January 3, 2021

"Well, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is, the data you have is wrong."


Via "‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’: In extraordinary hour-long call, Trump pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the vote in his favor" (WaPo):
The rambling and at times incoherent conversation offered a remarkable glimpse of how consumed and desperate the president remains about his loss, unwilling or unable to let the matter go and still believing he can reverse the results in enough battleground states to remain in office.
The worst of it is the threat
During their conversation, Trump issued a vague threat to both Raffensperger and Ryan Germany, the secretary of state’s general counsel, suggesting that if they don’t find that thousands of ballots in Fulton County have been illegally destroyed to block investigators — an allegation for which there is no evidence — they would be subject to criminal liability. 
“That’s a criminal offense,” he said. “And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer.”... 
Trump’s conversation with Raffensperger put him in legally questionable territory, legal experts said. By exhorting the secretary of state to “find” votes and to deploy investigators who “want to find answers,” Trump appears to be encouraging him to doctor the election outcome in Georgia. But experts said Trump’s clearer transgression is a moral one. 
Edward B. Foley, a law professor at Ohio State University, said that the legal questions are murky and would be subject to prosecutorial discretion. But he also emphasized that the call was “inappropriate and contemptible” and should prompt moral outrage.
Here's the full conversation:   


doctrev said...

The millions descending on Washington would be more than satisfied if Trump took Raffensperger's head, and made -that- the threat to the cabal attempting to steal the Presidency.

Perhaps I'll listen to the "rambling" call later. Perhaps not. Get ready, the exciting part's coming.

RMc said...

How does the Washington Post have a copy of a private phone call made by the President? I mean, did they tap his phone or something? Or did Raffensperger record the call (is that even legal?) and release it to the media, because reasons?

mandrewa said...

Tim Pool asks the question, why aren't we allowed to listen to the 95% of the recording that the Washington Post is not allowing us to hear?

Tim Pool: Trump Phone Call LEAK Proves Trump Wants To Overturn GA Election Triggering Democrat OUTRAGE

The Bergall said...

I heard this on the BBC earlier. They played the audio and I shook my head.

le Douanier said...

Cult members gotta be suckers. Over and over.


steve uhr said...

Ok to record call. Georgia is a one-party consent state.

Ann Althouse said...

"How does the Washington Post have a copy of a private phone call made by the President? I mean, did they tap his phone or something? Or did Raffensperger record the call (is that even legal?) and release it to the media, because reasons?"

Listen to the first minutes of the full length audio (at the bottom of the post). There's a long list of who's on the call.

le Douanier said...

If you support a POS, you are a POS. Facts.

Ken B said...

Have not listened yet. Cannot say that excerpt is a threat though, since Trump is saying something is a criminal offense and that cannot be allowed. Failing to rig votes is not a crimoffense so that is not what Trump is talking about.
My guess is this is more nothing. But I will listen to at least some of it.

Ken B said...

No. I can support the rights or claims of a POS without being one. I support Michael K's right to vote for example. Important principle.

D.D. Driver said...

"In my opinion" they are shredding ballots. LOL.

Howard said...

Whomever leaked these tapes are traitors. Heads on spikes in Lafayette Square.

Jupiter said...

WaPo says, "Dat Trump, he cray-cray!".

rhhardin said...

The fact is that the system can't deal with the cheating that the dems have pulled off. It's a structural matter.

The media are dealing with their narrative, various pieces of which have to fit in with Trump being delusional and worse.

rhhardin said...

The wanted implication is that Trump's "find votes" means the same thing as dems do when they find votes.

Dave Begley said...

Why didn't the WaPo get leaked phone calls from GA officials about how they stopped counting in the middle of the night in ATL?

Why didn't WaPo give us full coverage of Hunter's laptop? Or how the ATL video shows vote stealing?

WaPo has been working for 4 years to get Trump and this is their last hurrah.

Dave Begley said...

The most remarkable thing about this entire theft of the election is that all the Dems are quiet. You'd think at least one of them who have the morals to rat out this criminal activity.

le Douanier said...


Hairs don’t split that finely, if you support POS claims from a POS, you’re stuck where you are. Supporting the right re POS folks being free to express themselves does not require supporting their POS-ness, you can still easily oppose them (or be neutral) hence not being supportive of POS-ness yourself. Oppose a POS, but also support POS folks openly expressing themselves, then you don’t need to use recorded phone callls that are meant to keep POS-ness more on the DL.

rhhardin said...

The dems are mostly soap opera women. If they have the narrative that interests them, they're happy.

narciso said...

yes this is the same washington post, that ignored biden's extortion of poroshenko, over the 1.6 billion dollar loan, that dissappeared when privat bank collapsed later that year, to the tune of 6 billion (dr. evil pinky swerl)

GingerBeer said...

I'm so sick and tired of this jackass. I'm ready to be sick and tired of the next jackass.

D. said...


Biden’s Inaugural Lunch Called Off Due to Concern Over Virus

Report: Biden’s Inaugural Parade Viewing Stands Taken Down – Parade in Doubt – They’re Afraid it Will Turn into a Massive MAGA Rally


stevew said...

Boy that Trump guy is bad isn't he? Thank god we'll be rid of him soon. Boring Ole' Joe will be so much nicer, and non-controversial.

Thumbs up to rhhardin @4:31 PM. Scott Adams one screen, two movies. I'm not seeing the soap opera. Plenty of bad acting though.

wild chicken said...

Man...Trump is a hoss, isn't he? Lol
Like Foghorn Leghorn, or drunk LBJ. He needs to find a third world country to run.

And those state admins have such wimpy little voices. Turn up the mic jfc

Joe Smith said...

Asses don't kick themselves.

Win or lose, I hope Trump burns the R party down to the ground and salts the earth.

effinayright said...

Sprezzatura said...

Hairs don’t split that finely, if you support POS claims from a POS, you’re stuck where you are. Supporting the right re POS folks being free to express themselves does not require supporting their POS-ness, you can still easily oppose them (or be neutral) hence not being supportive of POS-ness yourself. Oppose a POS, but also support POS folks openly expressing themselves, then you don’t need to use recorded phone callls that are meant to keep POS-ness more on the DL.

Sprezzatura, you're a POS for calling Trump and his supporters POS.

See how easy it is to play your stupid game?

Joe Smith said...

"Ok to record call. Georgia is a one-party consent state."

Like the Senate chambers with Biden and Tara Reade?

Ken B said...

Single party consent should ALWAYS be the rule. No one should talk to the media for instance without keeping a recording. True of lots of situations.

gadfly said...

Sen. Mike Braun, dumb-shit defender of Hoosier values, is opposing the electoral college vote because he has heard "allegations" of voter fraud from his dumb-shit leader. Sad. Where do we find such stupid politicians and how can anyone vote for them?

Marshall Rose said...

The most remarkable thing about this entire theft of the election is that all the Dems are quiet. You'd think at least one of them who have the morals to rat out this criminal activity.

They all know the name Seth Rich.

narciso said...

julie kelly points out that the attorney is stonewalling any investigations, and they don't know the provenance of many of the disputed ballots,

Kevin said...

So there's about to be a debate about election fraud in the House and Senate.

Media Response: OMG, look what Trump said!!!!

n.n said...

WaPo is coming off a 16 trimester witch hunt and warlock trial with evidence that Obama spied, Biden obstructed, Clinton colluded, Russia spent one hundred thousand dollars, while the Chinese spend billions of Green-backs annually, and the press entertained and progressed a massive disinformation campaign to cover it up.

narciso said...

as night follows day, their byline reads better in mandarin,

n.n said...

So there's about to be a debate about election fraud in the House and Senate.

Unprecedented. Egregious, even. A legacy of allegations without evidence and Democrat mainstay.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Yes you notice trumpeters want to show their rage at " who released the recording" notbthe criminal more Ukraine style badgering from trump.This guy is a scab on America. Jan 20th cant come soon enough, badgering g,whining,threatning,begging lying incoherent rambling,5000 dead voters, no proof
anything,,1 for 65 in courts on rejection of his la.e challenges and begging his own group of Repub lame republicans secretary and governor.Impeach this guy again so he cant even run for dog catcher in Wyoming!

le Douanier said...

“ See how easy it is to play your stupid game?”

You’re not very good at whataboutism.

Presumably your effort would be more impressive if I was caught trying to mess with the core of our representative democracy, from the position of POTUS.

Being in a cult is not a good look,


n.n said...

as night follows day, their byline reads better in mandarin,

Yes, it helps to read their prose in a secular context, preferably at Twilight through a prism of penumbras and emanations.

stevew said...

There hasn't been a challenge to the Electoral College vote results in, according to my research, four years!!! Hawley and Cruz are obviously seditious cretins. This must be stopped!

Banjo said...

The entire tape has been released and seems to give an entirely different impression than the edited version of the WaPo.

victoria said...


Right on!!!! Was and always will be.

Vicki from Pasadena

effinayright said...

Sprezzatura said...
“ See how easy it is to play your stupid game?”

You’re not very good at whataboutism.
You're not very good at understanding how vacuous your comments are.

You claim Trump AND and his supporters are POS, otherwise known as "name-calling."

I respond with a claim that YOU are a POS, otherwise known as "name-calling".

What has been accomplished here, aside from snot-flinging?

To top it off, I'm not accusing you of hypocrisy, which at bottom is what "whataboutism" is all about. It doesn't surprise me that you don't understand the proper use of the term.

I'm simply pointing out that such "arguments" as yours are stupid and unproductive.

narciso said...

que sorpresa, that's why the squirrels are loose,

Wince said...

Not sure the WaPo even wants to understand the true nature of the investigation that's been spearheaded by Patrick Byrne.

...suggesting that if they don’t find that thousands of ballots in Fulton County have been illegally destroyed to block investigators — an allegation for which there is no evidence — they would be subject to criminal liability.

Isn't Trump is referring to thousand of ballots that were NOT voted on, but were part of an alleged reservoir of counterfeit ballots held in a warehouse just in case they were "needed".

It's alleged that "following GA Senate Subcommittee passing the motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots, ballots in Fulton County were loaded into trucks & then shredded."

Jump to the Gateway Pundit links on Byrne's Twitter to see images of the boxes of ballots and the trucks in question.

Inga said...

Mafia tactics.

jim said...

Every day or two a new low

... to be excused.

Kate said...

The WaPo cries wolf. Maybe a monster lurks, but who cares? I ran out with my pitchfork and found them lying too many times to run again.

Iman said...

Blogger Sprezzatura said...
If you support a POS, you are a POS. Facts.

Fairly strong condemnation of Biden-Harris supporters... two pieces of shit bumps up the POS factor, I’d reckon.

Joe Smith said...

"Mafia tactics."

"I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."

--Joey "Fingers" Biden

Iman said...

You doubled da shit AND doubled the fun... it was two... two... two shits in one...

Wince said...

WaPo is insinuating that Trump is coercing GA state official to produce ballots with Trump votes on them, or face criminal charges.

My understanding (see above) is Trump is telling them to produce the counterfeit ballots that were brought into Georgia, held in warehouses and sent for destruction after the legislative committee voted.

Destruction of evidence is where the criminal charges come in, not in a failure to produce Trump votes.

Notice how the WaPo article is deceptively worded, conflating "ballots" and "votes" for Trump to arrive at the "doctor the election" conclusion.

The worst of it is the threat: During their conversation, Trump issued a vague threat to both Raffensperger and Ryan Germany, the secretary of state’s general counsel, suggesting that if they don’t find that thousands of ballots in Fulton County have been illegally destroyed to block investigators — an allegation for which there is no evidence — they would be subject to criminal liability. “That’s a criminal offense,” he said. “And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer.”... Trump’s conversation with Raffensperger put him in legally questionable territory, legal experts said. By exhorting the secretary of state to “find” votes and to deploy investigators who “want to find answers,” Trump appears to be encouraging him to doctor the election outcome in Georgia.

Anonymous said...

This thing we had is over. This USA. Look to your State. Make your utopia there.

roesch/voltaire said...

Well this reveals just who is trying to commit election fraud—the. Con in chief himself

wild chicken said...

'WaPo is insinuating that Trump is coercing GA state official"

Yeah I didn't hear it that way but Trump just has this unfortunate godfatherly way of saying things.

Thank God for the lawyers in the call.

Howard said...

Trump's just bullshitting as a text book art of the deal stratagem. His extemporaneous hypotheticals are just the entre vous sils vous plait to the bargaining sit-rep. However, in this case, they did not let him grab the pussy. Ted Cruise este es nosotros solimente esperanza.

tim maguire said...

Blogger GingerBeer said...I'm so sick and tired of this jackass. I'm ready to be sick and tired of the next jackass

I'm tired of the tough talk, I want the evidence. We have the questions, what are the answers? If the courts refuse to hear the evidence, then release it directly to the public. But either way, enough of the accusations and bullying. Put up or shut up.

le Douanier said...


Fine, you can support a POTUS working to destroy our democratic republic. And I will name call you a POS

And, you will note that you could name call me a POS because I, on the other side, stand for American values.

Quite a victory ya gots there.

Joe Smith said...

"American values"

Those don't exist anymore for all intents and purposes.

They were swept away with the flood of illegal immigration and the domination of the liberal main stream and social media behemoths, and the coopting of the education system to make it a tool for indoctrination and not learning.

The stake through the heart was letting BLM, Antifa and the other leftist radicals make America their bitch.

Anonymous said...

Sprezz. We will not coexist. That's over. Spew whatever nonsense you like. It's over. If Biden shows his face anywhere in public, he will not be 'well received'.

D. said...

Tracy Beanz
Replying to
Also in the transcript POTUS says there is another tape about to drop that’s magnified. I bet they’ve got the woman who ran this operation and she’s flipped - that’s my opinion. Wow
5:08 PM · Jan 3, 2021

Rusty said...

" I, on the other side, stand for American values."
Yeah. Sure you will. You can't possibly mean fair dealing, honesty. truthfulness and loyalty. because you've already thrown those things aside.

Bob Smith said...

Three months from now the Dems will be bragging about what they did to beat Trump. Publicly.

John henry said...

 Howard said...

Ted Cruise este es nosotros solimente esperanza.

First Latinx the other day, now this?

Dejala, Howard. You're no good at Spanish

It's a bit offensive when you try.

John Henry

rcocean said...

Is anyone still stupid enough to believe what the DNC newsletters- otherwise known as the "MSM" - say about trump said? I'd have to read the transcript myself to know the truth about the conversation, but I'm not interested enough. The GA legislature has heard the evidence of the fraud and is demanding an investigation. This weird Ruffenberger (sic) RINO who's very chummy with the Democrats, has been dragging his feet, and delaying any audit of the GA votes for almost 2 months. He's also been defending his actions in the WaPo. Why - If he voted for Trump and "just wants a valid count"? Obviously has been bought off or hates Trump.

Again, why would ANYONE want to win by fraud. Why wouldn't everyone - including Biden - not demanding an audit/investigation to show there was no fraud? why would you want to win illegally?

In other news, bought-off, Fake Republican, Paul Ryan is now paying back his Wall Street Chums and Fox news execs by saying "The vote for legitimate". And that's based on what? Nothing. He's just saying it, because his paymasters told him to. Just like he told Trump the border wall money was in the 2018 Omnibus bill, before he resigned and left the 3rd most powerful job in Government.

bbear said...

Nothing could be more wrong than to suggest that the considerable statistical evidence of a stolen election is 'circumstantial,' and somehow inferior to other indicators. In fact, the opposite is true. Only the numbers can remain unbiased by swirling claims and counter-claims, and this is especially so in circumstances fraught with deception. An example from my old statistics text illustrates the point:

"During the Second World War, a very simple statistical procedure was developed for estimating German war production. It was based on serial numbers (in our terminology, order statistics) and proved to be highly effective."

The text then describes the procedure, and appends the following comment:

"When the war was over and the official records of the Speer Ministry impounded, it was found that estimates derived from [statistical] procedures similar to the one just described were far more acurate than those based on any other source of information. As an example, the serial-number estimate for German tank production in 1942 was 3400, which was very close to the actual figure. The 'official' Allied estimate, based on information culled from intelligence reports and espionage activities, was 18,000. Errors of this magnitude were not uncommon. Often the reason for these inflated estimates was the Nazi propaganda machine. Efforts to create the impression that Germany was much stronger than it really was were highly succesful. Only the completely objective serial-number [statistical] procedure remained unaffected!"

An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications
Richard J. Larsen (Vanderbilt University) & Morris L. Marx (University of Oklahoma)
Prentice-Hall, 1981
pp 202 - 203, Case Study 5.2

steve uhr said...

Just listened to it all. Where can I buy my”all I need is 11779 votes” tea shirt?

rcocean said...

The DNC-MSM is already making noises about legislatures feeling "threatened" by the Republican rally on Jan 6th. Good. when did they get attack Antifa for threatening Trump supporters? Never. When did Romney, collins, or Mitch ever condemn blM/Antifa violence? Never.

Maybe the Center-Right needs to start showing up at Romney's Home(s) and giving him a piece of their mind. Maybe it will work. It seemed to work for Antifa/BLM.

iowan2 said...

Bob Smith said...
Three months from now the Dems will be bragging about what they did to beat Trump. Publicly

True that. It happens all the time.

Of course there is massive vote fraud. No leftist denies it. They hide behind the fig leaf of "not enough to alter the outcome" Like the fraud is metered and everyone knows what that metered value is.

Harry Reid, when asked after the election about his false accusation that Mitt Romney didn't pay income taxes. "we won didn't we"

rcocean said...

the Left always LIES. If they say, I listened to it. Its a lie. They will say or do anything to advance their cause. The truth is not in them.

Iman said...

Howard es un pinche huero...

rcocean said...

"Three months from now the Dems will be bragging about what they did to beat Trump. Publicly"

Of course. As Harry Reid said about his lie about Romney's taxes.


rcocean said...

They lied about Trump-Russia collusion for 2 years. They'll lie about Vote Fraud.

readering said...

Of course, Trumpists still love their guy. Their thing.

D. said...


Biden to Replace Inaugural Parade With Short Walk to White House


steve uhr said...

Rcocean - "The Left always LIES. If they say, I listened to it, it's a lie"

I really did listen to All of it. Even the part near the end where Trump can't believe that anyone who lived in Georgia and moves out of state would ever want to move back. And that part where he says that Abrams would have beat Kemp for governor if Trump hadn't helped Kemp. (Which seems somewhat inconsistent with his view that Georgia could never vote for Biden)

If you don't believe me - give me a quiz (assuming you listened to it of course)

iowan2 said...

The leftist admit to vote fraud

Like the guy who asks a girl in the bar if she would go up to his room for sex, if he gave her $100,000. She thinks a long time, (for affect) and then says lets go. The guy says what about for $50? She gets made and says "what do you think I am?". "Oh, you already determined what you are,we are just negotiating the price.

Leftists tell us all the time who they are. They admitted they cheated on the election. The rest is just noise to sow confusion.

le Douanier said...

“give me a quiz”



How about a shirt that says “cult of DJT.”

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Apparently the tweet or video has been taken down.

DEEBEE said...

Iowan2 it’s not only the “lady” giving us who she is, but the blogger here with her latest fecal fling pretending to be cruelly neutral.

I'm Not Sure said...

They hide behind the fig leaf of "not enough to alter the outcome"

They limit their cheating so that it doesn't help them?

Yeah, that makes sense. Tell me another one.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

GA Code § 21-2-604 (2016)
(a) (1) A person commits the offense of criminal solicitation to commit election fraud in the first degree when, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony under this article, he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct.

UKRAINE #2..... this perp just wont give up ..... 16 days and a wake up clean the sewer, disinfect the WH and begin wiping the stain of this last aberration of a representative of the American people. This fella has one more ace in his pocket...bomb Iran and show the world he is the guy to fix it!...wag the dog... :(

I'm Not Sure said...

Not directed at you, iowan2.

D. said...

1/4 17 days til 1/21 - Q++

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A tweet claims WAPO Misled About What Trump Said

Full Audio And Transcript Of Trump-Raffensperger Call


D. said...


Re the Trump-Raffensperger call -- Dad was giving the children one last chance to come clean. Of course they didn't take it.

POTUS: Have they (Dominion) moved the inner parts of the machines and replaced them with other parts?
Ryan Germany (general counsel to Raffensberger): No.
POTUS: You sure... Ryan?
Ryan: I'm sure. I'm sure Mr. President.


Unknown said...

Washington Post, that’s funny.

I'm Not Sure said...

"A tweet claims WAPO Misled About What Trump Said"

Who needs a tweet for that? If it's by WaPo and about Trump, it's about as reliable as the old guy out in the field yelling at clouds.

D. said...


Let the Good Times roll!

Trump Sues Georgia Secretary Of State Raffensperger Over Leaked Phone Call


rcocean said...

Who is paying off Raffensperger? And how much $$ is he getting?

narciso said...

Who isnt paying him


bagoh20 said...

The important thing about the election fraud question is to avoid talking about the actual evidence. You can allude to it, or outright claim it to be npn-exisisteant which is kinda hard since you won't look at it, but the important thing is to talk about it like it's all BS, all the affidavits and video and allusiveness is to be ignored, because...?

D. said...



It Takes a Village to Fuel a Biden Binge


Robert Cook said...

"The millions of Trumper thugs descending on Washington would be more than satisfied if Trump took Raffensperger's head, and made -that- the threat to the cabal attempting to steal the Presidency."

Clarified your comment for you.

"Perhaps I'll listen to the "rambling" call later. Perhaps not. Get ready, the exciting part's coming."

Nothing exciting is coming...just the dispiriting transfer of executive power from one wretched asshole to another.

Robert Cook said...

"The most remarkable thing about this entire theft of the election is that all the Dems are quiet."

No, it's more remarkable that you and so many others take as a matter of iron faith that "this entire theft of the election" is a real thing, rather than merely an unproven allegation made first and most by a self-interested party who cannot bear the thought of being a loser.

D. said...


QAnon and the Great Awakening
Patrick Byne just tweeted this...

WE are the Trump card!


TickTock said...

Interesting call. I've been worried for a couple of years that the privacy laws mean that the government will be the only entity with access to real data. The call suggests even greater reason to be concerned.

Case of Curling v Raffensperger Decision and depositions before the election suggested that current Georgia rules and Dominion machines provided plenty of opportunity for illegal ballots and fraud. Hard to believe inner city politicians didn't take advantage of it. But we may never know.

Too bad Trump didn't stay tighter and more focused in the call. Not his best moment.

Qwinn said...

It's not a matter of "iron faith" for us, Cook. It's a matter of a thousand eyewitnesses to fraud filing affidavits under penalty of perjury. It's video of fraudsters running the same stack of ballots through the scanners 3 times in a row (and there are other similar videos, one running through 5 times now). It's live news feeds from election night showing votes being subtracted from Trump's totals and added to Biden's in real time. It's error logs from various voting machines from several states showing 63% to 84% error rate, with every error leading to a human "adjudication" in a system that allows "adjudicating" entire batches of ballots with a single button. It's mountains of evidence, not circumstancial but as fucking hard and ironclad as evidence can fucking get.

Evidence you haven't even bothered to look at, because YOU have the "iron faith" that there's no there there.

Or you do know it's there, and you're lying.

Either way won't make much difference in the end.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Evidence you haven't even bothered to look at, because YOU have the "iron faith" that there's no there there."

If that's so, there's no reason not to look.

"Or you do know it's there, and you're lying."

In this case, there's every reason not to look.

I'm Not Sure said...

Are democrats looking?

Acting (or failure to act) speaks louder than words.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The National Pulse' story about the full transcript. The Chinese WaPoo jiving and chucking for the DNC once again.

John henry said...

I just finished reading the transcript. Thanks for the link Lem.

My impression is that he has a lot of evidence and probably even proof.

My impression is that he was trying to Raffensperger a chance to do the right thing before he come down on him and others like Thor's hammer.

"fess up or else. And here's why you should." is that a "threat" or is it an opportunity?

I think the answer depends which side one is on.

I stand with our president.

John Henry

Wince said...

steve uhr said...
...And that part where he says that Abrams would have beat Kemp for governor if Trump hadn't helped Kemp. (Which seems somewhat inconsistent with his view that Georgia could never vote for Biden).

Trump is saying Kemp had to overcome the "margin of fraud" in the Abrams race, and Kemp was only able to do so with Trump's support.

What's unique about the 2020 presidential fraud allegation, however, is the innovation where the "margin of fraud" essentially became a variable rather than a numeric constant.

In other words, the margin of fraud had become a differential that Trump never could overcome, because the manipulation had become a variable: infinitely elastic in real time, rather than a largely static numeric constant determined before the polls closed.

Hence, the need to shut-down counting in order to calibrate the eventual margin of fraud after Trump received more votes than expected.

DeepRunner said...

Trump made an incredibly stupid statement, IF that's the full context. It has the MSM, the Left, and Althouse apparently salivating at the possibility that this is the end. That, and the notion that most Americans are so low-information and lazy they won't dig, which is, alas, probably true.

But what Raffensperger did is heinous. He has no political future in the GOP, and he may not care, since he'll be the icon of the Left, and easily bookable on CNN and MSNBC. Which may be A-OK with the Professor.

John henry said...

We've been speaking of Tilden. How many of you know where his money came from?



I started reading the sample of 1876 by gore vidal. Only a chapter or two in but it's as good as I remember.

John Henry

virgil xenophon said...

Wince@11:03PM hits it square in the nuts..

Readering said...

Ask again, why does AA attract so many political loons for commenters?

n.n said...

Trump Call Actually Reveals a President Deep into Detail, with Establishment Republicans Dismissive, Unwilling, and Rejecting Transparency
Despite the partisan framing from the Washington Post – that the call somehow reflected Trump making demands for votes from his Republican colleagues – the President actually does no such thing. Throughout the call, the President makes clear that his calls are for election transparency, full and transparent audits, and public access. At no point does the President imply he wants votes invented or confected, as the establishment media is portraying. He even offers to recuse himself from parts of the conversation and ends by asking for “the truth… it’s just that simple.”

So, 50 shades of Charlottesville etc. That said, 16 trimesters and in progress.

Readering said...

All that harrumphing about Trump derangement syndrome exposed for the obtuseness it has always been.

n.n said...

>Trump made an incredibly stupid statement, IF that's the full context. It has the MSM, the Left... salivating

He didn't. It's not. They are... 16 trimesters and in progress.

But what Raffensperger did is heinous. He has no political future in the GOP

Well, as a citizen he enjoys due process, but his future does appear to be better served with the Twilight fringe. The darkness in democracy mimics the discovery of "deep state" operatives who opposed and lied about Trump's order to end Obama/Biden's legacy in wars without borders, transnational terrorism, and agreements with fungible funds/reordered claims.

nanna888 said...

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Big Mike said...

@Readering, calling people with whom you disagree “political loons” and denying the existence of TDS are not examples of “good will towards men” (women either), nor will it lead to “peace on earth.”

gadfly said...

52 USC 20511 (2)(B) - The law is the law and a House member should move to impeach Trump today based upon his telephone call to the GA Secretary of State. Impeachable offenses so named by the House cannot be pardoned and not even Pelosi can stop the vote.

A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office –
(1) knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any person for –
(A) registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote;
(B) urging or aiding any person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; or
(C) exercising any right under this chapter; or
(2) knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by –
(A) the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or
(B) the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held, shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.

gadfly said...

@Big Mike said...

@Readering, calling people with whom you disagree “political loons” and denying the existence of TDS are not examples of “good will towards men” (women either), nor will it lead to “peace on earth.”

Mikey: Perhaps you should direct your comment to your authoritarian leader rather than twisting Readering's second try at toning down the insanity - since this is really about Trump's lack of good will. As Billy Joel points out - "We didn't start the fire . . . "

But we worry about the extreme-right militarists camped out in DC that Trump has been riling up.

Oso Negro said...

I would enjoy this blog much better if everyone who posted had to include their name and address.

Tina Trent said...

Joe Smith is right. All three times.

Big Mike said...

As Billy Joel points out - "We didn't start the fire . . . "

Almost spat out my morning coffee. We aren’t he ones who ginned up a bogus Russian conspiracy to try to force out a duly-elected President, and we aren’t the ones who stormed the streets burning cars and smashing windows during Trump’s inauguration. We aren’t the ones who’ve been rioting and looting since last summer. You sure as Hell started the fire. Ain’t my fault if you burn, too.

But we worry about the extreme-right militarists camped out in DC that Trump has been riling up.

No such people anywhere except in your pathetic imagination. There are scary, violent, people rumored to be converging on DC, but they’re lefty extremists — Antifa and BLM types. Not sure I believe those rumors, but it’s a lot more plausible than “extreme-right militarists.”

Big Mike said...

By the way, in my book the very fact that Althouse made this post is evidence for my claim of her gullibility.

rwnutjob said...

If they thought Biden actually won, they wouldn’t need to record the President’s phone call, selectively edit it, & leak it to a complicit press.

veni vidi vici said...

Georgia gov't idiocracy has guys named "Raffensperger" and "Ryan Germany" in positions of high authority.

They wanted the Waffen SS; instead, they got the Waffle House.

veni vidi vici said...

"Hairs don’t split that finely, if you support POS claims from a POS, you’re stuck where you are."

Says a guy who likely supported that finger-wagging molester, Bill Clinton.

mezzrow said...

The commodity is contempt. Contempt for "the other", for rules, for tradition, for God.

Are you long or short? You could make it big by going long on contempt for the past, oh, twenty years now. All cycles have to come to an end - the only question is when.

At some point, there will be something that will cause us to recognize our common humanity and turn the heat down on the contempt. Whatever it is will probably be far more terrible than anything we've seen so far. Trump and Biden are a product of this contempt.

It will have to be bigger than COVID-19 and 9/11, that much we know.

Happy Monday.

D.D. Driver said...

How would this even work? The SOS announces "I've 'recalculated' the votes and now Trump wins!" Two months after the election?

Serious, Don?! That's your plan?

When do the we admit that the Emperor has no brains?

Qwinn said...

Shorter D.D. Driver:

"It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!"

roesch/voltaire said...

I read the entire script which reads like an Alex Jones rant based on false information that has already been debunked including the blank ballots that were printed if extras were needed but not used. What is so sad and dangerous for the country is that Trump actually believes in his delusions.

John henry said...

Read what the transcript says, dd.

Not what WaPo claims it says.

John Henry

Birches said...

Feels like the Trump/Comey dinner where Trump brought up Flynn, which means it's all BS.

D.D. Driver said...

Shorter D.D. Driver:

"It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!"

Qwinn there is a process for challenging ballots. The process is not the Secretary of State "finding" ballots two months later. Trump really is as stupid as everyone says he is if that is his "plan."

Static Ping said...

They have lied to me about just about everything for the past four years. They are lying now.

Qwinn said...

"I read the entire script which reads like an Alex Jones rant based on false information that has already been debunked"

Ah, these glorious debunkings. Continuously asserted, never actually provided.

Terry Ott said...

I’ve not been able to keep close track of this melodrama because of pressing personal matters. Maybe someone would be willing to just address a couple of questions … or point me to a source (article, website, video discussion, etc) that would cover them. They are:
(1) Has any court or significant investigative body paid attention to the many sworn affidavits and/or other testimony about irregularities from people who were involved in the processing of ballots in various cities/states? If not, why not?
(2) Is it accurate to say that in some states the election-related laws and processes, which are the responsibility of the legislatures, were overridden by election officials governors without the legislatures’ consent? If so, what’s the judicial reaction?
Thank you.

Terry Ott said...

should say “…. election officials, and/or governors …"

narciso said...


Qwinn said...

Terry Ott:

1) No, no court has paid any attention to them, nor permitted an evidentiary hearing. They just wave a hand dismissively and decree "no evidence!", literally not just undermining but completely denying the entire concept of sworn affidavits counting as evidence in any form. Why? You'll have to ask them, but if you ask me, blatant corruption and treason.

2) It wasn't just the election officials - it was also the PA Supreme Court itself that illegally changed the rules by which the elections would be run. When two lower PA courts decided in Trump's favor and declared he was likely to win on the merits, that very same PA Supreme Court, the incredibly and obviously conflicted PA Supreme Court that should have been a defendant in the case, ruled to dismiss on the basis that 3 weeks after the election wasn't a timely enough manner in which to file the case (and note that every suit brought before the election was dismissed as no standing because the election hadn't happened yet). If this sounds like the most obviously blatantly corrupt shenanigans in election history, that's because it is.

D.D. Driver said...


(1) Most of the serious lawsuits have nothing to do with election "fraud"--i.e., ballot stuffing, voting machines, and the like. Trump and cronies go on twitter and allege voter fraud, but they don't actually argue voter fraud in court. Why? In other words, Courts are not examining these witnesses because Trump's lawyers refuse to put them on the stand. Why?

The one court that I know listened to testimony was in Michigan and the Court found the witnesses to not be credible. You can go listen to Melissa Carrone testimony before the Michigan legislature. Sure seems to me that the court got it right.

(2) Yes and no. I think its more accurate to say that the legislatures just delegated and deferred too many issues to elections officials. In other words, I think most of went down happen 100% with the legislatures consent or willful blindness. The other problem is that many of the challenged practices have been going on for a long time, and republicans now have a problem with them only because Trump lost.

Mattman26 said...

Finally got around to listening to it for myself. Describing the Prez as "at times incoherent" is simply wrong, and the sort of thing that once upon a time you would never have seen in a "news" article. WaPo has thus lost any semblance of legitimacy for the rest of the reporting.

I'm no forensics expert, but it also sounds like there's a "snip" in the middle. Wonder what's missing?

It's Pravda all the way down.

SensibleCitizen said...

Obama in his 2008 landslide had the largest vote count in US history: 69,498,516 votes
Trump, the most admired man in America, beat that by 4.7mm in 2020: 74,222,593 votes

Biden's vote count is alleged to be 81,281,502 -- 17% more votes than Obama. We are supposed to accept that the basement candidate, with a wildly unpopular vice president, and obvious indications of dementia, beat Obama's record by 17% and defeated the incumbent who routinely drew 20,000+ to political rallies! Is that even remotely plausible?

Somehow, both candidates shattered the Obama record in the same election. Impossible. Only one did -- Trump.

Qwinn said...

The next "debunking" of voter fraud claims that amounts to anything more than a bullshit appeal to obviously corrupt authority will be the first.

walter said...


EsoxLucius said...

If Pelosi were smart, she would enter the tapes into the House records, force every congressperson to listen to the wining of the snowflake loser Cheeto (which they probably haven't), and vote on impeachment again. I wish he would just slither off, but these Trump over democracy representatives have to pay a price. Alas, the democrats will go fecklessly into the night.

Jim at said...

Ask again, why does AA attract so many political loons for commenters?

Maybe you could fuck off somewhere else if you don't like it. Ever thought of that?

Bill said...

dsbunking for the public school educated...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Former Federal prosecutor Shipwreckedcrew listens to the call so you don't have to:


We are all shocked, shocked! to discover that the WaPo's reporting on the call was dishonest:

Late on Sunday, I was able to listen to the recording. It begins with Mark Meadows, the President’s Chief of Staff, advising the President that everyone is on the line. Meadows’s voice is clear and without distortion, and my first reaction is that it is Meadows who is recording the call on his phone. He quickly informs the President who is on the call, using first names only for some. But from what I could discern, the President was on the call, along with Meadows, two attorneys representing the President in Georgia litigation, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and one other person I who I wasn’t sure of but I think might have been the Georgia Attorney General.

President Trump was the first to speak and went on uninterrupted for about 12 minutes — about 20% of the total call. It was not made clear at the outset what the purpose of the call was, as the conversation immediately went to the basis for the election dispute lawsuit in Georgia and the position of the Trump Campaign as expressed in the complaint it has filed.

Much later in the call, closer to the end, Meadows comments on a possible follow-up meeting which would be considered part of further efforts to reach a settlement, “just like the call” — or words to that effect.

That was the first confirmation that I heard that the reason for the call taking place was to look for a settlement or narrowing of issues in dispute in the matter pending in state court in Georgia. From that perspective — which every IDIOT journalist whose stories I read failed to mention or understand that as part of providing context for the call — the President’s comments and Raffensperger’s responses made perfect sense.

These were adverse parties in pending litigation on the call, along with their counsel and advisors. Each side was arguing the facts and stating the case from their respective points of view. The President was not trying to “coopt” Raffensperger, he was trying to convince Raffensperger that the facts as alleged in the complaint filed were correct, and the Trump Campaign had the evidence to back them up.

The President — as well as Meadows and his attorneys — were urging the Georgia officials to look at the evidence the Campaign had, and the Georgia officials were resisting. The position of Raffensberger and the other official was that they have looked at the allegations — not the Campaign’s evidence — and they have done their own investigation of the allegations and found them to be unsubstantiated.

What Trump was recorded saying was "your position in this lawsuit is crap. Pull your head out of your ass, and do the right thing."

Which, BTW, is a true statement on Trump's part.

IOW, what he was saying was "nefarious" only if you hate the truth

Greg The Class Traitor said...

D.D. Driver said...
(1) Most of the serious lawsuits have nothing to do with election "fraud"--i.e., ballot stuffing, voting machines, and the like. Trump and cronies go on twitter and allege voter fraud, but they don't actually argue voter fraud in court. Why? In other words, Courts are not examining these witnesses because Trump's lawyers refuse to put them on the stand. Why?


There are tons of affidavits filed about the fraud. The fight hasn't been about that, it's been about getting the courts to be willing to hear the cases and the evidence, at all.

You have to win that legal argument before you can present the evidence.

Ar you lying, or just really stupid?

We've had multiple posts with links to the affidavits. I don't have time right now to pull them up again. but if you're willing to pretend they don't exist, pulling them up again is pretty irrelevant, since you'll just pretend they still don't exist

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Hey DD:


On December 4, 2020, the Trump Campaign filed a lawsuit challenging the outcome of the Presidential election contest in Georgia. The action was filed in Fulton County Superior Court.
Within the allegations of the 64-page Complaint, the Trump campaign claims they have witness testimony for the courtroom that will identify “illegal” votes in the following numbers:

2,560 felons
66,247 underage voters
2,423 votes from people not registered
1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes
4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
395 individuals who voted in two states
15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
Another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification
Under Georgia election statutes, these claims are squarely within the classification of “errors” that can support the basis of contesting the outcome of an election....

So far the GA Court system has violated GA law, and refused to hold the hearings that are required:
As for the Court proceedings, Sec. 21-2-525 states:
(a) Within 20 days after the return day fixed in the notice as provided in subsection (a) of Code Section 21-2-524 to the defendant, the presiding judge shall fix a place and time for the hearing of the contest proceeding. Such judge may fix additional hearings at such other times and places as are necessary to decide the contest promptly.

It's been 30 days. No hearings.

Because following laws is for the "little people".

Now, explain why we should think that Fulton and Dekalb county vote counters followed the law, when the judicial system doesn't.

In any event, here's the case you claim Trump hasn't filed. Because your'e full of sh!t

EsoxLucius said...

In seven out of the last eight presidential elections since 1992, Republicans have won a plurality of the vote exactly once, but the presidency three times. Is it any wonder that they are therefore not interested in representative government? If a democrat wins Tuesday, will the poison of misinformation allow them to take their seat? What’s the endgame here? Just asking for a friend of democracy.

Douglas B. Levene said...

I tip my hat to Mr. Raffensperger, who has courage, conviction and principles. I'd vote for him if he was ever on the ballot in Oregon. It's sad to see the president disintegrate like this. He's had a relatively successful term, but all people will remember is that he fell apart at the end. It's too bad. At least his sincere belief in the nonsense he's trying to sell precludes a successful conviction for election fraud. So there's that.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

EsoxLucius said...
In seven out of the last eight presidential elections since 1992, Republicans have won a plurality of the vote exactly once, but the presidency three times.

In three of the last 6 Presidential election, a Republican won.

In every one of those elections, a Democrat in the House filed objections to the election.

In 2004, when Bush won "a plurality of the popular vote" as well as the Electoral College, Democrats in the House and Senate combined to object to the election. With other Democrats cheering them on.

Because Democrats are lying sacks of shit, for whom the ONLY thing that matters is that they get the power.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The Democrats are the Party of vote fraud.

They are the Party that fights for "registering" as many "voters" as possible (doesn't matter whether or not they're US citizens (see "Motor Voter"), or even if they exist).

They are the Party that fights and screams against removing old and invalid registrations from the voter rolls.

They are the Party that fights against basic election security, you know, things like having to show a photo ID before you vote.

And then, having fought to make sure that as much vote fraud as possible can take place, if they lose it's because of "voter disenfranchisement" (see Stacy Abrams), and if they "win" you're a traitor to America and a hater of democracy if you try to call out their vote fraud.

So, EsoxLucius: go fuck yourself. There is no such thing as a "national popular vote". There are 51 votes in 50 States and the District of Columbia. You win an election when you win in your district, or your State. When you win in enough districts, and / or enough States, you win national power.

You want a national vote? Then first you have to have national rules. Here's the rules:

1: You can not vote unless you have a State issued Photo ID, one that is ONLY given to proven US Citizens, and one where you can only have it from one State at a time.
2: You can only vote in the State that issued your Photo ID
3: You can only vote absentee under limited rules (see the rules in the PA State Constitution). You have to include a copy of your photo ID, and a current picture of yourself, in order for your absentee ballot to be accepted.
4: No registered voter address can be anything other than a residential address. No PO Boxes. no businesses.
5: All registered voter addresses must be checked to ensure that the registered voter actually lives there. No check? no vote.
6: All voters must be registered at least 6 weeks before the election. You've moved? in the 6 weeks before the election? Vote absentee at your previous place of residence.
7: Not vote harvesting. No vote "drop boxes". Any person handles an absentee ballot other than the voter and the mailman? The ballot is invalid

You ready to apply those rules to every State in the Union? Great! Then we can have a national election

Until then?

Go fuck yourself.

I have a right to vote, and to have my vote count. Allowing vote fraud destroys that right

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Douglas said...
I tip my hat to Mr. Raffensperger, who has courage, conviction and principles.

What "principles"? He violated State law to sign an "consent agreement" that made vote fraud easier, now he's fighting hard to keep the vote fraud from being exposed. If you find that praise=worthy, it's because you are scum

iowan2 said...

You have to win that legal argument before you can present the evidence.

Are you lying, or just really stupid?

Embrace the enlightening influence of 'and'

chuck said...

I didn't comment before because this looked to be fake news. Guess what, it was another hoax manufactured using an out of context misquote. Ann was no doubt running a test to see who has learned the lesson that all news is fake news :)

Terry Ott said...

I agree, EsoxLucious. A plurality of votes cast decides who wins. Plurality of Electoral votes, right? As in sports, yards gained do not win, base hits and on-base percentage do not decide the winner, number of 3-point shots made don’t matter. Scoreboard.

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