August 7, 2021

At the Sunrise Café...


... is it really this bleak?


Mea Sententia said...

No it isn't bleak. I was thinking today of how blessed I am, to be loved by my spouse, adored by my dog, and tolerated by my cats, with good health and good friends, as well as meaningful work to do that helps others. And the hope of eternal life beyond death. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places (Psalm 16:6). The alarmists want me to be perpetually alarmed by covid, climate, crime, etc., but I no longer pay attention to them, which only makes them shout the louder. (I do take reasonable precautions, though.) Life is good. Truly good. Just to be is a blessing.

madAsHell said...

Food-for-though, or maybe I'm just drunk dialing.

My 95-year-old mother recently received notice that the terms, and conditions of her banking accounts would change at the local state chartered bank. Any disputes would be sent to arbitration.

Cue the I-remember-my-mother-crying-as-we-left-the-bank stories. "I was just 4 years old......."

The hackles on the back of her neck tingled. We made a date to move the money.

The local state chartered bank cut two cashier checks for large amounts with consideration for FDIC limits. All is good.

We took the checks a quarter mile north to the Chase bank. They refused to take the cashier checks from the state chartered bank. In all fairness, she would be a new customer for Chase bank, but I thought it was a significant chunk of change.

We continued north to the BofA, and they accepted the cashier checks. Mom has been a BofA customer for years.

Today, we received notice that the funds placed in the BofA checking account would not be available for another 7 days.

I'm so old.........I remember back when cashier's checks were GOLD!!!

richlb said...

Are live comments back? Did I miss that memo? I will admit my enjoyment of this content did suffer a bit without them.

Ann Althouse said...

"Are live comments back?"

As you probably saw, you can put your comments in the compose window, but they will not appear until I approve them. I'm still applying a standard, as I was in the email method, but with a different procedure.

Tom Grey said...

It might be good to have open cafe posts also be about multiple posts, for those of us who drop by often but not quite daily.

I saw rain pouring in Japan for the closing ceremonies of the Olympics - I'm so much LESS into sports now than when younger. Looked bleak.

XY genetic people competing against XX real women, in denial of the truth of biology, is quite bleak. Trans folk deserve some care, even TLC, but born male can never become a real female.

Requiring the wearing of a facemask is different than requiring yellow stars. But also far more similar to it than not requiring its wearing. Not seeing the connection is bleak.

Sexual pleasure is not quite such a medical necessity for the disabled as to require gov't paid sex workers' work - but it should be legal for a charity to pay for some. The reality that no social adjustments make the disabled "equal" is part of life's unfairness that seems to bleakly require acceptance, like accepting weather.

Rule of law is against double standards. Those critics who complained, often wrongly, about Trump violating "Constitutional norms", yet who support Biden's moratorium extension even AFTER a court rejection, such critics show themselves to be merely partisans.

Bleak is not exclusively cloudy.
"Cloudy, the sky is gray and white and cloudy
Sometimes I think it's hanging down on me. "