November 24, 2020

"The Obama staffers are now cutting out the people who got Biden elected. None of these people found the courage to help the VP when he was running and now they are elevating their friends over the Biden people. "

"It’s fucked up.... There’s real doubt about whether they will be taken care of...People are pissed.... I think I’m going to be taken care of but I have not been taken care of yet. I am really interested to find out how you even find out how you got a job in this White House."

Said a Biden adviser quoted in  "'People are pissed': Tensions rise amid scramble for Biden jobs/Veterans of the Democratic primary campaign fear they're being squeezed out of plum posts by later arrivals" (Politico). 
The current fears about the transition being taken over by the previous generation of Obama staffers who make up Washington’s permanent establishment are coming from a younger set of Biden true believers who chose to work for him in early 2019 even when all of the cool young operatives were flocking to Beto and Bernie and Warren. Even then, there was a disconnect between the brain trust at the top of the campaign, which is now seamlessly moving to the top of the White House, and the Biden proletariat that made up the bulk of the campaign operation. The fear from the proles is that the brain trust doesn’t understand that they are being left behind.  

Why wouldn't they be left behind? They're not cool. 

ADDED: The real trick will be Phase 2 — leaving Biden behind. He's not cool.


Kevin said...

Can you imagine being a Biden True Believer, lol

Greg Hlatky said...

"My arm damn near fell off filling out these ballots and this is the thanks I get?"

Sebastian said...

"Biden true believers"

1. What do Biden true believers truly believe? 2. If they truly believe in Biden, they must believe in nothing but power over principle, position and posturing over policy. Biden is acting, if "Biden" is "acting" at all, in character.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

I guess Barak has found a way to backdoor himself a third term as President.

Michael K said...

Relax, if Sydney Powell has the goods on the Biden steal, they will all be out.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Where will Stacy Abrams Tank land? Surely, if you stole Georgia, you'd get a big job as a reward.

Roughcoat said...

Relax, if Sydney Powell has the goods on the Biden steal, they will all be out.


Nonapod said...

Obama Adminstration 2 - The Revenge of the Deep State Careerists.

Coming soon, whether you like it or not.

Rory said...

The Biden Unministration.

Just trying it out.

Wince said...

Perhaps the Obama people behind the scenes believe they were the ones who got Biden elected, just not by the traditional campaign work done by the Biden's staff.

After all, they all seemed to think that traditional campaigning was unnecessary for some reason.

First the Biden staff is shunted aside, then Biden himself?

Paul Zrimsek said...

The campaign and the government are two different things. Why would the people who ran the one simply assume that they're going to run the other?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

“There’s real doubt about whether they will be taken care of,”

Creepy mobster parasites... how high up the food chain are you?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Are you a loyalist to Biden family grift?

You're in. and CNN grants you - uncontroversial top quality status

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where's Peter Strozk? Certainly he'll be inserted.

Clyde said...

"They're not cool." Neither are the Obamistas.

The most amusing thing that could possibly happen would be for Trump to win at the Supreme Court and get the fraudulent elections thrown out, sending the election to the state legislatures. And then all of them, Obamistas and Bidenistas, would be out on their asses.

Drago said...

Obama and his minions were running the disinformation operations against Trump in the 2015/2016 campaign, obama and his minions were running the disinformation/frame up job for the russia collusion hoax, obama and his minions headed up the establishment/deep state "resistance"/disinformation ops against the Trump administration which morphed into the phonied up ukrainian phone call impeachment, etc.

The obamaites were the ones who directed the dem candidates to all stay in to keep Bernie locked out of the votes he needed to take the lead and then the obamaites got Warren and Li'l Pete to jump out at the same time to lift Biden over the line (with Clyburns help in SC) after obama's first choice, Kamala, faltered badly since she didnt have Willie Brown to lean on.

And so, it was the obamaites that have worked so tirelessly over the last 6 years to weaponize the govt against domestic political enemies and now the Bidenites are surprised and miffed to find out that these lefties actually meant every word they've said for over a decade?

tsk tsk

The term "useful idiot" certainly applies to these surprised democraticals.

The obamaites should be the ones who take over completely. It was their plan and their "hard work" all along that led to this. Biden will be told to take another nap as the US is returned to its status as the World's Piggy Bank and Economic Play toy for the ChiComs under the democraticals (and the Romney's et al).

There are too many trillions of dollars at stake for anyone to worry about the grousing of a few useful idiot democratical staffers.

GingerBeer said...

I imagine the Obama staffers envision some role for Biden in a Biden administration.

Real American said...

Biden was never in charge of his campaign. He's just a puppet.

Whiskeybum said...

"Outta my way!!!" "Oink, oink, squeal"

Pigs fighting for their positions at the trough

Curious George said...

So much for boring.

Crimso said...


Anonymous said...

>Why wouldn't they be left behind? They're not cool.

I don't think that's quite right...the Washington establishment believes they engineered Biden's wins (e.g., convincing all his competitors -- except Warren b/c she took votes from Bernie -- to drop out the same day, suppressing the Hunter Biden story, etc., etc.) They are now seizing the spoils from that scheme from the true believers.

True believers: Welcome to Washington.

Owen said...

"Schadenfreude" is the purpose-built word (designed with exacting German skill and care) to describe my emotions here. But frankly it falls terribly short. It does not, cannot, begin to convey the nuance, the frisson, the pure burn of heart-flipping existential joy pervading me as I read this news about honor among these thieves.


veni vidi vici said...

Pro tip: If you're obsessing about "being taken care of", you're not likely to be, well, taken care of. Find another line of work. Perhaps in Kansas, or Nebraska maybe. The wishing (and that's what it is; the concern clearly doesn't stem from any planning) suggests this "staffer" isn't fit for the bigtime.

Gusty Winds said...

The people who got Biden "elected" are the ones who coordinated and implemented all the voter fraud. Can't put them front and center yet. They still have to wash their hands.

sterlingblue said...

Daaaad! I wanted to destroy the country this time! "Kara" got to do it last time! You are so unfair! :(

Anonymous said...

Besides loving the smell of napalm in the morning, second best is the ever occurring Dem civil war and infighting.

tcrosse said...

This gives Obama too much credit. He’s a puppet, too.

WK said...

Sounds like some folks are reaching the “fool me once” stage of their reality.....

Paul said...

When I'm gone
When I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

And if Buffoon Biden takes over... you are gonna miss Trump bad.....

Mark my words.

Jim at said...

Well, there's always a silver lining. In this case, it's the left eating each other.
Power-hungry thugs will do what power-hungry thugs always do.

pacwest said...

I guess Barak has found a way to backdoor himself a third term as President.

For this to be true you would have to make the assumption that an almost one term Senator was in charge of national policy. No, the same powers that were running the show during his two terms will be pulling Biden's strings. They dodged a bullet when the American people elected Trump, but it took a lot of maneuvering and money. The sellout of America will be a lot more open and quick this time.

Joe Smith said...

They're all a bunch of welfare queens.

And grifters.

But mostly welfare queens.

effinayright said...
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effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ignorance is Bliss said...

Not one word about qualifications

historyDoc said...

How about a disgruntled Biden staffer turning state's evidence about election cheating. Maybe that's why Trump is staying quiet and waiting for a food fight amongst Biden and Obama staffers to yield some fruit.

Arashi said...

Yep, now it is time for the folks who will 'manage Americas decline' to get back in charge. Oh, the next four years, and all subsequent democrat administations, are going to be such a good time - unless, of course, you work for aliving, are in the soon to disappear middle class, are actually a person who bleieves in the rule of law and not men.

Yeah, good times are coming, just you wait and see.

effinayright said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
I guess Barak has found a way to backdoor himself a third term as President.

For some reason seeing "Barak" and "backdoor himself" in the same sentence made me think of something he might enjoy, given his enormous self-love, but lament as physically impossible.

Owen said...

historyDoc @ 3:21: "...waiting for a food fight..."

From your lips to God's ears.

wendybar said...

Bahahahhahha!! Like they matter??? He is picking the Deep State people who will help him kick all their prior corruptions under the proverbial rug....He doesn't care about YOU. Never was all about saving their asses...That's why all the bogus ballots and the lies....

chuck said...

Drag a hundred-dollar bill through DC, you never know what you'll find.

Howard said...

Democrats don't play.

mccullough said...


Lurker21 said...

Sort of like what the Bush, McCain, Romney, and Cheney people will be doing if a (conventional) Republican gets back in the White House.

Obama was barely running things at the end of his term. I doubt he'll really pull the strings this time.

PM said...

Just win the Senate.

YoungHegelian said...

You know who else is gonna end up really, really pissed off? The Lefties.

The Progressive Democrats & the minions even further to the Left think that they busted their asses to get Biden in office, and now what do they have to show for it? Nada. Just the same ol' bunch of Democratic corporatists running everything.

Well, do I prefer the corporatists to the Lefties? Yeah, but not by much. Also, it really shows just how dishonest the so-called Democratic moderates are. They used the Lefties to get elected and then they pissed on them. A deal's a deal, guys.

The problem with the Democratic Party regulars is that they believe they are actually talented & are born to rule over the rest of us. In actuality, they're not very talented, and confuse standing around and sucking each others disks and then cooing about how "it was soooooo big" for actually getting the mission done.

tim in vermont said...

Biden’s comeback: “Look kids, I had to fucking steal the election and we damn near lost the House, your shit isn’t selling.”

Assuming he could put that many thoughts together.

tommyesq said...

the real trick will be Phase 2 — leaving Biden behind. He's not cool.

I don't think he will be thrown over - he is the perfect sock puppet for whoever is behind all of this crap.

Howard said...

Neoliberalcons back in charge. So much for the commie usurpation you people predicted.

Martin said...

"Biden true believers"?


"When people stop believing in God, they don't believe nothing, will believe in anything" comes to mind.

So, we will get years 9-12 of the Obama Administration, followed by finding out what our new Chinese overlords want us to do.

YoungHegelian said...


So much for the commie usurpation you people predicted.

And you know this exactly how? I mean, the Biden shitshow has barely even started. Who knows where it'll end up, especially when the Lefties decide to do something about getting fucked over.

Martin said...

1776 to 2020; 244 years was a pretty good run.

Duration compares with the Roman Republic from the the First Punic War to Augustus ending the Republic.

Not a bad run, but it still feels bad to be part of the generations that threw it away.

Birkel said...

Not on your life (and it might be).
Biden is a figurehead.
The corrupt and corrupting power remains unseen.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Neoliberalcons back in charge. So much for the commie usurpation you people predicted.

I'm buying popcorn for the left's civil war. I can even hear the rumblings.

You guys are going to have to stuff Biden when he croaks, if he makes it to Jan 20, or AOC and company will eat you alive.

stevew said...

"You fucked up, you trusted us."

Pretty amusing to watch this play out. Biden's sell by date is rapidly approaching. But, as others have said, he's not running the show.

minnesota farm guy said...

I have been suspicious all along that if Biden got in office Obama would be trying to run the operation. I don't think Biden is strong enough to overcome Obama's influence.

Big Mike said...

“People who were not part of winning the hard-fought primary were placed before people who were part of that,” said the Biden adviser.

Jeez! Talk about ahistorical. Creepy Joe Biden was getting CREAMED in the primaries until Jim Clyburn (3rd ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives) anointed him as the “anybody-but-Bernie” candidate in advance of the South Carolina primary. So what did they accomplish in the primaries? Nothing at all. Biden was in — what? — 4th place, I believe, until Clyburn intervened. And after that it all just fell nearly into place for him.

D.D. Driver said...

Can you imagine being a Biden True Believer, lol

Haha. I had to re-read that two or three times because I was certain that I was missing some kind of four-dimensional sarcasm or something.

D.D. Driver said...

Relax, if Sydney Powell has the goods on the Biden steal, they will all be out.


"Sydney Powell"

Mr Wibble said...

The Dems have been in a low-level power struggle for a while. It's gonna get worse now that the activists are expecting results. Especially since elected Dems in Congress are likely expecting to lose the House in 2022, and will be focused on setting up for post-Congressional careers.

Mr Wibble said...

The problem with the Democratic Party regulars is that they believe they are actually talented & are born to rule over the rest of us. In actuality, they're not very talented, and confuse standing around and sucking each others disks and then cooing about how "it was soooooo big" for actually getting the mission done.

The problem with the political class as a whole is that we've bred, over the past thirty years, a political class which has maximized their ability to get elected or hired into govt jobs, at the expense of actual capability to perform their jobs. As a result they are now split between the grifters, and the cargo cultists who no longer understand how things work, they merely mouth the sacred words, perform all the ritual actions, and hope that things continue to run.

YoungHegelian said...

I did IT support for the Reagan/Bush 1 transition team. This was supposed to be a "friendly" transition, but it was anything but. Poppi Bush disliked many of the sorts who manned the Reagan barricades & fired them en masse. For example, the Reagan WH lower staffers were full of folks from the Right To Life movement. Bush shitcanned all of them, right off the bat. Not his class of people, you understand.

In any case, it was a snake pit, with the new arrivals fearful of missing a day (they weren't paid --- yet), or a meeting, or a group email, that might mean they were getting pushed aside by someone with sharper elbows and better connections. The paranoia was palpable.

On the plus side, I got to meet & shake hands with Arnold Schwarzenegger, who visited the team. He's shorter than you'd think, but his suit was just really well tailored to fit a frame that muscular!

Inga said...

“Relax, if Sydney Powell has the goods on the Biden steal, they will all be out.


"Sydney Powell"”

Ha, the old guy is waiting with bated breath. That's precious.

Kevin said...

Reality check: It wasn't the people on Biden's campaign staff who got him "elected".

Kevin said...

The real trick will be Phase 2 — leaving Biden behind. He's not cool.

Kamala was Obama's pick.

Kevin said...

You think this is bad?

Wait until they name John Kasich Postmaster General.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

“taken care of”

These people are beneath derision.

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

Leviathan State coupled with regulatory capture does not bring communism.
It brings textbook fascism.

That would require me to be a serf and not a free man.
I will never be a serf.

Ralph L said...

So who is Biden's campaign genius who extracted 10 million more votes than BO got?

Birkel said...

Ralph L:
The mayors of Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly will take respective bows.
And the governor of Georgia* - Stacey Abrams - will be crowing about her support of felonies.

Brian Gemp was elected with more votes, but he has no cojones, we, I mean control.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Neoliberalcons back in charge. So much for the commie usurpation you people predicted.

I personally predicted a National Socialist Takeover. We have known the International Socialists were just goons and tools.

And look at that. Corporate cronies taking all key positions and censoring their critics, warmongers getting ready to bomb Syria, and AOC back in the basement completely ignored.

Paul Ryan has more power now in the Biden administration than any of those goofs.

Tomorrow's filing in Georgia is going to be lit.

n.n said...

Neither is Harris. #SheKnew #SheProgressed #HerToo

Michael K said...

Ha, the old guy is waiting with bated breath. That's precious.

No. I do worry about the country but the fools and tools Biden is appointing are pretty harmless. Kerry as Climate "Czar" is hilarious. Harris is the radical but she is so unlikeable, she may turn out to be harmless. The House results may save us all, even those of you too ignorant to know it.

n.n said...

So who is Biden's campaign genius who extracted 10 million more votes than BO got?

With the Obama legacy of social justice (e.g. elective wars, coups, immigration reform), Nobel Pieces Prize, diversity and exclusion, political congruence ("="), redistributive/consolidated change, progressive prices and availability, influence peddling, etc., and a #SheKnew #HerToo #SheProgressed running mate.

Howard said...

I hope you are right about the GA Kraken, you really need some good news, Achilles.

Interested Bystander said...

I hope the same crazies who have been hounding Trump and screaming racism eat each other alive. I pray for a civil war with real shooting inside the Democrat party. Eff ‘em.

John henry said...

Ha ha ha.

A bit of levity is a great way to cap any day.

John Henry

John henry said...

The walls are closing in, Inga. We've really got Biden this time!

John Henry

DavidD said...





stevew said...

AOC and her followers are not happy that Rahm Emanuel is under consideration for a post in the Biden administration. This is getting good.

Biff said...

Welcome to the Swamp, kids.

Brad said...

Pray tell, who's allowing them to do this? Hmmmmmm?????????

Achilles said...

Howard said...

I hope you are right about the GA Kraken, you really need some good news, Achilles.

I have already seen the videos of people shredding ballots and trucking fake ballots around the arena. The information is out there for people willing to look.

I already know how tomorrow or Thursday is most likely to play out.

Good news doesn't help me out. I already know that Raffensberger and Kemp will be protected by "judges." I already know the media will treat the filing just like they treated the 100's of election night witnesses. There is no evidence blah blah blah. Not a single news agency including Fox will give a second of time to any of the videos or actual charges just as they hide the hundreds of video taped witness statements already available.

What you all are missing are the curfew parties. People all over the country are already telling the government to fuck right off. Inevitably this will transfer into a tax revolt and at some point Antifa is going to realize they have more in common with us than they do with the National Socialists running the Biden administration. Enemy of enemy is friend stuff.

At some point you people are going to be forced to admit nobody thinks the election was legitimate outside a few actual sub 70 IQ people. Deep down I know you don't think it is legitimate. You don't fake it very well. Inga knows she is transparent. She is happy because she measures her happiness in how much misery other people are feeling.

The real problem is that the next iteration of the populist leadership will be "worse" than Trump. He is actually pretty squishy. He let the GSA give money to the Biden team because the Biden team was threatening the GSA official's lives. I understand why Trump did that. But I absolutely disagree with it because you don't negotiate with terrorists.

At this point I am just starting to think BLM and Antifa are a bit misguided and that they lack some fundamental tactics. I can show them how to actually get everything they want by just doing things a touch differently. I don't agree with anything they want. But we are at the point where we need to use the tools available.

Mark said...

No Sh*t Sherlock.

nbks said...

I'm not clear on what they Biden True Believers think that they did. There was no actual Biden campaign. Fuck their dumb asses.

Readering said...

Achilles blah blah blah!

walter said...

" leaving Biden behind. He's not cool."
He's fucking demented...and fucking corrupt.

walter said...

"I understand why Trump did that. But I absolutely disagree with it because you don't negotiate with terrorists."
Spend the cash for protection(s) and push it to the public.

walter said...

Seems to me there are multiple prongs of push-back against the fraud.

Elena Antonio said...

This is a testimony that I will tell everyone to hear. i have been married for 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man Dr.Wealthy have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in similar issues to meet with this man and have your lover back to your self His email: or you can also contact him or whatsapp him on this +2348105150446.....  thank so much Dr.Wealthy. ...

Unknown said...

Obama was behind the riots all along.

DEEBEE said...

Ahhh! The new deplorables

Michelle said...

Yes, they used you and now they are discarding you. Please tell us all the immoral and illegal things they asked you to do to drag Biden across the finish line.

B Sharpe said...

Cluster "F" anyone? Could it work out any other way for the man who got over 70 million votes? What does that say about America?

B Sharpe said...

Read the Comments. Several talk about a Biden "campaign". What campaign? What policies?

Dude1394 said...

So China and Obama is asshole. Pretty much knew it.

iosef said...

Biden was the hood ornament, much like he was Obama's 'bucket of warm spit'.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The real trick will be Phase 2 — leaving Biden behind. He's not cool

I think the Obama people will find that, when it comes to pure lust for power, nome of them can beat Jill Biden.

It takes a 2/3 vote of both Houses of Congress to dump a President. Which means the GOP can negotiate w/ Jill:

You get to keep on being 1st Lady, you give us what we want on X, Y & Z

So, unless Jill is really stupid, those Obama retreads are SOL, even if Biden does get to steal the election