March 4, 2021

"Alarming revelations of threats to the Capitol and members of Congress prompted House Democratic leaders to wrap up their legislative work for the week on Wednesday night...."

"The immediate threat is intelligence related to a possible plot by a militia group to attack the Capitol on Thursday. Followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory believe former President Trump will be reinaugurated on March 4, a traditional date for presidential inaugurations until 1933...."  

MSN News reports.

How much evidence of a possible attack was there? Is vacating the building the right response to whatever this was? I presume it was something more than just people spinning theories that focused on a date that happens to have historical significance, but only the House is abandoning its workplace, not the Senate.


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rhhardin said...

They're all drama queens. Everybody's acting like a woman.

Dave Begley said...

Your presumption is probably wrong. If it were legit, they'd release details and not just some conclusion.

Funny that House Members think they are more important than Senators.

We are being lied to and scammed on a daily basis by the Fake News and Deep State.

Tom T. said...

Get used to this happening.

I'm Not Sure said...

Democrats don't want Trump to go away. If they can keep people fixated on him, that means they're not paying attention to what Biden is doing (or not doing).

rhhardin said...

Taking over the government is likely to be a complicated plan, but salting the earth under congress should probably be part of it.

jeremyabrams said...

The storming of the Capitol really freaked these people out. I believe they should be no less safe than the citizens who live in the south side of Chicago. Just how much should a government of laws and not of men really fret about the safety of its governors? Anyway, the most effective security for them would be to deliver responsive, competent governance.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Is the Two Minutes Hate still scheduled for 11:00 today?

Gunner said...

We must defer to the Democrats and their vast knowledge of Nordic runes, racist hand signals and whatever Qanon is.

I'm Not Sure said...

"They're" = "people" up there ^^^, not the Democrats.

rhhardin said...

A proper plan to take over the government would probably just be election fraud.

wendybar said...

Bahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahha. Nancy is scared because SHE is the one who said NO to National Guard troops for 1/6/21...almost like she WANTED this to happen. An UNARMED protest that had the Capitol police ushering people into the Capitol. They want our guns. They WANT us to attack so they have the excuse to take them.

Lyle said...

Gulf of Tonkin shit. A Democrate was President then too.

Mike Sylwester said...

This is from the same FBI that assured the FISA court that Carter Page was a witting agent of Russian Intelligence and was colluding with it to use hacked e-mails of Hilary Clinton to help Donald Trump win the 2016 Presidential election.

GingerBeer said...

What "intelligence?" A Syracuse University Women's Lacrosse player flashed an "Okay" sign on Instagram. You do the math.

Browndog said...

15,000 troops manning a security zone rivaling The Green Zone at the height of the Iraq war isn't enough to make the democrats in Congress feel safe...from Trump supporters.

wendybar said...

And the funny thing is, that we don't WANT them to work, because they are f*cking up our country with their Communistic new laws they are ramming down our throats.

tcrosse said...

Hey, that Reichstag won't burn itself.

Big Mike said...

Considering the reports I have read about the National Guard troops being fed undercooked chicken and beef, moldy bread rolls and rotten fruit, somewhat supported by reports of several soldiers hospitalized with gastrointestinal problems, I don’t think I’d count on those troops — deliberately issued unloaded rifles — to do much protecting.

We feed, equip, and care for our soldiers in Afghanistan much better.

Mike Sylwester said...

The FBI cannot reveal the cause of Brian Sicknick's death, because doing so would endanger national security.

Amexpat said...

Even if the threat is real, it's sends the wrong message to disrupt legislative work. And shouldn't they haven't implemented measures to defend Capitol Hill from this type of threat by now?

Unknown said...

A public relations stunt to abet their media allies in spreading the lie that the “right” aka Republicans are dangerous.

Howard said...

I know, right. All of the patriots calling for civil war are having difficulty lifting their blubberous bags of adiposity out of the couch. MaƱana

Mike Sylwester said...

The FBI can show the public the QAnon message that says Trump will be inaugurated on March 4. After all, that message was posted on the Internet so that Trump's followers could read it.

Maybe the FBI is afraid that showing the public that QAnon message would endanger national security.

Browndog said...

It's time to say it out loud:

Pelosi engineered and facilitated the violence and destruction on Jan. 6

Heartless Aztec said...

Bullshit - without the civility tag.

Jaq said...

Democrats will never stop with the pages from the Nazi Reichstag Fire playbook as long as they think it is working. This is why it is so important for them to call Republicans Nazis in every way they can, to distract from what they are doing. It’s almost the golden rule of propaganda to accuse the opposition of doing the unsavory things you are doing yourself. It muddies the waters beyond the powers of most simple minded and well intentioned people’s ability to see clearly. They are playing to “Good Americans."

Darrell said...

Brian Sicknick died of shame for having to work for the Democrats. And heart problems initiated/complicated by Stroke.

bleh said...

Maybe the threat is real and maybe it's not.

If it isn't real then that means the Dems are just milking it. These are the same people who believed Bush milked the threat of Islamic terror to implement extremist policies, win re-election and enrich their buddies. So it's projection. They learned the lesson they imagine was being taught to them.

Gusty Winds said...

What happens when nobody shows up???

Darrell said...

Odal Ruins found at FBI HQ. Disband them NOW.

Nonapod said...

"The immediate threat is intelligence"

When it comes to house law makers, I wouldn't worry too much about that particular threat.

Jaq said...

"it's sends the wrong message to disrupt legislative work.”

It sends exactly the message that they want, that Republicans are evil and should be driven from the public sphere and that Democrats should have unopposed power, and BTW, emergency powers too. This way too, there doesn’t actually need to be any active “insurrection,” since we all know that there is no such thing.

Oh, BTW, throwing bombs into a Federal Courthouse, even though it sounds a lot like what happened at Fort Sumpter, is not “insurrection.” 'Good Americans' believe this.

PB said...

It's all theater. And ignorance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I can only imagine how MSNBC is circle jerking this "news"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim in Vermont - indeed. The real insurrection is the corrupt power grab by the corrupt democrat party.

Temujin said...

This entire thing smells and looks like fiction. Washington is looking more and more like a Potemkin Village in real time.

No guns were confiscated during the 'insurrection' on January 6. In fact, the only person shot was Ashli Babbitt, who's killer we still don't know.

Trump called for 10,000 Nat Guard troops going into Jan 6. He was turned down by the Pentagon. We've had more troops than that ever since. Without any reason.

The Washington Deepstaters are sceaming that an insurrection by militias or white supremacists is imminent. They are lifting up a GIANT red herring to grab the attention of the press. Meanwhile the rest of America just watches and no one even asks about it anymore. Why are there thousands of Nat Guard troops posted around Washington DC with 12' razor wire?

Just what the bloomin' hell is going on here? I'm almost expecting a CIA/FBI paid group of 'militia' to rush Washington so they can just get to declaring Marshal Law, which seems to be their path. And like covid, some will obey. Others....?

Jersey Fled said...

Blogger Gusty Winds said...
What happens when nobody shows up???

They will claim to have thwarted the attack and will declare victory

Mike Sylwester said...

When FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to Congress the other day, he should have been asked whether the FBI knows who QAnon is.

Maybe the FBI does know and is investigating whether QAnon killed Brian Sicknick. Maybe QAnon used a super-secret weapon that was given to him by Carter Page, who got it from Russian Intelligence.

That might be why Wray still cannot reveal the cause of Sicknick's death.

Iman said...

There is no time like the present, Howard. Use those Cheetodust n’ Jergens encrusted fingers to pull your fat ass out of your BarcaLounger and be productive. Should be a nice change of pace for you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Q-anonnne didn't exist, the left would need to create it.

Tim said...

These people are not well.

rehajm said...

Yep. Political propaganda about as truthful as the dossier. Invented out of thin air by Democratic strategists. In a few months it will all dovetail nicely with their desired political objectives.

It always does...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did they escort Marie Antoinette Pelosi to her golden carriage?

JAORE said...

The need for the National Guard and the razor wire will continue until a substantial majority is sure, just sure that conservatives are a dangerous hate group.

The Corona virus crisis will continue until the last dollar of Federal funds are milked from the Treasury.

Whiskeybum said...

Next we’ll hear of ‘intelligence’ that the reappearance of Comet Hale-Bopp will signal a Q-Anon attack on the White House.

Intelligence indeed.

gspencer said...

Completely made-up.

Bob Boyd said...

Anyone who hates kids and dogs and causes House leaders to soil themselves can't be all bad.

bleh said...

It sends exactly the message that they want, that Republicans are evil and should be driven from the public sphere and that Democrats should have unopposed power, and BTW, emergency powers too. This way too, there doesn’t actually need to be any active “insurrection,” since we all know that there is no such thing.

I'm definitely coming around to this way of thinking. They will use this vague sense of "threat" coming from Trump supporters as license to consolidate their power. The filibuster, the Jim Crow era relic, will be further de-legitimized as a tool of white supremacist terror groups. Pelosi speaks ominously of "the enemy within." Some Democrats seriously advocated expelling members who voted the wrong way on certifying the election results.

GOP really should have tried harder to win the GA races.

NCMoss said...

Border security sucks but hey, we've got DC under control. Win!

Butkus51 said...

So when the George Floyd riots hit again, where do the "folks" go? As we know, police will be on stand down.

MacMacConnell said...

Botox Nancy theater!

RMc said...

I believe (Congress) should be no less safe than the citizens who live in the south side of Chicago.

Well, it is the baddest part of town.

Lawrence Person said...

I assume the capitol was evacuated because the pork-filled "relief" bill is polling far more poorly than they thought...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You wonder why anyone would be irritated or angry after the corrupt left fortified the election results to push Biden over the edge in the in wee hours of the night in targeted blue precincts.

We are to remain as calm as Antifa.
or even calmer!

MayBee said...

Hahahahahah! Let's hear more about how the people of France still kept eating dinner the night people were gunned down in restaurants because they will not bow down to terrorism.

bleh said...

I know some give Trump credit for making inroads with minorities, especially Hispanics, and for nearly winning back the House in a high-turnout election that he lost. But how the heck did he lose the Senate during his term?

I mean, how crazy is it that Arizona and Georgia each have two Democrat Senators (all four were elected during Trump's term, in 2018 and 2020)? And that West Virginia and Montana each have one Democrat Senator (Manchin and Tester were both reelected in 2018)?

Yancey Ward said...

This is the Democrats gaslighting themselves. I don't think they even realize how utterly ridiculous they look right now.

Browndog said...

If Q-anonnne didn't exist, the left would need to create it.

They didn't?

Yancey Ward said...

I am going to start the ball rolling on the Trump Inauguration now planned for April 1st.

FBI guys- Trump will stage a coup on April 1st- better get ready to shut down the Capitol then, too. I am privy to the secret plan- I have fully decoded the QAnon language. Watch out!

daskol said...

Yancey, if Trump had any sense of drama, he'd pick the Ides of March.

Joe Smith said...

What a bunch of malarky.

How many 'militia' members...100, 1,000, 10,000?

Do they have tanks, jets, mortars, supply lines, satellites, command and control infrastructure?

What is the name of the group? Who is the leader of the group?

This is the stupidest story in the history of stupid stories.

The democrats are fucking evil.

MayBee said...

Yancy- I belive Trump will ALSO stage a coup April 15. Tax day and apparently Patriot's Day, which was originally thought to be the reason for the Boston Bombing.

Paul said...

100 percent 'fake'.. they are crying wolf to get in the news.

Just drama...

daskol said...

I presume this is bullshit, and that the excuses to keep soldiers around the capital will get decreasingly plausible, and yet the soldiers will stay. Why? I presume also that's because the election was stolen and they're worried about their ability to suppress the evidence of it.

richlb said...

Keep in mind, per Merrick Garland's own words, if the Capitol were to be attacked today it would not be domestic terrorism as they aren't in session.

MayBee said...

daikon- agreed. Also, they've got to keep how dangerous the Republicans are at top of mind, and that's tough when they don't control any of the levers of government.

Jerry said...

"Okay, we're flailing here -- what can we do to get public support?"

"I know! We're going to be attacked by QAnon! We'll evacuate the Capital, and that'll discredit all those Trump supporters!"


I'm thinking that these idiots believe that it's generating support. But... nah. I don't believe there's a threat, I don't believe they THINK there's threat. It's all smoke and mirrors.

Joe Smith said...

"Even if the threat is real, it's sends the wrong message to disrupt legislative work."


Any true 'leader' with real balls would say, 'Fuck you, bring it on.'

But those people don't exist anymore.

They're curled up in their safe spaces after being triggered by Dr. Seuss.

SGT Ted said...

Its a bullshit propaganda move designed to justify the Democrats acting like a Junta.

mockturtle said...

Let's suspend their pay.

Howard said...

I guess Antifa failed to spur you people into another failed insurrection. All the while, the Dems passed HR1, which is a real coup for POC voting rights. Who's gaslighting whom?

MayBee said...

Remember on Sept 11 how Congress people stood on the steps and sang, to show how unified and unafraid they were?

And now they close down and put up razor wire at the hint of some historic day.

MayBee said...

real coup for POC voting rights

I feel certain you used the word "coup" for very good reason.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

MayBee said...

Yancy- I belive Trump will ALSO stage a coup April 15. Tax day and apparently Patriot's Day, which was originally thought to be the reason for the Boston Bombing.

Don't forget April 9, the day Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox! A potential coup on April 9 would really make Chuck, Nancy and Sandy's assholes pucker.

Joe Smith said...

I've read a little bit about QAnon...enough to know that it is supposed to be either one person or a small group of people.

If Q is really, truly a threat to the United States government, and the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. can't find 'them,' then they should all be fired and the intelligence services should be disbanded ASAP.

What a bunch of fucking bullshit.

tcrosse said...

And yet they trust the Guard troops not to turn on them....

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

When evaluating the effectiveness of Security Theatre one must analyze them in context. One of the longest running shows is Airport Checkpoint, which actually started as a real security precaution in the 1970s to prevent hijackings via metal detectors. After 9/11 the show was revamped with a new cast and props and played everywhere, especially in airports. White Supremacist is a new show having a hard time finding an audience, especially after the disastrous opening January 6, when freelancing fascists and antifa actors formed a flash mob that drew attention away from the National Guard stage and sent audiences away disappointed. The revival of DC Follies presents White Supremacy has not gone well with crowds decrying the razor wire and poisoning of the Guard as unnecessary and anti-democratic. So this latest Cry Wolf Sideshow, on the heels of fay Wray being unable to articulate what a boogaloo is and what they are allegedly doing to scare the FiBbI, is understandably seen as a desperate attempt by fading star Peloser to gin up interest in a show so far past its prime its an even number now.

Yancey Ward said...

FBI guys- I know that there was a secret shipment of Viking clothing to D.C. this morning. It may or may not have been in an Amazon van, USPS van, or FedEx van- the clues were kind of cryptic- but one of those, or maybe a WaPo van. Or maybe an NYTimes van. Could even have been in a disguised CNN truck for all I know. If you see something, say something is my motto!

Linda said...

"Blogger rhhardin said...
They're all drama queens. Everybody's acting like a woman."

No, they're acting like a womxn!

mockturtle said...

And yet they trust the Guard troops not to turn on them....

Right. The food poisoning alone might cause them to revolt. I understand they are buying their own meals now.

Rae said...

This is going to be a regular occurrence at narrative convenient times.

bleh said...

The loss of the Senate can be laid squarely on McConnell, who supported those candidates over Trump's choices. McSally should never have been appointed after she lost the election. McConnell likes squishy Republicans who will make occasional conservative noises to win low-turnout elections and then support the establishment's corporatist policies.

You think Ward would have won in Arizona in 2018 or 2020? Or was Sheriff Joe your preferred candidate? You think Doug Collins would have won in Georgia in 2020? Mind you, I think that McSally, Loeffler and Perdue proved themselves to be bad candidates. I just have a hard time understanding why in those two decently large winnable states that the state parties couldn't find good candidates.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Howard said...
I know, right. All of the patriots calling for civil war are having difficulty lifting their blubberous bags of adiposity out of the couch. MaƱana

3/4/21, 8:53 AM

Pegging the smug-o-meter this morning, Howard! A man of your serene self-assurance should be sure to include his home address on his profile. Because the people who don't share your world view are unlikely to ever come calling.

rcocean said...

Guess 5,000 NG, a whole fucking Brigade of Infantry, isn't enough to make the House Democrats feel safe. LOL! What a bunch of clowns and liars. Why not just set up some machine gun nests claymore mines supported by mortar teams?

We can laugh all want, but Pelosi's clowns have enough Dumbshit democrat voters to do anything they want. Give them $2,000 not give them $2000. pass $15 minimum wage, not pass it. Pass 1.9 trillion without anyone knowing what's in it, or not pass it. The Dumbshit Democrat voters don't care. They'll vote Democrat. NO MATTER WHAT.

Browndog said...

Joe Smith said...

I've read a little bit about QAnon...enough to know that it is supposed to be either one person or a small group of people.

If Q is really, truly a threat to the United States government, and the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. can't find 'them,' then they should all be fired and the intelligence services should be disbanded ASAP.


No effort to "find" Q, extraordinary effort to track down it's readers.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I don't believe this incident is anything other than stoking fear among the faithful. It's the same as the hysterical treatment of Covid i.e. a media driven collusion with the Democrats for political gain.

rcocean said...

Of McConnell and McCarthy say NOTHING. Because that's their strategy. Lay low, and get the Democrats to help out Big Business and the Chamber of Commerce. Everything else doesn't matter.

Drago said...

Hutaree. Over and over again.

Just as the democratical-owned FBI COINTELPRO-ers have been doing for 60 years.

Drago said...

Gaslighting battlespace prep for democratical passage of Enabling Laws continues apace.

rcocean said...

MSM: QAnon is a threat! its a big threat! Look out.
Me: What's QAnon? Why haven't we heard of them before. Who's their leader?
MSM: That's doesn't matter. QAnon is a big threat! A big, big, threat!

Dumbshit Democrat: QAnon is a big threat! A big, big, threat!
Me: What's QAnon? Why haven't we heard of them before. Who's their leader?
Dumbshit Democrat: That's doesn't matter. QAnon is a big threat! A big, big, threat!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Pelosi Press went on and on about the "armed insurrection" and right? where were all these so-called guns on Jan 6th?

Big Mike said...

You think Ward would have won in Arizona in 2018 or 2020?

Mark Kelly will be back on the ballot in 2022. We shall see what we shall see.

First step in bouncing him out of office will be replacing Wayne LaPierre.

rcocean said...

Squwak! QAnon, QAnon, white supremacy, QAnon. Squawk!

Polly want a cracker?

zipity said...


This just more insurrection porn from the Democrats.

They had to admit yesterday that not ONE firearm was seen/confiscated during the "armed insurrection".

Browndog said...

Drago said...

Hutaree. Over and over again.

Just as the democratical-owned FBI COINTELPRO-ers have been doing for 60 years.

Thank-you for remembering.

They're doing Hutaree 2.0 in Michigan again.

Rusty said...

Blogger Howard said...
"I know, right. All of the patriots calling for civil war are having difficulty lifting their blubberous bags of adiposity out of the couch. MaƱana"
Beta male Howard gives a reach around for his whole group.

rcocean said...

"McSally should never have been appointed after she lost the election."

The same Asshole who appointed McSally, helped the Democrats Steal the Election from Trump. And he's been AWOL in the Arizona's state Senate fight to get to the bottom of the voter fraud.

Kemp is the one who appointed Loffler in GA. SHe had no experience, and was appointed because Kemp got paid $$$. She's the wife of the guy who runs the NYSE. Perdue was a loser. He was running for re-election and had all the charisma of dime store mannequin. He also refuse to support Trump, voted to override NDAA veto, voted for 600,000 H-1B visas, was against the $2,000 for CV-19 relief. Perdue was McConnell butt boy. But he was a good Loser. Didn't say a word about election fraud. He got a gold star and a cookie from Schumer for being so nice.

Shouting Thomas said...

The paranoid guilt and fear among Democrats is legitimate.

If you had unleashed your paramilitary forces (BLM and Antifa) on every major city to loot, riot, commit arson and attack cops throughout 2020, and

If you carried out a year long psy-ops campaign and vote fraud campaign to undermine the presidential election,

Wouldn’t you begin to worry that the other side is likely sooner or later to adopt the same tactics?

Their worries are probably justified.

Howard said...

Rusty sounds jealous

Sam L. said...

My guess is it's a hoax, and there will be many, Many, MANY more to come, and they will be attributed to Republicans. Democrats, of course, would NEVER be said to do that...

Browndog said...

Isn't this the witching hour-11:00?

Patriot missile batteries on high alert?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yancy - LOL.

Followed by the WaPo van filled with animal furs. oh the humanity. 'Merica is over.

CWJ said...

I predicted the house dems would use the Trump senate trial as a distraction to pass HR1 when no one was looking. Instead, they used this "threat" as an excuse to pass it in the dead of night. If Althouse chooses to post a HR1 topic, I'll have a lot more to say on the subject.

Bob Boyd said...

I never thought I'd be nostalgic for the days when liberals were just afraid that someone without a college degree would buttfuck them on a canoe trip.

Larry J said...

Democrats in Congress know they're so loved and respected that they have to cower for months behind barbed wire fences and tens of thousands of military personnel.

wild chicken said...

Our guy Rosendale was supposed to Zoom with my club Friday but he canceled. Wtf.

Shouldn't it be easier for him to make to make it now?

Maybe headed to cancun.

Michael K said...

You think Ward would have won in Arizona in 2018 or 2020? Or was Sheriff Joe your preferred candidate? You think Doug Collins would have won in Georgia in 2020? Mind you, I think that McSally, Loeffler and Perdue proved themselves to be bad candidates. I just have a hard time understanding why in those two decently large winnable states that the state parties couldn't find good candidates.

I know Martha and supported her to the max in 2018. I don't know who ran her campaign but it was awful. Would not debate Sinema and total negative campaign. I did not donate in 2020. She is a nice lady and very good in small groups on issues. Ducey, who is a McCain squish, appointed her to the Senate. There had to be a better candidate based in PHX. I don't know Ward.

Kelly had a ton of California money. I don;t think he even lives in AZ. Are you sure he is up again in 2022?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes - Here is what Pelosi's corrupt HR1 looks like:

- Prohibits voter ID requirements and restricts signature matching
- Automatic voter registration
- Put limits on the systems, data required, and timeframes by which states can remove voters from the voter rolls
- Takes redistricting out of the control of state legislature
- Prohibits states from restricting felons from voting
- Reforms the FEC to a five-member commission that can investigate with a majority vote leaving it open to partisanship
- Requires disclosure of donors for certain politically active groups and a public database of digital ad buys over $500
- Taxpayer funding of campaigns through a matching scheme to multiply small donations

Also known as: Democrats can cheat to win and use your money to do it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Have you considered that Howard might be an FBI agent provocateur?

He's constantly challenging you to pick up a gun and be a real he-man insurrectionist.

Sometimes, I think he's just a fucking moron. Other times, I wonder if he's an FBI stooge.

Oso Negro said...

@Shouting Thomas - It could be. I don't doubt we get the occasional paid troll or government stooge.

Browndog said...

Wolf Blitzer recently tweeted a picture of the fence and razor wire. An astute observer noted it gives the appearance Congress are inmates in a penitentiary.

Leland said...

They don’t have the votes for HR1 and to avoid ge tying the deserved blame for not delivering the promised benefits; Nancy pulls this stunt to blame Trump.

Browndog said...

CWJ said...

I predicted the house dems would use the Trump senate trial as a distraction to pass HR1 when no one was looking. Instead, they used this "threat" as an excuse to pass it in the dead of night. If Althouse chooses to post a HR1 topic, I'll have a lot more to say on the subject.

Wait until you get a load of the "George Floyd Act" they passed afterward last night.

stevew said...

I would say they are cowards to abandoning the place but that would be giving them too much credit. This is entirely aimed at Donald Trump and the Republicans so as to mute any positive vibrations coming out of CPAC.

Browndog said...

Wait until you get a load of the "George Floyd Act" they passed afterward last night.

*Hurriedly-so they could catch the last helicopters out of Saigon.

Yancey Ward said...

I hereby offer my services to the FBI as a stooge secretly reporting on the underground QAnon movement. I have lots and lots of stories to tell the FBI about the coming coup. Contact me any time, FBI guys.

I offer this freebie- be very, very alert on March 20th at 5:37 a.m. EST. Something big is going to happen!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

violence in Portland by the left?

No consequences.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Something big is going to happen!"

"Yuge", maybe?

LA_Bob said...

daskol said, "Yancey, if Trump had any sense of drama, he'd pick the Ides of March."

No, that's Kamala's date.

Bob Boyd said...

A lot of stooges are free lancers working pro bono.

Darrell said...

Biden should declare Martial Law.
If not, why not?

Bob Boyd said...

Have they rounded up the usual suspects?

Shouting Thomas said...

A lot of stooges are free lancers working pro bono.

An excellent point.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gravel said...

It's pure, undiluted fucking horseshit.

DavidUW said...

100% lies.

Don’t be stupid enough to believe this

traditionalguy said...

Q has caused a great panic in DC by exposing their secrets and plots. That really happened. And they can’t put Humpty back together again. So slandering Q as a witchcraft cult is all that can be done.

Bob Boyd said...

FBI warning to Congress:
"According to the internet, shotgun pumpin, cousin-humpin, toothless, backward racist rednecks with possible ties to Christianity are coming for your virtue on Thursday."

Skeptical Voter said...

Pelosi is smoking some powerful ganja. She's got what--10,000 troops still in Washington D.C. guarding that house of horrors and political whores on the Hill? She's got razor wire topped fences--and fences all around the Capitol shutting Les Deplorables out--and now she shuts down the Congress? I mean the old cow is milking this for all it's worth--and more. Just wait until Bastille Day!

Real American said...

any amount of internet chatter from "right wing militias" are all deemed "credible" and will inevitable result in a police state that Democrats so desire.

BLM's and antifa's riots, destruction of businesses, and attacks on federal buildings are deemed "mostly peaceful protest" or a "myth" by these same asshats.

hombre said...

More QAnon bullshit! And how many thousands of troops does it take to protect these Democrat pussies from their fantasies?

Browndog said...

It's pure, undiluted fucking horseshit.

I like this new guy.

Bob Boyd said...

Our fearless leaders.

Howard said...

Your right the Democrats are being silly. Everybody knows that when you people talk a big game of being tough testosterone fueled real men ready to take back your country, it's just the estrogen rebound ball shrinking talking.

I'm Not Sure said...

any amount of internet chatter from "right wing militias" are all deemed "credible"

And if they don't find enough, they'll make up the difference.

Shouting Thomas said...

Howard just did it again.

He challenged you to commit violence.

This guy constantly plays the role of agent provocateur.

That cannot be accidental.

Bob Smith said...

The Tuesday-Thursday club just became the Tuesday-Wednesday club.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, what is Howard’s real role here?

To encourage wild enough “white extremist” speech in the comments to justify canceling Althouse?

hombre said...

Rcocean wrote: “The Dumbshit Democrat voters don't care. They'll vote Democrat. NO MATTER WHAT.”

And there you have it! Grifting, sedition, amorality, lying, felonious conduct, meh!

Shouting Thomas said...

I’ve been mistaken about you, Howard.

I thought that BIggus Dickus act was stupidity.

It’s actually a very clever cover for spying and trying to incite “white supremacists” to reveal themselves.

PM said...

"The immediate threat is intelligence related."
That about sums it up.

Mike Sylwester said...

I suspect that the FBI's FISA-case lawyer Kevin Clinesmith concocted the QAnon message that Trump will be re-inaugurated on March 4.

After all, whenever the FBI needs a falsified statement, Clinesmith will falsify it -- and will keep OMERTA-silent about which higher-ranking FBI boss told him to falsify it.

Temujin said...

I think their stories of the 'alarming reports' coming out of our breathless media is a play on all of us. They shoved the 'threats' ahead of their actual actions, before they started doing their work to undermine the entire country. The House just passed HR-1, making mass ballot mailings, ballot harvesting, registering same day, expanding voting days and times until the cows come home, requiring no voter ID, not requiring voting rolls to be cleaned up, and not requiring matching voter names and the IDs they might show.

That, along with open borders will make the US a ward of the United Nations in another 4-6 years.

Yeah- maybe they'd better keep the National Guard around for...ever. There are about to be a nation full of pissed off people. One would almost think that's what they want.

James K said...

The storming of the Capitol really freaked these people out.

No, it just gave them the opportunity to pretend to be freaked out. They don't even want to let a fake 'crisis' go to waste.

Bob Boyd said...

I think Q-Anon is Putin and here's why.

First of all, Q rhymes with Pu.
I know what you're going to say,"but but but Anon doesn't rhyme with tin!" And you're right, it doesn't. However, if you stop to think about it, they both end with "n". Draw your own conclusions.

wendybar said...

Browndog said...
It's time to say it out loud:

Pelosi engineered and facilitated the violence and destruction on Jan. 6

3/4/21, 8:53 AM

Like this....


Seamus said...

I'm sorry. Since the Dems took control of the Senate, that means that the Capitol Police now answer to Nancy and Chuck, and I can't trust anything they say that isn't independently verified. My working assumption is that is just a continuation of the January 6 Reichstag Fire narrative, meant to create the impression that there are Trumpist insurrectionists under every bed, and that all Republicans are their fellow-travelers.

Yancey Ward said...

"So, what is Howard’s real role here?"

Every court needs a jester.

Jersey Fled said...

This is just a feint ahead of the real insurrection, which will happen on pi day. Because we all now know that math is racist.

Howard said...

I suppose it makes some feel like big important strongman to fantasize being targeted by the derp state.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sure are acting like they stole the election.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Good spelling douche breath.

Basil Duke said...

I experienced an epiphany about the progs' collective mental illness during Kavanaugh's confirmation circus. Booker's 'Spartacus' nonsense, Feinstein's outrageous withholding of the 'bombshell' accusation against Kavanaugh, the shrikes screeching in the hearing room, the "undocumented" prog girls assailing Flake in the elevator, the Hand Maidens Tale kabuki theater, the constant stream of verbal excrement spewed by that vile senator from Hawaii, etc. and et al, made it clear that we're dealing with vicious toddlers - rabid, feral clowns who now have the full backing of the federal government to help them destroy us and what used to be our country. No accusation is too demented, no 'fear' too absurd. They don't even bother flinging shit on the wall to see what sticks now; as soon it dribbles out of Nadler's pant leg, they just heave it directly into the fan blades and smirk.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Meanwhile, in Minneapolis they are preparing for political violence that certainly will happen, but ho-hum, whatever.

Shouting Thomas said...

I suppose it makes some feel like big important strongman to fantasize being targeted by the derp state.

Another statement in which it is a little confusing to define intent.

No, the CCP tortures and murders absolutely insignificant peasants and Christians if they get in the way.

Our Derp State is now the CCP, and you’re their servant in some way, Howard.

Really, I know you won’t or maybe are to stupid to say, but it would be interesting to know what you’re really about.

Rusty said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
"I’ve been mistaken about you, Howard.

I thought that BIggus Dickus act was stupidity.

It’s actually a very clever cover for spying and trying to incite “white supremacists” to reveal themselves."
It's just more of our little Howard trying to prove he's just manly as you are.
And falling flat on his face. Every time.

TobyTucker said...

This is all part of the narrative that the 'deplorables' are now DANGEROUS. That they are all white supremacists intent on violent insurrection and domestic terrorism. A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!! Drastic measures MUST be taken to counter this threat! Of course, those measures all benefit the Democrats' efforts to achieve a one party state. Things run ever so smoothly when there is nobody to object to whatever you want to do!

TobyTucker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GMay said...

I'm still waiting for my 50 state insurrection from Jan 20th.

Inga said...

“I suppose it makes some feel like big important strongman to fantasize being targeted by the derp state.”

Oh boy, isn’t that the truth? It’s all about fantasy for these people.

Jim at said...

You know, the only place I hear about all these supposed attacks are from leftists and their fellow imbeciles in the media.

Maybe I need a new e-mail to stay in touch with all my fellow insurrectionists, terrorists and rioters.

Inga said...

“This is all part of the narrative that the 'deplorables' are now DANGEROUS.”

Too bad most of the Trumpists storming the Capitol to interfere with a Constitutional function of government relating to an election forgot to take off their MAGA hats. They were just a bunch of good ol’ boys and girls who got a little too excited.

Shouting Thomas said...

Jesus, Inga, your storm troopers torched, looted and burned dozen of cities in 2020 and attacked cops all over the country.

You’re a complete and total Nazi.

This is not a narrative, you vicious Nazi. I watched it happen.

You did the killing, burning, looting and cop attacking, Nazi.

Shouting Thomas said...

This is getting mind boggling, Inga.

Do you really think we’ve forgotten what you did last year?

Are you that insane, blood thirty and venomous?

Shouting Thomas said...

And, yeah, Inga, your paranoid projection is probably going to come true.

We’re probably going to create our own paramilitary forces, like you did, and fight back.

You think we’re going to just sit here and let you get away with torching cities and killing cops?

tcrosse said...

Only Trumpists are allowed to wear MAGA hats when acting up. It's the law.

GMay said...

When most of your adult life is spent in the company of cats, the social skills tend to deteriorate.

Everyone knows that storming the capitol is only okay during the the SCOTUS confirmation process; or that storming the White House is permitted when there's a Republican occupant.

You keep doing you, Inga.

Inga said...

“When most of your adult life is spent in the company of cats, the social skills tend to deteriorate.”

Apparently you’re speaking from personal experience.

Shouting Thomas said...

What do Nazi women like you do with their time, Inga?

You seem more offended by the cat biz than being called for your role in fielding paramilitary troops to torch our cities.

Shouting Thomas said...

What made you into a traitor and supporter of terrorist violence, Nazi Inga?

narciso said...

Thats spelled sdba yugoslav secret police.

Joe Smith said...

Hey, can someone please summarize the last couple of hours of this thread?

I was at the meeting where all the white people decide how they are going to oppress all the women and minorities.

It was better when the Democrats were in charge of the South. They did it by passing laws. Now we have to improvise.

Tomcc said...

I've seen headlines suggesting a violent event in the capital for at least a week. It's now 3:30 eastern time and I'm not seeing any reports of anything unusual. The term "nothingburger" comes to mind.
As a conservative and a Republican, I should be on Q'anon's mailing list, but I still don't have a clue as to who or what it is.

Bruce Hayden said...

“15,000 troops manning a security zone rivaling The Green Zone at the height of the Iraq war isn't enough to make the democrats in Congress feel safe...from Trump supportersI”

Well, they should be worried. They stole the election. Elected a senile geezer who is so addled that he can’t give a press conference or the State of the Union Address, father of a coke addled grifter who porked his sister in law, after she was widowed, had a kid out of wedlock with a stripper, took (along with his grifter uncle) tens, if not hundreds of millions in bribes from our geopolitical enemies. And repeated the election fraud to get control of the Senate. They have every right to be scared shitless. They should be.

Tomcc said...

Oh, wait! Here it is: "Violence erupts..." (in Nigeria)
Never mind.

GMay said...

Apparently you’re speaking from personal experience.

And a lack of originality, for good measure.

You're doing great.

Bruce Hayden said...

“As a conservative and a Republican, I should be on Q'anon's mailing list, but I still don't have a clue as to who or what it is.”

Except that Q and his Anons were deplatformed long ago, for telling truth to power, and showing where a lot of the bodies were buried. You can find them - you just have to look had enough, esp since the deplatforming continues.

GMay said...

One of the headlines from the WaPo just now:

"At the capitol, a March 4 threat from militant Trump supporters proves a mirage."

Democracy dies in dumbfuckery.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Elected a senile geezer who is so addled that he can’t give a press conference or the State of the Union Address, father of a coke addled grifter who porked his sister in law, after she was widowed, had a kid out of wedlock with a stripper, took (along with his grifter uncle) tens, if not hundreds of millions in bribes from our geopolitical enemies. And repeated the election fraud to get control of the Senate."

You forgot to mention the VP whose most notable talent is best performed on her knees.

Tomcc said...

Bruce Hayden: you just have to look hard enough
It sounds like you know where to look. In your mind, was there ever any credence to this?

ccscientist said...

Without this phony threat, the dems can't justify the police state they want to impose. The national guard still being there is an indicator, and not even the scariest.

narciso said...

Game of thrones on the potomac

Shouting Thomas said...

This behavior by the Democrats is the proof that they stole the election and that they know we know they stole the election.

They are waiting in their bunkers for the expected counter attack.

ccscientist said...

the 100 people who got into the capitol building were not armed and had no plan. They milled around and LEFT. What kind of coup is that? The proper response if you really believed it was a coup would have been to make fun of them. But they don't believe it--they are using it as an excuse for their own coup.

Browndog said...

We're only a couple hours away from the troops lighting the night sky with flairs, giving them clear sight lines beyond the perimeter.

Gahrie said...

435 prima donnas clutch their pearls and faint....

chickelit said...

Get back to work, Congress! Quit hyperventilating over phony crises. You all look pathetic.

chickelit said...

You forgot to mention the VP whose most notable talent is best performed on her knees.

Kamala looks back on those times and thinks "how else was I going to advance? I swallowed my pride. How else was I going to take that first step towards the White House? And later on, I didn't even have to compete."

Role Model

Matt Sablan said...

Trump came out of his bunker and gave a speech; he was criticized for over-militarizing when people sieged the White House.

This? This is Clearly Fine.

Joe Smith said...

Read it and weep...or laugh.

GDI said...

Liberal white supremacist conspiracy theorists ... fear and loathing in DC.

Big Mike said...

Well, it's 6:30 Eastern. Did anything really happen? Or did the Intelligence Community blow it again?

Browndog said...


#BREAKING: US Capitol Police say threats to Congressmembers are up 93%; request extension of National Guard deployment in Washington -

6:33 PM · Mar 4, 2021

Browndog said...

JUST IN: Capitol Police have requested a 60-day extension of National Guard to protect Congress -WaPo

Matt Sablan said...

"JUST IN: Capitol Police have requested a 60-day extension of National Guard to protect Congress -WaPo"

-- I can't blame them. Remember last time the National Guard wasn't there? Not only did Congress *turn down additional help,* they then waved the bloody shirt of one of the Capitol Police's coworkers and friends. If I were the Capitol Police, I wouldn't want to be part of those political calculations a second time.

Mark said...

Reporting here from the smoldering rubble and ashes of our nation's capital.

You all wouldn't listen, would you? Thought it was all paranoia and irrational political hype.

Night said...

hair appointment

tcrosse said...

… I fell into a burning Reichstag fire
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns, the Reichstag fire
The Reichstag fire……

GMay said...

"Well, it's 6:30 Eastern. Did anything really happen? Or did the Intelligence Community blow it again?"

Last I heard, they were tossing darts at the calendar and figuring out how to conflate those with events that they deem significant to the deplorables. Since the former inauguration didn't pan out, they're mulling over the date of the founding of the GOP and, of course, tax deadline day. Seriously.

Your elite, hard at work.

Original Mike said...

What??? There was no insurrection today?

These people are so fucking transparent.

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