The company said it was making the change because [this past] Tuesday was the so-called safe harbor deadline — the date by which all state-level election challenges, such as recounts and audits, are supposed to be completed.
Why does reaching the "safe harbor" deadline make any difference? Is there no free-speech interest in talking about something you think is going wrong because it might be too late to do anything?
YouTube’s announcement is a reversal of a much-criticized company policy on election videos. Throughout the election cycle, YouTube, which is owned by Google, has allowed videos spreading false claims of widespread election fraud under a policy that permits videos that comment on the outcome of an election.
That makes it sound as though YouTube wanted to change the policy and is using the "safe harbor" date as an excuse, to make it seem as though they didn't think their policy was wrong or that they wanted to appease critics without needing to say that the critics were right all along.
They're not, however, taking down videos uploaded before the "safe harbor" date, which makes me think the motivation is to appease critics. People can still watch the already-uploaded videos. What's the point of preventing more of the same? All I can think is that there's a concern that as the legal options for challenging the election become closed off, there will be a new and more desperate expressions about what possibly could be done.
Here's YouTube's statement, which went up on Wednesday. It says its policy was violated all along by misleading allegations of "widespread fraud or errors" that "changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election," but that they are going to "begin enforcing" the policy now. The "safe harbor" date just seems to work as a milestone. It seems as though it might work to make some people believe that YouTube didn't change anything, but that date arrived.
Here's YouTube's last paragraph — projecting friendly corporate responsibility while repelling any effort to actually read it:
We understand the need for intense scrutiny on our elections-related work. Our teams work hard to ensure we are striking a balance between allowing for a broad range of political speech and making sure our platform isn't abused to incite real-world harm or broadly spread harmful misinformation. We welcome ongoing debate and discussion and will keep engaging with experts, researchers and organizations to ensure that our policies and products are meeting that goal. And as always, we'll apply learnings from this election to our ongoing efforts to protect the integrity of elections around the world.
I have tried 10 times to read that and still cannot read straight through it. It's the Teflon of writing. Your eyes roll right off it.
IN THE COMMENTS: Quayle said:
After 30 years in business, I speak the PR language of business and would be happy to translate:"We understand the need for intense scrutiny on our elections-related work."
Translation: Oh, boy! We're getting a lot of unwanted attention.
"Our teams work hard to ensure we are striking a balance between allowing for a broad range of political speech and making sure our platform isn't abused to incite real-world harm or broadly spread harmful misinformation."
Translation: We're having very intense and sometimes heated conversations about how we should respond to the unwanted attention, and a lot of us are worried that if we get this wrong, we'll be shut out of social circles. The CFO also gave the directive to find the path that keeps the topline healthy, and doesn't impact the financials.
"We welcome ongoing debate and discussion and will keep engaging with experts, researchers and organizations to ensure that our policies and products are meeting that goal."
Translation: Some of our entry level employees who are reviewing the content don't know what to tag and not tag, but a lot of them are just tagging anything that even comes close to the topic. The discrepancy in standards from one entry-level employee to another, and with how our algorithms are tagging, creates a risk of looking inconsistent and shoddy. We need to create the appearance that this is a very considered and deliberate balancing by august experts, rather than just whim by minimum wage workers. Let's bring in the "experts" and diffuse some of the heat.
"And as always, we'll apply learnings from this election to our ongoing efforts to protect the integrity of elections around the world."
Translation: This is getting exhausting trying to balance the message that we are just a friendly, benign, helpful enabler of human contact and social good will throughout the world, with the glaring fact that we are a massive, global, unchecked capitalist monster with more power than any for-profit monopoly has ever amassed in the history of mankind. Must not let the mask slip.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 245 of 245Achilles,
. . . and the right to have an abortion is hidden in the 4th amendment.
Oh, is that where it is?
Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
. . . and the right to have an abortion is hidden in the 4th amendment.
Oh, is that where it is?
I was under the impression that is where they found it.
Somewhere between the word Search and the word Seizure I think.
Why do people on the Center or the Right, have this weird compunction to defend big Corporation and Powerful politicians and make excuses for them?
Facebook, twitter, google, don't have to give a shit what ANY of their "critics" think, and its absurd to think they REALLY want free speech but are being "pressured" to censor. That's just fucking bullshit.
Nor do the Republican Pols have an excuse (oh, my family is under threat). really? How many R pols have been physically attacked? None. its just an excuse!
First problem: how can you separate out valid from invalid votes? It's worse than 2000, when the main problem was counting the votes. Gore couldn't get Buchanan's votes counted as Gore votes, so he lost.
Second problem: how can you get state legislatures, courts, or Congress to throw out thousands of votes that may or may not be valid? They don't want to get involved because of the obvious backlash.
14th Amendment prevents States from violating the bill of rights. The right to Abortion via "privacy" was invented from the BoR as a whole.
Don't worry, your Catholic SCOTUS will abort RvW using caustic soda and coat hangers.
Lurker21 said...
First problem: how can you separate out valid from invalid votes? It's worse than 2000, when the main problem was counting the votes. Gore couldn't get Buchanan's votes counted as Gore votes, so he lost.
Second problem: how can you get state legislatures, courts, or Congress to throw out thousands of votes that may or may not be valid? They don't want to get involved because of the obvious backlash.
12/10/20, 2:06 PM
You don't. What happens in Vegas if you are caught cheating in a casino? You forfeit your chips on the table and are thrown out.
You want to see the election process cleaned up? Throw out the cheaters and invalidate the chips. Piss off some folks, sure, that is the point. Until the people care the pols won't change a thing cause it is working for them.
The alternative is make voter fraud (facilitating or doing) a capital crime. The Democrats will cheat until the cost of doing so out weights the benefits. So either invalidate the entire lot of votes or start hanging the cheaters. Pick one.
So all this about Facebook/Instagram/ you tube etc. Stop using them. If 74,000,000 people stopped using them today - that would send a heck of a message. Personally I dumped them a few months ago - don't miss it in the least.
lb said...
So all this about Facebook/Instagram/ you tube etc. Stop using them. If 74,000,000 people stopped using them today - that would send a heck of a message. Personally I dumped them a few months ago - don't miss it in the least.
Each of these platforms measures users in the billions.
This is the core of the problem. They do not have to care about losing 74,000,000 users.
There are enough pieces of shit like Howard out there that don't care about fundamental principles like free speech or equal justice that Facebook/Google etc. can do what they want.
People keep asking how the Nazi's and their corporate sponsors took over Germany.
It is happening right in front of you right now but this time it has a definite Maoist flavor.
So either invalidate the entire lot of votes or start hanging the cheaters. Pick one.
Failing to see why we only get to do one. I'd say if one is necessary, so is the other.
Howard said...
14th Amendment prevents States from violating the bill of rights. The right to Abortion via "privacy" was invented from the BoR as a whole.
Don't worry, your Catholic SCOTUS will abort RvW using caustic soda and coat hangers.
All they would have to do is quote the 10th amendment verbatim.
Abortion is specifically mentioned right there.
Todd said...
Pick one.
Why one?
"So either invalidate the entire lot of votes or start hanging the cheaters. Pick one."
Sounds good to me.
"Failing to see why we only get to do one. I'd say if one is necessary, so is the other."
Even better.
Speaking of media bias, how much of an in-kind donation to the Democrats do you think the total and complete blizzard of bogus news reports claiming that the Hunter Biden investigation was "Russian Disinformation" was worth?
Cause it looks to me like it was worth the entire country.
Qwinn said...
So either invalidate the entire lot of votes or start hanging the cheaters. Pick one.
Failing to see why we only get to do one. I'd say if one is necessary, so is the other.
12/10/20, 2:35 PM
The healing power of "and"?!? OK, you convinced me...
Achilles...yes but I imagine if half of the United States stopped using Facebook/Instagram, people in other countries might not be quite as interested. It's a start at least? This whole thing makes me sick - how can people not see what is going on?
I’ll believe Big Tech is sincere in their censorship when they refuse to allow mention of Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton’s dopey election-fraud claims.
Ok... backing off the hanging for just a minute- since nobody was aware of that risk going in, I'd be good with some serious federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass prison time with no possibility of parole.
This time only.
Next time, hangings.
Don't worry, your Catholic SCOTUS will abort RvW using caustic soda and coat hangers.
Even when Howard makes a painfully lame attempt at being irreverent he just ends up looking like the laughably inane douche that he is. Go bone up on the Nitschke, Professor.
Ok... backing off the hanging for just a minute- since nobody was aware of that risk going in, I'd be good with some serious federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass prison time with no possibility of parole.
I disagree. They've cost the country enough. Not one more dime for their benefit.
Pay for the rope (or bullets for the firing squad) from their confiscated assets.
I know what caused Charlie Hebdo. My point was Big Tech's actions will incite pushback and some of the pushback will be violent.
mockturtle said...
JML observes: NM is now very near shit-hole status.
I think it reached that status a few years ago.
I drove through AZ and NM a few years back. There was a distinct drop in quality when you crossed the border from AZ to NM.
"Shit hole" is pretty appropriate, sadly
"I disagree. They've cost the country enough. Not one more dime for their benefit.
Pay for the rope (or bullets for the firing squad) from their confiscated assets."
Okay. I was just cohabitating with the idea, I'm not married to it.
For someone who mentioned Stacy Abrams, she had a lot to do with Georgia and the election. She negotiated (I don't know the details) a settlement of some sort with Kemp and his GOPe SoS to cancel many of the absentee ballot safeguards.
She played a big role in this even if she looks like a clown.
lb said...
Achilles...yes but I imagine if half of the United States stopped using Facebook/Instagram, people in other countries might not be quite as interested. It's a start at least? This whole thing makes me sick - how can people not see what is going on?
You don't seem to understand who these people are.
Ghandi defeated the British government because the British were decent people. Ghandi would have died in prison in China and nobody in the world would know his name. Same with Martin Luther King Jr.
If people just "stop using Google/Facebook" they will end up being driven from the public square and persecuted in a variety of ways. This has happened in every country people like this take over.
Stopping Google and Twitter and Facebook is going to take a lot more than just stopping their use.
Words and boycotts will not be enough.
Achilles, shorn of his asinine attack on ACB, Howard's account of the basis of Roe is roughly my understanding. A bunch of completely independent decisions from (mostly) the early 20th c., about private schooling, family dispositions, and such, together were glommed together to create a generalized "privacy" right, which then was used to create the right to contraception (NB for married couples only!) in Griswold. That was quickly expanded to any couple, married or not (Eisenstadt v. Baird, I think), and thence to abortion in Roe, later modified by Casey.
So, yes, maybe the Fourth Amendment, applied through the 14th. But I've heard it put everywhere by now. Directly via the 14th (banning abortion is sex discrimination); the 13th (involuntary servitude); the Eighth (cruel and unusual punishment); of course the Ninth and/or Tenth. I have even heard it claimed -- was it Laurence Tribe, or the late Ronald Dworkin? -- that the fact that there's no one way to pin abortion rights to the Constitution proves that they must be in there: Everything just seems to point in the same direction. If you squint just the right way, of course.
It's always in the last place you look. :-)
Qwinn said...
Ok... backing off the hanging for just a minute- since nobody was aware of that risk going in, I'd be good with some serious federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass prison time with no possibility of parole.
I disagree. They've cost the country enough. Not one more dime for their benefit.
Pay for the rope (or bullets for the firing squad) from their confiscated assets.
You all aren't looking at this right. The Biden administration is predictably shunting these people to the side now that they are no longer useful.
They do have legitimate concerns. They are being abused and misused and misled.
Next time they want to burn down and loot DC or any other democrat controlled city they might be offered a little help.
Howard said...
Yeah Google and YouTuber private companies Inga but I still think that they're making a huge mistake by prohibiting the publication of batshit crazy conspiracy theories. Like our wonderful great orange man bad president said sunlight is one of the best disinfectants for disease.
The voices of the crazy people should be amplified all over the internet so people know who we're actually dealing with.
Howard, I suspect many of us here instinctively turn our PC speakers up to 11 when we see your comments.
I'd be good with some serious federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass prison time
We all have our likes and dislikes but this sounds more like a fetish -- not that there's anything wrong with that.
Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
Achilles, shorn of his asinine attack on ACB, Howard's account of the basis of Roe is roughly my understanding.
Yeah, according to wikipedia you are right. I was wrong.
I see abortion right there in Section 1 of the 14th amendment. It blazes like the sun at noon.
How could I have missed that one. I was sure it was in the 4th Amendment.
rcocean said...
Why do people on the Center or the Right, have this weird compunction to defend big Corporation and Powerful politicians and make excuses for them?
You follow that statement with non-sequiturs where no one on the right is defending or making excuses.
Facebook, twitter, google, don't have to give a shit what ANY of their "critics" think, and its absurd to think they REALLY want free speech but are being "pressured" to censor. That's just fucking bullshit.
>>>That Section 230 protection was granted to them by Congress, which can take it away if the rationale for it is not being adhered to. So you are full of it.
Nor do the Republican Pols have an excuse (oh, my family is under threat). really? How many R pols have been physically attacked? None. its just an excuse!
>>>Rand Paul and Steve Scalise could not be reached for comment. Paul was actually attacked TWICE, the second time right outside the White House.
I should've added that , contra Howard, the 14th has never been held to incorporate "the BoR as a whole." There are a few bits and pieces that have never been held to apply to the States. Very few, by now, but they're in there. So far as I can see, they are clauses of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments, the entirety of the Seventh Amendment, and possibly the prohibition of "excessive bail" in the Eighth. Oh, and the Third has been incorporated, but only in the Second Circuit.
"We all have our likes and dislikes but this sounds more like a fetish..."
No, I just like the movie. You've seen Office Space, haven't you?
Got to get me some learnings.
Temujin, check out ProtonMail. End-to-End Encryption.
You all aren't looking at this right. The Biden administration is predictably shunting these people to the side now that they are no longer useful.
For the record, I was never suggesting hangings or firing squads for the Bernie Bros. As utterly misguided as I think they are, they've been as much victims as anyone. Bernie himself, though...
Even the Antifa, BLM riffraff are mostly well paid hired thugs, though yes for the leaders.
Because yes, I want the people at the top for those dishonors.
We don't know who they all are yet. But I believe we will. A lot of them will be outside the country, but a lot of them inside too. For those outside, I believe either way this goes, war is coming. The difference will be whether the USA fights to win or to lose that war.
You know, rewatching the first debate is quite fascinating in light of events since. Newsmax is replaying clips on Greg Kelly right now. Particularly compelling is Chris Wallace asserting his authority as moderator to change the subject away from Hunter Biden (whom of course Trump had to bring up) to Climate Change. Wallace: "I want to talk about climate change." Biden: "So do I!" Wallace: "Okay."
Of course, the only possible next step is that the investigation will exonerate Hunter Biden and the Big Man beyond even the mildest hint of corruption, and this will prove that the media was *right* to not let it interfere in the election by suppressing it for everything they were worth, and they have therefore earned the duty and responsibility to continue to shield us from false information by burying it.
After that, we'll be able to trust them, you see.
Howard and Inga types mocked Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols prior to April 19, 1995.
And YouTube will patriotically delete any video that asks the question "Why exactly did the richest woman in Russia, the Mayor of Moscow's widow, send a wire transfer of 3.5 million dollars to Hunter Biden?"
The FBI will have cleared him of Russian collusion, you see. With nary a month's investigation. And our appeals to authority are far mightier than a thousand mountains of actual evidence. So shut up.
Facebook was the first target for break-up. Fair bet that Google's not far down the list of who's next. Since they own YouTube, it would make perfect sense to go after a speech censor. Weep not for the evil empire.
Try discussing HCQ or Ivermectin on youtube. Youtube is not only the world's greatest legal authority but also the world's leading medical authority.
Well, of COURSE it did. Can't have anyone pushing back on them/it!
Howard is unusually edgy today. The pending Supreme Court case has given him the shakes. He may not recover from this.
‘All I can think is that there's a concern that as the legal options for challenging the election become closed off, there will be a new and more desperate expressions about what possibly could be done.‘
That make you sound like Roberts with Obamacare decision.
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