November 7, 2020

"Two armed Virginia men who were arrested Thursday outside the Philadelphia Convention Center may have believed fake ballots were being counted there..."

"'According to our information at this very early stage of investigation, it appears these individuals were operating under the belief that 'fake ballots' are being counted at the Convention Center — a completely unsupported claim -- and that belief may have been what drew their attention to Philadelphia.' [Philadelphia District Attorney's Office spokeswoman Jane Roh emailed CNN]. CNN affiliate KYW had earlier reported that the men were 'coming to deliver a truck full of fake ballots' to the city, citing prosecutors....Antonio LaMotta, 61, and Joshua Macias, 42, both of Chesapeake, Virginia, were arrested Thursday night outside the center on suspicion of carrying handguns in Pennsylvania without permits, authorities said. Philadelphia police said they found the men Thursday night after receiving a tip that people with firearms were heading to the Pennsylvania Convention Center in a silver Hummer truck."


Static Ping said...

"CNN reports" is the equivalent of "Pravda reports."

It may be true, but only if the truth fits the narrative.

Skeptical Voter said...

Oh yeah the "armed men" shtick. I've got a progressive friend who breathlessly relayed reports about "armed men" outside Arizona counting centers. Time for the progressives to clutch their pearls at the horror of mean bearing arms.

I may be wrong, but I thought that Arizona was a concealed carry state---so believe it or not kiddos, there are a lot of "armed men"---and "armed women" as well in Arizona. Some of whom might happen to be near a voting center, or a drugstore, or the local 7-11, or even gasp the local library.

MartyH said...

The implication is that the two men were going to shoot up the place. But if they had fake ballots that’s the real story-not the guns.

MayBee said...

NYT reported yesterday that there are researchers looking into whether places with high voter turnout for Trump had a lot of QAnon activity. Keep in mind, way more Dems than Republicans have any idea what QAnon is, and very few people have more than passing knowledge.

I think hey are going to use QAnon and the danger of riling up people like these guys as a reason not to report bad things about Biden. You see, these people were under the false impression there were illegal ballots being counted. We can't let people hear anything but the official truth, because it will bring gunman.

David Begley said...

QAnon nuts.

So, what’s the plan now QAnon?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


I know nothing about Q anaon other than this is the left's new scapegoat.

Jeff Weimer said...

Chesapeake, VA? That's where I live. City went 52-46 Biden, and has been a reliable national bellwether since at least 2008.

Spiros said...

You know they were Latino or Latinx.

StephenFearby said...

Food for thought. A caution for calling the election now.

These two recent tweets from Shippedwrecked Crew's Twitter account:

· 1h
Replying to @drainbameged and @shipwreckedcrew
It is too late for a recount to matter. We should be focusing on investigating, identifying, and charging the cheaters.


This is not true.
Recounts might reveal problems that make the vote tally unreliable. That could invalidate the popular vote in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. No re-votes--remedy under most state election codes is that State Legis. decides on slate of electors.

StephenFearby said...

Forgot to add that:

"Recounts might reveal problems that make the vote tally unreliable...No re-votes--remedy under most state election codes is that State Legis. decides on slate of electors."

Just the prospect of this happening should definitely freak-out the left A LOT MORE than anything about QAnon.

BobJustBob said...

For all the conservative "Resistance" people take note...the media that covered for Leftwing violence will not do the same for them.

mikee said...

I am not at all surprised that the local Philly police also ticketed the car. Because $$$.

Michael K said...

So these guys had a van and were looking for a place to take their fake votes ?

Probably Inga's Boogaloo Boys.

boatbuilder said...

“In a silver Hummer truck.”

Because they wanted to maintain a low profile.

Dude1394 said...

A truck full of fake ballots. I assume they were arrested after delivery.

Richard Aubrey said...

Unknown. You can't very well arrest them before the delivery. Nor, in PA, afterwards unless it's for something else.

Don said...

Never tell anyone you are going to do something like that...Do it without warning.

donald said...

Burn. It. All. Down.

Attonasi said...

Stupid story for stupid people.

The Godfather said...

What's QAnon? Seriously. What's QAnon? According to Wiki, "QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against US President Donald Trump, who is fighting the cabal." So, does that mean that "President Elect" Biden supports the cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles that is running a global child sex-trafficking ring? Youth wants to know!