March 18, 2021

At the Thursday Night Café...

 ... you can talk about whatever you want.


mandrewa said...

This mix of footage from Starship SN10's landing and the movie Interstellar works rather well.

Humperdink said...

I visited an Amish store this afternoon. I've known the owner for years. I asked the him if there were any cases or deaths from the dreaded Covid virus in the Amish community. No and no were the responses. Masks are their thing either.

mockturtle said...

Put the local news on for a bit this evening to hear about the border crisis here. The news seemed on point. But then it went to CBS national news. On two stories, the border crisis and the Atlanta shootings, they told lie after lie, totally ignoring the truths about both that have come out in the past couple of days. How do the MSM get away with it? Who can stop them? And apparently a lot of people rely on them for their news. Sad.

Mark said...

Who killed the unarmed Ashli Babbitt?

Mark said...

The lovely Marlena.

So, who hasn't shaved in the last year? (Trims don't count)

Mark said...

Diana Muldaur was quite fetching in TOS. But what a disappointment in TNG. A lot of it has to do with the hair.

Browndog said...

I have a feeling anyone that tries to defend the Senate filibuster is a racist:

Senator Elizabeth Warren calls Senate filibuster racist

Senator Ed Markey: The filibuster was created so that slave owners could hold power over our government.

Shouting Thomas said...

I downloaded and tried to read “Deep Rig.”

Unreadably wonky.

It’s so dense and unreadable that there are several Cliff Notes type summaries available on Amazon.

DavidUW said...

I have a feeling anyone that tries to defend the Senate filibuster is a racist:

Senator Elizabeth Warren calls Senate filibuster racist

Senator Ed Markey: The filibuster was created so that slave owners could hold power over our government.
So the (D) Senators that used the filibuster throughout Trump's term are all racists?

Well, that is the democrat brand.

stevew said...

Awakened this morning at 6am by a gentle tweak of my nose by my 2+ year old grandson. When I opened my eyes his smiling face was just inches away from mine. I laughed. He toddled off to wake the next person. What a great way to start the day.

I hear that Biden referred to "Presdient Harris" again today. That press conference is going to be a hoot!

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

The extremist Democrat Party is making far-reaching, fuck this country up changes based on blatantly obvious lies. They must be stopped.

Iman said...

You’re a lucky grandpa, stevew!

Shouting Thomas said...

Any predictions on how far the Hate Whitey campaign will go?

Will it run out of steam? Will it lead to violence against whites?

h said...

As McConnell has made clear, when Republicans control the Senate the filibuster becomes the great savior of racial equality. (And great savior of abortion rights, and great savior of ....) I can't wait until 2023 (or sooner?) when these stupid quotes can be thrown back in the face of Sen. Warren and others.

Mutaman said...

Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio removes Trump figure because people keep punching it

tim in vermont said...

We know, you guys are violent. We have seen it over the past four years Mutaman.

I wonder why the fact that Europe is on the brink of the milestone of one million COVID deaths is not a news story here in the US? Doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that the media sees it’s full time job as whipping up hatred for Trump rather than reporting news.

tim in vermont said...

One of Mutaman’s heroes took a rifle to a Republican softball game and opened fire. He was a big fan of Maddow, I believe.

narciso said...

And they have roughly the same population,

I followed the deep rig on byrnes deep capture site, he learned from his earlier rresearch into naked shorts to fill in more substance less conjecture

FullMoon said...

LOL. From Fox. Waiting for Joey to say he would like to take Putin out behind the gym...(everybody knows JB agreed Putin is a killer, right?)

"Russian President Vladimir Putin challenged President Biden to an on-air conversation to discuss Biden’s latest warning that Putin would "pay a price," following a report containing evidence of attempted Russian-interference in the 2020 election.

"I’ve just thought of this now," Putin told a reporter in Moscow Thursday. "I want to invite President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it actually live. But with no delays, directly in an open, direct discussion."


Putin said that as the world’s two leading superpowers, he thought the dialogue would prove interesting for the U.S. and Russian people, as well as for the international community.

Biden made headlines this week after an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, when the president was asked if he thought Putin was a "killer," to which he answered "I do."

Putin responded Thursday by saying, "It takes one to know one."

The White House did not immediately return Fox News’ questions on whether Biden intends to speak publically with Putin.

In a press briefing Thursday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki, when asked by reporters if Biden regretted his remarks, Psaki said, "Nope."

"The president gave a direct answer to a direct question," she added.

Putin suggested holding the live conversation as soon as Friday or Monday, adding that he wants to "relax a little" this weekend by heading to the forested region in northern Russia, known as the tiaga.

FullMoon said...

Mutaman said...

Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio removes Trump figure because people keep punching it

Getting cues from "take him behind the gym" Biden...

The Godfather said...

Biden is bringing us together, healing the wounds caused by excessive partisanship, right? Like, for example . . . . Help me here!

narciso said...

Putin knows biden was a useful idiot going back to the 70s, he knows about all the fifth column groups behind the nuclear freeze.

tim in vermont said...

bin Laden ordered his men to stand down if they ever got a clean shot on Biden, because he thought that Biden would hurt American more as president and assassinating him would be to do us a favor. We know this because it was in the letters we took when Obama ordered him killed rather than taken prisoner.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"Disqus has de-platformed David Horowitz’s FrontPageMag because of SPLC’s label."

via Instapundit commenter.

Joe Smith said...

"Putin knows biden was a useful idiot going back to the 70s, he knows about all the fifth column groups behind the nuclear freeze."

My dog has forgotten more about foreign policy than sundowner Joe will ever know.

Of course, my dog is very smart.

You know, for a dog.

narciso said...

Well he opposed the raid on abbotabad, so turnabout is fair play. General flynns section processed much of those documents hence he knew obama was talking bunkum

mockturtle said...

Joe Smith asserts: My dog has forgotten more about foreign policy than sundowner Joe will ever know.

And he's bound to have better diplomatic skills, as well.

Shouting Thomas said...

Forget Biden. He’s not running the show.

narciso said...

Dogs are very perceptive, there might beca translation problem, well not more than the frontier jibberish.

mockturtle said...

Putin said that as the world’s two leading superpowers, he thought the dialogue would prove interesting for the U.S. and Russian people, as well as for the international community. [italics mine]

Has he forgotten about China?

narciso said...

Ah cbs news its worth then when ben rhodes brother ran it, they misrepresented a hospital in italy at least once for new york if memory serves.

Tomcc said...

I heard on the radio today that the Biden's dog is going to return to the White House. They played a clip of the trainer(?) saying that it just needed some additional instruction.
Perhaps it's just me, but really, who cares?
(To be clear, I like dogs, but I'd rather have a competent president.)

narciso said...

You can one or the other but not both.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

(To be clear, I like dogs, but I'd rather have a competent president.)

Well, a dog is trainable, but Joe is.. Joe.

Achilles said...

Mutaman said...

Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio removes Trump figure because people keep punching it

What does it say when leftists are proud of how violent they are?

This is your normal Ann.

Good work.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"A minority of extremists. Controlling much of our discourse." -Andrew Sullivan

Check out fearless Sully, not afraid to be called a conspiracy theorist.


narciso said...

Theres probably awhole lot of lesuo (blackmail) on all of them

Gospace said...

Many here are still insistent that the mask mandate has nothing to do with control, but is all about nothing more than stopping the spread of the dreaded covid. Even though it can do no such thing. And mask packages that you now buy all carry the disclaimer- "Does not protect against covid-19". But, forget all, let's go over some news items you may have missed.

So, all you avid mask supporters, perhaps you could explain how removing custody from a female parent- a MEDICAL DOCTOR because school authorites with no medical knowledge ordered her to don a mask on a public street in front of the school, is about protecting us from the dreaded covid and not about social control.

And we know that children don't die from or even get really sick from the dreaded covid unless they have multiple comorbidities. And judicial tyrants making decisions based on feeling and not on science or the law have been making decisions like this throughout the covidiocy. Go ahead, defend his decision.

Then we have the case of the family kicked off a flight because a 2 year old refused to wear a mask. A 2 year old! Yep, explain how a 2 year old who doesn't have any symptoms of dreaded covid is going to spread the disease while being unmasked. It's child abuse to force an infant to mask, Well, IMHO- there's nationwide sanctioned child abuse going on frightening the hell out of children by telling them they're going to di, DIE, DIE! if they don't mask up. Which is a lie LIE LIE! as everyone knows.

Lots of other example abound. And yet, no matter the country, no matter the state, no matter the mask mandates, business closures, forced distancing, or any other measure, the dreaded covid curve has followed the same trajectory, dependent on season. The island Nation of New Zealand, now that a vaccine is available, might end up with the fewest number per thousand of actual dreaded covid cases. But without the vaccine, which they did nothing to contribute to, it would eventually hit them. It's a virus.

Lawrence Person said...

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick On Biden’s Border Crisis.

Narr said...

Why shouldn't Putin want to frame the thing (you know, the thing) as The Two Superpowers?
Kind of a judo move. Bidencorp(tm) invite it!

I'm so old I remember when it was D doctrine that Putin was a loser, but now he's Public Enemy #1 here and treated like the New Stalin.

Another irony of our modern media is that in fact, the Russians DO sow as much disruption and confusion as they can in other places, based on their own long-term political and strategic goals, and spy as much as they can by all means fair and foul.

The Russian (and CCP, etc) Organs know more about Biden's (and Trump's etc) past and present doings than ours do, partly because they've been watching in a more sustained and focused way until quite recent decades.

Which is the irony: nothing that the Russians do is anything other than the USSR did before them: spy, surveille, suborn, disrupt, confuse as much as they can in enemy territory, but back in the day the US far left and many many Dems could barely countenance critique of the Worker's Paradise (whatever they bleat today).

As has been observed, the American Left started hating Russia when Russia stopped being Red.

Putin schmutin

narciso said...

Its an authoritarian regime that at least pretends to support the orthodox church hes a vor who wants to be czar,

I'm Not Sure said...

"Many here are still insistent that the mask mandate has nothing to do with control, but is all about nothing more than stopping the spread of the dreaded covid."

That's still quite a bit of goalpost moving, as the original reason for masks and lockdowns was to slow the spread so that the medical system wasn't overwhelmed. Somewhere along the way, "slowing the spread" changed to "stopping the spread".

And here we are.

WK said...

Shouting Thomas said...
I downloaded and tried to read “Deep Rig.”

Format on my iPad was more like a website with links than a book.

Mark said...

I didn't know that Ike Godsey drove a stagecoach out of Dodge City before he opened his store on Walton's Mountain.

Inga said...

“What does it say when leftists are proud of how violent they are?

This is your normal Ann.

Good work.”

Well at least she hasn’t threatened to get her retired academic friends together and do some “wet work” on her political enemies, the way you have.

narciso said...

Caputo was the one that tried to get to the heart of cuomos mass murder spree

narciso said...

Interstellar is kind of a combo of 2001 with some contact

narciso said...

Granted kubrick didnt have excessively elaborate set ups, well except for the monoliths and the ape sequence

narciso said...

It will be fine

Mark said...

And the space station and the shuttle and the moon craft and the spaceship to Jupiter.

Mark said...

And the EVA craft.

Mark said...

Of course, that only leaves the conference room and the hotel room.

narciso said...

Yes but there was no frame of reference till you get to the shuttle, nolan has also done period pieces like the prestige that also puts him in kubricks bailiwick

Ive never seen anything but snippets of barry lydon so i dont have a frame of reference.

narciso said...

Now compare 2001 and planet of the apes, the second leaned on dystopia and chaos at least as an intervening event

narciso said...

They tried in the 90s with mission to mars and at least one other film, but they dodnt work.

narciso said...

That was my original interest science and science fiction, the more grounded work of asimov and clark, vs space opera which is more of what we see on film.

narciso said...

Of course 2010, which differed from the boom substantially assumed the cold war would have continued for another 30 years.
It posited the discoverys propulsion was a sakharov drive derived from the late physicists musings while in prison.

The rule of Lemnity said...

NYT Headlines: "Battered by Scandal, Governor Cuomo Leans on Black Leaders to Build His Defense"

Using blacks as human shields, trouble props, with the help of a dutifully obliging media.

What a disgusting display.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Of course 2010

Of course what?

William said...

I just watched The Hospital on Amazon. It stars George C. Scott and Diana Rigg and has a script by Paddy Chayefsky. It has a 100% critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but the movie was made in 1971 and time has not been kind to some of its premises....In the movie, he invites Diana Rigg's character into his office to share a drink and talk about their sad fates. He tells Rigg that his life work as medical director of the hospital has been for naught. Beyond that, his wife is leaving him, his son is a "Maoist", and he is impotent. Diana explains that she has got Daddy issues and has always been attracted to older men. There's a certain amount of sexual tension between them which Scott dispels by raping her. She, what with her Daddy issues, is tolerant of older rapists. She spends the night with him and they have sex two more times. In the morning, she wants him to come live with her.....I can readily believe that Diana Rigg could help resolve male potency issues, but the scene didn't ring true. I was kind of embarrassed for Paddy Chayefsky. Not up to his usual brand of gritty realism. More like some kind of male Hallmark fantasy......Well, the movie doesn't have to be cancelled. It has faded into obscurity and died a natural death....Still, it was entertaining to watch.

mockturtle said...

The Jerusalem Post reports today that Biden is fudging on the Doha agreement to remove US troops from Afghanistan by May 1 by saying that the removal is 'conditional' and that the conditions have not been met. Why am I not surprised? Why do I expect that our involvement in the ME will escalate rather than draw down?

Mutaman said...

"One of Mutaman’s heroes took a rifle to a Republican softball game and opened fire."

Tim's hero (a guy who can't get a loan from a New York bank) presided over the deaths of 500,000 people.

narciso said...

Wow glad i missed that,

Should have said 2010 operates under a torally different premise

One of the tv shows i remember from my youth was space 1999, which i later saw on that cutrate science fiction channel paired with charge for action.

stephen cooper said...

I think that adultery is wrong but when it was revealed Schwarzenegger, one sultry afternoon at home when everyone was out doing celebrity things and he was alone at home with the portly but kindly 30 something housekeeper, had somehow impregnated her (the housekeeper), my first thought was not "if I were like Schwarzenegger that would be in my bailiwick" but rather " that sort of thing would be in my wheelhouse".

English is fascinating. I guess all languages are, but English is the only one in which I know the difference between "in my bailiwick" and "in my wheelhouse", and if it weren't for poor Arnold and his girly-man inability to resist temptation, maybe even nobody would know the difference between the two words.

Schwarzenegger was great in the Prestige by the way, he really showed he could act in those scenes from Edwardian London.

stephen cooper said...

And REagan was great in Kubrick's "the Killers", just kidding.

narciso said...

I saw from dominick nobles review that the chronology in the book version of the prestige was much less linear than the film.

stephen cooper said...

I once saw about 5 minutes of the b/w Little Women - Katharine Hepburn being "coltish" - and a few minutes of one of the later color versions, where the character of "Amy" was made out to be sort of like a 19th century Victorian Valley Girl - hmmmmm ....but a month ago I started reading the book, WHY DID NOBODY EVER TELL ME THE BOOK IS SO GOOD - every chapter has an interesting advance to the plot, and there are probably more good sentences, viewed simply as sentences, as there are in lots of books with much greater reputations for being well written ...the movie scenes I had seen were TERRIBLE, nothing like the book.

stephen cooper said...

Still, they all voted for Lincoln, or would have if they were not little "Women" and lacked the vote. So there's that.

Mark said...

Last time I saw 2001 was on the IMAX screen at the Air and Space Museum. Quite spectacular.

stephen cooper said...

Can't decide who Jo would have voted for, but I just can't see Amy or Meg voting for Roosevelt.

wildswan said...

I laughed when I heard Putin challenging Joe to a dialogue. And Kim won't even pick up the phone. And Meghan Markle thinks she could do the job just as well as it is being done. And I laughed.
And then...

By the rivers of Babylon
Where we sat down
And there we wept
When we remembered Zion.

stephen cooper said...

Sorry for being dense, but how could Mrs Windsor be doing any worse?

Rt41Rebel said...

Dr Rand Paul. People forget that.

narciso said...

She was written much better in the series, mind you the law firm was a mountain of dysfunction and borderline criminality.

Mark said...

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mountbatten-Windsor.

Mark said...

Although, in a Shakespeare play he'd be called Sussex. Pronounced "sucks."

Joe Smith said...

"Yes but there was no frame of reference till you get to the shuttle, nolan has also done period pieces like the prestige that also puts him in kubricks bailiwick"

'Prestige' is a great movie. You can view it many times and see new things.

The acting, costumes, and sets are all first class.

Highly recommended...

n.n said...

NYT Headlines: "Battered by Scandal, Governor Cuomo Leans on Black Leaders to Build His Defense"

Hutu or Tutsi? It matters.

Progressive lynch mobs or their victims a la post-apartheid South Africa? Some, Select Black Lives Matter.

Think of granny! Close Planned Parent/hood. #BabyLivesMatter(BLM)

stephen cooper said...

Name tag on hubby's BDUs in his days in theater was just Windsor.

Sussex is one of the home counties and it is hard to imagine how beautiful it was before the invention of the automobile.

And I was serious, Mrs Henry Mountbatten-Windsor would be doing a better job than the guy currently living in the most expensive nursing home in the Western World.

Francisco D said...

Lem said...Using blacks as human shields, trouble props, with the help of a dutifully obliging media.

Very Clintonian.

stephen cooper said...

Nolan is to English movies what Scruton used to be to English philosophy, sort of.

madAsHell said...

It seems that CBS news is running with violence-against-Asian news stories, and I think Slo-Joe will be in San Francisco soon to develop policies to fight the violence.

narciso said...

Edwina was a much more interesting character than meghan, even if she wasnt entirely the most faithful, they lived by a code.

narciso said...

He was naive about india and malaysia but that wasnt atypical.

narciso said...

Maybe had the british crown had been a little more rutless with the likes of gerry adams but then the war might have gotten bloodier northern irelamd was kins of like their algerian conflict writ large

Rt41Rebel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rt41Rebel said...

"It seems that CBS news is running with violence-against-Asian news stories, and I think Slo-Joe will be in San Francisco soon to develop policies to fight the violence."

I'm sure that the reports about Asian businesses burned and looted by BLM and Antifa are already being written. The Proud Boys, Quanon, White Supremists, and mostly Trump will be given full credit. At least one poster here will point it out, provide links, and swear by it for at least 4 years.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

2001 is an amazing film. I watch it about once every 3-4 years. Other than the fact that Kubrick was way too optimistic about our advancement into space, the film holds up amazingly well. It will be watched a 100 years from now if we still have electrical power and aren't bashing each other over the heads with a boar's thigh bone for pond of water.

Gospace said...

narciso brought up the issue earlier about child porn loving gay judge. He's an elected judge, from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel He ran as a liberal challenger to a conservative Walker appointee. Gee, Ann, a progressive alternative to a conservative judge- did you vote for him? Two adopted children for him and his husband. Such a great idea, pretending queer men living together in a sham marriage that the state and it's almighty power forces the rest of us to treat as real is exactly the same as a male-female (ideally) monogamous marriage as practiced throughout history, and letting them adopt children.

I recall back when Australia first gave in to liberal groupthink and legalized SSM that an Australian reporter helped and aided a queer couple in marrying and adopting children. She was all excited and proud of what she was doing. And the couple? Well, they sexually abused the adopted children! She could never see the way to saying, "Hey, I was wrong!" She opined something similar to SSM is fine, just that one was wrong. Yeah, okay. Never had any regrets over facilitating child sexual abuse by her championing of SSM and SSM adoption. Couldn't find anything on google, but duckduckgo gave me this link about an Australian SSM couple who went around the world offering up their adopted child to pedophiles. Such great role models. I don't think this is the couple I'm thinking of, but could be wrong.

But funny- every researcher says children raised by queer couple, male or female, do just as well as kids raised in M-F traditional marriages, Sure, greater rates of smoking, drug use, drinking, early sexual experimentation both with the same and opposite sex, all well documented, but they do JUST AS WELL! I suspect they're finding what they want to find, just like Walter Duranty was able to find that Communism in Russia was doing such great things for the people. Of course some M-F couples do horrific things to their children, and you could ask Moira Greyland about that. But most M-F couples aren't gay pagans that happened to be married to each other as were her parents. Considering the number of queer couples that have adopted children vs the number of traditional married couples who have, and the numbers of stories of sexual abuse of adopted children, the rate amongst the queer couples is seemingly larger. And that's with the MSM and google doing their best to hide such things.

Crazy World said...

What is left of Joe is very dangerous for this so called country, sad.

Ridzi Arora said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mutaman said...

"At least one poster here will point it out, provide links, and swear by it for at least 4 years."

One thing you don't see too much of is a poster here providing links.

Humperdink said...

A certain commenter blames Trump for 5 brazillion (or is it gazillion) deaths from Covid but that pesky governor's name from New York keeps surfacing.

stevew said...

It seems to me that Cuomo has weathered the worst of the storm and achieved a stable position. Perhaps by summer he'll feel safe enough to resume full performance of his duties.

Many years ago a friend and I were discussing 2001. He complained about the lack of dialogue. It occurred to me, and I said, that you have to consider when the movie was made (1968) to understand that human space exploration and travel were new - that was the story and the visuals of the ships and space told it. Dialogue would have been a distraction.

Humperdink said...

Uh oh, Pennsylvania's former health secretary Dr. Rachel (née Richard) Levine is on the hot for hiding Covid data.

"Former Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine is under pressure from U.S. House Republicans to provide more details about the state’s missing nursing home data ahead of her confirmation to a post in the Biden administration."

"U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, questioned why so much data still appeared to be missing."

"As of March 10, the most recent report available, case and death data was missing for 138 facilities." (Trib-Live)

No word yet on whether Dr. Levine or Governor Wolf (D-PA) are up for an Emmy.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Grandchildren are great! We typically have the two "local" ones (almost 7 and almost 4) over for a sleepover at least every other week.

tim in vermont said...

"U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, questioned why so much data still appeared to be missing.”

The response: “That’s a rhetorical question, right?"

Jersey Fled said...

So, all you avid mask supporters, perhaps you could explain how removing custody from a female parent- a MEDICAL DOCTOR because school authorites with no medical knowledge ordered her to don a mask on a public street in front of the school, is about protecting us from the dreaded covid and not about social control.

I've posted this here before several times.

My neighbors are both doctors. She is in family practice, and he specializes in infectious diseases. He teaches at a large, very well known university hospital. They have two young children. They are a beautiful young family.

I see them outdoors with the kids almost every day. I talk with them outdoors several times a week. I have never seen any of them wear a mask outdoors. When we speak we stand a comfortable speaking distance apart. Well within 6 feet.

Unlike some families I know, the grandparents visit frequently. The grandparents do not wear masks outdoors. Neither does the nanny.

This has been the case since the beginning of the pandemic, long before vaccines.

I don't talk medicine with them, but their actions speak volumes.

When I see them masking up outdoors, I will too.

tim in vermont said...

"Tim's hero (a guy who can't get a loan from a New York bank) presided over the deaths of 500,000 people.”

Europe is at a million. Is that Trump’s fault too? Are you even trying Mutaman?

tim in vermont said...

There have been very few documented cases of transmission outdoors. One case was a pair of runners who obviously ran side by side breathing somewhat heavily for extended periods of time.

Anybody who insists that you wear your masks outdoors is not following the science. Indoors is another matter entirely. Before they masked up, transmission on airplanes was common, now that all flights are masked up, in flight transmission has become pretty rare.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Don't they take temperatures now going through airport security? If so, it seems that 1) screening out the symptomatic Covid individuals, combined with
2) people who have those Covid/flu symptoms staying home much more now than they did a year ago (that is an assumption on my part - any data available on whether that is the case?)
3) Social distancing, especially from people who are displaying those types of symptoms
4) Aircraft and airports being cleaned more thoroughly

would have a much greater impact than masking. At a minimum, those factors need to be taken into consideration, which you don't seem to be doing.

tim in vermont said...

"would have a much greater impact than masking. “

And yet...

And yet Singapore isolates all incoming international passengers for two weeks, combined with frequent testing this allows them to determine if people who did not have any symptoms when they got on the airplane, yet later became ill, spread COVID. The answer was yes, all the time.

In flight transmission is now pretty rare, there was one case where it turned out that 27 passengers boarded the flight infected, and only two in-flight transmissions occurred, but generally there are none going into Singapore. You can go on and insist that the masks couldn’t have been responsible for this improvement, but it has been shown that this is largely an airborne virus.

You guys are lysenkoists of the right. You look at your politics first to decide if you will ever look at the evidence.

tim in vermont said...

"Don't they take temperatures now going through airport security? If so, it seems that 1) screening out the symptomatic Covid individuals, combined...”

Why don’t you go on and search on pre-symptomatic spread of COVID. You will find lots of documented cases where people would have breezed through your proposed screening and still spread COVID.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"lysenkoists" - LOL! You should avoid making blanket statements like that, because they are almost never valid.

You have yet to give a good explanation on why the mask mandate states actually have a slightly higher rate than the no mask mandate states.

tim in vermont said...

The cleaning and disinfecting primarily defends you from symptomatic people spreading it, since they are coughing up virus, etc. The pre-symptomatic people don’t cough up virus generally, but are spreading it through the air, and the only real barrier is a mask. Just talking produces lots of droplets laden with virus. Is your argument that masks can’t stop water droplets expelled during talking?

tim in vermont said...

"You have yet to give a good explanation “

What you really mean is that I haven’t given you an explanation that you are willing to understand since you refer first to your political opposition to masks, and then view all of the evidence through that filter. Just like the Soviets with Lysenko.

exhelodrvr1 said...

You have no basis to say I have "political opposition" to masking.

DavidUW said...

And yet Singapore isolates all incoming international passengers for two weeks, combined with frequent testing this allows them to determine if people who did not have any symptoms when they got on the airplane, yet later became ill, spread COVID. The answer was yes, all the time.
And yet, were they tested BEFORE they got on the plane, not just "not having symptoms"?

Where are the actual numbers on your story?

70M+ person years of experience demonstrate masks don't make a difference.

DavidUW said...

Timmy likes to call people Lysenkoists, yet he is the one claiming, contra all real world evidence that masks work. And maybe if you use them a bit harder, you'll do even better.

Sounds like you're convinced if you just keep planting those crops in winter, they'll adapt.

320Busdriver said...

“Before they masked up, transmission on airplanes was common, “

Citation please.

Michael K said...

Blogger William said...
I just watched The Hospital on Amazon. It stars George C. Scott and Diana Rigg and has a script by Paddy Chayefsky. It has a 100% critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes,

Every year I showed that movie to my medical students. It is one of the the best movies about Medicine, even though it is dated. The plot is about a hilarious (black humor) series of fuckups in a hospital.

"The House of God, which is about the Beth Israel hospital in Boston, is too negative for medical students. The book was pretty good.

mockturtle said...

I fully intend to live as an unvaccinated hermit. Not only does it reduce the probability of my catching COVID but it keeps me away from Wokesters, thereby keeping my sanity intact and my blood pressure within normal limits. ;-)

Yancey Ward said...


Your story about Singapore defies actual logic- you claim the masks stop transmission in air flight, and yet claim Singapore finds infected during the quarantine period who "boarded the plane without symptoms". However, you can't board a flight to Singapore without a negative PCR test taken the day before the flight. So, either the travelers who you claim show symptoms during the quarantine period were infected during the flight, or they were infected before they got on the plane, but the test requirement before boarding the plane makes that the least likely possibility, especially given your assertion they find such people all the time. The most likely explanation is that most of the people who turn up infected in quarantine picked up the infection after boarding the plane, either after landing in Singapore or on the plane itself. Neither explanation is supportive of the ideat that masking in flight actually works.

Jim at said...

Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio removes Trump figure because people keep punching it - mutaman

Most people wouldn't spend their free time highlighting what assholes they are. As if it's some sort of cool thing.

Yet, you revel in it.