June 27, 2021

Ukranian TikTok star hands a little girl a new iPhone to record her reaction but then still wants it back.

But the girl's mother doesn't accept the characterization of what happened. He says it was a prank. She makes the argument — it's a legal argument — that he made a gift, and he can't take it back... and she's video'd the whole thing and it's her video that goes viral. 

Indy100 reports: "Voloshin posted a video of his “touching” encounter with the little girl on TikTok, but left out the cruel punchline."

Here's the Reddit discussion at the aggressively named r/iamatotalpieceofshit: 


Someone over there says "I hate to be Mister Suspicious over here, but I'd had my fair fill of plenty of faked TikTok vids," and I think he means to suggest that little girl and the mother were in on the whole thing. Well, at least the mother.

You know, there really are a lot of people using children (and pet animals) to manufacture videos. They think up things to do to get a reaction, often involving tricking the child/pet.

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