September 25, 2021

A panorama to demonstrate that the sunrise is a small part of the sky.


Inspired by something I overheard at yesterday's sunrise.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good morning.

Something overheard.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Video of border patrol.
Biden-Stalin-Potemkin vows to ruin their lives.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Who are these people?

daskol said...

A slice of sky

Howard said...

April needs a hug

Gahrie said...

I just want to say thank you again. I missed this place a lot. Please understand that a lot of my frustration stems from the fact that I truly do respect you. My biggest frustration is the fact that I don't understand a lot of people I like and respect. What seems so clear to me is obscure to them.

Temujin said...

Great shot.

Big Mike said...

From Fox News:

“An investigation is underway into an alleged attack of a female U.S. military service member by several male Afghan evacuees being housed at Fort Bliss.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed to Fox News it is investigating a referral from a Fort Bliss Afghan refugee housing complex in New Mexico alleging that a woman, whose name and age are unknown at this time, was assaulted on Sept. 19 by a ‘small group of male evacuees.’ “

Given the way the FBI investigated the sexual molestation of our Olympic gymnasts by Dr. Larry Nassar, I think we can safely assume that the FBI will close this investigation by ruling that the woman was asking for it by wearing provocative clothing (her military uniform).

DanTheMan said...

This reminds me of the "giant moon" illusion, that you see when the moon is very low in the sky and close to the horizon. Some believe that it really is larger due to "the atmosphere acting like a lens". That's not it at all. What's happening is that you have other items to compare it to, unlike when it is directly overhead.

One way to dispel the illusion is to use your camera and take a pair of photos. One of the "giant moon" and another when the moon is high in the sky and "back to normal". You can easily compare and see that the moon is indeed the same size in both pictures.

Another way is to turn your back to the moon, bend over, and look at it between your legs. This seriously confuses your brain, and the moon will look more or less it's regular size.
This is best done when you are sure you are alone....

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Wonderful pic! Feels like in the last month or so you've moved into a different way of thinking about them - and getting great results.

Mark O said...

Reminds me so much of the New York City woman on her first day at a beach in Miami.

Woman:"Is that the Atlantic Ocean?
Waiter: "Yes it is."
Woman: "I thought it would be much bigger."

Readering said...

ND-WIS most ridiculous 4th q of college football I can remember. Congrats Coach Kelly.

Narr said...

If I look back between my legs with my pants down, I'll be mooning the moon! I may try that tonight with pants up.

RigelDog said...

Maxfield Parrish!