March 6, 2021

Kyrsten Sinema cutely dramatized her "no" to the $15 minimum wage and some people are really mad about it.

I'm reading "Sinema Slammed For Exaggerated Thumbs-Down On $15 Minimum Wage" (HuffPo). Here's how it looked:

We watched that about 20 times. It's hard to know why she did it like that. At first, we thought maybe she was emulating John McCain, whose dramatic down vote on the GOP health care repeal was done with a distinct hand gesture. 

But look at that — here. It's not much like what Sinema did, which was a whole body movement, bouncing down and back up as she did a sassy thumb's down. McCain held his hand out to get attention — because he was voting after the point in the roll call where his name had appeared — and when he got the attention, he briskly pointed his whole hand downward. 

McCain took the position that the left loved, and Sinema was on the side the left hates. I can't remember the worst things the right said about McCain and his dramatic moment, but the left is spewing hostility at Sinema. I'll just highlight this from Lawyers, Guns & Money

I get that Joe Manchin is just a narcissistic conservative asshole having the time of his life. But what the living fuck is this shit?... Of course, she’s claiming that criticism of this grotesque display is sexist...

ADDED: I think the right attitude for voting down the minimum wage is more somber. It should express something more like: I'm sorry, I want hard-working people to make more money too, but this is the wrong way to try to make that happen. The gesture Sinema gave feels more like: Ha! So there! That's not appropriate to the occasion. It makes her seem as though she doesn't even understand what she's doing.


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Big Mike said...

@Althouse, your ADDED paragraph has been bothering me since I read it, and I belatedly realize why. It’s your “civility bullshit,” applied to Ms. Sinema because, in your view, her actions are not adequately “civil.”

stlcdr said...

Jeez, looks like somebody had nothing better to do than troll this blog.

But on point, the person in the video looked like she was some random woman who walked in off the street dressed for a court appearance. But then, I don’t really pay much attention to what senators and representatives wear.

Maybe she was making the point that 15 bucks is a waste of time and wanted a more reasonable (sic) and appropriate minimum?

(Damn you autocorrect).

Tom said...

I wonder how bullied and harassed she was prior to the vote? To me, that looked like an act of mocking defiance against her party - “you don’t own me - fuck you!”

Remember when we celebrated women who fought back against bullies.

daskol said...

Yes, Tom nailed it. This wasn't for the folks at home, at least not mostly. It was to the folks who put pressure on her to vote the way they wanted.

Lazarus said...

Girlfriend, everything she does has to be "Sinematic."

The wardrobe, the exaggerated stories about her childhood, the spelling of her name, the bisexuality ... why not her gestures, too?

Freder Frederson said...

Fact: under three years of Trump's policies the real per capita income of the bottom quintile increased by 10.8% ($13,789 in 2016 to $15286 in 2019.)

Fact: 21 states have raised their minimum wage over the last few years to as high as $15 an hour. Seems to me the income increases could arguably be in spite of Trump's policies, not because of it.

CapitalistRoader said...

Remember when Peloxi tore up her printed copy of the President's SOTU on camera? That's how a sober and dignified Congresswoman expresses disagreement.

Bilwick said...

"Trumpies are so sad. If only they could think for themselves, things might be better for them."

Says the lockstep party-line regurgitating State-fellator.

hpudding said...

Given that Trump believes he WAS the state, it's not surprising that his followers like to think of fellatio when his name comes up!

Greg The Class Traitor said...

hpudding said...
Poll watchers were allowed, what they want is voter intimidation.

Poll watchers were NOT allowed to observe the actions of the poll workers.

You can not observe the actions of poll workers from 20 feet away (Fulton County, Philly)

You can not observe the actions of poll workers when you're not allowed to look at the computer screen where they're entering data (Fulton County, Philly, Detroit)

If anyone was "voting" in the vote counting areas where this occurred, then that's clear vote fraud. So your "voter intimidation" claim is garbage.

No one is allowed to go into the polling booth with the voter. So it's not possible to engage in "voter intimidation" at a polling place. All it's possible to do is to get poll watchers in to stop the poll workers from engaging in criminal activities, or allowing others to engage in criminal activities.

So, once again pudding head shows that its goal is vote fraud, and stealing elections.

AS for the other? There should be no Saturday voting, or Sunday voting, or Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday voting.

You vote on the single Election Day. Unless it's physically impossible for you to get there, in which case you get one of the few absentee ballots.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

hpudding said...
States don't all have to have "the same rules," nor would they have to if the national popular vote legally determined the winner.

Having an election where different people are subject to different rules is a clear violation of "one man, one vote."

If you wish to compare voting across States, you can only do so when the States have the same rules.

Because the States are sovereign, that is why we have an Electoral College

And that is why talk of a "national popular vote" is meaningless bullshit.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Freder Frederson said...
>> Fact: under three years of Trump's policies the real per capita income of the bottom quintile increased by 10.8% ($13,789 in 2016 to $15286 in 2019.)

Fact: 21 states have raised their minimum wage over the last few years to as high as $15 an hour. Seems to me the income increases could arguably be in spite of Trump's policies, not because of it.

And Unicorns could "arguably" shit Skittles.

To turn your babbling into an actual argument, you would have to identify the States that raised their minimum wage, the ones that didn't, pair up similar States on either side of the divide, and then show that the States that raised their minimum wage had better income growth than the ones that didn't.

Since you haven't attempted to do any of that, it's obvious that even you know your babbling is bullshit

hpudding said...

You can not observe the actions of poll workers from 20 feet away (Fulton County, Philly)

By November 5th the distance was 6 feet. Get a grip, activist.

Your 11:42 comment is incoherent hysteria, as is your demand for uniform electoral laws in general. States have plenary power under the constitution to choose the manner in which they appoint their electors, and you can't do a thing about that. So what you said about violating anything or comparing is just ignorant bullshit.

Not a surprise to hear from a guy on the side of a one-term loser prez who thought he could sue his way into wrenching 35 electoral votes away from the count for himself. Or that he could bully the GA SOS into "finding" 11,780 votes.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

hpudding said...
Me: You can not observe the actions of poll workers from 20 feet away (Fulton County, Philly)
By November 5th the distance was 6 feet. Get a grip, activist.

They stole the election the night of Nov 3 through Nov 4.

When the distance was 20 feet+.

And "6 feet" when you're forced to be in front of the computer monitor, where you can't read what's happening on it, isn't legitimate either.

Get a grip, liar

I'm not the moron pretending that there's some sort of "national popular vote", pudding head, that's you. If you don't like the basic requirements to having a national vote, stop whining about one.

As anyone who's neither a moron nor a liar knows, Trump was pushing the SoS to find 11,780 illegal voters, out of the > 150k potential illegal voters that the Trump team had giving him.

But telling the truth would violate your moral code, so I understand why you push that lie

Bilwick said...

"Given that Trump believes he WAS the state, it's not surprising that his followers like to think of fellatio when his name comes up!"

Not so much a follower of Trump as allied with him against the "liberal" or "progressive" Hive, the stupidest and most evil people in the US. Certainly he was less of a statist than Dementia Joe.

RichAndSceptical said...

If the left keeps it up, they just might drive one of their Democrat Senators into switching parties and giving the Republicans control of the Senate. I'm sure Mitch would be willing to give them some prime committee assignments.

On a more realistic vein, why isn't the FBI tracking down people making threats of violence and filing charges?

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