August 20, 2021

"Let me be clear: Any American who wants to come home, we will get you home. I cannot promise what the final outcome will be, or that it will be without the risk of loss."

Does that even make sense on its face? It's from Biden's speech today, quoted in "President Biden tries to restore calm, vowing to rescue Americans and Afghan allies" (NYT). 

He says "Let me be clear," but it's not clear. Because "Any American who wants to come home, we will get you home" sounds like a promise to bring all Americans home (if that's what they want), and the next sentence negates the promise: "I cannot promise what the final outcome will be...." 

He must have meant we will try to get you home. Well, of course, they are trying. But will they succeed? He cannot promise what the final outcome will be. Yes, that's what we thought, based on what we can observe, so what did you add? 

Later, he said, "What interest do we have in Afghanistan at this point, with Al Qaeda gone?" Did he forget the interest in extricating Americans and the people who have worked with Americans? I don't think he forgot. I think he expects us to forget!

ADDED: He started 50 minutes late and he mispronounced approximately every other word.


Robert Marshall said...

"We will get you home. But maybe in a box?"

MalaiseLongue said...

If you like your life, you can keep your life.

Wince said...



At this point, what difference does it make?

Kevin said...

The press so wants everything to turn out OK so they can go back to the fantasy that Biden is just fine as President.

They can't get through the obligatory analysis and back to the Covid story fast enough.

But Kamala's eyes kept coming into the frame when Joe was talking. If you looked into them they had a sparkle that clearly said, "Can you believe this? I'm going to be President!"

gspencer said...

What he really meant was, "We'll try to try."

rcocean said...

Why is everyone so hard on "Good Ol' Joe". This is what America voted for. You knew what you were getting. Anyway, its not his fault. Blame the Generals and State Department. Do you really think the Ex-burts had a Great plan or they knew how to get our fellow Yanks out of afghanistan and Joey "i can't tie my shoes" Biden overruled them? Give me a break.

We need less emotion and hand-holding by our commander in chief and more facts. How many Americans are there? Where are they? WHo are they? Are the taliban REALLY killing them? Or putting their lives in danger?

Lets hear from those with the knowledge and the Cool heads.

Tim said...

At what point does what Jill and her cronies are doing to the President become elder abuse? Stress exacerbates dementia, and putting him on public display to try to read a speech has got to be beyond stressful for him.

So many modern scholars have asked how Edith Wilson and her cohorts managed to keep Wilson going. We are getting a first hand look in my opinion.

Humperdink said...

The only American who would not want to come home would be Bowe Bergdahl. But then he’s already home, at great cost.

tommyesq said...

"Well, of course, they are trying."

- you must be reading different news sources than me, as far as I can tell, they are only willing to fly you out if you can get your own self to the airport, past the Taliban security checkpoints and the unruly mob surrounding the fence, and even then only if you can pony up the $2k per person.

Drago said...

Tim: "At what point does what Jill and her cronies are doing to the President become elder abuse?"

You're talking about a group of democraticals and LLR lap poodles who turned Andrew Cuomo an earthly messiah for killing tens of thousands of elderly by purposely ordering virus infected individuals in closed nursing homes and then forbade family members from seeing those elderly as they died and then forbade family members from being together to bury their elderly.

So, my first pass answer to your "elder abuse" question is "never".

Quite the contrary. The longer they can keep it up the more praise DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR Jill Biden will receive along with at least 4 made for TV movies, 3 big screen productions and 17 TV biopics.

Owen said...

Almost an hour late, supercharged opening energy level that petered out after, I guess, the drugs wore off. Initial forceful intonation and brisk pace, reading the daylights out of that Teleprompter! Likewise flattened and slowed, odd emphasis and growing jerkiness, missed words, slurring, dead air, sudden jumps in "thought" (particularly during the Q&A, which was obviously rehearsed). As for the substance, Prof A, yes: the prepared statements --presumably built in feverish haste by an army of professionals-- they were internally incoherent, maddeningly vague, circular, incomplete.

A mess of a presentation that wandered off into the desert and died. Or, to vary the metaphor, he began bleeding into the water and the journalists grew ever more aggressive as they caught the taste of it.

"I am the Commander In Chief!" God help the United States.

Kevin said...

I have come to realize “let me be clear” is actually an appeal to God.

It means Joe is about to say something he knows is important and he’s begging God not to let him f*** it up.

henge2243 said...

"The press so wants everything to turn out OK so they can go back to the fantasy that Biden is just fine as President."

I want it to turn out OK so nobody is hurt or killed. Bringing home all American as well as our Afghani allies unharmed, would send President Amber Alert's ratings through the roof. I'd make that tradeoff all day.

Martha said...

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken standing to Biden’s left looked like he had been taken hostage and actually he sort of had by unfolding events. Blinken was so scared I did not see him blink once during Biden’s teleprompter performance.

Richard Aubrey said...


Trump ordered State to come up with an emergency evac planning office. Biden's State shut it down a couple of months ago. Looks as if even the work product got dumped.

Critter said...

Exceeds my worst fears when Biden was installed as president. Almost immediately after Biden says something in his speech, the Pentagon and foreign leaders contradict it. At this point we have no idea what Biden's perception of reality is. This is no longer funny - people will lose their lives because of his dementia and general incompetence. My heart goes out to those stranded in Afghanistan.

Drago said...

Good news! The Althouse Lefty Gang, including the Usual LLR and non-LLR suspects, are happily reporting that no one who has been killed or beaten to within an inch of their lives has yet filed a formal complaint, so its all good!

Thanks democratical/taliban/LLR "alliance"!

MikeD said...

Speaking of al-Qaeda, seems all have forgotten the prison, containing 5,000 +/- al-Qaeda/ISIS fighters, colocated at Bagram, whom the Tali's immediately released.

Big Mike said...

@tommyesq (3:53), it depends on the audience. State Department spokesperson speaking to reporters says “Of course we are not going to make Americans pay to be flown out” (or words to that effect, presumably uttered in tones of “what a stupid question!”)

State Department electronic interface for stranded, desperate, Americans trying to get out of Afghanistan, the web interface demands that they be prepared to pledge to cover the cost of their rescue, “which may exceed $2000.”

This is not a government “for the people,” unless by “for the people” they mean people who can contribute large sums to the DNC.

Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"Does that even make sense on its face? . . . He says "Let me be clear," but it's not clear . . . Well, of course, they are trying. But will they succeed? He cannot promise what the final outcome will be. Yes, that's what we thought, based on what we can observe, so what did you add? . . . Did he forget the interest in extricating Americans and the people who have worked with Americans? I don't think he forgot. I think he expects us to forget! . . . He started 50 minutes late and he mispronounced approximately every other word."

Althouse nailed it. But now what? What do we do with this doddering fool? What else will he and his minions do to us? What more can America take?

And how long will this charade last?

Iman said...

There's something wrong with Biden, there's something very, very wrong with Biden. Something seriously wrong with Biden.

Depressing, but certainly not surprising.

Iman said...

Clarissa Ward (CNN) just reported on air that the sutuation has deteriorated to the point that she is now evacuating from Kabul.

The situation is deteriorating and the rate is accelerating.

StoughtonSconnie said...

Watched the presser with my 14yo son at lunch (probably not exactly what he wanted to watch). At one point during a word salad my son said "wow". Asked him what he was saying that for and he said "he doesn't know how to English". When Mrs Stoughton Sconnie or I say something completely nonsensical, he tends to say "way to English Mom/Dad".

Rarely have I been so proud of the Boy's education.

Quaestor said...

"What interest do we have in Afghanistan at this point, with Al Qaeda gone?"

Is Biden that fucking senile? Or is he just an extraordinarily inept liar counting on the likes of Brian Stelter to cover for him?

Quaestor said...

Critter writes, "My heart goes out to those stranded in Afghanistan."

My heart is more discriminating. Some of those NGO busybodies, particularly the "rainbow" types, probably deserve the fate awaiting them.

Big Mike said...

When Dick Nixon said “Let me be perfectly clear,” it usually meant he was about to obfuscate the Hell out of an issue while lying through his teeth. It seems to be the same thing going on a half century later with Slow Joe Biden.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Joe Biden has mastered the power of low expectations. First I read the post and comments and then I went and watched the press conference. He did so much better than I was expecting, a good job, overall. He spoke and answered so much more clearly than in the Stephanopoulos interview. It was very clearly a mistake for us to think the ANA would hold up for a few months until after we left. But if the Afghan civilian evacuations had begun in February or May, wouldn’t the ANA have collapsed then?

Could Trump have managed the chaos better for us? Maybe. He does have considerable experience at creating and managing chaos to his own benefit. Maybe not to our country’s benefit. Biden gets the blame for the chaotic situation, but Biden also gets the credit for getting us out.

MikeR said...

I wonder what's happening behind the scenes at the Biden White House. Likely they are all wandering around stunned, totally blindsided by what happened and having to pretend that it's nothing unexpected.
I am amazed by the number of intelligent people, including many I respect, who insist that leaving was the right thing to do (which it was). But who refuse to take the next step and say, But there are many different things that could have happened when we left and they don't look the same at all, and a lot of them were completely within our power and we didn't do them.

gilbar said...

I assume he means:
WE'LL TRY to get your BODY back
If possible... and it's not TOO Much trouble

Meade said...

Kevin said...
I have come to realize“let me be clear” is actually an appeal to God.

It means Joe is about to say something he knows is important and he’s begging God not to let him f*** it up.

Or—he's just lucid enough to know he's in a fog and he's praying for intervention. Divine intervention. Intervention by the People. From anyone. He's utterly desperate. He knows he's driving our ship of state right over the falls, we're all going to die and he has no idea what to do.

Nothing would be better than what we have now. Joe Biden isn't even better than nothing. He is worse than nothing.

Goldenpause said...

This is like watching the never made sequel to “Being There” where Chauncey Gardner becomes President. Only Chauncey has more on the ball than Biden and the Biden debacle is a tragedy instead of a comedy.

Iman said...

There are reports that Americans have been beaten by the Taliban in Kabul.

Skeptical Voter said...

Babbling Bozo--except when he's a buffoon. I can't believe that the Pentagon spokesperson is a Navy Admiral--doing an errand boy's job.

Quaestor said...

Left Bank writes, "Biden gets the blame for the chaotic situation, but Biden also gets the credit for getting us out."

Biden gets "credit" from fellow liars and fellow delusional basket-cases. No one else.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Everything that follows “let me be clear” is a lie here and everywhere.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

“Let me be clear: Any American who wants to come home, we will get you home,”

Americans are still "coming home" from Viet Nam, albeit in a body bag.

Tom Grey said...

Democrats knew Biden was going senile - but they lied to themselves that it did not matter. So maybe most Dem voters actually didn't know, because the Dem media and Dem elites who DID know, were lying to the voters.

Like Biden's Admin, lying to the people of the USA and the people of Afghanistan. Since they expect most folk will act like the lie is true, if enough Dem elites repeat the lie.

Democrats lie about race, about crime, about IQ, about promiscuity, about male/female biology and who is a "real woman".

Democracy, majority rule, depends on guns. Afghanistan is about to return to majority rule (of males). It's not the same as "human rights".

But insofar as the key first right is the right to life, and so many in America support women killing their unborn unwanted human fetal babies, those fetal babies are not given rights.

And too many American lie about the killing of the fetal babies, in order to support women's promiscuity. Women's "rights to be promiscuous without being burdened by unwanted babies". One can favor legal abortion. I used to, but now I don't.
But it's a lie to claim abortion is other than the killing of human life.

Democrats, and most elites, support lies.

Drago said...

Left Bank of Lunacy: "Biden gets the blame for the chaotic situation, but Biden also gets the credit for getting us out."

I'll write this very, very, very, slow-ly for you:

We aren't out.......and neither are thousands of Americans and allied nation nationals....because last April Biden promised the entire G7 he would not move without them being informed....and then....Biden....never....informed....them. At all.

And the Pentagon just announced that they know there are Americans who CANNOT get to the airport....and there are NO plans to go get those Americans....or other VIP allied nation foreign nationals.

Which is why British, French and now, German, forces are going into Kabul to hunt for and bring out their nationals.

Left Bank's lies are approaching Peak LLR Chuck/Howard Levels and its never a good idea to go Peak LLR Chuck/Howard.

What's really interesting is that the Althouse lefties, Left Bank/Howard/LLR Chuck etc really did think this was one of those things that could be contained to only Fox news or talk radio and be safely ignored and no biggee and then literally laughed off....

....and they never seemed to grasp what this means to all of our allies and the foreign press who, as we speak, are raking the moron legacy media "journalists" over the coals for their active coordination/collaboration/collusion with the democratical political machine while citizens of those nations have been put into astonishingly dangerous positions because of the Xi/Putin/Biden Callous Retreat "plan".

This is not going away and the foreign press isn't letting go.

This is why the sudden leak by the Kristopher Wray's Korrupt Kops FBI admitted there was no insurrection today to get it out of the way. They are being exposed as the moron liars they are in court rooms all across the country (see the coming collapse of the hoax Whitmer "kidnapping" plot which now officially mirrors the previous (2016) hoax Huttaree militia plot that was thrown out because it was the FBI that instigated and ran the op).

But I've got news for you Althouse readers: Left Bank still believes there was russian collusion in 2016 and Putin changed vote totals, so keep that in mind as you are responding to this BlueAnon fella.

Clyde said...

The devil that we knew was 100 times better than the devil that we didn’t. For all his flaws, America wasn’t spinning out of control under Trump. The installation of Biden* was a disaster not just for America but for a lot of foreigners as well, and we are only seven months into this four-year shitshow.

Iman said...

If this haplessly helpless administration has already written their sternly worded letter and needs a different approach, they should check in with James Taylor. That guy still has serious chops!

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

I'm really looking forward to the Bob Woodward book on the Biden Residency. Suggested title: Being There

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Joe Biden said on October 24, 2020 “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

We saw their voter fraud organization in operation on election night, where among other things, the counting centers in Fulton (Atlanta) County, Philadelphia County, Dane (Madison) County and Wayne (Detroit) County all stopped counting and sent all the observers home. And, then a miracle occurred: while they weren't counting, they managed to produce huge ballot dumps of 50,000 to 150,000 votes, 95% for Joe! That was phone on two counts: no observers, and the 95% Joe count is statistically impossible. Ballot Dumps of that size should be close to the final voter totals, not way off in the stratosphere.

This fiasco is on the Democrat party, not just Joe. They engineered his victory. They knew he was senile. They had warning from Bob Gates and Barrack Obama about Joe's incompetency.

Bob Boyd said...

I cannot promise what the final outcome will be, but in the future, when Joe Biden's name is spoken, it will, more often than not, be accompanied by words like shit-show and clusterfuck.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden has to go. Any honest person can see he is mentally incapable of doing any ordinary task a normal adult can do. Joe Biden right now couldn't balance a check book. The only thing he can really still do is read a teleprompter or the notes in his hand, and he can't do that particularly well any longer. This "press conference" was a joke- he read a statement off a teleprompter and took pre-approved questions and read the answers off of the notes in front of him. He can't even pretend any longer that the reporters chosen and the questions asked are spontaneous, and when some of the reporters had the temerity to ask follow up questions, he couldn't answer them at all in a coherent fashion- once he can't rely on the notes his staff prepared for him, and put in order for him, he is completely lost.

If the Democrat in this administration have the country's welfare primary in their focus, they will remove him from office tonight, but I already know they don't really care how imcompetent Biden is- if they did, they never would have allowed him to do the withdrawal this way- some of them would have resigned with a public statement back in July if they really cared about doing their jobs correctly. So, I guess we are stuck with ShitforBrains Biden until he drops dead of a stroke, or accidentally drowns himself in a bucket of water.

Butkus51 said...

they cheated for this

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

No surprise here. I cannot recall EVER hearing an elected official saying "I made a seriously bad policy decision. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but there is no way I can adequately apologise or account to the many who have been damaged and suffered because of it." Likewise as to Legislators expressing sincere regret.

Appointed bureaucrats? Well, they are not accountable to citizens for the massive time and wealth their rules and rulings impose on the citizenry.

Ten years ago, at the door to the Post Office I was greeted by one of our City Commissioners. I had watched for a decade as he sat on the Commission, rarely expressing an opinion and never expressing contrary opinion or new idea. He said "I'm running for election again this year, and I'd like to ask vor your vote. I have some great ideas for our City." I nodded, shook his hand, and went in to check my postal orifice.

I blame the voters - who are too willing to turn vast personal decision making power over to persons they have never met; who seem never to connect the dots from the wretched service doled out by bureaucrats back to the Legislators who created the program or the Executive who staffed the bureaucracy.

Government functionaries, elected or appointed, will ALWAYS place their personal needs - usually, getting or holding on to a secure government job - ahead of your own.

Myself? I never vote for anyone who has served more than two terms (four years in appointed positions counts as one term) at each level of government - City, County, State, National. Easy. Just vote Libertarian.

Yancey Ward said...

I didn't bother to fact check every statement Biden made today, but other people did, and it appears nothing Biden claimed was true.

Quaestor said...

Václav Patrik Šulik writes, "I'm really looking forward to the Bob Woodward book on the Biden Residency. Suggested title: Being There"

Nah. Not Being Anywhere is a better fit to the subject.

Drago said...

Václav Patrik Šulik: "I'm really looking forward to the Bob Woodward book on the Biden Residency. Suggested title: Being There"

Today's parade of Biden lies was nothing less than an "all is well in the garden" moment....while the garden burns.

The Drill SGT said...

"No surprise here. I cannot recall EVER hearing an elected official saying "I made a seriously bad policy decision. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but there is no way I can adequately apologise or account to the many who have been damaged and suffered because of it." Likewise as to Legislators expressing sincere regret."

The Japanese admit error. And some Brits

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
Could Trump have managed the chaos better for us? Maybe. He does have considerable experience at creating and managing chaos to his own benefit. Maybe not to our country’s benefit. Biden gets the blame for the chaotic situation, but Biden also gets the credit for getting us out.

You're so cute Leftie.

Trump wouldn't have HAD this chaos, because he wouldn't have pulled a disk headed move like bugging out of Bagram Airbase first, the way the Biden team did.

And Biden didn't "get America out", he lost.

There's a difference

The Drill SGT said...

We're screwed. In the end, this will either require plane loads of cash, or unburied dead on the runway.

A single mortar can close the airport. Jet transports react poorly to shrapnel. Hell, a single heavy machinegun at either end of the runway can close it.

The Tali are enjoying toying with us and watching out global humiliation, but sooner rather than later they will close the paths to exit.

oh, and the only artillery we have are some small mortars, the only air support, B-52's, nothing else will range the airport in daylight. I guess AC-130s would help at night.

we're F'd

Chris Lopes said...

"I cannot promise what the final outcome will be, but in the future, when Joe Biden's name is spoken, it will, more often than not, be accompanied by words like shit-show and clusterfuck."

It would be hard to imagine how you could avoid such terms.

The Drill SGT said...

If Blinken, Austin, Sullivan and Milley had any honor they would be gone by now.

1. If they counseled Joe that his decisions were destined for failure, they should have resigned in July.

2. if they nodded yes, and supported this S---show, they are accomplices and should resign now or be fired.

3. A right thinking Congress should hold hearings, get them under oath and impeach them.

4. and of course Biden, but that will never happen

Achilles said...

Butkus51 said...

they cheated for this

What I find interesting is that anyone one here thinks this isn't all happening exactly by design.

holdfast said...

Sure, this is an unmitigated disaster, but we have to remember, no mean tweets.

Kansas City said...

Ann is pretty rough on Biden.

Biden has always been a self promoting guy with bad judgment who was not very bright and said stupid things. He used to say them quickly with some eloquence. Now, he is diminished, so he says stupid things slowly and in a halting and confusing manner. He does not have the mental capacity to be president. He probably never did, but he is not longer a fast talker who can cover his stupidity.

Interesting part is that not just Ann, but the media seems to have recognized it and is close to being honest about it. I think it likely he resigns, but it probably will take the D's pushing him. Obama may have a role. The timing will be either: (a) Biden loses it completely in public; or (b) the D's decide it is time to go for election purposes - will it be better to force him our before or after the mid-terms. There is a small chance that the Taliban allows folks out without killing any Americans and Biden temporarily rebounds, but probably not likely.

Breezy said...

Joe is the face of the decisions, but I don’t believe he is the actual decider now. My mom had dementia (RIP). We never let her decide anything of any serious consequence.

Freder Frederson said...

oh, and the only artillery we have are some small mortars, the only air support, B-52's, nothing else will range the airport in daylight. I guess AC-130s would help at night.

Why do you lie like this? I assume you know this statement is false (if indeed you really were a Drill Sergeant). First off, we also have B-1s and B-2's. Secondly, all our combat aircraft have in air refueling capability (both times we bombed Libya, we did it from bases in England, I believe under Reagan it was F-111's and then F-15's out of Lakenheath with Obama).

And apparently FA 18s (most likely off a carrier in the Arabian Sea) are indeed flying combat air patrols over Kabul.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Why do you lie like this? I assume you know this statement is false (if indeed you really were a Drill Sergeant). First off, we also have B-1s and B-2's. Secondly, all our combat aircraft have in air refueling capability (both times we bombed Libya, we did it from bases in England, I believe under Reagan it was F-111's and then F-15's out of Lakenheath with Obama).

And apparently FA 18s (most likely off a carrier in the Arabian Sea) are indeed flying combat air patrols over Kabul"


Hey Field Marshall, just how effective do you think the weapon systems on those aircraft are in this scenario which is thoussnds of civilians in close proximity to the our soldiers as well as the talliban?

"Combat Air Patrol"....against who and what, presumably?

Is that F-18 gonna zorch down an alley to rescue the Americans being beaten by the Taliban?

You are truly another Clausewitz!

Thanks for the morning laugh. You never disappoint.

Chris Lopes said...

"And apparently FA 18s (most likely off a carrier in the Arabian Sea) are indeed flying combat air patrols over Kabul."

As an amateur who knows something about such things, I'm pretty sure combat air patrols are about keeping the other guy's air assets from interfering with your operations. In other words, they are about fighting other aircraft. In this situation, since the CAP will not save those on the ground, it's pretty much just for show.

Yancey Ward said...

What Drago said at 9:42 am. Freder, you are a fucking idiot of the highest order.