February 26, 2021

"The implication that white people got better, that [George Floyd] served as a martyr for this country."

"The martyrdom of Black Americans is very prevalent among particularly white liberals and we see that, I think, in how we celebrate MLK and how a lot of these folks will uphold the whitewashed and martyred idea of Dr. King without actually exploring his radical nature and radical ideology.... [It was] the typical well meaning white liberal kind of paternalistic type of racism... She called to apologize in a way and it just really rang hollow to me. It rang like somebody that, one, didn’t reflect on what she said before she heard that I was upset. She also resorted to it as an individual hurt, in saying sorry she hurt me, without an ability to see a wider level and see as what it was, racist behavior, racist mentality. And I kind of started to say that and I’m like, 'You’ve got a lot of work to do.' And she said, 'I’m trying to do that work. Maybe you could help me.' And I told her that it’s not for me, I’m not here to do the work for you. You’ve got to do it yourself."

Said Matthew Braunginn, one of the "two," in "Two Sustainable Madison Committee members resign over 'God bless George Floyd' remark" (Madison 365).

Braunginn utters a long but important phrase: "the typical well meaning white liberal kind of paternalistic type of racism." Consider how regarding Floyd as a blessed martyr is a kind of racism. Understand why Braunginn was so outraged over this that he quit his alliance with some well-meaning Madison liberals.


wendybar said...

George Floyd was a drugged out mess. Trying to make him a SAINT is dumb, and most people can see right through it. Gold Casket and multiple funerals during Covid, whilst we were forced to remain inside shows how political it all is. Grow up. God Bless Ashli Babbitt.

Browndog said...

Matthew Braunginn is black, huh?


Shouting Thomas said...

This shit is a psychotic delusion.

There is no racism to fight.

George Floyd was a lifetime second story man and junkie who OD’d.

The absorption of so many people in this psychotic delusion is bizarre.

RMc said...

And I kind of started to say that and I’m like, ‘You’ve got a lot of work to do.’ And she said, ‘I’m trying to do that work. Maybe you could help me.’ And I told her that it’s not for me, I’m not here to do the work for you. You’ve got to do it yourself.

Just imagine how exhausting it must be to be one of these people. No wonder they're angry all the time.

MadTownGuy said...

From the post:

"Unders[t]and why Braunginn was so outraged over this that he quit his alliance with some well-meaning Madison liberals."

I don't think Braunginn understands that fighting racism with more racism isn't a viable tactic.

Will wokeism self-destruct? I'm starting to wonder.

tim maguire said...

While I agree with his assessment that the lionizing of George Floyd is its own kind of racism--a racism embraced as enthusiastically by black activists as white--statements like this bug the crap out of me:

she said, 'I’m trying to do that work. Maybe you could help me.' And I told her that it’s not for me, I’m not here to do the work for you. You’ve got to do it yourself."

"You're not living up to my standards. You have to do better if you want my approval. No, I'm not going to tell you what I want from you. It's not my job to help you meet my standards. Or even tell you what my standards are. That's your problem."

Lazy, self-righteous prick.

DavidUW said...

St. George was no saint.

It's not even clear what the cause of death was.

And atheist white folks' adoption of him as their messiah is a religious movement, not quite racist paternalism but racist and weird.

But as I respond to socialists, I already have a mom, and as I respond to greenhouse gas gaiaists and such, I already have a god.

Kai Akker said...

---Consider how regarding Floyd....
Understand why Braunginn was so outraged..... [AA]

Who on earth are you addressing here? The chances of learning anything new about this endlessly over-covered general topic are zilch and nil. Sorry, Professor.

Jaq said...

"the typical well meaning white liberal kind of paternalistic type of racism."

There is a very funny YouTube out there of a white supremacist and a wokester having a conversation and they agree on just about everything about black people. I tend to try very hard to take people as they come.

Jaq said...

"not quite racist paternalism”

Why not? I would like to know the difference between these guys and the people who were pushing the concept of “The White Man’s burden."

Rory said...

"... lot of these folks will uphold the whitewashed and martyred idea of Dr. King without actually exploring his radical nature and radical ideology...."

Blacks are to be consulted on intuition and emotion, but not on reason - isn't that how it goes?

Ann Althouse said...

"I don't think Braunginn understands that fighting racism with more racism isn't a viable tactic."

Is he saying that or is he saying that some white people's idea that they are fighting racism is itself racism?

DavidUW said...

Why not? I would like to know the difference between these guys and the people who were pushing the concept of “The White Man’s burden."
I consider it more of a religion.

St. George was the scapegoat upon which the guilty whites put their racist sins and now they must preach the anti-racist gospel to other whites. Whites who reject it, are cast out as heretics, shunned etc.

Kevin said...

And I kind of started to say that and I’m like, 'You’ve got a lot of work to do.' And she said, 'I’m trying to do that work. Maybe you could help me.' And I told her that it’s not for me, I’m not here to do the work for you. You’ve got to do it yourself."

Can this marriage be saved?

Shouting Thomas said...

I have no fucking idea what a sustainable committee does... probably nothing...

Why in the fuck are they yakking about racism?

The committee itself looks to be useless bureaucratic bullshit. The resignation of two members is probably a blessing.

Now, shut down the fucking idiot committee.

narciso said...

Just a pretext for the riots like rodney like in 2014, 2015, 2016

Temujin said...

Nothing more 'white liberal' than pretending you're black and resigning because you're insulted by other white liberals.

We're awash in bullshit and faux intellectualism.

Kirk Parker said...


Of course wokeism will self-destruct; it's inherently unstable. The only real question is how much damage they will do to the rest of us in the process.

mockturtle said...

Is he saying that or is he saying that some white people's idea that they are fighting racism is itself racism?

Of course he is. The racism of the paternalistic Progs is truly cringeworthy. This video clip is a mic drop: Black Guy Clowns Biden's Racist Remarks

Lewis Wetzel said...

I used to decline to identify my ethnicity whenever given the opportunity. Then I switched to calling myself native american or hispanic, because these categories are kind of sloppy and made up things (are guatemalans hispanic or native american?).
These days I check the "multi-racial" box.
My original birth certificate, issued in 1960, had a box for mother & father's race, and these both said "white." But a new copy of my BC is completely different in appearance & does not contain any race or ethnicity info. And, anyway, back in 1960 people lied about their race all the time so they could pass as white, so who knows?
I do have high cheekbones & have never been able to grow a good beard.

Scott M said...

You can't self-flagellate enough and even if you try, you're self-flagellating incorrectly. Never in my life have I witnessed such widespread and completely insane social mores. This will not end well and I'm raising three kids.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If i am asked to say "black lives matter" I will instead say "only black lives matter," because who would argue with that?

Rob said...

How can anybody read this and not be entertained? The self-flagellating liberals, the (barely) blacks who won’t take yes for an answer, all stumbling over one another like dog owners whose pets’ leashes have gotten tangled—it’s comedy gold. Key & Peele couldn’t have done better.

Dan from Madison said...

Rmc at 6.26:
"Just imagine how exhausting it must be to be one of these people."
Agree 100%.

Fernandinande said...

"The martyrdom of Black Americans is very prevalent among particularly white liberals and we see that,

Liberals are very clueless on racial issues.

Braunginn took issue, though, with the way DeMarb made the point: Braunginn said she said “God bless George Floyd,” and that Floyd’s death allowed white people to see and understand racism.

Sure, the racism which creates a martyr out of a career criminal who died of a drug overdose.

Jaq said...

What they have managed to do is to make it impossible to disagree with them on their solutions to the problems associated with race without risking your job and reputation, so calling them stupid seems kind of stupid. They are not stupid, they are just dishonest and feel justified in that dishonesty by the fact that they are "white saviors."

Lewis Wetzel said...

I believe that guns pose a greater danger to their owners than to any one else, and I also believe only black lives matter.
Therefore I am in favor of banning gun ownership by blacks, and requiring gun ownership by whites.

alfromchgo said...

Mr B in his own words on 13 Jan.
"Let me say this clearly: the base of the GOP — filled with Nazis, general fascists, neo-confederates, regular old white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, and other far-right people — has declared war against the United States.'

"Asserting a white hegemony within the United States. And before, during this insurrection, law enforcement, like now, took part in it. They took part in it by sitting by as Black people were terrorized, killed, and lynched. They took part in it by actively participating in the terror and lynchings. They took part in it by enforcing racist laws they knew were racist. They took part in it by enforcing laws with racist intent, even laws that weren’t designed to be so."

"There is no reforming law enforcement as we know it, and, in fact, there is no reforming the entirety of our justice system as we know it. You cannot reform an institution built upon the subjugation and oppression of others."


WK said...

Apparently the committee was not sustainable.

alfromchgo said...

Mr B be skinny, white, and angry.

Jamie said...

"What's wrong?"
"Come on, I can tell something's wrong."
"It's nothing."
"'It' is obviously something. What is 'it'?"
"I can't believe you have to ask!" [runs, sobbing, into the bedroom and locks the door]

If they love one another, and each is willing to come more than halfway, then yes, this marriage could be saved.

But what are the chances of either of those things' being true? These two groups - not individuals, though it's probably true of the individuals here as well - are engaged in a power struggle. There's no love, and there's no willingness to believe the other is acting in good faith. And on top of that, you have the absolutely soul-crushing fact that both sides have agreed to talk so elliptically: "Do the work.""I'm trying to do the work. Will you help me do the work?""It's not my responsibility to help you do the work." Neither side can say what it means clearly because they've internalized some stupid idea about the violence inherent in words that one side disagrees with.

So they can't talk, on one side they don't know how to act without offending the other side, on the other side they won't act because to act would be to attribute good faith to the one side (and it would be so unfair! Why do they always have to do everything?)... What a misery.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"I don't think Braunginn understands that fighting racism with more racism isn't a viable tactic."

Ann Althouse said... "Is he saying that or is he saying that some white people's idea that they are fighting racism is itself racism?"

I think the latter is the issue. That the Paternalistic White Liberal view of blacks and minorities is, in general a racists stance to begin with. Everything they do or propose is based on a racist view of people. They don't think that they are racists...because they have a preconceived idea of what a racist is and don't recognize it in themselves.

That people of a certain color, look, ethnicity all act and think in a certain way and MORE IMPORTANTLY, that they are not actually equal human beings who can think and act on their own. Because they (the POC) are inferior, they need the kind and guiding hand of those woke and smart white liberals to help them become better human beings.

The Paternalistic outlook is that they are children, lesser and can't do this by themselves so they need all the help, hand outs, coddling and excuses to become ...what?....more white? Help that is not help...but HEY... we smart white people know best.

Fernandinande said...

"Black Trump fanatics are out of control. First they are beating up elderly Asians[*], now they are dognapping Lady Gaga’s French bulldogs as retribution for Gaga singing at Biden’s inauguration."

"The FBI is reportedly probing whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga’s bulldogs was politically motivated."

* Scroll down to see how blacks attacking and killing Asians is the fault of Trump and naughty white people in general.

Mike Sylwester said...

How many of those counterfeit $20 bills did Floyd have in his car?

The public eventually should be told that basic fact about the incident.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"The FBI is reportedly probing whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga’s bulldogs was politically motivated."

Riiiight. Because every Trump no neck, knuckle dragging, goober drooling redneck wants to have French Bulldogs. It is a white supremacist thing.

It couldn't possibly be someone would steal a dog that would resale for 4-5K. Way better than stealing a car.

D.D. Driver said...

"the typical well meaning white liberal kind of paternalistic type of racism."

You mean the people who still--in 2021--believe that minorities haven't figured out how to use the internet?

Tina Trent said...

People who endlessly parade their anti-white lunacy aren’t well-intentioned. They’re sick and abusive and authoritarian, and in this case they’re literally endorsing the destruction of small businesses in your town by rioting criminals.

And same people know that if they said this out loud, they would be targeted for personal and professional destruction. So why treat this like a semantic exercise? It’s dangerous, fascistic prejudice.

“Do you ever refrain from saying what you really think out of fear that the woke mob will harm you?” is the only real question here.

Ann Althouse said...

"While I agree with his assessment that the lionizing of George Floyd is its own kind of racism--a racism embraced as enthusiastically by black activists as white--statements like this bug the crap out of me: she said, 'I’m trying to do that work. Maybe you could help me.' And I told her that it’s not for me, I’m not here to do the work for you. You’ve got to do it yourself." "You're not living up to my standards. You have to do better if you want my approval. No, I'm not going to tell you what I want from you. It's not my job to help you meet my standards. Or even tell you what my standards are. That's your problem." Lazy, self-righteous prick."

I don't think he's "lazy" to decline to be the help. He has his own life to live. Why was he on that committee? I can see why he resigned. I don't think he's "self-righteous" either. Maybe he's tired of the twisted self-righteousness of the Madison liberals.

Kirk Parker said...


The one drop rule is alive and well in Madison.

Either that, or Rachel Dolezal won the argument while no one was looking.

MayBee said...

I don't think he's "lazy" to decline to be the help.

But she really doesn't need to "do the work" at all. They had a disagreement. They don't need to talk about George Floyd. He doesn't need to be "the help", but he also didn't need to tell her she has work to do.

It is one of the White Fragility training things that White People aren't supposed to cry or put their confusion at the feet of black people, because black people are too busy being the victims of racism and aren't responsible for the work white people have to do to be better, and don't need to feel sympathy for how sorry you are.
So I really don't think he's admonishing her for being a white liberal. He's saying typical CRT stuff.

JPS said...

She called to apologize. That is just beautiful.

Increasingly I think being woke among white people is a way of jockeying for position relative to other white people. Blacks hardly enter into it. They’re the Macguffin.

Breezy said...

Do people who advocate for reparations also advocate for paternalism? In addition to a payment for past hurt, aren’t they looking outside their community for support and guidance?

Everyone of any color can be racist - it’s a feature of being human, so we should give the benefit of the doubt to each other and stop this uppity nonsense.

Browndog said...

Great point made by a black author on Tucker last night:

White liberal elites have weaponized blacks to do their bidding.

MayBee said...

George Floyd's three televised funerals starring Al Sharpton are not a good place to start if you think George Floyd shouldn't be seen as a martyr.

gspencer said...

Wallowing in self-pity is not a good career-calling.

Browndog said...

Is he saying that or is he saying that some white people's idea that they are fighting racism is itself racism?

The later.

Aligns with the undeniable truth that white people cannot learn from, remedy, or overcome racism...so long as they are white.

Looks like 'ol Matthew here found the loophole.

David Begley said...

On Twitter I informed the liberal Creighton Law Dean that George Floyd died of a drug overdose. He told me “not to diminish” his death.

Why not? Floyd was a career criminal and drug addict.

rhhardin said...

I read it twice and can't follow it.

donald said...

That boy is whiter than me.

tommyesq said...

You owe it to me to change, but I don't owe it to you to help with that.

Good luck with that.

natatomic said...

“ There is a very funny YouTube out there of a white supremacist and a wokester having a conversation and they agree on just about everything about black people.”

@tim in Vermont, do you have a link?

iowan2 said...

I will accept the concept the white looking blacks are making, not necessarily agree. The lesson I take away, if you don't say something clearly racist, you will be called out for racist speech, using pretzel logic, or not saying some unidentified words in some non-specific order.

tommyesq said...

Assuming the photo at the top is a shot of the two who resigned, Matthew Braunginn looks like he may be a male Rachel Dolezal.

Jupiter said...

How can we assess this situation when you haven't told us Matthew Braunginn's race? What does Matthew identify as?

farmgirl said...

I’ve been listening to lots of interviews and podcasts by anyone who’s got a personal point of view on the subject of being black-
I carefully worded that, of course. Or tried. I have a contrary friend-23yrs older, female,white- hailing from somewhere near the core of The Big Apple. Knew that city, ran w/the crowd, had a biracial marriage and child early 60s... I told her I thought this was an internal issue. An issue between the brothers and sisters of the colors. Listening to Denzel and McWhorter , Sowell and Loury - Candace Owens... and as many more voices as I can- I have no mixed feelings about the strength and absolute equality of these brothers and sisters. We are all othered to others at one time or another. It’s an internal issue- and all external manipulation is damaging to the greatest of these...

Lucid-Ideas said...

George Floyd was a lowlife and quality-of-life reducer type person that is all too prevalent in this country and this world and the world is a better place without him. There is absolutely nothing that he would've contributed for the benefit of someone else on this planet, and it has now been categorically proven that as in life, so too in death his presence on this planet was detrimental, even after he ceased to draw breath.

Like I said, not an outlier but a member of a population of people on planet earth - white, black, and polka dotted - that make our lives worse than they otherwise could be.

farmgirl said...

Matthew Brauginn:

Most likely he identifies as all of the above.
Most likely he is not any of the above.
The mind is a powerful thing.

MayBee said...

This from the same article:
The letter also references an earlier incident in which, during an online debate broadcast on Facebook, Alder Tag Evers — also a member of the SMC — mentioned the city’s new sustainability plan. Elmikashfi commented that she did not believe the plan had been completed, and two days later got an email from the committee’s co-chairs.

The email said “in such a public sphere negative comment about the working group process may be counter to all of our SMC efforts and community trust,” Elmikashfi said. “The email came off just really kind of as a reprimand.”

“The chairs did not see any value in reaching out to Nada beforehand to clarify or discuss the Facebook comment, but instead jumped to tone-policing and disrespecting her first amendment right to free speech,” the resignation letter reads. “We have seen this play out often in city politics — when black people speak in a way that challenges, the knee-jerk reaction is to shut them up.

This is truly the Grievance Olympics. "tone policing".
I don't for one second think these two think white liberals are *too guilty feeling* in their white liberal guilt.

iowan2 said...

Althouse said
Is he saying that or is he saying that some white people's idea that they are fighting racism is itself racism?

Isn't that the issue. Ambiguity reigns supreme, and only some are allowed to pick the meaning of any given statement. Who that some is, itself is ambiguous. As a white male, I am racist. Despite anything I say or do. Despite no evidence of racism. By the color of my skin I am guilty.
I should invent a word that means being judged by the color of your skin.

Wilbur said...

natatomic said...
@tim in Vermont, do you have a link?

It’s not for Tim, He's not here to do the work for you. You’ve got to do it yourself.

Amadeus 48 said...

It sure is fun to watch these crazy folks go at each other. Again, this is a scene out of “Life of Brian”.

MadisonMan said...

I have no fucking idea what a sustainable committee does... probably nothing...
Why in the fuck are they yakking about racism?
If Madison Liberals continually harp about how racist this place is -- under their leadership -- they blind many from asking the obvious question: What concrete things have you done to stop the racism? (Answer: Not a damn thing but really, please, let us keep trying!)

I agree that Brauginn is under no obligation to "help" the very tedious-sounding Denise DeMarb. I am reminded of a Tweet I once ran across. A new grad student (Black, woman) in a program (not a lot of Black Women) somewhere was relating a conversation she had with her Dad (also black), talking about all the anti-racist type committee work she was assigned to because of her race. And her Dad, God Bless Dads, asked: "Do the other grad students have to do this too, or can they just do research?"

Francisco D said...

Doesn't this crap give most people of all colors a headache?

tim maguire said...

Ann Althouse said...I don't think he's "lazy" to decline to be the help.

It used to be the whole point of being an activist was helping people behave the way you want them to behave. It's called persuading. In today's world, the activist just gets mad at you for not already behaving that way. It's called hectoring. He wants what he wants, but he wants somebody else to do the work for him. He wants the results without the effort.

Yes, he's lazy. And a prick. This desire to insult the people who are trying to be your supporter is new and it should not be encouraged.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

From the story: "Later in the meeting, Braunginn said another member, Lance Green, noted that the committee’s antiracist work included making energy-efficient homes accessible to low-income families, which Braunginn said “equated being poor to being Black.”"

If blacks are disproportionately affected in any way, it's proof of systemic racism. But if a person attempts to fight racism by improving a condition that disproportionately affects blacks, that's racist behavior.


Gravel said...

" I’m not here to do the work for you. You’ve got to do it yourself."

Fuck you, asshole. I'm sympathetic to the notion that blacks in our society have some handicaps that we need to address, but I'm sick and goddamned tired of people who expect me to guess just exactly how gritty the sand is that they have in their pussy so I can properly determine exactly which variety of douche is required.

Joe Smith said...

Have been saying it forever; liberals treat black people like children and black people let them.

Easiest example is lefty claims of voter suppression when conservatives try to pass voter ID laws.

Libs always claim that it's too difficult for blacks and minorities to get free government IDs.

Filling out a form online or showing up at the post office or having a birth certificate is just so tortuous.

White people, of course, do these things as just another part of daily life.

It always surprises me that white people can get so much done when they obviously spend most of their time oppressing people of color.

Krumhorn said...

I stall out at "well-meaning liberal". I can get no coherent airflow over the wings of any idea that seeks transport on the good intentions of lefties.

- Krumhorn

Krumhorn said...

The usual response when someone asks for help on "doing the work" is "I'm exhausted".

- Krumhorn

Danno said...

Oh to be blessed living in a place full of credentialed retards. At least it creates ideas for blog posts.

Ice Nine said...

>>Ann Althouse said...
Is he saying that or is he saying that some white people's idea that they are fighting racism is itself racism?<<

Well, there you go. In one incisive sentence you have unveiled exactly what he is saying: gobbledygook.

DavidUW said...

from Farmgirl's link:

Braunginn is biracial, but he identifies as black.

I'd love to see a 23andme test on that white brother.

Whoever was his "black" parent was nearly certainly less than half him/herself.

not like it matters but dude you're majority white.

Ken B said...

I'd be a lot more sympathetic to Braunginn if he didn’t trot out that “do the work” stuff, which I think is also redolent with racist assumptions. It’s part of the power play, and makes me doubt his sincerity.

DavidUW said...

I'm dying to see the left/CRT people start tiering people by % genetic admixture.

Maybe there could be a guide.

Maybe they could dig into the history books for suggestions. I hear "quadroon," "octaroon" "high yellow" and other terms will soon be back in fashion.

And finally, the one-drop rule endorsed by all good Democrats of history to the present.

Matt said...

"And I kind of started to say that and I’m like, 'You’ve got a lot of work to do.' And she said, 'I’m trying to do that work. Maybe you could help me.' And I told her that it’s not for me, I’m not here to do the work for you. You’ve got to do it yourself.'"

Metaphorical work, obviously. As far as I can tell, neither of the people in this story actually work.

Ken B said...

I mean, on the main point I agree with Braunginn. We do see racism from woke “allies”. Those woke teaching materials sound like John C Calhoun. The whole notion that “they need my help, because otherwise they just can’t keep up” is what permeates a segment of self regarding liberalism, and Braunginn is right to call attention to it.

Ken B said...

20 years ago I had a discussion with a friend who was black. I wondered how long until the word octoroon made a comeback. He thought it was coming back too.

MadTownGuy said...

Ann Althouse said..

["I don't think Braunginn understands that fighting racism with more racism isn't a viable tactic."]

"Is he saying that or is he saying that some white people's idea that they are fighting racism is itself racism?

Looking at it from outside the wokeness paradigm, they both look to me like instances of racism.

Joe Smith said...

"I wondered how long until the word octoroon made a comeback."

Does that make Shaun King a zeroroon?

Rachel whatshername?

StephenFearby said...

Takeaway. Don't try to unravel clusterfucked.

Urban Dictionary (clusterfucked):

To be completely and totally screwed. To be in a state of utter, unavoidable, unthinkably insane screwage. A point in which one feels as though there is no way out of a current situation or predicament.

I was on this plane taxiing down the runway when a commuter train ran off the tracks and crashed through the airport fence. This event then caused a freeway overpass to collapse sending roughly 200 automobiles down towards the plane. The train was coming at us along with the cars and I said aloud "We're so clusterfucked".


Urban Dictionary sells a clusterfucked mug to helpfully remind people of the state they're in.

StephenFearby said...

Takeaway. Don't try to unravel clusterfucked.

Urban Dictionary (clusterfucked):

To be completely and totally screwed. To be in a state of utter, unavoidable, unthinkably insane screwage. A point in which one feels as though there is no way out of a current situation or predicament.

I was on this plane taxiing down the runway when a commuter train ran off the tracks and crashed through the airport fence. This event then caused a freeway overpass to collapse sending roughly 200 automobiles down towards the plane. The train was coming at us along with the cars and I said aloud "We're so clusterfucked".


Urban Dictionary sells a clusterfucked mug to helpfully remind people of the state they're in.

Blair said...

Telling white liberals to do their own work is completely appropriate. They created their own hell, and shouldn't be asking black people to help dig them out. It's not the black man's problem that you think you're a racist. Thinking so IS actually racist. White liberalism practically entails racism, though not in the way they think.

Lucid-Ideas said...


"I'm dying to see the left/CRT people start tiering people by % genetic admixture."

Wait, you mean you didn't see the viral blow-up this week of the HAPA and the Brazilian mulatto arguing over who was less white!?! It got blown-up because a black chick decided to SMH all over it on twitter.

Not shitting you for a second. They're already using the ancestry.com results to dunk for victimization points.

narciso said...

talcum x shirley, you can't be serious,

wildswan said...

Three Pictures and A Story
Three Pictures of Our Brother Matt


http://www.capitalcityhues.com/090116MiddletonBurbs2.html picture

The Story in His Own Words
"Madison is a very different experience for blacks than it is for whites. I grew up in a bi-racial house. My mother is white and my father is black. I am fair-skinned enough so that I can “pass” at times, but times that are not of my making. My parents raised my sister and I to be racially aware, to understand the racial dynamics of this nation, and to understand the sins of its past. But I am not white. Throughout my childhood this reality created and fostered an extra layer of confusion for me. I fought through a gauntlet of anger, confusion, pain, and deep depression. Now I am experiencing an awakening, a taking back of my power of self-identification.
with all love to my mother and love to my white friends, I have come to wish I wasn’t half white. I have come to rejecting my whiteness in a way. I am in no way saying that I hate or reject white people. Instead I am consciously grabbing the power to identify myself. I claim my blackness with pride,"

His ideology doesn't allow him to be proud of being white or American but he is part white and American.

Here's what Madison liberals must think about the police and George Floyd or be accused of racism by Matthew Braunginn.
"If you are a self-described “good cop,” you will not only openly condemn the failure and actions of your counterparts, but will embrace the abolition of the entirety of our justice system."

PM said...

L-I: They ain't the only ones using ancestry.com results - Ancestry uses them to shop DNA info.

mockturtle said...

Listen to Malcom X's response to 'well-meaning liberal': YouTube Link

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Braunginn utters a long but important phrase: "the typical well meaning white liberal kind of paternalistic type of racism." Consider how regarding Floyd as a blessed martyr is a kind of racism. Understand why Braunginn was so outraged over this that he quit his alliance with some well-meaning Madison liberals.

Yes, I can see the paternalism and I can see the racism in turning George Floyd into a Martyr, and I can see why Braunginn could gin up outrage at how self-serving it all is for White liberals. But I also see people like Braunginn dangling George Floyd out in front of needy White liberals, desperate to shore up their purity creds. I can have little sympathy for either and generally believe they both deserve each other.

alfromchgo said...

Wait until they realize that Robert Byrd was a man of the left..

Achilles said...

I don’t think you are using the right definition of Liberal.

There are certainly vanishingly few liberals in Madison and approaching zero in Madison government.

mikee said...

Lincoln was considered a martyr in support of the cause of reunification of the states after the Civil War, and in support of Emancipation. He was memorialized for those causes. Those seem like good causes to me. But tear those statues of him down, Antifa, and prepare the plinths and pedestals for new martyrs like Floyd. He died and was proclaimed a martyr for the cause of further riots, killings, and class/racial violence. I'm keeping a penny in my pocket to remind me of your vileness.

wildswan said...

We can't look to a person like Matt Braunginn to help us take the next step. One thing I think is that it's important to go back to sources when the next step isn't clear. When Hannah-Jones says the US Constitution was founded on a defense of slavery, reread the Northwest Ordinance which banned the further expansion of slavery in the territory of the USA before there was a USA. and which was reaffirmed by the US Congress when the USA formed. The two generations of political struggle over the anti-slavery policy of the Northwest Ordinance led directly to the Civil War.
Going further back than that, read Bradford's History of Plimoth Plantation. That's a contemporary document written to explain why the Pilgrims came to America and what happened when they did.
Also I've found that reading those histories of the Union regiments which were written by members of Union regiments after the Civil War give a good sense of what the soldiers endured for their convictions. This, in turn, witnesses to the strength of their convictions - both pro-Union and anti-slavery.
180,000 members of the black community enlisted in Civil War regiments but very few histories of those regiments were written. They should be and they could be. Most of these regiments began by being officered by abolitionists who kept diaries and the regiments included many free blacks in their ranks. So a real search for documents could lead to authentic histories being written. These are needed.
In the post-Civil War era my Irish and Swedish family members really entered America. I don't care for histories which state that they came all that way to oppress or which say that racism was the central theme of their lives when they got here. When the Irish Catholics came to New Hampshire they could not vote or buy land and the members of the black community could. The Irish and Swedes and the other ethnics climbed in society and fought for world freedom in two World wars. That's great and true story. But the black community was excluded from almost all of it by segregation. Which community's history carries the truth about those years? Either, both, neither, other, combination, mixture, nothingness, Chineseness? In a way we, right now, our lives, are the original sources for the answer.

mockturtle said...

As with all Progressives' ravings, the best policy is to just ignore them.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Consider how regarding Floyd as a blessed martyr is a kind of racism.

If calling him a blessed martyr is racism, does that mean calling him a useless piece of shit isn't?

Real American said...

“At no point did either of the chairs of this committee stop the meeting to address two clearly racist statements,” the wrote. “It became abundantly clear that if anything was to be said and these issues were to be addressed, it would be incumbent upon one of the four people of color present at the time to address these abhorrent comments.”

there are no "clearly racist statements" mentioned in the article. Of course, these clowns' definition of racist is "everything".

DavidUW said...

grew up in a bi-racial house. My mother is white and my father is black.
His father ain't all black.

But whatever. this 3/4 white dude thinks he's black.
Like the trannies.

It's a religion. It even has its own version of transubstantiation.

Jim at said...

People who endlessly parade their anti-white lunacy aren’t well-intentioned.

Absolutely correct.
They're vicious thugs drunk on power.

Rabel said...

"Understand why Braunginn was so outraged over this that he quit his alliance with some well-meaning Madison liberals."

Do you really think he was "outraged" by a well-meaning comment which has to be stretched and strained beyond reason to be considered racist?

A publicity hound, he wanted out of this particular effort and found an excuse.


"Braunginn utters a long but important phrase: "the typical well meaning white liberal kind of paternalistic type of racism."

Is it not clear to you that it is you, Ann Althouse, a Madison racist by Braunginn's definition, that he is referencing?


He's definitely part Black. A grandfather, I think.

I'm Not Sure said...

"There is a very funny YouTube out there of a white supremacist and a wokester having a conversation and they agree on just about everything about black people."

Warren Meyer, Coyote Blog: "It is hard for me to imagine anything that white surpremacists could do to permanently impoverish African-Americans than some of the things the woke are supporting."

chickelit said...

Being from there originally and never wanting to go back there, I kind of enjoy seeing Madison turn itself into a shithole.

n.n said...

Floyd was a martyr for the drug trade and social progress. The victims and collateral damage of social justice adventurism is a progressive condition.

n.n said...

People who endlessly parade their anti-white lunacy aren’t well-intentioned.

Progression, perhaps evolution, from Jew privilege to White privilege, Asian privilege, too, as a matter of sociopolitical leverage to suppress, depress, and justify social justice, swicked, even final, solutions. And, of course, baby privilege. The little "burdens" h/t Obama Abort the bastard, cannibalize her profitable parts, and sequester her carbon pollutants.

n.n said...

As with all Progressives' ravings, the best policy is to just ignore them.

We did that for nearly a century, and in earnest for several decades, and during that time they managed to progress through the institutions on the back of semantic games, conceptual corruption, conflation of logical domains, social braying, and em-pathetic appeals.

mezzrow said...

If that young man expects white people to see the point we both think he's making, he's expecting way more from nice liberal white people than he will ever receive. He grossly overestimates their moral and intellectual capacity to see his point.

Frankly, to me, it seems a bit racist on his part. If you bring an attitude of cruel neutrality to the question and posit the heresy that any persons other than caucasians can express a wayward thought regarding racial groups not their own, what would this be called? What kind of creatures are these white people? To what degree does he expect them, on their own, to step up and own their responsibility for being so white and seeing the world in such a white way? If he can't accept this about us white folks and go on with his life, he is in for a life filled with bitter disappointment if he's expecting us to do significantly better than we're doing right now, from his standpoint. I'm pretty certain that he had reached a stage of exhaustion in seeing it in everything that committee of nice white liberals did.

I don't think we're up to it. What would make him think that we are? Who told him that this was a reasonable expectation of any set of humans?

bbkingfish said...

"And it would be very uncomfortable (if not career or social suicide) to question this theory in front of one’s bosses and peers."

I understand this, and it really is true that it is a damn shame. But are we really to think that there's something new about this?

I was in many a management meeting in large corporations, and I don't recall it ever being the case that employees were encouraged to spout off about beliefs that were outside accepted corporate parameters. Where I grew up, from 1892-1932, you couldn't even get a job in the steel mill if you were a Democrat.

Our society simply doesn't seem to encourage people who expect to move up the ranks to hold a wide range of views. Why that is, someone else will have to tell me.

Steven said...

If we were really interested in ending racism, we'd be spending lots and lots of time and effort explaining that race doesn't exist every time someone made the faux pas of mentioning it.

Achilles said...

This is how Disney thinks Black people get ahead.

Tiana can work all her life, but it just takes 15 seconds for her friends to dig enough money out of daddy Warbucks pockets for Tiana to get her restaurant.

Because that is how stupid progressives are.

Achilles said...

Steven said...

If we were really interested in ending racism, we'd be spending lots and lots of time and effort explaining that race doesn't exist every time someone made the faux pas of mentioning it.

We would do a lot of things.

One of the first would be recognizing that many poor kids in this country and particularly kids in inner cities are raised in violent and generally appalling conditions and that there are legitimate complaints to be made about the system.

Another is that our justice system is failing people and this does disproportionately fall on poor people and on Black people.

n.n said...

If we were really interested in ending racism, we'd be spending lots and lots of time and effort explaining that race doesn't exist

Even if it did, by virtue of, for example: a character (e.g. principles) consensus, there is still the matter of humanity defined through religious (i.e. moral, ethical, whatever) axioms of individual dignity, intrinsic value, and inordinate worth that are served through a policy of revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation. Unfortunately, there is a dogmatic belief in a conception of diversity that denies these principles and processes of humanity, and normalizes judgments, labels, and execution based on low-information attributes (e.g. skin color). #BabyLivesMatter(BLM)

Dr Weevil said...

If a quadroon is 1/4th African ancestry and an octoroon 1/8th, we can charitably suggest that Shaun King is close enough (certainly within .2%) to be called a 'quingentiduodecimoroon' (1/512th African). If you're wondering, the primary emphasis of the word is on the 'moroon'.

The Godfather said...

God! I am so glad I don’t live in Madison or any other college town.

Bunkypotatohead said...

That guy would have had a much happier life if he passed himself off as white, and enjoyed the benefits that come with.
Madison is 7% black. I have to wonder why this is even a topic anyone cares about. My hometown of Baltimore has been ruined by the 66% of it overrun by black culture. But even they don't obsess over race like you Madisonians do. There are probably more homos than blacks there.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Will wokeism self-destruct? I'm starting to wonder.

Sleep studies have shown that staying awake too long causes disorientation followed by hallucinations and eventually death.

Lewis Wetzel said...

As a white person, I felt so much better about myself when Obama was elected president. Just imagine how much better I will feel when Chauvin & the rest of Floyd murderers are torn to pieces by the mob! I can't wait!
Only black lives matter!

MadTownGuy said...

Piggybacking on wokeism's potential for self-destruction:

When Will the Woke Go Full Caligula?

"...Everyone, in other words, is being told by insane people to adopt insane ideas.

It is worth inquiring into the nature of this madness. When I read that attack on Bari Weiss, what sprang to mind was Albert Camus’ play Caligula, a retelling of the well-known tale of the deranged third emperor of Rome. In the play, the initially benign ruler suffers an existential crisis. Realizing that he alone wields absolute power, he decides to follow the logic of that power to its ultimate conclusion. “It’s just because no one dares to follow up his ideas to the end that nothing is achieved,” he says. “All that’s needed is to be logical right through, at all costs.”

Josephbleau said...

"That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more."

Thus is the moral panic. If you project that the world will end, it damn well better end, and on time.

chickelit said...

Minneapolis is bracing for more rounds of Burn, Loot, & Murder as Derek Chauvin goes on trial next week.

The Crack Emcee said...

Everyone white I meet in offline society has been nicer to me since George Floyd died.

Lurker21 said...

Matthew Braunginn looks white (or at least Middle Eastern). The guy I take for his father almost looks white (or at least Hispanic). The woman I take for his mother is white. I don't suppose that means that he can't be concerned with African-American issues or with political issues in general. Would his opinions really be any different if he were a woke white progressive?

What he's talking about though is something people have been saying for a long time without the racial angle. Martyrs always advance causes. Sometimes causes actively look for martyrs. Or to take it from another angle, "society" kills Socrates. "Society" kills Jesus. "Society" kills -- I don't know -- Gandhi? Then society makes them heroes and icons. One can view this idealistically and say that society learned from them and followed them, or one can view the process cynically and say that society idolizes such figures in order not to learn from them or follow them.

john burger said...

Anne asked us the following:

"Consider how regarding Floyd as a blessed martyr is a kind of racism. Understand why Braunginn was so outraged over this that he quit his alliance with some well-meaning Madison liberals."

I thoughtfully considered why Floyd is a martyr. I don't. I consider him to be just a guy. A guy who did dumb things, a guy who got himself into a precarious situation and died as a result. As for the police officers involved, I don't see evidence of racism and I reject the argument that systemic racism killed him. I will wait for evidence to conclude otherwise.

As for this fellow and his resignation in outrage, it seems that it's a pretty good gig. Accuse someone of racism, who then asks for help, only then to sit on the thrown of power and declare that the person seeking absolution is on his or her own. Very powerful. That makes for a fractured society.


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