August 14, 2021

6:05 a.m.


Feel free to comment on whatever you like.


The rule of Lemnity said...

Is Canada the coalmine in the Canary Islands?


The rule of Lemnity said...

Actor Val Kilmer amassed a cache of personal home videos over the years. Val, or someone, cut’m together and posted it up on Amazon video. I’m going to start watching it.

Wa St Blogger said...

Someone said on a previous thread that Americans don't care about Afghanistan. That is probably correct. There is a bit of "Screw you, we've got ours" and a little bit of, "If you are not willing to fight for freedom, then you don't deserve it." But there are a lot of innocents there that don't deserve what the zealots inflict on them, who have no power to fight back and no ability to learn a better way. I do not say that we should "fix" Afghanistan. We tried for 20 years, and so I can see the attitude that they just don't want it. There is a lot of inertia to overcome, and I guess we just couldn't do it in our "be nice" sort of occupation style. But I just can't get over the tragedy that will ensue for the women and the girls who have no voice, no power, and no option. If we could use our military to good effect it might look like this: We go over and rescue every single female in the country and give them full political asylum in the US. In 6 months each woman over the age of 18 can petition to return to Afghanistan of their own free will, but only after we are certain that there is no coercion being applied to them to return. The sad fact is that many will choose that, but hopefully many others, freed from their shackles will let them men rot in their own little hell.

Rant over.

Original Mike said...

I was sent this online gif:

"The US is 3rd in murders throughout the world.
If you remove Chicago, Detroit, D.C., St Louis, and New Orleans (which all have strict gun control laws, BTW), the US is 189 out of 193."

Is this true? What, if any, is the rebuttal?

Original Mike said...

OK, looking like it's not true.

First off, the US isn't even close to the top for murder per capita (which seems like the best statistic). It's 94th according to:

If you look at absolute numbers however, the US is close to the top and the murder numbers in the top cities aren't enough to support the claim.

David Duffy said...

"Is this true? What, if any, is the rebuttal?"
