February 27, 2021

Full moon at dawn.


This morning at 6:42.

The sun looked like this:


Talk about anything you want in the comments.


Inga said...

The haze is lovely.

Mary Beth said...

Today FB sent me a notification that I was banned from advertising or going live for 30 days because of a meme I posted in November. The meme was a photo of Jeffrey Dahmer saying that no one can tell him how many people to have for Thanksgiving. I thought it was dark and funny.

Even though I have no interested in advertising or in live streaming, I appealed and reassured FB that I do not support cannibalism.

The meme was posted on Nov. 21, 2020 and I got the notice today. It was not on a group page or a public post. It was on my page in a custom post (limited to a small group of about a quarter to a third of my friends - already a small group of mostly people I know IRL. Work people and acquaintances that I added for various reasons can't see these posts.)

stephen cooper said...

The red planet Mars - which is easy to spot at night, using even a simple chart of the skies - will be getting very close to the Pleiades over the next week or so - if you live in Greenwich Village you might not see the Pleiades, but I believe that even in downtown Madison, as long as you are not standing under a streetlight, you will be able to see the Pleiades welcoming Mars to their little corner of the sky.

A lot of people have never seen the Pleiades, this is a good chance to show them what they have been missing all these years.

Narr said...


Thank you!

Original Mike said...

Most people have seen the Pleiades but don't know what it is. I get asked all the time (in season) "what was that star cluster I saw last night?" It's always the Pleiades. Of course, it's pretty much the only big, naked eye cluster. There's the Hyades, but it's too spread out for most people to recognize it as a cluster.

Owen said...

Great pics. Color, composition, mood: you make the scene new again every day. Thanks.

What is out there on the ice in the sunrise pic? Black boxy things...ice-fisher stuff?

Jersey Fled said...

My daughterclued me in on an app called SkyView. Really cool.

Original Mike said...

Stellarium run on a big desktop monitor is visually sumptuous.

Jersey Fled said...

Last week the Biden administration began releasing illegal migrants into the United States who were being held under the Remain in Mexico policy.

Here we go again.

Tag: Never underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up.

DavidUW said...

half of Americans over 65 have gotten at least one 'Rona shot.
Deaths in nursing homes have already dropped to 8.5% of the total 'Rona deaths from about 50%.

By April, deaths from the 'Rona will be in the low hundreds/day, or 10% or less of the normal average daily death total in the USA.

What will the tyrants do then to keep everyone locked down and masked up?

Tomcc said...

I've become aware of the fact that Sen. Kelly Loeffler was induced to sell her stake in a WNBA team due to her wish that the team not participate in the BLM theater. My question: why would anyone want to own a WNBA team? It doesn't seem that there's every likely to be a big audience. In fact, as I recall, much of the expense is (or was) subsidized by the NBA. Where is the profit going to come from?

daskol said...

good way to meet tall chicks?

Fernandinande said...

"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without moonshine."

Fernandinande said...

half of Americans over 65 have gotten at least one 'Rona shot.

My left half got it.

independent said...

Been watching CPAC. Too bad nobody wants to talk about important issues and conservative values. Everyone is trying to outdo Trump and demonize all Democrats. Boring shit.

Poor Hawley says we need to break up all big tech. What does that even mean? How does one break up a network like Twitter. A-L go with Twitter A and M-Z go with Twitter B. What BS. And he knows this because he is a smart guy. If you don't like Twitter, don't use it. There are many social media platforms out there and you are free to create your own. Or just use email.

And then they argue against government regulation before saying in essence that it is the job of the federal government to write the terms of service for big tech companies.

And on and on about cancel culture, as if that means that the likes of Cruz and Hawley should not have to be subject to attacks on their reputation or consequences for the extreme views they spout. The term has meaning in reference to someone unknown having her career and life destroyed because she told a stupid joke about AIDS in South Africa or called the police because she felt a Black man was threatening her and her dog. To apply it to public political figures renders the term meaningless.

Fernandinande said...

good way to meet tall chicks?

I bet transchicks are tall!

Seriously, though, Latvia is rated 2nd tallest country in the world, and Latvians are running loose and have great senses of humor, what with all those potato jokes*.

For example, Haley279, of Latvia, Riga, is well traveled independent positive person and 5' 10" tall.

Uh oh, she weighs 196 lbs!

Now this is interesting, AnastasjaSa, of Latvia, Jurmala, who loves reading music books outdoors in the winter with friends, weighs only 89 lbs, so she should be about (5'10")*(89/196) ~= 2' 8" tall, but she's actually relatively very tall at 4' 11''! You believe in relativity don't you?

Fernandinande said...

* Latvian walk into bar with mule. (It's already funny!)

Bartender say, "Why long face?"

Latvian say, "I am think of daughter. She lie with soldier for potato feed baby."

independent said...

And nothing about the election and whether it was stolen. Why would that be? Isn't that the big issue among the base? Are they self-cancelling out of fear that they might lose some corporate campaign contributions. Poor poor them.

Inga said...

Exodus 32:7–10 (NKJV) — 7 And the Lord said to Moses, “Go, get down! They have made themselves a molded calf, and worshiped it and sacrificed to it, and said, 'This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt!

Whiskeybum said...

Good Grammar rule for Feb. 27:

Every sentence a verb.

Original Mike said...

"My left half got it."

My better half got it this morning.

hawkeyedjb said...

Why would anyone participate on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube? Those are censorship platforms, nothing more. Why spend any of your precious time supporting censorship?

Whiskeybum said...

And as long as we're discussing the Pleiades, here's a trivia question:

What connection do the Pleiades have with a certain car manufacturer?

Original Mike said...

"What connection do the Pleiades have with a certain car manufacturer?"

Subaru's logo.

Original Mike said...

I wanted a Subaru when we bought a new car 2 years ago. For one thing we could get a manual. For another I wanted the logo. But the options at the time were ugly as sin.

Whiskeybum said...

Original Mike said...
"What connection do the Pleiades have with a certain car manufacturer?"

Subaru's logo.

Winner! It even goes a bit beyond that - "Subaru" is the Japanese term for the Pleiades constellation. Their logo reflects this. The term "Subaru" translates as 'govern" or "gather together", and five stars of the Pleiades/Subaru represent the five companies that merged to form Fujitsu Heavy Industries (the parent company of Subaru).

Pretty cool trivia for the astro-inclined!

Narr said...

Psst, Original Mike. I can get you brand new Subaru logos cheap.

How many gross should I put you down for?

Original Mike said...

"Psst, Original Mike. I can get you brand new Subaru logos cheap."

Are you going to pry them off the neighbor's cars?

Achilles said...

Co-Founder of Wikipedia is going to start a competitor.

The problem is that leftists are fascists from start to end.

They cannot compete in a free system of ideas.

Clyde said...

Almost March. Still not SOTU from Biden*. Watching him try to keep it together for 90 minutes without a teleprompter would be quite entertaining. My guess: If and when it happens, Biden* will virtue signal by wearing his mask during the speech, so we can't tell that his lips aren't moving to the audio.

Achilles said...

independent said...

Been watching CPAC. Too bad nobody wants to talk about important issues and conservative values. Everyone is trying to outdo Trump and demonize all Democrats. Boring shit.

Perfect example. I can say with confidence this person talks about "watching" CPAC when it is actually a bunch of filtered pap through some leftwing out let.

Poor Hawley says we need to break up all big tech. What does that even mean? How does one break up a network like Twitter. A-L go with Twitter A and M-Z go with Twitter B. What BS. And he knows this because he is a smart guy. If you don't like Twitter, don't use it. There are many social media platforms out there and you are free to create your own. Or just use email.

Notice not a single quote. Just a stupid generalization. Notice also the admittance that this "independent" poster cannot understand Hawley's position and therefor it must be bad and stupid as if the fault is Hawley's.

And then they argue against government regulation before saying in essence that it is the job of the federal government to write the terms of service for big tech companies.

I am quite sure that Hawley discussed this intelligently and that this person did not make any attempt to engage the ideas.

But I am going to go find a transcript of Hawley's speech just to make sure.

And on and on about cancel culture, as if that means that the likes of Cruz and Hawley should not have to be subject to attacks on their reputation or consequences for the extreme views they spout. The term has meaning in reference to someone unknown having her career and life destroyed because she told a stupid joke about AIDS in South Africa or called the police because she felt a Black man was threatening her and her dog. To apply it to public political figures renders the term meaningless.

Fascists like independent hate having their fascist actions pointed out.

So they resort to censorship.

You are cliche.

Achilles said...

Here you go independent.

Sen. Josh Hawley: (01:50)
"You know that we are facing a crisis in our country. This is one of the great moments of crisis in American history. We’re facing a fight for the republic itself, and we are facing an unprecedented alliance of radical liberals, and the biggest, most powerful corporations in the history of the world. They are standing together. You know who I mean, people like Google, Facebook, if you’ve heard of them, Twitter. These companies have more power than any companies in American history, and they’re aligned with the radical left to try to impose their agenda on this country. They want to run this country, and if we don’t do something, they are going to. And we’ve got a word for that. It’s called oligarchy, and that’s what we’re facing in America right now, and we’ve got a basic choice. We can have a republic where the people rule, or we can have an oligarchy where big tech and the liberals rule."

Tell me how any of that is wrong.

Francisco D said...


Do you think that "independent" deserves a minimum wage raise to $15?

He seems to be working pretty hard here.

Clyde said...

Jersey Fled said...
My daughterclued me in on an app called SkyView. Really cool.

I agree. It's a great app for finding all the planets, stars and constellations. I found it useful when the Grand Conjunction took place a couple of months ago. I got a cool picture of the images of the planets from the inside of my building at work a couple of days before that.

Achilles said...

More from Josh Hawley:

"This is what corporate America and the radical left is doing. This is what they’re doing left, right, and center. And they’re going to keep on doing it unless we do something about it. Now, the real question is, how do we get here? How do we get to this point that these oligarchs, these massive corporations in hoc with the left can do what they’re doing? And you know the answer to that. The answer is that the policy experts in Washington, DC and the elected officials there for decades on end have let them do it. They have given them the power. How did big tech gets so big? Washington gave away the store. That’s how they got so big. Washington subsidized Google and Facebook. Washington subsidized Twitter. And what have these companies, these other mega corporations, these multinational companies… What have they done to repay the favor?

You know, they shipped our jobs to China. They paid our workers poverty wages. They have violated all of the principles that we hold dear. That’s what they’ve done. That’s what these companies… That’s what they live to do, and the left is just fine with it, because the left and these companies together, these oligarchies, they can impose their agenda on the rest of us. And that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. So what are we going to do about it? I mean, that’s the real question, isn’t it? In this moment, in this moment of crisis, our country needs us to take a stand. In this moment of crisis, our country needs us to stand up and to say, “We will not be ruled by giant corporations and the liberal elite.” We will not be told what to do by these modern day oligarchs. "

This all sounds about right to me.

Narr said...

C'mon, man! These are direct-from-factory. Takes way too long to pry, even at a dealership.

Now, you said four gross?

walter said...

I got to the end of Season II and wondered whether a 3rd was coming:
“Counterpart was a great show, we had great partners in MRC and Justin is a great writer, but it was a very complicated show, a very male show. We had picked that show up and made a two season commitment before we’d honed in on this premium female strategy,” he said.
“When you look at bringing shows back, it really has to serve that core premium female audience and if it doesn’t we have to find something else,” Hirsch added. “If it doesn’t serve our core strategy, we’re just not going to do it.”

Achilles said...

Francisco D said...


Do you think that "independent" deserves a minimum wage raise to $15?

He seems to be working pretty hard here.

I think independent is a poorly educated person with mediocre reasoning skills who has never entered an arena where their ideas were challenged nor have they produced much of anything that anyone was willing to pay for.

But despite this complete lack of qualification they believe strongly that they should be in charge of other people's lives and what they can say and what they believe.

They want to destroy hierarchies that value competence and replace them with hierarchies that value connections to the party.

FullMoon said...

Clyde said...

Almost March. Still not SOTU from Biden*. Watching him try to keep it together for 90 minutes without a teleprompter would be quite entertaining. My guess: If and when it happens, Biden* will virtue signal by wearing his mask during the speech, so we can't tell that his lips aren't moving to the audio.

Worked for milli vanilli. Mostly.

The Rise of Milli Vanilli and Dreaded Lip Sync Fail | In ...

Howard said...

Counterpart was excellent. Olivia Williams is ageing quite well. It sucks they didn't continue. Plenty of strong female characters. The wife also loved it.

walter said...

Female directors too..

Original Mike said...

Do they come with the car?

walter said...

Someone should ask this Hirsch fellow, "Are you saying women are simple-minded?"

Narr said...

"Rosenkavalier" on the radio, a Met repeat from 2017, with Fleming and Garanca in their last times as the Marschallin and Octavio.

The opening musical depiction of the act of coitus is very famous, but less well known is the composer's friend Sibelius's rendition in Kullervo. It's the difference between the delights of aristocratic sex in Old Vienna, and an unknowingly incestuous seduction bordering on rape in a folk legend--listen for the grind . . .

Act III up, see you later

daskol said...

I think he's saying JK Simmons isn't that attractive to women.

Howard said...

Oh, yeah... huh. Waddya expect with a main character named Howard

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

ORATION IN MEMORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, delivered at the unveiling of the Freedmen's Monument in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, in Lincoln Park, Washington, D.C., April 14, 1876

Fellow-citizens, the fourteenth day of April, 1865, of which this is the eleventh anniversary, is now and will ever remain a memorable day in the annals of this Republic. It was on the evening of this day, while a fierce and sanguinary rebellion was in the last stages of its desolating power; while its armies were broken and scattered before the invincible armies of Grant and Sherman; while a great nation, torn and rent by war, was already beginning to raise to the skies loud anthems of joy at the dawn of peace, it was startled, amazed, and overwhelmed by the crowning crime of slavery—the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. It was a new crime, a pure act of malice. No purpose of the rebellion was to be served by it. It was the simple gratification of a hell-black spirit of revenge. But it has done good after all. It has filled the country with a deeper abhorrence of slavery and a deeper love for the great liberator.

WA-mom said...

Is it my imagination or does CPAC seem much cooler, younger, hipper and more rebellious this year?

JZ said...

I like that picture with the nearly-full moon!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

walter said...

I got to the end of Season II and wondered whether a 3rd was coming:

If you like sci fi and you've got Amazon Prime, I can highly recommend The Expanse.

The Critical Drinker recommends it, too!

effinayright said...

Whiskeybum said...
Original Mike said...
"What connection do the Pleiades have with a certain car manufacturer?"

Subaru's logo.

Winner! It even goes a bit beyond that - "Subaru" is the Japanese term for the Pleiades constellation. Their logo reflects this. The term "Subaru" translates as 'govern" or "gather together", and five stars of the Pleiades/Subaru represent the five companies that merged to form Fujitsu Heavy Industries (the parent company of Subaru).

Pretty cool trivia for the astro-inclined!

Also interesting: the Pleiades are commonly called "The Seven Sisters", after the seven daughters of Atlas, but the Japanese logo shows only six stars--which is what humans generally see with the naked eye.

But: sometimes on exceptionally clear and dark nights (no moon) you can see more. If you would like to dive into the weeds on this topic, go here:


Most likely seven stars were visible in the pre-industrial past.

Narr said...

Order your car through the Althouse portal.

I notice some mask-slacking, out and about. It'll probably turn quickly.

That's fashion for you

madAsHell said...

so we can't tell that his lips aren't moving to the audio.

Agreed!! I see Pelosi, and posse wearing masks. I see the newscasters wearing masks. It's a deceit.

Make America Cognitive Again!!

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

@govkristinoem: "COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy.
South Dakota is the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close."


narciso said...

counterpart seems to be like a cross between fringe and alias, looks like an interesting show, although higher production values and more prominent actors,

Original Mike said...

I've spent a lot of time at dark sites, yet have never counted how many Pleiades I can detect. I know it's a lot more than 7 (the exact number will be condition-dependent). But from light polluted Madison only 6 are easy.

narciso said...


Big Mike said...

Illini 74 - Badgers 69

narciso said...

I thought he wasnt muslim, (he was just antiwest)


narciso said...

a version that doesn't require translation


Lucien said...

Media types who spend a lot of time “inside the Beltway” seem disturbed by the presence of National Guard units, fences, and razor wire around the Capitol. But as a regular citizen in Kentucky who doesn’t visit DC I feel very little emotional impact.

What is the sense of the commentariat here: does “militarization of Washington” resonate with real people, or just in the swamp?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Full moon? I wonder if Joe howls like a sundowner.

narciso said...

they couldn't even get romney on board,


MadisonMan said...

Agreed with Inga -- the early Spring haze this morning was a delight. It always heralds a good day of melting too, which happened.

Original Mike said...

Badgers 7 - Buckeyes 0

Original Mike said...

Lady Badgers WCHA Champions

Hari said...

Cntrl F at https://www.memeorandum.com/

Trump = 26
Biden = 9

Gospace said...

Wikipedia competitor: infogalactic.com

Promoted heavily by voxday. Not sure of the relationship between the two.

stephen cooper said...

I live about 8 miles from the center of a city (population one million) - the Pleiades are visible - although sometimes only as what astronomers call a "smudge" - most non-hazy nights if the moon is not in the sky nearby.

The Praesepe cluster is visible maybe 40 nights every year, our quiet neighbor the Andromeda galaxy about half that.

With binoculars, it is a different story, dozens of stars in many binocular views. The 80 dollars I spent on Bushnell binoculars back in the 80s was probably the best 80 dollars I ever spent (not counting similar amounts of money spent on certain wonderful dates with .... well, with someone very nice).

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, a good set of binoculars works wonders for ones star and planet observations.

I'm Not Sure said...

Kansas City Fox4 News: 17 cases of the flu reported nationwide last week, down from 15,368 a year ago.

Original Mike said...

I adore my image stabilized Canon 10x42s.

Yancey Ward said...

It is all binary now- COVID/not COVID. Who does the additional testing for a negative result from someone with symptoms? Almost no one.

Gospace said...

Mark said...
@govkristinoem: "COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy.
South Dakota is the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close."

Why she’s numero uno on my list of preferred 2024 presidential candidates. No other governor, which includes a lot of people’s favorite DeSantis because he’s from a large state, can claim that freedom loving distinction.

Lucien said...

What is the sense of the commentariat here: does “militarization of Washington” resonate with real people, or just in the swamp?

That’s a “depends” question. Most sheeple aren’t fully aware of it. Many likely consider it necessary like the unneeded TSA or being searched and scanned when entering a stadium, or what I see as almost the ultimate irony : emptying your pockets to enter Independence Hall or to view the Liberty Bell or board the USS Constitution, all egregious assaults on liberty and freedom. All these things were once not done because they weren’t necessary. They are now being done and they are still unnecessary.

I consider a pocketknife to be an essential tool. I could once carry one everywhere. It’s apparently now a dangerous weapon and I can no longer freely carry on. A pocketknife. And many people applaud that because they are of the mistaken belief it makes them safer.

Yancey Ward said...

One man's pocketknife is another man's weapon of mass insurrection.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

That's OK. They have plastic cutlery.

Oh, wait. Now the progressive new order is moving to ban plastic cutlery because the environment, etc.

I'm Not Sure said...

I carry a small (1 1/2" blade) Swiss Army knife mainly because it has a toothpick. Can't bring it on a plane, but you can take a 6" mechanical pencil, which has a pointed metal tip that could stab someone in the heart.

Yancey Ward said...

Did you know that you can take down the US government with a sharp pencil?

n.n said...

Did you that you can take down the US government with sharp pencil?

A pen, yes. A pencil, perhaps. Was it a high capacity mechanical model? Did it have an integrated muffler... eraser?

n.n said...

does “militarization of Washington” resonate with real people

No. Until momentarily drawn away by the news, in a moment of luxury, people's attention is focused on Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness in the near-domain (i.e. community, family, friends, and personal interests).

Original Mike said...

Wow. Just saw a TV ad from Facebook:

"Personalized Ads help good ideas get found."


Michael McNeil said...

I use a pair of Fujinon mil-spec 10 x 70 binoculars that cost me about $400 back in the day — they've served me well over the last quarter century or so. A couple years back I took it by the Fujinon repair facility in San Diego, because I thought the binocs had gotten less clear — only to find out that the binoculars were still spot-on optically — it was my eyes that had deteriorated.

tim in vermont said...

"it really has to serve that core premium female audience and if it doesn’t we have to find something else,”

Since rhharin is probably in his radio shack right now, I will have to say it... “Soap opera women."

tim in vermont said...

A second woman has accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment, according to a new report. Charlotte Bennett, a 25-year-old former aide to Cuomo, told The New York Times the governor asked her inappropriate personal questions and had told her he was open to relationships with women in their 20s.

Do you think that they will want their Emmy back?

Howard said...

Thanks to G_d Cuomo's flaming out. The last thing we need is another NYC wiseass.

iowan2 said...

Biden is going to charge each WH corospondent $170/day for their daily covid test. How did Trump miss this revenue stream?

Original Mike said...

Joe 'Big Idea' Biden.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Biden is going to charge each WH corospondent $170/day for their daily covid test."

You'd think, considering how hard they work for the government, they'd get them at no charge.

stevew said...

"I'm open to relationships with women in their 20s." has got to be one of, if not the worst pickup lines in male to female courting history. Andrew is a bit younger than I am (4 months). While I am quite capable of acknowledging the beauty of a twenty-something woman, saying something like that to one makes you a pedophile, IMO. FFS, my daughter is 34. What's that rule again, half your age plus 8? Andrew is off, to the downside, by 15 years or so.

Original Mike said...

""I'm open to relationships with women in their 20s." has got to be one of, if not the worst pickup lines in male to female courting history."

It only works if you're governor.

Narr said...

Binocs, check. Just give me some clear skies (doubtful for a week).

Can't live w/o my replacement Swiss Army Knife, basic model. I had to throw my original one away in '19, boarding a flight to Europe. Fuck TSA and the whole tribe of security theater extras.

Personally, I would like to see DC in its militarized state for myself. I figured a while
ago that the hardening started as an over-reaction to the Jan 6 riot, but now I figure that there's some stuff coming down the pike that the Swampies can see, and they are prepping the physical and psychological battlespaces.

July 4th is just around the corner . . . pass it on

Rt41Rebel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rt41Rebel said...

"I'm open to relationships with women in their 20s." has got to be one of, if not the worst pickup lines in male to female courting history."

Worse than suggesting a game of strip poker? That line only works once in a lifetime if you're lucky, and only if you're already playing cards and drinking with freshman coeds.

wildswan said...

-----. The Once and Future President.

Fill in the blank.

Anonymous said...

Hercules Roundup:

Achilles - "We will not be ruled by giant corporations and the liberal elite."
We've always been ruled by giant corporations. GM, back in the day. 'What's good for GM is good for America. This is not a new thing.

Clyde - My daughter clued me in on an app called SkyView.
Pretty cool. Thanks Clyde. Here's an odd thing: I can go to the top of the mountains that surround me, only to discover that the mountain tops are not bare. Trees. Trees that reach to heaven, despite my wanting a clear patch to reach the heaven to which the trees save for themselves. Trees.

Found a place though. It's off Mineral Ridge. 7 years driving on dirt roads before I found it. My old truck had to climb a lot of mountains. I'm embarrassed to admit, that my truck did the work. It seems that things have to be discovered by each of us.

Lucien - "What is the sense of the commentariat here"
The Republic is gone. Democracy is gone. Democrats that whined about the dusty old 'Constitution' have buried it.

For a moment in time, in the mist, there were Men who averred that men have God-given rights. It was Revolutionary. They prayed, 'God let us be free.' They were willing to defend that idea.

Somewhere along the way, Men stopped defending the idea . It was Xenophobic or racist, or any number of -ists.

Turns out, it wasn't enough to be free. We have to be safe. We have to stay safe. FemWorld.

Affirmative Action preference for women in educational and employment opportunities. 40 years. Wear your mask!

Gospace - A pocketknife. And many people applaud that because they are of the mistaken belief it makes them safer.

Two things I always carry with me, everyday, day after day: a handkerchief, and a pocket knife. I rail against the dying of the light. Still...History informs that there are times of light and times of darkness.

Original Mike said...

"7 years driving on dirt roads before I found it. My old truck had to climb a lot of mountains. I'm embarrassed to admit, that my truck did the work. It seems that things have to be discovered by each of us. "

I'm still searching for my northern Wisconsin observing field.

Narr said...

Legal is legal.

Of course a guy like Cuomo is going to get all he can from anyone he can;
that's one of the main reasons some guys go into politics in the first place, and though it's not my style it's also not my concern how young his paramours are because legal is legal.

Any and all "rules" of age-appropriate sex between consenting adults are null and void, and worth no more consideration than vegan complaints about egg-eaters.

Besides, political pussy is often up for grabs

farmgirl said...

Me thinks Independent is the c word...

Anonymous said...

Original Mike - "I'm still searching for my northern Wisconsin observing field."

You jest.


Farmgirl - "Me thinks Independent is the c word..."

Say more.

Mark said...

Me thinks Independent is the c word...

A cracker?

Original Mike said...

"You jest."

I don't. I am pretty picky when it comes to observing sites.

Narr said...

Handkerchief--as much a part of my wardrobe as socks. Moreso when I eschew socks with my sandals.

If I am up and dressed I have a bandana on my person; at night I have a small white hanky tucked into the waistband of my year-round sleepwear--a pair of lightweight cotton shorts.
My roommates used to laugh at me, but when I was a kid I had nasal allergies so bad I needed a rag at all and any times. Old habits . . . die with you.

Let's be fair, BTW, in historical quotations. The line Herc cites is only one half of the story, the other half being "and what's good for America is good for GM." That was bedrock American Century rhetoric, and not really all that sinister in the context--the industry and the country prospered in tandem, unlike today when only corporations more powerful than GM ever dreamed of being prosper at everyone else's expense.

As far as my rights, I don't care whether they're God-given or not. I'll defend them in my way and with whatever means I have available to me, and leave their origin to the philosophers and philosophists.

The right to be offensive is one of my favorites

farmgirl said...

No- sounds an awful lot like the banned commenter that never ever ever had one good thing to say about the common thinking conservative . Only the elite pedo-inclined conservatives were admired by that certain commenter. We were beneath him, IIRC.

But, cracker was a good guess:0)

narciso said...

Corporations have their place, but thet shouldnt dominate, also they should be loyal to this country


walter said...

Perhaps you are allergic to your feet.
Eschew begets ah-choo.

Ga Ga's Frenchies were returned.

Anonymous said...

Original Mike - "I don't. I am pretty picky when it comes to observing sites."

Mike, I have travelled most of these US States. Not Wisconsin nor Minnesota. Your State looks pretty flat. I confess I am ignorant about Wisconsin. It looks flat. Can you say more about it?

DavidUW said...

Half your age plus seven.

I know because my current partner just barely made the cutoff. And she lied about her age at first meeting (pretending to be older). What woman does that?

chuck said...

Corporations have their place, but they shouldn't dominate, also they should be loyal to this country

I miss Andrew Grove.

Bilwick said...

Today on a rerun of a JEOPARDY the answer was Sarah Palin. I hadn't thought of her in a while, and remembered how the Hive's party line about her was that she was stupid. All the so-called Best and Brightest accepted it. And it occurred to me that years later, the people who were most adamant about Palin's lack of mental acuity would support Biden (not to mention that other mental giant, Kamala Harris). Let's savor that for a while, shall we?

stephen cooper said...

I HADN'T THOUGHT ABOUT WALTER CRANCKCASE in a while, but today, walking in the park, I Saw so many parents, who, like the foolish parents who sent their sons to Vietnam,
and who would have been disappinted if their sons had not gone to Vietnam, to die for the glory of LBJ and the creatures who sucked up to LBJ ----- forced their sons to wear masks.

My friends, that was insanity I was seeing ---- parents forcing their children to wear masks outdoors in a park, in the good fresh air God gave us.

More than half of children have reported headaches from their experiences with abusive parents who forced them, against all good reason, to wear masks ALL DAY LONG EVEN OUTSIDE, and I remembered Walter Crankcase, the evil liar , who failed to report on the war crimes he witnessed during the war that he took credit for being on the right side of ALWAYS, without a single word about the war crimes he knew about and lied about ----- the poor little man, when he was old, he SUPPORTED THE VIETNAM WAR WHEN LBJ was president and then he stuck a knife in the back of young AMERICAN MEN who fought the war after Nixon was elected.

God might easily forgive the evil parents who put their poor children through the HELL OF HAVING TO WEAR MASKS all day every day because they are LOSERS who are SHEEPLE (not that sheep ever did anything as selfish) and WHO are EVIL because they force their children to suffer, the way poor Cronkite was so glad to do evil, for reasons that were NOT GOOD REASONS.

God might easily forgive them.

Their children ---- it will be a long road, after long suffering,before they are able to easily forgive.

Just saying. YMMV. MAYBE YOU TOO see nothing wrong with the hell liberal anti-Trump parents have put their children through, FORCING THEM TO WEAR MASKS even outside.

God will forgive you easily if you are just stupid.

If you are not stupid ---- well, I make it a specialty in my prayers to pray for evildoers. So there's that. BUT IT WOULD BE BETTER TO JUST SIMPLY NOT FORCE YOUR CHILDREN TO WEAR MASKS AND TO SUFFER FROM YOUR STUPIDITY.

Yancey Ward said...

Here in Oak Ridge, I have found one really good planet viewing place out on the western edge of town about a quarter mile beyond where the street lights have ended. Pretty good unobstructed view of both horizons, though looking back east has some residual light glow from the town itself, but not bad, but you do have to walk out across a field to get away from Rt 95 and the passing cars. I am looking for an elevated location to get a very good look at the southern sky. I have one location in town, but the light pollution mars it pretty badly.

StephenFearby said...

Dumbing down education in cities controlled by the Left:

Epoch Times

Boston Halts Advanced Learning Program Because Too Many Asian, White Students

'Boston Public Schools (BPS) are halting a selective program for high-performing kids in grades four through six because of a lack of racial equality in the makeup of the student population, local media have reported.

The program, known as Advanced Work Classes (AWC), will be paused for a year, reported PBS-affiliate WGBH.'

'...According to the school district’s website (pdf), the AWC is a full-time program that provides an “accelerated academic curriculum for highly motivated and academically capable students.” Students who wish to participate need to take the popular Terra Nova 3 standardized test, and those who meet the score requirement will be put into a lottery conducted by the central administration office, and lottery winners receive letters inviting them to apply to the program.

Last fall, 453 students received invitations, 143 students applied and 116 enrolled for this year, officials said, reported WGBH.

The decision to pause the AWC is based on a district analysis of the program, which found that more than 70 percent of the students enrolled were Asian or white. By contrast, a Massachusetts state analysis of the BPS suggests that out of the district’s 48,000 students in school year 2020-21, 42 percent are Hispanic, 29 percent are black, 15 percent are white, and only 9 percent are Asian.'

'...Similarly, New York City last month replaced the admission test to its Gifted and Talented program with a lottery [without any testing], as part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s effort to ease what he considers is a problem of racial disparity.

The G&T program, which offers specialized instruction and enrichment opportunities for young learners deemed exceptional, admits students based on a single, high-stakes entrance exam. The de Blasio administration, over the past two years, has argued that the program’s admission format unfairly favors affluent white and Asian middle-class families.'


Yancey Ward said...

"I know because my current partner just barely made the cutoff. And she lied about her age at first meeting (pretending to be older). What woman does that?"

Look on the bright side, she didn't pretend to be a woman.

Joe Smith said...

"The haze is lovely."


William said...

I've got an open mind about dating young, attractive women. I don't think my scruples are the big hurdle to having such relationships, however..... I give Cuomo credit. He hits on attractive women. I always thought that Clinton did not pursue women worthy of the prestige of his office.....From what I've read, it sounds like he was putting out tentative offers. I guess when you're the Governor, you can't do things like that, but he doesn't operate at a Spitzer, Schneiderman, or Weiner level. He's one of the better behaved NYC pols.....It is edifying and instructive to note that heavy handed flirting can cause a greater scandal than making a bad decision that caused thousands of deaths.

Joe Smith said...

"Still not SOTU from Biden*. Watching him try to keep it together for 90 minutes without a teleprompter would be quite entertaining."

They will write it for 12 minutes...15 tops.

Problem solved.

Yancey Ward said...

The best location I have ever been to see the sky, though, was the top of Mauna Kea. We were there only an hour after sunset, but it was stunning how clear the sky was.

Joe Smith said...

"Counterpart was excellent. Olivia Williams is ageing quite well. It sucks they didn't continue. Plenty of strong female characters."

Am watching the end of the first season as I type this...

Acting is great...good story.

But all of the trained assassins, except for the 100-pound soaking wet girl can't shoot straight. Stevie Wonder would do better.

Of course, this slip of a thing beats the crap out of all the burly men (so far).

Kind of silly on the 'girl power' meter.

Joe Smith said...

"I always thought that Clinton did not pursue women worthy of the prestige of his office"

A good observation.

The explanation is that Clinton was/is a total horn-dog.

He will fuck anything that moves.

Standards do not apply.

Rt41Rebel said...

"I always thought that Clinton did not pursue women worthy of the prestige of his office"

IOW, women who didn't understand the rules of the world they were in, and Clinton didn't understand either.

Yancey Ward said...

I like the first season of "Counterpart" a lot- I liked season 2 a little less. It ends on a big cliffhanger, though, that will never be resolved now.

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe Smith said...

"I like the first season of "Counterpart" a lot- I liked season 2 a little less."

Will begin watching season 2 tomorrow probably.

I am a nit picky kind of viewer...Aspergers-like when it comes to details.

There are a LOT of holes in the story.

Still enjoyable, but many obvious mistakes if you are really watching.

The Crack Emcee said...

It's my birthday - and I Feel Like The Missing Link


gadfly said...

First the "good news" on Pfizer and Moderna vaccines published in Rupert Murdoch's favorite news rag:

Single doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are more than 92 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 illness after two weeks, Canadian researchers are saying.

The FDA’s own data show that a single shot of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine is 92.6 percent effective after two weeks, and a single Moderna jab is 92.1 percent effective, the researchers note in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Getting that second shot of Pfizer’s vaccine hikes the efficacy only marginally, to 94 percent, according to a separate study based on real-world data from Israel’s vaccination program.

And so the prescribed second doses should be given instead to those in priority groups who are still waiting for their first shot, “given the current vaccine shortage,” the researchers urge.

Then there is the other side of the story from The Alliance for Human Research Protection:

BBC reported in January that Israel, one of the top countries when it comes to vaccinating against Covid-19, bought large stocks of the jab in exchange for acting as the world's guinea pig.

The COVID-19 vaccine phase 3 clinical trials have not yet been completed. This is why both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines have NOT been licensed by the FDA. Both vaccines received “Emergency Use Authorization.” Speedy development . . . precluded obtaining sufficient information about adverse side effects; in particular, serious, long term adverse effects.

Pfizer . . . acknowledged that despite being vaccinated with Pfizer’s vaccine, monkeys became infected when they were exposed to the virus. Pfizer did not test whether vaccinated people could also become infected when exposed to the virus. It is, therefore, entirely possible that the Covid-19 vaccine is no defense against infection.

In January WHO acknowledged the Moderna's efficacy has yet to be determined.

“In effect, Bibi [Netanyahu] has signed up his people, all seven million citizens aged 12 years and over, without our informed consent, to become the first country in its entirety to do human testing on a technology which has been, for many decades, attempted and failed in the laboratory . . . . Our citizens must first and foremost define the discussion in order to accurately weigh the choices . . . . [We] have been given little information at all and that includes complete opacity of data on the unfolding outcomes of adverse reactions currently taking place.” [Ilana Rachel Daniel, Arutz Sheva, Israel National News]

On January 19, 2021, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that over 12,400 Israelis who had been vaccinated tested positive for Covid – that’s 6.6% of the 189,000 vaccinated people. Dr. Nachman Ash, Israel’s national pandemic coordinator, warned on Army Radio that: “Many people have been infected between the first and second injections of the vaccine. The protective effect appears “lower than we thought [and] lower than [the data] presented by Pfizer.”

Mutaman said...

'And nothing about the election and whether it was stolen. Why would that be? Isn't that the big issue among the base? Are they self-cancelling out of fear that they might lose some corporate campaign contributions. Poor poor them."

The Know Nothing crowd pretty much piped down on this issue when the fools breached the capital, and has shut up completely ever since Smartmatic's process server showed up at Lou Dobbs' house.

Marcus Bressler said...

Older men with younger women may be creepy to some (unless you're rich and/or a rock star) but it is not pedophilia. You would think people who follow Althouse would know the meaning of words: to wit, "Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children."

Bobby Slayton, the self-proclaimed "Pit Bull of Comedy", tells of his wife upbraiding him for looking at some twenty-something girls, saying, "They're your daughter's age!" His reply? "But I don't want to fuck my daughter, I want to fuck those girls."

Men have always been attracted to young, beautiful women and there are women who are attracted to older, experienced and wiser men. I wouldn't put Cuomo in the "wiser" category. But maybe your feeling of "that's creepy" if you see a May-December couple is just envy behind those green eyeglasses.


Ann Althouse said...

"I've got an open mind about dating young, attractive women. I don't think my scruples are the big hurdle to having such relationships, however..... I give Cuomo credit. He hits on attractive women. I always thought that Clinton did not pursue women worthy of the prestige of his office.....From what I've read, it sounds like he was putting out tentative offers. I guess when you're the Governor, you can't do things like that, but he doesn't operate at a Spitzer, Schneiderman, or Weiner level. He's one of the better behaved NYC pols.....It is edifying and instructive to note that heavy handed flirting can cause a greater scandal than making a bad decision that caused thousands of deaths."

Distorting the workplace so that some women are given sex-based access and others are passed over and all men are on a different track and doing this deliberately and over a long period of time is an abuse of power and it's plainly illegal. That is indeed worse than making a policy decision in good faith and then finding out it was the wrong choice.

Lucien said...

Ann, it’s that “in good faith” assumption that leads to trouble. You construe the employment issue in the least charitable way, and then the nursing home issue in the most charitable way. In any event, the needless suffering and death of thousands Should be a bigger scandal than workplace unfairness for a few. And that’s before getting to the coverup issue. Power sure does corrupt, doesn’t it?

alan markus said...

Happy birthday Crack.

For the 2nd time when I slide over to your site Blogger gives me a "Sensitive Content Warning" with a button that I have to click to either proceed or back away.

What the hell.

Rusty said...

Oh,damn. Well. Happy Birthday Crack! Make it a memorable one.

William said...

He was ham handed in the way he handled his flirtations. He was ham handed in the way he handled the COVID nursing home patients and the subsequent questions about their care....Generally people who are overbearing and bullying in one area of life will use that aspect in all areas of life. I suppose you can debate the fine points, but I think Kim, the politician who he yelled at, has more grounds to feel offended than the woman he offered to play strip poker with....Pols and their sleaze. Spitzer apparently kept a Church/State separation between his marriage, his career, and his sex life. I count him sleazier although no career female bureaucrats were harmed in his pursuit of pleasure....I think maybe Weiner might be the most innocuous. I don't disapprove of phone sex per se, but you shouldn't do it in front of your children....Schneiderman was a total sleaze. He got fast dunked down the memory hole, but his behavior was god awful wrong.

Yancey Ward said...

Game, set, and match to Lucien.

Original Mike said...

Hercules: Sorry I didn't answer last night. Went to bed.

The observing site I'm looking for would have:
1) good horizons (big field)
2) low light pollution both overhead and no light domes (such as over cities and towns). Its especially important not to have a light dome to the south.
3) no direct line-of-sight light source (street lights, pole lights, porch lights)
4) upland, away from water
5) a place I can spend the night. It takes an hour to take down the telescope and it's often sopping wet from dew. Better to crawl into my tent to sleep and not take down the scope until the sun has dried it. So that means either public land or a place I can make arrangements with the land owner.

I would love to find a place to buy. Been looking for years.

Lurker21 said...

Our new transportation secretary takes a Rideshare communal bicycle home from work.

Does that reflect his plans for the nation as a whole?

Pete loves trains, thinks airports are romantic, and is an avid bicyclist.

Maybe he should have downplayed the gay thing and presented himself as the first presidential candidate with Asperger's.

Joe Smith said...

"Distorting the workplace so that some women are given sex-based access and others are passed over and all men are on a different track and doing this deliberately and over a long period of time is an abuse of power and it's plainly illegal."

What she said.

And if you're the boss, don't dip your pen in the company ink...

Narr said...

Just to be clear, I'm not justifying anything that Gov Comeon did--I hope and expect that the allegations will be investigated and that justice--whatever that means--is done.

In my career on campus, I hired (and sometimes fired), trained, mentored, and taught some very attractive younger women. Hell, some of the older women were pretty attractive too.

By the time I retired in 2015 the U had adopted something like a Pence policy, and I had followed it myself for years-- minimal private meatspace contact, no flirting, no prying, NO PHYSICAL CONTACT.

The ironic thing is that as a librarian I worked with a bunch of (mostly Southern) ladies who hug. I HATE physical contact with adults of either sex, under any circumstance outside sex, and it took a while to, as they say, establish boundaries.

The Straightest Arrow

Gospace said...

Ann Althouse said...

Distorting the workplace so that some women are given sex-based access and others are passed over and all men are on a different track and doing this deliberately and over a long period of time is an abuse of power and it's plainly illegal. That is indeed worse than making a policy decision in good faith and then finding out it was the wrong choice.

Somehow you rarely see the women who benefited from sex-based access complain. I think we should get the current vice-president of the United States to weigh in on the issue. She has some very personal experience with it.

Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse -"Distorting the workplace so that some women are given sex-based access and others are passed over and all men are on a different track and doing this deliberately and over a long period of time is an abuse of power and it's plainly illegal. That is indeed worse than making a policy decision in good faith and then finding out it was the wrong choice."

Ann...Congress dictated 40 years ago that women would have Affirmative Action Preference in all educational and employment opportunities. We're there now. Feminists have prevailed.

We've achieved the New Society!

We all believe that women can absolutely be Policemen and Firemen and Soldiers. We better believe that, Comrade.

At the same time...We must believe that women should not have to compete with neutered males in Sports because the males are bigger and stronger, and it's not fair!

Still...We have to believe that women can absolutely be Policemen and Firemen and Soldiers.

You guys! The girls have pony tails swishing out of the back of their Police caps, and Fireman caps, and soldier caps. They're so cute! Feminism prevails.

Anonymous said...

Original Mike - "The observing site I'm looking for would have:"

Big Sky Country. Montana. Take a vacay. Check out Glacier National Park. For the last decade it had a sign at the visitor's center that decried the Glaciers were melting and soon would be gone. Because of CLIMATE CHANGE...dum..dum..dum.

(Democrats and Climate Changers...whaddya gonna do)

Don't worry...the Park quietly removed the sign 2 years ago because the Glaciers are expanding, not melting.

I'm 100 miles away from GNP. Get out there when I can. Big Sky. You can see the Galaxy we inhabit.

Anonymous said...

Mutaman- "the fools breached the capital,"

In 2018, Democrats breached the Capitol and occupied the Rotunda to protest a Supreme Court Nominee. Throughout W's term Code Pink breached Senate Hearing Rooms.

The News Media exhorted, "This is what Democracy looks like!"

In 2020, a peaceful protest was held to ask Congress to delay the counting of electors until the massive, in your face, vote fraud was looked into. Before that our courts refused to hear the people seeking redress or deign to view the evidence.

The Democrats' dogs, the FBI was mobilized to hunt down those who dared protest without a DNC approved voter card. It was the same FBI that sought to overthrow a sitting President, merely 4 years earlier.

Sometimes Tyranny arrives with a pony tail swish, out the back of an FBI cap.