March 8, 2021

"Pepe [Le Pew] was set to appear in a black-and-white Casablanca-like Rick’s Cafe sequence. Pepe, playing a bartender, starts hitting on a woman at the bar..."

"He begins kissing her arm, which she pulls back, then slamming Pepe into the chair next to hers. She then pours her drink on Pepe, and slaps him hard, sending him spinning in a stool, which is then stopped by LeBron James’ hand. James and Bugs Bunny are looking for Lola, and Pepe knows her whereabouts. Pepe then tells the guys that Penelope cat has filed a restraining order against him. James makes a remark in the script that Pepe can’t grab other Tunes without their consent...." 

From "Pepe Le Pew Won’t Be Appearing In Warner Bros’ ‘Space Jam’ Sequel" (Deadline Hollywood). 

The actress, Greice Santo, is unhappy to have her big scene cut: "Even though Pepe is a cartoon character, if anyone was going to slap a sexual harasser like him, Greice wished it would be her. Now... she doesn’t have that power to influence the world through younger generations who’ll be watching Space Jam 2, to let younger girls and younger boys know that Pepe’s behavior is unacceptable."

If I remember the old cartoons correctly, the other cartoon characters always let Pepe know his behavior was unacceptable... though I think that was mainly because they were cats and he was a skunk.

I don't know if that read as racism — Was the problem that he was a different species? —  or were we to think their objection was simply that he smelled bad — which really was, I think, an insult intentionally directed at the French.  

As for this new movie, maybe instruction about sexual harassment didn't fit the mood of whatever the story was or maybe LeBron James doesn't have the acting chops to pull off a sincere warning against sexual misdeeds.

From the Wikipedia article on Pepe Le Pew, under the subheading "Reputation":

Pepé's reputation suffered in later years. Comedian Dave Chappelle, in his 2000 stand-up film Killin' Them Softly, called him a rapist. In a 2021 column in The New York Times, Charles M. Blow wrote that Pepé "normalized rape culture". Amber E. George, in her essay "Pride or Prejudice? Exploring Issues of Queerness, Speciesism, and Disability in Warner Bros. Looney Tunes", characterized Pepé's actions towards Penelope Pussycat as "sexual harassment, stalking, and abuse" and noted that Pepé's qualities mock the French people and their culture. On March 7, 2021, it was announced Pepé Le Pew have been removed from Space Jam: A New Legacy.

If you're interested in reading that Amber E. George essay, it's in "The Intersectionality of Critical Animal, Disability, and Environmental Studies: Toward Eco-ability, Justice, and Liberation." That will cost you $73 even just to download it in Kindle!

As for Charles Blow, the Le Pew bit is just a line in his column about the Dr. Seuss problem: "Six Seuss Books Bore a Bias/Racism must be exorcised from culture, including, or maybe especially, from children’s culture."

Racism must be exorcised from culture, including, or maybe especially, from children’s culture. Teaching a child to hate or be ashamed of themselves is a sin against their innocence and a weight against their possibilities.
Exorcised?! I think the word he was looking for the word "excised." Or are we possessed by an evil spirit that can be driven out by performing some ritual? If you're talking about editing things out of the culture — which is what is really going on — the word is"excised."


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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

we gotta cancel pepe, and elevate violent movie repeats called "the joker".

Lucid-Ideas said...

"Or are we possessed by an evil spirit that can be driven out by performing some ritual?"

Why yes...yes we do. Flagellate sui nos ipsi in sempiternum. Actually, our modern day hairshirt wearings plan to whip you too. Forever.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Racism must be exorcised from culture..."

Exorcised or excised, the race-obsessed will never have enough social justice to satisfy them. After all the books they've burned and banned, all the people they've canceled - do you think they will say they've made society better? No, society will always be awful, that's what keeps them going. They're riding that racism horse hard, and it will never reach the finish line.

Sebastian said...

"Exorcised?! I think the word he was looking for the word "excised.""

No. Sorry. We are evil. You are evil. The country is evil. It is possessed by evil

"Or are we possessed by an evil spirit that can be driven out by performing some ritual?"

Yes. Except evil always still lurks, to be trotted out for politcial advantage. No exorcism is final.

"If you're talking about editing things out of the culture — which is what is really going on — the word is"excised.""

But the point of the editing is not just to scorch the earth and crush the deplorables but also to take and hold power. Mere excising is not enough.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our children are too stupid to understand it's a skunk... and a cartoon.... made in a different era. It's a skunk kissing a kitties arm... and she has a painted stripe down her back from a painting accident. oh - the humanity.

Instead - lets give our kids, Cardi B, and some violent and sexual content from hollywood in the form of just about every movie made for mass consumption.

alfromchgo said...

excise exorcised tomatos tomatoes

Charlie don't know the difference, please do not expect him to. Remember appearance is everything, and Charlie has it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The skunk is black and white. We can't have that.

who-knew said...

He meant exorcised. Woke is a religion and what's a religion without demons.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"The skunk is black and white. We can't have that."

Like the black-and-white cookie, we can't let something like taste (or smell) get in the way of a good neuroses. Psychiatrists have to make money too dammit!

Chick said...

Low hanging fruit if you ask me. I want to see these dopes excise the big stuff; I am talking about Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Like Seuss, Jones was a good New Deal liberal. Has FDR been cancelled yet?

There was at least one short where the tables were turned on Pepe, and he didn't like it at all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm pretty sure Pepe never actually raped the kitty.
Ask Jodie Foster.

robother said...

"Teaching a child to hate or be ashamed of themselves is a sin against their innocence and a weight against their possibilities."
Unless, of course, that child is white...

I'm Full of Soup said...

Posting Idem Vetus Longe Reliquit Amentia is an Althouse daily special.

DanTheMan said...

Maybe they are all making a bit too much of a silly cartoon? Maybe?

All of this is just a sign of how rich and spoiled we are. People in poor countries have real problems. We don't, so we invent horrors and outrages out of nothing.

For some, there must be some deep and dark need to feel victimized.

My dad used to say "Some people aren't happy unless they are miserable."

tcrosse said...

Pepe le Pew was a caricature of Charles Boyer's Pepe le Moko in the film Algiers (1938), in which he woos Hedy Lamarr quite warmly.

mockturtle said...

Blow definitely meant 'exorcised'. Just as with communist revolutions, all traces of the old culture must be erased and eradicated lest their spirits foul the agenda of the New Order. Because the New Order knows that its ideology won't stand up to honest debate.

KJE said...

I don’t take these people any more seriously than the “Baby it’s cold outside” people.

Fernandinande said...

Teaching a child to hate or be ashamed of themselves is a sin against their innocence and a weight against their possibilities.

What a histrionic moron.

Pepé's qualities mock the French people and their culture.

Cartoons should never make fun of anything.

My skunk has no nose!

But how does he smell?


DanTheMan said...

>>Pepé's qualities mock the French people and their culture.

Exactly right. Only American culture can be mocked. That's a rule somewhere...

gilbar said...

serious question
do actual Tom cats (not skunks) get Written consent before mating with lady pussycats?
or, is verbal consent sufficient ?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

>>Pepé's qualities mock the French people and their culture.

Exactly right. Only American culture can be mocked. That's a rule somewhere...

I remember the original Bob Newhart show when a French psychiatrist came to visit for a conference and somehow ended up having to stay with Bob. His advice to every problem was: Have an affair.

mockturtle said...

I wonder if it has ever occurred to Mr. Blow that, if he were white, he would never have been hired by the NYT.

wild chicken said...

Next up: Fred Astaire. Always stalking Ginger Rogers, showing up when she least expects it.

Creepy af.

Whirred Whacks said...

Oh, the moral panic of these people. I didn’t realize Blow was a graduate student woke scold.

Michael said...

It is now out of bounds to mock the French? Good Lord! What is the matter with these harpies?

Will Cate said...

Jesus, Deadline Hollywood, it's "Toons" not "Tunes"

Shouting Thomas said...

Voodoo is a very common African religion.

One of the tenets of voodoo is that enemies cast evil spells.

The “systemic racism” thing is whites casting evil spells on blacks. You can’t see it, but we’re doing it.

So, Blow, is referring to his voodoo roots. You call the witch doctor to drive out the evil spirits and get revenge on your enemies for casting an evil spell upon you.

This is, I’m convinced, what all of this undefinable racism is all about.

Rory said...

"Bob Newhart show when a French psychiatrist came to visit for a conference"

When I read about le Pew I was wondering if this guy was in trouble, too. Wonderful stereotype played by Rene Auberjenois.

Blow wins, of course. If he can retire one cartoon or even one line then it's a win. If he just has us chasing his squirrel it's a win. Again, the only way we win is to put everything from the 20th century in the public domain. Deny the huge media companies their royalty streams and their neverending sequels. Make them come up with new ideas. Make them scramble for an audience beyond the urban 18-49s.

wild chicken said...

Jesus, Deadline Hollywood, it's "Toons" not "Tunes"

Wiki seems to think Tunes is correct.

Shouting Thomas said...

The actual cause of black failure is low IQ and bad family and personal habits.

Whites are not casting evil spells on blacks. We are required, in fact, to kiss blacks’ asses ritually in every aspect of our lives.

Whites who get caught up in the voodoo delusions of black culture make things a lot worse, and there are a lot of whites doing that.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

After i painted a cave opening on a wall and (1) i was unable to run into it and hide and (2) no train appeared and came through my “tunnel” to provide a deus ex machina escape, well i gave up on emulating cartoon role models. Also FTR, I never ran around pantless like Porky, stuck my finger inna shotgun like Daffy, “flew” a doghouse like Snoopy, nor have i mistaken a ‘roo for a large mouse. I absolutely HAVE smothered cats in kisses like Pepe, but without the sexual overtones.

Fernandinande said...

Re. another Dr. Seuss article by a wypipologist:

From "The Atlantic:" "My Mother Was a Racist Crank, and I Am Too, But That's Admirable Because We're Black."

"A Black person’s humanity can never be fully realized in the presence of whiteness,"

Black fragility.

narciso said...

Well we have a zombie in the white house, so there might be some relevance there.

No self respecting hougan would bother.

rcocean said...

Pepe Le Pew, was a skunk. HE stank. That's why the female cats wanted to get away from him. Its a cartoon. But yeah, it could have been RACSIM, assuming cats are a RACE, which they are not. The only interesting thing about this nonsense, is the motivation of the liberal bourgeoise females who go along with this nonsense. I think they get a big kick of censoring and destroying things, all in the name of being "concerned" and "Anti-whatever".

Personally, I always liked Pepe. I know my mother if she saw me watching it as a kid on Tv, would look at it for 30 seconds and laugh. which she never did with Bugs, Daffy, or Underdog. Oh, she also liked The Penguin - what's his name - that Don Adams did the voice of. Its only later that i found out all this stuff had been made in the 40s, 50s, and early60s.

narciso said...

I never tried to drive into the tromp loeil at the fountainbleau hotel

Known Unknown said...

"Jesus, Deadline Hollywood, it's "Toons" not "Tunes"

No, it's Tunes.

Gravel said...

Bravo narciso.

Joe Smith said...

"Exorcised?! I think the word he was looking for the word "excised." Or are we possessed by an evil spirit that can be driven out by performing some ritual?"

Woke-ism, anti-racist bullshit, climate change, etc. is a religion to these people.

'Exorcised' is correct in this context.

And they can all go to hell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I love warner brothers cartoon. Love.

I have fond memories of loving them as a kid, and they still make me laugh.

that the a-hole left want to cancel them makes perfect sense to me.

Rick said...

Teaching kids it's inappropriate to initiate dating with with immediate kissing and touching is supporting rape culture? A rational person would conclude the exact opposite which explains why left wingers claim rationality is White Supremacy. Anything blocking a left wing attack is White Supremacy.

rcocean said...

It'll be interesting to see where this stops, since even though the SJW's are a small minority, there is ZERO organized and motivated opposition. We've been doing the "This is crazy" and "How can they censor that?!" schtick for over 10 years and expressing OUTRAGE or CONCERN, accomplishes nothing.

So, they'll just keep on censoring and destroying till THEY decide to stop.

Known Unknown said...

Shouldn't the entire Looney Tunes catalog be canceled since the brand name makes light of the mentally ill?

Big Mike said...

Was the problem that he was a different species?

That can’t be it.

narciso said...

This is the same times that championex weinsteins amorality and paid court to epstein and his partner les wexners

Fernandinande said...

The “systemic racism” thing is whites casting evil spells on blacks. You can’t see it, but we’re doing it.

Harpending, who spent a few years in Africa, had nice column on this modern witchcraft, back in 2012.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We have a generation of rapists thanks to pepe.

But all the movies with head's in boxes, and limbs severed by chain saws, and psychopathic murderers who kill you with cow-death-machines and rape and anal sex with Sharon Stone and bottle sucking Maddonas at the movies - why that has nothing to do with the coarsening of our culture. It's all pepe's fault.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I think Pepe's last star turn was in 1995's Carrotblanca, which was a new crew realizing that Warner's still owned the rights to Casablanca, and trying to do it in the High Termite Terrace style. On the whole it works quite well (although Tweety as Peter Lore is jarring..), and Pepe is cast as you have probably already guessed.

The link goes to "Daily Motion", which I hate for the glitches, but Warners has managed to keep full versions of the Looney Tunes shorts almost wholly off of youtube.

(I had to buy a ticket to The Amazing Panda Aventure to see this short, btw).

Deevs said...

I watched Pepe Le Pew cartoons as a kid. If there's anything I took from those cartoons it was that I shouldn't try to force myself romantically onto someone else. So, I'll believe Charles Blow's idea that Pepe "perpetuates rape culture" if someone can find me an example of an accused rapist using the defense "Pepe made me do it".

narciso said...

When the theme song for walker texas rangers is under attack, but the gutter trie of gangster rap is untouched.

Static Ping said...

No, he means exorcised. This is his religion.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Are they sexual overtones or undertones? I never remember...

madAsHell said...

Space Jam II?


DavidUW said...

No. He meant what he wrote. Layers of fact checkers and all.

The modern "anti-racism" movement etc is a religion. Exorcism is appropriate and reflects what the beliefs are for the adherents of this faith.

Lucid-Ideas said...


"A Black person’s humanity can never be fully realized in the presence of whiteness,"

This is true. It can only be realized in Uganda, Liberia, or Zimbabwe. A one way ticket for the visionary writer of this excellent quotation - all expenses paid - on me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is this a set-up where Andrew Cuomo comes out in a press conference ... sobbing and crying about how his youth was ruined by pepe le pew's racist & rapist influence.

Defenseman Emeritus said...

"[LeBron] James makes a remark in the script that Pepe can’t grab other Tunes without their consent...."

If Kobe had been available for the role, this never would have happened.

I'll save you the trouble by preemptively agreeing that this was in poor taste.

daskol said...

They made a new god and a new devil, so exorcised is apt.

Kate said...

I always hated the Pepe cartoons. He was creepy.

The Space Jam bit was too on the nose. Perhaps someone with storytelling chops killed it because it just wasn't good writing.

Leland said...

“Exorcised” is the right word as cancel culture seems more a religion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Can we impeach Biden over his lawless actions at the border?

Bruce Hayden said...

“Pepe le Pew was a caricature of Charles Boyer's Pepe le Moko in the film Algiers (1938), in which he woos Hedy Lamarr quite warmly.”

I think that what a lot of people ignore is that guys often act that way, because it works, and it works because it makes the women involved feel good about themselves. My partner’s ethnically French father made a lot of women a bit happier by flirting with them. He never strayed from his marriage vows, but easily could have on numerous occasions. He only had to resort to mentioning that his wife’s nickname was “Annie Oakley” for her prowess with firearms. Most of the time they knew that his constant flirting was innocent fun.

His daughter, my partner, who has been evading male attention, and shutting down guys like Pepe, for her entire adulthood, can’t understand why that sort of moves by guys would ever work (except, as the loving daughter, could see how her father’s charm would be effective). I tell her that it is the romance, the fantasy. And that she, unlike many, if not most, women is not a romantic. Many, if not most, women have a romantic side, and really do want to live the fantasy for at least a short bit, that they really are so compelling that the guys cannot help themselves from crossing the lines of public propriety when wooing them.

Joe Smith said...

"What a histrionic moron."

In the Looney Tunes world, that would be 'Maroon.'

I met Mel Blanc once when I was working the front desk of a hotel.

As I checked him in, he kept changing voices as he spoke to me.

One minute Bugs, the next Elmer, etc.

It was surreal and very cool : )

Wince said...

Exorcised?! I think the word he was looking for the word "excised."

Confusing, also, the odious with the odiferous.

richlb said...

Until today I didn't know a) that was always the same cat and b) the cat's name was Penelope.

narciso said...

He wasnt a hero, like bugs he was a figure of ridicule.

rcocean said...

I can't imagine anyone going to movie with Lebron james. Not only does he hate America, and Republicans, he's the ugliest Motherfucker ever.

Give him a club and bearskin rug and he'd fit right in.

GMay said...

"I don’t take these people any more seriously than the “Baby it’s cold outside” people."

Yeah, but they take you seriously. And they're in charge.

DanTheMan said...

Pepe Le Pew, cartoon rapist: Cancelled
Bill Clinton, actual rapist: Celebrated

Bob Smith said...

Do you think these people realize how dumb they are.

GMay said...

The inability to distinguish between men and women, and the inability to separate fiction from reality. There's a psychological term for this, and it represents today's Left.

Oh, and parading Charles Blow as a serious thinker, forgot to add that.

DanTheMan said...

>>Pepe Le Pew, cartoon rapist: Cancelled

Wait... that was overly critical. Of Pepe. Pepe is only accused of being rape-enabler.
Like Hillary.

narciso said...

At the same time, they champion every perversity that even the citizens of sodom would look away from

Known Unknown said...

"He wasnt a hero, like bugs he was a figure of ridicule."

He was never successful and always got his comeuppance. I fail to see the problem.

Bilwick said...

"Racism must be exorcised from culture . . . " But not statism. Unleashing the coercive powers of the State against peaceful people, and threatening them with jail or worse, that's just fine. As long as it's in a good cause, of course.

Chris N said...

Have a butch lesbian trail Pepe with a handbook of rules.

Teaches the kids how to get into politics, too.

stevew said...

Removed or deleted would have worked well. Blow's use of exorcise rather than excise is Blow trying to upsell his intelligence in the way some people use I when me is correct.

The goal of all this would be better served by identifying the offending words and ideas and explaining why they are offensive. Of course, that would take too much work and time so cancel it is.

gspencer said...

"First they came for the Jews, and I said nothing because . . ."

. . .

"Then they came for the cartoon characters . . ."

Balfegor said...

He normalises "rape culture" in the same way that suspect statistics like 29% of women are victims of rape or attempted rape on college campus normalises rape itself. The latter transforms rape from something extreme, and outside the bounds of ordinary experience, into something that's actually quite commonplace and humdrum. I think that picture of rape is . . . utterly false, to say the least, but it certainly does send young men the message that "everyone's doing it."

On a more serious note, Pepe le Pew is a stereotype of a Continental lover (French, Italian, whatever), and if anything, tends to socialise young girls to reject the aggressive Continental approach to courtship, by modelling disgust and aversion at sexually aggressive approaches (and, yes, stereotyping Europeans as stinky). Implicitly, this elevates the more reserved middle class Anglo-American approach to courtship, although it is only implicit, never modelled directly that I can recall.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'll admit pepe wasn't my favorite. He was annoying, certainly. That was his charm. He was in love with a fake skunk. If only he knew!
For the odd-ball side WB characters, I liked Marvin the Martian.

Is there talk of canceling Marvin the Martian? I'm sure he committed some woke-space-time crime. He was... borderline... violent. I mean, not as violent as "the joker" or Antifa, or every kids favorite "Star wars" ... but he clearly had an itch to BLOW up stuff. and he was very very angry.

narciso said...

He had serious anger management issues

Churchy LaFemme: said...

He wasnt a hero, like bugs he was a figure of ridicule.

Disagree about Bugs. He was only ever a figure of ridicule in the Cecil shorts.

walter said...

Blogger BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...Can we impeach Biden over his lawless actions at the border?
So Pepe smells bad, Biden smells hair.

stevew said...

IIRC, Pepe le Peu is never successful, he is always rebuffed, right? Sometimes violently. Adding to Balfegor's points, Pepe is figuratively and literally rejected. That should count for something in the argument for and against.

Temujin said...

Misguided, mal-informed, totalitarian journalists must be exorcised from our society. How's that, Charles Blow? Like it when they come for you? Nah. You probably don't. But you'd use 'Racism' then, right?

Pepe LePew was a stereotype of a 'typical' French man circa the 50's and 60's. The American caricature of a French lover. A great cartoon character who did not inform any young boys that this was anything but a funny cartoon. If this generation is put off by this, and actually thinks that it creates future MeTooers, they need to sit home and never leave their homes. Next thing you know we'll see Andrew Cuomo blaming his tendency to fondle other women on his childhood hours of Pepe LePew watching.

It's a big world out there. Many more people than there are American Regressives. And most of those people have hundreds of years of culture. They'll listen to you for a minute, shrug, and go back to what they've always done. My advice to the corporations, academicians, Journalists!, and athletes who seem to be preaching and teaching everyone to be constantly offended is to get over yourselves. No one takes you seriously anymore. You are laughable and creating a generation of bedwetters. And frankly- you just sound vacuous and stupid.

Besides, I used Pepe LePew's methods to attract my wife.

rhhardin said...

Women's feelings are well covered by cartoons and comic books.

Bob Smith said...

When you’ve done something meaningful about this get back to me.

Former NY Member of Congress Anthony Weiner
NY Governor and former AG Elliot Spitzer
Former NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman
Current Governor Andrew Cuomo

walter said...

The kitty was involuntarily Trans.

Ken B said...

Ann's questions are answered in the thread linked here

J. Farmer said...

characterized Pepé's actions towards Penelope Pussycat as "sexual harassment, stalking, and abuse" and noted that Pepé's qualities mock the French people and their culture.

I'll buy that "Pepé's actions" constituted "sexual harassment, stalking, and abuse." None of those are "rape," and they were some of the least brutal things that a Looney Tunes character attempted (e.g. shooting, stabbing, electrocuting, eating, blowing up with TNT, tying to railroad tracks, dropping heavy objects from high spots, etc.).

Racism must be exorcised from culture, including, or maybe especially, from children’s culture.

Racism cannot be exorcised (or excised) from a multi-racial society.

Teaching a child to hate or be ashamed of themselves is a sin against their innocence and a weight against their possibilities.

I agree, but dated humor from the 30s and 40s cannot not teach "a child to hate or be ashamed of themselves." That is something that comes from interpersonal relationships. And even then, very rarely is it ever something that is "taught" to the child but rather something the child acquires.

Ken B said...

He meant exorcised. A showy, self righteous casting out of demons — which is in fact nothing more than a public denigrating of the disfavored.

LYNNDH said...

I would bet that Blow thinks only White People can be racist.
I watched all the cartoons and laughed. Did not think about them being anything but a cartoon. A 5 yr old boy does not think "Wow, that is not how to treat a woman".

Who knows maybe with all this PC and Woke stuff Liberal Woman won't want to have Sex and the breed will die out. One can hope.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Ann - “exorcised” is the word the writer meant. The hardcore left does want to exorcise everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, that they deem unworthy from society. The problem with that attitude, is what is deemed worthy by the hard left today is unworthy tomorrow. Their morals (or what passes for their morals) is a “living, breathing document “, just like how they view the US Constitution. Good people must draw a line in the sand NOW before these insane people totally destroy our country and society..

Bobber Fleck said...

In a world of universal offense, humor is a revolutionary act.

Being offended is a choice, and often a selfish and inappropriate choice.

Tolerance and forgiveness were once considered virtues.

SGT Ted said...

Even in the bad old days of the patriarchy in the 60s-70s, As a kid I knew Pepe Le pews conduct was wrong and that the cartoon was making fun of his cluelessness.

But once again, society are to be ruled by the sensibilities of the females who are made "uncomfortable" by a cartoon skunk hitting on a cat.

Iman said...

The skunk is black, the skunk is white
Charles Blow should learn to read and write
You smell French cheese, drop to your knees
And fuss about cartoons, you fucking loons

Iman said...

Why must he feel like dat
Why must he chase teh cat
Nothin' but teh skunk in him

tim maguire said...

What is amazing to me is how quickly we go from identifying a "problem" artifact of our culture to removing it completely. How many days from Dr. Seuss being racist to ebay blocking sales of used copies of the target books? Less than a week, no? Now Pepe le Pew, who I suspect will have few defenders, should be banished far more quickly.

Who will be next?
Who will set the record for fastest erasure?

Iman said...

Moar Alfalfa Hardin’s Women Haters Club, please!

Kai Akker said...

One of the things that puzzles me is how the actresses of the '40s movies, like Ginger Rogers and Katharine Hepburn, but also plenty of lesser stars or supporting actresses, always knew how to handle a man's unwanted advances.

Well, OK, the scriptwriters, some of whom were women, always knew how to handle unwanted advances. But those actresses set fantastic examples onscreen of taking-no-shtt. I don't see enough current movies to speak intelligently about how Hollywood handles the issue today, but we are beseiged by cases in the headlines in which the women can only talk about how helpless they are.

How is it that the women in "pre-feminist" America were so resilient and capable -- while the products of the feminist movement are so whiny and pathetic?

Ann Althouse said...

"No. Sorry. We are evil. You are evil. The country is evil. It is possessed by evil"

No, you are getting exorcism wrong. To say "exorcism" is to say that we are NOT evil, but an external spirit has gotten into us and can be forced to leave, thus allowing our goodness to manifest itself.

Blow doesn't think stopping publishing certain books and things like that will remove the evil that lies within us. He just wants to edit them out of the external communications between us. That does nothing to remove the evil within. Therefore "exorcism" is the wrong word.

Ann Althouse said...

I believe the usage "toons" started with "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"

The "tunes" in "Looney Tunes" is consistent with "Merrie Melodies." Cartoons were associated with music in the Warner Brothers world:

"The origins of the Merrie Melodies series begin with the failure of a live action series of musical shorts called Spooney Melodies, which featured popular songs of the day. These shorts included segments with a popular artist singing along with appropriate background sequences. Warner Bros. wanted to promote this music because they had recently acquired (in 1930) the ownership of Brunswick Records along with four music publishers for US $28 million. Because of the success of their Looney Tunes series, Warner Bros. decided to develop a new series of animated musical shorts called Merrie Melodies. Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising led the development. It was meant to be a series of musical cartoons that featured hit songs of the day, especially those then owned by Warner Bros. and featured in their musical films."

Jupiter said...

'Exorcised?! I think the word he was looking for the word "excised."'

He's Chucky Blow. He's an affirmative action hire at the NYT. He's Black! Keep your white-ass racist criticisms to your white-ass racist self.

Paul Zrimsek said...

If the people behind this decision were a bunch of old-fashioned misogynists trying to bring back the good old days when harassment was spoken of only in whispers, I can't think of what they'd be doing differently.

Ann Althouse said...

"I believe the usage "toons" started with "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?""

That's where I remember it beginning recently, but it was a re-beginning, because I see (in the OED) that "toon" for "cartoon originally appeared in "Terry-Toons" — the cartoons produced by Paul Terry and his company.

1940 N.Y. Times 7 July ix. 3/2 The Paul Terry and the casts of his Terrytoons are the blithe genii that reside in the inkwells and palettes of several score artists and craftsmen.

Earnest Prole said...

Now do Fredo le Pew.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Originaly the distinction between "Looney Tunes" & "Merrie Melodies" was that the later were in color. (And had different theme songs, of course, "Merrily We Roll Along" vs "The Merry-go-round Broke Down").

Howard said...

Boomer kids learned most of what we know about history from the classical hay day of cartoons. Pepe le pew wasn't on TV much, but I remember him and chilly willy from the drive in movies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Le pant.... le pant.... le pant.

Just look at the offensive defiance of the laws of gravity. oh - so capitalist.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Amber. Tells you everything you need to know right there, at least if you work in human services.

Lucien said...

Charles Blow is just too easy a target — not a fair fight.

tcrosse said...

The game seems to be to prove one's superior sensitivity by finding offense where none have found it before. This requires some very deep digging.

Michael K said...

How is it that the women in "pre-feminist" America were so resilient and capable -- while the products of the feminist movement are so whiny and pathetic?

Also, those women were huge stars and carried movies on their own.

Known Unknown said...

""First they came for the Jews, and I said nothing because . . ."

Then they came for Le Pews ...

Assistant Village Idiot said...

John Crist on names.

Known Unknown said...

"Also, those women were huge stars and carried movies on their own."

Barbara Fucking Stanwick.

But Myrna Loy was my favorite.

YoungHegelian said...

As a proud Franco-American, I view this attack on my confrere & roll model Pepe Le Pew as an attack on my very being. This cannot be allowed to stand.

Now,just as in times before,

Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'étendard sanglant est levé

We will choot at zhem wit ze ack-ack of luv.

M Jordan said...

Blow meant “exorcised.” Trust me on that one.

What it must be like to write for the NYT, be paid big bucks, be a star pundit, all from sitting on your ass screaming about race.

Good work if you can get it.

narciso said...

there is less insanity than you think

alanc709 said...

Which did more to "normalize" rape culture: Pepe LePew, or William Jefferson Clinton?

Fernandinande said...

No. Sorry. We are evil. You are evil. The country is evil. It is possessed by evil

You got it. According to Blow, the "entire system" is evil.

Blow: "We must strike at the root: that the entire system operates in a way that is anti-black, that it disadvantages and even punishes blackness, that part of your privilege is built on my oppression."

And Blow mentions St. Floyd, of course. Besides using the word "strike" [at the entire system] there are other implied threats in that dopey column:

"How will [white people] respond when true equality threatens their privilege, when it actually starts to cost them something?"

Geoff M said...

There's a breed of humour that takes offensive behavior (no one thought that Pepe Le Pew wasn't offensive) and turns it up to 11. The ridiculous nature of it makes it funny.
Like a kick in the nuts, it's funny when it happens to someone else.
If you try to his actions seriously, of course it isn't funny. But then neither is a kick in the nuts if it happens to you. But Pepe Le Pew's behavior was never meant to be taken seriously. It was mean to be viewed as ridiculous.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The pussycats are white females

Pepe is a black male

The pussycats are therefore racists

Oh, wait

The pussycats are cis heterosexual males

Pepe is a "trans heterosexual female" (i.e. a gay guy who pretends he's a woman)

The pussycats are therefore trans-phobic, and must be cancelled

It's time to cancel anyone attacking poor Pepe Le Lew!

Gee, this is fun!

Browndog said...

I see a lot of people using the term "rape culture".

Brainwashed into using a leftist term without giving it a second thought.

I'm Full of Soup said...

ME TV has the old looney tunes cartoons on every Saturday morning for an hour at 9AM. They are great. Though the Pepe Lepew cartoons were my least favorite. I guess I was ahead of the Woke curve.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left rape us everyday. With their lies, incompetence, corruption, money whoring, and big tech censorship.

Robert Cook said...

Of all the Warner Bros. cartoon characters and series, Pepe Le Pew was always my least favorite. In fact, I just didn't like them.

Howard said...

Then quit bending over, April.

PM said...

Betty Boop dressed slutty. No issues.
Olive Oyl clearly had an eating disorder. No prob.
Mamma Katzenjammer was fat and abusive. Well, the kids were naughty.
But Pepe was a Cuomo-class preda-flirt.
Maybe that's why he was depicted AS A SKUNK.

jaydub said...

Blow: "We must strike at the root: that the entire system operates in a way that is anti-black, that it disadvantages and even punishes blackness, that part of your privilege is built on my oppression."

Yeah, like each of us White devils wakes up in the morning and asks himself "what can I do to oppress Charlie the Blowhard today?" Is this guy the victim's victim or what?

bleh said...

I seriously doubt Dave Chappelle supports "canceling" Pepe Le Pew. You can laugh about his standup bit and still think Pepe is a fine cartoon character for children to watch. Anyone with half a brain is able to tell that Pepe, a creepy French guy, isn't really a role model for how to treat women. In fact, Pepe gets his ass handed to him repeatedly while in pursuit of the female cat, deservedly so. And it's funny.

I never once thought his style of aggressive pursuit was a good one. I took it as a lesson in what not to do.

Witness said...

Did anyone come away from those cartoons thinking Pepe le Pew was anything less than obnoxious? Isn't that part of why it was so easy to laugh when he got hurt?

Like, it's pretty easy to look back and note the following messages:
1) this kind of bad behavior exists, here is an example
2) acting like this is foreign behavior, not something we expect/accept from our own community/culture (apparently when localized to French audiences, Pepe is rebranded as an Italian)
3) it's bad, and it's funny to see it end badly for the perp

Somehow this has been misinterpreted as promoting rape culture, instead of opposing it.

Nonapod said...

I'm kind surprised it took this long to "cancel" Pepe. I guess most woke puritans probably either forgot about him or never knew who the character was in the first place.

As for the new Space Jam, I wish more people were more concerned about some of Lebron James's positions, his downplaying the Chinese governments use of slave labor and their behavior towards Hong Kong protesters and the like. As usual, a lot of people's priorities seem a bit odd.

chickelit said...

Charles Blow blew: Teaching a child to hate or be ashamed of themselves is a sin against their innocence and a weight against their possibilities.

Who exactly is teaching generations of black kids to hate whitey and to stop acting like whitey?

mockturtle said...

It occurs to me that to even analyze such idiocy is to bow to the idiocies of the Left. And yes, he did mean exorcism. Racism is an 'evil spirit' that must be removed by the enlightenment of the Leftist God of Statism. The power of the State compels you!

YoungHegelian said...

Needless to say, just wait until they come to cancel Elmer Fudd because he was such an exemplar of virile, white, Aryan manhood.

"Oooooooohhhh, dat wascally wabbit!"

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Kai Akker said...

How is it that the women in "pre-feminist" America were so resilient and capable -- while the products of the feminist movement are so whiny and pathetic?

I suspect that men weren't quite as pushy back then since they (the men) knew that going too far with a woman would result in at the least a nasty beating by her male relatives. Also, women had to consider that their reputations would go out the window if they gave in too easily and that was worse than telling some asshole to fuck off, even if it was the governor's son.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"Demonization of The Other: Racism and Transphobia as displayed by the Pussycat vs Pepe le Peu"

Soon to be a doctoral thesis

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I suspect that men weren't quite as pushy back then since they (the men) knew that going too far with a woman would result in at the least a nasty beating by her male relatives. Also, women had to consider that their reputations would go out the window if they gave in too easily and that was worse than telling some asshole to fuck off, even if it was the governor's son.

In addition, I suspect that pre-feminist women were a bit more choosey about what men they hung around with.

rhhardin said...

John Blow, no doubt a relative, had some great music Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell

mockturtle said...

Imagine if, by magic, all racism of every sort suddenly disappeared. Would these professional victims be happy? The wouldn't even have a platform. Or a job.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd rather sit my child in front of old Warner Bros. cartoons than let the kid watch any of the vapid woke preachy leftist garbage on TEEVEE or the REAL psychopathic violence pushed out of tinseltown's money grubbing stink hole.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mockturtle @ 12:27

for the threat win.

EDITORIAL: End the victimized culture of grievance

That right there should be taught in our schools. alas - we get the opposite.

mockturtle said...

Some relatives believe there is such a thing as 'species-ism', the treating of members of the animal kingdom as if they have less value than humans. I once cautioned my nephew to tread carefully, lest he squash some unsuspecting ants. He believes fishing is cruel, not just to the fish but to the worm. :-( He is otherwise quite a nice, albeit clueless, young man.

YoungHegelian said...


I'd rather sit my child in front of old Warner Bros. cartoons than let the kid watch any of the vapid woke preachy leftist garbage on TEEVEE or the REAL psychopathic violence pushed out of tinseltown's money grubbing stink hole.

Or have them watch The Real Housewives of [Insert Location Here]. Good Lord, talk about modeling anti-social behavior! But, no, let's go after That Sam I Am or Pepe Le Pew!

Rory said...

"ME TV has the old looney tunes cartoons on every Saturday morning for an hour at 9AM."

They have a daily show at 7 AM ET. Warner, Popeye, Tom & Jerry.

cubanbob said...

We are becoming such a nasty and stupid society. God help us. I wish someone ask this Blow fellow if he concurs that racism trumps misogyny. Or when does Rap and the ghetto gangster culture get cancelled?

Iman said...

Personally, I always liked Pepe. I know my mother if she saw me watching it as a kid on Tv, would look at it for 30 seconds and laugh. which she never did with Bugs, Daffy, or Underdog. Oh, she also liked The Penguin - what's his name - that Don Adams did the voice of. Its only later that i found out all this stuff had been made in the 40s, 50s, and early60s.

That penguins name is Tennessee Tuxedo, motherfucker. Don’t you forget it.

Chennaul said...

Or when does Rap and the ghetto gangster culture get cancelled?


Well right now Twitter is trying to cancel Eminem over lyrics while completely missing some rappers telling bitches to crawl on their knees.

Leland said...

If you ask me, movies were cancelled by Fauci before Space Jam and NYT's Blow job cancelled Pepe le Pew.

mockturtle said...

My favorite cartoons were Fractured Fairy Tales, Boris & Natasha and Dudley Do-Right, all part of the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show, IIRC.

Seamus said...

Exorcised?! I think the word he was looking for the word "excised." Or are we possessed by an evil spirit that can be driven out by performing some ritual? If you're talking about editing things out of the culture — which is what is really going on — the word is"excised."

Calling attention to, let alone correcting, malapropisms by persons of color is racist.

Seamus said...

That penguins name is Tennessee Tuxedo, motherfucker. Don’t you forget it.

While we're at it, let's not forget Chilly Willie?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

My favorite cartoons were Fractured Fairy Tales, Boris & Natasha and Dudley Do-Right, all part of the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show, IIRC.

Those were all great due to the writing and voice work. The animation, frankly, stunk as it was bargain basement done-for-tv.

The Warner stuff at its best had the writing & voice work *with* a theatrical animation budget.

n.n said...

some rappers telling bitches to crawl on their knees

First you do the slut walk, then you kneel, then you crawl, then you sacrifice a child to Stork, repeat. Keep women appointed, available, and taxable. Progress: one step forward, two steps backward.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

YH -

Or have them watch The Real Housewives of [Insert Location Here]. Good Lord, talk about modeling anti-social behavior! But, no, let's go after That Sam I Am or Pepe Le Pew!

Indeed. & we could go on and on.. with examples of absolute garbage found on American TEEVEE.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I own the box set of warner Bros cartoons. I will never sell it. I cherish it.

I will never own re-runs of anything with that idiot Joy Behar or - 'The Vapid Housewives of Hollywood Stepfordwife-landia'

Seamus said...

Can we impeach Biden over his lawless actions at the border?

Attempting to impeach Biden is tantamount to attempting to reverse the election, which in turn is literally the same thing as insurrection and treason. The latter is a death-penalty offense, but if you voluntarily turn yourself in to the nearest Committee for the Defense of the Revolution, maybe the tribunal will show you leniency.

walter said...

"Greice Santo, is unhappy to have her big scene cut: "Even though Pepe is a cartoon character, if anyone was going to slap a sexual harasser like him, Greice wished it would be her. Now... she doesn’t have that power to influence the world through younger generations"
Oh..there will be more opportunities. Maybe even slap a real-life white guy with a Southern accent!

n.n said...

He's black and white. The antithesis of the Rainbow inclusion.

That said, social conservatives will disagree with the provocative behavior, liberals will diverge in diverse directions, but Pepe is a loving, empowered, socially progressive skunk looking for girlfriends... with "benefits". #NoJudgment #NoLabels

The Crack Emcee said...

I can tell you, after living there, the French do not spend nearly as much time worrying about offending us as Americans do them.

Which I weird, because they suck.

walter said...


RMc said...

If you're interested in reading that Amber E. George essay, it's in "The Intersectionality of Critical Animal, Disability, and Environmental Studies: Toward Eco-ability, Justice, and Liberation." That will cost you $73 even just to download it in Kindle!

If she gave me $73, I might consider reading it. Might.

Iman said...

While we're at it, let's not forget Chilly Willie?

Or Clutch Cargo... King Leonardo... Itchy Brother... Biggy Rat... Felix the Cat...

walter said...

Clutch Cargo!
Team Joementia is busily adapting that tech for his speechifying post-mask era.

Leland said...

Biden Le Pew

J. Farmer said...

I own the box set of warner Bros cartoons. I will never sell it. I cherish it.

If it's the Looney Tunes Golden Collection you're referring to, I own the set too and love it. Pepé Le Pew was never one of my favorite characters, though. I preferred Daffy Duck, Speedy Gonzales, Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, and my all-time favorite Foghorn Leghorn.

I also remember watching Tiny Toon Adventures on Saturday mornings in the early 90s, but I can only remember the theme song.

walter said...

That's it. Foghorn Leghorn makes a crack about her tits (I say, I do, I say...)and she lets him have it.

DanTheMan said...

>>I can tell you, after living there, the French do not spend nearly as much time worrying about offending us as Americans do them. Which I weird, because they suck.

French culture is the most advanced, refined, and admirable culture in the world. It is what every culture should aspire to be, but can't, because they are not French.

You can validate this by asking almost any French person, and they will testify that it is true. :)

DanTheMan said...

>>If she gave me $73, I might consider reading it. Might.

Never take the first offer.

Anonymous said...

It seems the real skunk is not, in fact, Pepe Lepew.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Farmer- yes - the Golden Collection set.
My fav is bugs. Foghorn leghorn is hilarious. 'I say... I say.. I say boy!'
"Of course you know this means war"

ooo crap - soon to be canceled.

so much anti-woke goodness... my stars.

jamzim said...

Guess we’ll be getting rid of The Three Stooges next. Members of the patriarchy... plus they apparently don’t realize that slapping people and hitting them with hammers is wrong.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is the a wonderful anti-woke scene.
A paper airplane with bullets.

n.n said...

It is what every culture should aspire to be, but can't, because they are not French.

You can validate this by asking almost any French person, and they will testify that it is true. :)

If I was French, I would agree. I'm not, but I am willing to share the stage. :)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ever watch old episodes of Sanford & Son? Redd Foxx is not woke and hilarious.
What to do?

DanTheMan said...

>>Ever watch old episodes of Sanford & Son? Redd Foxx is not woke and hilarious.
What to do?

I'll just have a glass of cham-pipple. :)

Skippy Tisdale said...

If I remember the old cartoons correctly, the other cartoon characters always let Pepe know his behavior was unacceptable... though I think that was mainly because they were cats and he was a skunk.

Anti-miscegenation keeps the races pure. Even cats know that.

Rory said...

"ooo crap - soon to be canceled."

Foghorn, an enormous Southerner, is white. As is Miss Prissy, who aspires to wed him. Most of the other hens of Foghorn's harem are of color.

Quaestor said...

All women LOVE romantically forward men like Pepe LePew, a character based on Pépé le Moko, an archetype created by the most influential French film in history, if not for the sexual frisson, for the opportunity to practice consequence-free violence such a bold man offers.

Consequence-free violence is itself very sexually fulfilling for a certain type of person, the kind that favors totalitarian government. (They ain't called feminazis, for nuthin', ladies.) So slap away, girls. Defund the police. Dismantle Western civilization. Let's see how you like a state of nature.

Rory said...

Just for the record, the cat is attractively plump.

Skippy Tisdale said...

First they came for Pepe the Frog, and I did not speak out -- because I was not a frog.

mockturtle said...

All women LOVE romantically forward men like Pepe LePew

Um, no. Not all. It's not sexual harassment but some of us don't find it appealing, either.

farmgirl said...

Oh hell- this is such a 1st world problem!!! I’m embarrassed. I think Woke culture should be effing embarrassed, too. There are so many more noble pursuits... this is a joke, right? Where’s the camara? Is there so little discomfort in life- so little left to improve, that a handsie skunk is a topic of adult concern for cancel? I think maybe we’re in for it, when our country goes broke and ppl have to stand in bread lines again- if we are going down the Venezuelan track...

mockturtle said...

In all honesty, however, I don't believe I ever watched M. Le Pew.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Blow definitely meant 'exorcised'. Just as with communist revolutions, all traces of the old culture must be erased and eradicated lest their spirits foul the agenda of the New Order.

It ain't just communists:

Buddhas of Bamiyan

n.n said...

All women LOVE romantically forward men like Pepe LePew, ... if not for the sexual frisson, for the opportunity to practice consequence-free violence such a bold man offers.

Consequence-free violence is itself very sexually fulfilling for a certain type of person, the kind that favors totalitarian government.

Gentlemen will not lead, ladies need not kneel, Americans: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness... of both sexes, are, in principle, excluded.

Quaestor said...

Foghorn, an enormous Southerner, is white.

Daffy Duck is black. And he always loses to Bugs Bunny, who is white or mostly white -- white on the face and around the gonads, where it counts.

Daffy's perpetual loser status is obviously RACIST!!!!. His greed, narcissism, and treachery have nothing to do with Elmer Fudd -- who really is a white man and a shotgun-toting, Second-Amendment-loving moron -- blasting Daffy's beak clear off his microcephalic noggin.

Skippy Tisdale said...

So, I'll believe Charles Blow's idea that Pepe "perpetuates rape culture" if someone can find me an example of an accused rapist using the defense "Pepe made me do it".

Blow is projecting.

Quaestor said...

In all honesty, however, I don't believe I ever watched M. Le Pew.

Fear, perhaps?

n.n said...

So, Pepe is a skunk of black and white. Oscar is a grouch of green. Big Bird is, well, a bird of yellow; Odie, a canine of yellow, too. Garfield is a pussy, without a hat, of orange. The Hound of the Baskervilles was a canine of black. They are all male sex. Pepe of of male sex and masculine gender chases girls, but no couches, no pornographic "benefits", sexual assault, perhaps, but not rape, and certainly not rape-rape, a socially forward-looking romantic that leaves no "burdens" behind in a carbon-neutral existence.

Quaestor said...

Mockturtle should see Pépé le Moko or its much paler imitation Algiers.

mockturtle said...

Mockturtle should see Pépé le Moko or its much paler imitation Algiers.

Eeeeuuuuwwww! Charles Boyer! :-(

Jon Burack said...

I think "exorcised" is the better word. That is exactly what people like Blow mean and want to be -- priests fighting the demons in their own minds.

Regarding Pepe, this twitter comment I saw seemed most insightful to me.

"Cartoons ruined my life too. I did ten years for painting a black circle on the side of a mountain. That poor family drove right into it thinking it was a tunnel. I still blame that coyote."

n.n said...

Charles Blow's idea that Pepe "perpetuates rape culture"

Rape or rape-rape? Perhaps friends with "benefits". On Earth or at the Twilight Fringe? Kneel. Just do it!

Keep women... feminine females appointed, available, and taxable.

mockturtle said...

You're probably right, Quaestor. Fear that I may have been swept away on a tide of passion. ;-D Or maybe I just preferred Boris 'Bad'-enov. Or Roger 'Ram'-jet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If a stinky French man grabbed me and started kissing me ... I'd ... be open to it right now.
I might say something like..

'Yeah - lets do this.
You're my ticket out of the smoking ruins of what used to be a great nation. You're my ticket out of the Potemkin trash heap of corrupt Woke idiotic embarrassing Biden-Cuomo-merica. Please.... take me to France, sexy beast. wait here while I find my passport... kiss kiss kiss '

n.n said...

I did ten years for painting a black circle on the side of a mountain. That poor family drove right into it thinking it was a tunnel

The secret is to believe that the black circle is a black hole... whore h/t NAACP, which contemporary philosophers now believe is actually a gray hole. ACME sells the black hole... whore to gray whore conversion for 9.99. Disclaimer: Signal fidelity cannot be guaranteed. Consumers should expect partial reconstruction.

Ancient Mariner said...

This is not original with me, but I agree with an anonymous commenter on another blog that Pepe le Pew doesn't really make rape acceptable; instead it reinforces the American stereotype that Frenchmen are basically a--holes.

Michael in ArchDen said...

Pepe may have been cut, but I'll bet there was never a scene with Speedy Gonzales.

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