April 11, 2021

Snippets of comments — received via email — that can be found on recent posts.

There is no comments section anymore, but you can email me here. That (or something like that) has appeared at the end of most posts for the past week. If you're just reading the posts and not looking back to see the things that have come in via email, you're missing some good stuff, so I'll just highlight some lines from the email and give you links in case you want to click back and read:

1. "Every male on the floor below turned to her, looking like they were hoping she was calling to them."

 2. "Things that were on the fringes start to overtake the daily pattern of life. And soon they are no longer a talking point, or cute, or 'quirky.'"

3. "20 year old students were for the most part immature children in 2015 and fledgling adults in 1980."

4. "A scientist does selective breeding to make a smarter sheepdog and is able to breed one (Sirius) with Human-level intelligence."

5. "It’s a guy thing. When a woman asks a question we think we have to come up with an answer."

6. "And she pointed out a key, monumental truth of our faith." 

7. "This video confirms that the decision was correct. I hate to think of my daughter being in that poor boy’s situation."

8. "That document says that there is no need to get parental consent because they are not teaching human sexuality, but instead teaching about discrimination. Let that sink in."

9. "[A]nother coworker who is one of the most outgoing people I’ve met and who can’t stay focused at the office, who constantly has her ears up for any stray conversation to join, seems to be thriving at home."

10. "The consiglieres of two warring dynasties unite and plot together after years of conflict to hold on to their waning power as they age and die."

11. "You are correct to not open comments on this one. It would be a bloodbath. No one likes a bloodbath in the morning."