April 3, 2021

"When I was about 10 years old, my mother became interested in the idea of the divine feminine, specifically centering spirituality on women..."

"...rather than the patriarchal notion of a male god.... Judging from the attendees of the goddess fairs in hotel ballrooms I was also taken to, this was a fairly White, progressive and privileged group of women. It served as a kind of spiritual extension of the women’s liberation movement of the 1970s, parallel to feminism. Men soon started to realize that they, too, had a gender to consider, and the men’s movement took off in the ’70s and ’80s. It manifested in three expressions, says Cliff Leek, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Northern Colorado and vice president of the American Men’s Studies Association: 'You get pro-feminist [men’s] groups that do work around reproductive health and sexual violence; and, on the other end of the spectrum, men’s rights groups that say, "We are gendered and the system is out to get us." The middle way is the mythopoetic: tying masculinity back to the sacred and mythological.' The prevailing figure in the mythopoetic movement is the poet Robert Bly. In 1990, Bly, who was in his 60s (he’s now 94), published 'Iron John: A Book About Men,' which includes lines like, 'Where a man’s wound is, that is where his genius will be.' Bly’s idea, told through Jung-influenced archetypes and fairy tales, was that men had been robbed of true masculinity via emotionally withholding fathers who raised soft sons. With some reflection — and maybe some banging on drums with other dudes in the forest — they could reclaim their inner Zeuses and thrive."

Cherry-picked right from the center of "QAnon’s Unexpected Roots in New Age Spirituality/Masculinity, faith and the strange convergence of counterculture and hate" by Marisa Meltzer (WaPo).


DavidUW said...

Slow news day?

Let's just make shit up, says the WaPo

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

tcrosse said...

If QAnon didn't exist, they'd have to invent it. And they did.

chuck said...

Should I believe any of that? The idea that QAnon was a PSYOP is more entertaining.

Joe Smith said...

I've read quite a bit about the whole Q thing, but I've never seen 'hate' to be part of the equation...

Michael K said...

WaPoo seems to be read only by Pajama Boys. I grew up reading "men's magazines" like "Argosy" and "Field and Stream." Argosy had lots of good fiction. I subscribed when I was 10. In 1948, they serialized a novel that became "Shane" as a movie. As far as Matriarchal societies, the Greeks had those, complete with Amazons.

narciso said...

Winning the future, q as far as i can gathwr is about reading between the lines, sussing out the power relationship that stretch like a web through out society

narciso said...

Gather oops autocorrect.

narciso said...



Sebastian said...

Pray tell, what is QAnon? Besides a propaganda trope, I mean.

Biff said...

Every now and then, I feel obligated to say that the people and views that are called "progressive" generally are closer to the opposite.

"Progressive" seems to be another manifestation of the "People's Democratic Republic" phenomenon.

narciso said...

Theres a 100 things than what you find in most q posts.

Temujin said...

One thing you can be sure of, if there is a discussion of QAnon, it's coming from someone on the Left. I've never heard a single person utter a word about QAnon other than people on the Left. No one in my 'radical' group of Libertarians, Conservatives, and left of center old time Liberals have ever said anything about it, or emailed or texted about it. Yet its still on the fingertips of every Journalist!.

Tilting at windmills, much?

Sam L. said...

I trust NOTHING from the WaPoo.

YoungHegelian said...

I remember reading a very interesting story by a guy who spent his boyhood with his mother in a feminist/goddess movement commune in Oregon in the late 60s/70s.

It turned him into an Orthodox Jew.

Wish I could find that article again.

Heartless Aztec said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WaPoo is poo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Temujin - exactly. I know nothing about Qanon. Is it real? is it a joke? I hear bits and pieces about the conspiracy theories - and I don't even know if they are Qanon or not. Does it matter if people believe there is a cabal of sexual predators at the highest levels? why are the left so touchy about it?

But the left - they are captured and obsessed by Q-anon. Q-Anon and the Russians! The left's favorite scapegoats.

Ficta said...

Mr. Van Driessen: Being in the captivity of nature without women is the perfect way to wrestle with your manhood.
Butt-head: Beavis wrestles with his manhood.
Beavis: Yeah, heh, I usually win.

Mark said...

It's a very sad thing. A pathology really, this pervasive self-hate that is present in nearly all of the leftist ideologies, including these women who hate their own sex and want to turn themselves into some stereotype of men, whether it takes the form of transgenderism or this "goddess" mentality.

Wince said...

WaPo: Cue the Q.

Mark said...
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Mark said...

By the way, God is neither male nor female and is also in a sense both. The Bible often describes God in terms of father, but there are also passages which are more maternal.

That said, there is a reason that God in our understanding of HIM is referred to in the male/masculine. And that is it is in reference to humanity's relationship to Him.

The human union of man and woman, husband and wife, father and mother, is an outward visible symbol of the relationship between humanity and God. In that relationship, God is in the role of bridegroom/father and humanity -- all of us -- is in the position of bride/mother. It is through us -- the feminine/maternal role -- that God creates new life and it is born. And it is that relationship that salvation is all about -- the ultimate union of human and divine, of men and women and God, many become one.

Sexual differentiation matters.

Hey Skipper said...

@Temujin: One thing you can be sure of, if there is a discussion of QAnon, it's coming from someone on the Left. I've never heard a single person utter a word about QAnon other than people on the Left. No one in my 'radical' group of Libertarians, Conservatives, and left of center old time Liberals have ever said anything about it, or emailed or texted about it. Yet its still on the fingertips of every Journalist!.

Took the characters right out of my keyboard.

walter said...

Qanon is..an idea...
Yeah..she took note of Chansley and put focus there, naturally.
Can we get a parse of the ideology behind the near deadly Gaga Dogsurrection?
They were better equipped for their mission.

SGT Ted said...

Just another sexist article demonizing expressions of masculinity that aren't woke or progressive from the intellectual bigots at WaPo.

walter said...

I still contend Qanon served more as pacifier than radicalizer...serving up repeated suggestions that all was about to be fixed by others.

Kai Akker said...

If you have to wonder about God's gender, haven't you missed the point?

effinayright said...

Has ANYONE who frequents this blog ever known or even met a QAnon adherent?

I keep asking my own friends, and no one has. No one really even knows what it stands for, other than what we read on Wikipedia.

Here's the wikipedia definition:

QAnon (/ ˌ k j uː ə ˈ n ɒ n /), or simply Q, is a disproven and discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against former U.S. president Donald Trump while he was in office. QAnon is commonly called a cult,,

Sounds to me a LOT like it's a successor to or a rival of Scientology, which used to claim that the Queen of England and Henry Kissinger engaged in massive drug-trafficking.

IOW its adherents are a bunch of NUTS, with no interest in seizing political power.

I'm thinking its HQ is located downtown Oceania, which (as we all know) we've always been at war with.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No mention from WaPo(D) - the HATE of Antifa.


Narr said...
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walter said...

Yes, I speak from position of having a client and friend who bought into at least some of that. He was expecting big things to unfold as 1/6 approached. More about Team Trump orchestrating government/military resources and or divine intervention. That was the overlap that stood out to me.
Being a client, I engaged very minimally on all that.

Yancey Ward said...

Do want to know how to identify mediocrities? Take a clue from this:

"assistant professor of sociology at the University of Northern Colorado"

walter said...

I texted him when I heard about the breach and he was shocked.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I myself get Russian downloads and Q-anon downloads with marching orders to take over the world, each morning at *65>>~ that's Martian for quiggle. be afraid.

Please ignore leftwing hate.

Iman said...

Blogger tcrosse said...
If QAnon didn't exist, they'd have to invent it. And they did

QAnon is part of the wackadoodle left and the Democrats with bylines narrative. There are many narratives, but this one is exclusively THEIR’S. No one else knows what it is or gives enough of a fuck to investigate.

walter said...

If we are allowed Halloween this Fall, gonna be a lot of Q Shaman outfits.

walter said...

(That got Meade's attention)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter media: If you don't blindly worship Biden and the democrat party - you must be a Russian agent and a Q-anon filled with hate.

narciso said...

Makes as much sense


walter said...

Someone might remember what "baseless" really means.

cacimbo said...

A radical black nationalist just murdered a capital officer - so media starts gaslighting with stories about the "dangerous" right. this is their standard routine. It is why so many leftists actually believe the right is behind all the violence.The left is very good at propaganda.

farmgirl said...

I wouldn’t even want to be a feminist- I was too busy tagging along behind my Dad- in the end our farm was sold anyway. I had an Associate(degree)- but, alas- no penis. And I told my Dad that. I don’t blame him at all. Is what it is.

Now- I have a new role(25yrs new)(same as the old role). I understand.

I claimed for many years to be- not a feminist, but a womanist. I loved that concept. So honest. Thought it was mine, even. When I decided I probably should look it up- it was taken. So I stopped using it. I understand.

So now- I’m just me.

n.n said...

The divine feminine, masculine, too, are chauvinistic ideologies consisting of a supernatural obsession with sex-correlated physical and mental attributes that persist with special and peculiar interests for political, social, and corporate leverage. A discernment of "sex and sex-correlated gender" and social constructs in context matter. Whether a father in absentia, or a mother in a rent-a-womb, it requires a complementary pair to be divine.

farmgirl said...

Heh- leave for the longest choir practice- evah- and come back so tired I (again!!) comment on the wrong thread. It’s AdLib for farmgirls- lol

n.n said...

So, Meltzer thesis is that genderphobia is a first-order forcing of Antifa; Some, Select Black Lives Matter; Pro-Choicers; etc.? Diversity (i.e. color judgments), too. An insidious hostility to men and women, boys and girls, and babies, too, driven by an ideologically-induced incongruities. #HateLovesAbortion

narciso said...

Its a big timey wimey mess, regardless which thread.

n.n said...

shorter media: If you don't blindly worship Biden and the democrat party

Take a knee. Beg. Roll over. Good girl.

Mark said...

Q is a disproven and discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against former U.S. president Donald Trump

Which should clue EVERYONE in immediately that it is a made-up farce, so transparently outrageous on its face, which a bunch of fools filled with hateful animus actually took seriously.

And a guy wearing horns and bear skins was a serious threat to our democracy too.


Bruce Hayden said...

“ Has ANYONE who frequents this blog ever known or even met a QAnon adherent?”

I do. And intermittently followed him/them.

“QAnon (/ ˌ k j uː ə ˈ n ɒ n /), or simply Q, is a disproven and discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against former U.S. president Donald Trump while he was in office. QAnon is commonly called a cult,,”

Don’t you love it: “disproven and discredited”. By whom? WaPo, NYT, etc, by cherry picking Q posts and finding issues with them? It is like much of the “fact checking” they do - highly biased and inevitably more false than true.

If you think that it is all false, then why (and how) was Jeffrey Epstein assassinated inside a high security federal prison? Shouldn’t we have heard, by now, how it was pulled off, how all the cameras were turned off, his roommate transferred out, etc? Instead, what have we heard? Crickets? No one was really surprised though, after all the pictures of Bill Clinton with him turned up, along with pictures and flight logs showing prominent people from around the world with him, including the second son of QE2.

Just to clarify - Epstein appears to have mostly dealt with attractive post pubescent girls. A lot of older guys have a weakness for such. And, yes, I have known guys to travel out of this country to satisfy this urge. It is Malum Prohibitum, not Malum in se, because the age of consent is arbitrary. We are mostly talking very attractive 17, And maybe 16, year old women. Contrast this with the pedophilia that the Podesta brothers have been accused of instead, since the kids supposedly involved were prepubescent. I think that the cannibalism is supposed to be a west coast thing, where youth obsessed Hollywood types try to maintain their youth through drinking the blood of kids, or some such. I am almost certain that Epstein was actively providing access to barely underaged young women to a lot of powerful people around the world. And there is enough evidence to strongly suggest that he was doing it in order to blackmail them. But the rest of it? Maybe. Maybe not. But definitely not something that the WaPo didn’t debunk or discredit. I seriously doubt that they would ever have asked the Podesta brothers about the allegations against them, and you can be sure that papers like that never followed up.

And, yes, at this late date, it is foolish, or extremely naive, to try to argue that the Deep State did not plot against President Trump and his more powerful supporters, from before he was elected, to after he left office, and appears to be continuing to this date. By now, we all know how the entire a Russian hoax was constructed, and perpetuated up through the end of the Mueller investigation, and beyond, with Gen Flynn only being pardoned shortly before Trump left office.

Still, the funny thing about Q and his Anons, is that the Dems in DC, along with their Deep State allies always followed their posting much more closely than did the right, which is why it has long been suspected that Q was a psyop aimed at the Dems and the Deep State participants.

Leora said...

Qanon is a small fringe group that has been cherry picked to represent the beliefs to anyone to the right of Nancy Pelosi. And honestly the trials of Weinstein, Epstein and the NXVM folks as well as frequent busts of sex traffickers make the idea of powerful secret pedophile rings a good deal more believable than many things the infortainment media covers very seriously.

tcrosse said...

I remember going to a Robert Bly appearance back in the early 80's. It was full of guys who were trying to deal with their 70's feminist wives, as was I.

Mark said...

Q-anon is the 2021 version of the state militia boogeymen of the past.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Q Who

A conspiracy to collusion to stoke diversity and exclusion?

rhhardin said...

A god that nags.

effinayright said...

Bruce Hayden said...
“ Has ANYONE who frequents this blog ever known or even met a QAnon adherent?”

I do.

>>>Yay. We have one person so far.

And intermittently followed him/them.

>>>What does "followed" mean? Can we Follow" them too? If they are on-line you won't be outing yourself by giving us their URL or show us some tweets.

QAnon's website's last entry was July 19,2020. There are no comments to its articles displayed there. Compare that with Althouse.

“QAnon (/ ˌ k j uː ə ˈ n ɒ n /), or simply Q, is a disproven and discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against former U.S. president Donald Trump while he was in office. QAnon is commonly called a cult,,”

Don’t you love it: “disproven and discredited”. By whom? WaPo, NYT, etc, by cherry picking Q posts and finding issues with them? It is like much of the “fact checking” they do - highly biased and inevitably more false than true.

>>>Yet many people who read those snotrags believe in QAnon's power and reach. Please explain that. And so far you've offered no proof otherwise.

If you think that it is all false,
>>> I ASKED *why* , if QAnon was so prevalent, so few people know anyone who subscribes to it.

then why (and how) was Jeffrey Epstein assassinated inside a high security federal prison?

>>>>Oh. You KNOW Epstein was assassinated, and by QAnon. C'mon, Bruce, you're a lawyer.

So far, you've only speculated on matters you haven't offered proof of. Worse, you throw up strawmman arguments about me believing the Trump was NOT conspired against by the Deep State, which is something I never said and is not true.

My point was, and remains, that we're talking at most about a tiny number of people who engage in far less violence that BLM and Antifa, yet are considered a mortal threat to the Republic.

From all signs so far, they are not.

Michael K said...

And, yes, at this late date, it is foolish, or extremely naive, to try to argue that the Deep State did not plot against President Trump and his more powerful supporters, from before he was elected, to after he left office, and appears to be continuing to this date. By now, we all know how the entire a Russian hoax was constructed, and perpetuated up through the end of the Mueller investigation, and beyond, with Gen Flynn only being pardoned shortly before Trump left office.

I have been reading, for the second time, a very interesting book on the origins of WWI. It is titled "The Sleepwalkers" and is somewhat revisionist as the author blames the French as much as the Germans for the war. One facet of the story is the role of the permanent bureaucracy in each of the governments. Not just the monarchies. France was largely governed by a groups called "The centrale," which was part of the bureaucracy. It gained in power as the French government was as unstable as that which led to WWII. Ministers stayed in office for only months and foreign policy was run by ambassadors and the centrale.

Germany was similar, as was Russia. Even England was run by Grey and a Germanophobe named Sir Francis Bertie. Bertie, in an earlier role, had been the British official who ordered the seizure of German ships trying to aid the Boer rebels. The arrogant intervention of Bertie was the cause of the Kaiser's decision to build a High Seas Fleet.

I would not think it impossible that the arrogant and ignorant Deep State could get us into a war. They do seem to be trying.

Lurker21 said...

Cliff Leek seems to have based his whole theory on the tattooed shirtless guy wearing buffalo horns and carrying a spear.

Offhand, I'd say that's not a large enough sample size.

The more Gender Studies departments, courses, professors, majors and grads there are the more things will be discussed, analyzed and explained in terms of gender.

The procedure for a lot of the analyses you read in the paper is "These people aren't like me. What am I like? What is the opposite of what I am like? That must be what they are like."

One problem is that there isn't much analysis of what the analysts are ostensibly talking about. Another problem is that people aren't always very good at seeing what they are like themselves. The people you're dissecting may not be that much different from you or may not share your obsessions.

Inga said...

‘In an article for Medium called “Nazi Hippies: When the New Age and Far Right Overlap,” Evans wrote about how leading members of the Nazi party in the 1930s and ’40s were followers of alternative spirituality and medicine. “There was an idea that western culture has lost its way and we need to return to traditional sources of wisdom, whether that be Hinduism or Sufism or traditional gender roles,” Evans told me. It’s a concept that’s popular today with the alt-right. “There is an overlap,” he says, “between New Age and far-right populism in traditionalist thinking, that the West has lost its way with feminism, multiculturalism, egalitarianism, and we need a return to order.””

Boom, there it is. Yes, it’s probably painful to read that, but that’s where so many of you seem to have been sucked into. Bruce Hayden is one of the few here who is being semi honest about this belief system. So many of you deny any knowledge of QAnon, yet expressing commentary that falls in line with this belief system, but for anyone paying attention, it’s heard here over and over again and has been for a few years now.

I can understand the hesitancy to admit this ideology is real, it probably is almost embarrassing because it’s so outlandish. On any given day you folks sound just like QAnons, whether you realize it or not, you’ve somehow internalized the ideology.

Cudos to Bruce Hayden for his honesty. Traditional Guy also has dropped nuggets about QAnon related ideas for several years now. Was no one paying attention or were you people paying attention to the conspiracy theories and were oblivious as to where they originated and were being promulgated?

Michael K said...

So many of you deny any knowledge of QAnon, yet expressing commentary that falls in line with this belief system, but for anyone paying attention, it’s heard here over and over again and has been for a few years now.

From the dullard left.

Night Owl said...

I still contend Qanon served more as pacifier than radicalizer...serving up repeated suggestions that all was about to be fixed by others.

About three or four years ago, out of curiosity I followed QAnon on and off ago for about six months, and came to the same conclusion. It amazed me that even when the Q predictions were wrong -- such as pushing the notion that the animosity between Sessions and Trump was a plot to trap conspirators-- people still continued to follow.

It feeds people things they want to believe, such as the idea that someone is in control and has a plan that will ultimately expose and punish the wicked. Like religion, it offers hope to those who feel that events are spiraling out of control for the worse. I suspect it's a deep state propaganda tool to quell uprisings among the most desperate of the deplorables. A very clever one because if the way it mimics religion.

Bruce Hayden said...

“>>>>Oh. You KNOW Epstein was assassinated, and by QAnon. C'mon, Bruce, you're a lawyer.”

The federal prison had a layered defense. There were multiple cameras that show who is going in and out of the cells. Multiple cameras, that should have shown everything happening to Epstein, from multiple angles. All turned off. Epstein had a roommate to prevent him from suiciding. Transferred earlier that day. Rounds by guards every hour? Skipped for the critical timeframe when Epstein died. Etc. Could it all have happened by coincidence? Possibly, but highly highly unlikely. Shouldn’t the Feds have provided by now a report on the security failures that allowed Epstein to die in the middle of a high security federal prison of their highest profile inmate? Not yet, and likely not ever. The coincidences are so unlikely, that I will continue to believe in murder. (And that doesn’t include the reality that inconvenient people seem to suicide a lot around the Clintons).

Night Owl said...

But, of course, I'm not 100% sure about who is/was behind Q. Whether it was someone in the Trump administration manipulating his followers, or someone in the deep state, or just some clever hoaxer. Chances are there may even be more than one Q as time goes by.

Yancey Ward said...

rhhardin wrote:

"A god that nags."

I don't care if Laslo shows up, this can't be topped in this thread.

Inga said...

“It feeds people things they want to believe, such as the idea that someone is in control and has a plan that will ultimately expose and punish the wicked. Like religion, it offers hope to those who feel that events are spiraling out of control for the worse. I suspect it's a deep state propaganda tool to quell uprisings among the most desperate of the deplorables. A very clever one because if the way it mimics religion.”
A quote from the article...

“A vast landscape of lost people — who need a belief system to guide their actions — constitutes promising terrain for someone seeking to attract believers, proteges or followers (online or otherwise). The central figures in this subculture “are guys who don’t know how to manage their charisma,” says Remski. “They are burdened with unwarranted confidence amplified and recycled by social media until it’s habitual but also viral.””

Yancey Ward said...

Clever hoaxer is just about 99% probable to be the answer. It doesn't rule out some counter-intelligence operation, but whoever did it was a clever hoaxer. What it surely isn't is someone who was actually a Trump supporter and in the inner circle. I think it 50/50 that it was somebody/s who even supported Trump. As someone noted above, the "tidbits" seemed a way to pacify Trump supporters, not engage them.

Yancey Ward said...

You can note, can't you, who seems to know the most about Qanon and Q in this thread? Who always shows up with cut and paste material every time the subject comes up?

narciso said...

They ask us to believe more patently ridicous things than qanon, because they are in official documents

walter said...

Jim Eagle got nothing on Inga Pelican.

Michael K said...

The coincidences are so unlikely, that I will continue to believe in murder. (And that doesn’t include the reality that inconvenient people seem to suicide a lot around the Clintons).

Much the same happened with Whitey Bulgar.

Bulger was beaten to death in the US Penitentiary Hazelton in Bruceton Mills, West Virginia, within hours of his transfer there in a move the lawsuit said was so "inappropriate" it appeared he was "deliberately sent to his death."
The suit, filed in West Virginia on Friday, accuses prison wardens and other correctional officers of knowingly violating Bulger's civil rights. The defendants are not identified in the suit, it said, because Bulger's family doesn't know who was involved in the decision to transfer him.

Resident dullards have troubler with circumstantial evidence. The cameras were also turned off.

Inga said...

“Knowing” about it is something you folks fell down on, or did you? Expressing QAnon ideas makes you sound like adherents, yet denying you know/knew anything about it makes you sound dishonest.

Who me?”I know nothing!” Who said that? Sgt.Schultz?

walter said...

One of the more disturbing elements of the Epstein incident was how dismissive Barr was about concerns over Epstein's cascade of coincidences.

Yancey Ward said...

What ideas, exactly, have we commenters here expressed, Inga, that are identical to those in Q and Qanon?

Yancey Ward said...

I don't think Inga has yet repudiated her belief that Trump paid hookers to piss on a bed on in Moscow, but I might have missed it.

Night Owl said...

For the sake of accuracy, let me emphasize that my conclusions were based on what I read over three years ago. I haven't read any Q postings since then.

Q can be different things to different people. Some on the left have certainly built their own cult around demonizing QAnon--much as they demonize Trump, Trump supporters, conservatives, Republicans, white men, etc, etc. The left seems to need their demons to battle as much, or maybe more, than the right needs their saviors. Q can satisfy both. Quite a clever tool.

Yancey Ward said...

And it is in just the last day or so that the leftist media has started to recant their stories on the "non-existent" Hunter Biden laptop. Even Hunter himself more or less admits it is his laptop

narciso said...

Epstein worked with megacorporations and inelligence agencies, but its totes fine.

walter said...

"more or less admits" = one of the strangest, almost stand-up comic bit level non-denial denials.
Supposedly the smartest guy Black Eyed Joementia knows.
Check that hallway "dog poop" for Hunter's DNA.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, he can safely not deny it is his now that there is zero chance any US attorney will take a look at it. There wasn't much chance of that happening anyway, but with Shitforbrain's inauguration it is now zero chance.

Inga said...

“QAnon influencers recently started using the phrase "There is no QAnon," insisting that the conspiracy was invented by the media.

The trend began on October 17, 2020 when the infamous user "Q" updated the message board 8kun with a post that read:

"There is 'Q.' 1
There are 'Anons.' 2
There is no 'QANON.' 3
Media labeling as 'QANON' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.: is pretty self-explanatory."

The ploy is an attempt to gaslight the public into believing that QAnon was invented by the media and that its supporters are nonviolent peaceful patriots, author and conspiracy expert Mike Rothschild explained.

"True believers are rewriting its history, pretending 'QAnon' is a term made up by the media to smear truth-seekers and researchers," Rothschild said. "In reality, Q believers were using the term since the days after the first Q drops. Q used it in dozens of posts, and it's all over their merchandise and iconography. Pretending they never used it is a form of gaslighting. Not just of us, but of themselves."

Almost immediately after the 8kun post, QAnon influencers echoed the phrase on social media. Although Twitter banned nearly 150,00 accounts associated with the conspiracy in March 2021, several accounts continue to tweet "There is no QAnon" verbatim.”


Inga said...

“What ideas, exactly, have we commenters here expressed, Inga, that are identical to those in Q and Qanon?”

1. The belief in a “Deep State”
2. The belief that there is an organized battle between good and evil and the right is on the side of the “good”.
3. The belief that the election was stolen.
4. The belief that Covid was a hoax and then when that couldn’t be upheld any longer the notion that Covid deaths are exaggerated.
5. The belief that Covid vaccines will harm the person being vaccinated somehow.
6. The belief that the media is the “Enemy of the People”

Just a few.

walter said...

H: "It not not my poop. I make a lot of poop. It could be my poop. I bet you poop too."

Michael K said...

The resident dullard seems to be one of the few true believers in Qanon around here.

Iman said...

Jim Eagle got nothing on Inga Pelican.

More like Igna Dodo.

Yancey Ward said...

1. The belief that Putin helped get Trump elected in 2016.
2. The belief that there is an organized battle between good and evil and the left is on the side of the “good”.
3. The belief that there is no election fraud.
4. The belief that the right policies could have stopped COVID from spreading in the US, that lockdowns and mask mandates would save lives, and when that could no longer be supported by the evidence, that COVID deaths were undercounted in states like Florida
5. The belief that Covid vaccines will harm the person being vaccinated somehow, right up until the day after Joe Shitforbrains was installed in the White House.
6. The belief that the mainstream media isn't biased towards Democrats.

You want to keep playing, Inga?

walter said...

Crazy fuckers couldn't even do a proper insurrection.
Shoulda hired in the Dogsurrection crew.

walter said...

Or perhaps via Calypso Louie's manpower operation.

Michael K said...

As far as Deep State, that was originally a conclusion on the left.

Here is a description.

As far as the election being stolen, Time Magazine practically bragged about it recently.

The "Covid Hoax" story is a lie told by the left and the media to try to discredit Trump. This was after they attacked him for stopping flights from China in January 2020.

Exaggerating Covid deaths is another attempt by dullards to justify the wrecking of the economy. The only true measure will be excess deaths over the usual annual toll. Many of the elderly deaths attributed to Covid may be examples of reduced survival in those who might have died anyway within a few weeks or months.

Vaccine resistance is more seen on the left and in health care workers.

We all know that the Media is the enemy of the people, at least those not ready to accept Fascism.

walter said...

Some of those folks were more Ensurection.
Takin' selfies within velvet rope?
Come on, man!

Yancey Ward said...

Does any rational person reading this thread not believe that had Trump won the election, Inga herself would be trying to convince people not to take the vaccine, not the other way around?

As far as I can remember, there is only two commenters from the right in these threads that openly tells people to not get the COVID vaccine- Stephen Cooper and Mark 075, but their objections aren't really based on the vaccine being dangerous, but rather a question of religious ethics. Tell me which ones, Inga? I do remember all the Democrat politicians telling us before the election how they wouldn't take a vaccine pushed through emergency approval by the Trump administration, and how all of them turned out to be liars.

walter said...

"Vaccine resistance is more seen on the left and in health care workers."
In Europe too..that Trumpian Q-anon hotbed.

Bob Smith said...

But suppose, just suppose the QAnon guys are only partly right. And a few of the establishment are serial child molesters. But the rest protect them.

Michael K said...

Here is an example of the Media for the dullard.

The idea that we should always give two sides equal weight and merit does not reflect the world we find ourselves in. That the Sun sets in the west is a fact, any contrary view does not deserve our time or attention. And I know recent events assure that you won’t have to look far to find more current and relevant examples. I think you get my point.

Decisions to not give unsupported arguments equal time are not a dereliction of journalistic responsibility or some kind of agenda. In fact, just the opposite.

"Unsupported" means the left has not admitted the truth. An example is Hunter's laptop. Another is the recent "correction" by PBS (Public Broadcasting !) that the Trump phone call was fabricated.

effinayright said...

Bruce Hayden said...
“>>>>Oh. You KNOW Epstein was assassinated, and by QAnon. C'mon, Bruce, you're a lawyer.”

The federal prison had a layered defense. There were multiple cameras that show who is going in and out of the cells. Multiple cameras, that should have shown everything happening to Epstein, from multiple angles. All turned off. Epstein had a roommate to prevent him from suiciding. Transferred earlier that day. Rounds by guards every hour? Skipped for the critical timeframe when Epstein died. Etc. Could it all have happened by coincidence? Possibly, but highly highly unlikely. Shouldn’t the Feds have provided by now a report on the security failures that allowed Epstein to die in the middle of a high security federal prison of their highest profile inmate? Not yet, and likely not ever. The coincidences are so unlikely, that I will continue to believe in murder. (And that doesn’t include the reality that inconvenient people seem to suicide a lot around the Clintons).

IOW, "who else could it be, but one of the perps who were part of the conspiracy QAnon speaks of"?

C'mon, Bruce: you're familiar with the "Argument from Ignorance". You've offered lots of circumstantial evidence, but no proof. And no perp, either.

But while you're at it please explain why Ghislane is still alive.

Yancey Ward said...

I could go on with the craziness of the Left- like the January 6th protests at the Capitol were somehow a threat to the Republic and more violent than any of 500 different protests during the past Summer of George. You keep seeing the January 6th protests described as killing 5 people, but when you go look at what happened, 4 of them were Trump supporters, and 3 of those died of natural causes, not violence. The 5th, Sicknick, was claimed for weeks to have died after getting hit on the head with a fire extinguisher, and when that bullshit story collapsed, it was pepper spray that killed him a day after the protests, but authorities still haven't released a cause of death, and Occam's Razor suggests that they haven't released a cause because it won't help the leftish narrative.

Seriously- people like Inga wanted trespassers sent to federal prison, for pete's sake. Some of these people are still being held without bail. This is true injustice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Soviet left want trespassers to go to prison?

whoddah thunk it?

Michael K said...

Here is an amusing story about a Democrat candidate for Congress, who sent a photo of a Klan hood to a black conservative. He's a professor, as well.

Democrats are all that they project on Republicans.

Wholelotta... the perp was probably a federal officer or an inmate facilitated by a federal officer. Lotta stuff like that goes on in prisons.

Yancey Ward said...

The one person killed by a violent act, Ashli Babbitt, was unarmed and shot in the neck by still unnamed security person at the Capitol.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what is Blue Annon?

1. The belief that Russians are behind anything and everything. Especially any negative information about any elite democrat and their males sons.
1.2 The belief in all things Maddow.
1.3. The belief that it should be illegal to criticize the left.
1.4 Antifa isn't real.
2. The belief that there is an organized battle between good and evil and the left is on the side of the “good”.
3. The belief that the 2016 election was stolen.... by Russians
4. You better not have any doubts about how the left harness a crisis - or the corrupt left will call you Q-anan. The Chi coms are awesome.
5. Any skepticism towards a vaccine - that was formerly applied to Trump's vaccine by Kamala - is right wing nuttiness!
6. You better obey the media.

Darrell said...

When someone uses the term "alt-right," they have lost all credibility. Same with "Teabaggers" for Tea Party members. You are dealing with a Leftist loon--an intentional liar.

Rosalyn C. said...

The article would have been more interesting for me if the writer, Marisa Meltzer, had interviewed her mother about her experiences and what she learned and what she thinks now about the feminine divine and spirituality.

Instead the writer dismisses her mother's agency and knowledge and relies, ironically, on the authority and knowledge of a white male whose "... primary research interest is in the ways in which individuals and groups in positions of privilege engage in social justice activism..." (https://cliffleek.com) Marisa Meltzer writes about spiritual practices and movements with the same level of detail and observation as someone wearing a blindfold would describe an elephant. Obtuse, disconnected.

While the writer repeatedly mocks the whiteness of the spiritual groups with which she is familiar she neglects to investigate or report on the spiritual practices of Blacks and Black women, as if they have none. And yet, "Black American keynote speakers that are practitioners of Hoodoo spoke at an event at The Department of Arts and Humanities at California State University about the importance of Hoodoo and other African spiritual traditions practiced in social justice movements to liberate black people from oppression." Anderson, Chase. "Discussing the role of spirituality in the Black Lives Matter movement and the fight for racial justice". The Runner. The Student News Site of California State University. Retrieved 22 February 2021. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoodoo_(spirituality)#cite_note-54)

Bob Smith said...

And in support of what I said above I offer you the Lincoln Project. As far as we know that Weaver guy was alone in being Groomer in Chief. As far as we know. And that photo of Hunter Biden? Your imagination.

walter said...

It's really a tragic distraction from the Bugger Loo Boyz' ongoing rampage through the states.

walter said...

Despite all those years (since late 80's?) Rove knew about Weaver, failed to put him on his whiteboard leading up to election.

Night Owl said...

On any given day you folks sound just like QAnons, whether you realize it or not, you’ve somehow internalized the ideology.

How would anyone really know what a QAnon follower sounds like unless they themselves followed QAnon regularly?

Speaking of people who want to be spoon-fed ideas, this person cuts and paste things it wants to believe are true.

Inga said...

“How would anyone really know what a QAnon follower sounds like unless they themselves followed QAnon regularly?”

Perhaps you haven’t read any investigative journalism regarding QAnon. People have been investigating and writing about it for at least 3 years. It’s important to not limit oneself to only right wing publications.

Michael K said...

Perhaps you haven’t read any investigative journalism regarding QAnon. People have been investigating and writing about it for at least 3 years. It’s important to not limit oneself to only right wing publications.

Hilarious. The dullard strikes agin. The lefty publications are the authority on Qanon. That 's what we have been saying, dummy.

Inga said...

Michael K also believes that Hillary Clinton and the DNC murdered Seth Rich.

Night Owl said...

Perhaps you haven’t read any investigative journalism regarding QAnon. People have been investigating and writing about it for at least 3 years. It’s important to not limit oneself to only right wing publications.

People have written a lot things that turn out to be false. I prefer to draw my own conclusions whenever possible. I don't cut and paste other's. If I was still interested in QAnon I'd go to the source material. But it's not an obsession of mine.

Iman said...

what is Blue Annon?

It’s an offshoot of Blue Onan, a seedy hive of villainy and spunk.

Bates said...

I could write this article. So we can judge it amateurish and shallow in research and wisdom.

**I followed the news of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and the prominence of Confederate flags, nooses and other symbols of the far right. **

1. There was no insurrection. This is a woke myth equal to any Qanon thinking. If there had been a resurrection there would have been armed groups and death.
2. When one looks at the flags at the events. There are thousands of American Flags. Hundreds of Gadsen flags. And one confederate flag. Probably run in by an Antifa member. No one has interviews that guy who is clearly on camera. What that means in todays media is that he doesn't fit the narrative.
3. Zero nooses. This is where you know the author is a bit looney and can't reason past her emotions.

The majority of the Qanon posters on parler where suburban housewives that drank a little too much chapel wine. Sitting across from their blue anon relatives. The true hate of self is coming from the blue anon folks who lack any real spirituality.

What you actually do see in the spiritual realm is worshippers in regular churches reaching deeper into the Bible to find a response to the Marxist bent of the Biden administration.

It's a paradigm issue that will bring a change. People left and right are being presented a problem that they can't understand in their comfortable conventional terms. This article however misses the mark.

Fernandinande said...

"... primary research interest is in the ways in which individuals and groups in positions of privilege engage in social justice activism..." (https://cliffleek.com)

Don't forget: "I [Leek] write, speak, and consult on issues of masculinity, whiteness, workplace inequalities, and violence."

Night Owl said...

Perhaps you haven’t read any investigative journalism regarding QAnon.

My initial impression of QAnon was based off of first hand observation by reading QAnon and his followers over many months. You made a generalization about people on this blog based on the opinions you read from others. And yet you tell me I need to read more. You need to read less and think more.

Inga said...

“You made a generalization about people on this blog based on the opinions you read from others. And yet you tell me I need to read more. You need to read less and think more.”

You need to stop making assumptions. I’ve read investigative journalism regarding QAnon and I’ve read what the Anons have posted before 8 chan and Parler was de-platformed. I’ve also been reading and commenting on this blog for over 10 years and my observations are based on the comments of right wing commenters here and the comments on 8chan and Parler. They are similar.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...
Michael K also believes that Hillary Clinton and the DNC murdered Seth Rich.

I don't know and neither do you. I would like to talk to that medical resident who was ordered out of GW ICU when Rich, still alive, was admitted.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jim Carrey had definitely joined the NewAge Movement - and was leading the Anti-Vaccine Movement - long before they hooked-up with QAnon.

So there's that.

Michael K said...

I’ve also been reading and commenting on this blog for over 10 years and my observations are based on the comments of right wing commenters here and the comments on 8chan and Parler.

And no improvement in knowledge or understanding that I have seen. Do you still think Putin installed Trump in the White House ?

narciso said...

There are statues on easter island, which are less dense.

Inga said...


Perhaps some of you could use this support group now, maybe some in the future.

The Crack Emcee said...

Inga said...

"Michael K also believes that Hillary Clinton and the DNC murdered Seth Rich."

That would be the same Hillary who we know - 100% - A) including the four current accusers, has harassed every woman her husband has sexually abused B) sent a guy to threaten one - Kathleen Wiley - who then also killed her dog C) laughed when she got Gaddafi killed (and brought slavery back to Libya) and most recently D) set the three-year "Russian Collusion" lie in motion (after the "vast rightwing conspiracy" canard worked so well).

No, her integrity is safe, with all that "investigative journalism" you're doing on those you support.

Inga said...

“No, her integrity is safe, with all that "investigative journalism" you're doing on those you support.”

I don’t support her. I also didn’t vote for her. Having said that, it’s pretty “out there” to accuse her and the DNC of murdering Seth Rich.

narciso said...



Inga said...

“No, her integrity is safe, with all that "investigative journalism" you're doing on those you support.”

I don’t support QAnon, do you?

Night Owl said...

You need to stop making assumptions. I’ve read investigative journalism regarding QAnon and I’ve read what the Anons have posted before 8 chan and Parler was de-platformed. I’ve also been reading and commenting on this blog for over 10 years and my observations are based on the comments of right wing commenters here and the comments on 8chan and Parler. They are similar.

So one should assume that because the right leaning folks here have beliefs that are similar to right-leaning QAnon followers that the commenters here are secretly QAnon true-believers in denial?

Perhaps some of you could use this support group now, maybe some in the future.

Talk about making assumptions...

narciso said...

The splc should have been sealed and ser fire for encouraging the attack on the family research council.

farmgirl said...

Qanon: sounds like a place to get over something, no?

Kai Akker said...

----Do want to know how to identify mediocrities? Take a clue from this:

"assistant professor of sociology at the University of Northern Colorado". [YWard]

Yes, I took a clue from your post.

narciso said...

Oh really


Narr said...

"True masculinity" is phlogiston. Masculine is as masculine does, and its relationship to spirituality and womenfolk, and womenfolk spirituality is tenuous as far as I can see.

And FWIW, Deep State is no more than convenient shorthand for the inevitable progression of national-security surveillance-state aims and methods among self-interested and corrupt elites in imperial capitols. The actuality long predates the term and is empirically observable--nobody needs QAnonandonandonandon to recognize the symptoms and signs.

Men's Studies! I'd rather study a broad.

Michael K said...

And FWIW, Deep State is no more than convenient shorthand for the inevitable progression of national-security surveillance-state aims and methods among self-interested and corrupt elites in imperial capitols.

Oh, I think so too. There is nothing unique about this but I also think that the bureaucracy brought about WWI. And all our troubles the past 100 years stem from that. And they did not have the support of a corrupt media or at least one anyone paid attention to. They were just far less competent than they thought. Now, we have the billionaires who think they are polymaths or, as in Dorsey, are drug addled CCP puppets.

Doug said...

Blogger Inga said...
Michael K also believes that Hillary Clinton and the DNC murdered Seth Rich.

So do I.

Doug said...

I'm a feminine-ist.

Howard said...

I agree you people don't look at QAnon. But you all mouth their talking points because you do your research and follow the crumbs to the Gingerbread house.

Lewis Wetzel said...

How much do you know about Qanon, Howard? Where do you learn about Qanon's talking points?
I really have no frikkin' idea what Qanon talking points are, and if you do . . . well, I'm guessing you know more about them than 99% of conservatives.
You might ask yourself why all the intelligence agencies of the most powerful nation on earth haven't been able to nab this Emmanuel-Goldstein-like character.

The Godfather said...

I'm confused. Is QAnon the divine feminine? And how is she related to the Elders of Zion? I seem to have so much to learn.

Narr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Howie looks to Inga for guidance.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I think that "Qanon" is the Jungian "shadow self" of the Left.
Am I allowed to say this? I don't have a psychology degree. I am utterly, completely, absolutely w/o credentials in this area.

Watsapp status said...


The Crack Emcee said...

Inga said...
“No, her integrity is safe, with all that "investigative journalism" you're doing on those you support.”

I don’t support her. I also didn’t vote for her. Having said that, it’s pretty “out there” to accuse her and the DNC of murdering Seth Rich.

With the Clinton's reputation - they also killed a disabled black man to look "Tough on Crime" - nothing is "out there" but the fact they have defenders.

The Crack Emcee said...

Inga said...
“No, her integrity is safe, with all that "investigative journalism" you're doing on those you support.”

I don’t support QAnon, do you?

You support whatever vagina is near you.

Tina Trent said...

Beside being a pain the the ass, these people have nothing in common with each other.

Iman said...

I don’t support QAnon, do you?

When did you last beat your son?

Sam L. said...

I trust nothing from the WaPoo.

Sam L. said...

I have yet to learn what QAnon is, other that that it's a BUGBEAR to the Left.

stlcdr said...

“I am not a cat”

Inga: “that’s exactly what a cat would say”.

Lurker21 said...

There's "far right" and there's "far right." There are groups that base their thinking on nostalgia for how they think America was at some point, and there are groups that look to Europe or even further afield for their inspiration. Most of what gets labelled QAnon seems to fit into the first group. The "Nazi hippie" New Age right fits more into the much smaller second group.

This illustrates my earlier point that people who write such analyses often don't know the group they're writing about and don't take the time to note the distinctions between or within the groups they are writing about, and often don't know themselves very well either. If you object to being oversimplified by others, don't rely on journalists for whom oversimplifying others is their bread and butter.

Michael said...

Notice all the men she interviews in this piece are college professors...biggest group of beta-males in America.

NOTE: Iron John changed the trajectory of my life.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

'You get pro-feminist [men’s] groups that do work around reproductive health and sexual violence;"

'You get 'pro-feminist' [men’s] groups" who use "feminism" to advance their ability to use and abuse women.

See "male feminist" Joss Whedon, for a recent example

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Inga said...
I’ve read investigative journalism regarding QAnon

Yeah. Let me guess. That's from the same "investigative journalists" that gave us the "Pee pee tape", and "the marshal of the Supreme Court is going to arrest Trump" and "Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation!"


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