February 10, 2021

An Afternoon Café...

 ... in case you need to talk.

I can see that the impeachment trial is back, but I am not watching. Feel free to talk about it or anything else.


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Owen said...

It’s not an “impeachment trial.” It’s the debate phase before Congress votes to pass a bill of Attainder.

Gusty Winds said...

Anderson Cooper compared Trump supporters to perpetrators of the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides on CNN today.

Owen said...

In his heart, Anderson Cooper has never left middle school.

tcrosse said...

Now is the winter of our discontent, made New York summer by this son of Gloria.

Narr said...

I see snippets on TV and hear snippets on NPR . . . The latter reports breathlessly and triumphantly that for the DOJ and FBI this is the biggest effort since 9/11, and that some of the hundreds accused already may flip on the higher-ups.

I can well believe the claim about effort; they have clearly relished the chance to return to the main business of spying on non-Swampies rather than fighting actual criminals (which is dangerous).

And that's all I've got to say about that

LYNNDH said...

I see that now the WH is saying the lockdowns might continue until Thanksgiving. They forgot to say what year though.
Oh Flatten the Curve, my you know what.

h said...

Should Women's Liberation Front be banned from UWis Law School Job Fair?

Curious George said...

Today is the ten year anniversary of the passing of Act 10 in Wisconsin. Wisconsin taxpayers have saved almost $14 billion dollars in that time.

Thank you Governor Walker.

wildswan said...

It's kind of interesting to hear that Trump is accused of whipping up the 100,000 or more people at his rally and launching those 100,000 or more at the Capitol and to hear that as a result of this impassioned, emotional overwhelming appeal to the 100,000
people (most of them previously identified by the the FBI as planning to protest inside the Capitol), actually did gain entrance. They wandered about looking for someone to protest to. And this is why there is razor wire around the Capitol and 6,000 troops in DC. Why am I reminded of the stories about conditions at the Superdome during Katrina? Ghastly - and false. And remember the weather reporter struggling to remain upright in wind and water? as elderly people and children people strolled by behind him.

stevew said...

I and others asked last spring what things, events, signals, science had to happen that would trigger our government masters to release us from the "Two weeks to flatten the curve" regime. Our very own Iowan2 has continued asking that question regularly long past the time I tired of being ignored. They still will not go on record. I'm left to conclude that these policies will never be rolled back, at least by many state leaders. And for those that do return their state to pre-Covid normal, you can be sure Slo' Joe Biden's handlers and puppet masters will issue executive orders and fiats attempting to reinstate them there.

Sad but I suspect true.

Mike Sylwester said...

Even though Carter Page is a secret agent of Russian Intelligence, the FBI was not able to arrest and prosecute him.

Maybe Carter Page organized the invasion of the Capitol building on orders from Russian Intelligence.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Gusty Winds said...

Anderson Cooper compared Trump supporters to perpetrators of the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides on CNN today.

Every time Anderson and Fredo open their mouths, I always feel that somewhere out there Josef Goebbels is smiling.

rhhardin said...

Robins are eating the smooth sumac berries. Birds hate the stuff so it's not eaten until it's the last thing left, in Feb-Mar.

Andrew said...

Serious question: How can any trial have legitimacy if the judge is biased against the defendant? After Justice Roberts turned it down, surely another actual judge could be found. I realize that in this context it's largely a ceremonial role, but still. What's the point of having the equivalent of prosecutors and defense attorneys, if the judge (Leahy) is on the same team as the prosecutors, and has a vested interest in the trial coming out a particular way? Isn't this whole thing a farce on that basis alone?

A good defense attorney would confront that directly. "Senator Leahy, I ask that you recuse yourself. I ask that we postpone this trial until a neutral judge can be found who does not have a political axe to grind."

Am I missing something? Has this been addressed at all? How is this being justified?

jaydub said...

Scored my first Wuflu shot on Monday; second one scheduled for 1 March (Note the proper use of the semicolon.) Three weeks after I get the second one I will not be wearing a mask. If Slo Joe has a problem with that, he'll have to come get me, and bring a because I won't have any.

Meade said...

“Now is the winter of our discontent, made New York summer by this son of Gloria.”

Dive, thoughts, down to my soul: here
Jake of Tapper comes.

narciso said...

nothing to see here,


narciso said...

well it's pretty pitiful


don't think they haven't forgotten they failed to take out dc back on september 11th,

mockturtle said...

The tiger now hath seized the gentle hind.

narciso said...

riding the scorpion, and then they sting you,


Humperdink said...

So it was leaked that Bruce Springsteen was bagged for a DUI back in November. Probably not in a Jeep though.

Heard on Howie Carr's show this afternoon: "The way for Springsteen to beat the charge is to say he wasn't Born in the USA".

Tommy Duncan said...

Strong in this thread the mockery and sarcasm are. Good thread this one is.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jerry said...

They're burning credibility and goodwill with the non-left like cheap firewood.

Where do they expect to go after this? What do they think they'll be able to get 'bipartisan' cooperation with?

n.n said...

Maybe Carter Page organized the invasion of the Capitol building on orders from Russian Intelligence.

100,000 dollar capital investment with forward-looking returns.

Meanwhile, the CCP and its leftist ideological couplets invest billions annually in democratic gerrymandering, to suppress human rights skepticism, spread the Green Blight, and for other purposes. To their credit, they have progressed from Planned Population to one-child (i.e. single/central choice) to selective-child i.e. delegated choice), cancel culture and concentration/re-education camps. One step forward, two steps backward.

MadisonMan said...

The State Journal asked readers to comment on Act 10. I haven't yet seen the replies.
As for me, it turned me off of the Democratic Party tantrums that occur when voters stray. It really informed my views of the first Impeachment trial on "Russian Collusion". As Feingold was shown on tape: It's not over 'til we win.
Sorry voters, you are not important. That's what Feingold's message is.

Mark said...

The latter reports breathlessly and triumphantly that for the DOJ and FBI this is the biggest effort since 9/11

Some people remember their zeal in going after groups at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Old Star said...

It is forbidden to refer to the virus afflicting us by its place of origin- initially dubbed the Wuhan virus, but somehow that became unacceptable and the COVID neologism was created and put into general use by the media. This is despite a long history of other infectious diseases being named by the place of origin or first appearance- Spanish flu, Ebola virus, West Nile virus, Marburg, Zika, Lyme, Rocky Mountain, ad nauseam.
Interesting that it is apparently acceptable to refer to the appearance of the various variants by their places of origin- U.K, Brazil, South Africa, and now California.

n.n said...

They're burning credibility and goodwill with the non-left like cheap firewood.

A double-edges scalpel, perhaps. Throwing babies on the barbie for social progress.

Mark said...

Unarmed women were killed at both places too, including one mother shot dead by an FBI agent as she stood in her own doorway.

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
effinayright said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Gusty Winds said...

Anderson Cooper compared Trump supporters to perpetrators of the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides on CNN today.

Every time Anderson and Fredo open their mouths, I always feel that somewhere out Willie Brown is smiling.


Mark said...

Meanwhile, the Biden Police State is building detention facilities for migrants at the border.

Howard said...

I had let the driveway mouth narrow over the last few snowstorms. Spent the afternoon shifting the plow piles to the lawn interior and cut the apron back to the edge of the grass.

Swimming at the community center with my covid workout friends in an hour.

Started watching "Moving Art" on Netflix last night. It's a beautifully filmed nature program with no talking, just picture and "nature" sounds. New Zealand was mesmerizing.

mockturtle said...

All the 'alphabets', e.g., the FBI, CIA, ATF, DOJ and the DHS should be dismantled. Think of the money we'd save.

independent said...

Sorry you have decided not to tune in Ann. Your considered thoughts on momentous events are always appreciated. That's why I read this blog.

Spiros said...

What are the Democrats trying to accomplish? We know that it is impossible to defend every single act committed by every rioter. There were some bad hombres in that crowd. So what? People our scummy elite dismissed as "deplorables" and White Trash suddenly became impossible to ignore. The Capital Hill riots and the threat of social instability will provide a powerful incentive for the elites to behave themselves. That includes clean, fraud free elections. No more bullsh*t mail in ballots.

Don't get me wrong. I believe that election fraud is rare. But when fraud does occur, it usually involves absentee or mail ballots. I think this happened in November. A lot of fraud! And a lot of people exploded in anger.

Jim at said...

Anderson Cooper compared Trump supporters to perpetrators of the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides on CNN today.

If we were those types of people, he'd be dead already.
And yet ...

mockturtle said...

From PJ Media, Rand Paul calls out more hypocrisy from the lead impeachment manager:
"On Wednesday, as the second day of former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial began, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) noted that Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the Democrats’ lead impeachment manager in the Senate trial, himself fought against the certification of the Electoral College vote in the 2016 election. Democrats have impeached Trump for “incitement of insurrection” in part because Trump encouraged Republicans to contest the electoral certification on January 6 before the Capitol riot. Raskin himself has argued that Trump’s “Big Lie” of 2020 election fraud incited the violence."

Mark said...

Am I missing something? Has this been addressed at all? How is this being justified?

Technically, Leahy is not the judge. And Roberts would not be the judge either if he were there.

The "judge" or rather, the judges, are the 100 members of the Senate. The one sitting in the chair is merely a presiding officer.

roesch/voltaire said...

Bit by bit the unreality of some Republicans comes crashing into the reality of how Jan 6th was set up by the big lie including Trump's brag that "I don't know if I'll do the fighting myself or if other people will.." This from the draft dodger who told the crown that he would lead them to the capital and then ran back to watch the riot on TV for hours abandoning his office and pledge to protect our government.

Freeman Hunt said...

In The Madness of Crowds, Douglas Murray mentions Conundrum by Jan Harris. Harris is a transgender woman, and the book describes this experience. It's short, so I thought, "Why not?" I'm glad I did because it's incredibly well-written, so well-written that I think even people who are fairly hostile to the idea of transgenderism, especially as regards the modern activist element, would enjoy it.

I usually don't like people's descriptions of places, but Harris's are a treat.

mockturtle said...

What size shrouds should I knit for the CNN crew?

Mark said...

Anderson Cooper compared Trump supporters to perpetrators of the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides on CNN today.

White progressive imperialists like Cooper think they can say any offensive thing they want. Why doesn't he whitesplain to some Rwandan family whose loved ones were hacked to death with machetes how some idiot wearing horns in the Senate chamber is just the same as their loved ones being hacked to death with machetes.

Jaq said...

Well your brother’s bound and gagged
And they’ve chained him to a chair,
Won’t you please come to Chicago
No one else can take your place

In a land that’s known for freedom
how can such a thing be fair?

Turns out that the constitution has terms and conditions, and that all the left rally wanted was to be the ones gagging people.

Chris Lopes said...

". The one sitting in the chair is merely a presiding officer"

Which the Constitution clearly states is to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Since his Honor has decided not to participate in this proceeding, it is not in fact an impeachment trial. It may be perfectly legal in the sense that the Senate is allowed to run its chamber anyway it likes. What it probably isn't is a process that would pass muster as constitutional by the body actually designated to judge such things.

Ken B said...

Americans gave Democrats total control of the federal government.
Now Democrats will give the federal government total control of Americans.

Yancey Ward said...

And, yet, somehow, Anderson Cooper and all the congresscritters there on January 6th still have their arms, legs, and heads attached to their bodies. So, yes, totally like Rwanda.

Ken B said...

It was on CNN that a host was musing on drone strikes on citizens, on US soil. Which sounds a tad more Rwandaish to me.

Mark said...

I think that Cuban probably had it right the first time.

It's rather self-delusional to play the national anthem these days in the Biden Police State.

mockturtle said...

It was on CNN that a host was musing on drone strikes on citizens, on US soil.

I think she was on MSNBC.

Kai Akker said...

---I usually don't like people's descriptions of places, but Harris's are a treat.

Originally a travel writer, if memory serves.

(Please serve!)

narciso said...

the punchline is the one who launched the missile attack against the president of ryanda, don't ask me to spell it, kagame, and hence sparked the massacre, is still president nearly 30 years later and regarded as a statesman,

Ken B said...

Yes, MSNBC. It was on CNN they were calling libertarians terrorists.

Mark said...

So I saw some of that new video footage showing people breaching the Capitol.

They look like a bunch of tourists walking in.

Kai Akker said...

Nope, that was Jan Morris, who began his transition to her in the 1960s. Lots of praise for his and her writings.

Kai Akker said...

---They look like a bunch of tourists walking in.

Totally, Mark. And chatting with security guards. This was the mildest Insurrecdtion the world has ever known.

Joe Smith said...

You might want to check out the Twitter feed of Laurence Fox (the English actor):


He started a new political party based on common sense, free speech, and old-school liberalism; the Reclaim Party.

It’s very sad to see what’s going on in the United Kingdom these days…unfortunately it appears to be our future.

It is very much akin to some sort of mass psychosis.

Here are examples:





Very troubling indeed…

Roughcoat said...

Dive, thoughts, down to my soul: here
Jake of Tapper comes.

Ha ha ha! That made me laugh!

Mike Sylwester said...

The New York Times Has Used the N-Word 6,481 Times

Freeman Hunt said...

Thank you for the catch, Kai. I meant Morris! Not sure why I typed Harris. Ah, well, good thing you stopped by.

Kai Akker said...

Aha, that is a relief to know, Freeman Hunt... !

narciso said...

he's the son of edward fox, and the nephew of james fox, one of whom was the jackal in day of the jackal,

Hey Skipper said...

@R/V: Bit by bit the unreality of some Republicans comes crashing into the reality of how Jan 6th was set up by the big lie including Trump's brag that "I don't know if I'll do the fighting myself or if other people will.."

Okay, if you want to play by that rule, then do:

Fight for $X minimum wage ...

Fight for reproductive health ...

Fight for women's rights ...

And that is before you start ignoring that social media, having appointed itself arbitor of what I ideas I may be exposed to, has essentially silenced Trump. Kind of like he saw what was coming.

Friendo said...

Anderson Cooper is an hysterical fag.

Joe Smith said...

"he's the son of edward fox, and the nephew of james fox, one of whom was the jackal in day of the jackal,"

Also the sidekick of Inspector Lewis...

Douglas B. Levene said...

In my humble opinion, it would constitute an impeachable abuse of power for a president intentionally to orchestrate a campaign of lies about election fraud to overturn an election he lost, whether or not that campaign led to violence. Does anyone disagree? If so, would you feel the same way if it were a Democratic president who were so charged?

The question then is whether the facts support that charge against President Trump. I guess we’ll never know since the Democrats have decided not to present a full trial on the merits, with witnesses and evidence proving that Trump intentionally orchestrated a campaign of lies to overturn the election, and Trump presenting evidence in his defense. That is the type of factual question a trial could potentially resolve.

(N.b. This is not the charge made in the bill of impeachment and I am not addressing whether the Senate can conduct a trial on a different charge than the one made by the House.)

Meade said...

“The tiger now hath seized the gentle hind.”

Because sweet Baron flowers are slow and Kamala weeds make haste.

Kai Akker said...

Yes, I disagree, Douglas Levene. A citizen, including the outgoing President, is free to make whatever relevant comments he wants. The polis of our voters can distinguish truth from falsity as its capabilities allow. Democratic presidential candidates have already shredded every canon of restraint and political etiquette that existed up until maybe 40 years ago. And you know what else.... ah, never mind.

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

Wake up, Revolutionaries! No impeachment is actually occurring. It's a hoax perpetrated by the Democrat media. A high-level non-deep state intelligence source will reveal all sometime in March. In the meantime, don't fall for any of it. WWG1WGA.

Rabel said...

"The question then is whether the facts support that charge against President Trump."

"(N.b. This is not the charge made in the bill of impeachment and I am not addressing whether the Senate can conduct a trial on a different charge than the one made by the House.)"

Your parenthetical invalidates your own identification of "The question." It is clearly not "The question."

You're not one of Trump's impeachment lawyers are you?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“We need to see a fair trial ... but I am not watching.”

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Humperdink said...

So it was leaked that Bruce Springsteen was bagged for a DUI back in November. Probably not in a Jeep though.

Heard on Howie Carr's show this afternoon: "The way for Springsteen to beat the charge is to say he wasn't Born in the USA".

Jeep pulled his shitty Super Bowl add from Youtube.

Arashi said...

Its the internet - once posted it never goes away. Jeep should have thought of the impact of the ad before they decided to krap on most of their customers. Hopefully, they will reap their reward - many, many lost sales. But since they do jot have the power of introspection, they will not get why they screwed up, but will instead blame it on 'outside forces'. It is surprising that so few people take any responsibility for their own failures any more.

Humperdink said...

@NorthOfTheOneOhOne. Reading your link it would appear the ad was a total failure.

"On Instagram, 50% of respondents said they loved the ad while another 50% hated it. Twitter was similarly divided: 33% loved it, 35% hated it and 33% said it was 'meh.'"

Jersey Fled said...

Its been 22 days since Biden took office and he hasn't even won a Nobel prize yet.

What is this world coming to?

Tommy Duncan said...

In the unlikely event the Senate impeaches private citizen Trump, do they have the power to prevent him from holding future office?

Do they have that power over private citizens? If so, do they then have the power in future elections to deny a politician from the opposing party the right to hold office? For example, if Ted Cruz was running for President in 2024 could the Democrats impeach him (as a non-President) to prevent him from being a Presidential candidate?

Hey Skipper said...

The NYT is all in on panic porn: The CDC Says Tight-Fit Masks or Double Masking Increases Protection

The NYT article starts out by citing the NYT, which starts out with:

The public health debate on masks is settled, said Joseph G. Allen, director of the Healthy Buildings program at Harvard. When you wear a mask, “you protect yourself, you protect others, you prevent yourself from touching your face,” he said. And you signal that wearing a mask is the right thing to do.

(BTW, to beat the NYT paywall, stop the page load before the paywall shows up.)

And follows up with:

New research by the [CDC] shows that transmission of the virus can be reduced by up to 96.5 percent if both an infected individual and an uninfected individual wear tightly fitted surgical masks or a cloth-and-surgical-mask combination.

Where zero percent is up to 95%, and the new research by the CDC isn't linked, and it seems rather late in the day for the CDC to have done this essential research. Seems rather negligent to have let an opportunity to save 424,000 lives.

President Biden has challenged Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his presidency ...

YMMV, but I challenget Pres Biden to lolgf.

Dr. Brooks cautioned that the new study was based on laboratory experiments, and it’s unclear how these masking recommendations will perform in the real world ...

I'm going with not at all.

Daily cases have been sinking like a greased safe for the last two months. Lord knows it isn't due to the CDC's belated study on masks.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Old Star said...

"It is forbidden to refer to the virus afflicting us by its place of origin- initially dubbed the Wuhan virus, but somehow that became unacceptable and the COVID neologism was created and put into general use by the media. This is despite a long history of other infectious diseases being named by the place of origin or first appearance..."

Political correctness and factual correctness are inversely related.

Hey Skipper said...

Oh, for a Preview function, where I could discover "seems rather late" twice in two sentences.

Wait. What?

I'm Not Sure said...

"Its been 22 days since Biden took office and he hasn't even won a Nobel prize yet.

Not enough armed soldiers and barbed wire yet.

WK said...

If Trump is found “guilty” in the Senate at the end of this “impeachment process” - can he or does he have standing to have the Supreme Court review to determine if the process was constitutional or if it was some how a bill of attainder? What would be the appeals process since he is no longer president? Or is there no process?

iowan2 said...

In my humble opinion, it would constitute an impeachable abuse of power for a president intentionally to orchestrate a campaign of lies about election fraud to overturn an election he lost, whether or not that campaign led to violence

No. You have an undefinable "crime' all he words you use are emotional pleas, and are 100% dependent on a myriad of definitions that rely on opinions, not fact, to reach your conclusion.
What you did, is craft the question to support your conclusion.

Dr Weevil said...

Douglas B. Levene (5:56pm):
I think your statement needs to be generalized just a bit: "it would constitute an impeachable abuse of power for a president [or presidential candidate] intentionally to orchestrate a campaign of lies about election fraud to overturn an election he [or she] lost, whether or not that campaign led to violence." Looks like we can and should impeach Hillary.

Douglas B. Levene said...

@WK: There's no appeal from an impeachment conviction, not to any court. However, if Trump is convicted and if the Senate votes to bar him from running for president again, and if some state election official down the road refuses to put Trump's name on the ballot because of that bar, then he can sue that official for an injunction ordering the official to put Trump on the ballot, and the courts would have to decide whether the impeachment and bar were constitutional.

hpudding said...

Hey man! If shouting "fire!" in a crowded theater is an "undefinable" crime then I guess it's ok for a president to incite a crowd to violently storm a capitol. The PLO trots out this sorry excuse for an argument every time one of their terrorist leaders is stricken by an IDF piloted Apache helicopter. Good to see that some people in Iowa are using these Palestinian terrorist tactics for themselves! The PLO's legacy is alive and well in the American heartland. Nice.

Meade said...

“ Looks like we can and should impeach Hillary”

And Obama.

Kai Akker said...

---storm a capitol.

Attention Ann! MISSPELLING tag needed here.

Kai Akker said...

But who is dispatching these luridly illiterate trolls?

Douglas B. Levene said...

@iowan2: I reject your implicit assumption that there is no such thing as a lie. Courts are called upon all the time to decide who is lying and who isn't. A lie is a material misstatement of a past or present fact. It's not a prediction, and it's not an opinion. If you claim that Dominion changed thousands or millions of votes, that is an assertion of past fact, and it is either true or false. Courts are well suited to determine if that claim is false or not, as well as whether the person making that statement knew it was false or didn't care about its true or falsity.

Owen said...

I just caught a bit of NPR commenting on the day's entertainment and they (Nina Totenberg) said the House managers drove home (and home; and home) the point that Trump is guilty of incitement because (1) for months before January 6 he campaigned and then continued to argue after the "election" that he was being ripped off (which argument stoked his crowds and raised (or lowered) the general mood, making "insurrection" more likely and (2) on January 6 he ONLY TWEETED SIX TIMES and did not ever tweet nicely, that is, ask people to go home peacefully and patriotically. And he failed to contact Mike Pence to ask how safe he felt and how his kids were.

This is just a small and probably way-skewed sample of whatever was actually argued today by the Dems, but I must say it sets the bar for impeachable incitement pretty low. I run for office and engage in the usual hyperbole and metaphor; months later somebody wearing my campaign schwag is picked up for fisticuffs in a parking lot; the House managers cherry-pick my remarks with the help of YouTube and voilà, I am impeached.

Tell me again what that First Amendment thingie says?

hpudding said...

Dennis v. United States and Brandenburg v. Ohio seem to be the operative principles for holding a defendant criminally liable for inciting imminent lawless action. And of course impeachment convictions do not require violation of an existing statute anyway. Checkmate, Beeyotches!

Mark said...

I repeat the question I asked earlier today --

Why do some people think that judges (even judges of the Supreme Court) will be our saviors???

iowan2 said...


There is no appeal. As far as I can tell, Trump will suffer no damages. The Roberts Court has signaled loud and clear, anything the Dems do will be considered a political not judicial concern. Reverse for Republicans.

Meade said...

Twitter sucks without Trump. If Twitter is smart, they’ll bring back Trump.

iowan2 said...


You said impeachment. Now you are talking judges and criminal trial.

Get you hypothetical consistent and get back to me.

narciso said...



Achilles said...

hpudding said...

Dennis v. United States and Brandenburg v. Ohio seem to be the operative principles for holding a defendant criminally liable for inciting imminent lawless action. And of course impeachment convictions do not require violation of an existing statute anyway. Checkmate, Beeyotches!

Bill of Attainder.

5 Syllables.

Too much for hpudding.

Dagwood said...

Courtesy of one of those incredibly brilliant and insightful talking heads who is convinced she knows best how we should live, and how she and her media minions should tailor the news -


narciso said...

don't they ever learn anything,


iowan2 said...

...Brandenburg v. Ohio seem to be the operative principles for holding a defendant criminally liable for inciting imminent lawless action.

Why didn't the legal geniuses of the Democrat Party cite that legal statute? You ignore the obvious because it proves President Trump committed no crime. All the Dems have is 100% emotional appeal. Facts get in the way of emotional appeals.

This "thing" isn't a trial, and it isn't an impeachment. Impeachments require an officer to impeach. None exists here.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

OK, now that the impeachment thing is documented for the records(Repubs refuse to convict a well known finish) we can get on with the work. My grandkids and theirs will have the history after I'm taking a dirt nap and this will go down with Joe McCarthy looking like a Tibetan Priest compared to the trumper. It is time to get that $1400.00 sent out(before March 12th and use next Reconciliation, most likely for Immigration reform ,get the Covid thing under control and Joe staying off the golf course saving millions for the serfs here below. Thanks to trump, the Presidency, House and Senate all under one rule so we can see what gets done or doesn't (no grim reaper blocking EVERYTHING!. Yup a BRAVE NEW WORLD Lets go Pump up the jams!

rcocean said...

Andrea Mitchell. NBC news. Showing her ignorance. Guess the shrew remains not only untamed but uneducated.

Narr said...

RIP Larry Flynt. That movie about him was filmed partly on our campus, and some of the extras were people I know. Might be a reason for me to watch it.

Sooner or later

Mark said...

The Supreme Court overturned Brandenburg's conviction.

Drago said...

Mark: "The Supreme Court overturned Brandenburg's conviction."


tpudding is on a roll.

Next up for tpudding: was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

effinayright said...

Douglas B. Levene said...

A lie is a material misstatement of a past or present fact.

NO, IT IS NOT. Legally a "lie" also requires that the person making the mis-statement KNOWS IT TO BE FALSE AT THE TIME HE MAKES IT.

Throwing in that bogus "material" condition changes nothing. At the time the person makes the misstatement, who is going to be the judge of whether it's "material"?


n.n said...

New research by the [CDC] shows that transmission of the virus can be reduced by up to 96.5 percent if both an infected individual and an uninfected individual wear tightly fitted surgical masks or a cloth-and-surgical-mask combination.

Limited observational evidence, and not even signal diversity. The controlled studies show that masks increase infections over time and space, not limited to viral infections. They could try N95 or better, but there is a strict protocol, and their value is limited over time. I suggest a full body condom, which will also reduce other fecal spreads, including HIV/AIDS.

They need to normalize community immunity. That is to say, reduce the safe sanctuaries available for the virus to progress and evolve. There have been effective, inexpensive, low-risk treatments from the beginning of the outbreak that would have reduced viable transmission vectors, hospitalization, and excess deaths (e.g. Planned Parent/hood).

rcocean said...

I'm sorry Larry Flynt is dead.

I'm sorry he didn't die sooner.

rcocean said...

I come to bury Flynt, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their boners.

narciso said...

Just hang him


rcocean said...

Come back Shane, I mean Trump
Come back!

Ken B said...

The Andrea Mitchell thing is priceless. And even better, Jennifer Rubin joined in

J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

Marion: Tweets aren't going to be my boy's life.
Joey: Why do you always have to spoil everything?
Trump: A tweet is a tool, Marion. No better and no worse than any other tool - an axe, a shovel, or anything. A tweet is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that.
Marion: We'd all be much better off if there wasn't a single tweet left in this country - including yours.

rcocean said...

Poor Andrea Mitchell. Trying to show how smart she is. How smarter she is then Cruz. And she proved the opposite.

What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;


Mark said...

About that double mask thing --

Of course, at any given gathering of even 100 or 200 masked people, there is probably more than a 99 percent chance that none of them have the virus, that the people are all completely healthy, so that the risk is exactly zero and the masking is a complete waste of time.

iowan2 said...

The highly contagious wuhoo flu, is not so much. Through a blood donation I learned that sore throat and full head I had in November was a wuhoo flu infection. So my better half donated blood and found out today she has not had the Wuhoo flu.
vewy vewy contagious.

Francisco D said...

Meade said...Twitter sucks without Trump. If Twitter is smart, they’ll bring back Trump.

Sorry Meade.

He is a non-person who will be edited out of movies and public life in general.

It is a warning to those who defy the Duopoly.

Mark said...

There are some movies that you cannot imagine someone else being cast in the roles, even though others were previously considered.

There are other movies that would have been so much better with different casting.

Mark said...

I've always been rather meh about Shane.

Humperdink said...

She (Andrea Mitchell) went on to attend the University of Pennsylvania where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature in 1967. (wiki)

Jersey Fled said...

New research by the [CDC] shows that transmission of the virus can be reduced by up to 96.5 percent if both an infected individual and an uninfected individual wear tightly fitted surgical masks or a cloth-and-surgical-mask combination.

This mimics a study by the Mayo Clinic a month or two ago.

First, it is not the transmission of the virus that is reduced, it is the transmission of aerosols. They are not the same thing.

Second, the Mayo study went on to say that a similar reduction in aerosols is accomplished with NO MASKS and a simple distancing of 6 feet. In the case of the Mayo study, aerosols were reduced by 99% with both parties wearing masks at a distance of six feet, and 97% with NO MASKS and a distance of 6 feet.

Mark said...

It bears mentioning that all along the World Health Organization has said a social distance of one meter is what is needed. That is, three feet, not six.

Various countries doubled the one meter as an added precaution.

narciso said...


Whiskeybum said...

Good Grammar rule for Feb. 10:

Do not overuse exclamation marks!!! (In fact, avoid them whenever possible!!!)

max said...

This is interesting.


even more so is the link to the underlying article.


Lee said when he later asked Tuberville about the conversation, he got the impression that Trump didn’t know about the chaos going on in the Senate chamber.

Big Mike said...

And now it's the evening cafe.

wildswan said...

independent said...
Sorry you have decided not to tune in Ann. Your considered thoughts on momentous events are always appreciated. That's why I read this blog.

I'm reminded of an old song, maybe by Andrea Mitchell.

" 'The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls'
And whispered in the sound of silence."

Anonymous said...

Ken B - "Now Democrats will give the federal government total control of Americans."

Heh. You're thinking about Canadians. Americans cannot be controlled.

Yes, we have to factor in that many Americans wore masks, like cattle, when they were told. They will line up like cattle to get their antibiotic shots....errr...I mean vaccine. They will bend over for an anal swab, and wear TWO masks. They will submit to having a plastic tag stapled to their ears, like cattle. Women will see the tags as a fashion accessory, and decorate them. It will be 'kicky'.

3% of the population won't. Oddly enough, it only takes III%.

BTW...when you visit Sauron, leave your iDiot phone at home, and always wear a ballcap. When you leave throw the ball cap away.

Freedom comes down to the 3%.

Afterall, it took less then 2% of the population that is LGBT to get us here.

Everybody else just goes along to get along.

Narr said...

The Bideneers are continuing the vendetta against Assange. We really have the slimiest and most dishonest hack government imaginable in a supposedly free and modern country.

Ayann Hirsi Ali was on Tucker (as many of you know already). It's a shame the rushed format doesn't allow his guests to do more than repeat a few main points without context, and she is clearly still nervous in front of the camera.

Nobody can say they weren't warned

I'm Not Sure said...

"I'm reminded of an old song, maybe by Andrea Mitchell."

Nah- it was Pink Floyd.

Chennaul said...

Mark said...
Anderson Cooper compared Trump supporters to perpetrators of the Rwandan and Bosnian genocides on CNN today.

White progressive imperialists like Cooper think they can say any offensive thing they want. Why doesn't he whitesplain to some Rwandan family whose loved ones were hacked to death with machetes how some idiot wearing horns in the Senate chamber is just the same as their loved ones being hacked to death with machetes.


Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper made his grand debut during the Rwandan genocide. So he’s made a name for himself on that and now he is looking to keep spending his Rwandan genocide currency. Gawd he is deeeesssgusting.

narciso said...


mockturtle said...

Leave the gun, take the cannoli.

Chennaul said...

Let’s see Kamala called it December 7th, Schumer considers it his own personal Pearl Harbor, some media schmuck compared it to the Civil War, and now we have Cooper trying to top them with the Bosnian and Rwandan genocide analogy.

FullMoon said...

Wheel of Fortune answer-Reusable straws. I hope none of our commenters have forgotten the importance of reusable straws, grocery bags, and napkins.

Every bit helps when it comes to fighting climate change.

narciso said...

Yes they are dialing to 12

Hey Skipper said...

@n.n: They could try N95 or better ...

I have been restoring a 1969 Volvo 1800s.

On today's cavalcade of fun is removing the 51 year old horse hair firewall insulation. Very dusty.

In honor of that, I wore an N95 mask.

It's like having a clamp over the front of your head.

Karens can bleat all they want, no one will wear those things except at gunpoint, and maybe not even then.

This is all down to virtue signaling. One would think the party of Teh Science™ could tell us how many lives masks have saved over the past year on account of data.

One would think.

narciso said...

I think the animus goes back to mannings original hack didnt connect to hillarys private server

Roughcoat said...

What are alternatives to YouTube? A list would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance ...

narciso said...

Bitchute and oddysey but they have narrowerr selections

narciso said...

I heard about them from him


Narr said...

The algorithm is catching up with me! I'm now getting ads for fresh food (because I searched for info about irradiated food) and board wargames (because of my normal interests).

At least I haven't triggered any scam contacts in my latest internet stumblings.

You now what they say about A. Cooper.

(Anal syphilis affects the brain too)

narciso said...

I wanted to call an airstrike on him and kathy griffith since that stupid reality show in the 90s, is that wrong.

Chennaul said...

narciso said...
I wanted to call an airstrike on him and kathy griffith since that stupid reality show in the 90s, is that wrong.


The Mole?

narciso said...

Yes that one, i almost erased it from my cortex

le Douanier said...

“Twitter sucks without Trump. If Twitter is smart, they’ll bring back Trump.”

Twitter should follow this smart thinkin. They can be as successful as Meade.

StephenFearby said...

Half the people you meet are below average intelligence:

Daily Mail

Faulty throttle may have caused Indonesian Boeing 737-500 passenger jet to crash into the sea last month, killing all 62 on board, initial report suggests

"...The lead investigator, Nurcahyo Utomo, said the left engine's throttle lever moved backward on its own while autopilot was engaged, reducing the power output of that engine before the jet plunged into the sea.

He said pilots of previous flights had reported problems with the automatic throttle system on the 26-year-old jet."

[And they never got around to fixing it.]


AZ Bob said...

In Mail-In Impeachment Vote, Senate Convicts Trump 8275 To 3.

Yancey Ward said...

That Andrea Mitchell tweet is utterly, utterly priceless!

narciso said...

Dont you turn off the autopilot and then slow the throttle.

320Busdriver said...

Not so fast

“ WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions, including on Florida, fearful that coronavirus mutations are threatening to reverse hard-fought pro...”

Ken B said...

The Andrea Mitchell tweet also had a several plus ones. One was from Jennifer Rubin! Complete self own whilst smugging. (If smugging isn’t a word it should be.) If you offered me that or a night with Salma Hayek ...

Yancey Ward said...

It's a brave new world where ones smug ignorance is on display for all to see.

Yancey Ward said...

I want to coin to the word, smugnorance. Should Google it first, though.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, well, it was a nice idea, but already taken.

narciso said...

Signs of incipient insanity


Yancey Ward said...

Well, smugging can be coined. Google wanted to me to look at smudging.

320Busdriver said...

Blogger narciso said...
Dont you turn off the autopilot and then slow the throttle.

When you find trouble, reduce the level of automation. Click, click

Autopilot off, auto thrust off, flight directors off.

Boeing thrust levers move with changes in thrust, Airbii thrust levers remain fixed in a detent with auto thrust engaged and only move when the pilot moves them.

Ken B said...

What's that on Andrea Mitchell's face? Looks like smugma.

Yancey Ward said...


I get "page does not exist for the Berenson tweet". Which one was it, or has Twitter axed a tweet?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Did everyone know that the play lines "Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing." is not from Shakespeare's Macbeth, but from Faulkner? That's what genius Andrea Mitchel says and Jennifer Rubin agrees! Andrea even majored in English literature, so she must be right, right? After all, it's an American who penned those immortal words, not some dumb hick Englishman who lived 400-years ago. Who never wrote anything worth reading! /sarc

StephenFearby said...

I'm partial to the word Ideocracy.

In 2006 they made a movie with that name.

Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed-down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Dems are trying to deflect from the fact that they knew the rioters were coming and had offers of 10,000 National Guard troops to defend the Capitol, but failed to accept the offer. Nancy knew what was coming and she wanted an incident to tar and feather the Republicans and Donald John Trump. She should be the one accepting the tar and feathers award.

narciso said...

Its about punishing florida which has done better than the lockdown states.

William said...

Larry Flynt has gone to his eternal reward. I suppose Hugh Hefner had more impact on society, but Larry was the one who published nude photos of Jackie O.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Its been 22 days since Biden took office and he hasn't even won a Nobel prize yet.

But, he's managed to raise the cost of gasoline here in Redmond, WA from $2.449 to $2.799 in that same period (Costco prices). What a record. Given a year, I'm sure he can reach $4.999.

Yancey Ward said...

"What's that on Andrea Mitchell's face? Looks like smugma."

From where Mitchell and Greenspan were doing the beast with two backs.

I know, I owe you a can of mindwipe.

AZ Bob said...

Andrea Mitchell should have consulted an English major before mouthing off on Twitter.

Hey Skipper said...

...The lead investigator, Nurcahyo Utomo, said the left engine's throttle lever moved backward on its own while autopilot was engaged, reducing the power output of that engine before the jet plunged into the sea.

As ScareBusDriver noted above, normal airplanes move the throttles with changes in thrust.

On departure and arrival, the pilot flying always has a hand on the throttles so as to immediately note such automated buffoonery.

Once upon a there-I-was in a heavy MD-11 on departure from Anchorage, the #2 engine went to idle at about 2,500 feet. That's bad, because at that pitch attitude, the autopilot won't respond to losing ⅓ of the thrust quickly enough to stop the airspeed peeling off.


When you find trouble, reduce the level of automation. Click, click

Autopilot off, auto thrust off, flight directors off.

Had a couple 737 Max crews done that, a few hundred people would still be alive. Well, except for Winne Xi Flu killing them all.

Yancey Ward said...

Ironically, the other night Mark and I were discussing the Star Trek episode, "All Our Yesterdays", also titled from a line in Macbeth. Star Trek had more than one, though- "Dagger of the Mind" is also from Macbeth. There was also "Conscience of the King" from Hamlet, and "By Any Other Name" from Romeo and Juliet. There are probably others I am forgetting in the original series. The Next Generation had "To Thine Own Self" from Hamlet and probably others that I am not thinking of right now- I tend not to remember the episode titles from the later series.

walter said...

Missed the show today..but saw an excerpt of more waterworks. I don't suppose team Trump managed to resurface the deleted "peacefully and patriotically" component of that inexorable march.
Maybe Bruce talked about 70's era room humidifiers as metaphor.

How's FBI doin' on Hunter's laptop?
What's new with Durham?

Francisco D said...

Ken B said...
What's that on Andrea Mitchell's face? Looks like smugma.

Were you thinking of smegma, the detritus that collects underneath the foreskin of a non-circumsized man's penis?

Was she servicing Biden or Schumer?

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, and of course, "The Undiscovered Country" the last of the original cast Trek films, of course from Hamlet. The film also had Christopher Plummer as a Klingon repeating the lines of Mark Antony from Julius Caesar, "Cry, Havoc, .....".

walter said...

Dersh: I knew Marcus Raskin. Mr. Raskin..You're no Marcus Raskin.

Ken B said...

The really precious part is, it’s clear that Mitchell hasn’t read the Faulkner either. If you have read it, you know where the title comes from. So even that's a sham.

It’s hard to imagine the smugness (and I say this as a Canadian, where smugness is mass produced) to tweet that without even thinking to check, and trying a dunk based only on knowing a book title.

I'll still take the night with SH, but it’s close.

Ken B said...

As fast on the uptake as ever I see Francisco D.

walter said...

Which brings to mind..will those well heeled Trump lawyers compile clips of the Dems objecting to electors?
It ain't Longfellow..but it might be poetic justice.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, I think she Googled it before tweeting- I tested this and the Faulkner novel is the top hit on "the sound and the fury". She just didn't go beyond that.

Ken B said...

Actually, that's probably right. Saw the phrase, it rang a bell but not from Shakespeare, saw her chance, “I've got you know Cruz”, googled and ... voila, a tweet told by an idiot.

Yancey Ward said...

I spent the Summer of 1993 or 1994 reading all of Shakespeare's plays. Up to that point, I had only read Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. I was just floored by all the allusions to Shakespeare that had gone right over my head up that time- there were literally dozens of them as book titles, television episode titles, short story titles, especially in science fiction.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I spent the Summer of 1993 or 1994 reading all of Shakespeare's plays. Up to that point, I had only read Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. I was just floored by all the allusions to Shakespeare that had gone right over my head up that time- there were literally dozens of them as book titles, television episode titles, short story titles, especially in science fiction.


Shakespeare just strung together a bunch of quotes.

narciso said...

A more comprehensive list


narciso said...

They left out catspaw for the scottish play references.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Of course in SF & Fantasy, you're not limited to quoting the bard. You can star him as well.

Harry Turtledove did in Ruled Brittiana: The Spanish Armada won, England is in shackles, and Shakespeare is writing propaganda for the revolution.

Neil Gaiman devoted several issues of Sandman to him.

And Asimov memorably sent him to night school in The Immortal Bard.

narciso said...

And elainus and troy.

Rt41Rebel said...

"Shakespeare just strung together a bunch of quotes."

Yeah, he wasn't so great.


narciso said...

It was about the human condition, something that cant be pigeon holed whether they set in platos time or the middle ages or the far future.

narciso said...

Thats the washington post and the new york times.

Yancey Ward said...

There was also "Mortal Coil" from Star Trek Voyager, from Hamlet.

Mark said...

Happy Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

William said...

"Dead as a door nail" comes not from Dickens but from Shakespeare. Shakespeare pretty much invented the English language....For the second time, I'm working my way through the BBC productions of Shakespeare's plays....I do about a half hour each night. It's much better to see rather than to read the plays. Some of the unfamiliar words are explained by the actions of the actors. Some of the plots are as absurd as fairy tales, but they hook you.....I wonder if Shakespeare will get cancelled. There's a considerable amount of fat shaming that is directed towards Falstaff.....In King Lear, the bastard Edmund acts like a bastard. Is it right to demonize those blameless children born outside the sacrament of marriage in such a way?...Also, I'm sure those who suffer from scoliosis are not happy with the way Shakespeare makes that malady the outward sign of the Richard's deformed inner character....If they can knock off Abraham Lincoln, it's just a matter of time before they come for Shakespeare.

narciso said...

A bit of a reach


Many of the themes about death life love greed revenge anger hubris

William said...

The first amendment covers Larry Flynt's exposure of the shocking truth behind pudenda, but all that fat shaming is hate speech. Not so bad as speculating on election fraud, but, nonetheless, not something that we should tolerate in the public square.

Gahrie said...

If they can knock off Abraham Lincoln, it's just a matter of time before they come for Shakespeare.

Where have you been? That happened decades ago. I went to a Dodds school in the 1980's and we read at least two Shakespeare plays a year. As an adult I was shocked to discover that many of my fellow educators (including English teachers) have never read anything by Shakespeare, in high school or college. The high school I work at teaches some of his sonnets, but that's it.

Remember the scene in Game of Thrones where Jon is killed? Most people I discussed it with had no idea of the Julius Cesar call back.

I'm willing to bet that at least 50% of colleges and universities no longer teach Shakespeare.

Rt41Rebel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rt41Rebel said...

"Larry Flynt has gone to his eternal reward."

I wonder if he went to heaven or hell, only because his time here seemed to have been a combination of both extremes.

narciso said...

Something different


Mutaman said...

One year ago today:

Donald Trump told the American people, “A lot of people think' coronavirus will go away in April with the heat.’

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