NEW: Former National Security Adviser John Bolton urges GOP leadership to "explain to our voters... that in fact Trump has lost the election and that these claims of election fraud are baseless."
— ABC News (@ABC) November 15, 2020
You won't find it if you don't look for it.
And it's not present if you do find it but don't acknowledge it : )
Noted election expert John Bolton
Pitching pennies. Not heard that in a while.
For election expertise I come to AA comments section.
Begging for pinchuks coin is getting embarassing
Blogger readering said...
"For election expertise I come to AA comments section."
You could do worse.
Well, that's it then. The most trusted man in America has spoken.
Let's start with dead Michigan voters submitting mail-in ballots:
"Just under 10k confirmed dead returned absentee ballots in Michigan. We're done, for now. While I'm open to the idea some of these have been rejected, I'm not open to any outright dismissal they all were rejected. This was a small, tested listed that suggests irregs are plenty."
- Richard Baris
Based on past experience, Bolton taking this position provides good cause to continue the lawsuits.
readering, why are you here?
He has a T-shirt buried in his bottom drawer that reads 'Free Mustache Rides.'
What preceded this interview on ABC was Martha Raddatz's interview with three determined Trump supporters. She only asked them what they were thinking; she did not cross-examine them.
I suppose that the idea was to have them on, to show the world what Trumpists were thinking, and not to simply "show up" those Trumpists by drilling down on their false, erroneous, misinformed thinking. As I watched, I was a bit frustrated by that, until I saw the Bolton segment, which I think was as curative as anything might have been.
I do think that it is somewhat effective, for news media to not argue with average streetside Trumpists; rather, just ask them what they are thinking, why they are thinking that, and where they got their information.
Jim Acosta of CNN didn't have to cross examine anyone in this now-infamous clip from one of Trump's last Michigan rallies. All he had to do was let them talk:
I'm here for the bathos. You?
The media has been very biased in this matter. They are proclaiming that there is "no voter fraud" at all. Obviously, there is. There always is. The real question is: Was there enough fraud to swing the election? We're not going to know that until the GOP presents all their evidence in court. Al Gore didn't "officially" concede the 2000 election until December 13th 2000. Trump still has almost a month to go to hit that same mark.
Che Dolf said...
Let's start with dead Michigan voters submitting mail-in ballots:
"Just under 10k confirmed dead returned absentee ballots in Michigan. We're done, for now. While I'm open to the idea some of these have been rejected, I'm not open to any outright dismissal they all were rejected. This was a small, tested listed that suggests irregs are plenty."
- Richard Baris
Debunked. Just sayin'. Now; Althouse doesn't want her comments derailed from the topic of the blog post. I also don't think she wants her comments pages used as platforms for disproven election conspiracy theories. Biden won Michigan by about 156,000 votes.
Trump will only find the evidence with orders for discovery issued by a court. He has presented more than enough documentary evidence to get such discovery, but as I wrote a couple of days ago, no judge wants to be the one to open this can of worms. It is "safer" to just believe the US elections aren't corrupt to the core at this point.
If I were Joe Biden, and I thought my win was perfectly legitimate, I would be encouraging a full recount, recanvass, and audit not only for my own legitimacy, but also to put the stake through Trump's heart.
Trump should have encouraged this in 2016's recount fiasco- he should not have fought Jill Stein on this- it was clear from the morning after the election that Clinton and the Democrats knew that a recount not only would not overturn the result, but would, in fact, backfire on the Democrats. We even saw evidence of this in the aborted recount of Wayne County, MI. And Pennsylvania didn't even bother with a recount because their Democrat governor and SoS weren't willing to soil their reputations just to confirm Trump's victory.
I don't think Trump will get to the evidence he needs unless he can find it in the Georgia recount, but that operations now seems to have been a fraud itself- not was was promised by the SoS just a week ago. I have written it several times- the ballots for Biden do exist- to prove the fraud, you have to be able to examine the ballots and the envelopes in which they were mailed- you can find the fraud in the signatures, the addresses, etc., but you can't get that without a court order at this point.
Not the most credible source really. Trump should shut up but there is no reason to abandon the recounts and appeals.
Pants, Readering is back from variolation trials, just like you. Heroes both.
You don’t have to be a “Trumpist” to see this was a rigged election. Where’s the evidence it wasn’t?
And Bolton is of course an 100% reliable guy right? Not like a disgruntled former employee or...
Then, Chuck, we can safely examine all the envelopes and signatures of the mailed-in ballots, and they will confirm that Biden won Michigan by 156,000 votes......right? There is no problem in examining them, right? Can we count on your support for such a forensic examination, you being so sure Biden won by that many votes?
Debunked. Just sayin
I must have missed that one. Where is the evidence?
They are trying sooo hard to say JUST LET THE MEDIA CALL IT. TRUST US!
My proof is common sense. Biden did not get 14 Million more votes than Hillary and almost 10 Million more votes than peak Obama in 2008 while Trump increased his vote totals from 2016. To put this in perspective Biden gained more votes over Hillary than ALL the votes cast in Texas this year.
Come on man!
It is funny to see all the people claiming there is no evidence of fraud on a scale to alter the election outcome, but won't support the efforts needed to actually prove it. Think about- if you are so damned sure that Trump lost fair and square, it would make sense to give Trump exactly what he wants in this situation just to prove him and his supporters were laughably wrong.
Meanwhile, printers furiously producing the ballots needed to ensure Democrats win In GA in January. That will happen.
My assumption is the ballot irregularity claims are serving as a placeholder to buy time in order to build the bigger case of system-level manipulation (Dominion, et al.), indicated by the circumstantial statistical evidence, which needs to be proven with direct evidence.
From some of the statements coming from Team Trump, that evidence is on the way. So, we'll see.
Team Trump has to be careful if, when and how they drop that nuclear bomb, however.
And even before that, Trump has to decide whether he wants to fight that battle, and whether he wants to do so as a means of retaining office or leading that charge from outside the government. There's plenty of reason to choose the latter path and confront Biden with the shit-show that put him in office.
I think the strength of the evidence will in large part determine Trump's strategy.
Yancey Ward said...
Then, Chuck, we can safely examine all the envelopes and signatures of the mailed-in ballots, and they will confirm that Biden won Michigan by 156,000 votes......right? There is no problem in examining them, right? Can we count on your support for such a forensic examination, you being so sure Biden won by that many votes?
Not answering that. Just hours ago, Althouse implored her commenters to say on topic. She even graciously offered to have the kind of personal showdown you are fishing for, in one of her "Cafe" posts. To which I said I was game.
Were the shoe on the other foot, I would be encouraging Biden in his court cases, especially if I were actually sure Biden had lost- it wouldn't bother me to take the next two weeks to put the matter to rest. I would only be reluctant if I actually believed Trump had won by fraud, but even with that I would hope to be an honest enough person to not oppose such examination efforts. The case of Michigan is kind of damning here- Biden won by 156,000 votes, so surely no Biden supporter can doubt what recount, recanvanss, and audit will find, right? Right? I, mean, seriously, it is a golden opportunity make Trump look like a fool.
John Bolton is the guy they chose to peddle this story and demand? Mitt Romney was unavailable?
Isn't the whole point of filing multiple lawsuits that if Trump indeed lost the election and his claims of election fraud are baseless, the Supreme Court Trump shaped into a 6-3 majority will notify Republican voters and the rest of America? It's a far more responsible way to contest an election than what Hillary Clinton did.
Come on man!
Yes and nearly 25M more voted just four years later. A 20% increase.
See, Chuck, I knew you would not answer because there is no answer that you could give honestly. You are completely transparent, but you don't seem to understand that, which is very funny when I am in the mood to laugh about it.
The Democrats manufactured relatively trivial accusations which tied the country in knots for a month in 2000 and for 3 years in 2016. There are so many red flags in so many places this time, but nobody seems to care. Why?
One obvious answer is that Trump is hated and despised by a "yuge" number of people, not all Democrats, and almost universally in the media and Big Tech. Another is more subtle. Someone called this the first Post Modern election. There was a time when corruption would bother most people, even if it benefited their party. Now, it can be dismissed as Your Truth which applies to you, but My Truth as it applies to me. So long as you are getting what you want, you can happily ignore anything but My Truth. A fancy way of not letting it bother your conscience.
Trump was going to move to address this in a second term. Most obviously by getting rid of Critical Race Theory, but reintroducing balanced history in schools, and by implication restoring what used to be called Civics in the distant past. An inexorable part of that is logical, informed thinking. We are almost past the tipping point there, if we have not already passed that. Needless to say, a Harris administration will simply reinforce the current trend.
I must have missed that one. Where is the evidence?
It's with all the Russian collusion evidence. You can't see it, you just have to trust them that they have it.
It’s very telling who are gas lighting the belief Biden won the election fairly.
>Agreed - just another swamp denizen.
>Blogger Unknown said...
>Based on past experience, Bolton taking this position provides good cause to continue the lawsuits.
I find it encouraging that they need to drag out the John Boltons and the Mitt Romneys to advance their psychological operation of demoralizing Trump supporters and separating Trump and team from the GOP establishment. Actual G OP power players are either supporting Trump or at least keeping their swampy traps shut for now. Rudy is an old man, but still seems dangerous. And Sid Powell is not someone to trifle with. Based on what I'm seeing at pro-Trump news outlets, it looks like Wince above is right, and that the meat of this allegation of a stolen election is based on some kind of vote smoothing algorithm within the vote counting machines/software, and that anecdotal and other evidence of old-fashioned fraud of the time-honored kind is just the bait.
Tiger shot 4 over today but 4 under Thursday. What's going. Computer algorithms say that shouldn't happen.
In 2016 Trump won states Romney lost in 2012. What's up with that? So many unanswered questions because Trump losing all his court challenges because folks are not contributing to his litigation fund. Today is not too late. Don't let Trump hit a bad shot on the back 18 because he is distracted by voter fraud, aka people sending their votes by mail when he warned at his superspreader events what would happen if they did that.
It would be far more credible for the media to point out the issues which have clearly been raised - dead people voting, lack of access to the counts, etc. - and talk about what should be done going forward.
But the "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" act isn't fooling anyone.
I think they should just have Nancy Pelosi flying on her broom over the White House while skywriting, "Surrender Liberty." Although these days most Democrats are so unfamiliar with the
word and concept of "liberty" it would be unlikely she could spell it.
I would like for her to ask Bolton how he defines a "free and fair election".
Because that would have brought the segment to a halt.
Is Chuck LLR committing comment fraud here?
widespread or just localized?
where is the evidence ? asking for the bristlingmustache
Anyone besides me demoralized by sight of warmonger Bolton being rehabilitated on tv?
The best part of the bit was when she said Bolton was a Republican.
And then Bolton replied that "Republicans" should tell Trump's voters to stand down.
The "evidence" is in the illegal actions of the PA Secretary of State alleged in the complaint, followed by the case law that demonstrates their illegality.
An unelected official cannot alter election law, and therefore the ballots given special treatment as a result of of those changes should be declared invalid.
Fraud is harder to prove, because it requires evidence of "intent" to commit. Intent is irrelevant when public official commit per se illegal actions.
(remember how Comey gratuitously inserted "intent" into Hillary's violation of numerous federal laws when she had a secret server and put government email on it? That's how he got her off the hook.)
My former morning news guy, Greg Kelly, used to host the NYC Fox affiliate morning news with Rosanna Scotto, of the Carroll Gardens Scottos. It was a great NYC match: scion of NYPD Commissioner Kelly's family alongside princess of the most mainstream made guy in Brooklyn, a man who bridged the legitimate and underworld power centers of NYC. Before that Kelly was a prominent and effective reporter, and prior to that he was a Marine fighter pilot (currently a Lt Colonel in the Marine Reserves). So he plays the goofball a bit, but he's actually a man of some substance, who quit his lucrative TV job shortly after Trump's inauguration. He recently reappeared on TV, with his own Newsmax show. I have no idea what he was doing between 2017 and 2020, but he's a smart guy, a big Trump supporter, and his show's viewership has skyrocketed over last few months. He seems a genuine NYC populist, and he puts on a good and informative show. Highly recommended.
The proof of the fraud is right there in front of us- simply compare the ratios of mail-in votes totals for the two candidates across demographically similar states. Ohio compared to Michigan and Pennsylvania.
I pointed out the other day that Pennsylvania puts up the numbers of mail-in ballots requested and returned- they even break it out by party registration. Biden won the absentee ballots 80 to 19. This meant that of the voters who voted by mail, Biden won every registered Democrat, every voter not registered as a Democrat or Republican, plus between 1/5 and 1/6th of the ballot returners registered as Republicans. In Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and in the suburban counties of of Philadelphia, these ratios were running 10 to 1 to 30 to 1 for Biden. This sort of extreme partisan difference in voting method was seen no where else except for Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota- literally no where else- not even in Cleveland. You didn't see it in Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana etc.
The other piece of evidence, of course, are the ballot rejection rates- all such rates cratered in these particular jurisdictions, and only in these jurisdictions. Only a fool would not understand that the rejection rates cratered because the counters had no interest in authenticating anything. I would love to see to what it actually took to get a mail in ballot rejected in Philadelphia County given they rejected so few- I strongly suspect that the correlation of rejected mail in ballots is strongest with it being a Trump vote. This is the sort of evidence you can only get with court enforced order.
Along with Maria Bartiromo, Greg Kelly is likely to be the one breaking whatever big news Team Trump wants out there over next few months.
Trump has proven it fraud, just not in Court.
Put a sock in it John. Let the lawsuits play out. Or maybe you are auditioning for a job as Rachel Maddow's sidekick and color commentator on MSNBC.
"Where is the evidence?"
What were the percentages of rejected mail-in ballots of previous elections?
What were they this time, when the number of first-time mail-in voters were much greater and prone to making errors?
How did these percentages differ among the voting districts?
Well. That's quite a surprise.
When you've lost The Stache....
Yancey, in addition to that powerful circumstantial evidence in PA, eccentric conservative engineer turned politician turned election data analysis Shiva Ayyuderia has shown some very suspicious vote "smoothing" in his review of MI county data. Basically, he has on his team someone who's closely studied election/ballot software for a couple of decades. Their hypothesis is that Dominion and other voting software (starting with original source code from Diebold) contain a weighted race election algorithm that would be the best explanation for the very strange propensity they identified of Trump underperforming vs. Biden in GOP dominant precincts. The more GOP the precinct, the higher the rate of Biden defectors they identified, at a pretty smoothly increasing rate. Unless MI GOP precincts get more Chuckish the more GOP they get, full of increasingly staunch Republicans who increasingly defect for Biden, something's up with MI vote counts.
If Biden got 14 million more votes than HRC and Trump had massively hemorrhaged voters & the down ballot Repubs got clobbered then that would make perfect sense. But, that's not what happened. Trump got more votes than he did in 2016 & he even got more votes than Obama did in 2008. Down-ballot Republicans did very well, exceeding all expectations for the House & in state races.
Seriously, does that make sense to anyone? If it does, can someone tell me how, other than by using Judy Tenuta's catch phrase Well, it could happen!
Blogger Readering said...
Anyone besides me demoralized by sight of warmonger Bolton being rehabilitated on tv?
Nah, he's job seeking in a place that has zero likelihood of being interested. The GOP belongs to Trump and Biden and the Democrats belong to China so he has no place to go.
There are dozens of unsolved bank robberies and art hiests. Not enough evidence to nail the thieves. Still, there was a robbery eh?
In this case, the statistics overwhelmingly show there was a robbery. The lack of evidence proves nothing but the cleverness of the robbers. Right?
People who dwell on the lack of evidence are spinning a diversion from the empty vault!
I see the country divided into two camp on both this election and covid.
And the division isn't political- it's mathematical.
If you understand numbers-you know the election numbers are fraudulent. One outlier result, okay, that happens. 2- unlikely- 3 or more- fraud. We're at 3 or more. And on covid, if you understand numbers, you've known since the Diamond Princess numbers came out that all the lockdown and mask orders from wannabe dictators like Cuomo, Newsom, Whitme, etc, were demonstrations of raw power, not concern for public health. A realistic analysis of numbers. And it used the Elon Musk example- 2 positive, 2 negative tests from samples taken at the same time, to point out our current testing regime is not just useless- but worse than useless.
Numbers- they rule the world, remorselessly. They're cold, unfeeling, and don't care whether or not you believe in them. Crossing the street, riding a bicycle, parachuting, mountain climbing, football, baseball, even tennis- all have risks attached. Life is risky. Some people get diseases and die. And one party commits fraud and elects Presidents. 1960, 2020.
YoungHegelian, the only plausible explanation for this is that staunch Chuck-like Republicans, who have never before voted Dem, went for GOP except for president where they defected to Biden. Legions of Chucks made the difference.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email
Does the Establishment - left or right - TRULY want to expose the reality of US Voting Systems? Or do they - R & D - have so much shit on themselves, that such exposition would result in their destruction?
If you need some comic relief just head over to Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson’s Twitter. Trump trolls them with diamond like precision on every tweet.
Biden lost 88% of the bellwether counties. It's the first time in history that the winner got less than 58% of the bellwethers and that was the year Kennedy stole the election from Nixon.
Daskol, I have looked at Ayyuderia's evidence of electronic fraud- I am unconvinced for the most part. Part of the issue for me is that as a precinct becomes more partisan, one should expect, all else being equal, the take of the remaining non-party line vote to decline for Trump- or for Biden in the reverse situation. I am willing to be convinced that his evidence is solid, but the only way to do that for me is to do a hand recount in a sample of these precincts. In other words, he needs to validate the model. I know that is a bit of Catch 22, and I hope a court could be convinced to at least examine it in detail, but I remain unconvinced until that is done.
Steve McIntyre did the same plots for 2016, and they look similar in trend in Michigan. So, either the same thing was being done in 2016 as Ayyuderia suggests for 2020, or he is simply uncovering an unknown rule about voting behaviors absent fraud. The only thing that I did notice from 2016 to 2020 is that dispersion of the precincts was noticeably less than in 2016- that might indicate that the fraud was more widespread this year- in other words, it gathered in more of the outliers and brought them closer to the trend line. But, again, a sampling of the precincts in a hand count could settle this issue almost instantly.
"Not answering that."
As someone who believes Biden won and isn't unhappy about it, I think this is a copout. You either believe in honest fair elections or you don't. If Trump has proof of fraud he should be allowed to present it so we can all judge the situation. I felt the same way about the Hunter stuff. I don't like other people deciding what I should or shouldn't know.
Even if Trump does not win in the end, as I expect he will not, uncovering and addressing massive urban Democrat vote fraud is key to saving our democracy.
I am still sending money to the Trump campaign for that reason.
Of course. well known ELECTION EXPERT and TRUMP LOYALIST John Bolten says there is no fraud. well, I certainly believe that. I mean who can doubt Bolten? Have we heard from Bill weld, Jeff Flake, or Mark "Appalachian trail" Sanford? Because I really, really, care what they think about the election fraud.
this just in, Bill Kristol and chuck schumer think Trump lost. Guess that's it folks!
...staunch Chuck-like Republicans,... went for GOP except for president where they defected to Biden. Legions of Chucks made the difference.
Yeah, that is a logical possibility. But,as a real, world, socio-political possibility? Literally, millions & millions of them?
I consider that so unlikely as to be basically impossible.
How did Trump lose in states where Republicans won down ballot? REPUBLICANS STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT GERRYMANDERING STATES AT STATE LEVEL. until then must rely on traditional voter suppression. But foiled by mail in balloting as PRACTICED FRAUDSTER Trump warned.
Daskol it would need to be a legion of Chucks who have NEVER voted before. Biden gained 14 Million “new voters” but did not take them from Trump since Trumps total increased, and those same new Biden voters supported Republicans down ballot.
I cannot think of any explanation for this phenomena.
this site has been collating evidence
Funny about those pauses that refreshed.
Just proves the importance of getting proper rest.
I saw Jeffrey Flake boy on tv yesterday. The interviewer was asking him if he would join the Biden Admin if asked. His picture can be found at Wiki .....” the Peter principle”. Worthless
Biden arithmetic versus Trump algebra?
I would love to see McIntyre's analysis of 2016 MI county data, because I found Ayyuderai's analysis pretty powerful, although it was only suggestive: could be cherry-picked counties, for example. I actually sent a note to Ayyuderai based on some comments from a friend that seeing the 2020 county data alongside 2016 data would be illuminating. But I can't find the McIntyre stuff. If similar trends were found in 2016, that would be interesting and somewhat damaging to his hypothesis, but not fatal. The supposed smoothing algorithm has been around for decades, and perhaps it was used more broadly (and obviously) this time around.
I struggle with a real-world explanation for the phenomenon he observed, which is that the more GOP a precinct, the higher the propensity to defect to Biden, to the point where Trump was under-performing with 25% less than expected votes in precincts that were > 80% GOP. I don't believe there are that many Chucks out there, or that they tend to congregate and increasingly predominate in increasingly GOP precincts. At the same time, in these same counties Trump was over-performing among Democrats, getting more votes than party-line GOP ballots submitted. Any explanation for Biden's victory in MI that depends on GOP voters pushing Biden over the edge, and as people have pointed out new GOP voters, is not all that plausible.
readering, why are you here?
He's not far-left enough for Democratic Underground. (Or ABC, for that matter.)
Trump was a great success, he served America well. Because Hillary will never be president. We can suffer through the hollow husk of Biden. Biden was the senator for MBNA bank, remember? He facilitated the tactic of charging people behind on credit card bills 23% interest, he is a great man. His son hunter was so smart he became a VP for MBNA 2 years after he got out of Yale.
Polls indicate 4% of Clinton voters switched to Trump (what???) And 8% Trump 2016 voters switched Biden (that's all???)
My mom one of the latter.
Dominion and other voting software (starting with original source code from Diebold) contain a weighted race election algorithm ….
why would such be part of any vote counting software ? did somebody manage to mandate this by statute?
if true entire system employing this should be thrown out!
R-Muricans are such patient credulous fools
Part of the issue for me is that as a precinct becomes more partisan, one should expect, all else being equal, the take of the remaining non-party line vote to decline for Trump- or for Biden in the reverse situation.
Really? I would not expect that, and I don't know why anyone would expect that. Besides polls, prior elections show that GOP supporters tend to support GOP presidential candidate, period. The MI data suggests otherwise. Now, for Dems, where big city registered voters are overwhelmingly Dem, the trend you describe is real: vote party line Dem except for President (or Mayor). But that's an urban Dem phenomenon, not a GOP precinct one.
Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email
What a jerk I saw my first email in 1982, sent from Framingham MA to London. It was actually invented in 1971. Shiva wasn't even born then.
Deplatforming CTH......
A time to heal?
Or is it heel?
Yale Law School.
I am content to let the evidence be presenterd in court and not in the public square, plus I don't give a fig what Mr. "Lets start a bunch more wars" Bolton thinks. Additionally, if DJT's claims are baseless, whay are so many people yelling so loud and hard about it? Let it go to court and let them be crushed there.
I never trust yelly shouty people - they always have something to hide. All of these folks urging concession and unity are of the swamp and want to get back to the good old days of happy BS in public and all of the dark machinations behind closed doors. They really hate any light shown on themselves.
“Dominion and other voting software (starting with original source code from Diebold) contain a weighted race election algorithm ….”
TX rejected Dominion over security concerns, as the can be connected to the internet via Ethernet.
Part of my WI poll worker training included the subject that voting machines should “never” connect to the internet.
Wisconsin Vote Just Doesn't Look Right
Yancey Ward said...
Trump will only find the evidence with orders for discovery issued by a court. He has presented more than enough documentary evidence to get such discovery, but as I wrote a couple of days ago, no judge wants to be the one to open this can of worms. It is "safer" to just believe the US elections aren't corrupt to the core at this point.
I think this is the crux of the matter. Not whether fraud occurred but the moral reputation of judges across the country. Represented as the Supreme Court. It's in their interest to take on the Biden role of factually looking for corruption. If they don't then half the country no longer trusts them. The justices should not place blinders on their eyes when it comes to carrying out their responsibilities to the founders. It's a civics lesson. Pass or fail.
“ Polls indicate”
Dominion software was designed to be a hacking software. It's not a feasible installation anywhere you want confidence in an election.
The “evidence” is in plain sight you tools
On another note, Professor you had best find another platform, they will come for you.
Wordpress has decided to censor and replay form the conservative treehouse. You should prepare.
Why does Bolton call them "our voters"? Bolton has never run for public office, and outed himself as not supporting President Trump. He'd have been more accurate to say "it appears our voters won".
Just under 10k confirmed dead returned absentee ballots in Michigan.
- Richard Baris
- Chuck
If Baris is wrong, I'd like to know that conclusively. A cite would be helpful.
Another swamp creature who briefly served the Trump Admin worried about his future prospects as all Trump's enemies swear vengeance.
Hard to blame him looking out for #1, as long as he doesn't claim to be courageous or morally superior.
Rendering we already know votes were not being switched back and forth between Clinton/Trump and Biden/Trump. We also know that Biden found 14 Million more new voters who liked him over Clinton and and also liked down ballot Republicans.
ZERO pundits predicted Biden getting 14 Million new voters who also prefer Republicans for every other office. They aren’t real.
Link 1
Link 2
I am willing to be convinced on this, obviously, but evidence like the above show the problems with the initial claims. But, do read McIntyre's entire threads on this- he takes it seriously enough to do a lot of work, but at the end, he is left in the same place I am- it isn't proof anything yet. Perhaps it is enough to warrant an examination of the these Oakland County precincts in Michigan. The comparison of electronic to paper count would be conclusive, and you could then show exactly how those distributions were affected.
Che Dolf said...
“Just under 10k confirmed dead returned absentee ballots in Michigan.”
- Richard Baris
- Chuck
If Baris is wrong, I'd like to know that conclusively. A cite would be helpful.
Have you looked carefully at the story? From multiple reports? Have you looked at the evidence? The lawsuits? The numbers? Let’s take all of this up in a cafe post. Per Althouse’s request.
Che Dolf - I think Baris said Michigan SOS said those votes were not counted/disqualified. Baris is asking for the envelopes and ballots that got DQ,d. I don’t expect that they will be forthcoming. Nothing to hide of course, we just aren’t going to let you look or verify it.
Daskol and Walter, we have been deceived by Shiva Ayyadurai. I watched his video. He seemed credible. He seemed honest.
But he and the two other men with him did not do the same analysis for the Biden vote. If
they had they would have seen the same pattern and realized that they must have made a
mistake. And in fact, it's all a math mistake. It's not a simple math mistake. It's a
complicated one. But if they done the obvious thing they would have discovered the mistake.
Or to make a stronger statement, they lied to us. Because it was repeatedly implied in that
video that they had done the same kind of analysis for previous elections. Well if they
actually had done this they would have seen the same pattern and they would have realized
they had made a mistake.
So at minimum they deceived us deliberately.
But it's possibly much worse than that. It's possible we are being played and these are
Biden supporters.
And why do I think that? Well even if they were Trump supporters, and in particular Trump
supporters that didn't test their ideas, why wouldn't they do this same analysis on the
Biden votes? They had done all the hard work already. How long would it take to do
that? And they should want to do that, because if their ideas were correct it would double
the evidence that there was vote fraud.
So it's hard to believe in any reasonable scenario that they wouldn't have tried this idea
out on the Biden votes.
So that leaves us with the possibility, and even the likelihood, that this was all
deliberate. They knew it was wrong. They were intentionally deceiving Trump supporters who
would believe this and promote it. And then of course it would fall apart and embarrass
everyone that linked to this and believed these people.
That's already happened by the way. I'll post a link in a moment.
"Where is the evidence?" Well, Mr. Bolton since the lawsuits are in progress we'll see in the next month.
Sydney Powell on Sunday Morning Futures:
" We’re fixin’ to overturn the results of the election in multiple states, and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections. He was fully briefed on it. He saw it happen in other countries. It was exported internationally for profit by the people that are behind Smartmatic and Dominion.
They did this on purpose. It was calculated and they’ve done it before. We have evidence from 2016 in California. We have so much evidence I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose.”
The way Democrats are acting right now the only people that are confident are the idiots like Readering and Chuck.
The fraud was obvious to anyone with more than room temperature IQ. Biden's turnout in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, which were the only cities he outperformed Hillary in, are egregious compared to his turnout everywhere else.
The fact that all of the media is reading from the same script and that every swamp creature is coming out of the woodwork is not a show of confidence.
Bolton is always selling Bolton.
If I have that figured out, all of DC has to know. He is one of the facts that prove DC is a one party town, and the conflict is of the 1960's Pro wrestling variety. The battle is not over policy, only who is in power.
President Trump almost pulled the whole curtain down exposing the charade.
A cite would be helpful.
Have you looked carefully at the story? From multiple reports? Have you looked at the evidence? The lawsuits? The numbers? Let’s take all of this up in a cafe post. Per Althouse’s request. [Chuck]
Good grief, that is pathetic. So you have nothing to cite for your earlier statement? Just your "careful" reading and all-around great knowledge? "Multiple reports." Can't list even one, there are so many debunkeroos out there, doncha know.
Mandrewa thanks for posting. It just seemed to be too on the nose as Scott Adams likes to say.
But I don’t need math that’s is that complicated to be highly suspicious. Record breaking vote totals (by 10 Million) yet the opposition party picking up seats. Losing 18/19 bell weather counties but winning anyway. Record breaking minority support for a Republican President yet running up huge margins in urban areas.
I guess it’s not proof in the legal sense, but I think we all see what happened here.
Chuck said...
Che Dolf said...
“Just under 10k confirmed dead returned absentee ballots in Michigan.”
- Richard Baris
- Chuck
If Baris is wrong, I'd like to know that conclusively. A cite would be helpful.
Have you looked carefully at the story? From multiple reports? Have you looked at the evidence? The lawsuits? The numbers? Let’s take all of this up in a cafe post. Per Althouse’s request.
So Michigan saved all of the envelopes of all ballots turned in and the signatures all match a legal voter? And the number of votes counted can perfectly match the number of valid envelopes?
We know that isn't true and you know it too you dishonest piece of shit.
Al Gore conceded on December 13th. Right Chuckles? Chuckles?
Somebody sober him up.
Is there a list somewhere of all the suspicious statistical anomalies related to this?
he wants to get back to fighting his wars and can’t wait for the process to play out. One thing this pandemic should have taught everybody is patience.
Remember, all Chuck needs to consider a man claiming to be committing a felony on video "debunked" is that the person who would go to jail unless he said he didn't do it says that he didn't do it.
Seriously. "Dindu nuffin" is literally all Chuck needs to consider something 100% ironclad indisputably debunked if it serves his partisan interests, and anyone who doesn't think that's completely and utterly convincing is a monstrous liar or a fool, and he'll tell you that all day long.
Puts his bullshit claims about Trump in perspective, doesn't it?
What I thought was interesting about the whole Benford’s thing, which I don’t really buy into, but it did seem to show, when adjusted for all of the realities of the elections, which wasn’t really done in Milwaukee, math is always about assumptions, it did seem to show that Bernie Sanders got robbed in Philadelphia during the primaries.
There was cheating. There is always cheating. And there ought to be investigations.
But after years of hearing how unlikeable Hillary Clinton is, why is it hard to believe that Joe Biden may have gotten more votes? Hillary wasn't the darling of all women. Young, single and urban women may have loved her and voted for her in droves, and they voted for Biden as well. Older, married, suburban and exurban women might actually have found Biden more to their taste. The same went for White suburban men, and the result would be more votes for Biden than for Clinton.
Whatever cheating was going on in Democrat-controlled cities, I do sense that, massive rallies notwithstanding, there was a slight falling off enthusiasm for Trump in suburbs, while hatred for him there burned undiminished. That's my experience in a very Democrat state. A shift of a few points in rural areas switched some towns from Trump to Biden, while the cities and towns that voted heavily for Clinton went heavily for Biden, in large part out of hatred of Trump.
The thing about that guy tearing up ballots being a “joke” is that those ballots sure looked authentic. Like he would have had to go to a professional printer to fake them up for his little video, or have access to real ballots.
Lawyers Powell and Wood are going to save the Republic. Reportedly, the US has possession of the election company's severs that were in Germany.
See Do these scatter plots reveal fraudulent vote-switching in Michigan?
for evidence Shiva deceived us.
And see Why do Biden's votes not follow Benford's Law?
We should be very grateful to Stand-up Maths. He is helping us to see the truth and it doesn't
matter what his politics are, the quicker we see the truth the better off we are.
Another person that really comes out well from all of this is Roy Spencer, who is a climate skeptic
and also I believe a Trump supporter. He had never heard of Benford's Law a week ago, but he analyzed
this and he nailed it. In fact better than anyone else. He doesn't do as good a job as Stand-up Maths
of explaining why Benford's Law was not being violated but his math seems very good.
See Benford’s Law, Part 2: Inflated Vote Totals, or Just the Nature of Precinct Sizes?
And see Benford’s Law: Evidence of Fraud in Reporting of Voter Precinct Totals?
And when you think about how Benford's Law works, this should have been predictable. The only
way there would have been a Benford's Law violation would be if at the county level (at the top)
someone was just making up vote totals coming from the different precincts. It's possible that
could happen, but how likely would that be? Someone could be making up vote totals in
some precincts, but probably these techniques would never pick that up at from the county level.
There are a load of frauds that could be committed and most of them would never be detected by
Benford's Law.
I think it’s very possible that Trump lost legitimately, but if the Democrats weren’t cheating, they worked awfully hard to make it look like they were by their actions. So in return, we should work just as hard to allay concerns by careful investigation. Al Gore didn’t concede until mid December. That’s when the transition started.
You know nothing, John Bolton.
It’s getting into real gag me territory that Chuck thinks that the best thing for America is to install a corrupt pol who pretty clearly seems to have taken bribes from the ChiComs and facilitated transfer of military tech to them. Not to mention that the whole impeachment was to cover this selfsame pol’s corruption in Ukraine.
Whoever at this point denies that substantial voter fraud occurred is a known liar. The list is getting long. I hope they join their political ancestors, the Tories, in hell.
I am proud to be on the opposing side, and I expect that may cost me at some point, but I don't have anything more valuable to fight for, so I'm good with that.
I think if you want to stay on top of what is really happening, you would do well to avoid the excitable boy in St Louis. He runs with shit before thinking about it. He ran with this one story where I was just like “what?” It made zero sense.
On the "10,000 dead voters in Michigan" claim, see this article in the BBC:
The BBC picked 31 names from the list at random. They were able to establish that 28 of those people were in fact very much alive. For the remaining three, one woman died after having cast her absentee ballot but before election day, while the other two were clerical mistakes involving sons with identical names as their deceased fathers. In any case, the two sons cast only one ballot each.
This of course does not conclusively prove anything regarding the 9,970 other supposedly dead voters, but the fact that 31 of 31 randomly chosen cases could be straightforward disproven does cast enormous doubt on the validity of this list.
Hope this helps.
"It’s getting into real gag me territory that Chuck thinks that the best thing for America is to install a corrupt pol who pretty clearly seems to have taken bribes from the ChiComs and facilitated transfer of military tech to them. Not to mention that the whole impeachment was to cover this selfsame pol’s corruption in Ukraine."
He doesn't value what you do. I can't figure out what people like him do value. If Biden wins, I assume they got what they value, but I still don't know what it is. Maybe they can tell us here, and we will understand what we are missing.
Bolton goes from Hitler, to the new sage of the Democrat Administration. Fraud, Bolton. Let my AA-12 explain it.
"The BBC picked 31 names from the list at random."
I doubt that. They may have picked that 31 at random, but they started with a lot more than 31. People have been caught red handed just this year registering large numbers of dead people. Do you think they all got caught and none of them succeeded?
"Whoever at this point denies that substantial voter fraud occurred is a known liar. The list is getting long. I hope they join their political ancestors, the Tories, in hell.
"I am proud to be on the opposing side, and I expect that may cost me at some point, but I don't have anything more valuable to fight for, so I'm good with that."
You probably aren't confused. But just in case, don't mistake me, I think there is a ton of evidence that substantial vote fraud occurred.
I think Pennsylvania's election was fraudulent months before the first person voted. It was designed to enable and cover up vote fraud.
And the same can be said for some other states. But of course it's always a matter of degree.
Worth repeating how the US State Department that Bolton was serving in at the time (2004) ascertained election fraud.
You are invited to go to the link and see if you can find the either the words "evidence" and "proof".
Ukraine's Election: Next Steps
Ambassador John Tefft, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs
Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee
Washington, DC, December 7, 2004
The following are examples of the most egregious, widely observed and reported examples of election-day FRAUD on November 21:
Illegal Use of Absentee Ballots:
Opposition Observers Ejected:
North Korean-Style Turnout in the East:
Mobile Ballot Box Fraud:
Computer Data Allegedly Altered To Favor Yanukovych:
The Democrats conceived this plan the moment they proposed the unsolicited mail-in ballots. Millions were printed and they had months to fill in that one circle.
Am I the only person that noticed that when Chuck was asked to provide his debunking of voter fraud claims, he refused on the grounds that it would be off topic in a thread about Bolton saying there was no voter fraud?
hack press say "No evidence" - but for some reason just saying it makes it so.
Yancey - you need to get on Tucker Carlson's show.
Bless their hearts, they think we still believe them. When we watch a looters burning a store called a peaceful protest; we understand that baseless is just one more lie that's probably easier to say.
Sydney Powell! Awake the Kraken!
I saw somewhere on the internet that if you give to Trump litigation fund you will get instructions on constructing your own tinfoil hat. Tinfoil sold separately. (They don't trust the USPS to deliver on a timely basis.)
I wonder whether it's slowly dawning on Althouse that if she's really for boring, as her favorite tag proclaims, then trying to push the foolish idea that Trump should just close down and go home is not how to get there.
Blogger readering said...
"For election expertise I come to AA comments section."
That... and you probably grow as weary of the tedious whining, racism, lying and posturing of your fellow lefty douchebags as us normal folk.
wholelottasplainin' said...
... I saw my first email in 1982, sent from Framingham MA to London. It was actually invented in 1971. Shiva wasn't even born then.
My first contact with email was in 1974: the GEIS email system invented by my late friend Malcolm Davies. Next contact was an email system on a DEC-10 at Johns Hopkins, and then something other on a brand spanking new IBM 4331.
There were MANY flavors of floating around in the 70s, generally just call "Mail". I guess Shiva's innovation was to call it "email", which is cute and caught on.
Here's a fun-fact: a certain industrial behemoth was able to keeping billing Apple (yes that Apple) upwards of $20M/year until the mid-90s just to run a corporate email system for them.
" Blogger Qwinn said...
Am I the only person that noticed that when Chuck was asked to provide his debunking of voter fraud claims, he refused on the grounds that it would be off topic in a thread about Bolton saying there was no voter fraud?"
Certainly did, but that is very typical for lefty types.
After months of reading here how Biden had dementia, was going to drop out/be replaced before the convention, be replaced and not show up for the debates and be replaced before the inauguration it is so rewarding to read the comments here in the wake of the landslide (Trump's word from 2016) of November 2020.
Up next, the Donald-Melania divorce saga and Javanka's return to Manhattan.
I agree. Leave it to the Courts to sort this out, debating rumors is self indulgence. I doubt it will please you people, the ultimate outcome. It is what it is depending on the meaning of is is.
"Hope this helps.”
LIke I said, cities like Detroit and Philadelphia went to great lengths to deny fair access to their process, so I am very happy to wait out this process and give Trump until mid-December, the same as Al Gore got, to fight it out.
Democrats spent four years claiming that the 2016 election had been stolen.
Nancy Pelosi@SpeakerPelosi
May 16, 2017
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
You guys aren’t really in the best position to complain about refusing to concede at this point, which is prior to the election being certified.
How did Trump lose in states where Republicans won down ballot? REPUBLICANS STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT GERRYMANDERING STATES AT STATE LEVEL. until then must rely on traditional voter suppression.
Readering denies any voting fraud or irregularities, but still argues GOP voter suppression when 20 million MORE ballots were cast in 2020 than in 2016.
Imagine that people don’t trust elections. Especially when it’s a truism that Democrats always accuse Republicans of whatever it is that they are doing, to muddy the waters. It’s a good strategy.
It’s voter suppression to demand that absentee ballots follow the rules set forth in the law as passed by the people’s elected representatives.
Jim said:
There were MANY flavors of floating around in the 70s, generally just call "Mail". I guess Shiva's innovation was to call it "email", which is cute and caught on.
My specific recollection when I first watched those characters crawl slowly across the screen that we were seeing "email".
Does Shiva have a trademark for the term? If so, he should have sued a long, long time ago when others used it. If not, he's blowing smoke.
I am sure that it’s a complete misunderstanding that Biden’s cancer “charity” pays salaries to political cronies, but doesn’t make any grants for cancer research. Biden is the cancer.
Blogger readering said...
After months of reading here how Biden had dementia, was going to drop out/be replaced before the convention, be replaced and not show up for the debates and be replaced before the inauguration it is so rewarding to read the comments here in the wake of the landslide (Trump's word from 2016) of November 2020.
Hey, we are just admiring how good you Democrats are at stealing. First looting then the fuckin election. Good work. Too bad about all those House seats, though. The forgers forgot to check those down ballot races.
Not only does Bolton want Trump to lose, but he also wants to make baseless claims of no voter fraud to buttress the democrats' inevitable attempt to steal Georgia senate races.
Why? because Trump was mean and fired him and he doesn't like the popularity of no new wars.
Bolton is an asshole that way.
I love that Fox News says that an undisputed clip of one of their anchors caught in a hot mic moment are part of a “false narrative” about the station that took a week to rescind their call that the Democrats were set to pick up five seats in the House, long after it was obvious that it was complete bullshit based on biased polling.
We shouldn't be passive observers. There is some small chance that the election results are bogus. We should demand audits and hand recounts. Signatures on mail in ballots must be checked by independent observers. North Carolina didn't even verify signatures. Once the results are verified, Trump should go. (If Trump succeeds, all hell is going to break loose.)
And yet he persisted.
Too Legit to Quit
"[Bolton] also wants to make baseless claims of no voter fraud"
Ha! I think we have different definitions of "baseless". I base my claims on the vote-counting operations of 50 states, Republican and Democratic, buttressed by twenty or so decisions from state and federal courts. Hardly baseless! But true I still await the waking of the Kraken.
Biden promised No Malarkey.
Shenanigans are different.
Bolton has to monetize OMB while he can. In a Biden Administration he’s going to be dropped faster than MSNBC’s ratings.
Enemy of my enemy is my Friend of the Moment
Politics makes strange bedfellows
Just read that Trump is soon to file a bunch of new lawsuits--as soon as he releases his healthcare plan.
Has anyone provided a common-sense explanation for why the late breaking and very suspiciously timed results in Philly, Milwaukee, Atlanta and Detroit were so different from...well, everywhere else?
how good you Democrats are at stealing
Your Honor, I object. Counsel is deplorable. The politically congruent euphemism is "redistributive change".
John Bolton never supported Trump's vision of NOT fighting overseas wars.
Joe Biden will keep the United States fighting in overseas wars.
In fact, a Joe Biden Administration will start several new wars.
The graft is better when nobody can check the books.
War is good for the corruption business.
Also-has any Democrat suggested that, yes, Trump should concede, but in return we will pledge comprehensive election reform so that this doesn’t happen again?
I understand that their promises and pledges are worthless, and that what they mean by election reform is no voter ID, same-day registration etc., but the fact that they do t even want to talk about the idea that our election system is broken is telling, no?
"but the fact that they do t even want to talk about the idea that our election system is broken is telling, no?"
Just a guess, but I'm thinking the Democrat definition of "broken" is different from yours.
“Also-has any Democrat suggested that, yes, Trump should concede, but in return we will pledge comprehensive election reform so that this doesn’t happen again?“
Yes, once they’ve taken the Senate, it’s the first order of business
@Narayanan said...
this site has been collating evidence
This site, Conservative Treehouse, is being deplatformed (which only means "find another host to run your WP blog") by WordPress Hosting for violating operating rules. That act doesn't have anything to do with Treehouse's publishing of pro-Trump stories of election fraud.
At least the left admits that calls for transparency in the election are pro-Trump. They know what they did.
Why we can't have nice things: a certain MEG continues to post multiple comments that she knows will be deleted as soon as AA has seen them, because she's had literally thousands of previous comments deleted. If she would only do us a favor and bugger off or FOAD or ESAD, we could have a nice back-and-forth comment section without moderation. But she's so damned selfish she won't do that.
I wonder how many of her comments have been deleted? Since she has often put up a dozen or two or three on a single post, and has been doing so for years, I'm guessing the total is at least 5,000 by now, though probably less (so far) than 10,000.
Bolton, praying for more wars, bring back the draft, no college exemption, any gender...
Well, the Democrats really did as Bolton suggests after 2016, didn't they?
I am prepared to conclude that Trump lost after I hear the evidence and the explanations, which I have not yet done. Team Trump is going to have to go beyond "could have" to "did".
What is not helpful is to have the Dems, the press, and people like Bolton say, "Trump shouldn't even look." Why not? Those folks kept chasing phantoms, spreading dirt, and covering up their own sins during the full four years of the Trump presidency.
He had almost two weeks to look and came up with nothing. He is not just litigating (with nothing to show for it in almost 2 dozen lawsuits). But his repeated claims without evidence that he won and the Democrats cheated on an epic scale is poisonous and evidence only of his mendacity and mental illness. And the corrosive effect is shown in AA comments for weeks and months. These comments are garbage, as all authorities on the conduct of election unanimously affirm
No humility in the absence of anything that stands up in court or would pass the editors of any reputable purveyor news. Reliance by commenters entirely on bs social media.
Hey readering--I remember those folks in Broward County FL counting hanging chads on Thanksgiving morning in 2000 as Gore tried to get FL to recount only counties where he might gain votes. The recount went up to the FL Supreme Court, then to the 11th Circuit, then to the US Supreme Court. Gore finally conceded in mid-December.
Give it a rest, and let's see what happened. Maybe this is all as legit as the Mueller investigation.
Bolton is one of the least liked, least trusted political figures in America. Does anyone care about his opinion?
No one was making the wild crazy claims of Trumpists in Florida 2000. They were fighting over how to count votes with a three figure margin in one of the largest states. What single state will make a difference here? None. In pa the counting continues to increase Biden's 5 figure lead towards 6 figures while the Trump's lawyers sheepishly abandon litigation claims in the face of no evidence.
But new Trump lawyers threaten to awaken the Kraken. Seriously??
Seriously? Speaks with authority on presidential elections and transitions from a Republican standpoint. He speaks sense, because he has cut ties with Trumpworld while the Trumpists speak nonsense because they fear dear leader.
Where was the evidence for Russiagate? The point of an investigation is to find evidence, if there is any, and build a case.
And don't expect that the media that promoted Russiagate is going to do anything but deny all allegations of election fraud now.
If nothing else, be skeptical of attempts by Bolton and other Bushies and neocons to redeem themselves by going after Trump.
John Bolton...other than being anti-Trump, which is the only credential he needs to go on The Sunday Talking Head Shows, what does he bring to the discussion? Yes, it's getting close to time for Trump to show us what he's got, but when he does, and if it's substantial, then what? Will it persuade John Bolton? Little George Stephanopolous, who still needs a booster chair?
When the media wanted Bolton to tattle on Trump, made up or not, he was lambasted. Glad both of them have found no fraud, without evidence — as they say.
Crazy claims:
Like stopping a recount for a few hours before 100% Biden tranches - with no down-ballot votes - "arrive" to be added to the count?
And after observers are sent home?
A rejection rate lower than all previous elections for mail-in ballots?
An outlier at best, from a statistical perspective.
Biden underperformed Hillary everywhere except four cities: Milwaukee,Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta?
Meanwhile Trump was up significantly everywhere over 2016.
Votes switched from Trump to Biden?
One confirmed case in a Republican voting Michigan area.
Yeah, that is all fact.
And the explanations offered so far are "Shut up, peasant."
I remember when Sidney Powell wrote the first motion to dismiss for Michael Flynn, everyone asked the same question. Eventually, the evidence produced was damning to the DOJ.
If this follows the same pattern, a lot of people better be very worried.
The evidence that the election wasn’t rig is the ballots were counted in front of observers from both sides, and so far all the cases presented by Trump folks before a court of law have been dismissed because of lack of evidence. But the cult continues to believe in fever projections and not the evidence, so sad for the country.
Where is the evidence the mail in ballots were cast by real people and not just printed by Democrat 'committee'? Or substituted by the UPS (who came out for Biden?)
"The evidence that the election wasn’t rig is the ballots were counted in front of observers from both sides,"
Except one group wasn't allowed within ten feet of the ballot counters. Windows were papered over and the republican observers were asked to leave.
Serious question; Why do you find it so easy to lie?
America is divided neatly into two distinct groups: on one side, those who intuitively understand math, and on the other, Democrats
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