Certain dates echo throughout history... dates that occupy not only a place on our calendars, but a place in our collective memory, December 7th, 1941, September 11th, 2001 and January 6th, 2021....
What the extremists who roamed these halls targeted was not only the lives of elected leaders. What they sought to degrade and destroy was not only a building, hallowed as it is....
[T]o state the obvious, one year ago today in this sacred place, democracy was attacked, simply attacked....
Reminiscent of George Bush's "Freedom itself was attacked...."
Back to Biden:
Our democracy held. We, the people, endured. We, the people, prevailed. For the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol. But they failed. They failed...
The Bible tells us that we shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free. We shall know the truth. Well here is the God’s truth about January 6th, 2021. Close your eyes. Go back to that day. What do you see?...
That's a very distracting Bible verse! It's not about being a good historian and getting an accurate picture of the facts in your head. Quite aside from whether the picture Biden proceeds to describe is exactly true, the truth that Jesus said will make us free had to do with believing in Jesus.
Here's Biden's description of the violence, which I presume has been very carefully fact-checked:
A mob breaking windows, kicking in doors, breaching the Capitol, American flags on poles being used as weapons as spears, fire extinguishers being thrown at the heads of police officers. A crowd that professes their love for law enforcement assaulted those police officers, dragged them, sprayed them, stomped on them. Over 140 police officers were injured. We all heard the police officers who were there that day testify to what happened. One officer called it “a medieval battle,” and that he was more afraid that day than he was fighting the war in Iraq. They repeatedly asked since that day, “How dare anyone, anyone, diminish, belittle or deny the hell they were put through?”...
Were multiple fire extinguishers thrown? Thrown at the heads of police officers? I'm not going to research this, but it's so hard to believe that a misstatement of fact could be in that paragraph.
This wasn’t a group of tourists. This was an armed insurrection. They weren’t looking to uphold the will of the people, they were looking to deny the will of the people. They weren’t looking uphold a free and fair election, they were looking to overturn one. They weren’t looking to save the cause of America, they were looking to subvert the constitution....
He's characterizing the interior of the head of thousands of people. He can't really know, only purport to know, for rhetorical purposes.
And I suspect that many of them really believed their cause was to vindicate the will of the people. In fact, that's what you'd need to say to blame Trump: He instilled the belief that Biden had not won the election.
Of course, Biden does go on to make that accusation against Trump. How can that cohere? You'd have to say that these people were influenced and incited by Trump, but they still knew he was lying, and they chose to besiege the Capitol not because they believed Trump had actually won, but because they wanted him in power, even if he'd lost.
Look, folks, now it’s up to all of us, to we the people to stand for the rule of law. To preserve the flame of democracy. To keep the promise of America alive. The promise is at risk targeted by the forces that value brute strength over the sanctity of democracy. Fear over hope, personal gain over public good.... We are in a battle for the soul of America, a battle that by the grace of God, the goodness, and gracious and greatness to this nation, we will win.... I did not seek this fight, brought to this capital one year ago today, but I will not shrink from it either. I will stand in this breach. I will defend this nation and I will allow no one to place a dagger to the throat of democracy.... We’re a nation of laws, of order, not chaos. Of peace, not violence.
What they sought to degrade and destroy was not only a building, hallowed as it is
Change "building" to "flag."
Biden: “This was an armed insurrection.” I haven’t seen any reporting that any of the arrestees were armed or any reporting on confiscated firearms.
January 6 is the new day for lefties to rend garments and profess their martyrdom.
I hope the Smithsonian gets hold of the Viking hat to put in with George Washington's stuff.
Althouse said...
But sorry, adorers of the baby Jesus, the politicos of America need your day for their sacred solemnities.
What is so funny is that here's how they expect middle America to react:
"You're just like the Baby Jesus."
Some people use political rhetoric to gain influence but don't believe a word they say. Both sides. However, partisan followers DO naively believe their leaders' words.
Does this newly-patriotic pro-establishment left not realize that by defending the sacredness of the Capitol and democratic processes that they are SPLITTING with the "burn it down" revolutionary wing of the party? Do they not realize that they are laying the groundwork for the next generation's naïve nationalism and patriotism in attacking Trump?
The political worm turns. Take new ground to appeal to more people and your opponent will fill the void by taking your old ground.
December 7th, September 11th, November 22nd , January 6th...
...one of these things, doesn't belong...
Foisting the new meaning of January 6th while obliterating the old meaning of Epiphany is a twofer for the Left.
They forgot March 1 1971 and November 7 1983 when the weather underground and action conspiracy exploded bombs in the capitol. Carter and Clinton let all the perps out of prison later. Bombs and Hippies are cool though, not like old white people. Imaginary fire extinguishers are worse than bombs.
I don’t think Beiden’s quote came from the Bible, I thing he was remembering “Arbeit Mach Frei.”
I don’t think Beiden’s quote came from the Bible, I thing he was remembering “Arbeit Mach Frei.”
Biden was probably just imagining "Arby's macht Fries" and sending out an executive order for some.
Of all the over-the-top BS served up yesterday this excerpt from the Veep was the worst. I heard the “dates” quote on the radio and immediately thought that by next year this date won’t retain much meaning at all. Most people don’t care already and don’t at all “remember where they were” when it happened. Few events planned and executed by the Deep State ever turn out as hoped. Calling it “worse than 9/11” really is silly and insensitive but shows what high hopes Democrats had for their Reichstag fire. If only those damned Deplorables had brought guns like the FBI expected, but no. They really really really wanted a sedition. They even cheered for Dick fucking Cheney they are so geeked up to save their storyline and keep it going. Is there any Hitler that they won’t team up with to hold onto power?
Three Madison heroes exploded a van on campus and killed a grad student. They became respected members of the community. Did they desecrate the campus? Did they desecrate Physics?
It's funny you cucks thing the Democrat clown show is as dangerous as the Nazis. Quite the opposite, they are doubling down on their failed corporate bureaucracy clusterfuck model offering up the House and Senate to the Republicans.
You should be shouting Huzzah
It takes a heart of stone not to laugh at this.
There was a rally on the Ellipse (poorly thought out, as I have said from the day of the event. Who was in the crowd? What were they going to do after the rally?). Some group of rally goers went to the Capitol, where there was a riot. (Note: some operatives of someone or something were not at the rally, but were at the Capitol, preparing the way, as it were). The behavior of the rioters was a mixed bag, but anyone who attacked a police officer was in for trouble.
Who is Ray Epps?
The riot was inexcusable. The wailing and gnashing of teeth by Biden and Harris is ridiculous. How upset were they by the Kavanaugh "demonstrations"? The George Floyd riots?
So many questions still to be answered.
“Look, folks, now it’s up to all of us, to we the people to stand for the rule of law.”…
B/c no one stands for the rule of law better than “we the people” of the Left.
I'm not going to research this
The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it. - Brandolini’s Law
Howard said...It's funny you cucks thing the Democrat clown show is as dangerous as the Nazis. Quite the opposite, they are doubling down on their failed corporate bureaucracy clusterfuck model offering up the House and Senate to the Republicans.
I wish you would have said the same about Dems comparing Trump to Hitler. You might have gained a modicum of integrity. Instead you're just another leftist hack.
Is Howard a master of irony or a clear-sighted savant?
"You should be shouting Huzzah."
Well, OK. Huzzah!
The problem is that I live in the Democratic paradise of Chicago, Illinois, where even our thugs are developing wit. Case in point: this week a crew burglarized two convenience stores on the north side, and then dumped the discarded cash registers on Governor Pritzker's front lawn (at 1435 N. Astor Street, in case you are interested). They then went on to grab $100,000 of merchandise from the Burberry store on N. Michigan Avenue.
The problem with Democrat failure is that it is very hard to undo. Jabba the Gov will leave office and move to Florida (or off-shore, to keep his money company). The problems will stay.
Now do the Federal Courthouse in Portland.
I saw a show from the early 90's a few weeks ago. In it, the statement was made 'Americans will never forget where they were on the day coalition forces attacked Sadaam Hussein' (First Gulf War).
History is full of dates important in the moment.
Can someone remind me which broadway musical crew performed at other "solemn" (wink wink) "remembrances"?
The rioting done the night of Trumps Inaugeration is WAY worse than anything that happened on 1/6/21. Progressives are violent but are trying to make it look like it is the other side. They ALWAYS do that....https://twitter.com/thekangminlee/status/1479175981839654912?s=20
Enigma said...Does this newly-patriotic pro-establishment left not realize that by defending the sacredness of the Capitol and democratic processes that they are SPLITTING with the "burn it down" revolutionary wing of the party?
The left has the luxury of treating each issue before them as de novo; they have no obligation to fit any particular reaction into a greater philosophical whole. Don't forget--objective truth vs. revolutionary truth.
Howard said...It's funny you cucks thing the Democrat clown show is as dangerous as the Nazis.
I'm sorry, who's careless with the Nazi comparisons?!
i'm all for observing the date every year. but name it Ashli Babbitt Day
The Bible tells us that we shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free.
Why didn't he just give us his word as a Biden?
"What the extremists who roamed these halls targeted was not only the lives of elected leaders."
What the "extremists" who roamed those halls targeted were things they could take pictures of with their iPhone cameras. Nothing more was done. They took pictures. Oh...and Nancy Pelosi's laptop. Stop the madness. It's so out of touch with reality. Democratic talking points are not helping. They are not healing. They are a massive cry for medication.
Biden's remarks are disgusting. The Capitol is not sacred, it is profane and secular. And blaspheming God's name and appropriating His words for partisan gain is a scandal (look up the word) and outrageous and horrific wrong.
This is going to be an annual event for the rest of your life.
I don't think reminding people annually about problems with the 2020 election is going to work in the Democrats' favor.
You shall worship the corruptocrats day.
Why have the "insurrectionists" not been charged with insurrection?
If armed, why have none been charged with weapons violations?
Where is the evidence of thrown fire extinguishers?
I do not believe 140 police officers were injured unless Biden is counting barked knuckles as injuries. Why would Biden say "over 140 police officers were injured" if he knows any true facts about the Capitol protest? Why not cite an exact number? Why not provide the names of the officers and an exact tally of their wounds?
It's amusing when Dems use the Bible and religious language to grab more power.
It's like American tourists in Mexico, throwing the few Spanish words they know into a largely-English sentence.
American (to bartender): Dude! (holds up five fingers) Five-o cervesas please!
It's so gross that politicians watched this happen all summer to regular people in cities across America, and some supported it and made it unacceptable to criticize.
But the second it happens to *them*, it is terrorism. It is PTSD-inducing. It is an assault on a "sacred" place.
The violence that did happen on January 6 last year was awful and unacceptable. But there is nothing that shows our politicians' self-reverence more clearly than this. Our democracy isn't under threat, but if it were, it would be threatened by the cravenness of our political class, and their lack of consideration of every day people.
"Wheel of Fortune" was born on January 6, 1975.
The Capitol is not sacred, it is profane and secular.
I see it, as with gov't in general, as a necessary evil.
Hallowed ground. Yeah I'm convinced Kamala is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln
I was struck by how nasty Biden's words were regarding President Trump. Does he really think this is the prevailing thinking regarding a president who left a life a luxury to try to enable everyday Americans to have better lives, better jobs, better futures?
Why can't Biden just imagine what the Trump supporters were concerned about - massive fraud in the election - and get behind ensuring election security? If he wants to stand in the breach to save our democracy, and do something to mitigate a future similar riot, that's what needs to happen! Talk about putting politics over country!
The tragedy of wheel of Fortune is that the city of Los Angeles lost a great television meteorologist
Hallowed swamp
Yup. January 6, 2021 WAS EXACTLY like Pearl Harbor and 9-11.
These Dems are fucking out of their minds. Do they think normal people agree with this?
In the fullness of time we will learn that the Feds (probably the FBI) planned this whole thing. Ray Epps, Scaffold Commander and others encouraged people to enter the Capitol. They took down the barricades and fences.
Pelosi rejected additional police protection and the National Guard.
January 6 is our Reichstag fire.
After hearing the police vilified so often in recent years, it is jarring to watch the left suddenly turn and venerate them. Honestly, all these remarks are a tissue of hollow pieties.
Sigh. A full year until we get to celebrate Insurrection Day again. Oh well. Look at the bright side. Martin Luther King Day is coming up, and then St. Patrick's Day. We'll try to forget Presidents Day.
I have great confidence in the American people. The American political class, not so much.
January 6 is the new Kwanza.
and people say that the democrats aren't a religious bunch
nah! just gotta understand their religion (hint; it ain't Christianity)
Howard said...
It's funny you cucks thing the Democrat clown show is as dangerous as the Nazis. Quite the opposite, they are doubling down on their failed corporate bureaucracy clusterfuck model offering up the House and Senate to the Republicans.
You should be shouting Huzzah
I was all day yesterday.
While you were drunk and creating sock puppets.
As soon as I saw the transcript I knew it was over for the Biden Regime.
And sooner rather than later.
Reading the transcript of Ted Cruz being defenestrated by Tucker was the cherry on top.
I'm not approving of what any of these protesters did. I like orderly protesters and deplore chaos. Just don't overreach. These are your fellow Americans.…
Who's overreaching? Is the problem that Biden used the plural when saying "fire extinguishers being thrown at the heads of police officers"? It's been reported that one person threw a fire extinguisher at multiple police officers' heads, so maybe Biden should have said "a fire extinguisher" (singular), but "police officers" (plural) was still correct.
And if we're going to talk about "overreaching," what about underreaching? Why describe them with euphemistic terms like "protesters" and "your fellow Americans"? Pointing out other times when other people have done other bad things is no defense of the January 6 attackers. Why should we defend them at all?
"How can that cohere?"
It can't. It doesn't have to. The history has been written, and that is how it will be taught.
It is amazingly easy to divert attention of USA patriots :
if the election was stolen in November that is when treasonous INSURRECTION happened - not on 6January2021 :
easier than shaking rattle at baby
They really needed to keep THROATUS as far away from this as possible.
Putting her out there and giving her that insipid speech doomed her as well.
Ted Cruz completely misread the situation as well so it is not just the retards using the dimentia patient as a sock puppet.
People in Washington DC really thought the rest of the country would care about their feelings.
All of them.
The highest concentration of millionaires in the country and they produce nothing. Millions of people had their livelihoods destroyed and disrupted by real BLM riots.
This is the end for the DC regime, not just Biden.
Howard said...
Hallowed ground. Yeah I'm convinced Kamala is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln
HMMM ... that explains why rally goers did not bring along long swords = Biden stands as THE ONE with head intact
John Althouse Cohen said...
I'm not approving of what any of these protesters did. I like orderly protesters and deplore chaos. Just don't overreach. These are your fellow Americans.…
Who's overreaching? Is the problem that Biden used the plural when saying "fire extinguishers being thrown at the heads of police officers"? It's been reported that one person threw a fire extinguisher at multiple police officers' heads, so maybe Biden should have said "a fire extinguisher" (singular), but "police officers" (plural) was still correct.
You claimed that these protesters killed Brian Sicknick for months.
All of you leftist assholes ran with that for months.
And it was a lie. You used blood libels to attack your political opponents and you never apologized for it.
And if we're going to talk about "overreaching," what about underreaching? Why describe them with euphemistic terms like "protesters" and "your fellow Americans"? Pointing out other times when other people have done other bad things is no defense of the January 6 attackers. Why should we defend them at all?
BLM killed dozens of police officers, murdered hundreds of people, and did billions in damage to the poorest people in the country.
And you endorsed all of that.
Here is a picture of Washington DC burning during the George Floyd "Protests".
The problem with you leftists is not the hypocrisy.
It is that you are so blatant about being dishonest.
These Dems are fucking out of their minds. Do they think normal people agree with this?
No. They have to energize the base. Also, when moderate Democrats are on the fence, they always bring up how truly horrible and scary the Republicans are in order to keep their voters.
Their playbook calls for this level of hyperbole, but Democrats almost always play it into hysteria. Normal people realize this and are turned off by the insanity.
To be fair about it, the Democrats have been trying to expel devout Christians from their coalition for decades. Most left many years ago.
The fire extinguisher claim goes back to Officer Sicknick. The original NYT claim for months was that he was beaten to death by a fire extinguisher. He told his family that didn't happen, but unfortunately died a little after talking to his family from a second stroke (a first is what actually put him in the hospital).
I thought it interesting that Pelosi almost immediately referred to the Capitol as "The People's House" that day. Then for months afterwards, she blockaded "The People's House" from the People with barbwire and military guards. The actions belie the words.
I thinking polling tells us what the American people think. Trump is more popular now than he was that day. Biden is less popular than he was that day. And the media is much less watched.
Hear!! Hear!!! Achilles!! Isn't it amazing?
dad said...i'm all for observing the date every year. but name it Ashli Babbitt Day
Is the big coward who killed her still revered as a hero?...doing the lecture circuit getting high fives?
If you think they stole the election, this is all battle-space preparation for them to do it again.
The Democrats have a problem. They stole the election with midnight counting after sending everybody home in 5 states at 2 in the morning. Donald Trump was unprepared for that.
They tried to do it in 2000 in Florida, but it led to the "Brooks Brothers riot". There were no riots at the counting rooms at 2am in 2020. Everybody thought the victory was outside of the margin of fraud.
The issue is that now they can't use that play again. The same crowd that was at the capitol steps could be mobilized to go to their local counting offices and provide pressure on lowly government officials doing the counting.
They have to build up 1/6 to then be able to bring in troops or other security official types for future elections. "We can't have another 1/6!". We need troops to secure the counting rooms!
700 people are arrested and kept in jail to serve as a warning to others. Your lives will be destroyed if you interfere.
The allowance for counting mail in ballots up to 2 weeks after the election in HR1 is the tell. It's hard to stage a Brooks Brothers riot part 2 over a 2 week period.
Think back to what I saw that day.
I saw a very rowdy group of unarmed rioters seek to disrupt and pause an election certification.
I saw a group of people caught up in the rush to express their dis-satisfaction.
I saw another group of people actively hope for violence (i.e. the gallows) but not actually commit it themselves.
I saw a group of lawmakers FREAK THE F OUT that they were not physically safe, as if they national riots they had ignored for 7 months were never thought to affect them personally.
I saw a police presence on a known day of large unhappy rallies have a confused and disjointed response, from fighting with rioters/protestors to welcoming them in.
I saw media hyperventilate and savor it and constantly look to one-up one another.
I saw a President pause to see how it would play for him and then decry the rioting and tell people to go home while it was still happening.
I saw Pelosi react based upon how things were playing out and downplay her own role in organizing and directing law enforcement during this crisis. I saw her decide upon unbridled outrage as the best response, with zero personal accountability.
These are things I saw.
You assumed it was "Fact checked" and it was. By Leftist "fact checkers". And they love facts, when the facts agree with them. And don't really care - when they don't.
5 protesters died, 2 were killed. No policeman died at the hands of the protesters. One reason the DoJ refuses to release the survaillence footage is because it will show the protesters being clubbed, gassed, attacked, trampled, and beaten.
There were no firearms. The "Mob" was NOT armed. Biden lies and labels Flag sticks "weapons". You'll also notice the figure of 160 policemen injured. How many were hospitalized? A few. So, what were those "injuries"? Cuts and bruises. No one has provided video showing "Fire extinguishers" thrown at policemen. Remember when the NYT/WaPo immediately LIED in Jan 2021 about a policeman being KILLED by a F/E? That was lie, and knew it was a lie. There was no proof then, and there isn't any now.
How many of the 700 who entered the Capital engaged in any violence? Judging by the crime reports about 10%. So, 70 people brawling with the Police = Pearl Harbor with 2,500 dead, and 911 with 3,000 dead.
Seems factually incorrect. Too bad the "factcheckers" Missed that. Wonder why.
Is anyone else going to notice that an "Armed insurrection" of thousands of angry citizens who were battling with police for hours did not result in the death of one police officer, and only resulted in the death of one unarmed woman?
I'm extremely happy with those results - though I grieve that the officer who shot Ashli Babbitt was hidden for 8 months and then allowed to parade and self-congratulate himself on killing her. But the results belie the reality - this was not planned, it was not armed, it was absolutely a riot. Much like the police station attacks in multiple cities, those responsible for attacking police and rioting should be prosecuted and put in jail for sentences appropriate to their crimes.
I am so FUCKING tired of the 'sacred' and 'hallowed' rhetoric.
It's a building where our employees go to work, and for the most part ignore God and religion.
Federal buildings may have political significance, but they cannot be, per the constitution, sacred in any manner.
I also laugh at the idea of the "Capital" being a "sacred place". I guess that would mean that our Senators and Congressmen are sacred beings, perhaps Gods. Maybe that explains their hysteria when mere mortals entered their sacred temple. Maybe that's why they called up 20,000 NG troops to guard them for 6 months. After, you don't tamper with the Gods.
Buffalo Rob guy got 4 years in Jail for stealing Nancy's gavel. A sacred object. Seems about right. Glad he wasn't executed for blasphemy.
The Capital is OUR house. The Peoples house. Miss Lindsey and Schumer aren't Gods or our rules they REPRESENT us. Of course, if people want to behave like Sheep they will be ruled and manipulated like sheep.
I love the US, but any talk of our government being sacred and holy makes me want to burn it down and start over. If it were as sacred and hallowed as Biden says, the actions of our politicians would necessitate such a response. It would be Christ casting out the money changers territory.
Biden also skipped over the FBI/DOJ involvement in this riot. We know at least one of the "Protesters" leading the attack was Antifa. Ray Epps who can be seen on camera encouraging others to enter the capital is a FBI asset. How many others were FBI informers and stooges? Why haven't we heard anymore about those 2 mysterious "pipe bombs"? maybe because they were planted by the FBI? Sounds crazy, but given that the whole Whitmer Kidnapping was a FBI operation, who knows?
And when will Pelosi explain why she refused an offer of additional security and NG from the Pentagon?
thousands of angry citizens battling for hours.
WRONG. THere were 700 total. And only 10-15% were "Battling with the police" and the battle last for a couple of hours at most.
I'm surprised that no Oliver Stone has made a "documentary" of January 6 as the Left imagine it, taking Eisenstein's storming of the Winter Palace as an example.
TreeJoe said...
Is anyone else going to notice that an "Armed insurrection" of thousands of angry citizens who were battling with police for hours did not result in the death of one police officer, and only resulted in the death of one unarmed woman?
At least 2.
Rosanne Boyeland was beaten to death by capitol police on camera.
There are other women that disappeared that day.
JAC said...
Why describe them with euphemistic terms like "protesters" and "your fellow Americans"?
Because most are charged only with trespass related offenses?
Pointing out other times when other people have done other bad things is no defense of the January 6 attackers.
But it is important to equal justice under the law when criminal prosecution is being used politically.
Why should we defend them at all?
Indeed, why have Ray Epps, Scaffold Guy, Rolled-Up Fence Guy, et al. not been arrested and charged?
Literally, video documents these guys forming a select group operating with the greatest level of planning and intent to breach the Capitol. Why are they free?
Progressives. Read it and WEEP. Maybe you never heard of any of this happening, because the Propagandists in the media refuse to report it all. I think we should have a yearly commemoration of ALL of these if we have to go through this fake 1/6/21 crap every year. https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/07/8-times-left-wing-protesters-broke-into-government-buildings-and-assaulted-democracy/
You can ignore the left creating chaos all you want, but Americans aren't blind, and we can see what the liars in the media are doing. It is NOT going to end well.
Wince said...
"Why should we defend them at all?"
Indeed, why have Ray Epps, Scaffold Guy, Rolled-Up Fence Guy, et al. not been arrested and charged?
Literally, video documents these guys forming a select group operating with the greatest level of planning and intent to breach the Capitol. Why are they free?
There were a lot of Germans that bought into the Reichstag Fire.
They really wanted it to be true.
They hated their political opponents that much.
Democrats are just following their tribal urges.
"Pointing out other times when other people have done other bad things is no defense of the January 6 attackers."
Tell that to Harris and Biden who are doing EXACTLY that by comparing 1/6 to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
1. Why did Pelosi call off "real" police, leaving somewhat overweight tour guides to carry the burden? (Death by heart attack: walk up behind them and say "boo").
2. What was the FBI's involvement?
These I think are the questions the Democrats' show trial is designed to cover up. Yes, prosecute violent people to the fullest extent of the law. They have probably already had worse treatment that comparable offenders at other events have had.
Those Reichstag flames won't fan themselves, you know.
Sure am glad the Webb telescope is providing something else to watch. Primary mirror deployment has begun.
Headline: November 3, 2020, Joe and Kamala “elected”…this day will live in infamy. She overlooked this date in her ridiculous speech.
Look, folks, now it’s up to all of us, to we the people to stand for the rule of law.
No, Democrats stand for the rule of man. If a Democrat did something illegal, it's because he's been mistreated and what he did is understandable. Go, and sin no more. For a Republican, it's because she's an evil person and must have the full wrath of the government come down upon her. Lock her up and throw away the key. Better yet, roll out the guillotine and don't be afraid to use it.
If you're a State-cultist, the "sacred" and "hallowed" rhetoric makes perfect sense.
What happened can't be reduced to a single narrative. It wasn't the result of a single plan. What was going on at different places in and around the Capitol at different times was very different. If you do want to combine everything that happened into a single story, was it really as bad as what was going on in Portland and other cities the year before or what happened to the Capitol or the country at other times in our history?
Last night on CNN, Anderson Cooper interviewed Rep. Jeremy Raskin about 1-6. Raskin's son Tommy was a Harvard Law grad, age 25 and committed suicide on 12-31-20. The interview was in Statutory Hall. Raskin and his surviving daughter and her husband all feared for their lives on 1-6. This was one of the most disgusting things I've seen on TV.
" We do need to learn something from Jan. 6, and it starts with understanding that Democrats and their media courtesans don’t actually have a problem with political violence. They support it, in fact, as long as the violence serves their political agenda." - https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/06/democrats-and-the-media-have-destroyed-the-real-lesson-of-jan-6/
"It’s very hard for people like me who had their streets on fire for days, who still drive through a gutted, ash-heap of a city now riddled with crime and violence, to see Jan. 6 as anything more than a mob gone wrong." - https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/07/one-year-after-jan-6-elites-remind-us-their-lives-are-more-valuable-than-yours/
I note that our host spent a good deal of time with what Biden had to say. And that's a good thing.
But she admits that she "didn't watch" Kamala Harris--and maybe didn't read her comments.
I'm reminded of the old joke where an experimenter is asked why he uses lawyers as the subject of his experiments. He replies, "because there are some things even laboratory rats won't do."
Listening to, or reading Kacklin Kamala's words is one of those things that even laboratory rats won't do. Ms. Harris is possibly the worst retail politician of the last decade or more.
Why can't Biden just imagine what the Trump supporters were concerned about - massive fraud in the election - and get behind ensuring election security?
Biden can't imagine that because he supports election fraud. He told us that the Democrats have created "The Most Extensive And Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization." Isn't it nice that their election fraud organization is inclusive? Don't want to leave anyone out of their election fraud scam.
Election security would mean that they can't flood the ballot box with fake ballots. That would be bad for their election prospects. Can't let that happen.
If the US Capitol is such a sacred place then why weren't the legislators at the barricades, fighting to keep it inviolate? Instead they were quailing on the floor or being led to safety. Every single one of them could easily be replaced by appointment or election.
This was a disorganized mob, not an insurrection. An insurrection is, at a minimum, organized, by a group of armed (as in fire arms) people WITH A PLAN TO TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMENT! From what I have seen on video, once these people were inside the capitol, they roamed around the building like tourists, taking photos of themselves sitting at Pelosi’s desk, and grabbing souvenirs.
As for comparing Jan. 6, 2021, to Dec. 7, 1941, and Sept. 11, 2001, by Veep Harris, that is laughable. It was meant as pure over the top political theater meant to sway Americans who are starting to realize that it was not a coup attempt but an unorganized rabble of frustrated Americans ambiguously egged on by Trump. When Mrs. Scott heard Harris say this yesterday, she made a sarcastic laugh at Harris. Mrs. Scott was offended (as was I at Harris’ statement) comparing 1/6/21 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 when thousands of Americans died in attacks perpetrated by a foreign actor. Mrs. Scott at one time was a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat but realized in the 1990’s that not only had they as a party had lost their way morally but their policies were a threat to our country and its freedoms. She is now more conservative than me on many issues because of what she has how Democrats have evolved on almost every position versus her positions. Like Reagan said, she didn’t leave the Democrat Party, they left her.
PS - I am expecting the Democrats to ram through another Federal holiday “commemorating” 1/6 before the November elections for pure political purposes - a second “Independence Day” if you will.
"it's so hard to believe that a misstatement of fact could be in that paragraph"
Why? The entire post makes clear that Biden and Harris are gaslighting us. They say nothing in good faith. Progs never hold each other accountable for "misstatements of fact": they cheer every useful lie. Althouse is on to their game. And yet even she can't let go of nice, reasonable instincts: it's so hard to believe! why would they do such a thing? they might be found out! they might be exposed! wouldn't that be embarrassing?
No earthly government is sacred and holy. These politicians are wretched, sanctimonious pricks.
Howard wrote:
"It's funny you cucks thing the Democrat clown show is as dangerous as the Nazis. Quite the opposite, they are doubling down on their failed corporate bureaucracy clusterfuck model offering up the House and Senate to the Republicans."
Are you reading the comments, Howard? Every single one of them is mocking the Democrats- even Ms. Althouse. Do you have reading comprehension problems?
"Blogger Jersey Fled said...
January 6 is the new Kwanza."
But one that Kamala will actually celebrate.
Hallowed ground. Yeah I'm convinced Kamala is the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln
The ground at Gettysburg was hallowed, according to Lincoln, by the lives lost there. Which lives were lost on the grounds during the "insurrection"?
Hint: not the lives the Biden administration wants Americans to care about. I kind of hope Howard's comparison takes off, except that too few people will consider the resulting extended syllogism.
What else they got? Afghanistan? The southern border? Confused Covid mandates? Were I Nancy Pelosi I'd run hard with 1/6, too. It points to Trump - the warhorse deflection from Biden's failures. The Democrats have become like Church Lady. Regardless of the situation, it's always "Could it be...Satan?"
I believe anyone who walked thru unlocked or even an open Capitol Building Door - was arrested and is being held and prosecuted. Prosecuted harshly - even if the crime was walking in, standing aside, taking a few photos and then leaving. You are a terrorist, according to the US government.
The US Government (aka - North Korea-Cuba-China) wants you crushed, ruined and humiliated. Your real crime? supporting Trump.
It's Kwanzaa, so it would be Kamalaa.
This is a very Wellstone Memorial type of overreach that, historically, has done the exact opposite of what the Elite Left attempts to do with their Big Events. Nancy's entire tenure is one of overreach with numerous yardbirds coming home to roost in the next year or so.
Joe Biden, one of the biggest liars in our politics over the past 50 years and well known for plagiarism, is going to tell us what the real truth is...
And then they use Lin-Miranda who has as one of his heroes
Oscar Lopez-Rivera; one of th leaders of an organization which actuality did damage the capital and took shots at the Senate floor while the Senate was in session. FALN.
FALN whose imprisoned members were pardoned by WJ Clinton and spouse.
@rcocean at 9:33am re DOJ/Antifa involvement:
Christopher Wray lied when he said there was no evidence of Antifa at Jan 6th, as shown by Secret Service admissions…
Commentary from another website: ‘Interesting part of the article: “Leslie Grimes and two fellow antifa members drove to Washington from Michigan to counter-demonstrate during the Trump rally. According to one of Grimes’ friends, the group walked around for a while but returned to the car after Grimes was roughed by some Trump supporters. As the trio were getting into the car, they were surrounded by officers who said someone had reported that they were seen “putting weapons in the trunk,” according to a video of the encounter posted on Facebook. One of the three denied that there were any weapons in the car, but officers found a handgun in the trunk. Grimes was taken into custody on a charge of possessing an unlicensed gun after she told the officers the firearm belonged to her. She spent the night in jail, but authorities declined to move forward with charges, according to her attorney. The friend said he does not understand how police knew there was a gun in the car. “It was in the trunk the whole time,” the friend said. “How would they know? It doesn’t make any sense.” But if it was just a handgun inside a duffle bag, and nobody could have seen them put it in, how would they know?’
Were multiple fire extinguishers thrown? Thrown at the heads of police officers? I'm not going to research this, but it's so hard to believe that a misstatement of fact could be in that paragraph.
Here is the footage of a Capitol rioter throwing fire extinguisher at the heads of police.
A nation of laws? More like a nation of lies, if we judge by our politicians.
I used to lean toward the sentimental, "sacred" narrative of our institutions. Now when I see a politician speaking solemnly in a place like the Capitol Building, my first reaction tends to be "Oh, f* off!"
SteveM said...
Biden: “This was an armed insurrection.” I haven’t seen any reporting that any of the arrestees were armed or any reporting on confiscated firearms.
Yes, in fact, is was an "armed" insurrection. The protesters had arms. And hand, and feet, and legs, and heads, and lungs, and bones, and hearts, and kidneys. See? It's easy - just change the definition of the words you're using.
john burger said...
SteveM said...
Biden: “This was an armed insurrection.” I haven’t seen any reporting that any of the arrestees were armed or any reporting on confiscated firearms.
There is reporting all over the place on this:
Man charged with carrying loaded firearm to the Capitol on Jan. 6
Wow! So one guy was charged with carrying a weapon! A regular Storming of the Bastille or attack on the Winter Palace!
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