December 6, 2020

"This is classic Act V behavior. The forces are being picked off and the tyrant is holed up in his castle and..."

"... he’s growing increasingly anxious and he feels insecure and he starts blustering about his legitimate sovereignty and he starts accusing the opposition of treason.... If there are these analogies between classic literature and society as it’s operating right now, then that should give us some big cause for concern this December. We’re approaching the end of the play here and that’s where catastrophe always comes." 


tim maguire said...

Something could be made of this if it were tackled by a person not locked into the “Trump is a dictator” fantasy. But then again, since Trump is not a dictator, the only BANG! ending is one where Trump wins. If he loses, it will fizzle and the hand over will be completely normal.

rehajm said...

Kind of makes all that stuffing of the ballot boxes worth the effort?

It also means NYT is the decider of history/ they tell people what to believe and they believe it with no trace of skepticism. All without editors!

That will come in handy for the policy making...

rehajm said...

The GA runoffs remind me of Vin Scully calling the next Gaylord Perry pitch. You just KNOW he's gonna throw the super slider.

Shouting Thomas said...

I will miss Trump’s competence.

o Delivery of a vaccine in 6 months
o Booming economy
o No new wars
o Ground breaking peace moves in the Middle East
o Great judicial appointments
o Total openness to an often brutally hostile media

The Diversity platform of the Democrats is willful incompetence.

Trump will leave office quietly. Another clickbait hysteria to the contrary.

jrapdx said...

I wonder how the author of the quoted article can be so sure this is the "last act" of the Trump Presidency?

Evidently he seeing an entirely different President than I am. Watching the Georgia rally on Saturday, Trump appeared confident, poised, determined and not at all "nervous". And that goes for several other occasions too.

When Trump speaks about having the evidence of fraud and certain that he won "by a lot", is there reason to doubt it? In due time we'll find out what evidence he alludes to. Based on past instances it's a safe bet it's no exaggeration that he's got the goods and will deliver as promised.

stevew said...

Rage and denial, an assertion without evidence (unless he details it in the article that I cannot read). Holed up in his castle - like at the rally in Georgia? They always accuse Trump of planning to do some sort of outrageous thing until he doesn't, then they switch to some other outrageous thing.

I do not see a path for Trump to overturn the so far reported results of the election, i.e.; he lost. He is pursuing all avenues to expose the misdeeds in our 2020 election, which is his right to do. There is likely a longer game he is playing, that would be consistent with the way he rolls.

It will all be over in a week or two. Do you suppose we will have to read and listen to these folks talk about Trump's rage and denial post presidency? So long as they think it sells papers and tv show advertising, they probably will.

David Begley said...

The NYT is wrong again.,we are about to see The Calvary Arrive.

SCOTUS will rule in Trump’s favor in the PA absentee ballots case. I read the brief and I am very confident. Very quickly state legislatures will assert their *plenary* power under the constitution and not send Biden electors in states where the election was stolen.

In the past three weeks, Trump has been talking to state legislators. The next generation’s Robert Caro will find that out.

Trump will serve a second term. I’m calling my shot.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’d like to believe that the election fraud can be proven in time and that the system can respond to overturn the result.

I don’t think that is possible, and I’m inclined to agree with Scott Adams on this:

The Democratic Party is holding all of us hostage, and that includes the courts. We all know what the Democrat’s storm troopers, that is Antifa and BLM, will do if the election is overturned... riots, arson, looting and cop killing on a scale beyond what has already transpired.

We are being blackmailed. I don’t like it. And I’m not looking forward to seeing the extortionists exact their revenge if we defy them.

rhhardin said...

He probably majored in Shakespeare and not Laurence Sterne. Everything relates to your thesis author in college.

wendybar said...

We are fucked. Democrats always cheat, and now they found a new way to cheat so they always win. God Help us....before China actually does own us thanks to Joe Biden and his asshole son that the media is still protecting. I hope he was worth it.

Mark said...

Well, the delusional have not left the cult yet.

" Do you suppose we will have to read and listen to these folks talk about Trump's rage and denial post presidency?"

I have heard plenty of talk of both Hillary and 0bama here in the last week, 4 years post elected office.

Why would people stop talking about Trump when they haven't stopped complaining about Obama yet?

A bunch of snowflakes here, melting when anyone says a thing about Trump. Grow some balls, guys.

Karen of Texas said...

"I have heard plenty of talk of both Hillary and 0bama here in the last week, 4 years post elected office."

Well, if they would quit inserting their pig snouts in to the limelight, then my bet is they wouldn't be discussed much at all either. When BO or Hill pop up out of their little weasel holes, then it's perfectly legitimate to execute a whack-a-mole response.

David Begley said...


I don’t care if BLM and antifa go back and riot in Chicago, Mpls, Portland, LA and NYC.

Breezy said...

Though I’m just recently retired and was looking forward to traveling to parts of the US I’ve not been to, I’ve decided that I will never or never again step foot in any of these cheater cities. I am going to always refer to them as cheater cities, too, or something catchier if it comes up. In my mind these places are not worthy of my money or interest. I’m just one person, but a larger shaming and boycott of these places by those who have the means to do so might offer some back pressure.

The Liberty Bell is in Philadelphia. Ironic. Tragic.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Another deranged article from the NY Times.
Why read such hate? The Times hasn't had anything interesting to say about Trump since he came down the escalator. It is just tiresome at this point, like anti-Nixon editorials in college newspapers back in '73.

Jersey Fled said...

Its only denial if its not true.

He got hosed.

tim maguire said...

David Begley said...The NYT is wrong again.,we are about to see The Calvary Arrive.

We’re coming up on the manger in Bethlehem, not Calvary, not till spring.

MayBee said...

I don't know.

Megan McArdle promised me Trump would start a nuclear war. There's a long queue of "Trump is crazy" "Trump is dangerous" and "Trump is a dictator" stories ahead of this one.

jrapdx said...

Delusional? Really? I haven't seen Trump giving up yet. I'll believe it when he says he concedes.

Besides plenty of opinions saying there's not a constitutional necessity for the electoral college to meet Dec 14, could be postponed if fraud is involved. Maybe it will be or maybe not, but strange as this year has been, it's not inconceivable.

Of course I can't say for sure Trump will succeed, nor can anyone guarantee he won't. Saying it's 100% certain Trump will lose might not be delusional, let's just call it wishful thinking.

Temujin said...

Yes, and like a Shakespeare story, he will continue to haunt those at the NY Times and the Democrat Party (I repeat myself) for years to come.

wendybar said...

The only delusion I see in these comments are the ones who think Joe Biden will be a good president, and that there was no fraud. These are the same people who believed the pee pee tapes that the liars in the Media ran on for 5 years for their party.... Go back to sleep now, the big bad Orange Man won't be starting the new wars, and giving China and Iran whatever they want. Your guy will though. Congratulations.

DEEBEE said...

There goes the extreme neutrality working overtime to quote from the tabloid,anointed, by the extremely neutral, as interesting

sadness said...

Shouting Thomas said...

The Democratic Party is holding all of us hostage, and that includes the courts. We all know what the Democrat’s storm troopers, that is Antifa and BLM, will do if the election is overturned... riots, arson, looting and cop killing on a scale beyond what has already transpired.

We are being blackmailed. I don’t like it. And I’m not looking forward to seeing the extortionists exact their revenge if we defy them.

Two can play at that game.

Ann gets her low trust society.

First shots fired yesterday. And anyone who complains about the violence and completely ignores the other side deserves what comes next.

Biff said...

It really is just one masturbatory fantasy after another over at the NYT, isn't it?

Humperdink said...

I can understand swamp, the media, the education cabal and corporate types hiding Biden's flaws. They just want to maintain their power and influence. What stuns me is the general democrat electorate being so blind. They will gain nothing.

MalaiseLongue said...

@Mark: "I have heard plenty of talk of both Hillary and 0bama here in the last week, 4 years post elected office."

They conspired to take down the 45th president after they spied on his 2016 campaign. Those are two good reasons why they have been talked about here. But maybe you, like other low-information voters, have never heard about any of this.

Obadiah said...

David Begley said...
SCOTUS will rule in Trump’s favor in the PA absentee ballots case. I read the brief and I am very confident.

I read it too, and it does look strong. The question is, what remedy will SCOTUS come up with, now that it is just days before the electoral college meets? Has our hostess considered this question?

sadness said...

Humperdink said...

I can understand swamp, the media, the education cabal and corporate types hiding Biden's flaws. They just want to maintain their power and influence. What stuns me is the general democrat electorate being so blind. They will gain nothing.

What makes me sad is that they hate us so much they are willing to lose their own freedom and prosperity to hurt us.

Now the violence will be a two way street.

mockturtle said...

A physician my daughter worked with for years wrote to her yesterday of his dismay and anger over the recent election fraud. An immigrant from former Soviet Georgia, he observed that he and his wife didn't cross the ocean for this. It struck me that anyone whose family fled from oppression, whether it was in 1620 or just last week, should be outraged that our country is in danger of becoming a totalitarian state.

sadness said...

Obadiah said...

David Begley said...
SCOTUS will rule in Trump’s favor in the PA absentee ballots case. I read the brief and I am very confident.

I read it too, and it does look strong. The question is, what remedy will SCOTUS come up with, now that it is just days before the electoral college meets? Has our hostess considered this question?

The hostess does not like contrary information.

Alito is acting as if there will be a ruling shortly after the 9th and he has the support of 4 other justices.

There are 3 options.

1. He could say the democrats broke election laws and disobeyed their constitution but we don't want to piss off their brownshirts.

2. He could tell the PA Legislature to nominate delegates realistically punting the fraud to the people who made it happen.

3. He could tell PA to recount the election without the illegal mail in ballots effectively handing the election to Trump.

4. He could tell PA Elected Officials and the voters of PA that they are all to blame and that they don't get to participate in the 2020 presidential election.

The evidence supports 4. It would take some brass balls to do what is right though.

rcocean said...

Trump is fighting against a stolen election and massive vote fraud, and the NYT/WApo/MSM/RINo's are just laughing about it. No concern for legal votes, no concern about criminality, no concern for the 74 million who voted for Trump and had their votes stolen and overridden by fraudulent ones. Biden, if he's even lucid, seems happy to become President in this crooked way. Its quite disgusting.

BTW, it shows what an amazingly goodhearted person Trump is that he held a GA rally to support two stiffs, Perdue and what's her name, for the US senate. Perdue is just another pragmatic business type who wants to "Cut deals" with Biden. Loeffler (sic) is a complete zero. Neither has broken a sweat to support Trump's fight for a fair count in CA.

sadness said...

mockturtle said...

A physician my daughter worked with for years wrote to her yesterday of his dismay and anger over the recent election fraud. An immigrant from former Soviet Georgia, he observed that he and his wife didn't cross the ocean for this. It struck me that anyone whose family fled from oppression, whether it was in 1620 or just last week, should be outraged that our country is in danger of becoming a totalitarian state.

The rage that drives veterans is that a large number of people in the US do not deserve their freedom or prosperity.

David Begley said...


It will be number 4.

rcocean said...

OH I forgot to mention that when Perdue showed up the Crowd Chanted "Support Trump" and he had to leave the stage. Hilarious!

Notice, there's a total news blackout on the rally, just like there was on almost every Trump campaign rally in Sept, Oct, Nov. Mustn't help Trump, even if its news.

Look, for the new normal to be 100% positive news about Biden-Harris, assuming he steals the election. No scandals, because the MSM won't report them. No fights inside the white house. Because the press won't report them. If there's any criticism of Biden-Harris it will be because they aren't supporting open borders, globalism, and Leftism enough.

RNB said...

Shakespeare? They didn't go straight to a "Downfall" parody video?

Terry di Tufo said...


Choose your stencil and only see the parts that are outlined. It is very amusing to think of Tristram as a reporter trying to cover the Trump Administration. In fact, Tristram Shandy is a great perspective from which to view the political media landscape. My college thesis was on Faulkner (...sound and fury...)

David Begley said...

What I don’t get is the vast complacency about this stolen election. Last night POTUS said that if we don’t have honest elections, then we don’t have a country. Do the Dems understand that? Is their Will to Power that strong?

The unintended consequences of this stolen election are enormous.

sadness said...

I said, you know this is going to come down on your head. If you step forward, this is going to come down your head. There will be people who will not be concerned about what you saw they will be more concerned about trying to destroy you, because they don’t like what you saw.

And I asked him if he told his three daughters that their father had been in prison and he said he hadn’t. They didn’t know. Now they will. Now they will. This man is telling the truth…. he is a truth teller.

This man shipped pallets of Ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.

This is not act 5.

This is Act 2.

Chuck said...

Thanks for blogging that piece from the Times, Althouse. It is a fascinating allusion; a Shakespearean reference come to life. Your blogging at its best.

Balfegor said...

Four years of sententious prognostication that the "walls are closing in" on Trump only to end up going "Ah, well. Nevertheless." But at last the walls really may be closing in. Sort of. In the most boring way possible -- losing an election by a slim margin and hyperventilating about dirty tricks and corruption more or less the same way his political opponents claimed he was rigging the election using the US Postal Service, among other wacky conspiracy theories the press bruited about in advance of the election. Once he exhausts his legal options -- and they're just about exhausted since even proof of massive fraud wouldn't lead to a remedy where courts just give him a couple hundred thousand votes or subtract them from Biden -- he'll leave the White House in good order.

He might boycott the inauguration, but the inauguration is probably going to be deeply weird anyway with social distancing and coronavirus exploding across the East Coast again, so we might not even notice.

Chuck said...

Blogger David Begley said...
The NYT is wrong again.,we are about to see The Calvary Arrive.

SCOTUS will rule in Trump’s favor in the PA absentee ballots case. I read the brief and I am very confident. Very quickly state legislatures will assert their *plenary* power under the constitution and not send Biden electors in states where the election was stolen.

In the past three weeks, Trump has been talking to state legislators. The next generation’s Robert Caro will find that out.

Trump will serve a second term. I’m calling my shot.



Paco Wové said...

The analogy that people like Jeffrey R. Wilson, author of "Shakespeare and Trump," always bring to my mind is how much those same people remind me of the radio announcers at Radio Milles Collines, hysterically whipping up their listeners into genocidal frenzy.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Opinion pieces have become genre fiction, like westerns or romances. The reader is reassured that his views, values, and intuitions have been right all along.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

ST at 0547-
Add me to the list of folks who care not a whit if the Dems decide to continue trashing their own cities.
If they try to trash my city, I hope that the wiser among them will counsel the short-bus younger ones that it will not work out well for them.
If they are not so counseled, or if they fail to heed that counsel, it will not go well for them.

narciso said...

They lost the plot

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

Begley at 0542-
I have been hoping for your predicted outcome, but until last night did not have any confidence that anything good could come of this.
PDJT sure acted like he had a ace in the hole last night in Georgia.
We shall see.

Balfegor said...

Re: Begley:

Trump's problem is he has to win cases in at least three states and have the remedy be that votes get thrown out or switched in a way that gets him the victory. Pennsylvania, for obvious reasons, has always seemed the shadiest to me, but even if Trump somehow wins in Pennsylvania and a court orders that his electors be seated, he still loses. He needs some combination of Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and wherever else he's challenging the outcome if he is to win. That seems . . highly unlikely.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey now, they were right about masks flattening the curve! What more could you expect from a B.A. in English? WHA? Accuracy? Facts? Hahahahahahaha.

narciso said...

They published the bar talk from a susoected russian spy, the falsified emails of clinesmith that allowed the unlawful surveilance of carter page the liew about general flynn, its not a good look.

Sam L. said...

I despise, detest, and totally distrust the NYT. (The WaPoo, too.)

narciso said...

Atlanta they faked a watermain break, they had a backstop of two judges in the eleventh circuit lagoa and brashler.

Michael K said...

The unintended consequences of this stolen election are enormous.

Here is an analysis that agrees with me.

The other major pillar of the Blue economy is Big Tech, the actual rewards accruing to which appear to be wildly out of proportion to the benefits conferred. When you think back to what the Industrial Revolution accomplished in the transportation sector and manufacturing alone, all of it was vastly more “concrete” than what tech is doing. And the earlier expansions’ benefits were far more transformative and widespread. 1900 looked far less like 1860 than 2020 looks like 1980. Tech is powerful today because of how it can throttle information flows, but information flows are as old as writing. Tech is an effective instrument of tyranny but it does not yet provide benefits for most people that aren’t merely frivolous or enstupefying. Which is in itself a problem for the “dynamic” coalition.

Yes. "Big Tech" makes nothing necessary.

mccullough said...

This is a comedy, not a tragedy.

This is the end of Act 2.

narciso said...

The times puts forward its very threadbare narrative, unincumborred by facts

narciso said...

Any honest analysis would show otherwise

RMc said...

David Begley said...
The NYT is wrong again;we are about to see The Calvary Arrive.

Trump will serve a second term. I’m calling my shot.

I hope you're right. I was agnostic, at best, on Trump: didn't vote for him last time or this time. But this can't be allowed to stand, if for no other reason that a second Trump term would piss off the MSM so very much.


Shouting Thomas said...

The Democratic Party is holding all of us hostage, and that includes the courts. We all know what the Democrat’s storm troopers, that is Antifa and BLM, will do if the election is overturned... riots, arson, looting and cop killing on a scale beyond what has already transpired.

Yep. Hecklers gonna veto, and the Supremes will do what's best for "the good of the country".

Except it won't be.

Chuck said...

Blogger rcocean said...
OH I forgot to mention that when Perdue showed up the Crowd Chanted "Support Trump" and he had to leave the stage. Hilarious!

Notice, there's a total news blackout on the rally, just like there was on almost every Trump campaign rally in Sept, Oct, Nov. Mustn't help Trump, even if its news.

Aaron Rupar of Vox noted that very thing, as he did real time fact checking of the Trump rally on Twitter. He thought it hilarious that there was barely a single moment of the entire spectacle that was devoted to Perdue or Loeffler.

As for coverage of the rally by the media, I cannot think of a single major news outlet that has not covered it as a news story. In just seconds of searching, I found stories at NYT, WaPo, CNN, all of the broadcast networks, all of right-wing media, etc., etc.

Such that it occurred to me to ask you; Who DIDN’T cover it? Which major news outlet(s) have nothing about the rally?

Big Mike said...

Trump will serve a second term. I’m calling my shot.

@David Begley, but will that term cover 2021 - 2025 or will it be 2025 - 2029?

William said...

The media have oft told us that Trump is corrupt and, as we all know, the media are honest men....Jeffrey Toobin is the noblest American of them all.....I don't think Trump is exactly Falstaff, but he's closer to Falstaff than to King Lear or MacBeth....I recently saw The Crown. The entertainment industry and their subsidiary news division are able to imagine credible versions of Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth but someone like Maggie Thatcher and Donald Trump are beyond their reach. You can lead a horse to straw men, but you can't make him drink.

Sebastian said...

"that’s where catastrophe always comes"

Add it to the other "predictions" of the last five years.

Trump will do x. Something awful will happen -- the market will never recover, the Middle East will fall apart, no way Mexico and Canada will agree, the economy will be horrible. So now: catastrophe.

Suitably vague. And of course, no prog will say it was wrong.

Mikey NTH said...

The wishcasting of the New York media. They have no idea what is going on in Trump's head, so all of their speculation reveals their desires and fears. They want Trump to be raging, caught, trapped in a fortress soon to fall, because they fear the opposite, that he may have a way out, and they do not trust that their narrative is strong enough to win against him.

CWJ said...

Oh brother!

Iman said...

NYT - using their sad, shopworn methods - know what’s required to facilitate their lefty nitwit readers getting their nut, their cookie.

Probably works well, until it doesn’t.

Quayle said...

Maybe it is Shakespeare. Maybe Hero really is still alive. The press certainly is urging us to remember that they are an ass.

chuck said...

The NY Times is Notes from Underground acted by bunnies.

CWJ said...

"You can lead a horse to straw men, but you can't make him drink."

Shouldn't that be "eat?"

sadness said...

Big Mike said...

Trump will serve a second term. I’m calling my shot.

@David Begley, but will that term cover 2021 - 2025 or will it be 2025 - 2029?

You people thinking that there will be an election in 2024 that means anything if Biden is Inaugurated are not thinking this through.

sadness said...

Chuck said...

Thanks for blogging that piece from the Times, Althouse. It is a fascinating allusion; a Shakespearean reference come to life. Your blogging at its best.

If you are getting positive comments from this person it should make any decent person pause and think.

Crypto said...

David Begley said...

It will be number 4.


I don't see how. The Constitution gives the state legislatures plenary power to appoint whoever they want. How can the Supreme Court tell them they can't just because they screwed up their election?

As for the courts ruling against Trump, I wonder how many death threats these judges have received? It sure seems odd to say, as I think the Nevada judge did, a witness is not credible when all you have before you is an affidvit, i.e., with no opportunity to observe demeanor.

CWJ said...

"Tech is an effective instrument of tyranny but it does not yet provide benefits for most people that aren’t merely frivolous or enstupefying."

Early human analogies. Industrial revolution - domestication of fire. Big tech - discovery of alcohol.

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Jeffrey R. Wilson--another hyperbolic lying asshole. Maybe he and Biden will meet up some day. In Hell.

Quayle said...

Millions of US citizens not wanting to know the truth, or not caring what is the truth. Something is indeed rotten, in more than the state of Denmark. If we’re each willing to humble ourselves and seek truth, there may yet be hope for us as a society. If we keep on as we are, more calamity is sure to come.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left spent four solid years raging and lying

Darrell said...

Take 20,000 manufactured Biden votes and send them through the counting machine. And when you finish, send them through a second time. Pretty soon, Biden picks up 160,000 votes. Then you do it in six other States. When there's nobody there to stop you, you can win every election.

chuck said...

I will miss Trump’s competence.

The last smart president was Clinton, and he was a screwup in foreign policy, starting with Somalia and Haiti. After 16 years of blah presidents Trump was refreshing because he was both smart and successful. The Biden administration looks to be below average in every aspect. Let's see how that plays out.

Howard said...

I think what makes Trump such a unique and special individual is not only his iron-like grip over his fans but also his absolute marionette-like control of his opponents.

Howard said...

Smug Democrat elitist think Trump has conned half the country. The truth is he has conned 90% of the country.

Francisco D said...

Why do NYT writers act like they have their heads up their collectives asses?

It seems to be a particular affectation of the pseudo-intellectual liberal elite.

Maybe it is all about self-justification. You know. Trump is a Nazi dictator (or the fictional Richard III) and anything we do to defeat him is virtuous.

Mark O said...

A single piece of evidence proves the stolen election: Election officials are physically bullying and attacking legitimate observers.

The procedures in these states for contesting an election create a system that virtually assures no contest can succeed.


Qwinn said...

I see Chuck has parked his lying ass in this thread, avoiding like the plague the rally thread where he has once again been demonstrated to be an utterly mendacious piece of shit.


Phil 314 said...

A word of advice to NYT, when Fonzie jumps the shark you stop watching the show.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

This poor fool

Even if the Dems successfully steal this election, it's Act III: the Hero gets beset by troubles
Act IV is the 4 Biden years, where Trump fights his way back
Act V is Trump winning election in 2024, and returning to the Presidency in triumph in 2025

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Shouting Thomas said...
I’d like to believe that the election fraud can be proven in time and that the system can respond to overturn the result.

I don’t think that is possible, and I’m inclined to agree with Scott Adams on this:

The Democratic Party is holding all of us hostage, and that includes the courts. We all know what the Democrat’s storm troopers, that is Antifa and BLM, will do if the election is overturned... riots, arson, looting and cop killing on a scale beyond what has already transpired.

Kyle Rittenhouse 3, Antifa & BLM 0

If their stormtroopers try to hit the streets in non-Democrat areas, either We the People, the National Guard, or the cops will remove them. If they're really lucky, it will be the cops.

They've been desperate to recreate Kent State, in the belief that this will get the voters on their side. They fail to understand just how non-photogenic they are, and how much that matters

Lurker21 said...

Stephen Greenblatt did much the same thing in Tyrant: Shakespeare on Politics. He didn't even mention Trump in his book, though the venom is unmistakably present on every page. He's a much better known and presumably more distinguished scholar than creative writing teacher Wilson, but his book managed to be about as cloying and unctuous as Wilson's apparently is. Trump is Trump, not Macbeth. Lyndon Johnson wasn't Macbeth either. They were each big enough to be taken on their own terms, not squeezed to fit some arbitrary pattern from Shakespeare.

Ice Nine said...

Standard left-wing Trump apocalypse histrionics by yet another one of the Trump-deranged seers at NYT. Written on December 5.

Democrat Al Gore conceded the 2000 presidential election on December 13.

MartyH said...

If you believe that the election was stolen, your obligation as an American citizen is to push for greater election security.

In 2005 the Carter-Baker commission issued a series of recommendations for election integrity. Use that as a blueprint or foundation to take Orange Man Bad out of the equation. Voter ID, clean registration rolls, minimal mail in ballots, no vote harvesting, etc.

Identify the election process weaknesses in your state and push to get them rectified.

Here in CA Republicans lost a number of Congressional seats in 2018 because of Democratic ballot harvesting. As pathetic as the CA Republican Party is, they didn't give up and got a lot of those seats back this election. Do the same for 2022, 2024, and beyond.

Trump is right-if we cannot trust our elections then America no longer exists.

David Begley said...

Crypto and others:

Trump will be POTUS in 2021.

I think SCOTUS will enjoin PA from sending any Electors to the Electoral College. Good piece at Red State on this.

Georgia will be fixed quickly. GA state legislature will act next week.

MI and AZ will also act via their state legislatures.

Super great lawsuit in WI re absentee ballots.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Blogger Obadiah said...
I read it too, and it does look strong. The question is, what remedy will SCOTUS come up with, now that it is just days before the electoral college meets? Has our hostess considered this question?

Shipwreckedfool over at Red State things the SC will terminate PA's EC votes for this election, on the grounds that the government of PA made it impossible to have a legal section.

Opinion being written by Thomas.

I just hope that if they do that, they invite suits to do the same in WI (the WEC essentially rewrote WI law to allow 150k people to vote w/o photo ID, this in a State where the suit against Photo ID lost in the SC at least in part because the plaintiffs couldn't find a single person unable to get photo ID), MI (when you have more votes than voters, your election is invalid), GA (the refusal to do a signature audit in a timely manner makes the results invalid), AZ & NV (for all teh absentee voter problems that the Trump team detailed, and the States refused to do anything about).

That makes it 232 Trump, 227 Biden. Depending on on how you read current law that's either "Trump wins a majority" or "Neither has a majority, it goes to the House and Senate".

I doubt that the SC will have the honesty and fortitude to turn back the Dem steal. But they do still have the ability to do so.

bagoh20 said...

Regardless of the eventual outcome at POTUS, I want people who conspired and cheated this election to go to jail. Is anybody against that?

rehajm said...

I don't see how. The Constitution gives the state legislatures plenary power to appoint whoever they want. How can the Supreme Court tell them they can't just because they screwed up their election?

The scuttlebutt is something along the lines of SCOTUS not letting PA join in any electoral reindeer games, which would seem to assign any action of the PA legislature to scrimmage or 'a friendly' status.

If only there was a con law expert in the house...

Jupiter said...

Which act does Harris resign her Senate seat in?

Chuck said...

Blogger Ice Nine said...
Standard left-wing Trump apocalypse histrionics by yet another one of the Trump-deranged seers at NYT. Written on December 5.

Democrat Al Gore conceded the 2000 presidential election on December 13.

December 13 is next Sunday. That could work for me. What time? And what should I wear, to Trump’s concession? Will there be a cash bar? I’d like to bring a going-away gift. Is that okay?

rehajm said...

I want people who conspired and cheated this election to go to jail. Is anybody against that

Opposed. I'm ready for the construction of the Osha approved gallows...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Biff said...
It really is just one masturbatory fantasy after another over at the NYT, isn't it?

They toobin cranking out "All the News That's Fit to Fap"

sadness said...

Phil 314 said...

A word of advice to NYT, when Fonzie jumps the shark you stop watching the show.

Ignoring the evidence and Trump voters would be a massive mistake.

Will be a massive mistake.

mockturtle said...

I want people who conspired and cheated this election to go to jail. Is anybody against that

Opposed. I'm ready for the construction of the Osha approved gallows...

Isn't the death penalty appropriate for treason? I'd favor firing squad, myself.

sadness said...

bagoh20 said...

Regardless of the eventual outcome at POTUS, I want people who conspired and cheated this election to go to jail. Is anybody against that?

Is sending them to jail the best way to make sure this never happens again?

tcrosse said...

Rather than Shakespeare, the piece of theater we are seeing is the professional wrestling match, the dynamics of which Trump understands. The Good Guy gets mercilessly beat up, then miraculously comes back to beat the Bad Guy up mercilessly, to the delight of the crowd.

David Begley said...

Professor Dershowitz of Harvard just agreed with Begley of Creighton re PA SCOTUS case.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

sadness said...
You people thinking that there will be an election in 2024 that means anything if Biden is Inaugurated are not thinking this through.

People thinking that actions don't spark reactions are not thinking this through.

The big killer of US troops in Iraq & Afghanistan were IEDs. So, someone in PA who's upset about his vote being stolen in the 2020 election uses a truck bomb against the Philly absentee vote counting building in 2022. Same for Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee. Also Law Vegas.

You can't count ballots that have burned up. And it's hard to put the fraud on again when your fraud team got burned up, too.

"That's illegal! Criminal! Immoral! unethical!"

So is vote fraud.

So is stealing elections.

It's been very amusing watching "defund the police" Democrats constantly turn around and demand that the police do something that helps those Democrats.

If you're not bound by the law when it gets in your way, then neither are we.

If you're not bound by morality and ethics when they get in your way, neither are we.

You don't get to decide the limits your opponents are bound by. Once you've decided the law doesn't bind you, you can not expect that the law will protect you

Crypto said...

I read the RedState article. It does not explain how the Court could prevent PA from naming electors, given that the U.S. Constitution (Article I, section 4) gives the state legislature the plenary power to appoint electors.

On the merits of the lawsuit, I don't really see how Act 77 being against the PA Constitution is significant. As noted, the US Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives the state legislature the plenary power to choose the manner of naming the state's electors. So if the PA legislature enacted Act 77 in violation of the PA Constitution, that seem to be fine under the US Constitution.

I would be happy to be wrong about this.

Narayanan said...

if you have read the book >>>
are we at the end of this process or just the beginning onset?

Q: who has read The DIM Hypothesis: Why the Lights of the West Are Going Out by Leonard Peikoff

With his groundbreaking and controversial DIM hypothesis, Dr. Leonard Peikoff casts a penetrating new light on the process of human thought, and thereby on Western culture and history. In this far-reaching study, Peikoff identifies the three methods people use to integrate concrete data into a whole, as when connecting diverse experiments by a scientific theory, or separate laws into a Constitution, or single events into a story. The first method, in which data is integrated through rational means, he calls Integration. The second, which employs non-rational means, he calls Misintegration. The third is Disintegration—which is nihilism, the desire to tear things apart. In The DIM Hypothesis Peikoff demonstrates the power of these three methods in shaping the West, by using the categories to examine the culturally representative fields of literature, physics, education, and politics. His analysis illustrates how the historical trends in each field have been dominated by one of these three categories, not only today but during the whole progression of Western culture from its beginning in Ancient Greece. Extrapolating from the historical pattern he identifies, Peikoff concludes by explaining why the lights of the West are going out—and predicts the most likely future for the United States. (less)

are we at the end of this process or just the beginning onset?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"But the election wasn't stolen!" you shout.

Well, here's the thing. If you want people to believe that, you have to act like it is true.

If there is no absentee vote fraud in Fulton County and Dekalb County, the way to show that is to have a signature audit, and then rub it in the Republicans' faces that there is indeed one valid envelope with a valid voter's signature for every single absentee ballot counted in either county. That's what you do when you have nothing to hide.

Fight against that audit? You must have committed massive fraud to steal the election.

Democrats nationally attack the people who want that audit? Those Democrats believe they stole the election. That GA committed fraud. That discovering that fraud will lead people to check other places, where they will find more fraud. And then not just 16 votes flip (which would make no difference in the outcome), but enough to make Trump the winner.

If you know you're in the right, you not only don't object to an audit, you demand one. because you want to take away the opposition Party's ability to complain legitimately.

When the Dems wanted to recount WI, MI, and PA in 2016, we Republicans laughed, and said "go right ahead!" We didn't fight. We didn't delay. We knew we'd won, the our victory was legitimate, and that the recount would find that.

The Democrat behavior, from kicking out Trump observers, to not letting them in, to putting them where they can't observe what's happening, to hiding data, to refusing to do audits, to attacking the people coming forward to describe problems they saw (which is to say: attacking whistleblowers), is the behavior you expect from people doing fraud, NOT the behavior you expect from people not doing fraud.

If Biden wins doing that, then he's "your fraudulence", the Democrats stole the election, and Republicans can no longer trust the courts, and the law, to protect our civil rights.

If Democrats think we will simply lie back and let them rape us, they are wrong

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Crypto said...
I read the RedState article. It does not explain how the Court could prevent PA from naming electors, given that the U.S. Constitution (Article I, section 4) gives the state legislature the plenary power to appoint electors.

The PA Legislature is GOP controlled. You need to explain how the GOP controlled PA State Legislature is going to insist on sending Biden EC voters out after the SC has stopped them.

On the merits of the lawsuit, I don't really see how Act 77 being against the PA Constitution is significant. As noted, the US Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives the state legislature the plenary power to choose the manner of naming the state's electors. So if the PA legislature enacted Act 77 in violation of the PA Constitution, that seem to be fine under the US Constitution.

Nope. The US Constitution guarantees all State residents "a republican form of government".

Allowing the government to ignore their own Constitution violates that guarantee.

David Begley said...

Per Rudy, the FBI hasn’t interviewed the people on the GA video. Buy Wray sent 20 FBI agents to investigate a garage door pool atba race track.

That is total BS.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

David Begley said...
Professor Dershowitz of Harvard just agreed with Begley of Creighton re PA SCOTUS case.

Link, please?

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Smug Democrat elitist think Trump has conned half the country. The truth is he has conned 90% of the country.

Partly correct. Trump lives in the heads of 90% of the left, including you.

They still think the Russia Hoax is real, that Stormy Daniels was right and that Hunter Biden is the smartest guy in town.

Half the country is wise to you and your antics.

MayBee said...

I really want to understand the water main break thing.

That was reported early in the evening on all the networks. And it didn't happen? The water main break was a lie? Help me here. How is that ok with anyone?

narciso said...

yes, that's the size of it, maybee, it was just a pretext to stop the count, and never addressed again, like the mohammed film criticism, that spiraled into an attack on a us diplomatic compound,

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mikey NTH said...

The wishcasting of the New York media. They have no idea what is going on in Trump's head, so all of their speculation reveals their desires and fears. They want Trump to be raging, caught, trapped in a fortress soon to fall, because they fear the opposite, that he may have a way out, and they do not trust that their narrative is strong enough to win against him.

Exactly! They view themselves as the Rebel Alliance and want this to be the point in the story where they blow up the Death Star then line up to get their medals. The problem is that that's not happening.

Crypto said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...
Crypto said...
I read the RedState article. It does not explain how the Court could prevent PA from naming electors, given that the U.S. Constitution (Article I, section 4) gives the state legislature the plenary power to appoint electors.

The PA Legislature is GOP controlled. You need to explain how the GOP controlled PA State Legislature is going to insist on sending Biden EC voters out after the SC has stopped them.


I don't need to explain that because that's not what I'm arguing. I'm only arguing that the U.S. Supreme Court cannot prevent the PA legislature from appointing electors.


On the merits of the lawsuit, I don't really see how Act 77 being against the PA Constitution is significant. As noted, the US Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives the state legislature the plenary power to choose the manner of naming the state's electors. So if the PA legislature enacted Act 77 in violation of the PA Constitution, that seem to be fine under the US Constitution.

Nope. The US Constitution guarantees all State residents "a republican form of government".

Allowing the government to ignore their own Constitution violates that guarantee.


That's an interesting theory. I have no idea what the case law on that is. It's not an argument that Kelly made in his petition to the Court, so it seems unlikely the Court will rule on a question that no one briefed.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

MayBee said...
I really want to understand the water main break thing.

Contemporaneous sources are often the best:

A broken water pipe at the ballot processing site at State Farm arena caused a delay in Fulton County’s ability to process thousands of absentee-by-mail votes Tuesday night.

Despite the broken pipe, which did not lead to any ballots being damaged, elections officials said they performed better than the disastrous June 9 primary, which made national headlines as voters waited hours in line to cast their ballots.

Still, the Tuesday’s delayed tallies for the presidential contest and for key congressional races with consequences that could ripple across the nation.

Fulton Commission Chairman Robb Pitts told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday evening that the pipe burst at 6:07 a.m. and was repaired within two hours. The burst pipe wasn’t mentioned by county officials during a 10 a.m. press conference.


They planned to stop scanning absentee ballots at 10:30 p.m. and pick it up back in the morning. No official could explain before press time why Fulton was stopping its count of absentee ballots at that time, only saying that was the procedure.

Any questions?

Howard said...

Doc Mike: Apparently nothing lives inside my head except for a very minor healed over bleed. I had a team of neurologists pouring over my CT scans MRIs and angiogram. They were impressed by how clear all those scans were otherwise for the one defect.

I told them that was because I didn't use it very much like a classic car it's remained in the garage and only comes out on special occasions.

bagoh20 said...

Wilson, a small man knowing nothing of how to handle power or get things done, tries desperately to shoehorn a modern historical figure he cannot begin to understand into a fictitious character he read about in high school. He's done very little since then beyond trying to lap up some of the juice around an actual rare and effective leader of our time.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Crypto said...
Greg The Class Traitor said...
>>The PA Legislature is GOP controlled. You need to explain how the GOP controlled PA State Legislature is going to insist on sending Biden EC voters out after the SC has stopped them.
I don't need to explain that because that's not what I'm arguing. I'm only arguing that the U.S. Supreme Court cannot prevent the PA legislature from appointing electors.

Perhaps they can't. Perhaps they can. But I think it's pretty clear they can stop any electors for Biden from going.

Which is the important part here.

>>>On the merits of the lawsuit, I don't really see how Act 77 being against the PA Constitution is significant. As noted, the US Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives the state legislature the plenary power to choose the manner of naming the state's electors. So if the PA legislature enacted Act 77 in violation of the PA Constitution, that seem to be fine under the US Constitution.

>> Nope. The US Constitution guarantees all State residents "a republican form of government".

Allowing the government to ignore their own Constitution violates that guarantee.


That's an interesting theory. I have no idea what the case law on that is. It's not an argument that Kelly made in his petition to the Court, so it seems unlikely the Court will rule on a question that no one briefed.

Marbury v. Madison and Roe v Wade say the SC can trump the US Constitution whenever they wish. So I'm not seating that part

narciso said...

they needed to steal to put execrable characters like this,

I'm Not Sure said...

"No official could explain before press time why Fulton was stopping its count of absentee ballots at that time, only saying that was the procedure."

Explanation? You need to find out how many fake votes you need in order to finish counting. Everybody knows this, even if they'd prefer to not talk about it.

Laslo Spatula said...

"I told them that was because I didn't use it very much like a classic car it's remained in the garage and only comes out on special occasions."

Glad you are OK, Howard.

I am Laslo.

Lurker21 said...

It's paradoxical. We're supposed to believe Trump is hunkered down in his bunker, panicking, with the enemy at the gates and walls collapsing on him, confronted with rejection and failure and facing prison, but we're also supposed to believe that Joe Biden, two-time loser, joke in the last administration, obviously in mental decline and apparently corrupt, is a model of perseverance and indominable spirit.

Qwinn said...

Chuck: Many of us think Biden won the election."

Also Chuck: Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me.

We already knew Chuck was a mendacious piece of human excrement. Now, with his shameless pretense that that wasn't proven unequivocally last night, rather than answer for his lies in the rally thread, he simply pretends it never happened.

So we can add several asterisks and exclamation points to the entries "consumate coward", "shameless crapweasel" and "staggering hypocrite" that were already on the list of his most admirable virtues.

Readering said...

What is with the obsession here with Chuck? Unlikely character for the bogey man, children. (Not that I am green with envy or anything.)

Michael K said...

Wanna hear something really funny? Many of us think Biden won the election. And that Biden is the one who will be inaugurated next month.

Crazy, huh?

No, just typical. Stealing an election is an old Democrat tradition.

Humperdink said...

"What is with the obsession here with Chuck?"

One reason is because he is a liar and an admitted advocate for cheating. Yet he keeps posting as though he is an honest broker.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Doc Mike: Apparently nothing lives inside my head except for a very minor healed over bleed. I had a team of neurologists pouring over my CT scans MRIs and angiogram. They were impressed by how clear all those scans were otherwise for the one defect.

Empty, in other words ? Just kidding. I had a small embolic stroke two years ago. Only affected my left hand and symptoms were gone in hours. Worse was a simultaneous embolus to my right retina that left me with hazy vision for a year. Both were tiny and almost certainly fragments of cholesterol from a carotid plaque. Nothing found on workup. Nothing to do.

Bleeds worry me more than tiny emboli. Good luck.

Joe Smith said...

What if Trump is right?

Qwinn said...

Joe Smith: What if Trump is right?

Corrupt judges who knowingly violated the law to enable the fraud: It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I'm Not Sure said...
"No official could explain before press time why Fulton was stopping its count of absentee ballots at that time, only saying that was the procedure."

Explanation? You need to find out how many fake votes you need in order to finish counting. Everybody knows this, even if they'd prefer to not talk about it.

Yes, that is the obvious answer as for why they did it. Also, that it's easier to generate fake votes if you've told the GOP poll watchers to leave because there won't be any more vote counting that night.

What's telling (I was going to write "amusing", but there's nothing amusing about this) is that the elections officials couldn't be bothered to attempt to come up with an explanation that would sound credible to anyone.

Qwinn said...

It wasn't about finding out how many votes they needed to win. They could just continue processing fake ballots while that number was determined.

It was about finding out who didn't already vote, so that they knew whose names they could create more fake ballots under.

And evicting the poll watchers, of course.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I do think that Trump is doing the right thing by holding his GA rally, and just in general letting the judges know that he isn't going to "go gentle into that good night".

Bill Cosby had a great routine about how parents don't want justice, parents want peace and quiet. Far too many officials, including far too many judges, are the same way. The Left uses this with their rioting thug "protesters"

Trump is letting them know that giving in to the Left will NOT get them "peace and quiet".

It's kind of like the "Brooks Brothers riot" at Miami Dade in 2000. Letting the Justices know that there really would be violence if they let the Democrats try to steal the election probably encouraged them to stop that steal

LA_Bob said...

Chuck, methinks you gloat too much.

If you were a fireman, you would brag how well you saved the house from the fire by destroying it completely.

Robert Cook said...

When Trump speaks about having the evidence of fraud and certain that he won "by a lot", is there reason to doubt it?"

Absolutely. Trump's normal manner of discourse is to is to spew nonspecific and unverified bullshit.

"In due time we'll find out what evidence he alludes to."

In due time? Due time is running out! If he really had such evidence, evidence that was compelling and genuine, he wouldn't find all his attempted lawsuits being thrown out of the courts.

"Based on past instances it's a safe bet it's no exaggeration that he's got the goods and will deliver as promised."

What "past instances?" Basically, if he really had the goods he would already have delivered them. He doesn't have any goods to deliver. He's simply spewing his typical bs to keep his base exercised and to convince himself he's not a "loser," (his greatest fear, as shown by the frequency with which he applies the term to others).

Well, Donald...touch luck, chump. You are a loser.

Qwinn said...

Cook: If he really had such evidence, evidence that was compelling and genuine, he wouldn't find all his attempted lawsuits being thrown out of the courts.

This has been answered so often that repeating it cannot be anything but deliberate falsehood.

The very judges who illegally modified the rules under which the election would operate are the ones throwing them out of court.

Their motive is obvious and blatant: To not incriminate themselves.

The conflict of interest could not be more clear and obvious.

That they did not recuse themselves will hopefully add ten years to their prison sentences, on top of their prison sentences for illegally corrupting the election to enable fraud for their team.

Readering said...

Deliberate falsehood!!!!!


Readering said...

Another indicator no steal: Gallop polls Biden 55 favorable, 41 unfavorable. Trump could only dream about such numbers.

Qwinn said...

Notice that none of the lefties are denying that the very judges that are throwing the cases out of court were the very same judges that illegally modified the rules of the election to make mail in ballot fraud easier. Modifying the rules of the election is something only the Legislature is empowered to do.

They're not denying that, because they can't. That's exactly what happened.

They also can't deny that these same judges denied Trump's appeal to allow poll observers, in clear direct violation of the law.

The conflict of interest cannot be more obvious or blatant. It requires no conjecture or conspiracy theory. Every single aspect of that conflict of interest is out in the open.

So they just scream "Looney!" instead.

Qwinn said...

Not to mention how utterly spurious and illegitimate their reasons for throwing the cases out were.

Filed before the election? No standing!

Filed after the election? Did not file in a timely manner!

That's the PA Supreme Court.

Which is obvious evidence that they are deliberately denying the right of the Trump team to have their case heard in court. Which is also unconstitutional.

Leora said...

Yeah just terrible about how his organizing a "Resistance" to the incoming administration. Nothing like that has happened for 4 years except for 2000, 1980, and 1968 in my lifetime.

sadness said...

The election was invalid the moment the democrats kicked poll observers out.

The worst thing average democrat voters can do at this point is insist Biden is inaugurated.

If you do we will lump you in with the people that resorted to violence to steal this election.

Chuck said...

Kobach, not Kovach. Fat-fingered that one.

sadness said...

"Every fucking thing said after that doesn't matter. All that matters is that is was non-transparent by force. And if you allow yourself to imagine that the other stuff matters, you are a victim of misinformation, and misdirection."

Scott Adams.

Rusty said...

The flow of graft will begin again. Those with the most to gain are posting here aas the usual suspects.

Joe Smith said...

"Corrupt judges who knowingly violated the law to enable the fraud: It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!"

Unfortunately, judges have (slowly then suddenly) morphed into a very political class.

When Roberts said 'There are no Obama judges' he was lying through his lying teeth.

Apologies to our hostess, but judges in this country need to get their collective shit together...

sadness said...

Ware County, Ga has broken the Dominion algorithm:

Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden.

I am sure a democrat judge will call this "hearsay."

doctrev said...

First of all, Google is going out of its way to deny the site exists, but the beauty of the modern Internet is that sites can be remembered as long as individuals keep pushing them.

Second of all, apparently you can be a Shakespeare scholar and not realize that the paranoid instability of Macbeth ran throughout the play. The atrocity of murdering Macduff's family occurs in Act 4, which fuels Macduff's killing of Macbeth later. In fact, an actual Shakespeare scholar might claim that Act 5 typically represents the point where the villains get what's coming to them. If Jeff Wilson thinks that's a catastrophe, it's because he identifies with the evildoers trying to rub the evidence of blood and fake votes off their hands. Which has further irony, given that Lady Macbeth never actually wielded the dagger, yet the blood finds itself on her hands even so.

Finally, I'm starting to wonder if, like Lena Dunham and AOC, Peter Baker is a secret agent of Donald Trump who uses garbage writing to obscure his nationalist leanings. Comparing Trump to the betrayed Julius Caesar is indeed Shakespearean, but it also pushes #CrossTheRubicon further into mainstream discourse. It helps to remember that all of Caesar's assassins were mercilessly hunted down by his heir, Octavian Caesar, who established a far more ruthless dictatorship than his adopted father had any desire to create.

NCMoss said...

A commenter said, "Many of us think Biden won the election."

Thanks for acknowledging that everyone is uncertain about the outcome of the election; and that we don't "know" the outcome because of the shabby process changes put in place by democrats.

sadness said...

Every day there are occurrences like this that just completely invalidate any normal election.

The worst move you can make if you want peace is to just keep pretending this didn't happen.

Readering said...

The problem with the modern internet is that you can read all manner of crap, and if it fits your preconceptions it tastes strangely delicious.

steve uhr said...

It may be a tragedy but it should have a happy ending. Good guy wins. Bad guy ends up behind bars.

jeremyabrams said...

Here's a better take (my own, I admit) on Shakespeare, Trump, and the election:

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Georgia’s Dekalb County does not know if it is in possession of the ballot transfer forms used to record the chain of custody for absentee ballots dropped into some 300 drop boxes around the state.

Dekalb County responded to an open records request for the transfer forms from The Georgia Star News by writing that “it has not yet been determined if responsive records to your request exist.”


The Georgia Star News requested the ballot transfer forms from several counties. Cobb County and Cook County have complied with the request, each providing copies of the forms.

Yeah, there's no fraud there!

Note, Dekalb had Biden up 47% over Clinton in 2016. In everywhere in GA other than Dekalb and Fulton counties, Biden beat Clinton by 32%. in Fulton County (Dekalb and Fulton split Atlanta) Biden beat Clinton by 35%.

If Biden had only beaten Clinton's totals in Dekalb by the same % he beat her in Fulton, he'd lose over 25k votes, and Trump would be leading by over 10k.

So these Absentee ballot records are rather important

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
It may be a tragedy but it should have a happy ending. Good guy wins. Bad guy ends up behind bars.

Another "unifier" for the country. Do you know what is coming ?

Here is a hint.

It will be interesting if the income tax thing starts. I have structured my life so I pay almost no income tax.

Qwinn said...

Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden.

Can you smell the flop sweat of our resident lefties, gang?

Cause I can.

Qwinn said...

I think we know now why, just a short while ago, firing squads and hanging were restored as methods by which federal executions could be carried out.

Because lethal injection is waaaaaaay too good for these traitorous bastards.

I still think the cost of the bullets and nooses needs to come from their confiscated assets.

Though I'll be happy to contribute to the gofundme for them, should it become necessary.

Readering said...

More looney all the time.

Readering said...

I didn't realize I sweat when I chuckle.

steve uhr said...


Could you name some of the individuals that you believe should be executed as traitors? Just curious. I won't hold my breath since you so rarely answer direct questions.

Qwinn said...

Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden.

Qwinn said...

37 Trump votes used in the equal sample run had been "Switched" from Trump to Biden. In actual algorithmic terms this means that a vote for Trump was counted as 87% of a vote and a vote for Biden was counted as 113% of a vote.

effinayright said...

"That's an interesting theory. I have no idea what the case law on that is. It's not an argument that Kelly made in his petition to the Court, so it seems unlikely the Court will rule on a question that no one briefed."

IIRC that's exactly what Roberts did when he upheld Obamacare. No one argued before the court that it was a tax, but that's how Roberts let it through.

Am I wrong?

Qwinn said...

Everyone who's complicit, steve.

Everyone who's complicit.

Does that include people who continued to gaslight and deny mountains of evidence throughout? People who clearly would *never* dismiss so much evidence if it was to their benefit to do so?

People exactly like you, and several others here?

Yes. Yes it does.

steve uhr said...

Just so you are on the record saying that I have committed treason and should be executed because my beliefs are contrary to yours. So much for the Constitution. I wish people like you didn't live in MY country.

Rusty said...

Blogger Chuck said...
"I don’t support fraudulent elections, or election fraud."
You're as crooked as they come. Of course you condone vote fraud. Without it you wouldn't have a job.
"Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden."
Care to explain Charlie, readering,......... anybody?

Jim at said...

It's almost as if these leftist thugs think we're simply going to forget the last four years ever happened.

We're just getting started, bitches.

Qwinn said...

Not because your beliefs are contrary to mine, Steve.

Because you are actively engaged in seditious conspiracy to overturn an election.

Unlike you, we do believe in the Constitution. If the net is (hopefully) big enough to catch you in it, you'll get your trial.

You'll even get to appeal.

Hopefully it doesn't get thrown out for not being filed in a timely manner, by judges with a clear conflict of interest against declaring you innocent.

That would be a crying shame.

Jim at said...

Why would people stop talking about Trump when they haven't stopped complaining about Obama yet?

You mean the jackass who's out peddling a book, running his mouth on late-night TV and calling Hispanics a bunch of racists because they voted for Trump? That Obama, Mark?

Ever think we'd stop talking about Obama and Hillary of the two of them simply shut up and went away?

steve uhr said...

If it isn’t what I have said, what have I done indicating my active participation in a seditious conspiracy? I have never promoted violence unlike you and your co-nuts. A little projection, huh?

Readering said...

Let's talk about Jimmy while he's still with us.

steve uhr said...

Quinn. How do you think a contested election should be decided? You get to make the final decision because you don’t believe the courts are fair? King Quinn does sort of have a nice ring. And the Mrs. even better. Say that fast ten times.

Readering said...

How to explain bs to cultists?

Qwinn said...

"I have never promoted violence unlike you and your co-nuts."

No justice, no peace.

Qwinn said...

C'mon, don't leave me alone on that guys. Who's with me?

No justice. No peace.

doctrev said...

Qwinn said...
No justice. No peace.

12/6/20, 2:20 PM

The slogan was used by the left as long as they had police protection. I'm sure the police will be ready to crack the heads of peaceful conservative demonstrators, or stand by while Antifa does so, as we've seen since the lockdown protests started.

Understandable sentiment, but come up with your own slogans. "Free helicopter rides here," for instance.

Qwinn said...

Let's make it trend, guys.

Let's make that the chant of the entire people's marches on D.C.

No Justice, No Peace!

Cause the message isn't one they get to own.

And the courts need to know that refusing to adjudicate this fairly - no justice - will not result in peace.

In these proceedings so far, you have corrupted justice into a farce. A farce that will go down in history as being among the most vile and corrupt enterprises in the course of human history.

No justice, no peace.

Hey leftists. Go appropriate yourselves.

jim said...

Rusty said...
"Using sequestered Dominion Equipment, Ware County ran a equal number of Trump votes and Biden votes through the Tabulator and the Tabulator reported a 26% lead for Biden."
Care to explain Charlie, readering,......... anybody?

Sure, easily explained. That's today's far fetched BS from the vampires in Trumpsylvania.

Qwinn said...

"Understandable sentiment, but come up with your own slogans. "Free helicopter rides here," for instance."

Hah! No fair. I was the first to bring up Pinochet, to my knowledge.

n.n said...

Trump ended or obstructed Obama/Biden's legacy of elective wars, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform, fungible funds, Obamacares, urban progress, trade inequity, Green blight, diversity and exclusion, political congruence, collusion with foreign and domestic governments and parties, and he is the tyrant. Say it ain't so, Joe. Trump is American: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

n.n said...

Hey leftists. Go appropriate yourselves.

I would suggest that they "go Plan yourselves", but that would be a wicked solution, and I am neither progressive nor liberal nor a Humpty Dumpty type.

Qwinn said...

And doctrev... I'm sure there's a ton of case history out there where leftist judges explicitly gave slaps of the wrist and refused to punish marches under the slogan "No justice, no peace."

It makes ALL kinds of legal sense to use the same protest they've already given a pass to thousands of times.

gadfly said...

Rusty, no Wade County proof - just posts by Trumpers who want to believe on parler, reddit,, twitter, pamgeller. Sounds like a made-up tale from under-the-bus Sidney Porter.

So far the Trump lawsuits decided are one inconsequential win and 46 losses by the brilliant Trump legal beagle - Snoopy - or perhaps his name is Rudy the Dripper. But if the real purpose is to gin up millions of dollars of supporter donations ultimately designed for padding Donald's personal bank account, the beat goes on!

mockturtle said...

Per Chuck: Kobach, not Kovach. Fat-fingered that one.

And fat-headed on the others.

Joe Smith said...

No Justice, No Peas.

I'm OK with this.

Qwinn said...

"So far the Trump lawsuits decided are one inconsequential win and 46 losses by the brilliant Trump legal beagle - Snoopy - or perhaps his name is Rudy the Dripper."

They keep telling this lie. Rudy has only brought 3 cases forward. Most of those "46" were filed before the election by private citizens and denied purely because of standing, since they hadn't suffered injury yet.

And then, the PA Supreme Court decided that 3 weeks after the election was far too late for them to file. Did not file in a timely manner. Thereby effectively, and I would argue patently illegally, shrinking the window in which election fraud could be litigated from "any time in the past up until December 14th, 2020" to "Between November 3rd and Thanksgiving".

Sounds legit.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Readering said...
How to explain bs to cultists?

Well, we tried "even Mueller figured out that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia", and you fruitcakes still won't drop it.

So it doesn't seem possible with you leftie cultists

Jupiter said...

"Isn't the death penalty appropriate for treason? I'd favor firing squad, myself."

While I agree that the people who attempted to steal this election deserve whatever befalls them, let us recall that the Constitution, which is, after all, the point of this exercise, is very clear on this point;

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

Qwinn said...

No justice, no peace.

Qwinn said...

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

There's plenty of foreign enemies involved here, engaged in flagrant Acts Of War.

Qwinn said...

Jupiter's proper response would be: "But will we be able to prove it?"

I do believe we will.

China Whistleblower with Royal Ancestry Steps Forward – Reveals Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC

doctrev said...

Qwinn said...
And doctrev... I'm sure there's a ton of case history out there where leftist judges explicitly gave slaps of the wrist and refused to punish marches under the slogan "No justice, no peace."

It makes ALL kinds of legal sense to use the same protest they've already given a pass to thousands of times.

12/6/20, 2:34 PM

By now you realize the courts are horribly corrupt, and it's down to who was saying it, not what they were saying. You can try, of course, but I can predict their response like it was a sunrise.

Still- no justice, no peace does describe what the legal class of America will be receiving in spades. This article in the American Mind touches on that, but it doesn't go far enough. Red America will have a dramatic boost in productivity from physically destroying the parasitic institutions of Blue America- the student debt machine, the media cartel, the Soros/ Bloomberg axis. And after the lockdown, it's pretty clear that all of it can burn without losing anything of value.

Rusty said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
"If it isn’t what I have said, what have I done indicating my active participation in a seditious conspiracy? I have never promoted violence unlike you and your co-nuts. A little projection, huh?"
Oh shut the fuck up you pompous twit. You're up to your nose in the violence of the left. It's too late to disavow any interest in it. You count on it.

Howard said...

The Trump legal team has lost their cases on purpose so you people could play the victim card which is what you do best. It's a fund raiser disguised as a heroic battle against the forces of evil. Actually its paying off the Trump 2020 campaign debt. In this way, Trump can win for losing. Donald is counting on you!

Anonymous said...

A stolen election? Heh. There are laws, but no men to enforce them. We spent the last 30 years getting rid of men. Grrlll Power. People live in cities with boarded up windows now.

This thing we had, this United States of America, was a shining moment in time. Good men, strong men, gave their life to make it happen.

It's all just laws and jabber now.

sadness said...

steve uhr said...

Quinn. How do you think a contested election should be decided? You get to make the final decision because you don’t believe the courts are fair? King Quinn does sort of have a nice ring. And the Mrs. even better. Say that fast ten times.

You guys think Trump is bad.

Trump is Georges Danton.

I would stick with Trump if I were you. When they are no longer Trump supporters they will not go away. They will find another leader.

The one who comes next will make Donald Trump look like Mitt Romney.

sadness said...

steve uhr said...

Just so you are on the record saying that I have committed treason and should be executed because my beliefs are contrary to yours. So much for the Constitution. I wish people like you didn't live in MY country.

You kicked the Republican poll observers out steve.

You did.


DeepRunner said...

Ah, the Harvard Set perhaps trying to show Trump as Richard III, or perhaps Claudius or Edmund in a strange sort of way. Meh.

The challenge for "Our Intellectual Betters" is seeing that there are two Americas, one that wants to keep Trump in charge, the other that wishes he would exit stage right and let the old doddering king from The Princess Bride take charge, with Lady Macbeth waiting in the wings.

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