April 3, 2021

Are you waiting for the basketball game to start and enduring Miley Cyrus?


Quaestor said...

Jeez, what a POS she is.

Big Mike said...

Gonzaga should be waaaay too much for UCLA.

Quaestor said...

Though not as shitty as Pete Buttafukige.

Narr said...
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Yancey Ward said...

If she wants to do it nude and twerk on the stage, I might work up the energy to switch over to it.

Yancey Ward said...

I just now see that Baylor stomped on Houston.

Yancey Ward said...

I will be hoping Baylor wins on Monday regardless of who they play. Even though UCLA is a big underdog going forward, I just can't pull for UCLA- it is too much like pulling for the Dodgers or the Yankees.

Rick said...

No, I saw her and flipped to The Alamo. I had never seen the first 20 minutes or so and the boys are loving it.

Rooting for Baylor on Monday regardless of who wins the nightcap, although I also like Gonzaga. It's a great year for those of us who root for underdogs (except our own chosen Goliath).

Narr said...
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gspencer said...

Miley Cyrus would be okay if she dropped her panties, turned around, and bent over. That I'd watch. Other than that, she should stay away.

Narr said...
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Yancey Ward said...

Were I a sports bettor, I would bet that Gonzaga doesn't cover the spread on this one- -14 is too high against a team coached by Mick Cronin, who I just learned is the coach at UCLA. It will be very physical.

Yancey Ward said...

I also just learned that UCLA's top scorer is Johnny Juzang. He transferred from Kentucky last year- how is he playing this season? Did the NCAA change the rule about sitting out a year?

Steve from Wyo said...

Final Four?? Well, I'll be. I didn't even realize the NCAA basketball tournament was going on.

GingerBeer said...

Thanks for the heads-up. I didn't recognize her w/ her clothes on and her tongue in her mouth.

Ann Althouse said...

I like her Florence Henderson wig.

The shag is back!

rhhardin said...

Sexual mixup, Cum Dederit Philippe Jarousky identified by a James Bond caption writer as a woman singing opera.

Would be good for a basketball game.

Yancey Ward said...

Florence Henderson was a MILF. Though I watched to see Marcia mostly, I thought Carol had it going on.

Ken B said...

This a cafe? Looks like a cafe.

BLM visits a Korean nail Salon In Wisconsin. https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1378370426317893636

Bob Smith said...

Whuts uh finul foar?

Bob Smith said...

“ I also just learned that UCLA's top scorer is Johnny Juzang. He transferred from Kentucky last year- how is he playing this season? Did the NCAA change the rule about sitting out a year?”

The check cleared.

Yancey Ward said...

That looks like a shakedown operation to me, Ken.

Ken B said...

If I knew what a MILF was, and if I didn’t completely and totally disavow anything sexist in the slightest about that term (which I don’t know) I would say Yancey Ward was right about Florence Henderson.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "I will be hoping Baylor wins on Monday regardless of who they play. Even though UCLA is a big underdog going forward, I just can't pull for UCLA- it is too much like pulling for the Dodgers or the Yankees."

UCLA mens basketball haven't been the equivalent of the yankees or dodgers since the mid 70's.

Yancey Ward said...

If I were the salon owner, I would invest in an AK-47. He/she is going to need it.

Drago said...

"I also just learned that UCLA's top scorer is Johnny Juzang. He transferred from Kentucky last year- how is he playing this season? Did the NCAA change the rule about sitting out a year?”'

It has long been said that some collegiate athletes take a pay cut to turn pro.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, the Dodgers hadn't won a WS title in 32 years until last Fall, which is longer than UCLA has gone without a title, 26. However, it is the sheer number won that I look at, not how long back.

Ken B said...

Yancey Ward
Old style shakedown operations relied on deniability. This one posts videos. The real offense is disrespecting BLM. Whose side will the DA be on if/when this escalates? Not the owner's.

Ken B said...

The Dodgers are the devil.

Yancey Ward said...

As you write- deniability isn't needed if you have the law backing you up corruptly, which BLM does.

R C Belaire said...

Perfect timing : switched to CBS just a minute or so before tip-off. Gonzaga has an inside game that's a devil to defend against.

Yancey Ward said...

If the salon is burned out, the Milwaukee police will do exactly jack shit about it. Will probably just sit back and watch it get torched.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, I am off to watch a Midsomer Murder episode and have dinner. I think I might pull for UCLA in this one game since they are such a big underdog.

rhhardin said...

Better cutie Brandenburg Concerto piano 4 hands for the musical bit.

Rick said...

Tough shot.

gilbar said...

were they planning on having Sports this year? First i'd heard about it
I thought all sports were going to be like MLB.... You know; Cancelled

actual items said...

I'm not a Miley Cyrus fan but thought she sounded pretty good. Her voice was legit. And I liked the arena rock band backing her.

It was fine! No complaints!

stevew said...

I am not.

Rick said...

Insanely good first half. Rooting for Gonzaga I'm worried. Their defense stifled every other team they've played. But the UCLA speed and spacing is negating the defense. So for the first time this season the Zags are playing Offense v. Offense without an advantage provided by turnovers, etc. The Zags are the top offensive efficiency team so they should win this type of game. But since it's the first time they've been in this position they may feel pressure they've never dealt with before.

This is fun.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Don't care. Used to a huge pro and college sports fan. Put in less than 5% of the time I used to into them due to the political crap

Rockeye said...

Seems like the warm-up song should have had a faster tempo. At least shaved armpits are still a thing, though.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Her butt is getting big.

Anonymous said...

Ho hum. The great John Mariucci, who played football and hockey at the U of Minnesota, was an American in the NHL when Americans weren’t allowed, who coached the US Olympic team in ‘56, and then coached the Gophers forever, once said “watching basketball is like watching old men fish.” Sounds about right. NCAA hockey finals next weekend- GO UMASS!

wildswan said...

New unknown team of fan/commenters frantically shrieking out the fun of watching whatever this is (Fun, Fun, so MUCH Fun). There's so much between the lines now, just like any other game.

traditionalguy said...

The best White woman carnal supremacy act since the late, great Janis Joplin.

traditionalguy said...

Don’t look now, but UCLA is beating the sure winner. Reminds me of the first Tyson - Holyfield fight when the announcers could not see who was the winner right before their eyes.

doctrev said...

Althouse has a lot of commenters, and it makes sense for some to be huge basketball fans who don't otherwise comment. But good Lord, after all the betrayals by black supremacist athletes and the pedo-enabling whores of Hollywood, you'd be insane to think Miley Cyrus would get me to touch the NCAA with a ten-foot pole.

wildswan said...

Ben Shapiro was pointing out how unequity it is that women basketball players get $250,000 a year while LeBron James and other members of the patriarchy get $43 million. My idea is that the only way we can break the cycle of oppression is to acknowledge that the difference is merely the gender assigned at birth + patriarchy. Anyhow, we put all the names of the players in the "men's" and "women's" league in a hat, shake them up, take them out one by one and redistribute them between the two leagues - first name out to "men's" league, second to "women's" league and so on. And pay them all the same because they are all doing the same thing - running and shooting for the hoop. This would be restorative justice. There's no difference between men and women so this huge pay gap is patriarchal inequity from EarlyBadThinkers like Moses and George Washington. And this claim that there are "men" and "women" to be sorted like cattle into leagues. Doesn't it make you sort of sick to hear those words said right out in the open.

Not the church/ not the state/Women must share the take.

Rick said...

Incredible shot by Suggs.

Rick said...

Oh my god!

Rick said...


Rick said...

Wow, that has to be it.

Rick said...

Are you kidding me?

Rick said...

Oh my God!!!!!!

Rick said...

Best game not involving my team I've ever seen.

Crazy good.

Kathryn51 said...

Zags. :-)

Susan in Seattle said...

Zags! What a finish.

eddie willers said...

She's gonna grow up to be Peggy Cass.

Clark said...

@rhhardin -- That's Brandenburg #3. Nice transcription by Reger. Thanks for introducing me to it. (I had this comment cued up 2 1/2 hours ago, but we have a new black lab puppy in the house, and finishing anything without interruption—-in this case hitting send--is a rare thing these days.)

rcocean said...

Pretty good for a man. is there a female version?

rcocean said...

thank God UCla lost. They were the worst.

rcocean said...

So, we'll have a NCAA championship where at least one or two of the players will not be black. glad to see some diversity.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Can't be any worse that her recently released cover of "Heart Of Glass".

Josephbleau said...

Miley is talented. To me she seems like an imitation of Gilda Radner (as Candy Slice) imitating a 70's punk star. Imitations all the way down. I have already seen pics of her genitals so that ship has sailed.

Francisco D said...

Josephbleau said...
Miley is talented. To me she seems like an imitation of Gilda Radner (as Candy Slice) imitating a 70's punk star.

Just this afternoon I was listening to Spotify with my wife as we drove to an appointment. When Patti Smith (covering "Gloria") came on I pointed out that Gilda did a great imitation of Patti as Candy Slice on SNL way back in the day.

Patti is a legend who never got her due.

gadfly said...

eddie willers said...
She's gonna grow up to be Peggy Cass.

Cass Elliot in size perhaps, but Mama Cass had a nary an ounce of gravel in her beautiful voice.

Peggy Cass was an actress, not a singer. But you may have a point because Miley isn't much of a singer either. Daddy Billy Ray Cyrus probably won't even let her sing "Achy Breaky Heart."

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I turned over to The Ten Commandments, waited about 10 minutes, checked back and she was still going, then I turned back to the movie again. The next next time I checked, the coast was clear. I was thinking that had The Ten Commandments been at the part where the Israelites were worshipping the golden calf, then the two parts would have been culturally congruent. I almost did a Facebook post stating this but I'm trying to quit that kind of thing, at least out loud. But since you asked ...

John said...

I bailed out and watched Iron Chef America, vastly more satisfying.

The Crack Emcee said...

I can think of few things more misguided than Miley Cyrus at the Super Bowl doing "We Will Rock You" in 2021.

NewAge, naturally, being one of them, but few others.

Rory said...

"cover of "Heart Of Glass"."

My goodness, that's bad.

Fernandinande said...

Whuts uh finul foar?

That's what I thought - then I thought I fingered out that it was something about football games, but just now saw 'basketball' in the thread title.

MayBee said...

That was a great game. I'm obsessed with Johnny Juzang and Tyger Campbell.

Sam L. said...

No to her, and no to the the game.

Iman said...

I like her Florence Henderson wig.

The shag is back!

That’s the theme of her latest trampstamp:

“All Shaggin’ in the Back”

JAORE said...

"Best game not involving my team I've ever seen.

Crazy good."

Same here, Rick. Unbelievable.

Charlie said...

Between this and the performance of WAP at the Grammys, it's like our national music choices are being made by the guy who booked the music at Circus Circus in 1999.

God of the Sea People said...

Although girl-oriented pop music isn't really my cup of tea, I've actually grown to kind of admire Miley Cyrus. She went through some awkward years while she transitioned from Disney Channel star to a pop star in her own right, and handled it better than some. She seems to have developed some clear influences to her own sound, seems to take songwriting and performing seriously, and seems to be settling in to a legit pop career. I heard one of her newest singles (Midnight Sky- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS1no1myeTM) when I was at the gym the other day, and I liked it enough to pull up her newest album on my phone. I skipped around and listened to a few tracks. Some were decent, some didn't really impress me. But it isn't the worst thing on the pop music landscape, that's for sure.

Also, check out the Black Mirror episode "Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too" where she plays a pop star, but all of her songs are glitzed up Nine Inch Nails songs.

Unknown said...

I could not believe what I was seeing. WTH was the NCAA thinking? The game speaks for itself. If you don't like basketball don't watch

Dude1394 said...

Pretty much have divorced myself from all sports. So, really not interested either way.