November 7, 2021

Sunrise — 6:35, 6:41, 6:42.





The rule of Lemnity said...

AP: "Japan, Germany expand military ties as German warship visits"

OMG, Norm was right... link to Norm standup

Baceseras said...

As steals the morn upon the night,
And melts the shades away:
So Truth does Fancy's charm dissolve,
And rising Reason puts to flight
The fumes that did the mind involve,
Restoring intellectual day.

setting by Handel
sung by Lucy Crowe & Mark Padmore

The rule of Lemnity said...

"More than 10,000 patients were diagnosed with covid in a U.S. hospital last year after they were admitted for something else..."

OMG. CNN is peddling misinformation now. 🤔

Achilles said...

Family issues have kept Gavin Newsome out of public site.

He cancelled his trip to COP26 on October 29th. Then he cancelled his online appearance.

His last public appearance was October 27th.

When he got his covid booster.

But we can all expected honesty and transparency from the Newsome Regime. Absolute integrity.

An 11 day family emergency... It is not like he is the governor of a state with millions of people in it or something else important.

The rule of Lemnity said...

OMG. Amazon is peddling Biden insults. Biden supporters hit hard.

Warning! link to Amazon Not Safe For Work. 😉

via Instawife Helen.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Today was a 5-minute weather day. If you didn't like the weather, wait 5-minutes and it'll change. We drove from Bellevue, WA to Newport OR and played footsie with the atmospheric river from the Pacific. The weather was sunny when we left Bellevue, cloudy, partially sunny, light rain, rain, heavy rain and torrential rain. I-5/I-205/OR22/OR18 and US101 had just enough twists and turns to take us repeatedly into the river and out of it.

The trip down took just shy of 9-hrs with stops for food, gas and groceries. We stopped at our favorite Mongolian BBQ place, the Golden Tent, in Vancouver, WA and for the first time got there before they opened. There was a large crowd at the opening, so we had a considerable wait to get our food cooked on their grill. Worth the wait, though.

I noticed that the truck traffic seemed very light, much lighter than what I've usually seen on trips down I-5/I-205. I didn't see many of the freight lines that I usually notice, like Oak Harbor, England, May Trucking Co. The supply chain clusterfck must be really hitting these truckers hard.

Maynard said...

"It was long and impossible to ignore".

No. That is not a porn reference.

Apparently Brandon let go. Even the stiff upper lip Brits were astounded by President Poopy Pants.

Narr said...

Very nice, Baceseras@431. The Forsyth/Cooley version at Voices of Music is also worth a listen--and a look: I like to see the performance if possible.

Handel did a lot of dawn songs. "Will the sun forget to streak" from Solomon and "As with rosy steps the morn" from Theodora come to mind.

rehajm said...

Scott Adams

Cow scientists have shown in a preprint study that climate change could be avoided if rich humans did not take private jets to climate summits and fart so much

gadfly said...

The time has come to cut Jordan Love from the Packer roster. What a miserable performance for a last year's first round QB who never had a clue and never will be able to grasp the speed of game. His QBR against the Chiefs was like 27.

Blake Bortles is back on the squad and he should start next week if Rodgers cannot play. At least Bortles has actually played QB as a pro - even if it was for the Jags.

Sadly, with the future of Aaron Rodgers set in stone, Green Bay did not draft a QB in 2021. Wake Forest's big-arm QB Jamie Newman was cut from the Eagles practice squad is out and about so why not pick him up? In 2019 he passed for 2900 yards at a 60% completion rate and a 145 rating. In 2020 he elected not to play after transferring to Georgia because of Covid.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Baceseras@431... Thanks!

Fernandinande said...

In WWII some Japanese removed the stomachs of Chinese captives they were fucking with.

wendybar said...

If you want to read a thread that is what regular Americans are finally rebelling against...look no further than this UGLY Racist, uppity, elitism filled twitter feed of an ugly, ugly Progressive Amy Siskind, whoever the hell she is. I hope she gets what she voted for GOOD and HARD.. She is the epitome of everything I wouldn't want my daughter to be. UGLY inside and out, but thinking she is better than everyone else. What a joke these people are, and they wonder why we are sick of them and theirs?? Her college degree made her better??
Me thinks she needs to look in the mirror.

Baceseras said...

I'm glad people liked the Handel selection. And, Narr: I posted a link to "Will the sun forget to streak," sung by Karin Gauvin, a couple weeks ago, but it didn't appear -- probably caught in the spam filter.

Handel did indeed do a lot of morning songs, and they all just happen to be some of the best songs ever composed on that theme.