchup with Biden he actually trails (not that I put much stock in polls 3 years out).

But I am sure you will tell me the polls are bullshit and everyone just loves DeSantis. You do remember he just barely beat a very liberal (at least for Florida) Democrat back in 2018.

Roger Sweeny said...

Gee, who was president on June 13, 2012?

gilbar said...

i said ...
How many Floridians are dying from covid these days?
How many New Yorkers are dying form covid these days?

seven day rolling average in Florida as of Yesterday: 3 a day
seven day rolling average in New York as of Yesterday: 79 a day

THAT'S My Point

Quaestor said...

Rotwang's Cabana Boy writes, "Death rate in Florida is 289 per 100,000, 300 in New York."

Assuming Freddie is correct (a risky assumption given his track record) the difference is a statistical wash. However, daily life is substantially more free in Flordia, while the autocracy running New York cannot show its repressive system has any benefit against COVID-19.

Curious George said...

Looks like she pulled the tweet and posted this later that day.

Joy-Ann (Pro-Democracy) Reid ��
30 Dec 2021
A governor, not governing during a crisis; and sunning his belly on vacation instead. @GovRonDeSantis is the Nero of Ted Cruzes.
This tweet is unavailable

Joy-Ann (Pro-Democracy) Reid ��
30 Dec 2021
And that of course is if he is indeed on vacation, which remains unclear…
8:52 PM · Dec 30, 2021

Joy Reid is an idiot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joy Reid is a pile. A heaping leftist pile.

Maynard said...

Over the next few years the DNC/MSM will be working hard to convince us that DeSantis is literally worse than Hitler and an obvious Trump clone.

Bet the bank on it.

Rollo said...

Agreed 100% but how do we tell #empathy from #empathybullshit?

And what in the world should our reaction to John Edward's wife tearing off her bra be?

There are so many emotional and physiological triggers there that it's hard to sort them out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

John Edwards(D)? LOL - whatever happened to him? he's been vanished.

Remember when GWB vowed to stop enjoying life...?
After pressure from blobs like Michael Moore?

Then Obama golfed all the time. All cool. Yeah - good times.

Wince said...

Even if Trump decides not to run, he should remain in contention to attract the incoming attacks his way and be a foil for DeSantis.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Constitution says: Only Elite Democrats are allowed to take time off.
and when democrats do take time off, the media shall follow them and report with loyalty and glee as they enjoy the shores of Hawaii or Martha's Vineyard.

Lyle said...

And Democrat women still go ga ga over John Edwards like he was some Kennedy who they also still go ga ga over. No wonder they support abortion because they want to fuck their Edwards, Clintons, and Kennedys all they want to without consequence. Yay abortion!

DanTheMan said...

Ron DeSantis: "We all know corporate media lies. They do not tell the truth. Assume what they tell you is false and then figure out why they're telling you a false narrative."

And along comes Joy to prove his point.

gilbar said...

Assuming Freddie is correct

Fred's giving numbers from the Very Start of the panicdemic
my numbers, are for NOW

seven day rolling average in Florida as of Yesterday: 3 a day
seven day rolling average in New York as of Yesterday: 79 a day

New york has a past and present problem.... Florida has a past

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I’m able to reach FoxNews via Reddit

👉🏽 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ron-desantis-missing-accompanied-wife-cancer-treatment

Browndog said...

DeSantis barely won his election against an unqualified, semi-literate crack head. If that same election took place under the new and improved covid election format, he loses in a landslide.

There would be no "Free State of Florida", no mask/vaccine control group to counter the CDC/Big Pharma/American commies.

The United States would be a much more authoritarian country had DeSantis not eecked out out a win by the slimmest of margins.

Bill AKA motorave said...

Ann ,If you don't include the "https://"fox lnks will work .Whenever I see one I select it and just erase that section and it pops right up.I do not know why.
regards Moto

Birches said...

Ron De Santis should entice Trump not to run by asking him to be his secretary of state. Trump's best at the foreign policy stuff.

Temujin said...

"Maybe among the people you associate with, but the polls don't show it. His approval ratings are around 50%, which is not bad, but hardly "almost loved". And in a potential matchup with Biden he actually trails (not that I put much stock in polls 3 years out).

First of all, yes, polls are bullshit, whether three years out or 3 hours out. It all depends on their sampling and their specific questions. Not to mention, who hired them to take the poll (i.e.- what results were desired), and how they can be spun for public consumption. Not that I have an axe to grind with pollsters, but they seem to serve a purpose to persuade, rather than illuminate.

It is interesting that DeSantis ran for Governor as a former House rep who you would have had to pay attention to, to know what he had done or what his personal philosophy was. Most people simply do not pay attention. They get their news from polls and NBC which told them of the rise of Andrew Gillum and how Florida was ready to elect Gillum. And it was close. A few days after the election Gillum was arrested for drugs and performing with another male in a drabby hotel room, while DeSantis was starting to show us what leadership looks like. People always show their stuff if you just let them talk and act on their own.

Today, now that we've had a couple of years of DeSantis, except for a handful of Nikki Fried faithful and Charlie Crist (is he still alive?) followers, no one is considering anyone other than DeSantis as our Gov. No- it's not just among those I hang with because half of them are Democrats. All of us agree and appreciate how our state has been run. And we know it would have been a hellhole had Gillum and Co. won. We won't make that mistake here.

Use your objective half and you might find you like DeSantis. Honestly, how can you look at the Democrats objectively and think you'd like to vote for more of what they've shown you they'll do? Free yourself.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you have no idea how offensive it is to see you juxtapose Ron DeSantis with a worthless piece of shit like Edwards. I don’t know whether you did this from a lack of intelligence, a lack of wisdom (a different thing), or just because you mistakenly tell yourself that Republicans are inevitably at least as bad as your beloved Democrats to justify voting for the scum. Do you have any evidence that DeSantis is using “his suffering wife as a political prop”? Seems to me that people had to force that information out of him, right? And your hint that he might, like Edwards, have a little honey on the side is despicable.

Prior to entering politics Ron DeSantis was a member of the US Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps and deployed to Iraq as a legal advisor to SEAL Team 1. Prior to entering politics John Edwards got filthy rich in a filthy way by pushing junk science at credulous juries as a malpractice ambulance chaser. Yeah, Althouse, the two men are equivalent. In your mind.

Big Mike said...

And for the love of God, can we please stop getting more New Yorkers coming to Florida to get their freedom while complaining about the policies that gave them that freedom?

@Temujin, back at the height of the COVID-19 panic in spring/summer of 2020 a bunch of states tried to prevent people from other states from entering. Was New York one of them? Considering the disparity in new cases between New York and Florida perhaps turnaround should be fair play? Just a suggestion.

narciso said...

joyless reid, who probably slobbered over murder governor cuomo, and his one man vector fredo

Critter said...

Joy Reid is a despicable human being. She should be shunned by polite society. People should no more be expected to respond to her angry, delusional rants than to a wolf howling at the moon.

Ceciliahere said...

I want DeSantis to be president but not just yet. First, Trump again (and I hope he treats the Dems the way they treated him) but this time with the House and Senate in Republican hands by wide margins. Republicans need to grow a pair to humiliate and punish the democrats who caused so much turmoil during the Trump administration. Pelosi is numero uno! Then go down the list of Swalwell, Schiff, the squad,, Bernie, et al. Trump needs to appoint a new FBI director, CIA,, and root out the woke military. Also, all the traitors to this country who pushed false narratives during two impeachments must be exposed. Washington needs an overhaul and a person who specializes in demolishing and rebuilding is the one to do it. Let the media have fits, f**k them! I do not want the socialist democrats destroying this country. But, in order to survive as a free republic, we must get rid of the people who hate white America. Once Trump brings to light the truth of what has been going on in the swamp and gets this country back on track, then DeSantis should run in 2028. I want him to have another term here in FL as he has been an excellent governor. Joy Reid is a despicable, hateful person. Watch out for Karma, Joy!

Mary Beth said...

Bill AKA motorave is correct. I did a test post with Blogger using the Fox News link in this post on an old defunct blog I had started.

The link as is gave an "access denied" message, the same as what happens when you link to Fox. When I changed the https in the link to http, updated the post, and rechecked it, it opened the article with no problem.

RoseAnne said...

"Point being, Cruz lost the opportunity to convey to Texans, "I'm in this with you, and we'll get through this together." That might not be fair. But that's what he signed up for."

As sometimes happens, Cruz's first instincts were fine but his second were terrible. After getting his family to Cancun, he came back and told reporters he realized it looked bad.

Instead he should have said that his first responsibility was to ensure his wife and children were safe and once that happened, he would be back to do whatever he could to help other Texans. Many object to a politician being warm and comfortable when they are not but most understand wanting something better for your family.

Narr said...

Links? We doan nee no steenkin links!

Besides, it's FOX, not LYNX.

I'm old enough to remember all the brouhaha about Newt and one of his wives. IIRC there was a critical encounter while she lay hospitalized, where he was quite the cad according to thousands of media eyewitnesses. Must have been a crowded room.

Things like that have taught me that any preference, foible, misdemeanor, or misfeasance--major or minor, public or private, real or imaginary--on the part of a strong R pol is NEWS!

(My son reports major damage at his place a few miles away--we had a little wind here.)

Michael K said...

To add to Temujin's comment,

NBC which told them of the rise of Andrew Gillum and how Florida was ready to elect Gillum. And it was close. A few days after the election Gillum was arrested for drugs

Florida dodged a bullet there but one reason DeSantis won was his support for school vouchers offset Gillum's support among black women. Black women/ mothers are the biggest supporters of school choice. They know they are played by teachers' unions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Republicans are under a constant hack-press microscope.

When bad news about John Edwards' troubles leaked out, the media did all they could to bury it.

Ron Snyder said...

Joy Reid is a lying, racist, rabidly partisan punk and should be ignored by polite society.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

How do we know she actually has breast cancer?

I think Dr Howard should demand FOIA access to her biopsy report. While he is doing that, why not get access to Biden's mental status exam from his annual Medicare physical?

Big Mike said...

@Narr, I hope your son is okay. Crappy way to start a new year off.

JK Brown said...

click the link, access denied
copy and paste the link, it works
Now clicking the links in the post work.

Can only surmise the Fox servers check the referrer tag

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Maybe among the people you associate with, but the polls don't show it. His approval ratings are around 50%, which is not bad, but hardly "almost loved"."


Freder, who recently, and hilariously, claimed there was no movement of Latinos and to the republican party and that Trump did nothing to accelerate that movement (yes, Freder was actually "arguing that in just the last week or so...astonishing, isnt it?) Now claims DeSantis has only 50% approval!

Too funny.

The only dregs the democraticals could dredge up to run against DeSantis are the hapless Nikki Fried and Charlie Crist who had to reset himself to a congressional seat and doesnt look like he has enough to pull that off again....plus a host of no names.

DeSantis will comfortably pull 58 to 60% of the vote in the general in '22, including a majority of the Latino vote and a surprisingly solid % if the working class black vote. This will set him up nicely for the Presidential primary in '24 assuming Trump doesnt run and continue to scare the piss out of democratical posters.

This is why the democraticals have activated Operation Lie Everyday About DeSantis....and naturally Freder is always at the front of that line.

And those lies include hilariously fake polling results.

The nations internal "refugees" are voting with their feet....and Florida and Texas are winning that real world test by a country mile.

I suspect when DeSantis cruises to an easy victory in '22 the democratials will then activate Operation There Is No Way DeSantis Could Have Won By That Much Without Racist Voter Suppression When All Our Fake Polls Showed A Much Closer Race!!


Paul said...

Joy Reid's hate blinds her.

And don't be shocked if she does not apologize.

Meanwhile Biden takes his 30th or so (not sure.. so many of them to count) vacation in one year. Mainly to Delaware where his bunker is.

Narr said...

Thanks Big Mike. I should have said my son's neighborhood--he is without power but apparently some people have real damage from trees. He said it's like Hurricane Elvis in 2003, but not as widespread. The outage map shows only about 5500 customers affected, but we have only had the storm outriders so far and could get much worse later unless the system keeps edging NNE.

gilbar said...

Paul said....
Meanwhile Biden takes his 30th or so (not sure.. so many of them to count) vacation in one year. Mainly to Delaware where his bunker is.

this one included a vacation from his Vacation!
He took time out of his busy Delaware bunker life, to travel to his Delaware BEACH bunker!
and no one (in the media) seems to mind

Big Mike said...

@Narr, still a crappy way to start the year.

narciso said...

sorry to hear that narr

Earnest Prole said...

I am still wondering what Ted Cruz was supposed to be doing when that state level emergency was going on in Texas.

Politics requires politicians to do dopey performative stuff. If that rubs a politician the wrong wrong way he should get into another line of work.

Leora said...

Try stripping off the https:// on the fox news link. It seems to work that way.

DeSantis was off Wednesday but he's made multiple appearances in the last two weeks. His press secretary has been tweeting a copy of his schedule in response to blue check journalists who appear to be making a concerted effort to malign the man as a no show. They all know they are lying and it's disgusting.

Joe Smith said...

'Joy Reid is a pile. A heaping leftist pile.'


Joy Reid is a C-U Next Tuesday.

And racist and homophobic to boot.

rrsafety said...

Elizabeth Edwards died of breast cancer December 7, 2010.

Dave64 said...

Her name is Joy, but all she does is spread lies, invective and racism. Weird, huh?

Big O's Meanings Dictionary said...

no cite - terms glossary

Used to alert to the lack of a link for continued reading.

Comes in various forms to indicate request, accusation, etc.


no cite, didn't happen

no cite, please provide

no cite, this must be a Freder post

Narr said...

Thank you to all empathizers with Memphis' bad weather. Many have it much worse.

Most of my F&F are default D's. I've always disdained political parties and consider most strivers-for-office to be public menaces to some degree, and as a well-read person I stopped paying much attention to the MSM about the time FOX came along.

But I didn't watch FOX either; since said F&F were always filling me in on FOX's crimes and evil motives it seemed unnecessary. Starting about 2015 when I retired, I began comparing MSDNC coverage and FOX coverage of the same stories, which confirmed for me that most reporters and commentators aren't all the smart or well-informed. And it was always the MSDNC--not FOX--who peddled some absurdity or other, with great conviction, like the stupid mean girls they are. Especially the guys.

SteveWe said...

@Howard "How do we know she actually has breast cancer?"

Really Howard!? Stand in front of a mirror and say that. If you don't feel like a creepy, rotten person saying that, then you're a creepy, rotten person.

I'm Not Sure said...

"I don't know about Ron DeSantis, but I remember John Edwards. He used his suffering wife as a political prop and, behind the scenes, carried on an affair.

John Edwards(D)? That John Edwards?

effinayright said...

Temujin said...
Howard: How do we know she actually has breast cancer?

How do we know you actually have a brain?
Answer: We give you the benefit of the doubt, but you're making it harder.

If I had a dollar for every brain Howard *doesn't* have,

I would have ONE DOLLAR.

(hat tip to Squidward on SpongeBob)

rehajm said...

Link to fox news

effinayright said...

@ Big Mike:

Thanks for saying what I was thinking.

Althouse's gratuitous allusion to Edwards and his wife reminds of Dick Nixon's oft-used rhetorical smear, where he would solemnly intone:

"Some may say [insert politician's name] is a disgusting dirtbag and founding member of NAMBLA....but I refuse to dignify those accusations."

rehajm said...

The link above works for me. I also tried the http (not s) and it also linked. It must be something on your end…but free to use as a reason not to link to Fox news if you like…

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

John Edward’s Two Americas… Classic “you spot it, you got it” ☺️

Yancey Ward said...


Where is your son living? We are under a tornado watch for the rest of the day here in east TN.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

On May 31, 2012, Edwards was found not guilty on Count 3, illegal use of campaign funding (contributions from Rachel "Bunny" Mellon), while mistrials were declared on all other counts against him. On June 13, 2012, the Justice Department announced that it dropped the charges and would not attempt to retry Edwards. Edwards returned to the practice of law....

Well, of course! he's aDemocrat, and it was the Obama DoJ!

You don't really expect them to enforce the law against Democrats, do you?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Freder Frederson said...
How many Floridians are dying from covid these days?
How many New Yorkers are dying form covid these days?

Death rate in Florida is 289 per 100,000, 300 in New York.

What is your point?

NY is 308, not 300
FL is 291, not 289

So, if your numbers were honest, NY added 8 deaths per 100k in the same time that FL added 2.

This with FL having an older, and therefore more at risk from Covid, population

Keep digging

Narr said...

Yancey, he's about a half mile west of Chickasaw Gardens (if you know Memphis). Looks like there was some very localized strong wind damage but no tornado reports. I think it's supposed to get bad again later, but might miss us. I think you hillfolk are in for worse than we have had so far. Keep safe.

MadisonMan said...

Why don't links to Fox News work?
I note that they don't load when I open them unless I hit reload. Odd. So they don't work until they do.

Narayanan said...

ALSO: On the anti-empathy side, we need to remember that a politician might use his wife's illness — and specifically breast cancer — as a cover for behavior that really is unseemly.
Professora displays wilful bada-bing bling-blingness >>> about reporting on D v R

Jupiter said...

Joy Reid's boundless, willful idiocy should be a lesson to everyone?

Joe Smith said...

Reid is a black, female communist (and not a very smart one) who makes millions of dollars a year bloviating on TV.

Tell me again how America is a racist, misogynist society...

Narayanan said...

"Cruz leaving TX during a winter freeze/energy crisis for warmer climes was a very bad look because there were lots of people stuck in homes all over the state who would have loved to have had that option but didn't have the money to do it."
I never understood media puffed up fascination with Cruz :

Had Cruz paid any attention to details he could have informed Texans that non-Texans are managing their every day lives --
ERCOT board members who live outside of Texas are resigning in the aftermath of the power outage, winter storm

rhhardin said...

On the anti-empathy side, we need to remember that a politician might use his wife's illness — and specifically breast cancer — as a cover for behavior that really is unseemly.

The trick is used because women like it. If they didn't vote, you wouldn't see it.

Also because women like it, it makes up the content of the news, which panders to women for eyeballs.

Life as soap opera is still what Althouse sees, even if she's now onto the empathy trick. He might be a villain, she thinks, not a hero. You know how men are.

gilbar said...

Joe Smith said...
Reid is a black, female communist (and not a very smart one) who makes millions of dollars a year bloviating on TV.

Now to be fair.. Robert Cook would say that she's John Birch Right Wing Republican
(since Cook doesn't believe that there Are Left Wing people in the US) I think i have that right?

Lurker21 said...

John Lindsay used to show himself in the streets when he thought there was trouble brewing (so did Kevin White in Boston). It didn't really work. Tall, handsome, white, well-coiffed, and well-groomed, Lindsay looked like some White man showing himself to the unruly natives in hopes that they'd bow down to him as a god. He had what we'd call a White Savior complex nowadays, and eventually nobody took him seriously.

Ted Cruz didn't need to make himself visible during Texas's crisis. There was nothing he could do about it. But he should have recognized that the "optics" would be used against him. He should have expected it. He made the news again this week, when he tweeted a COVID story about some shutdown or crackdown happening in Washington State (WA). It was actually Western Australia (WA), and even little Eric Swalwell razzed him about it. We live in a world where nothing Swalwell does discredits him and Ted Cruz has to watch his step.

Static Ping said...

Joy Reid is about as extreme a partisan as possible without devolving into violence. Her opinions on all matters is meaningless and should be ignored. It may be possible she is telling the truth when it goes against her preferred narrative, but that's highly unlikely unless she is trying to dodge a libel lawsuit. And I am not sure the exception actually applies. When she was caught red-handed stating things on her blog that were very politically incorrect, she claimed what was essentially time traveling hackers and this ridiculous argument saved her job. There's not really much she wouldn't say given she never suffers any consequences for her bad actions, conspiracy theories, and general lunacy, and, in fact, gets rewarded for them more often than not.

The sad thing is there are a lot of people like her in our elites, except they had the decency to have filters. Trump broke a lot of those filters.

gilbar said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...
So, if your numbers were honest, NY added 8 deaths per 100k in the same time that FL added 2.

Like i say, don't look at their all time numbers, look at their current numbers
seven day rolling average in Florida as of Yesterday: 3 a day
seven day rolling average in New York as of Yesterday: 79 a day

three a day for Florida.... Vs 79 a day for New York

Howard said...

Una vida vevir, Todos mis Hijos, Hospitalalito Al Centro, Mientras el mundo gira...

Original Mike said...

"she claimed what was essentially time traveling hackers and this ridiculous argument saved her job."

Being a black woman saved her job. She's untouchable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"I don't know about Ron DeSantis, but I remember John Edwards. He used his suffering wife as a political prop and, behind the scenes, carried on an affair."

Gross, huh.

Oh! ... but John Edwards was a good solid democrat(D) - and that is all that matters to the loyalists.

Joe Smith said...

'Being a black woman saved her job. She's untouchable.'

All of the benefits, none of the responsibilities...

Drago said...

'Being a black woman saved her job. She's untouchable.'

Joy Reid knows the democratical base and knows precisely the lunacy that base will accept.

Just look at Freder, Left Bank, gadfly and Howard.

There is literally nothing they wont accept as "truth" coming from their democratical "betters".

Bilwick said...

There is no Truth but socialist Truth, Comrade Drago.

gilbar said...

remember how you felt, that democrats were SO STUPID that they Couldn't Possibly get any dumber?

guess what?
The left is already looking to 2024. Some want to see a Biden primary challenge.
“Will there be a progressive challenger? Yes,” said one prominent Democrat.

Jeff Weaver, Sen. Bernie Sanders’ former presidential campaign manager, argued that a liberal challenge wouldn’t be a “repudiation” of Biden but rather the result of the Democratic Party moving left: “Progressives are ultimately ascendant. And if nothing else, a progressive running who gets a lot of support will demonstrate that the ideas that the progressive movement embraces are, in fact, popular.”

you can't make this stuff up!

Moondawggie said...

Howard said "How do we know she actually has breast cancer?"

Howard, as an Oncologist, all I can do is quote Joseph Welch:

Have you no sense of decency, sir?
At long last, have you left no sense of decency?

Original Mike said...

Howard gets off on being an ass. Who knows why?

Michael K said...

Ann shows us a lot with her laughable comparison between DeSantis and Edwards.

gilbar said...

Original Mike said...
Howard gets off on being an ass. Who knows why?

the weird thing is; sometimes he slips up, and says sensible things that make you think...
Then he goes off his meds, and goes back to just being an asshole. Go figure

Drago said...

Michael K: "Ann shows us a lot with her laughable comparison between DeSantis and Edwards."

This lefty narrative cycle will be complete after Edwards is rehabilitated as a Hero while DeSantis is blamed for treating Elizabeth Edwards so poorly.

Amadeus 48 said...

"On the anti-empathy side, we need to remember that a politician might use his wife's illness — and specifically breast cancer — as a cover for behavior that really is unseemly."

Yes, but what does that have to do with Ron DeSantis? Crazy Joy Reid slings out hate at the FL gov blindly, randomly, and stupidly. Why did she do that? Because DeSantis made fun of AOC running down to FL on vacation. There are lots of warm places to go in the south, including Puerto Rico, but Sandy picked FL. DeSantis made note. Crazy Joy randomly shoots off some nonsense to attack DeSantis, she gets corrected, and all of a sudden the execrable John Edwards gets dragged into the discussion? WTF?

Althouse must have been spending time with her kids over Christmas. That's the usual explanation when my friends start spouting non-sequiturs.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

"On the anti-empathy side, we need to remember that a politician might use his wife's illness — and specifically breast cancer — as a cover for behavior that really is unseemly."

Amadeus 48: "Yes, but what does that have to do with Ron DeSantis?"

Believe it or not, The Lincoln Pedophile Project launched this lie-filled media campaign against DeSantis, with Big Tech amplification support, which implies DeSantis is cheating on his ailing wife and using his wife's illness as a cover for the affair.

Yes, you read that correctly.

My above post where I said the lefty narrative cycle would be complete when DeSantis gets blamed for what Edwards did....that was not just spit-balling.

That is literally what these Howard-like democraticals are up to.

This is consistent with many previous democratical tactics where the lefties take something that is considered a political strength of a republican and twist that into dispicable memes. In this case, DeSantis' beautiful wife, marriage and children. This is a direct attack on them and it sends the clear message to DeSantis that his wife and kids will be attacked.

Recall the democraticals claiming Sarah Palin was not the actual mother of her youngest child and demanding to see Palin's medical records to prove she was the mother.

Also recall the democratical accusations of cowardice against George HW Bush by claiming that when the young Bush bailed out of his WW2 bomber aircraft it was too early and rash and resulted in the unnecessary death of his gunner.

In reality the gunner had already been killed but there are armies of Ric Wilson's and Howards out there who are always willing to run with these kinds of stories.

DeSantis is the heir apparent on the republican side and he is winning across the board, thus, these attacks are going to increase geometrically.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The stench of white pudding-pudge-boi Lincoln Pedophile Project. I thought I smelled something rotten.

Original Mike said...

"Believe it or not, The Lincoln Pedophile Project launched this lie-filled media campaign against DeSantis, with Big Tech amplification support, which implies DeSantis is cheating on his ailing wife and using his wife's illness as a cover for the affair."

Wait, I thought The Lincoln Project people were all good, LLRs whose only beef was with Donald Trump. I'm sure I read that somewhere…

Amadeus 48 said...

Drago--interesting observations about the heart of darkness that is the world opposition propaganda from the left.

wishfulthinking said...

Gillum lost to Desantis not only because of black mothers support for school choice (which Desantis supported). Black Florida women voters could easily see that Gillum's wife was being used as a beard. Even Hispanic Florida women voters such as myself could see Gillum was gay and hiding it for political expediency purposes.

That cover up did not sit well with black women.

Amadeus 48 said...

As I think about it, a highlight of the McCain campaign was when the NYT put a front page story out that all but said that the old boy was having an affair with a lobbyist who looked like his wife. Remember that? I remember my reaction: I gave the McCain presidential campaign $5,000.

I am amazed that Cindy and Meghan have ever forgiven their new friends on the left for that. It was humiliating, low, stupid, and slanderous. It removed any chance that I would ever give a dime to NYT. It showed how far their editorial standards had collapsed.

Drago said...

Original Mike: "Wait, I thought The Lincoln Project people were all good, LLRs whose only beef was with Donald Trump. I'm sure I read that somewhere…"

Of course, the NeverTrump "LLR's" have always been democraticals at heart and in policy. They were the ones who were angry at Reagan for not being moderate enough and arguing to include HW Bush on the ticket...the biggest political mistake Reagan ever made.

He knew it too, and described it just that way. Reagan wanted Kemp, but the establishment types forced the issue and we can see what having the Bush's on board has wrought.

Once the globalist Forever War framework lost currency amongst the increasingly populist/working class reoublican base, most of the lying NeverTrumpers publicly migrated back to their natural home: the far left grifter sector of the democratical party.

The remnant of those losers can still be found at National Review and elsewhere continuing their cosplay as the Controlled Opposition running interference for their democratical pals.

effinayright said...

Drago said...
Michael K: "Ann shows us a lot with her laughable comparison between DeSantis and Edwards."

This lefty narrative cycle will be complete after Edwards is rehabilitated as a Hero while DeSantis is blamed for treating Elizabeth Edwards so poorly.

It's been a while, and I can't confirm the truth of the matter, but:

On Fox News, CNN, and other cable news outlets it was often mentioned in the run-up to the primaries for the 2008 what a wonderful person Elizabeth Edwards was.

For example, the thin-lipped and schoolmarmish A. B. Stoddard, now at RealClearPolitics, genuflected in EE's direction more than once on Fox News, but I detected a certain ironic tone to her voice when she did so. It sounded like something you *had* to say.

SO it was no surprise to later read stuff like this:


Ask yourself: if she was so wonderful, why did she marry and stay married to a creep like Edwards?

You can ask yourself the same thing about Moochelle, DR Jill, and Hillary.

Ruthless social climber? Battered Wife Syndrome? Vicious Harpy egging her hubby on to engage in ever-more-evil cut-throat politics, graft and corruption?

It works for all of them!!!

"On so many levels", as Homer Simpson might say.

Zev said...

And if he had just been on vacation a few days? Why would that be a problem?
Is Reid (a dumbbell's dumbbell) bothered by Biden's vacation? Murphy's? These people are amazingly dishonest.

Rt41Rebel said...

I feel compelled to weigh in here as a new FL resident, I arrived shortly after DeSantis was elected. I don't want DeSantis to run for POTUS in 2024, he is more valuable to me as Gov. It's difficult to find a SWFL small business that is not displaying a 'DeSantis 2024 - Make America Florida' flag.

exhelodrvr1 said...

It's pretty obvious that a lot of you just want to have sex with Howard.

Mutaman said...

Tiny Tim in Vermont:
"Like Rush used to say, it's a propaganda playbook, and there are only so many plays in it, and they run them over and over."

You mean like "Let's go Brandon"?

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