All of us need consolation because no one is spared suffering, pain and misunderstanding. How much pain can be caused by a spiteful remark born of envy, jealousy or anger! What great suffering is caused by the experience of betrayal, violence and abandonment! How much sorrow in the face of the death of a loved one! And yet God is never far from us at these moments of sadness and trouble. A reassuring word, an embrace that makes us feel understood, a caress that makes us experience love, a prayer that makes us stronger… all these things express God’s closeness through the consolation offered by our brothers and sisters.
He is risen. Those colors remind me of a creamsicle, which is not correct of course but who can explain memory triggers. Beautiful, and poignant.
Headed to son and DIL's for Easter with them and their kids and DIL's family. Weather is great (mid-50's & sunny) so we will be outside as much as possible.
We're celebrating with friends--in person. Another miracle. on a glorious sunny low-70s day. Having given up Scotch for Lent, I'm greatly looking forward to a single malt (or two) this evening.
A year ago Michael K told us what to expect from Covid: 20,000 deaths, and Remdesivir rather than vaccines. So badly wrong on all counts. Which is fine in itself, no one got everything right. But Michael K was so emphatic, so dismissive of other viewpoints. I realize that is just his character (Cuomo like). But thankfully he wasn’t in a position of power (unlike Cuomo).
A year ago Michael K told us what to expect from Covid: 20,000 deaths, and Remdesivir rather than vaccines. So badly wrong on all counts. Which is fine in itself, no one got everything right. But Michael K was so emphatic, so dismissive of other viewpoints. I realize that is just his character (Cuomo like). But thankfully he wasn’t in a position of power (unlike Cuomo).
Was his number closer or your number? I seem to remember you predicting millions of dead people and "exponential" growth. I think his predictions were far more accurate than yours. And your use of the word exponential was embarrassingly stupid.
I am also curious how many people in the US or anywhere you actually think were killed by COVID. Do you really think the 500,000ish number in the US the media uses is accurate? Do you think that is the one thing the media is being honest abut in the world?
It is interesting you run away from apples to apples comparisons. But you were always one to dishonestly create straw men and argue in bad faith.
There is a little demon inside you. You need to deal with it. You have potential but that little shit possesses you.
Something you need to look up is ideological possession. You are possessed when you bring up this topic. Your ideas own you. It makes you stupid.
Achilles I never predicted any number dead, ever. I did predict it would be higher than Yancey's 7500. And we did, and in some places still do, see exponential growth. That’s how you from a few cases to tens of millions.
There once was a blogspot called Althouse Where posters came round both to cheer and grouse With amusing badinage plus the tedious persiflage 'twas a halcyon time, or thereabouts
He is exactly where He told us He would be, with the Father. He has not left us comfortless. And he will come again as a thief in the night, at the hour only the Father knows. And blessed is that servant that He will find faithfully serving, when He comes. Serving others and not serving only themselves. For when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.
"For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles." ... "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain."
And did you notice what finally got the police to leave the church? Calling them what they were- Gestapo. Also note something else in that video- the male officers let the female officer take the lead- that was intentional game playing- it didn't work.
I bet they felt some shame on their retreat, and most of them perhaps agreed with the pastor, but fear their own bosses more than they fear the populace.
Karen B,
Cuomo, Whitmer, Newsom, Wolfe, etal. all followed pretty much all the policies you advocated for last Spring- mass lockdowns, emptying of the hospitals to accept the surge of COVID patients that was sure to break the system, and closing of all the schools. The governor that most closely followed my recommendations was Ron DeSantis of Florida, Bill Lee of Tennessee, and Krisit Noem of South Dakota. And then there is Sweden which probably was even closer to my recommendations right from the start.
All the non-pharmaceutical interventions were irrelevant to the course of the virus. Governments could have done nothing at all and every jurisdiction would have ended up exactly where they are today in regards to cases and deaths. All the data supports the assertion because you can't find a signal in the data that shows the interventions did anything- we do have the counterfactuals to judge it by. That you won't admit this gets more hilarious by the day.
So wonderful. Love the progression. Enjoying these more and more, have been inspired to start my own sunrise pics, with sun coming through trees in my backyard
The cherry trees are finally in bloom here. Bridle Trails Corner Park has a row of about a dozen trees along the street. All in bloom with white flowers. So pretty. Spring is arriving.
The sweep of human history really is amazing. It must have been hard to imagine from the splendor of Augustan Rome that their interest in securing land and sea routes to Egypt was setting off a chain of events that would wash the entire classical world away. Christianity is the ultimate postcolonial studies.
Ken B reminded me of a song from long ago. He's shouting in a bucket! Happy Easter. As Brother Leon once famously said "Don't get too hung up about Easter".
Sometimes I wish there was a “like” option; but I guess that would be tiresome and meaningless after a while. However, from a long-time lurker: Achilles, Drago, Wendybar, Pants, MayBee and many more, I appreciate your comments. Thanks
And mockturtle! How could I forget mockturtle!!?!? That’s the problem with calling people out, you always forget someone important. Thanks to you all, I check Althouse several times per day, all because of you, the clever commenters
W/over 400 comments on the last post I’m going to say here that: I’ve been reading Althouse for so many years. It’s taken all those many years to actually become a commenter- I only ever participated on one other blog- which(whom) I still love. I’m grateful for a voice here. I love the knowledge I pick up- winnowing grain from chaff or, like Ruth- searching the fields of harvest for lost seeds of sustenance. Ruth is very lovely.
I love the commentary- but, not hot- headed bullying. I see enough of that from my animals here. We should probably learn to count to 10, eh?
I miss Allen S.
I would never comment by mail- and the parts of Althouse that make her posts most interesting- diversity of comments in the community of threads- would be lost; another gathering place policed into extinction.
I love all of your photos- the thoughtfulness of the placements and the thoughtfulness to share- Easter morning sunrise is especially bright and hopeful
"I see you Althouse....that does it, I'm giving you 5 billion more years max, and then I'm blowing up your sorry mudball planet" -- The Sun (my old enemy!)
Lovely images of the earth, the horizon, the lake, the sun the clouds.
Your amazing sunrise photo a few weeks back is my favorite. I hope you do something with it - like enlarge and hang it up somewhere. I see ads for mounting photographic images on glass. I cannot recall the name.
Njall ironically salutes the Trumpkin troll contingent who are exactly those Ann complains of driving left leaning commenters away. Which they certainly do, both by swarming and in their collective refusal to ever mount an argument. Why would a passing liberal engage in debate here?
What’s doubly ironic is they call me a leftie, which reveals more about them than me, a moderate RINO type. These days even Noem is too far left for our Trumpkins!!
It’s encouraging to see Yancey linking to Canadians standing up to police and asserting their rights. (Unlike Yancey though, I do not tell foreigners to stop commenting on Canadian events.) The Calgary police issued a statement. They said one uniformed officer was involved. That was a deliberate lie, as you can easily see if you watch the video.
Thanks, Althouse, for your blog, which continues, and for the years of allowing a diversity and cacophony of comments. I have appreciated both. You deserve the freedom from the exasperating task of moderating, and I’m sure your continued blog posts will reflect the love of writing and creating that you’ve shown over these many years. I believe the blog and it’s entirety is a treasure. Enjoy life!
Althouse said at 12:03pm on the comments thread. “Particularly bad is the threat that I'm going to lose traffic, especially the idea that the traffic equals money and I'm going to miss that money. What money? Do you see some mechanism here by which traffic corresponds to money?”
Well just to the left of the Easter Sunrise photos is the Amazon Portal to raise revenue for the blog, and a request for one time or ongoing PayPal donations. Neither of which have an increased chance of raising revenue through large blog traffic and readership. (Insert eye roll). Very lawyerly.
I stated earlier it was my last comment. I lied too. Thanks. I’ll never forget the disingenuousness on the Althouse blog of Easter 2021. The pensioned privileged paying the victim. How very Madisonian. The struggle is real. Even if this doesn’t get published, it’ll get read at Meadehouse to be censored and deleted. Also very Madisonian.
Blogger Ron said..."I see you Althouse....that does it, I'm giving you 5 billion more years max, and then I'm blowing up your sorry mudball planet" -- The Sun (my old enemy!)"
My understanding is that we have significantly less than 1 billion years before we run out of O2 (seriously; not a snarky comment; something I've read in the last week and want to understand.)
I posted this about the dreaded covid the other day- and am going to repeat, and add stuff: Quick numbers, about 1/3 of active duty is <26, less than 10% >40. Young healthy people don't die of the dreaded covid, and we have a control group to prove it- active duty personnel.
Another quick numbers comparison- and I think I got the decimal points correct. .0007692307692307692% active duty dreaded covid death rate (1/1.3 million) .007777777777777778% total military death rate including NG and reserve (14/1.8 million) .02166666666666667% reserve/NG rate (13/600000) .15105740181269% US death rate approx (half million/331 million)
The one active duty death was 41 years old. Note- there's an order of magnitude or more difference between each of those rates. Active duty personnel are younger, on average, then reserve/NG personnel, who are younger on average then the general population. And it conclusively shows that young healthy people- by definition the military- don't die of the dreaded covid. And this was known before the USS Theodore Roosevelt debacle.
Now to add. Something that was in the back of my mind. The military has BMI standards- fat and obese people are kicked out and servicemembers are kicked out if they can't bring their weight under control. Market-tickerdororg points out something very relevant to that: Obesity is deadly when it comes to contracting the deadly covid.
And what have the lockdowns done? According to what I can recall reading- the average American has gained about 10 pounds since the covidiocy began, due solely to the lockdown restricting activities. So- that single "safety measure" is killing people by increasing average US weight. Good job, Dr. Fraudci! And all you lockdown advocates for your contribution to killing people. Not to mention the contribution to killing individual freedom and choice.
So, what can you do without getting a prescription or a useless vaccine to protect yourself? Take Vitamin D- get your blood level checked. Easy to do if you don't live in the Dictatorship of New York or the few other states that don't allow you as an individual to monitor your own health. About $50 at most labs. Take a daily multivitamin-mineral that includes zinc. I do that, and pop an extra 50mg weekly. Not good to OD on any mineral. And take quercetin daily to upload that zinc into your cells. And, if you are obese or overweight- LOSE IT! It will be good for your health in more ways then just keeping you from dying of the dreaded covid. end part 1
"I bet they felt some shame on their retreat, and most of them perhaps agreed with the pastor, but fear their own bosses more than they fear the populace."
Not a frequent commenter but thought I’d get a last one in. Most of my comments were tangential to topics. Hope it was not an issue. Check in a couple times daily. Interested to see what the future brings.
Achilles said...You should have done a sunset instead given the last post.
I hope I am wrong by the way.
The Easter post was a really good discussion. I will remember it. __________________________ Althouse isn't going anywhere -- we are -- we are going bye-bye.
The sunrise is perfect because it's Easter. That being said, Althouse could have fooled us into thinking it was a sunset simply by reversing the order of the photos.
To all my fellow co-mentors -- it's been a long, strange trip, but the bus named "Further" finally reached it's destination with Meade at the wheel; if Althouse ever misses us, she can easily mine the old comments for blog posts. How meta!
LOL, Karen B- when have I ever told you not to comment on US events? I will answer for you- never. Just another mistake, or more likely, lie you have told.
"I finally got on the Internet. It seemed to me from what I heard that the Internet was going to be millions of people all over the world engaged in this uplifting discourse. As nearly as I could basically consisted of hundreds and hundreds of undergraduates telling each other that they sucked." -Roger Ebert, National Press Club Luncheon with Siskel and Ebert, 08 Jun 95
My email to your post ending the comments section bounced back three times, so I am putting it on this way, I hope.
Ms. Althouse — Thank you for all the time, work and dedication you give to your blog for the benefit of its readers. I was happy — not was, AM happy to have been a little part of it via the comments section for the last year or so. You have gathered a wonderful group of interesting readers and their contributions were almost always fun to read, enjoy, and ponder. So I am sorry to see that go. But good luck to you and Meade and good luck with your future blogging. I will certainly be reading it. (Except, maybe not too many of the NYT items, LOL.). Yours truly, Kai Akker
You have just self-terminated your blog. Many will find new places to read and share their thoughts on the issues of the day. Even Rush Limbaugh had audience participation, and your not Rush Limbaugh (of the blogs). If you want to grow as a relevant voice in the years ahead you'll reopen the comments while you still have an audience. This is not a wise decision, but it is your blog. Eventually, you may find your writing in your own limbo with Meade as your only audience. I wish you well, Ann Althouse. Sincerely, Fandor.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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You should have done a sunset instead given the last post.
I hope I am wrong by the way.
The Easter post was a really good discussion. I will remember it.
All of us need consolation because no one is spared suffering, pain and misunderstanding. How much pain can be caused by a spiteful remark born of envy, jealousy or anger! What great suffering is caused by the experience of betrayal, violence and abandonment! How much sorrow in the face of the death of a loved one! And yet God is never far from us at these moments of sadness and trouble. A reassuring word, an embrace that makes us feel understood, a caress that makes us experience love, a prayer that makes us stronger… all these things express God’s closeness through the consolation offered by our brothers and sisters.
He is risen. Those colors remind me of a creamsicle, which is not correct of course but who can explain memory triggers. Beautiful, and poignant.
Headed to son and DIL's for Easter with them and their kids and DIL's family. Weather is great (mid-50's & sunny) so we will be outside as much as possible.
Happy Easter.
When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries: May Jesus Christ be praised.
Beautiful series. Thank you for these. Happy Easter to all.
He Is Risen! Happy Easter, all.
We're celebrating with friends--in person. Another miracle. on a glorious sunny low-70s day. Having given up Scotch for Lent, I'm greatly looking forward to a single malt (or two) this evening.
A year ago Michael K told us what to expect from Covid: 20,000 deaths, and Remdesivir rather than vaccines. So badly wrong on all counts.
Which is fine in itself, no one got everything right. But Michael K was so emphatic, so dismissive of other viewpoints. I realize that is just his character (Cuomo like). But thankfully he wasn’t in a position of power (unlike Cuomo).
A lovely progression of a soft Easter sunrise. Happy Easter!
There would be at least 100-200,0000 more lives extant if michael k had beem a policy maker, the quarantine hotels areall on you ken
Beautiful!! Thanks for posting!! Happy Easter!!!
Ken B said...
A year ago Michael K told us what to expect from Covid: 20,000 deaths, and Remdesivir rather than vaccines. So badly wrong on all counts.
Which is fine in itself, no one got everything right. But Michael K was so emphatic, so dismissive of other viewpoints. I realize that is just his character (Cuomo like). But thankfully he wasn’t in a position of power (unlike Cuomo).
Was his number closer or your number? I seem to remember you predicting millions of dead people and "exponential" growth. I think his predictions were far more accurate than yours. And your use of the word exponential was embarrassingly stupid.
I am also curious how many people in the US or anywhere you actually think were killed by COVID. Do you really think the 500,000ish number in the US the media uses is accurate? Do you think that is the one thing the media is being honest abut in the world?
It is interesting you run away from apples to apples comparisons. But you were always one to dishonestly create straw men and argue in bad faith.
There is a little demon inside you. You need to deal with it. You have potential but that little shit possesses you.
Something you need to look up is ideological possession. You are possessed when you bring up this topic. Your ideas own you. It makes you stupid.
I never predicted any number dead, ever. I did predict it would be higher than Yancey's 7500. And we did, and in some places still do, see exponential growth. That’s how you from a few cases to tens of millions.
Where's yer Messiah NOWWWW?
There once was a blogspot called Althouse
Where posters came round both to cheer and grouse
With amusing badinage
plus the tedious persiflage
'twas a halcyon time, or thereabouts
Happy Easter!
He is exactly where He told us He would be, with the Father. He has not left us comfortless. And he will come again as a thief in the night, at the hour only the Father knows. And blessed is that servant that He will find faithfully serving, when He comes. Serving others and not serving only themselves. For when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.
The crack of dawn.
The courage here is heartening, but the Nazis will come back for him if they haven't already done so. Which one do you think was Karen B?
"For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles."
"And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain."
I Corinthians 15
And did you notice what finally got the police to leave the church? Calling them what they were- Gestapo. Also note something else in that video- the male officers let the female officer take the lead- that was intentional game playing- it didn't work.
: )
I bet they felt some shame on their retreat, and most of them perhaps agreed with the pastor, but fear their own bosses more than they fear the populace.
Karen B,
Cuomo, Whitmer, Newsom, Wolfe, etal. all followed pretty much all the policies you advocated for last Spring- mass lockdowns, emptying of the hospitals to accept the surge of COVID patients that was sure to break the system, and closing of all the schools. The governor that most closely followed my recommendations was Ron DeSantis of Florida, Bill Lee of Tennessee, and Krisit Noem of South Dakota. And then there is Sweden which probably was even closer to my recommendations right from the start.
All the non-pharmaceutical interventions were irrelevant to the course of the virus. Governments could have done nothing at all and every jurisdiction would have ended up exactly where they are today in regards to cases and deaths. All the data supports the assertion because you can't find a signal in the data that shows the interventions did anything- we do have the counterfactuals to judge it by. That you won't admit this gets more hilarious by the day.
Caiphas did seem to understand, or worse yet like a times pundit was paid not to.
What is allowed by contrast
So wonderful. Love the progression.
Enjoying these more and more, have been inspired to start my own sunrise pics, with sun coming through trees in my backyard
He is risen.
Wow, first comment is telling the host what to do. Geez.
Enjoy your safe space, snowflakes... while you can.
Of course you will blame google cancel culture because playing the victim card is the modis operandi of Trump's Soy Boi Army of Impotence
The dawn of a new day is a good way to start, how did we come tobelieve in anything but the Word in a country founded on said principals.
“I'd miss my own comments the most...if we're being honest. I really crack myself up sometimes.”
LOL! Best comment. EVER. (I’m going to miss you all. Most of you. Some of you. One or two. Maybe three. Four, at the most.)
The cherry trees are finally in bloom here. Bridle Trails Corner Park has a row of about a dozen trees along the street. All in bloom with white flowers. So pretty. Spring is arriving.
The sweep of human history really is amazing. It must have been hard to imagine from the splendor of Augustan Rome that their interest in securing land and sea routes to Egypt was setting off a chain of events that would wash the entire classical world away. Christianity is the ultimate postcolonial studies.
Lovely photos. How can one not marvel at the beauty of our Lord’s creation all around us?
Two thumbs up for our Lord and Savior!
Ken B reminded me of a song from long ago. He's shouting in a bucket!
Happy Easter. As Brother Leon once famously said "Don't get too hung up about Easter".
Sometimes I wish there was a “like” option; but I guess that would be tiresome and meaningless after a while. However, from a long-time lurker: Achilles, Drago, Wendybar, Pants, MayBee and many more, I appreciate your comments. Thanks
And mockturtle! How could I forget mockturtle!!?!? That’s the problem with calling people out, you always forget someone important. Thanks to you all, I check Althouse several times per day, all because of you, the clever commenters
W/over 400 comments on the last post I’m going to say here that: I’ve been reading Althouse for so many years. It’s taken all those many years to actually become a commenter- I only ever participated on one other blog- which(whom) I still love. I’m grateful for a voice here. I love the knowledge I pick up- winnowing grain from chaff or, like Ruth- searching the fields of harvest for lost seeds of sustenance. Ruth is very lovely.
I love the commentary- but, not hot- headed bullying. I see enough of that from my animals here. We should probably learn to count to 10, eh?
I miss Allen S.
I would never comment by mail- and the parts of Althouse that make her posts most interesting- diversity of comments in the community of threads- would be lost; another gathering place policed into extinction.
I love all of your photos- the thoughtfulness of the placements and the thoughtfulness to share- Easter morning sunrise is especially bright and hopeful
"I see you Althouse....that does it, I'm giving you 5 billion more years max, and then I'm blowing up your sorry mudball planet" -- The Sun (my old enemy!)
Lovely images of the earth, the horizon, the lake, the sun the clouds.
Your amazing sunrise photo a few weeks back is my favorite. I hope you do something with it - like enlarge and hang it up somewhere. I see ads for mounting photographic images on glass. I cannot recall the name.
Thanks for everything. Enjoy life.
I love the photos. Keep it up.
Yancey Ward
There you go again. The most Yancey like governor was Cuomo. He above all others decided that old folks should take their chances.
Enjoy your safe space, snowflakes... while you can.
We'd best pay strict attention to Howard.
If there's one thing in Creation Howard has authoritative knowledge, it's impotence.
Njall ironically salutes the Trumpkin troll contingent who are exactly those Ann complains of driving left leaning commenters away. Which they certainly do, both by swarming and in their collective refusal to ever mount an argument. Why would a passing liberal engage in debate here?
What’s doubly ironic is they call me a leftie, which reveals more about them than me, a moderate RINO type. These days even Noem is too far left for our Trumpkins!!
Sunset on Louisianne.
And we did, and in some places still do, see exponential growth.
That is babble. It means nothing because it lacks any specifics.
"some places"= meaningful would be to identify at least on place
" see exponential growth"= Growth of what? Over what period of time.
claiming science, refusing to cite statistics.
It’s encouraging to see Yancey linking to Canadians standing up to police and asserting their rights. (Unlike Yancey though, I do not tell foreigners to stop commenting on Canadian events.) The Calgary police issued a statement. They said one uniformed officer was involved. That was a deliberate lie, as you can easily see if you watch the video.
Thanks, Althouse, for your blog, which continues, and for the years of allowing a diversity and cacophony of comments. I have appreciated both. You deserve the freedom from the exasperating task of moderating, and I’m sure your continued blog posts will reflect the love of writing and creating that you’ve shown over these many years. I believe the blog and it’s entirety is a treasure. Enjoy life!
Wow just gorgeous, thanks for the memories and will miss the comments, especially the “squatters”
Excellent pics. You have built an unbelievably rich portfolio of portraits of first light.
Althouse said at 12:03pm on the comments thread. “Particularly bad is the threat that I'm going to lose traffic, especially the idea that the traffic equals money and I'm going to miss that money. What money? Do you see some mechanism here by which traffic corresponds to money?”
Well just to the left of the Easter Sunrise photos is the Amazon Portal to raise revenue for the blog, and a request for one time or ongoing PayPal donations. Neither of which have an increased chance of raising revenue through large blog traffic and readership. (Insert eye roll). Very lawyerly.
I stated earlier it was my last comment. I lied too. Thanks. I’ll never forget the disingenuousness on the Althouse blog of Easter 2021. The pensioned privileged paying the victim. How very Madisonian. The struggle is real. Even if this doesn’t get published, it’ll get read at Meadehouse to be censored and deleted. Also very Madisonian.
Blogger Ron said..."I see you Althouse....that does it, I'm giving you 5 billion more years max, and then I'm blowing up your sorry mudball planet" -- The Sun (my old enemy!)"
My understanding is that we have significantly less than 1 billion years before we run out of O2 (seriously; not a snarky comment; something I've read in the last week and want to understand.)
I posted this about the dreaded covid the other day- and am going to repeat, and add stuff:
Quick numbers, about 1/3 of active duty is <26, less than 10% >40. Young healthy people don't die of the dreaded covid, and we have a control group to prove it- active duty personnel.
Another quick numbers comparison- and I think I got the decimal points correct.
.0007692307692307692% active duty dreaded covid death rate (1/1.3 million)
.007777777777777778% total military death rate including NG and reserve (14/1.8 million)
.02166666666666667% reserve/NG rate (13/600000)
.15105740181269% US death rate approx (half million/331 million)
The one active duty death was 41 years old.
Note- there's an order of magnitude or more difference between each of those rates. Active duty personnel are younger, on average, then reserve/NG personnel, who are younger on average then the general population. And it conclusively shows that young healthy people- by definition the military- don't die of the dreaded covid. And this was known before the USS Theodore Roosevelt debacle.
Now to add. Something that was in the back of my mind. The military has BMI standards- fat and obese people are kicked out and servicemembers are kicked out if they can't bring their weight under control. Market-tickerdororg points out something very relevant to that: Obesity is deadly when it comes to contracting the deadly covid.
And what have the lockdowns done? According to what I can recall reading- the average American has gained about 10 pounds since the covidiocy began, due solely to the lockdown restricting activities. So- that single "safety measure" is killing people by increasing average US weight. Good job, Dr. Fraudci! And all you lockdown advocates for your contribution to killing people. Not to mention the contribution to killing individual freedom and choice.
So, what can you do without getting a prescription or a useless vaccine to protect yourself? Take Vitamin D- get your blood level checked. Easy to do if you don't live in the Dictatorship of New York or the few other states that don't allow you as an individual to monitor your own health. About $50 at most labs. Take a daily multivitamin-mineral that includes zinc. I do that, and pop an extra 50mg weekly. Not good to OD on any mineral. And take quercetin daily to upload that zinc into your cells. And, if you are obese or overweight- LOSE IT! It will be good for your health in more ways then just keeping you from dying of the dreaded covid. end part 1
With respect, Professor, you need a sunset cafe for this blog.
"I bet they felt some shame on their retreat, and most of them perhaps agreed with the pastor, but fear their own bosses more than they fear the populace."
"Just following orders." It can happen here.
Not a frequent commenter but thought I’d get a last one in. Most of my comments were tangential to topics. Hope it was not an issue. Check in a couple times daily. Interested to see what the future brings.
A lot of “first”’s. Who will be last?
Achilles said...You should have done a sunset instead given the last post.
I hope I am wrong by the way.
The Easter post was a really good discussion. I will remember it.
Althouse isn't going anywhere -- we are -- we are going bye-bye.
The sunrise is perfect because it's Easter. That being said, Althouse could have fooled us into thinking it was a sunset simply by reversing the order of the photos.
To all my fellow co-mentors -- it's been a long, strange trip, but the bus named "Further" finally reached it's destination with Meade at the wheel; if Althouse ever misses us, she can easily mine the old comments for blog posts. How meta!
Beautiful; thank you.
LOL, Karen B- when have I ever told you not to comment on US events? I will answer for you- never. Just another mistake, or more likely, lie you have told.
"I finally got on the Internet. It seemed to me from what I heard that the Internet was going to be millions of people all over the world engaged in this uplifting discourse. As nearly as I could basically consisted of hundreds and hundreds of undergraduates telling each other that they sucked." -Roger Ebert, National Press Club Luncheon with Siskel and Ebert, 08 Jun 95
The more things change.
Good night all and to all a good night! I'll see some of you on the other side, the believers that is.
My email to your post ending the comments section bounced back three times, so I am putting it on this way, I hope.
Ms. Althouse — Thank you for all the time, work and dedication you give to your blog for the benefit of its readers. I was happy — not was, AM happy to have been a little part of it via the comments section for the last year or so. You have gathered a wonderful group of interesting readers and their contributions were almost always fun to read, enjoy, and ponder. So I am sorry to see that go. But good luck to you and Meade and good luck with your future blogging. I will certainly be reading it. (Except, maybe not too many of the NYT items, LOL.). Yours truly, Kai Akker
Please leave this last post up.
I was not prepared for this. Time to start a place for refugees.
You have just self-terminated your blog. Many will find new places to read and share their thoughts on the issues of the day.
Even Rush Limbaugh had audience participation, and your not Rush Limbaugh (of the blogs).
If you want to grow as a relevant voice in the years ahead you'll reopen the comments while you still have an audience.
This is not a wise decision, but it is your blog.
Eventually, you may find your writing in your own limbo with Meade as your only audience.
I wish you well, Ann Althouse. Sincerely, Fandor.
Email link did not work for me.
Adios. I'll check back every couple of weeks to see if you've changed your mind.
What a shame, this was one of the last bastions of debate around.
Ken B - I like to read your comments too, you judgmental Canadian
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