November 14, 2021

"Spears is still in a profoundly difficult position, despite, and perhaps because of, her new control of her life."

"If Spears acts in any way that could be construed as irresponsible, it could be taken, in legal battles to come, as proof that she can’t handle her own life. In August, police records show, she placed three calls to police that she subsequently cancelled, and police were also dispatched to her home after she was accused of damaging a housekeeper’s phone. (The matter was referred to the district attorney’s office, which did not pursue charges.) In mid-October, Spears wrote on Instagram, 'I’ll just be honest and say I’ve waited so long to be free from the situation I’m in . . . and now that it’s here I’m scared to do anything because I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake !!!' She had just regained the freedom to drive, for the first time in thirteen years, and the paparazzi were chasing her, 'like they want me to do something crazy.'"


Big Mike said...

When it came out that her father had bugged Britney Spears ‘ bedroom — and her in her thirties! — I thought that not only should the conservatorsbip be ended, but that the father belonged in whatever wing of the state prison that they use to house perverts. Now there needs to be a full forensic accounting of what the father did with the money she earned.

wendybar said...

She isn't well. Her family tried to protect her. Her "fiance" is shady as hell, and will take whatever he can get off of her...and she will end up dead. I hate to think this, but it seems like she has some type of bi-polar problem, and if she doesn't take the right medications...she is doomed. I hope I am wrong.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Reading this my mind just jumped ahead a little bit. Who’s going to play Britney, post-Britney?

Like Trump used to tweet- Sad.

Fernandinande said...

"my baby is my religion"

tim maguire said...

Britney Spears is more formerly famous than famous. If she keeps head down and holds it together for a few months, the paparazzi should leave her alone and she can lead a more normal life. I wish her well.

Yancey Ward said...

This will end badly, and the "Free Britney" brigade will vanish like farts in the wind.

rehajm said...

"If Spears acts in any way that could be construed as irresponsible, it could be taken, in legal battles to come, as proof that she can’t handle her own life"

I'll file this one away to use later against a few people...

wendybar said...

She needs to stay off of Instagram and twitter. All it does is show her decline....

stlcdr said...


Maybe someone should do a study of the famous on how it distorts their view of reality, destroys their mental stability, attracts all kind of voyeurs and grifters, and expose the legal villainy that exists in the life of these people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm trying to care. ... Nope.

Joe Smith said...

Hollywood is a sick, stupid place.

If the Chinese do ever nuke us, I hope they start there...

Eleanor said...

Maybe she needs to go back and do the transition from adolescence to adulthood again. That seems to be where this all started for her. Get a job bagging groceries, drive a beater, and find out what "normal" feels like.

Zev said...

A person like this people around her she can trust.
Sometimes that would be family, but that's clearly not the case here.
Her taste in men is not encouraging.
She has been abused, but hard to see how this can end well.

Quaestor said...

Well, so far no one else has done the obvious, therefore it devolves to Quaestor to debase himself. So, ready or not, here goes...

LEAVE BRITNEY SPEARS ALONE! LEAVE HER ALONE! [blubber, blubber, sniffle, sob]

PM said...

Right now, she probably trusts the lawyer who 'set her free'.

Caligula said...

I think I could become as uninterested in Spears' life as I became in the "Precious Princess" Diana's.

Bill Peschel said...

"Maybe someone should do a study of the famous on how it distorts their view of reality,"

I've seen it expressed a couple of times the belief that when a person becomes famous / notorious, it halt their emotional development at that age.

It seems to hold true for many child stars. For every Ron Howard and Jodie Foster, there's a dozen Corey Feldmans.

Chris Lopes said...

"She isn't well. Her family tried to protect her. Her "fiance" is shady as hell, and will take whatever he can get off of her...and she will end up dead."

That could all very well be true. In a free society, people have the right to totally screw up their lives. It's a shame and a waste, but it is their right.

iowan2 said...

and now that it’s here I’m scared to do anything because I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake !!!

This is a lesson for all parents. Give your kids more responsibilities....then, allow the mistakes, and corresponding consequences happen. Learning that life happens is what growing up is all about.

As my children graduated college and entered "adulthood", they would talk to us about some seemingly unsolvable situation. It was not unsolvable. There were several choices, and they feared making the wrong choice.
We would have them talk through the choices. Almost always they had taken to account all the pros and cons, figured all the factors. The fear rested on if the future would determine if they chose wisely. We watched them get reeled into several pyramid marketing schemes, and we kept our mouths shut and watched the inevitable happen...but the lesson is much cheaper in youth. Not once did we try to "teach" them from the failure... they already experienced the lesson. By keeping our mouth shut, we are included in their thoughts, because we don't judge.
Our counsel was always the same. You have all the information. Don't dwell on the future. Determine the worse case outcome and accept you made the best decision give the facts you have in hand. Hind sight might reveal a better option, and that is not reality.

The Spears thing looks like classic co-dependency. Both are sick and still need help coping.