December 23, 2020

John McWhorter calls bullshit on civility.


wendybar said...

We are all done. The left kept on poking the bear, and now the bear is pissed. This won't end well, and I blame the Media and the leftists who divided us, and hated on us for the last few decades.

David Begley said...

I’m of the same opinion. Like Marcus Aurelius, I don’t care about the opinions of others. I’m my own man and firm in my beliefs. I don’t suffer fools well.

320Busdriver said...

Well I’m 55 and a half. And I don’t know who Mcwhoreter is. Is that a diss?

Lyssa said...

Althouse, so you listen to his Lexicon Valley (podcast on language). It is excellent and seems like something you would like. It’s completely apolitical, but I got to it through Slate, so I had my assumptions. Learning more about McWhorter’s personality (or, “the cranky things he sometimes posts on the Internet,” as I heard him refer to it once) was quite the pleasant surprise, and he’s fast becoming one of my favorite people in media.

Fernandinande said...

Overall, the social media universe must hear this.

He must think he's very important.

Achilles said...

Inaugurating Biden would be a massive mistake.

mikee said...

Oh, my! This sounds like somebody who just discovered that mean kids say mean things on the internet, and (harumph, harumph) wants to tell those mean kids a thing or two about civility! By cussing back at them, of course.

What a sheltered existence he must have had on Twitter so far. I equate using Twitter with inviting the world to pour buckets of ordure over your head. Well, sounds like the bucket just dropped on his head and he's not happy with it. But he's forgotten the first rule about getting out of a hole, and unless he's researching current internet insults, he's gonna be disappointed in the way this works.

You don't get less crap poured over your head by flinging some of it back at the sender.

Lurker21 said...

Very bright guy and right about a lot of things. Gets into a lot of controversies. He's a lightning rod for African-Americans who want to accuse somebody of acting White or selling out. Also, shares too much about his private life. I listened to/watched his Teaching Company courses and now I know more about him than about people I've known my whole life.

McWhorter is a very conservative guy, but self-identifies as a Democrat. I can understand his desire not to get drawn into the polarized environment of the day, but he's in it anyway. One can admire his toughness, but it feels like a pose. He's more of a real-life Steve Urkel than a Muhammed Ali or Tupac Shakur. Love him anyway.

mezzrow said...

We found out where nice got us. Time for a change.

Truth to power.

rhhardin said...

I'd assume somebody's trying to get him cancelled from his work. Then he's just saying bring it on.

He's not exceptionally daring as far as I know in deviating from the received left though.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Oh snap McWhorter on the warpath. Everybody be on your bestest behavior. Ima scared.

stevew said...

C'mon man, give it a rest! Better yet, start your own blog.

McWhorter sounds sincere but I suspect he lacks the courage of his convictions on this civility thing. Posting a testy tweet on twitter is a lot like the folks who say they are so upset they are planning rebellion: lots of angry bluster with no action.

I guess we'll see.

William50 said...

No more mr. nice guy
No more mr. clean

Kate said...

McWhorter has been polite up until now?

Haha, jk. Let slip the dogs, buddy. I look forward to seeing it.

rhhardin said...

I'm always polite. It's easy if you have an actual position to argue. Pushback on you is just a request for restatement in better terms. You get to use creativity again.

Don't call anybody a cunt without pointing out the positive aspects of it.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Some guys at 55 have problems with their testosterone and that can make them kind of bitchy.

gspencer said...

"i will no longer be polite," says McWhorter whom I've never known to be polite.

He must be celebrating his Airing of Grievances. After all, today is Festivus.

MD Greene said...

Good for him. He's a serious person. When he takes a position, he gives reasons. He seems perfectly willing to talk with other serious persons who hold different views. Such conversations are worthwhile. They are how we learn.

If he's tired of hacks -- the dogmatists who proclaim that "Everybody knows that X is true" and who dismiss other points of view out of hand -- well, he's not the only one.

Tina Trent said...

McWhorter is one of the best academic examples of wanting and getting things both ways. He demands special deference based on race for himself -- while denouncing it for others -- while spewing racial smears at white people specifically and in general, as his whimpy erstwhile "conservative" peers suck up all the tiny faux "conservative" archipelagos in academia while masturbating over having a black linguist on "their side."

Which he isn't.

His new gig is policing white speech while insisting that he gets to swear and use slurs as much as he wants. At least he thinks this is new. This garbage wasn't edgy in 1969.

He's an elitist who occasionally makes a cranky concession on class to legitimate an unearned reputation as an iconoclast.

In other words, he's your basic linguist. I've never once met an honest linguist. It's the worst field. They should just give up all the pseudoscience and admit they're glorified composition teachers. But that would be a big step down and possibly involve having to teach for a living.

God forbid: isn't teaching composition what we have adjunct slaves for?

Big Mike said...

Inaugurating Biden would be a massive mistake.

@Achilles, inaugurating Harris will be worse.

Sebastian said...

"He must think he's very important."

He is. Holding the race hucksters accountable. Fighting the good fight, much of the time. Though a liberal, in the culture war he's on the side of most of the commentariat.

tim maguire said...

Blogger 320Busdriver said...
Well I’m 55 and a half. And I don’t know who Mcwhoreter is. Is that a diss?

An own-diss, maybe. He's prominent in his area and if you pay attention to racial politics and bemoan the lack of black people willing to stand up to the woke grifters, then you should show some appreciation for McWhorter and wish him well, because he's the kind of person you want more of.

daskol said...

It has taken some really abominable behavior on the part of those defending the orthodoxy within the academy and in media/literary circles to get McWhorter angry. Interestingly, he's revealed for a while now he's not merely angry, he's also quite fearful for his own career. He's quite certain his position at Columbia will eventually be threatened, even baffled as to why he and his institution have been spared their 15 minutes of hate thus far--even his prominence and skin color won't protect him forever. He talks a lot about this stuff on his bloggingheads appearances with Glenn Loury, who's much more conservative and much less beholden to the media elites than McWhorter. In fact, McWhorter's already been getting squeezed for a while: since his early and outspoken attacks on the history and ethics of the 1619 Project, he's had trouble getting published in his usual mainstream venues like the Atlantic, and rather you see his stuff appearing in less mainstream, more "right-wing" places like Reason. So he's just reading the writing on the wall: if he has community still, if there's safety in numbers for a guy like him, it's in the "Heterodox Academy" types in whose orbit McWhorter has long circled, but in the past McWhorter managed to keep a foot planted firmly in the mainstream. That maneuver is becoming impossible.

daskol said...

That whole Heterodox crew is going to have show some teeth. It's a bunch of academics and other intelligentsia who have, in my experience, no particular feel for the populist movement arising in this country, but at least they can see it and want to understand it instead of mobilizing everything they've got to kill it. They are an embattled bunch who have to tread very carefully owing to maintaining a foot both in the academic mainstream and in the "dark web," and it seems from McWhorter's increasingly pugilistic attitude, this is not a comfortable position.

Lurker21 said...

McWhorter is one of the best academic examples of wanting and getting things both ways.

Probably a skill acquired as a result of being in an awkward position. He wants to criticize positions in African-American politics without being taken up as a token or mascot by the other side. That's a problem some conservatives from minority groups have. It's also a problem many conservatives in academia have.

Conservative distrust of the Republican and conservative establishments or elites is widespread enough nowadays, that one can understand why people of conservative sentiments, whatever their background, may not want to be co-opted by movements or factions. In an age of distrust, everybody will be distrustful (and perhaps justified in their distrust), not just people we agree with.

Like everybody else in academia, McWhorter may criticize traditional White comments or epithets about Blacks, but I don't think he's especially known for that. He does defend vernacular Black English as a way people express themselves, not different from other ways people express themselves, and he has some nuanced thoughts about the "n-word," but most of his work outside linguistics focuses on the ways African-American ideologies and woke/progressive White condescension and pandering have hurt Black prospects for advancement.

Rick.T. said...

I've never once met an honest linguist.
Neither have I. I've met a cunning one on occasion though.

Balfegor said...

I am a jaded 55, and if you diss me where I can hear it, it's your ass. I will no longer be polite.

It's Trump rules for everyone now, I guess.

wendybar said...

daskol said...
That whole Heterodox crew.....Heterodox was the name of my brothers first band back in the 70's....awww...memories....

Fernandinande said...

"He must think he's very important."

He is. Holding the race hucksters accountable.

It's true that, like millions of other people, he's fairly rational, but that doesn't mean "the social media universe must hear" something about him.

Tina Trent said...

McWhorter is a coward, like most tenured pseudo-conservative academicians.

It's just now dawning on them they're next in line for the bus-tire facial? Cry me a river. They did nothing to stop the revolution when they had the power to do so. Live by the double-standards sword; die by the double-standards sword.

Tina Trent said...

I can certainly name a few more.

Howard said...

The exact same logic should be applied to deplorables. Substitute white racism with "librul elitism" and black people with "Trumpers"

Blogger Wikipedia says:
Views on racisism
In a 2001 article, McWhorter claimed that black people's attitudes, rather than white racism, held black people back. According to him, "victimology, separatism, and anti-intellectualism underlie the general black community’s response to all race-related issues," and "it’s time for well-intentioned whites to stop pardoning as 'understandable' the worst of human nature whenever black people exhibit it."

sterlingblue said...

No worries, he'll soon be cancelled by the Biden Thought Police. It may take a little longer because he's Black.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

By the friend of a friend of someone's brother...

"Here is my little bitty small issue with the whole, let us all be a “United States” again, from Joe Biden.

For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth.
You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops.

The problem is we have memories longer than a hamster.

We remember the protests the day of/after the inauguration.

We remember the 4 years of personal attacks.

We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance...”
We remember being called racist and evil.

We remember Maxine Walters telling followers to harass Trump supporters in department stores and gas stations.

We remember the President's press secretary being chased out of a restaurant.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We remember hundreds of Trump supporters being physically attacked.

We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.

We remember riots, and looting.

We remember a liberal "comedian” holding up the President’s severed head.

We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.

We remember Robert de Niro yelling “Fuck Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.

We remember Trump being accused of being a Russian spy and the media going with it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.

We remember how totally in the tank the mainstream media was in opposition.

We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.

We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.

We remember the partisan impeachment.

We remember the President and his staff being spied on.

We remember Republican congressmen shot on a ball field.

We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.

We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We remember the state governors asking for and getting everything they wanted to address covid then blaming Trump.

We remember leftists threatening outside the homes of prominent Republicans.

We remember the attempted destruction of Brett Kavanaugh.

We remember people pounding on the Supreme Court doors.

We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.

We remember that many in Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected, but they stayed anyway.

This list is endless, but you get the idea.

My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been attacking for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me..........

.....So, Joe Biden, take your "let’s be united" and SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!"

Earnest Prole said...

Twitter claims another victim.

Howard said...

April just coughed up four ginormous hairballs. I think that's a record for her.

I will give you the Cliff notes version: Hell hath no fury like a cat lady scorned.

Nonapod said...

In an age of distrust, everybody will be distrustful (and perhaps justified in their distrust), not just people we agree with.

It's a sad state of affairs that we've reached such a point. I'd rather people just be more skeptical rather than fully distrustful. I think it's foolish to assume that some piece of news or information is untrue simply because you're recieving it from a particular person or institution that has proven to be untrustworthy in the past. To be clear, you should absolutely question its validity, but to dismiss it outright may be dangerous.

As an example, I have a panicky liberal friend who has been overly worried about Covid reinfections (people who've evidently been infected with Covid twice). My initial reaction was to completely dismiss it as yet another example of mainstream media fear mongering. I mean, I vaguely remember reading about a couple reported instances of this occuring back in the spring, something about a women in Japan or something? So I knew it was perhaps a thing that may happen.

So I decided to do a quick bit of research and found out that yes, there have been more than a few instances of reinfection, but so far it seems like it's an extremely rare occurance. Out of something like 78 million confirmed cases worldwide there's been less than a few hundred claims of people being reinfected. Some simple math indicates that the odds of becoming infacted with Covid twice within a year or so seem extraordinarily low.

So it may be possible that a person could get Covid twice within a year, but it's probably more likely that a person could die from drowning in a pool or falling off a ladder.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don’t know. I enjoy a good bout of screeching, name calling and general insulting...

But... and this is a big butt...

I’m going to try not to be as big an asshole during the reign of Dementia Joe as the TDS infected have been.

I can certainly do that act if called upon. But... most of the time I have better things to do.

Sebastian said...

"John McWhorter calls bullshit on civility."

But does he really? I think he still prefers civility. He still practices it with his equals. He just doesn't want to be civil towards second-raters who are worse than uncivil towards him.

Kirk Parker said...

"I've never once met an honest linguist. "

Raises hand.

(and wow, you must have gotten in on a fabulous holiday sale in the garage department)

bagoh20 said...

It's gonna get a lot worse, and in a whole lot of different ways.

As everyone should know by now, the left destroys everything it touches. It just stole control your country. Expect a real shit show that will eventually lead to collapse of human rights, and of course, violence by those humans being stepped on.

Everyone who thought Trump was the worst thing that happened, used that delusion to justify actually doing the worst thing that could happen. They were aided by those with too little concern, wisdom or passion to fight. Boring is not what you are going to get, and that will be your legacy.

mockturtle said...

Nonapod suggests: I think it's foolish to assume that some piece of news or information is untrue simply because you're recieving it from a particular person or institution that has proven to be untrustworthy in the past. .

You mean, like CNN? Who just today reports in a glaring headline: Trump threatens 30-day reign of destruction on the way out of office?

PM said...

I've noticed that black people now comprise 60% of the population.

mockturtle said...

I have mixed feelings about the civility thing. One one hand, Revenge is a dish best served cold and Speak softly and carry a big stick. Then there's No more Mr. Nice Guy [or Gal]. Maybe the best thing is to be rude and noisy and carry a lot of big sticks! :-D

mockturtle said...

I've noticed that black people now comprise 60% of the population.

Only 60%? Watching commercials, it looks like at least 80%.

bagoh20 said...

The treatment Biden gets from the Right will be far more fair and honest than how Trump was treated by both the Left and the GOP. That does not bode well for Biden though, because the truth is no friend of his. After four years of the left pulling every lie they could from their fevered minds, the right only needs to expose the truth. I think most Americans have now accepted that the press lies to them more than they inform. The election coverage proved that. The press will be far less useful to the liars than it was. Only the Sedition Army will be listening to them.

As is normal for humans betrayed, I think most patriots now have even more disdain for the GOP traitors than they do for the enemy. They might as well change parties now.

Qwinn said...

Nonapod: Those few 100s of "reinfections" are actually far lower than I would expect to be explained just by initial false positive tests.

Joe Smith said...

If he's such a hotshot, why doesn't he have a blue checkmark signifying his membership in the anointed class®?

Yancey Ward said...

Don't make me angry...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Americans have now accepted that the press lies to them more than they inform.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michael Walsh:

And most of all, where they’re exposed on a daily and even hourly basis to the malignant, politicized coverage of the mainstream media, which has now fully aligned itself not only with the Democrat Party but with its most leftward elements. It openly advocates now against the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly clauses of the First Amendment and against other aspects of the Constitution, including the Electoral College and the United States Senate.

The chief offenders are the New York Times, which now injects anti-Trumpist, anti-rationalist, and anti-conservative editorializing into nearly story, and the Washington Post, which fancies itself as a guardian of “democracy” but in fact supports the nullification of the Constitution and endorses the narrative of the New World Order—an ahistorical world without borders, a vengeful, ugly society based on retribution for selective past wrongs and an enthusiastic endorsement of a retrogression to a pre-Western culture of idealized utopianism that never existed except in the fevered imagination of a guilt-tripped Hollywood.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse, so you listen to his Lexicon Valley (podcast on language)."

I haven't listened to his podcast. Might try. It's probably not quite the kind of podcast I like. (I like a very personal touch and humor.)

Ann Althouse said...

I see a recent episode about the word "got." If he addresses the fear of "got" that causes the overuse of "garner," I will be interested.

Skeptical Voter said...

Saw this and wondered "Who is John McWhorter? And why shouuld I care?"

So in the age of Google, I looked Johm Hamilton McWhorter IV up--and found he was an assistant professor at Columbia. Okay. Why should I care what he thinks? Or doesn't think?

How does he--and his opinion--impinge on my life? Can't say that he or his opinion does--so go grouch on your ownself Assistant Professor McWhorter. But if you show up on my block all the way across the country (in Los Angeles) be civil and polite, and I'll be the same.

Ampersand said...

McWhorter is a well regarded popularizer of modern linguistics. He is also clear and forthright about his politics. He is worth listening to.

daskol said...

His bloggingheads appearances with Glenn Loury are almost always worthwhile, and if you have watched them over the years or sample them in chronological order, you can chart the increasing isolation McWhorter feels amid the totalitarian upholders of academic orthodoxy. A nerd's progress.

mezzrow said...

"I think he still prefers civility. He still practices it with his equals. He just doesn't want to be civil towards second-raters who are worse than uncivil towards him."

I think this is very accurate.

JaimeRoberto said...

I think he's been having a back and forth on Twitter with the anti-racism guy whose middle name starts with X. (I can't be bothered to look up his full name.) Anyway, I suspect he's getting a lot of crap for it, and it's what triggered this tweet.

Yancey Ward said...

I don't think McWhorter is really black- will have to check with Joe Xiden.

Joe Smith said...

"I don't think McWhorter is really black- will have to check with Joe Xiden."

Probably should check with Shaun 'Talcum X' King first...

daskol said...

McWhorter for all his political open-mindedness is a Trump-hating Biden supporter, so he gets to keep his black card. For now. All that complaining about NHJ and his particular disdain for the intellectual bankruptness of antiracists like IXK and the White Fragility chick could eventually cost him membership in that club. He's called them stupid, and explained why he thinks so.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Trump threatens 30-day reign of destruction on the way out of office?"

Portland & Seattle say sorry, democrats beat you to it. Maybe next time.

daskol said...

McWhorter was also a lonely voice decrying the lionizing and elevation of TNC, another lightweight white people worship in a way that McWhorter finds insulting.

Josephbleau said...

I wonder why he is still an Associate Prof at 55, did he used to be a conservative or something? I doubt there are a lot of black asoc. Profs at Columbia older than 40.

Joe Smith said...

"I wonder why he is still an Associate Prof at 55, did he used to be a conservative or something? I doubt there are a lot of black asoc. Profs at Columbia older than 40."

Probably not gay. Gay would give him near-perfect victimhood status.

narciso said...

you're speaking of henry rodgers who goes by the name ibrahim x kendi,

Kirk Parker said...

Well that just shows how huge a mistake it is to voice dictate and then not proofread carefully.

Try "... sale in the Broad Brush Department..." and it will make more sense.

Unknown said...

I used to read AA blog every day. Hardly much any more. I cannot fathom Fakebk and Twaddle. And these days Alths blog is more and more just dishing us Twaddle after Twaddle. To an old f*** like me these Twots... er I mean Twits are utterly WITHOUT CONTEXT. Like here with McWhorter, whom I have followed over the years... What the hell is the deal? I know nothing will change re. this all-Fkbk, all-NYT, all-Twaddle all the time format, but just want you to know why some people don't come around much any more.

Cheers, Grampa Howie in (ugh) Seattle, which is actually an ancient, abandoned I. Bergman film set.

MadTownGuy said...

Practical application of linguistics:

"You are reading this comment.

You are locating your checkbook.

You are issuing a check in the amount of $10.00.

You are making it payable and mailing it to Zarko the Hypnolinguist, Box 1000, Syosset NY."

Saw this on my Phonology prof's office door. He attributed it to an old issue of Mad Magazine.

Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse is a Maple Syrup professional.

"Boiling the syrup is a tightly controlled process, which ensures appropriate sugar content. Syrup boiled too long will eventually crystallize, whereas under-boiled syrup will be watery, and will quickly spoil."

This gal knows all about Maple Syrup.

mockturtle said...

Cheers, Grampa Howie in (ugh) Seattle, which is actually an ancient, abandoned I. Bergman film set.

I have long suspected that was the case.

h said...

This lifts a corner of the veil on the emerging truth that there is large segment of society for whom the label of "racist" has no power. It was once a useful concept, though only applicable to a tiny portion of the population; it has become so widely used that the term has no value as an epithet: "You are a racist!" "You are a citizen!" "You are a Presbyterian!" "You are a sculptor!" Any of these may be or may not be true. If true, one shrugs. If not true, one shrugs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OK yeah... racism. it's being re-built

Anonymous said...

I grew up when the word 'racist' wasn't a 'thing'. The thing was that there were stereotypes about races, and that one shouldn't judge an individual by the stereotype. To do so was called 'Prejudice'. The stereotypes were accepted as true, which they were, but there were some individuals who did not fit into the stereotype, which was also true.

eg. Some people think that all Chinese people are CCP spies. That's racism. Prejudice means you think the Chinese person at your University who is uploading your research to China is a CCP spy.

Damn, this gets confusing.

gpm said...

>>I haven't listened to his podcast. Might try. It's probably not quite the kind of podcast I like. (I like a very personal touch and humor.)

How do you feel about show tunes? Because McWhorter loves them (and, no, he's straight). Plays probably at least six or eight clips in each 45-60 minute episode, mostly to illustrate changes in English/American pronunciation and usage over the last hundred years or so. Also clips of the audio from old movies and TV shows.

A bit quirky, but there's a fair amount of humor.

Don't know what you're looking for in terms of a personal touch. He refers occasionally (not too often) to his two fairly young daughters and how language worked for him in his younger days. Plus his relationship to languages. And a style of having a conversation with the audience.

The biggest thing is whether you're interested in languages, which I have been for over fifty years. His podcasts are very wide-ranging and very good in that regard.

Just started listening to the "got" episode from two weeks ago. Within the last five minutes or so, he's done a clip from an early 50's episode of the George Burns and Gracie Allen TV show, then an Angela Lansbury clip from Sweeney Todd, then an excerpt from Married with Children, and right now the (Dear Sexy Knickers) episode of Are You Being Served.



gpm said...

One annoying thing is that there are in-line commercials (by McWhorter himself) if you don't sign up for Slate Plus. And you get some sort of additional content if you do sign up.


Freeman Hunt said...

McWhorter is great, and he's stood up to enough garbage that I wouldn't care to criticize any approach he takes to jackasses online.

gpm said...

Alas, no “garner” discussion in the “got” episode.

Started out with how we, well, got the current version of “got” and its other forms from Indo-European via a collision between Old English and Old Norse following the Viking invasions, with some side trips into cognates in other languages (e.g., how the “hend” in “apprehend” and “comprehend” via Latin is from the same IE source as “got”).

Then moved into how “got” has picked up all sorts of meanings and usages in modern English.

Then the difference between American and English usages (in particular, English “got” vs. American “gotten”).

Finishing up with how similar words have evolved in various ways in other, completely unrelated languages (e.g., Vietnamese).

And, right at the end, an extended excerpt from Judy Garland (and, no, he’s straight) doing “Come on, Get Happy” from that weird tag end to Summer Stock, filmed after Judy had lost a ton of weight as compared with the main body of the movie.


Tina Trent said...

John's a coward. When you and your peers are forced to live in single-wides to tell the truth, or lose you cushy taxpayer pensions and actually work for a living for five minutes, get back to me. But that won't happen, will it? Cowards all.

It's just words to you, free speech and all. Cowards, the lot of you, Ann and
your peers. You wouldn't stand up for a principle if it goosed you.


Marcus Bressler said...

Ann Althouse is a Maple Syrup professional.

"Boiling the syrup is a tightly controlled process, which ensures appropriate sugar content. Syrup boiled too long will eventually crystallize, whereas under-boiled syrup will be watery, and will quickly spoil."

This gal knows all about Maple Syrup.

Me: The same is true about caramel.

Tina Trent said...

Freeman Hunt, you wouldn't know a moral fight if it bit you in your grade school anonymity. I have multiple friends losing their bank accounts for their beliefs now. But you keep being anonymously cute.

They'll find you when they want to. They'll find all of you anonymous cowards. The purges have begun.

Sam L. said...

Smack 'em, John!

Lurker21 said...

I wonder why he is still an Associate Prof at 55, did he used to be a conservative or something? I doubt there are a lot of black asoc. Profs at Columbia older than 40.

He was a conservative of sorts, though not a Republican or part of some conservative movement. He was conservative for a Black public intellectual. He kicked around Cornell and Berkley as an associate professor, and then left academia for freelancing and a position at the Manhattan Institute, a think tank. Because a lot of his work isn't strictly speaking linguistics and because he does have a public following outside of academia, it's likely that Columbia's linguists don't want to promote him.

The exact same logic should be applied to deplorables. Substitute white racism with "librul elitism" and black people with "Trumpers"

First of all, it's not really the same thing. Progressives complain about the superrich and Republicans. "Deplorables" complain about liberal elites. Neither group is really blaming some dysfunctionality of their own on others. Each group is contending for power or influence with the other group, which they think is harming the nation. There's some overlap with African-American complaints about racism, but it's not quite the same thing. Plenty of "deplorables" are doing better than their progressive counterparts. Secondly, why the "them and us" polarization here? There are Blacks and Whites and others who are hurting for different reasons, and others who are doing fine. Why is it necessary to set one group against another or assume that other people are always doing so?

Unknown said...

Out of something like 78 million confirmed cases worldwide there's been less than a few hundred claims of people being reinfected. Some simple math indicates that the odds of becoming infected with Covid twice within a year or so seem extraordinarily low.

Wonder how many of those cases involved one or more false positive test, a 1% false positive test rate would get in that ballpark.

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