September 13, 2021

The avian situation on Lake Mendota at 8:34 a.m. — after a massive thunderstorm.


Original Mike said...

Looks like Space Science (and therefore, probably, our house) got 32mm of rain. Good (assuming there was no storm damage).

madAsHell said...

Count the splices in the video.

Joe will never finish his State of the Union address.

gilbar said...

It's amazing (to me) how lucky Madison is, to be in such a pretty spot. Back in 1980, i went with a friend (who was going to check out the campus; i was going to get some 'only have to be 18 in Wisconsin beer'). And, i was stunned with the beauty if the isthmus. From Iowa's Capitol, all you can see is Des Moines...Which is the definition of depressing. Iowa's Capitol USED to be in Burlington; which DID have nice views, but that was a Long Time ago

Donatello Nobody said...

Nice video — but I think those are just ducks. NTTAWWT. By the way, Althouse, you have a very nice speaking voice. If I’d been a law student back in the day, I might have taken one of your courses just to hear you lecture.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Love the ring of "the avian situation"! Very evocative and stands well as a three word poem ;-)

BUMBLE BEE said...

COOTS...madAsHell I see what you did there!

gilbar said...

madAsHell said...
Count the splices in the video.

I like when he's giving a list of people, and they can't even get through the list (of what, 6 types of people) without having to go to a different take. If they're NOT different takes, why switch camera angles (in the MIDDLE of a list?)

Joe will never finish his State of the Union address.

He'll mail it in, that's my prediction
AND, the MSM won't see Anything odd about that, that's my Other prediction

Mea Sententia said...

Now I know how to pronounce Mendota. And now I know what a coot is, apart from an obstinate old man. Hearing Mendota reminded me of Mendoza (one letter changed) who was a Supreme Court justice early in the West Wing. Bartlet mentions Mendoza in the Two Cathedrals speech.

Joe Smith said...

If you listen closely, the call of the Coot sounds like 'Get off my lawwwwwwn.'

Ann Althouse said...

"but I think those are just ducks"

Based on what?

My opinion is based on seeing coots on many other occasions on this lake and noticing that they group together in big groups in a way that the ducks around here don't. In the video I comment on their quietness. The coots have a familiar sound.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Long time duck hunter. The only noise that was made was a drake mallard. Most ducks haven’t completed their final molt at this time of year so it’s hard to tell males from female.