"... and a cascade of Democrats calling for Mr. Trump to be removed from office without waiting the 13 days until the inauguration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.
The prospect of actually short-circuiting Mr. Trump’s tenure in its last days appeared remote. Vice President Mike Pence privately ruled out invoking the disability clause of the 25th Amendment to sideline the president, as many had urged that he and the cabinet do, according to officials.
Democrats suggested they could move quickly to impeachment, a step that would have its own logistical and political challenges. Representative Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, the assistant speaker of the House, said Friday on CNN that the Democrats could get an impeachment vote to the House floor as early as the middle of next week...."
I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria! What was the point of dragging old man Biden to the fore and using him — rather than Sanders or Warren — to defeat Trump if not to rope in those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical?!
The House is on recess until MLK.
Never let a crisis go to waste. They will piss off half the country, but they really don't care. All they care about is their power and own wealth.
This would mean a lot more if they hadn't been calling for his impeachment and the use of the 25th Amendment since before he was inaugurated.
Ann stop acting like you voted lol.
"I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace"
What you like is irrelevant. They'll do what they want. The "I'd like" is getting a little old. Better to face reality.
"What was the point of dragging old man Biden to the fore and using him— rather than Sanders or Warren — to defeat Trump if not to rope in those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical?!"
Why the ?!
The point was to rope you and other nice Americans in with the illusion of normality, and then use their power the way they wanted to use it. Smart strategy, and even with Althouse's abstention, it worked.
I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!
@Althouse, what actions have you seen at any time in the past four years that demonstrate “calm steadiness and grace”? Your brain must be three times denser than lead not to have noticed that it has been your beloved Democrats who have been cranking things up to ever higher levels of hysteria. You wanted a calm ride and you put your saddle on the most fractious horse in the stable.
Biden called it domestic terrorism, a coup, an insurrection that Trump was leading, and Biden impugned Trump supporters broadly as supportive of domestic terrorism. He's not a nice man, never was, and he's not going to try to calm things down. Beginning his campaign with a big lie, an easily debunked lie, was a clue.
"those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical" can do no better than the Democrat Party of today! Who here has READ their 2020 platform? Chock full of sense, moderation, and practicality.
Is the house even scheduled to be in session? Hard to impeach if no one is there.
Fool you once...
Is the house even scheduled to be in session? Hard to impeach if no one is there.
And when you realize the truth of this, the next question is why are people whipping up support for an impeachment that won't happen? Supposedly Trump was inciting violence by disagreeing with the election, while also telling protesters and rioters to go home. How does that measure of incitement compare to what Democrats are doing now?
Sen. Hawley's home was protested by a mob the same day as the Capitol. The result is Sen. Hawley being punished.
“I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria! What was the point of dragging old man Biden to the fore and using him — rather than Sanders or Warren — to defeat Trump if not to rope in those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical?!”
LOL! Really? You thought they were serious? Personally I saw Biden as demented, confused, and about as trustworthy as his crack addict son. I don’t believe he fairly won a majority at all. And I’ve seen no proof the election was fair.
Et tu, Brute?
"What was the point of dragging old man Biden to the fore and using him — rather than Sanders or Warren — to defeat Trump if not to rope in those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical?!"
I think we're missing the obvious here. Trump is a Democrat. He schemed this whole thing to make Biden look good. And to marginalize the GOP.
I'm mot going to keep making this point because it's churlish and I don't want Althouse to ban me but since Ann didn't vote for President she isn't one of hose who just wants things to be sensible, moderate and practical. Or maybe she is but that wouldn't explain not voting for Biden.
Can President Trump be Impeached and Removed on the Grounds of Incitement? If Trump’s speech is protected by the First Amendment, then incitement cannot be grounds for impeachment.
The legal definition of incitement is quite narrow. The press definition, on the other hand, is “anything we can tie a Republican to.”
Compare Barack Obama’s famous 'if they bring a knife, we bring a gun' statement.
-Glenn Reynolds
If they impeach and remove Trump then he can't run again, right?
Seems a lot of people would have an interest in that outcome. Like Pence, Cruz, Hawley,
What was the point of dragging old man Biden to the fore and using him — rather than Sanders or Warren — to defeat Trump if not to rope in those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical?!
The point was your votes, but that's over now.
There's a growing part of me that is wondering what the Democrats and Never Trumpers REALLY fear about Trump at this stage.
Is it the next two weeks? Is it the next elections in 2 or 4 years? Is it a fear their long-time corruption is about to be revealed?
They may be creating a martyr.
The point of Biden is to continue the democrat elite globalist connectivity insider wealth schemes.
Ever wonder why Nancy Pelosi looked like she lost her mind over Trump?
The Biden- Clinton - pelosi family grift machine hit the Trump speed bump.
If you can’t impeach a president for inciting a mob into committing a murder and desecrating our citidel of democracy, what’s the point of having the mechanism.
This cannot go unpunished. What a terrible precedent it would set.
Trump’s MAGAt mob of thugs needs to see trump punished and humiliated. That’s how America heals; by imposing a sense of shame on these entitled, conspiracy believing animals.
This pressure on the Vice President to use the 25th Amendment will be repeated.
--- I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria! What was the point of dragging old man Biden to the fore and using him — rather than Sanders or Warren — to defeat Trump if not to rope in those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical?! [AA]
That is a comment that says you've learned nothing from these past four years.
I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace
In a related story, little girl wants a pony.
"If you can’t impeach a president for inciting a mob into committing a murder and desecrating our citidel of democracy, what’s the point of having the mechanism."
-- Are we going to impeach Kamala Harris for encouraging riots as well? What about Cuomo who assured us protests need not be peaceful? If you go for Trump, a lot of others need to be caught in the dragnet too. Are you really ready to pre-impeach Biden and Harris? To get rid of what's his name -- Ted Wheeler? The Michigan governor? Pelosi? Cuomo? AOC? There are a lot of people who we can hit with incitement if you want to be fair. Take Trump; I'll happily trade him for something like 30%-45% of the Democrat leadership.
The democrats OPENLY incited violence for 4 years - and they got it with Antifa.
The democrats openly incited violence with their lies about Russia aided Trump.
All while Hillary made money off Russian back-door deals.
NY Times is rabble rousing. My takeaway is that our political class as a whole lacks courage and judgement. The question becomes, who will rise to the occasion and lead? Perhaps someone obscure, perhaps no one. It may take several years, or it may never happen.
Althouse said...
I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!
In case you missed my prior comment:
Wince said...
It's like the left tries to drink of Trump's blood trying to capture his magic.
But the experiment goes horribly wrong every time, and they become this exaggerated "Orange" Hulk.
1/8/21, 8:21 AM
Biden wasn’t the goal, he was just the key to open the door. I can’t believe you are this gullible, Althouse. You surely must have seen this coming.
I enjoyed the phrase "a cascade of Democrats" — it could be the collective noun, you know, like "murder of crows" and "exaltation of larks."
The proper term is: "a clown car of Democrats".
Trump is an American Ahkenaten. The priest class must destroy him and all his followers for their own sake.
Smart strategy, and even with Althouse's abstention, it worked
They stole it.
He's not a nice man, never was, and he's not going to try to calm things down. Beginning his campaign with a big lie, an easily debunked lie, was a clue.
Althouse got the clue. She just didn't care enough to do anything about it.
That’s a terrible comparison. Seems like I see a lot of that in these parts; but but but what about, what about..... and then some weak, irrelevant comparison.
Please show me where any other democratic leader stood in front of the mob, repeated proven lies to get them primed and directed them to “fight” (the democratic process) minutes before they committed massive acts of violence?
Biden wasn’t the goal, he was just the key to open the door. I can’t believe you are this gullible, Althouse. You surely must have seen this coming.
She'll be shocked each time over the next four years when it's shown that there is gambling going on in Rick's Cafe.
Demcorats and Chi Com greed are the same.
Don't buy anything made in China.
You're supporting corruption, democrats, big tech, and slavery.
There are literally tens of millions of people who really like Trump and feel disenfranchised, attacked, and hated by the establishment. Going after Trump now won't do anything but anger them even more and push us further into division and chaos. If these decision makers truly care about this country and it's future as they claim to they'd want to calm things down, not ramp them up.
But our would be ruling class seem to be so ruled by their emotions that they can't even see the danger anymore. They're so desperate to punish Trump to make sure there can never be another outsider like him who could ever achieve power, but they can't see that they'd also be insulting and punishing millions right along with him.
Let's do an over-under on how long Biden can keep that photo of his shit-eating gin on his Twitter avatar before his advisors tell him the times really don't call for that kind of jocular image?
Biden destroyed bork, he tried to do that to thomas he was a soviet tool in the cold war, hes a tool of xi now, lesuo.
Stop trying to move the goal posts. The "crime" is incitement. You don't think that Harris telling people to keep rioting is incitement? You don't think Cuomo telling people their protests don't need to peaceful is incitement? Come off it; if what Trump did is incitement, fine. But one set of rules.
"Democrats, who have won"---fair and square ?
or "won" = pulled off the steal?
"A cascade of democrats" - sounds like a cascade of Nazis to me.
I'll escort the pets and small children to safety.
A year from now, we won't even bother to say "it really wasn't about Trump" because it will be too obvious by then. I could be wrong, but...
I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!
The hysteria began months before the 2016 election, when James Comey and his ilk were trying to frame Donald Trump and his campaign staff as secret agents of Russian Intelligence.
The hysteria continued for three years after the election, as Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller tried to catch Trump supporters in process crimes and thus pressure them to compose criminal accusations against President Trump.
During those three years, Mueller and his gang of Trump-hating lawyers tried to lure President Trump in to an obstruction-of-justice situation that would enable Congress to impeach and remove him from his elected office.
The hysteria continued into 2020, when the buffoonish Democrats in Congress impeached and tried President Trump for talking with the Ukrainian President about Uday "Hunter" Biden.
For more than four years, various dirty tricks have been used to try to remove President Trump from his elected office. That is the context of the accusations that the 2020 election was stolen by more dirty tricks.
Mezzrow: Agree. This is a mistake the Left has made all along, assuming it's all about Trump. He was the only one with the balls to champion our cause but our cause is strong and will only get stronger as the totalitarian walls close in.
I’m hoping that before the inauguration Biden will have a website set up so that the 70 million deplorables and their families can begin an early selection process for the location of their re-educated camp.
I’m hoping for somewhere in the desert.
"hat was the point of dragging old man Biden to the fore and using him — rather than Sanders or Warren — to defeat Trump if not to rope in those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical?!"
Perhaps 'bait and switch'?
Didn't you see the Press Conference yesterday, Kamala and Joe are part of cranking it higher.
They didn't pick Joe because they wanted calm, they picked Joe because they can control him.
I'd like the Democrats — who have won —............
No. They did NOT WIN. They cheated and nothing is going to be done about it.
That is not winning.
I see an attempt to fulfill desire of 50% that Trump be carried feet first out of White House
Where in the fuck, did any of these leaders you mention “tell people to continue rioting?”
I think part of the problem in these right ring echo chambers, is that a lot of you folks don’t actually have even a remotely accurate picture of reality. Just repeating talking points.
Fox News, newsmax, OAN, Breitbart are all completely full of shit and have filled
you heads full of lies and your hearts full of hate.
I can’t think of a more pathetic and ironic position to be in; where Donald Trump is some kind of beacon of truth, that explains A LOT about why ya’ll believe the drivel that you fall for.
If there are any calm, sensible, people to be found in politics, they are somewhere in the Republican Party (not Chuck). I haven’t heard a Democrat talk sense since Senator Monyhan died (and he never voted the right way).
Joe Biden is a stupid, vicious, corrupt hack.
Got it. You're not up to date with current events. Well, ok then. But, if you aren't, I suggest not commenting on it.
Also: Remember. I'm not a Trump fan. If you claim his crime of incitement is a crime, I'm willing to sacrifice him, so long as the rule is applied equally to all politicians. I'm not a fan of Trump. If what he did is a crime, I'm fine with him facing the music. You just have to be fair and apply the rules to both sides. Why aren't you willing to do that?
I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!
It's obvious to those of us paying attention over the past several decades that the Left constantly generate hysteria that makes conservatives into dangerous Nazis in order to enact an agenda that the American public does not want.
The idiots lap it up and the true believers admire the audacity. Moderate liberals shrug their shoulders and let it pass thinking that there is no point in fighting for honesty about conservatives.
"I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!"
Did you not expect this? Democrats take every 'crisis' and use it as ammunition to push a progressive agenda.
If there is no crisis, they will make one up (Russia, Russia, Russia...Ukraine phone call, Trayvon, Floyd, etc.).
They never let up. They are like zombies forever lurching toward a brave new socialist world.
I actually admire them greatly for it. I just wish folks on the conservative side (actual conservatives, not the Romney types) would take good notes.
"Smart strategy, and even with Althouse's abstention, it worked."
Smart strategy, and because of Althouse's abstention, it worked.
You may not be interested in socialism, but socialism is interested in you.
@mockturtle - re: walls closing in
Just think of it in physical terms. Newton's laws still apply. Distance from the point of failure is your best hope, for the short term.
I'll probably get to watch this for the remainder of my days, and I plan to stick around for awhile. Damn those Chinese and their curses.
“I enjoyed the phrase "a cascade of Democrats" — it could be the collective noun, you know, like "murder of crows" and "exaltation of larks."”
We should endeavor to avoid the “asylum of loons”.
Right Althouse,
The mob and pressuring folks to overturn the election isn’t worth full rebuke. We don’t want to upset the loons that are sympathetic to the mob and overturning.
These people (unlike the guy in the wheelchair that Althouse yelled at) must continue to be coddled. That’s working real well so far for these deluded folks.
I wonder if wishing all those cocksuckers dead will work.
"In a related story, little girl wants a pony."
Well, there's a mountain of shit in the capital. Maybe if she digs deep enough into it...
The Democrats and swamp dwellers have succeeded in moving the Overton Window re what is acceptable public/political behavior.
I don't think they are going to like the results.
They have made martyrs of some very bad people- Trayvon, Breonna, George, Jacob. Misguided or malevolent people have done a great deal of damage in their names.
They are in the process of making a martyr of President Trump, and many of his supporters.
The Democrats will reap the whirlwind.
Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that cascading is going on in here!
[a DNC staffer hands Renault a pile of money]
Staffer: Your corporate contributions, sir.
Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.
Yes they encourage the most reprobate characters,
Yeah. We're done Darigold. I gave you examples, you're just not well read and up-to-date enough to have acknowledged them.
For the full picture we should, as usual, turn to the Babylon Bee, linked to on today's Instapundit:
The short-sighted protesters stormed the Capitol without stealing a bunch of stuff,
prompting many to question whether they really understand the purpose of a peaceful
protest at all.
"Look at these morons, rioting at the Capitol when there's a perfectly good Target just
down the street," said one CNN reporter. "If they'd looted a bunch of local businesses
in the name of social justice or whatever, we'd be covering this protest a heck of a lot
differently, I'll tell you that."
Dear Ann:
The Democrats will never be "sensible, moderate and practical"
That’s funny Althouse. Mebbe pick ya up a Unicorn at the local organic grocery while your at it.
I am so disappointed in my fellow Americans. Many of them will turn into hooting baboons with the slightest stimulation and actually think they are the smart and composed ones. They’re actually just stupid and excitable.
DarigoldVanilla said...
Please show me where any other democratic leader stood in front of the mob, repeated proven lies to get them primed and directed them to “fight” (the democratic process) minutes before they committed massive acts of violence?
Trump addressed a permitted rally, not a "mob".
What politician can't be accused of uttering "proven" lies.
Name every politician who has never said "fight" for their cause.
What I've noticed is that those accusing Trump of verbal conduct provide very few full length quotations to make their prima facie case.
When have the Democrats shown "grace" or "Class" in the last 4 years? What an absurdity. They stole an election, committed massive political violence, lied about trump endlessly, and censored stories that hurt them.
Michelle Obama wants trump and anyone who supports him, permanently banned from ALL social media. The Big Tech billionaires - at least Zuckerprick - agrees.
Nice that Althouse's "Wishes" they would not be mean and divisive. But they will win by any means necessary.
Biden is gonna have another aneurysm whether real or not, soon. Very soon.
There is no way they can continue to trot him out there. They need a clean semi articulate mixed race cunt for that.
I constantly wonder if there is ANY intelligent organized resistance to the left in this country. I want to start saying, to quote Bob Dole, "Where's the outrage?". The left seems not only in control, they seem to be the only ones who cares and want to fight for power. The Republicans simply let Trump be driven from office in a stolen election. They didn't want to fight for him - or anything else. Now they've lost all 3 branches of Government, and most of them seem happy as pigs in slop.
"The day after the (Reichstag) fire, Hindenburg signed the Emergency Decree for the Protection of the German People. This decree suspended the democratic aspects of the Weimar Republic and declared a state of emergency.
This decree gave the Nazis a legal basis for the persecution and oppression of any opponents, who were be framed as traitors to the republic. People could be imprisoned for any or no reason. The decree also removed basic personal freedoms, such as the freedom of speech, the right to own property, and the right to trial before imprisonment.
Through these aspects the Nazis suppressed any opposition to their power, and were able to start the road from democracy to a dictatorship."
"Don't dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob — insurrectionists, domestic terrorists. It's that basic. It's that simple," Biden said.
So Joe Biden wasn't calling out the Democrats in this call for unity?
Rcocean: Parties, shmarties. There is no difference between the GOP and the Dems. It's all about power and privilege.
"But they will win by any means necessary."
They wanted to win in the worst possible way, and that's precisely what happened.
We will now deal with the aftermath. The cleaners won't be able to get the stain out of the sofa. They'll insist that if you look at it in the right light, you can't really see the stain.
It's just an illusion, they'll insist. Say it, they'll insist. No stain, right?
You can't see it, can you tovarich? Here's a sign with a public service message.
Put it in your window. Have a nice day.
Which way to the Bastille?
@Gahrie - Ann did more than get the clue about Biden - she wrote a detailed post explaining why Biden was unfit to be President (his endorsement of the Charlottesville Hoax). Maybe she's saying the election is the election and we have to start with a clean slate, but hold Biden accountable from here on. But out there in the bear pit of the US media, Trump never was given that deference, which is probably why he's gone a bit over the top now.
"I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!"
I have a rather stronger version of that feeling.
It's distinctly troubling that the party that's about to hold all the power of the Federal Government is screaming about criminalizing dissent in the last two weeks of the transition.
Nonapod said...
"There are literally tens of millions of people who really like Trump and feel disenfranchised, attacked, and hated by the establishment. Going after Trump now won't do anything but anger them even more and push us further into division and chaos. If these decision makers truly care about this country and it's future as they claim to they'd want to calm things down, not ramp them up."
"But our would be ruling class seem to be so ruled by their emotions that they can't even see the danger anymore. They're so desperate to punish Trump to make sure there can never be another outsider like him who could ever achieve power, but they can't see that they'd also be insulting and punishing millions right along with him."
They know. They don't hate Trump because of any of his personal failings or his abrasive personality. They hate him as a proxy for us. The deplorables.
"I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!" Yeahhhhhh, like THAT's gonna happen....
“But they will win by any means necessary.”
And yet this time they won fair and square. And then DJT incited a mob and pressured elected officials and judges to overturn the election results. By definition = anti-American.
I can’t believe you are this gullible, Althouse.
@Bushman, I can and I do believe it. But it’s nice that others are also noticing how ready Althouse is to believe Democrat bullshit as long as it’s published under the byline of a Times or Post “journalist.”
You were a fool to think the democrats are anything other than what they are.
West Texas Intermediate Crude @ 9:47: word. I wish you were wrong but I fear you are right. Dark winter indeed.
And we thought 2020 was bad...
"I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!
--Theodoric of York
“I can’t believe you are this gullible, Althouse.”
I can’t believe people were and still are gullible enough to not unhitch their wagons from the TrumpStar.
Nancy the political piranha from San Francisco got on her broom (I know a fish can't ride a bicycle or a broom) and demanded the impeachment of Trump. Nothing new here--she was at it over a year ago.
enjoyed the phrase "a cascade of Democrats" — it could be the collective noun, you know, like "murder of crows" and "exaltation of larks."
"tribe of shit-flinging monkeys"
Here's a bonfire. Over there is a can of gasoline.
We're Democrats and the media. We're going to toss the gasoline on the bonfire.
What could possibly go wrong?
@ Big Mike, yeah, I think Althouse wanted to be left alone to eat her waffle in peace for the next four years. She assumed Republicans would retain the senate to serve as a counterbalance to the worst instincts of her favored team. I’m guessing she’ll soon get to the phase where she’s more or less rationalizing the actions of Democrats by claiming Trump unchained an in power would have been worse.
They have made martyrs of some very bad people- Trayvon, Breonna, George, Jacob. Misguided or malevolent people have done a great deal of damage in their names.
The morning before the Capitol hill shooting, ESPN personalities were calling for America to Protest because of the decision not to prosecute cops in the Jacob Blake shooting. Jacob Blake had just assaulted a woman that he had raped in the past. Cops tried to arrest him and he resisted. Blake admits to pulling out a knife to attack officers, and then Blake was shot. ESPN wants people in the streets for the cops shooting Blake. Ashli Babbitt was unarmed with officers in front and behind her.
A dunghill of Democrats, if you prefer the alliterative.
A preen of Democrats, if you don't.
The NYT steers. The NYT of 1619 disinformation fame. The NYT of Russian collusion misinformation fame. The NYT spreading diversity and exclusion. A JournoListic organelle operating with Pro-Choice quasi-religious ("ethical") standards.
Perhaps someone obscure, perhaps no one. It may take several years, or it may never happen.
Kanye 2024. Dragons blood.
I enjoyed the phrase "a cascade of Democrats" — it could be the collective noun, you know, like "murder of crows" and "exaltation of larks."
I'm going to go with "an insanity of Democrats". In fact, I may start using this in every day speech.
Impeachments on false grounds and discovery implicating Democrat special and peculiar interests. Sensible, moderate, practice... Pro-Choice.
"I can’t believe people were and still are gullible enough to not unhitch their wagons from the TrumpStar."
You don't get it and liberals in general don't get it.
It's about what he represents.
Finally someone fighting against the corruption in DC and a government/media complex that is lurching ever-leftward at the expense of average, hard-working Americans who want to be left alone to live their lives free of government control. Who will no longer stand for being called deplorable and racist for having an opinion that differs from the leftist hive-mind.
If not Trump, then whoever comes after him with the same message.
It doesn't go away when Trump goes away.
"I can’t believe people were and still are gullible enough to not unhitch their wagons from the TrumpStar."
You can't believe it because you long ago gullibly hitched your own wagon to Progressivism, Scientism, Critical Theory and Utopianism. The star to which people (including Donald Trump) have hitched their wagons is not Trump. It's the star of God, family, and country.
Believe it or not.
@Meade at 11:15
Yes, kind of what I was getting at : )
A dunghill of Democrats
I like it, PM! Has a fitting stench to it.
Well said, Meade. Thank you for the clear focus.
Meade said...
Believe it or not.
1/8/21, 11:21 AM
They will chose "not". They don't believe in God and so like everything else in their lives, it comes down to projection. Since they believe in nothing, value nothing but power, they can not imagine anyone else believing in anything else enough to die for it.
When you are empty, it is cold comfort to you to believe everyone else is just as empty too.
"A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of himself. And he can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it." <-- also describes liberals and democrats
Not bad, Meade. When did you get so smart?
"I can’t believe people were and still are gullible enough to not unhitch their wagons from the TrumpStar."
Meade gets it!! The star to which people (including Donald Trump) have hitched their wagons is not Trump. It's the star of God, family, and country.
It isn't about Trump the man. It is about the concepts that Trump is giving voice. The principles by which we define ourselves. Belief not in a man, a figurehead or even a political party that betrays its constitutions at every turn. Belief in God, Family, Country.
If it isn't Trump....who has given voice to the people and who has been standing UP for America... it WILL be someone else.
The Democrats think they have won by cheating and ousting Trump....they have made a mistake. They have destroyed the rules, the foundation, the basis of a civil society.
They have just paved the path for the next version of Trump...or worse.
Beware of what you do, because you may not (will not!) like the consequences.
"NY Times" piling on - LOL! "...The White House slips deeper into crisis in the final days of the Trump presidency. "...Example, 'everyone resigning'? Mmm, isn't that what they need to do with only 2 weeks left of the Trump Administration. Nahh, it's all about the MSM taking a 'last bite of the [Trump] apple'. What are they going to do to generate money after Trump leaves? How about finally, most of these idiots go out of business.,
A cascade of Democrats calling for impeachment? Gee, that's something new.
"I'd like the Democrats — who have won — to show calm steadiness and grace, not crank things up to higher and higher hysteria!"
I'd like to build a world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves!
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company!
Also, I'd like a weekend in Vegas with Gal Gadot!
Professor, now is when things start to get really interesting. Really fast.
The one comforting thought that I will cling to, and which will hopefully provide a smidgen of warmth in the coming long Dark Winter, is the hope, nay the fervent prayer, that all the Ingas, Chucks, ARMs, Vikis and other resident leftist trolls who are willfully blind and ignorant of history, will still be alive in the coming years to see everything they think they know come crashing down around their ears, To see the their smug haughtiness replaced by growing looks of confusion and horror as the mask of deception is ripped away, their walls of cognitive dissonance are smashed apart, and they are finally faced with the true consequences of the lies in which they believed.
"massive acts of violence?"
The bodies are stacked like cordwood!
"if not to rope in those of us who just want things to be sensible, moderate, and practical?!"
Us? You didn't vote.
MeatPopscicle1234 said...
To see the their smug haughtiness replaced by growing looks of confusion and horror as the mask of deception is ripped away, their walls of cognitive dissonance are smashed apart, and they are finally faced with the true consequences of the lies in which they believed.
1/8/21, 1:50 PM
Sorry to disappoint but they will wear those goofy, shit eating, know it all grins right up to the point they see the wrong end of a gun pointed at their heads, at which point they will say (but no one will hear as it is drowned out by the shot) "but I am one of the good ones!"
The Beer Hall Putsch of 2021.
That's a joke ... sort of.
"A dunghill of Democrats
I like it, PM! Has a fitting stench to it."
A "Cathouse of Democrats" has a stench too.
Appropriate as all politicians are whores.
Meade Intensifies ! @11:15
Moar of this!
...an asylum of Democrats?
Trump’s MAGAt mob of thugs needs to see trump punished and humiliated. That’s how America heals; by imposing a sense of shame on these entitled, conspiracy believing animals.
See, it's shit like this that brightens my day. Because the payback will be especially sweet.
Here come the purges. Meanwhile 4 years ago, the plot went into effect. They were all smiley face for the inauguration.
Anyone can be president they say.
The bright side, Hillary will never be president.
What a barrage of bullshit from the hypocrites. The DC ruling class and their ponces in the leftmedia go berserk when they are actually touched by the people. Never mind the Democrat Brownshirts who ravaged our cities for months in 2020 with assaults, arson, looting and vandalism.
Other than swamprats puckering at the proximity, this is about intimidation. The style was different when they destroyed the Tea Party movement, but the intent was the same. Want the integrity of elections examined? You will be pilloried! Want to have a MAGA demonstration? You will be pilloried! Want to criticize the new order on social media? You will be cancelled! After all, we can’t have the normals entering the hallowed halls of the swamp. “You’ve been bad. No more Constitution for you! You have earned oppression!”
There are videos aplenty out there contradicting the swamp narrative. They will be censored. The world and the bubble people will never know the truth. Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed veteran gunned down by the police, will be forgotten because conservative white lives don’t matter.
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
And yet this time they won fair and square. And then DJT incited a mob and pressured elected officials and judges to overturn the election results. By definition = anti-American.
Preach it, Spréchemanure!!! 🐴💩
Coincidentally for anyone interested - recently started 2020-10-16 fanfic tale of prole insurrection in Vorkosiverse by dptullos
A Vor's Duty
Kent state seems to be go to analogy - why not American Tien-an-Men
That shooting at the Capitol doors needs to be dynorama in Smithsonian (Vorhartung Castle in Vorkosiverse)
I'm Not Sure said...
"In a related story, little girl wants a pony."
Well, there's a mountain of shit in the capital. Maybe if she digs deep enough into it...
she is also anosmia-advantaged
"They need a clean semi articulate mixed race cunt for that.
That's storybook, man. You know... the thing.
rocean- In Congress, being in the minority is a sweet gig. You can stand up and say, 'goldang it, we should defund ACORN! We should defund Planned Parenthood.'
Keep this in mind. Republicans funded ACORN for decades, they fund Planned Parenthood, even when they had all branches of Gov't.
A private citizen, James O'Keefe came along, with Andrew Breitbart to expose the game. ACORN had to change their name. Republicans still fund them.
Whirlpool of Democrats.
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