February 2, 2021

Am I supposed to pay attention to Marjorie Taylor Greene?

I've been averting my eyes from this because it feels bogus to me. But what do I know? 

What I've absorbed — somehow! — without looking is that MTG is a Republican who got elected to Congress and it seems she believes some really stupid things. What are you going to do about that? My conventional response is: Her district voted her in, so that's that until the next election. Fretting about what to do about her seems like a big distraction. I'm not entering that rathole.

But feel free to tell me what I'm missing. Honestly, I don't even know what she said. Okay, I'm setting my timer for 1 minute and will look only that long.

MORE: I have nothing to add. I did spend that minute reading things. 


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John henry said...

Everyone knows that 380ppm of co2 in the atmosphere is going to kill the plant.

It's all lies spread by the nitrogen lobby. They've been very successful in stifling any discussion of atmospheric nitrogen.

780,000 ppm worth.

The have the lion's share and won't be satisfied until they drive the little guys like co2, argon (almost 10,000)

This cannot stand. Write you senators and congressman today!

John Henry

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
How long until the violent ideations are expressed? Those are always fun."

You mean like shooting a GOP congressman? Or killing police? Burning cities? Looting and rioting? Claiming portions of major cities as your own new country? Stuff like that dullard?

John henry said...


Not plants. They love co2

John Henry

Drago said...

Inga: "How long until the violent ideations are expressed?"

Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: Inga has long defended MS13 Machete Murderers, the $2Billion in antifa caused damage and 60 deaths (before deciding it was all the boogalooers which was right before she decided none of it had happened at all), Islamic supremacist terrorists and refused to explicitly condemn would be mass murderer/Bernie bro Hodgekinson.

Seems relevant.

John henry said...

AOC is an Amazon stooge.

Not sure what further usefulness bezos sees in her. But she did accomplish the big mission.

AOC gets a lot of attention but has no idea how to get things done.

The 20+ year incumbent she replaced did.

Who would you rather have?

John Henry

Jim at said...

"How long until the violent ideations are expressed?"

Here. Click on this link. Here we have another example of Inga and Arturo's people. This happened Sunday night, not five minutes away.

Now, tell me again who's allegedly inciting violence and who's actually committing it.

Go ahead. Click on that link. I dare you. This is who you support. This is who you are. This is why you're the enemy within.

Own it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Delphin is here to spread lies about Libertarians.

I'm Not Sure said...

"AOC gets a lot of attention but has no idea how to get things done.

The 20+ year incumbent she replaced did."

I understand your point and am not disputing it, but still- haven't politicians done enough?

Mikey NTH said...

wholelottasplainin' said...

So...yet another Freder nom de poo, using yet another German historical figure involved in the arts.

Freder Frederson...the main character in Fritz Lang's "Metropolis"
Arturo Ui... a Hitlerian mobster in a Bertholt Brecht allegorical play
Delphin Strungk..a German composer and organist

2/2/21, 4:27 PM

Really? That's just pathetic behavior.

Be Better, Freder, Be Better.

nono said...

Arturo Ui said...

No, her description of Cruz's action was accurate. His traitorous behavior threatened her life and every other member of Congress.

2/2/21, 12:57 PM

I know who is not in touch with reality, looked in a mirror lately?

gilbar said...

What I've absorbed — somehow! — without looking is that MTG is a Republican who got elected to Congress and it seems she believes some really stupid things.

Serious Question(s)
How, Exactly, if absorbing "without looking" different from not reading a posted article?
How, Exactly, is "believing some really stupid things" different from being a 'moronic fool'?

Actually, these are NOT Serious Questions; they're Rhetorical
No one, and i mean NO ONE doesn't know the difference between these

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Wow. What some folks are capable of convincing themselves of.

Well, for starters, on 1/6/2021 nothing appears to have been set on fire. On 1/20/2017, it looked like a good chunk of downtown DC was ablaze. But, what evs. I do understand that fire is a lefty specialty these days; GOP mobs lack those maaaaad Dumpster-lighting skillz.

Have you anything to say to the remainder of my post? That five people died, and of those five only one was (possibly) deliberately killed by the mob? That one person was shot and killed, not by the armed-to-the-teeth mob folks (who fired exactly zero shots) but by the Capitol police? That two people died respectively of a heart attack and of a stroke, and that if such deaths are to be counted as "mob violence," then I imagine that the death toll of the BLM/Antifa riots may need adjustment upward?

So far, I have not even seen evidence that either of these two men was inside the Capitol when they dropped dead. The overwhelming majority of the protestors, who did not enter the Capitol building, were at a peaceful protest -- not a "mostly peaceful" protest with some "free" flatscreens and bling and high-end sneakers to be had on the side, but an entirely peaceful one. It was nonetheless crowded and hot, like any event where many, many people are jammed into a very tight space. This is almost certainly what killed the woman who was trampled (we are, in fact, very lucky that only one person died like that -- in the usual cases, like concerts or sporting events, 20 or 30 dead is pretty common). It seems likely enough to me that the two protesters who died of natural causes were also done in by the crowding and the heat. Which are, of course, things to avoid in a pandemic, unless the peaceful protesting is BLM-inspired, in which case go for it.

Joe Smith said...

"Greene is a dangerously stupid individual, the kind of person who slept through high school history class and then woke up one day as an adult, opened social media, and thought it was educating her. If Congress had any self-respect they would get to the 2/3rds of the vote necessary to expel her. However, the majority required to yank her from her committee assignments will be fine. She's a direct threat to democracy and should be treated that way."

AOC is a dangerously stupid individual, the kind of person who slept through high school history class and then woke up one day as an adult, opened social media, and thought it was educating her...

Fixed it.

And democrats (and POTUS) believe that boys can be girls and girls can be boys, and that burning down cities and looting is a form of mostly peaceful protest.

Who are the crazy ones again?

Lurker21 said...

You do not have to pay attention to Marjorie Whatshername Whatshername. It's a distraction. It's also an excuse to keep talking about QAnon and imposing social media censorship. If she still says the kind of stuff she was saying before she got elected, she could be censured, but I wouldn't hold whatever wacky stuff she said before against her.

Libertarianism is an amorphous thing. Some of the people who vote Libertarian are closer to the Democrats than the Republicans. The free trade and mass immigration policies supported by NeverTrumpers are libertarian as is the social and cultural lifestyle liberalism of the privileged classes, so I wouldn't say that they were immune from libertarian influences. Also, for the Trumpers and other Republicans, libertarian rhetoric is wearing thin. Less government is preferable to more, but the exaggerated rhetoric about rolling back government and cutting out agencies doesn't look very practical or convincing.

Roughcoat said...

Even if they win the election, the system has numerous means of sandbagging their agenda.

Is the "system" the same entity as Chief Bromden's "combine"? Is it analogous to "The Man"? Whatever, the system couldn't prevent the president from enacting his agenda to cancel the Keystone pipeline and thereby put thousands out of work. Or ... is canceling Keystone part of the system's agenda? Help me out here.

Delphin Strungk said...

“Delphin Strungk ...”

George Washington https://in.linkedin.com/in/georgew123?trk=people-guest_people_search-card

Ludwig Beethoven https://ua.linkedin.com/in/ludwig-beethoven-834b02169/en-us?trk=people-guest_people_search-card

Dore Nobb https://www.blogger.com/profile/16195111141879312800

Francisco D said...

No, her description of Cruz's action was accurate. His traitorous behavior threatened her life and every other member of Congress.

We can be assured that the lefty agenda is to criminalize speech that they disagree with.

Say goodbye to the First Amendment!

Markoni said...

Yes it seems Mr. Swallowell's misdeeds have been erased from the public consciousness before they had a chance to really get going. Well the CCP are experts in "disappearing" stories, and people as well.

Danno said...

Blogger hstad said..."AA - did you also write an article of "stupid things" said by AOC, Maxine Walters, Hank Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee? Or how about that so-called Governor from Michigan, Whitmer? I can go on and on and name 'Media Wh*res' both Right and Left. But this article has a hint of something and I believe it stinks!"

Ann holds GOP politicians to the Mitt Romney standard and expects they play by what Victor Davis Hanson calls as Marquess of Queensberry rules. Only losers (and Charlie Brown) still play that way.

pacwest said...

So, no, that MAGA impulses occasionally align with ideas doesn’t mean they were determined ...

Name one, just one candidate of a political party that had any chance of becoming POTUS in the past twenty years that "occasionally aligned" with these "ideas" that you fail to identify.

MAGA follows Trump on everything he says and does.

I've been around the MAGA world for 4 years. Although you do see the robot types it's hardly the norm. You're confusing pushback on the constant unwarranted critisizm with lockstep. Flawed as Trump may be you go with the horse that brought ya. Got a better idea let's hear it.

Delphin Strungk said...

So you have a problem with my not naming the ideas of a movement I say has no ideas?

Delphin Strungk said...

“ Got a better idea let's hear it.”

Rand Paul. Romney. But you don’t like it. Instead you got a senile hand puppet for Ibram X Kendi.

Delphin Strungk said...

What is the Dutch nickname for Abe Lincoln?


iowan2 said...

MTG is a Republican who got elected to Congress and it seems she believes some really stupid things

You know who says sane reasoned things? The Vice President. She says the President is a RACIST! (no opinion on rapist.)

Earnest Prole said...

Isn't the smart money here betting that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a false-flag Antifa impersonation?

Leora said...

Ms Althouse has the exactly right take on this attempt to otherize Republicans. Better than my initial take that I'd stack her silly beliefs against Ilhan Omar's any day.

Gospace said...

Hank Johnson, Democrat, Georgia: Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize. Reelected several times since uttering that idiocy.

Asked of the Mars rover by a Democrat, maybe not exact wording: "Can you move it to where the astronauts put the flag?" Can't find her name by googling the question. Hidden too far down in the results.

But with many Democrats routinely uttering such stupid things, do you think I really care about Marjorie Taylor Greene and her beliefs?

Other stupid unbelievable things said by Democrats:
No controlling legal authority.
No reasonable prosecutor...

I could go on with stupid Democrat sayings, but why? Democrats don't care what their leaders say. And Republicans- most of us anyway- consider elected politicians to be employees, not leaders.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Althouse said rathole instead of rabbit hole.

I'm averting my eyes.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rule of Lemnity said...

MTG is the Trump AOC

Earnest Prole said...

Personally I refuse to comment on the dopey things Marjorie Taylor Greene said because some Democrat surely said equally dopey things once too and who am I to judge?

pacwest said...

No, I have a problem with you not being to name a single concrete policy of your own. Otherwise you're just another barn burner. Dime a dozen.

Gahrie said...

What's next? Clever Hans?

I vote for Squealer.

Earnest Prole said...

She does make a good point about the Jewish Space Laser though — I was promised it would only be used for circumcision.

Michael K said...

Asked of the Mars rover by a Democrat, maybe not exact wording: "Can you move it to where the astronauts put the flag?" Can't find her name by googling the question. Hidden too far down in the results.

Sheila Jackson Lee, the Congress critter from Houston. She is also the author of the gun confiscation bill,

She is also known in DC for requiring a limousine to travel 1/2 block.

Lucien said...

I'm an atheist, so I assume somewhere north of 99% of all politicians believe, or at least claim to believe, things that I find silly, or ridiculous. Heck, a majority of members of the Supreme Court supposedly believes that they ritually consume the blood and flesh of their deity every Sunday. If I refused to vote for anyone I thought believed in anything silly, much less argued for their expulsion . . .

BUMBLE BEE said...

On Lou Dobbs tonight, he said word is Russia Gate perps get off scot free. Orwell was prescient genius.
Carry On.

Ken B said...

Which is worse, a sincere rank or a scheming liar?

J. Farmer said...


Is the "system" the same entity as Chief Bromden's "combine"? Is it analogous to "The Man"? Whatever, the system couldn't prevent the president from enacting his agenda to cancel the Keystone pipeline and thereby put thousands out of work. Or ... is canceling Keystone part of the system's agenda? Help me out here.

The executive branch employs millions of people. A president enters such an organization with an agenda and with preexisting issues requiring attention. Information flows up the decision-making chain of command as needed, the president receives the information, a determination is made, and a course of action flows back down the chain of command. There are all kinds of ways to confound that process. Restricting or finessing the information a president receives is one of the more common ones. It's one of the reasons the chief of staff is a powerful position.

That said, it isn't accurate to think of it as a fixed set of opinions that it can unilaterally impose. It's more like a broad consensus with varying degrees of dissent over a number of issues. Like an object in a coloring book. Feel free to choose any colors you prefer, but you have to color within the lines.

Not only is the executive a massive organizational structure, it is connected to numerous other organizations that also have various means of exerting influence.

hpudding said...

Looks like what you're missing is that while her lunacy/comments don't matter to you or your mob in the thread, Republican leadership still possesses the capacity for embarrassment and wants to put an end to the tens of thousands of Americans in state after state saying sayonara and de-registering from the Republicult party.

This is great news. The suits who pretended to run the show after Buckley-Reagan purged the kooks from prime time spots are now learning that the kooks are proudly flying their flag and turning off all the normal Americans. Heck, look at how many of your flock are contrasting her favorably against Democrats! This is wonderful news for making America as great as it was under the liberal consensus of FDR his post-WWII reconstruction of our country and the global order it made and led.

Michael K said...

Not only is the executive a massive organizational structure, it is connected to numerous other organizations that also have various means of exerting influence.

When it is occupied by a hostile power, the administrative state, nothing gets done. That does not explain Biden's blizzard of EOs but it does explain why Trump got little accomplished. Most of what he did get accomplished was psychological and that is quickly being reversed.

Michael K said...

The troll swarm seems to be continuing. All blank profiles.

Iman said...

Looks like Howeeee crawled away after someone tore him another new one...

hpudding said...

It's hard not to question the patriotism of Americans who have a softer spot in their 3-chambered hearts for blank-profiled Russian troll bots than for good old fashioned Americans who simply agree with the 80 million+ of our country that voted for Biden and a senate and House aligned with him and his popular agenda.

If what the Trumpies had was popular they would have called it that. Instead they call it "populist" as a way of saying supported by mobs, but much less popular throughout the country.

Joe Smith said...

"Most of what he did get accomplished was psychological and that is quickly being reversed."

I disagree slightly.

He ripped the mask off of the deep state and the crooked media 'bigly.'

And exposed the worse-than-RINOs (hey Lindsey) for what they really are.

A lot of people will never forget that...

sterlingblue said...

With Trump gone, the media needs to hate on some deplorable to make narcissistic liberals feel superior. Marjorie fits the bill, and that's why we're hearing about her.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

Most of what he did get accomplished was psychological and that is quickly being reversed.

They couldn't stop everything they wanted, but they could stop a lot. In this regard, one of Trump's biggest strengths was that he had very little to no ideological motivations. His approach was almost totally goal-oriented and pragmatic in nature. That gave him flexibility. If one course of action was not working or was proving unpopular to the base, Trump could quickly abandon it and pursue an alternative course.

pacwest said...

Not only is the executive a massive organizational structure, it is connected to numerous other organizations that also have various means of exerting influence.

Otherwise known as the ship of state. An apt metaphor might be a huge seagoing vessel. Even if the captain turns the wheel it takes a long time before there is a course correction. I wish Trump had put a lot more effort into fixing the educational system. We're going to run aground.

Earnest Prole said...

The troll swarm seems to be continuing. All blank profiles.

I've been commenting here for something like ten years and it's never occurred to me to write a profile -- but I'm also the kind of person who rips the tags off mattresses despite the fact that it's illegal.

effinayright said...

J. Farmer bloviates:

"The executive branch employs millions of people. A president enters such an organization with an agenda and with preexisting issues requiring attention. Information flows up the decision-making chain of command as needed, the president receives the information, a determination is made, and a course of action flows back down the chain of command. There are all kinds of ways to confound that process. Restricting or finessing the information a president receives is one of the more common ones. It's one of the reasons the chief of staff is a powerful position."

Just 'splain for us, how this "information" flowing up the decision-making chain of command magically changes course or even REVERSES, the instant after a new POTUS takes office, so that he has a rational basis to issue diktats ukases, commands, and decrees (aka Executive Orders) that UNDO the policies based on the information that was flowing up on the POTUS on the day before.

Example: the abrupt cancellation of the Keystone pipeline. One day good, the next day bad, and thousands out of work in the US and Canada. WHY?

Then 'splain for us why the biases of bureaucrats who get to keep their jobs, perks and benefits NO MATTER WHAT are to be trusted with this "information" they send upstairs. You think keeping their phoney-baloney jobs might not influence their opinions?

Finally, 'splain for us how a new POTUS reconciles his agenda with all that information being sent from the private sector--such as inflation, savings rates, tax policy, new business formation, corporate earnings, construction starts, infrastructure improvement needs and the like, with that of public-sector bureaucrat swho have NO skin in the game.

I suspect more than half of all voters, left and right, want to THEIR opinions to prevail over the anonymous, unaccountable administrative state populated with chair-moisteners who cannot be fired, and therefore don't give a fuck, as long as they can keep their jobs.

The LAST thing they want is for faceless bureaucrats to make policy.

effinayright said...

pacwest said...
I wish Trump had put a lot more effort into fixing the educational system. We're going to run aground.
Every time the federal government tries to "fix" the rotten educational system it is either totally ineffective ("No Child Left Behind") or crushed by the teachers' unions.

Education is still primarily a state/local function, and the WORST thing that could happen is if the federal government imposed a one-size-fits-all approach on the entire US.

Biden is talking up the imbecilic and culturally/socially/politically poisonous "critical race" theory.

Would you like to see that adopted throughout the entire US?

effinayright said...

Earnest Prole said...
The troll swarm seems to be continuing. All blank profiles.

there's no requirement to provide profile information, and who's to know whether the info offered is even remotely true?

In a cancel-culture era, I'm not telling anyone SHIT that would allow them to track me down.

Joe Smith said...

"Every time the federal government tries to "fix" the rotten educational system it is either totally ineffective ("No Child Left Behind") or crushed by the teachers' unions."

Kind of disappointed that Trump didn't kill the Dept. of Education.

Or if that wasn't possible, start the process.

Should have kicked the U.N. out of the U.S. while he was at it.

Make those cocksuckers meet in the Congo (or pick your own shithole country).

Lost opportunities...

pacwest said...

Example: the abrupt cancellation of the Keystone pipeline. One day good, the next day bad, and thousands out of work in the US and Canada. WHY?

One day one EO, another day a different EO. Blame a chickenshit Congress for delegating it's powers away. And I think rational basis left the building some time ago. We don't need no stinkin' rational basis. And if you think Keystone is bad ask Alaskans what they think. Biden? just destroyed their economy with the stroke of a pen.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Make those cocksuckers meet in the Congo (or pick your own shithole country)."

Isn't their headquarters in NYC?

effinayright said...

Joe Smith said...

Lost opportunities...

I'm sympathetic, but Trump never had the political clout to get Congress to do what many of us would like.

(ESPECIALLY evicting the United Nations, a hive of scum, villainy and source of $$ for many dictatorships.)

pacwest said...

I was thinking of something geared towards the university level that is pumping out the indoctrinated K-12 teachers.

Ken B said...

Slow Joe said “Kind of disappointed that Trump didn't kill the Dept. of Education.”

Trump didn’t do much did he? Talked a lot, made a spectacle, did little.
He didn’t follow through, he didn’t build teams, he didn’t change minds.
The only exception is the son in law.

“Kind of disappointed Trump didn’t” is the PERFECT summary of his presidency.

Kind of disappointed he didn’t take his loss like a man. Kind of disappointed it was the only thing he cared about for the last 2 months of his term.

Real American said...

you're supposed to because Democrats want to make her the face of the GOP even though most Americans have never heard of her and she has no real power. If she was a Democrat, she'd be a member of the Squad and get all sorts of media praise. Apparently, it doesn't count when Democrats believe crazy conspiracy theories. Having her in Congress is hardly a pressing matter.

Joe Smith said...

"Isn't their headquarters in NYC?"


Even so, the restaurants, clubs, golf courses outside the city, etc. are pretty fucking great sans virus.

Joe Smith said...

"Kind of disappointed he didn’t take his loss like a man. Kind of disappointed it was the only thing he cared about for the last 2 months of his term."

I'm actually more disappointed that a Canadian cocksucker is still commenting on U.S. politics.

Can't have everything, I guess...

DarigoldVanilla said...

Michelle Bachman called, she wants her schtick back.
This lady is the perfect aviator for The Republican Party.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Michelle Bachman called, she wants her schtick back.

Two misspellings in two names! That's Michele Bachmann.

Michael K said...

In a cancel-culture era, I'm not telling anyone SHIT that would allow them to track me down.

Especially if you are a left wing troll hired to post bullshit.

JPS said...

Darigold Vanilla,

"Michelle Bachman called, she wants her schtick back.
This lady is the perfect aviator for The Republican Party."

No. I don't think she's even a pilot. The perfect aviator for the Republican Party was Jacqueline Cochran.

Michael K said...

If one course of action was not working or was proving unpopular to the base, Trump could quickly abandon it and pursue an alternative course.

I assume you are referring to the 74 million people who voted for him. I am one but would never have dreamed of going to one of his rallies, or especially the January 6 rally. I visualized him as a brick thrown through the window of such people as the Clintons and Paul Ryan. I was surprised and pleased at what he tried to do and those things he accomplished. Betsy DeVos was an inspired choice for Ed. I have been voucher and private school supporter since I sent my own kids to private school. I wish I could afford to send my grandkids to the school I sent their father but it now costs as much as most colleges.

I have two other grandkids but assume they are lost as their mother is a crazy leftist and my older son is a leftist trial lawyer who dismisses any comment I make. They are near feral children as the mother ignores them most of the time and is quite similar to Blasey Ford, who she probably knows well.

I can't solve every problem. I think the election was stolen but we can't do anything about it. There is not much good about getting old but one thing that we appreciate is that we will not have to live through the coming chaos.

DarigoldVanilla said...

Two misspellings in two names! That's Michele Bachmann.

Apologies. MICHELE BACHMAN was waaaaaay ahead of her time. I don’t remember her crazy as being quite so mean spirited though.

DarigoldVanilla said...

Ooops. I dropped an N, again.

mockturtle said...

There is not much good about getting old but one thing that we appreciate is that we will not have to live through the coming chaos.

Amen to that, Michael K!

gadfly said...

James Traficant, the colorful Ohio politician famous for his "beam me up" rants on the House floor was the last, but only the second U.S. Representative to be expelled from Congress since the Civil War in 2002. He finally got caught taking bribes and kickbacks too often. He joined fellow Democrat Ozzie Myers who got caught taking bribes in the Abscam Gotcha in 1980.

Traficant was nothing, if not entertaining: "Madam Speaker, it started with the training bra and then it came to the push-up bra, the support bra, the Wonderbra, the super bra. There is even a smart bra. Now, if that is not enough to prop up your curiosity, there is now a new bra. It is called the holster bra, the gun bra. That is right, a brassiere to conceal a hidden handgun. Unbelievable. What is next? A maxi-girdle to conceal a Stinger missile? Beam me up! I advise all men in America against taking women to drive-in movies who may end up getting shot in a passionate embrace. (2001)."

Michael K said...

gadfly is dreaming of a fantasy world where all his dreams come true. Especially without the unexpected consequences.

Inga said...


Largo said...

@Gusty Wind
@Delphin Strung
@Jeff Weimer
@Bob Boyd
@Michelle Dulak Thomson

Please don't feed obnoxious trolls.

DeepRunner said...

MTG is the duly-elected representative of her district and should remain there until she's voted out. Last I heard, she's done nothing illegal that would require her to resign. She says some pretty weird stuff, but if that's the measure, then throw them all out, as they've all done it. It's protected if not politically-correct speech. The woke and therefore acceptable mob took over with the new Congress and President.

Today's Newspeak started with being politically correct. Then moved to classifying statements as hate speech. Now everything libs disagree with is "hate speech," although I am not sure SCOTUS has clearly identified what that is. But it should nonetheless be censored and removed from the public discourse as thoughtcrime. Cuz our illiberal lib betters know better. O'Brien smiles...

Tina Trent said...

@Michelle Dulack Thompson: good comments. You cut through the bull.

I challenge anyone to find the “Jewish lasers” quote. It’s a conflation of other things she said. It is not what she said. And that is a pernicious false accusation. There are real anti-semites in the Chamber.

Rusty said...

mockturtle said...
"There is not much good about getting old but one thing that we appreciate is that we will not have to live through the coming chaos.

Amen to that, Michael K!"
Probably not. When it happens. And it will happen. It will be sooner rather than later and it will be ignited by something seemingly innocuous. Like most of these things are. I did not want to live long enough to see this. I never wanted my children to have to undergo this.

Freder Frederson said...

"but I'm also the kind of person who rips the tags off mattresses despite the fact that it's illegal."

What a rebel you are! Sorry to tell you, but unless you are a mattress retailer it is not illegal to rip that tag off. It says right on the label that it doesn't apply to consumers.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

The most bizarre conspiracy theories are those promulgated by BLM and their ilk, which includes Xiden, his side-kick, and most of the MSM, because the theories are easily debunked with widely available data (i.e. from the FBI), but the debunkers are ignored, shouted down or cancelled, and the conspirators "pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened".

J. Farmer said...


J. Farmer bloviates:
The LAST thing they want is for faceless bureaucrats to make policy.

I just love when someone starts a reply to me with an insult and then proceeds to agree with everything I've said. The actions of "faceless bureaucrats" is a large part of what I was describing. I agree that it isn't what we want, but it's what we have.

C. Wright Mills wrote The Power Elite in 1956. Schattschneider wrote The Semi-Sovereign People in 1960. G. William Domhoff has published numerous updates to his Who Rules America? since 1967. The basic dynamics they describe have not changed. See Thomas Dye's Top Down Policymaking.

donald said...

“They couldn't stop everything they wanted, but they could stop a lot. In this regard, one of Trump's biggest strengths was that he had very little to no ideological motivations. His approach was almost totally goal-oriented and pragmatic in nature. That gave him flexibility. If one course of action was not working or was proving unpopular to the base, Trump could quickly abandon it and pursue an alternative course”.

Yup. I watched this publicity hound douchebag over a period of about 35 years. Couldn’t stand him. What a douchebag! Of course I never saw the interviews in which he clearly explained his interests in trade, immigration and not running our troops through foreign meat grinders in
Wars for profit. I also wasn’t aware of his love of America. When he was elected, he (a first time elected politician) went to Washington,
Rolled up his sleeves and said “let’s go”! Immediately, right then, the democrat traitors looked at the Republican traitors (Basically everybody) and collectively thought whoops! This cannot stand! We gotta kill this guy. And don’t think for a second they wouldn’t. The absolute best part of the Donald Trump presidency is the laying bare of just how despicable damned near everybody involved in Federal governing is.

mockturtle said...

Are there any countries that could accommodate an influx of 75 million people and their children? We could start a mass exodus to, say, Argentina and seek political asylum.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Responding to myself, yesterday, 5:04 p.m., today there's this from CNN. Apparently the fire extinguisher theory has been ruled out (though someone did throw a fire extinguisher at three other Capitol police, injuring them). Bear spray or pepper spray? No evidence on video, so far. Pre-existing medical conditions? The article says we don't know that, either.

Sicknick went back to his office after the riot and subsequently collapsed and died. At this point we have no idea how or of what, except that obviously it wasn't instantaneous.

As I see it, that means that the actual number of people deliberately killed by the rioters stands at ZERO. Though obviously it wasn't for lack of trying.

Rusty said...

mockturtle said...
"Are there any countries that could accommodate an influx of 75 million people and their children? We could start a mass exodus to, say, Argentina and seek political asylum."
Bless your heart, hon. I would, but I bought this ticket and I'm stayin' for the whole show.

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