November 17, 2021

Sunrise — 6:52, 7:04, 7:05.




Feel free to write about whatever you want in the comments.


Big Mike said...

That third picture is 17 days late. It’s a Halloween picture if ever one was.

Narr said...

The rapper Young Dolph was shot and killed a few miles from here this afternoon. (Real name, Adolph Thorton Jr.--only minority parents can get away with naming their sons Adolf/ph nowadays.)

The local news stations all preempted their regular programing for most of the afternoon, while many cops and a big crowd converged on the scene. Traffic to the airport and along I-40 shut down for hours. Many hours of reporting of nothing much worth hearing, and as the sun went down the cops were wisely putting away the barriers and getting out of the 'hood.

For a while it was even expected that our new (first B/black female) chief of police would hold a press conference at the scene, but apparently she has better sense and is now going to issue a statement.

Lurker21 said...

Saule Omarova, a Biden appointee, was arrested for retail theft in Madison, Wisconsin in 1995.

I could have told Joe: Don't appoint anyone whose name sounds like a Bond villain's.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Olympic Mountains have a coating of snow. Very beautiful. A sign that winter is coming.

tim in vermont said...

The Green Mountains are covered with snow too, and I am betting the Adirondacks are as well, but I haven't driven anywhere where you could see them today.

Lurker21 said...

RIP, Young Dolph.

Love for butter cookies shouldn't kill you.

Not until you're in your eighties or something.

Drago said...

Good news for fake hispanic Beto O'Rourke!

Jennifer Rubin is on board the Beto Train!

To, you know, conserve conservety "conservatism".

Kay said...

This is so corny but I think mistakes are so essential and by trying to erase all accidents or quirks or whatever you end up creating this void of nature and kill the possibility for anything nee

farmgirl said...

I watched Hillbilly Elegy this afternoon w/my husband. We didn’t get a chance to talk about it yet, but it made me sad. I could see so many perspectives all at once- so many people- ourselves- in that movie. I remember you had a post about it- cyclical existence is not a fun life. I believe humanity is cyclical… we never truly learn and forever repeat the things that bring us down as a society.

Big Mike said...

Saule Omarova, a Biden appointee, was arrested for retail theft in Madison, Wisconsin in 1995.

She was allowed to walk when they discovered she was a Democrat. Laws are only for Republicans and independents to obey.

Bob Sprowl said...

7:95 ???

Gospace said...

Since the beginning, the dreaded covid has been all about numbers, and the MSM has colluded with government to make everyone who doesn't understand numbers fearful of it beyond all rationality. Last figure I read today- the majority of people think that if they get the dreaded covid they have a 16% chance of dying. Of a disease that kills <0.5% of people who contract it, tilted heavily toward those who are going to die soon anyhow.

And the vax numbers- the truth is starting to come out. And the predictions of the naysayers vs the liar Fauci are showing the naysayers were right all along. And it's starting to appear in the MSM, not just on websites, such as, for example, Alex Berenson's place at substack,

From NBC Connecticut we have this, two quotes. First: Of the 89 total infections, 87 people were fully vaccinated, the nursing home said. Second: Now, eight residents have died, and 67 residents and 22 staff members caught COVID-19 sometime in the past month and a half.I assume the residents were all vaxxed. 8 vovid deaths. The vaccine doesn't protect against death. 87 of 89 who contracted it vaxxed. The vaccine doesn't protect against getting it. Just a few months, even a few weeks ago, these numbers would never have seen the light of day in any MSM outlet.

And there's this, behind a paywall, but all you need is the headline: The Ottawa Senators Have a 100% Vaccination Rate—and 40% of the Team Has Tested Positive for Covid. 40% with the dreaded covid. No deaths yet- they're athletes in their prime. Wouldn't die anyway from the dreaded covid. But not yet in the MSM are the deaths of vaxxed athletes in the prime of their life all over the world dropping dead from heart problems and clots, all of them fully vaxxed. I wonder how long it will be before those numbers appear in the MSM. I'm not linking to those. If you're following alternative news you're already aware. If you're not, odd are you won't believe the numbers anyhow until they appear in the MSM.

art.the.nerd said...

7:95 ?

Curious George said...

More shenanigans from the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecutors...the gave a low rez video to the defense and used the high rez in closing arguments...and then said ooops. Fuck these guys.

Their case is a loser from the get go...I think they were trying to get a mistrial all along and a plea to a lesser charge to make this go away. I want say no one is that bad...but they re government employees.

wildswan said...

"Kyle Rittenhouse Asked To Step Outside And Defend The Courthouse While Verdict Is Being Read"

The funniest Babylon Bee post ever.

Lurker21 said...

Kamala Harris did have a small circle of fanatical followers, called the #KHive. The circle must be a lot smaller now. Incompetent as her campaign was, her social media team had quite a reach. Even I was getting emails from her for a while.

The woman who coined the term @KHive was Joy Reid. I just found out that her father was from the Congo and her mother was from Guyana. She really doesn't have any reason for all her biliousness. Her grievance may be with her father or her mother or Brooklyn or Harvard, but she doesn't have a real complaint against America. If she stayed Joy-Ann Lomena, that might have been easier to see.

But it's like that with wokeness or political correctness or cancel culture or the equity movement. The leaders aren't people with real grievances. They're people who see activism as a way to advance their careers. The people and institutions who comply aren't so noble either. They're trying to hide their own lapses and misdeeds. And that applies to Joy-Ann as well.

Narr said...

Oh what the heck--
7:95 ??

Howard said...

Kay: I agree with you and Elon Musk. He said it's important to blow up some rockets to figure out how they work.

Big Mike said...

Note to Bob Sprowl, art, and Narr — you don’t recognize a typo when you see one?

William said...

Adam Gopnik has a mildly laudatory essay on H.G. Wells in this week's The New Yorker. H.G. Wells, along with Beatrice Webb and George Bernard Shaw, was a Fabian socialist. He got to see his dreams come true in Bolshevik Russia. He visited the USSR and had nothing but praise for the grand crimes he witnessed. I think he even got to meet The Great Man, Stalin, himself.....This is nowhere mentioned in Gopnik's essay. I wonder if H.G. Wells had visited Germany and found kind words to say about Hitler whether Gopnik would see fit to mention that fact....I'm sure Wells and GBS were perceptive critics of Edwardian England and Stanley Baldwin but they didn't have much judgement when it came to Russia and Stalin.

gadfly said...

@Lurker21 said...
Saule Omarova, a Biden appointee [to head the Office of Comptroller of Currency], was arrested for retail theft in Madison, Wisconsin in 1995.

Omarova worked at the Treasury Department during the Bush Administration, whose spokesperson said: "This case was ultimately dismissed in January 1996 – more than 25 years ago – and was the result of a misunderstanding and confusing situation."

"It’s sad that a far-right partisan group with a pattern of engaging in tawdry behavior would partner with Fox News to smear the name of a qualified nominee seeking to serve her country."

Don't hire someone accused but not convicted of stealing $214 but lets put Trump back in office so he can steal millions upon millions more.

gadfly said...

Curious George said...
More shenanigans from the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecutors...the gave a low rez video to the defense and used the high rez in closing arguments...and then said ooops. Fuck these guys.

But to win a mistrial, the defense will have to meet a high bar and explain to the judge why what happened actually hurt Rittenhouse, said Ion Meyn, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School.

“You can’t just say, ‘The state gave me a lower-quality video and therefore I get a mistrial,’” Meyn said. “That’s a losing argument for sure.”

Recall that as Kyle Rittenhouse took the stand to answer questions about the sequence of events before he shot and killed a man in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the jury was forced to watch the video evidence play out in miniature — because Rittenhouse’s defense lawyer came up with the wild notion that Apple has “artificial intelligence” that manipulates footage when you pinch-to-zoom on an iPad, and Judge Bruce Schroeder totally bought into that possibility.

So jurors were forced to watch poorer quality video streamed from a laptop to a large screen TV in the courtroom thus eliminating zoom possibilities.

The lead defense lawyer said he spent 21 hours manipulating the video that he used in closing - so who is at fault here? And just how many people did the prosecutors kill or grievously wound?

Mr. Forward said...

Judging from the mask protocols of our ruling class cameras cause coronavirus.

Ann Althouse said...

"7:95 ???"

Ha ha.

Will fix

rehajm said...

Boston just swore in their socialist mayor. First order of business was to stop dismantling Boston’s drug encampment. Boston Herald headlines:

A judge has given the city the go-ahead to continue with tent removal on Mass and Cass — but new Mayor Michelle Wu's administration won't say whether it's actually restarting following a "pausing" of removals.

tim in vermont said...

I guess nobody is concerned that the same chemicals that go into the batteries of EVs, phosphorus, is a primary ingredient in crop fertilizers. We should probably end the ethanol mandate right now, in terms of avoiding human suffering and starvation, but we won't, because we have a ridiculous system of government that is all about the most craven controlling the graft.

I am starting to believe that democracy here is a failed experiment.

gilbar said...

The ethanol mandate is responsible for our high meat prices
Corn is for Cows (and Pigs, and Turkeys, and Chickens, and Lambs)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media: Yes, Violence Is the Answer [Supercut]

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Holy crap this is good.

Lauren Boeboert reminds congress of the corrupt shit show that is the democrat party

wildswan said...

Isn't it ironic that a jury which has to be protected by 500 national Guardsmen from a BLM/Antifa mob attack is spending days wondering whether Kyle Rittenhouse feared for his life when he found himself alone without the National Guard or the police, being chased by screaming BLM/Antifa supporters who were firing guns and throwing rocks?

tim in vermont said...

Columbia, SC, which went 7-3 for Biden, just elected a Republican mayor. That's why Democrats need to loot the treasury *right now*.

Lurker21 said...

Omarova worked at the Treasury Department during the Bush Administration, whose spokesperson said: "This case was ultimately dismissed in January 1996 – more than 25 years ago – and was the result of a misunderstanding and confusing situation."

Omarova also worked in the Clinton administration. It's unlikely she was one of Bush's own appointments.

And that quote comes from a Biden staffer, not "the Bush Administration."

Was that misreading or a deliberate lie?

Don't hire someone accused but not convicted of stealing $214 but lets put Trump back in office so he can steal millions upon millions more.

What exactly did Trump steal, and how does it compare with Joe and Hunter's takings?

Big Mike said...

Lurker21 said...

Saule Omarova, a Biden appointee [to head the Office of Comptroller of Currency], was arrested for retail theft in Madison, Wisconsin in 1995.

gadfly said...

Omarova worked at the Treasury Department during the Bush Administration

I have vigorously defended Bush the Younger in the past, but by now I’m reduced to saying that, well, Al Gore would have been worse, especially after 9/11.

Gospace said...

As I walk through stores and malls and observe mask wearers- I don't see any commonality between them. One group seems to have a much larger proportion of mask wearers- Asians. Which lumps together a lot of disparate ethnic groups, but so do the descriptors white or black.

Of the mask wearers- I'm willing to bet if you went up to all of then and did a one question survey: "Are you vaccinated against covid?" that you'd get a 95%+ yes answer. Though study after study shows that healthy people wearing masks does nothing to stop disease spread, people vaccinated against the not so deadly covid are wearing masks as magical talismans to ward off the virus they're vaccinated against.

This is not healthy behavior.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Columbia, SC, which went 7-3 for Biden, just elected a Republican mayor. That's why Democrats need to loot the treasury *right now*.

I hope the dems triple down on calling anyone who refuses to obey them - "white supremacists"

Please - dems - keep it up!

Drago said...

Lurker21 to The Poor Man's *** ***** gadfly: "Omarova also worked in the Clinton administration. It's unlikely she was one of Bush's own appointments.

And that quote comes from a Biden staffer, not "the Bush Administration."

Was that misreading or a deliberate lie?"

With gadfly its usually a combination of lying, misreading and inability to comprehend.