... you can write about whatever you want. And I hope you got whatever you wanted.

ADDED: These are photographs that I originally blogged in 2006, in "Things made by children for Christmas long ago." The objects, which I still have, were made more than 60 years ago.
I see that in the comments here and back in 2006, someone asks if my name is really Jo Ann. No. Jo Ann was a doll's name — and I still remember which doll. The stockings — which are about the size of the image in the photograph — are doll's stockings. We made Christmas stockings and gifts for a family of dolls.
I told them I didn’t want anything since I bought myself a 75” tv. One of them did get me a new nonstick griddle after listening to me make pancakes Christmas Eve morning.
This will be my daughter's last Christmas at home as she's just turned 18 and is an adult now. While I'm sure she'll come home for the holidays it'll never be quite the same.
Eve Roberson...I love you and will always thank God for the years that you were my little girl.
Mom's taking it a little better than I am.
looks like they hung that bear a little too low over the fireplace
Enjoy a Special Christmas LinkSwarm.
Also, Stellarscope's version of "Silent Night."
Merry Christmas AA !
I ate way too much but it was delicious, even if I say so myself. My dog thought so, too.
Did you used to be Jo Ann?
We are having such a lazy day, so very lazy - I am dining on instant noodles (Samyang brand). Oh I have jazzed it up with some thinly sliced sirloin steak, some veggies, etc. Green onion + cherry tomato = Christmas soup.
'Stentorian', you say?
re: Washington crossing the Delaware
"...One observer noted that the whole operation might well have failed "but for the stentorian lungs of Colonel Knox".
per wiki
“ Did you used to be Jo Ann?
No. That was a little doll’s name
Birds of Michigan field guide and new Nikon binoculars. Couple of sweaters and two Philips Hue light fixtures.
That homemade Xmas doll looks a little creepy. Can be used off season as a voodoo hex doll? I would be careful whilst hanging it from the tree to not use pins or to hang it by the neck.
Everything is done: the little ones are bathed and in bed; the big ones are at their dad and stepmom’s; the house is clean; the presents are tidied away; the lights are twinkling, the eggnog is spiked, the cookies are to hand, the Die Hard is queued up; the hot tub is warming. It’s a very good Christmas.
Church last night was horrible, but was an effective kick in the pants to go. Sad, as it’s been our home for years, but it’s abundantly clear that the good Lord has plans for us at a church whose congregation worships the risen and triumphant Christ, not their own addiction to fear, drama and self-preservation.
Remember that in that dark street shineth the Everlasting Light. Merry Christmas and many blessings, Althousians and Mr. and Mrs. Meade.
Who sets off fireworks on Christmas night? I've got a house full of 4 French bulldogs, 2 visiting, and they are not taking to this very well...
Election year chock full of constitutional issues and our constitutional law export reverts to NYT crossword puzzle level analysis while clubbing her hubby whenever he approaches the house keyboard.
No toys for me, just short switches and used ashes like every year.
No toys is true. A pair of sturdy all-weather black chukka boots; a big plaid flannel shirt that looks better in person than in the catalog (explaining why it is the only color available I guess). Shoes from China (grrr), shirt from Mauritius (better, I have to think), both by way of Land's End. A nice handy collapsible umbrella, some fabric reusable face masks (I've been using paper), and two books (Postrel, and Michael Pye's The Edge of the World [about the North Sea--am I repeating myself? I have sent a few emails . . .])
Son's ham, and mac & cheese, along with peas and carrots, sweet potato and pecan dish, rolls all turned out well. I had to refuse my wife's orders to prepare some appetizers--nobody would eat them but me--least of all her--and we got too full anyway, with too much left over. Four old people don't eat like twice as many young people, but my wife is locked into feeder mode.
No politics in my earshot, though bro wore a mask except when eating.
A real good Christmas, and I hope yours was likewise
As a Wisconsin resident, you might expect her to float a reference to examinations of indefinitely confined ballots.
I mean..Altparse of "indefinitely confined"?
Come on, man!
But then..Don't vote=don't care.
I momentarily forgot she committed to not commit.
Hands clean..comments clean.
How 'bout TikTok!
No. That was a little doll’s name
Ahhh. Stockings for the dolls. Sweet! Kids are the best.
Bring the boring!
No Pod-Meade.
Cui bono
Peace be with you on this Christmas night.
Lux Aurumque
Lovely dinner with tamales beans and rice.
Daughter and husband/granddaughter came down today and spent the day. Face diapers in place as befits a Santa Monica resident. That little family, of course, is at lowest risk but hysteria is normal in California.
A nice Christmas. Glad to be here for it.
It would be nice if the wall-to-wall marathon showings of A Christmas Story on TBS and TNT led to a rediscovery of Jean Shepherd's other work and even to a revival of the radio arts, but given that people have so many other things to occupy themselves nowadays, that it's unlikely.
So ... Boxing Day ...
I know it's British and weird, but just a reminder, it has nothing to do with what Julian Sands was up to in Boxing Helena ...
Thats tomorrow, julian preceded charles dance as lead english baddy
Art restoration fails:
So Hallmark hasn't come up with any COVID Christmas movies yet. It's not surprising. Not only has the disease stopped a lot of production, but COVID restrictions mean that those driven young urban career women aren't going back to their hometowns this year and aren't meeting the decent, sensitive, hunky single dads who work with their hands.
I wonder if any beleaguered restaurant or shop owners are falling in love with the tight-assed COVID inspectors who are trying to shut them down. Plenty of opportunity to meet cute and trade barbs before realizing what the mean to each other.
Or how about a '60s style comedy? A hard-working, ambitious young California politician meets a quirky, wacky Chinese exchange student who teaches him to throw caution to the winds and live a little. With luck there's a sitcom in it.
I can't believe Brie Larson is still doing car commercials. The last one - where she bullies a woman into demanding a raise - was showing when hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of people were out of work. It was quite an obnoxious Marie Antoinette moment. She's just as bitchy in the new commercial. I'm surprised they didn't take away her advertising deal -- and maybe her driver's license as well.
Thats why i tune it out, she had little personality, this was seen in king kong among other works
Here in the Seattle area, both millennial kids and their spouse/SO's spent most of the day here. Big breakfast, lots of presents, a walk with the dogs, started a jigsaw puzzle. Very different from the old days but I imagine we will return to them once the grandkids (hopeful) arrive.
Son and DIL spent Christmas Eve with her parents, siblings and family. Outside. In the cold (although at least it didn't rain on them). Socially distanced. For seven hours. Wearing masks (again - OUTSIDE). Did I mention it was cold?
I got coal again...that's OK...used to it.
But my family is healthy so that's what matters...
Is Yancey Ward still around? He predicted 7500 US deaths total from covid. I asked him if he would admit he was wrong, and he said he would ... if the death toll reached 300,000. Off by a factor of 40 is close enough for some, but Yancey is off by more than that, so far.
Comments Mr Ward?
I want to be clear. Yancey was not the worst of the Covidiot denialists. But he did stipulate a test, and that test refuted him.
Michael K ..I miss California Mexican food every day, just not happening here in Hawaii but they try. Santa Monica born and OC life 33 years.
There are other denialists who need shaming. A partial list:
Original Mike
Big Mike
Jersey Fled
Michael K
It was covid complacency and idiocy that lost Trump the election. Had the nation's Trumpkins taken it more seriously then perhaps Biden would not have won. So spiritually at least these denialists contributed to that. They also provided cover for the wretched initial response from the Democrats. Pelosi thanks them!
Blogger Lurker21 said...
So ... Boxing Day ...
I know it's British and weird, but just a reminder, it has nothing to do with what Julian Sands was up to in Boxing Helena ...
A friend of mine, since deceased, had a Boxing Day party every year. It was fun and reminded us of why the name. Also, being a sailing family, we are aware the Sydney-Hobart Race starts today. I wanted to do it but never got the chance.
I'm surprised we've not had the usual suspects yet yet blaming the Nashville AAT bombing on the Bougalieu Boys yet.
Perhaps even claiming that charred pieces of a Hawaiian were found at the scene. I've not seen anything like they reported but it would not stop the claim.
John Henry
I want to be clear.
Not to worry, it is remarkably clear.
Blogger Ken B said...
There are other denialists who need shaming. A partial list:
Original Mike
Big Mike
Jersey Fled
Michael K
It was covid complacency and idiocy that lost Trump the election.
Bull shit squared. I try not to pay attention to assholes on Christmas but you asked for it. We may never know how many died of the Chinese virus. Combining all sorts of respiratory illness, including flu season which puts hospitals at 93% occupancy every year at this time, plus all the fake diagnoses prompted by the $40,000 bonus for the diagnosis, has wrecked epidemiology for this politicized epidemic.
72% of all admissions for the virus in California is in Hispanics, mostly illegals.
Also, flu kills the young and healthy, SARS-2 does not. Fuck you and the wheelchair you rode in on.
I'm surprised we've not had the usual suspects yet yet blaming the Nashville AAT bombing on the Bougalieu Boys yet.
Def working on linking to "right wing terrorists".
The Nashville bomb was second only to the OK City bombing. It might have been aimed at AT&T. There is a link to Snowden. It may well have been a suicide bombing. A passenger was seen in the RV on surveillance photos. That takes a lot of planning.
Feds looking for info on RV involved. Would suggest checking craigslist ds for past several months.
'course, it may turn out to be a guy who lost his home and family due to lock down induced bankruptcy.
@Michael K :
No texting while driving!!
Ken B: We should take prudent and reasonable precautions to prevent mass death.
Michael K: Fuck you and the wheelchair you rode in on.
You can’t shame me, Ken. God loves you but the rest of us think you’re a fucking asshole. ❤️
Ken B
I feel hurt I was not included in your list. I wish to associate myself generally with the ones you named. I may, or may not, take issue with them on some specific things (can't think of any at the moment) but do agree with them generally. I've been fairly vocal and should not have been left off.
One problem is that you have no idea what the death toll from covid, the death tool with covid or the death toll erroneously attributed tkung flu is.
It is pretty clear that the reported numbers are bogus and might as well just be plucked from thin air.
Ditto what cdc defines as "cases" or more and more referred to as "infected" in the media.
The pcr test at 40 cycles may generate up to 90% false positives.
And so on.
Anyway please include me on any future lists of doubting scientists.
If Dr Jill can insist on being called a doctor, I have as much right to be recognized as a scientist. I'm going to start insisting on it.
John Henry
“You can’t shame me Ken.”
That is true Pants. I cannot shame anyone. But you have repeatedly brought shame on yourself.
Gonna pass on the vaccine?
John Henry
I apologize. I really don’t think I ever noticed you much, like most NPCs. But if you want to share in the “credit” for electing Biden feel free!
Should has signed That "John Henry, Ms"
John Henry, MS
Again. I could give a shit what some rando from the most retarded country on planet Earth thinks I should be ashamed of. But since you asked, no I’m not taking a vaccine for a harmless cold, moron.
Also, it’s clear you’re shitty at drinking as you obviously had a few and thought “I know! What do I do when I get a buzz on on Christmas night? Go insult other commenters at Althouse!”
Jaysus. I’ve had a couple too but we just watched a movie and are about to get in the hot tub. That’s how we Irish Americans roll. Sorry your life sucks and you’re bored and belligerent.
Numbers aside, main controversy is effectivness of masks and lockdowns.
Here in California, we have been masked up, spread out and locked down as much or more than anyone. Currently vying for record covid patients in hospitals. The plan has failed.
The snowden twist, thats a new angle, but cerberus being the previous owner, and their ties to dominion then theres the two swedish contractors telia and cogent which are mirrored in frankfurt.
Talk about beating a dead horse chopping it into tasajo, and serving it on toast.
is the Nashville mayor's exaggerated downplaying a 'tell'
...or is he always that disturbingly odd?
This thread brininging out the sick fucks on Christmas.
Readering: “ This thread brininging out the sick fucks on Christmas”
Michael and Pants are here all the time. And it’s after Christmas.
Ken B. has fallen for Democrat campaign ads blaming coronavirus on Trump. Poor, ignorant , little weasel.
Trump “lost” due to Democrat election fraud on an industrial scale. Period.
Ken B: how many of those "COVID deaths" died from COVID? Neither you nor the CDC know.
Car commercials get more and more macho and aggressive as we lose our freedoms -- or at least they are more focused on "the freedom of the open road."
When we lose our cars or their fuel to the Green New Deal, climate change, fracking bans, or resource exhaustion -- what then?
The Nashville bombing could have been aimed at LEO, using gunshots to lure police to the scene.
It looks like Little Kenny B has reverted to being a hysterical little WuFlu girl again.
I had hopes that you had learned to manage your emotions and engage your brain, Kenny. Alas!
Have you figured out how to calculate rates yet? I know math is hard, but you gotta try.
It actually doesn't matter because we all know the WuFlu data is as phony as the election numbers
Blogger Ken B said...
Is Yancey Ward still around? He predicted 7500 US deaths total from covid. I asked him if he would admit he was wrong, and he said he would ... if the death toll reached 300,000. Off by a factor of 40 is close enough for some, but Yancey is off by more than that, so far.
Now that you have brought up the subject of "off".
At the beginning of this fiasco, we were assured that with the most stringent restrictions, the best we could hope for was 200,000 deaths, but would likely see 2,000,000.
The experts were off by 1,650,000. Yancey missed by 343,000. So, the experts were five times further from the truth than Yancey Ward.
Here is what the experts predicted for Idaho. 90% wrong.
Regardless of how valid the Commie Cough death stats are, you (along with all the other denier deniers) have a fundamental problem: absolutely no idea whether all this nonsense prevented even one infection, or a death. No earthly idea how effective face diapers are. (Eliminate all the weasel words from that CDC article, there's nothing left. Then explain why the case rate among dentists is less than 1%.)
For reasons Yancey Ward has given before, and which you apparently ignored, Commie Cough will run the same course as all other respiratory viruses. And that is beginning to become apparent — add cases plus infections (in the range of 4-6x cases), subtract 40% of the population (those not susceptible in the first place), and it is clear that CC is running out of people to infect.
Nationwide, cases leveling off or decreasing. And that trend is unrelated to the degree of social restrictions.
By this point, Ken B, you should be able to tell us how many people these restrictions saved.
You can't.
(Interesting question: why is there such a strong correlation between ideology and fear of Commie Cough or Climate Catastrophe?)
We had a dozen people from six households over for dinner yesterday. No masks, and fie on distancing. What an adrenaline rush!
I'm sure none of us will still draw breath come New Year's Eve. No idea why we are making plans.
Blogger Readering said...
This thread brininging out the sick fucks on Christmas.
Like you ? I spent Christmas with family. Too bad you don't have any.
Blogger Francisco D said...
[Little Kenny B] - "Have you figured out how to calculate rates yet? I know math is hard, but you gotta try."
All it it took for me to make Ken B's list is pointing out, once, that he didn't understand logarithms.
Karen B certainly livened up a Christmas thread.
I'd rather think about Boxing Day and the Sydney Hobert Race.
The governors of NY & NJ had nothing to do with all of the China Flu deaths in the nursing homes, right? They merely sent China Flu positives back to said nursing homes that infected the rest of the residents. Brilliant moves from those governors.
Then there's California, where Newsome has locked down the entire state and the infection and death rates have skyrocketed. Oops, guess lockdowns don't reduce covid, they increase it. Who could have guessed? Everyone but are elite governors.
"I'd rather think about Boxing Day and the Sydney Hobert Race."
Looks like they cancelled it this year due to Covid?
OM, Yeah you are right. Australian politicians are at least as bad as ours.
A nice article by Tony Abbot about the WuFlu.
My sense is that it’s the seismic cultural shifts, now underway in the West, that have driven a pandemic response that’s so different from that envisaged under plans drawn up even just a short time ago. We are materially rich but spiritually poor, and generally more fearful. More self-confident governments would not have placed so much faith in unelected and unaccountable experts. The experts would not have so readily changed their minds about the need for mandatory shutdowns. Societies that retained more “faith in the world to come” would have been less alarmed by a virus like those that have readily been seen off before.
More of Obama's legacy with the military.
Michael K: Thanks for the Catallaxy Files link. Looks like a blog I'll be checking out.
OM, I read it every day. I once considered moving there.
We visit down under for 2 - 3 months most winters (ours, not theirs). We were very interested in buying a house in New Zealand: South Island, out in the boonies so I could do my astronomy, but foreigners are no longer allowed to buy a house in NZ.
We were in NZ when the shit hit the fan last March. Had a hell of a time getting home.
"Yancey was not the worst of the Covidiot denialists."
Like the votes, it depends on who's counting.
Bullet to the back of the head? Covid.
You see the problem?
Odd that there is no 'flu' this year...
Readering said...
"This thread brininging out the sick fucks on Christmas."
Hi! Have you met Ken B.? You two should really get along. He too wants to see more dead deplorables.
We should take prudent and reasonable precautions to prevent mass death. - Canadian Prick
Locking down the entire, fucking country for nine months (and counting) is neither prudent nor reasonable.
Time running out to contribute to Trump litigation fund before Jan 6. (Although who knows he may change deadline to Jan 20)
MoS: Not only did they force Wuhan Flu patients into nursing homes, but at the same time they emptied the prisons, using the exact same justification that should have so obviously prevented their nursing home policy... unless the goal was to actually kill tens of thousands of them in order to extend "two weeks to flatten the curve".
Any resolution to this coup that does not include those 4 governors executed for deliberate mass murder will be completely inadequate.
Yeah, letting prisoners out was a great idea. Talk about misplaced priorities!
Ken B - The CDC came out 2 months ago to admit that only 6% of 'Covid19' deaths in the US were caused solely by...Covid 19'. That was hushed up pretty quick.
And, hell no I'm not taking your silly flu shot. Put me on your list.
Cultists gonna cult.
Q: Who shoots fireworks at Christmas?
A: Rural southerners and Mexicans.
As a boy in Alabama, we shot firecrackers and cherry Bombs on Christmas Eve after dark and at midnight, someone off in the countryside would shoot off some Dynamite. Some people fired shotguns. We set off firecrackers all day Christmas day, until we ran out.
Man, I would so like to get in on the dynamite action. How cool is that?
Dynamite is harder to get now than it used to be. At one time you could get it at any hardware store. You had to be 18 and sign for it like buying ammo. I don't even know where you could get it now.
ken in tx.
I remember Kinders Hardware in Des Plaines Illinois. They had a little corrugated shed in back in the middle of the parking lot in which the dynamite was stored. The shed was painted red with warning signs. " Danger Explosives". One of the weird memories of my childhood.
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