something I found googling his name.... "Part of the early research leading to that book found that women who enjoyed food were likely to enjoy sex as well, and that put a twist into the Fishers' social life, Rhoda Fisher said. 'When we got to somebody's house for dinner,' she said, 'no women wanted to sit near him. They thought he'd analyze their food.'"
If I had to choose between an orgasm and like a really good sandwich, I'd pick the sandwich. I don't know what that says about me.
Absolutely. If I had to live without orgasming for the rest of my life, I'd feel a bit sad and frustrated, but if I had to live without really good sandwiches, I would be undone...
Just yesterday, I complained on another post my orgasms are pretty meh so it was such an easy choice. Give me a fricken sandwich with everything on it!!
IN THE COMMENTS: Meade says, "And remember— you can’t fake a sandwich."
I google "marcel marceau eats a sandwich"...
ALSO: "Once I ate a hamster sandwich...."
Back in the stone age, pregnancy was a 20% death sentence for the Mom. No way no how are women going to risk that for nothing. Ipso facto, hidden estrus and the scream inducing female orgasm are the lynchpins of our species procreation. Make me a sandwich, baby.
Thinking about what Howard said, I suspect female orgasms are over-rated. It seems when women speak honestly about them, they aren't that frequent or all that great. I suspect women historically risked death for pregnancy because they are much more invested in having and loving children. It was the final product of sex that made it worth the risk.
This scene from the movie Tom Jones comes to mind: Lusty Eating.
I agree that food and sex, hunger and desire, are very similar. But a good orgasm is better than any sandwich.
Is there a 4chan equivalent for sandwiches?
I'd rather see pictures of people posing with their sandwich than their big ol' clit.
"But a good orgasm is better than any sandwich."
Yes, but this shouldn't preclude women making better sandwiches.
I am Laslo.
"Give me a fricken sandwich with everything on it!!"
Hold the special sauce.
"But a good orgasm is better than any sandwich."
Even if it's pastrami?
Give me a fricken sandwich with everything on it!!
Personally, I like a chicken sandwich better.
Also..I sorta think it depends on how old we are...and what time of day it is, as to where things are ranked on the scale of things we desire. Right now, coffee is at the top of my list.
I do agree with mockturtle @7:24 am /wink
I feel I'm missing something with all this sandwich talk. Is there a New Year's sandwich tradition? Instapundit also posted sandwich stuff yesterday, including something about English tea sandwiches and some 1950s video on making tuna Welsh rarebit
A pastrami sandwich is nice and by birth and geography I should prefer it, but a turkey club with bacon on white with the just the right amount of mayo, eaten over the sink if prepared at home, is my spirit sandwich. After an orgasm.
And remember— you can’t fake a sandwich.
TMI, Ann.
Sydney said... I suspect women historically risked death for pregnancy because they are much more invested in having and loving children. It was the final product of sex that made it worth the risk.
For most of human history, just as for all of animal history, sex and child-birth were sufficiently separated in time that people were unaware of the connection. Only humans in the last 100,000 years or so (made up number—not super recent, but not deep time either) have understood that sex causes pregnancy. Consciously having sex in order to have a family is a relatively modern human innovation. Until then, for sex to have happened often enough to perpetuate the species, the sex drive had to be strong enough that people would continually, repeatedly, choose it for its own sake. Even to the point of inflicting violence on rivals, even at great personal risk.
The desire for sex and the desire for children are two different things, which is why we have so much sex that is unrelated to procreation.
And remember— you can’t fake a sandwich.
Meade has never eaten one from a vending machine.
Daskol: Right. First the orgasm, then the sandwich. :-)
George Costanza: sex, a pastrami sammich, and TV: the Trifecta !
My experience in Paris was similar.
New theme for 2021? Good grief Charlie Brown.
But what makes the great orgasm so great? That’s right — the knowledge that there’s a great sandwich waiting for you just downstairs in the kitchen.
“Meade has never eaten one from a vending machine.”
Excuse me? Young lady, please watch your language!
How about that.
I've been dealing with some health issues for the last couple of years. As a result, I haven't been able to enjoy a sandwich for the last eighteen months or so. On the other hand, I am confident that the thing I was dealing with isn't going to kill me any time soon. It's complicated.
What would I sacrifice to enjoy a really good sandwich? I used to bake my own bread so I could get it just right. I don't think about it much. I have better things to do.
Life is good, despite all the things we have lost.
Chris Dodd will tell you that the best of all worlds is a waitress sandwich.
OK. I'll gross everyone out with my favorite sandwich.
Wheat berry bread, sliced liverwurst, sliced and lightly salted avocados, aioli mayo (or mayo and small amount of dijon mustard, sliced tomatoes, butter lettuce or alfalfa sprouts if you have those.
Trust me..It is good.
(I know! the liver haters are gagging right now 😝)
It was the final product of sex that made it worth the risk
That, and probably not given much choice in the matter.
Depends on the whore moans. or lack of...
The part about no one wanting to sit next to Dr. Fisher at dinner is pretty funny.
It would be hilarious to sit next to him and make slurping yummy noises over your food and give him the side-eye the whole time. I would totally do that.
She's temporizing the essence. The orgasm isn't the point, just the end.
One of Nat Lamp's parody magazine issues (Piddle, the child's first sex magazine) was Guns and Sandwiches, presumably for a special interest group.
Meade made it to the keyboard! Now if he just attends to the meh orgasm situation he will be allowed more online time.
Back in the day, a Ginger/Maryanne sandwich would have been uniting.
Warren Zevon: Enjoy every sandwich.
I don't care about the woman's sandwich, as long as I get mine.
My favorite sandwich, although I never eat them anymore, was a croissant with cream cheese, turkey and cranberry sauce. Now I eat turkey on Ezekiel bread with mustard, horseradish & mayo with pickles.
DBQ @ 8:19. Great idea. Wonder what his reaction would be. Probably fear. ;-D
DBQ - remove the liver and you got yourself a delicious sandwich.
"But a good orgasm is better than any sandwich."
But is a meh orgasm better than a good sandwich?
Now that I know that Ann loves a good sandwich, her reason to visit Omaha this Spring is all the more compelling.
Omaha is the birthplace of the Reuben sandwich. It was invented at the Blackstone Hotel. The best one now is made at M's Pub in the Old Market.
But! The Blackstone has been remodeled to the tune of $75m and the new food and beverage manager (an Omaha guy) personally assured me that their Reuben is better than M's.
I will try it soon and report back to Ann Althouse.
And: Is a hamburger a sandwich? I think not. It is a hamburger. Sui generis. But we do have some great hamburgers in Omaha.
BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...DBQ - remove the liver and you got yourself a delicious sandwich
Replace the liver with a thick slather of spiced/herbed cream cheese spread.
"But a good orgasm is better than any sandwich."
Althouser But is a meh orgasm better than a good sandwich?
That's a though question. Replace sandwich with a piece of chocolate cream pie and it is a no brainer....PIE!!!
Dave: A really good [four-napkin] burger is the best. Better than a sandwich and maybe close to an orgasm in pleasure. ;-)
If Althouse visits the Big O, she will experience the Big O.
At the Facebook group for my old hometown in North Jersey, lately they've been rhapsodizing about the Sloppy Joe as it is understood there. It's usually ham, Swiss, coleslaw, and Russian dressing on rye. It's particularly longed-for because it's unavailable anywhere else. At least you can find orgasms everywhere.
Guns and Sandwiches magazine.
Let's see Marcel Marceau get a pie in the face.
My favorite grade school lunch : White bread, liverwurst, tomato, and mustard, along with chocolate milk. Still savor the taste combinations...
The rest of the world doesn't even know what Russian dressing is, let alone sloppy joes.
But is a meh orgasm better than a good sandwich?
If it slakes the thirst, then, yeah.
One of my favs is a place called Stella's. They serve the burgers on napkins only. And they have this massive burger called the Stellanator. If you eat the thing, you get your picture on the wall.
I thought you had no sense of taste. Asomia or whatever.
So how can you enjoy a sandwich?
If you enjoy a good sandwich that you can't taste more than an orgasm...
And I can't believe nobody has mentioned the sandwich scene in When Harry met sally
John Henry
To which I say, Happy New Year, Everybody.
She's temporizing the essence. The orgasm isn't the point, just the end.
well, as long she ain't trying to immamentize the eschaton, I guess that's ok.
Meade said, "And remember— you can’t fake a sandwich."
There are a few thousand bad sandwich shops out there serving processed meats on bad white bread with mayonnaise and 'American' cheese who would disagree with you.
On the other hand all orgasms are, at the very least, good for your body and mind health. Even the lame ones with someone you really don't like. As my wife reminds me from time to time.
I hope people realize that indented stuff is quoted!
This isn't about me. I just read it and brought it to you for discussion.
I think the topic of "meh orgasms" is great! Beyond the binary of orgasm/no orgasm.
My wife said she much prefers orgasms to sandwiches, but she is on the Keto diet. The sandwich I truly enjoy is lox, cream cheese and red onion on a bagel. When she brings one home, I make an extra effort to reciprocate.
"that indented stuff is quoted!"
That line never works with my wife.
But is a meh orgasm better than a good sandwich?
As mediocre experiences go, it's one of the best!
If your girl thinks a sandwich is better than an orgasm, you're not doing it right !
It's said that pizza is like sex. When it's good, it's very, very good. And when it's bad it's still pretty good.
@DBQ "thick slather of spiced/herbed cream cheese spread."
that works. mmmmmmmm.
What's nice about the real world is that you can have, and enjoy, both...on the same afternoon.
Ann Althouse said...
I hope people realize that indented stuff is quoted!
I usually do. Even went back and looked before I posted.
I blame 2020.
Apologies to you and meade.
John Henry
I think Howard is right. Maybe the first time I'll ever say that.
I feel sorry for women who don't enjoy sex very much. But at least for me, the food sex connection totally checks out. I love food, and I can't imagine wanting any sandwich more than sex, especially when I'm ovulating. Now on the back end of my cycle... Hmmm. I'll have to think about it.
I think the topic of "meh orgasms" is great! Beyond the binary of orgasm/no orgasm.
Nope, it's still binary. Even a weak orgasm is worth having.
Surprised no one mentioned that the famous fake orgasm scene from “When Harry met Sally” takes place in a deli while eating sandwiches.
I stand by my earlier comment: If Althouse visits the Big O, she will experience the Big O.
Confession: I was tricked. I looked for the quotation marks and concluded that Althouse was writing about herself. That's why I wrote earlier: TMI.
Warren Zevon... now there was a great songwriter and all around character.
Remembering his struggles, who he hung with, the times... reading of how he was trying to put all of it in the rearview mirror and then talking about having a friend tell him he’d be right over with an ounce of blow and a quart of tequila... somehow, one knew it likely wouldn’t end well.
If Giuliani’s Deli was still around, across from South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, Ca., I’d say their sausage and peppers sandwich would hit teh spot. Most definitely.
"I usually do. Even went back and looked before I posted. I blame 2020. Apologies to you and meade."
Another clue is that I would never write "fricking" or "frickin'" or "fricken" other than to quote.
Check the 17-year archive — over 60,000 posts — I bet I never used that word myself.
Damn that Lord Sandwich. I know women are great actresses, but few can fake their after shocks that follow the real ones. Tonight we get to test out the old advice that candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.
I checked the archive myself. "Fricking" doesn't appear in a single post. "Frickin'" is in a few, but each one is a quote. "Fricken" appears only in this post, in a quote.
The joke -- "fricken" as a mashup of fucking and chicken -- doesn't scan well. My brain emphasizes the "sand" syllable. If you told the joke aloud -- giving "frick" the emphasis -- it might really be funny.
do you appreciate the erotic qualities of the salted cured meats?
Historians know that the delicious connection of 2 slices of bread with something in between should not be called a sandwich.
The evil lord sandwich stole the ideas from the Earl of Shrewsbury.
Any other fans of historian/DJ Dick Summer here?
He's still alive and kicking. I even exchanged some emails with him. As a kid I used to listen to him on Boston radio from Virginia. The miracle of clear channel am broadcasting.
John Henry
walter said...
Back in the day, a Ginger/Maryanne sandwich would have been uniting.
BTW, if you guys haven't heard; Dawn Wells died of yesterday, she was 82.
“Back in the stone age, pregnancy was a 20% death sentence for the Mom. No way no how are women going to risk that for nothing. Ipso facto, hidden estrus and the scream inducing female orgasm are the lynchpins of our species procreation. Make me a sandwich, baby.”
Not quite, I think. But close. I don’t think that the species survives with a 1/5 maternal death rate, along with maybe a 1/2 childhood fatality rate. My guess is that the hidden estrus was evolved to support pair bonding through the closely aligned continuous female receptivity to sex. In most other mammals, females go into estrus, advertise it somehow (e.g. by smell, bright red labia in some monkeys, etc), the males notice, she is sexually receptive, they have sex, then it is over until her next estrus. Not human females though. They don’t advertise it, and are sexually receptive year round. I think that it has to be for the purpose of keeping a pair bonded male around to protect his investment. But, yes, if 1/5 (or I expect 1/6-8 maybe) of the times a woman gets pregnant (and carries to term - since 1/2 of all pregnancies, on average, miscarry), she dies, then the sex had better be decent.
Oh, and good orgasms don’t require screaming in many, if not most women. First one I ever heard was my GF’s official roommate in college (official, because she was actually living with me in the fraternity house). They had a deal, a scarf on the door meant the dorm room was in use. Popped over there one time looking for said GF, stuck my head in, not seeing the scarf on the door, and heard screaming. She was a drama major. Enough said. I can think of the number of times that would have really been embarrassing if the woman I was with had to scream while she climaxed. For example, my partner and her daughter still talk about the time when my kid came down to visit. Her 18 and 20 year old kids kept my 8 year old kid occupied and diverted them by taking them out to the garage to play darts, while their parents did what parents do. They seem to be embellishing the story a bit, of late, with a claim that we did it on the hall floor. Nope, it was on the bed in the next room. But she does have that side to her. I can remember once in a hospital bed after surgery for her. Or the classic, when she showed up at her former husband’s shop, dressed only in a full length mink coat.
IN THE COMMENTS: Meade says, "And remember— you can’t fake a sandwich."
Sure you can...ever been to Subway?
There's a foot-long joke in here somewhere.
Btw, if you ever want a great food gift box, or send one to somebody, Katz's Deli in Manhattan has a great one called a Birthday Box.
We've sent it to a few people and it is a big hit...delicious pastrami and corned beef with all the trimmings. Not cheap but worth it.
what about waitress sandwiches?
...who sez you cant have your cake and eat it too?
"The evil lord sandwich stole the ideas from the Earl of Shrewsbury."
What do Lord and Lady Douchebag have to say?
Punchline of an old joke: "Beats a ham sandwich, doesn't it, Father?"
who remembers the G-Spot Deli in Manhattan?
...hard to find but very gratifying
No seriously-- it was on the upper west side
"I suspect women historically risked death for pregnancy because they are much more invested in having and loving children. It was the final product of sex that made it worth the risk."
I suspect historically many women had little or no choice in the matter.
"I suspect historically many women had little or no choice in the matter."
Even today men are all rapists.
And when they're not out a-rapin' they're refusing to fuck trannies.
It's a fine mess we're in.
"But is a meh orgasm better than a good sandwich?"
That depends on one's preferences. What is indisputable is that a good sandwich provides a longer pleasure experience than does a meh (or even a great) orgasm.
Mimes are just Jerry Lewis routines with the sound off.
I am Laslo.
"If I had to choose between an orgasm and like a really good sandwich, I'd pick the sandwich. I don't know what that says about me."
If I didn't know otherwise from Althouse's intro, I would have assumed this was a quote from a David Sedaris essay.
It just seems very Sedaris-y in the way that New Yorker cartoons have that New Yorker cartoon thing.
I am Laslo.
Luckily, I don't have to choose.
A good sandwich gives me an orgasm, and vise versa.
make me a sammich, and I'll give you an orgasm.
A hotdog in a bun--- is that considered a sandwich?
Cookie asserts: That depends on one's preferences. What is indisputable is that a good sandwich provides a longer pleasure experience than does a meh (or even a great) orgasm.
Yes but you will be hungry again in just a few hours. :-)
If I was offered the choice between 5 sandwiches today or sex with five women, I'd be damned hungry by sunset.
"I think the topic of "meh orgasms" is great!"
I'm pleased to learn something new at the very end of an eventful year, though disappointed for the sake of people grappling with this condition. "Meh orgasms": who knew?
Around here, better than meh is not such a high standard.
But is a meh orgasm better than a good sandwich?
The old saw is, there is no such thing as bad sex(orgasm assumed), some is just better than others.
Not true of sandwiches. but, some have opined is true of pizza.
I think that unravels this riddle.
Orgasms or sandwiches?
Like they said in the Meg Ryan movie:
"I'll have what she's having."
Marcel Marceau's greatest performance:
We all remember when Warren Zevon said "Enjoy every sandwich and you know what I mean by sandwich."
I don't. I do remember his song "Mohammed's Radio," but I haven't heard it played at all in the last twenty years or so. Why is that?
"The old saw is, there is no such thing as bad sex(orgasm assumed)...."
That old saw is bogus.
I'm not sure I'll ever put mayo on my sandwich again after this...
'm not sure I'll ever put mayo on my sandwich again after this...
"If I had to choose between an orgasm and like a really good sandwich, I'd pick the sandwich. I don't know what that says about me."
That you are married to Birkel.
Are we talking a Ginger-Mary Anne sandwich?
Nobody does "Silent Night" better than Marcel Marceau.
"Are we talking a Ginger-Mary Anne sandwich?
Hey! Check out last night's comments...that's me in the middle of that sandwich...
I will not yield!
Ann Althouse said...
I hope people realize that indented stuff is quoted!
This isn't about me. I just read it and brought it to you for discussion.
Sure you did, Althouse.
Sure you did.
"The old saw is, there is no such thing as bad sex(orgasm assumed)...."
Robert Cook said
That old saw is bogus.
You have my condolences.. and pity.
Unlike orgasms, I prefer sandwiches I make myself. Nobody else does them quite right, but a self-made orgasm is like a sandwich with no meat and no bread, and you know what that leaves you holding.
Cookie, renowned expert on sexuality. Who knew?
hold a chicken between your knees
...what a climax!
Nicholson Chicken Sandwich scene
LOL! While an undergrad at LSU (62-66) that Tom Jones movie was all the rage. Used to be a place here in Baton Rouge on Govt St called Jay's where one could get some nice really greezy BQQ Cornish Rock hens for seventy-five cents! A few of those, some nice juicy pears&grapes, lots of cheap vino (TNT Tokay went for 60 cents a half-gallon, iirc!) and some oysters on the half-shell (sea-food was dirt-cheap then, iirc a baker's dozen at the best sea-food sit down restaurants in New Orleans went for 99 cents!) and one had the makings of what we called a Tom Jones Party for a nice salacious picnic/semi-orgy on the levee! (Or better yet in one's own apt when we were allowed to move off-campus as upper classmen)
Advice to young men: Never worry about a female's orgasm. It's all in her brain. I hate to say this, but females like men who are assholes. I have no idea what that's all about, and I don't really care. Been an asshole my whole life and I am old now and want to ponder the philosophies of life, and I've got 60-70yr old widows bringing me casseroles. Look, if you are a man, you have got to love women. Sit with them. Let them talk.
Here's the good news for all men- apparently women absorb sperm through their uterus and get a kind of dopamine hit from it. got that going for you.
No one since has ever made a sammich more questionable than Onan the Barbarian...
...the sandwich had meat in it to start with, but he pulled it out at the last minute.
... and why he pulled out remains a mystery...
I google "marcel marceau eats a sandwich"...
I googled "marcel marceau fakes an orgasm"...
Alas, no such video. However, I did learn that Barbarella included both Marcel Marceau and an orgasm machine. No mention of sandwiches...
If two women join in to make me a sandwich, it would wind up being a triple-decker.
Happy New Year!
Friends: Ross threesome & a sandwich
... and why he pulled out remains a mystery...
Not really. He didn't want to impregnate his brother's widow, IIRC.
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