Oh. My. Heavens.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 26, 2020
This is Joe Biden’s Thanksgiving Day message.
He has no idea what the Psalms are.
He calls them the “Palmists” and then looks confused.
So humiliating pic.twitter.com/GMIbkbBWNj
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Oh. My. Heavens.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 26, 2020
This is Joe Biden’s Thanksgiving Day message.
He has no idea what the Psalms are.
He calls them the “Palmists” and then looks confused.
So humiliating pic.twitter.com/GMIbkbBWNj
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»Give Joe a break... He was quoting his palm reader plagiarizing King David.
The Palmists are the guys who read Playboy.
At what point can we prosclaim him senile?
The palm reader is a top advisor of Joe’s. He predicted PA’s votes totals EXACTLY.
Sleepy Joe is not even an effective figurehead.
This is going to be a Howard Hughes presidency.
At least it wasn't a reading from the Book of Doodooronomy.
If you've seen the video, Hunter Biden is a Palmist, a Footist and a Crackist.
That is all...
Seriously, he's probably in the bottom half of adults as to who should be leading the country. Any business owner is more qualified.
Enough already: you're flogging a dead "palmal" (pommel) horse.
Joe Biden, that good Catholic, that very good Catholic. Visited the chapel at Planned Parenthood every day.*
*Because that's where Joe picked up his PP payoff envelopes, just behind the base of the BV Mary statue.
Jeffrey Toobin is a famous Palmist.
I'm surprised that no one on the Biden campaign thought that they might want to write things out phonetically for people like Biden, who have trouble reading a teleprompter. The Biden campaign has really done a bad job of making him look good.
Good thing that idiot will never be President.
Proper pronunciation is racist
It's time for the Dem rank and file to ask how this guy became the nominee all of a sudden. That he not be Trump is necessary, but hardly sufficient.
How weird. THIS is what I was watching while you were watching a carload of girls screaming (if the headline can be trusted).
And Hunter will rate Secret Service protection. As the man wrote "Welcome to the crazy years"
Biden reads his bible... never. "Pamlist" "Palmist???!?!!!"
He's a crook and a liar and his family is wealthy based on nothing but fraud.
Biden IS a fraud.
Who is his jackass? I mean Ben
What a tool
Vicki from Pasadena
For too many politicians descriptors like "Catholic' are just notes in a resume.
Lefty-world is saying its because he stutters, but he said it twice.
Prepare to hear the stutters excuse regularly in the future.
Maybe even here.
Might as well get use to it. Of course there will no criticism allowed because "Just Shut Up".
Dem's new found love for Joe Biden brings to mind the parable of Rosary Palms and her five sisters.
I haven’t really noticed any stuttering in Joe Biden. I do know he got "left back" in third grade. The thing is that he projects an image of a totally corrupt United States wherever he goes. That’s more embarrassing.
Watch his hands, they're the creepy part.
Reading Is Fundamental!
...creepiest part.
Let it be said clearly; this was the kind of thing that we laughed at Trump for uttering.
And yet Trump lost to this guy.
Sidney Powell's new job as teleprompter operator off to a shaky start.
Humiliated? A democrat? Are you kidding me? The word "humiliate" was stricken from the lefty dictionary when Bill Clinton was caught getting his jollies from an intern in the oval office.
Joe apparently stuttered when he was a child. At least he claims he did.
But he was apparently in remission until recently.
"Speechless", an underrated movie, has Michael Keaton, the GOP speechwriter for a senatorial race, rewrite the teleprompter for the Dem candidate. The guy, giving a speech, starts reciting the lyrics to "I've Been Working on the Railroad" with much brio. It's classic.
"Joe apparently stuttered when he was a child. At least he claims he did."
And he's also as dumb as a post, so there's that.
Doesn't matter. His supporters -- all those who voted for him -- don't care that he's a senile idiot. We can laugh at him all we want, but ... they're laughing at us. They just don't care.
"The Biden campaign has really done a bad job of making him look good."
No. Considering what they had to work with they did a miraculous job.
Do we not have a right to know what psychotropic medications he is taking to deal with the anger and agitation and confusion that frequently accompany dementia. He appears and sounds sedated.
His inauguration speech is going to be lit. It'll be hilarious.
If he stuttered as a child, but not during his very public adult life, and now he’s stuttering again, what does that tell you?
"Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening?”
It’s sundown Joe! I am sure he will be ready for the proverbial three a.m. phone call though.
A palmist is a type of sorcerer. Maybe.
"To try to discover the future through palm reading, tarot cards, or some other form of fortunetelling, or to try to control the future through black magic, witchcraft, or sorcery violates the first commandment."
Blessed are the cheesemakers.
Even Inga and Readering and Howard had the sense to refrain from commenting. But not LLR Chuck.
"His inauguration speech is going to be lit. It'll be hilarious."
If given, it will clock in a 5 minutes tops.
Rather than mispronunciation, maybe there was a typo in the written speech he was plodding through and he was too stupid to deal with it.
Can you imagine the smiles in Beijing, Moscow, Tehran, Pyongyang, Seattle, San Jose, and Washington DC?
Chuck's choice.
Not president yet. Not even president elect yet. 3 weeks to election. A lot can happen.
Buyback is $30 today.
John Henry
From my personal experience of dealing with several relatives who experienced/are experiencing dementia: you have to schedule their appearances, or parts of the day where they need to be functional in what I call the "clarity window". Get outside of that time of day and you get what you get, which most of the time isn't pretty. Guessing they got outside of Joe's clarity window for this bit, assuming it is not edited to make him look worse than he really is.
And supposedly THIS is the guy America wants to have his finger on the nuclear button?
What a cruel joke.
I think there is a story about lbj and the teleprompter.
My recollection is that halfway through a speech lbj read "you're on your own now" and there was no more text.
Think of the fun one could have hacking Joe's teleprompter.
John Henry
John henry said...
Chuck's choice.
Not president yet. Not even president elect yet. 3 weeks to election. A lot can happen.
Buyback is $30 today.
John Henry
You keep making these offers, but you never respond to my counteroffers to simply raise the stakes of our wager to whatever your "buyback" number is. It would be good for Althouse, because my simple demand is that you will satisfy your losing this bet by donating my winnings to the Althouse blog.
Give Mr Biden a break. He mispronounced a word. Given the theological nonsense I hear on a regular basis, Biden's gaffe is pretty minor.
I'm not worried about Biden's inauguration.
I'm looking forward to pdjt's
John Henry
Thank God for the return to normalcy!
This is the first time you have offered to raise the stakes, Chuck.
Not going to because l don't know who you are and you've never seemed particularly trustworthy.
I'll be surprised if you don't find some excuse not to payoff.
Remember the bet is $15 that president trump is inaugurated in January.
Not payable to the blog or anywhere else. Payablr to me in cash.
John Henry
And supposedly THIS is the guy America wants to have his finger on the nuclear button?
It is unlikely that whoever is really in charge would trust Joe with the stapler, much less the Button.
Maybe it's my hearing but I really do have trouble understanding him when he speaks. It's like all the consonants are missing.
Ok it's my hearing.
"Think of the fun one could have hacking Joe's teleprompter."
"Go fuck yourself San Diego."
Does anyone know that famous jazz clarinetist and bandleader Artie Shaw was born "Artie Pshaw"?
Benny@bennyjohnson-(a Newsmax Trumpian)
Nov 26
Oh. My. Heavens.
This is Joe Biden’s Thanksgiving Day message.
He has no idea what the Psalms are.
He calls them the “Palmists” and then looks confused.
So humiliating
NPR reported:
There were a few stumbles during Donald Trump's sojourn to Liberty University on Monday, January 18, 2016.
He mispronounced a book of the Bible. He cursed — twice. And on Martin Luther King Day, the GOP presidential candidate said he was honoring the slain civil-rights leader by dedicating to him the record crowds he says he drew for the school's opening convocation. (Students are required to attend.)
"We're going to protect Christianity. I can say that. I don't have to be politically correct," he thundered at the beginning of his speech at the conservative evangelical university [ran at that time by the sex scandal couple, Jerry Fallwell Jr and his hot wife, Becki].
Then he moved on to cite "Two Corinthians 3:17, that's the whole ballgame. . . . Is that the one you like?" Trump asked [and then he quoted the Liberty U. motto]. "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
#DiaperDon really meant Second Corinthians but he doesn't know anything about the bible except how to hold it up while inciting a riot at St. John's Episcopal Church near Lafayette Park and the White House.
Time to give Joe a chair under the shade of a psal tree.
I can see political operatives doing this. But...does his wife have no soul?
I'd condemn Biden as harshly as anybody, but since he's no longer that person, what is happening to this sad old man is cruel. This Biden is getting what the original Biden actually deserved.
loudogblog said...I'm surprised that no one on the Biden campaign thought that they might want to write things out phonetically for people like Biden, who have trouble reading a teleprompter. The Biden campaign has really done a bad job of making him look good.
I doubt that would help. I believe that Joe has Aphasia which affects the word production part of his brain.
It seems very likely that (in addition to aphasia) Joe has age related cognitive decline exacerbated by a history of aneurisms and a history of being a not so smart bullshitter.
He is probably taking a lot of blood thinners to preempt another aneurism. That is why he has to call a lid at 10 am.
Four years of Chance the Gardener.
The NYPost oughta box a daily quote above the fold: What He Said Yesterday.
Ferdinandande: Your posit of a typo unrecognized struck me as hilarious, and very plausible. But by either take: Proud Mr. Catholic knows squat about the Bible, or that he can't compensate for the most minor and obvious human error, the tell is very telling.
It's surprising because given his age and upbringing, he probably grew up hearing "psalms" and "psalteries" and reading them in the Bible. I wouldn't be surprised that someone in my generation didn't know the word "psalm," but my generation is a lot more secular, and its cultural reference points are different. More people probably know "hijab" than "wimple," for example.
Like others, I suspect this is just a symptom of cognitive decline.
Hey I see trump sent a hit team in to kill the Iran scientist so they could blame Israel and trump can start a war which he has already asked about bombing Iran.Pretty slick or I mean sick huh.Oh a d as this is a basic right wing grouping up in here you dont need facts just keep repeating it right that's how ya do it.Yup jucy like David Byrne sang" Burnin down the house" vindictive spiteful little defeated man..It is what it is right.
He gets fussy when his depends are soiled
Some hacker needs to insert in that teleprompter, “I concede the election and congratulate Donald Trump on a well deserved win.”
You know from the guy who loves 2 Corinthians and reads Bible upside down!
“The Lord is my sheepherder, you know, the thing.” 23d Palm.
Richard Aubrey @ 2:12: But...does his wife have no soul?
I'm perplexed by a similar thought- what does Jill Biden get out of this? It seems clear to me that he's in a state of mental decline. Does she a) not see it, or, b) not believe it?
The next four years will be a wild ride; whomever it is that is actually running the country.
Joe the pious Catholic
“A review of his previous tax returns show the Bidens’ adjusted gross income at $215,432 in 1998, the first year he has made available. It remained in that neighborhood until 2009, when they added about $55,000 annually in Social Security and pensions.
By Biden’s final years in office, the couple’s gross income totaled around $390,000 annually.
The tax returns showed they had almost no investment income, and they often reported few charitable contributions. For the 10 years preceding 2008, they donated an average of $369 annually to charity — or 0.1 percent of their adjusted gross income. The total increased when Biden served as vice president, with donations of book proceeds to charity, clothing to Goodwill and other contributions.“
Jill will be the real president.
She has a Doctorate - in Education!
"I suspect that they'll cancel the inauguration in favor of a televised swearing in and then a prime-time speech. The excuse will be the Kung Flu, but in reality it will be to control the image, since they don't want to risk either a breakdown by Biden, or the image of tens of thousands of Trump supporters disrupting the ceremony."
Ding ding ding!
A normal Inauguration day is a grueling series of events for the new president, which is why it won't happen. Covid will be blamed, but if there is a vaccine out soon widely administered by the new year, the excuse will be laughable. It will be made nonetheless and the press will dutifully claim that covid is still an existential threat. The oath will be privately administered and the address will be prerecorded and edited. Still, I would expect a full panoply of inaugural balls, just not with the President present. After all, the grip and grin grifting must go on.
Biden is such a pathetic creature it's hard to actually hate him. Despise, maybe. But I blame the Democrat Party for exploiting his feeble-mindedness by nominating him so they can replace him in short order with their original choice, K.H.
tim in vermont said...
If he stuttered as a child, but not during his very public adult life, and now he’s stuttering again, what does that tell you?
Now those recent headlines about the Monolith in the Utah desert start to make sense.
Star Child Scene
Remember those who wanted a few electors to vote Hillary because Orange Man Bad?
I want only a few to take note of Biden's cognitive impairment and corruption to vote Trump.
While here in the US we say, "Second Corinthians", it may interest some commenters here that the term "Two Corinthians" [or Two Thessalonians, Timothy, John, etc] is used by the likes of the eminent Dr. D.M. Lloyd-Jones, of Wales? I think it's common in parts of Scotland, too. But no one--no one except Biden--calls the Psalms 'Palms'.
I suppose he also pronounces the ‘p’ in “psychiatric ward,” which is where he gets treatment.
This is the kind of ongoing public display that's going to reinforce in the public mind that Biden won the presidency by artifice and fraud.
The media will try to say, like Chuck, this just proves how bad Trump was. But the fact is Trump got more votes than any prior candidate for the office, despite any fraud.
The question thus remains, what explains Biden's "rockstar" turnout with such an enthusiasm deficit?
"Jill will be the real president."
exercise bike=short circuit
sudden on set of a previously diagnosed food allergy
the variations are endless
I wonder if the new trolls will get tired of boasting and go away soon ?
People who think nobody ever uses the word "two" in place of "second" to refer to books of the Bible, to such a degree of certainty that they feel justified in mocking their betters for it, are fecking idiots who really need to get out more.
For example:
WOTTs = "Women of Titus Two."
Remember when Trump read "2 Corinthians" as "Two Corinthians"? Every major news station mocked him for it. I'm waiting for CNN, ABC, NBC, NYT and the rest to cover this with the same enthusiasm.
"Don't forget, Joe, one of those letters is silent."
"Sure, sure, I know that."
"I wonder if the new trolls will get tired of boasting and go away soon ?"
-- It's a weird boast, too. "After 4 years of never ending political warfare, we got'em. We got'em, just barely, and only by squeaking out a few counties, but by God, after 4 years, we got the win that mattered, even though we lost practically every other engagement. Granted, to do so, we lost a lot in the House. Possibly the Senate too. And local governments, yeah, took a bath there. But, we got the Bad Orange Man"
I'm not even much of a Trump guy, and I'm wondering: Was the cost really worth it?
Two Corinthians walk into a bar.
The bartender looks up and says, “What is this, a Trump joke?”
they often reported few charitable contributions.
Hunter paid most of their bills and supported numerous formerly-under-privileged businessmen and women in face-to-face cash transactions.
I suspect that Joe's stutter is an excuse, not real. But stuttering can be an odd thing.
Singer Mel tillis is a famous stuttered when he speaks but never stutters when he sings.
Nevil Shute stuttered in English but not in French.
John Henry
Brain dead. Joe Brain Dead Biden. Joe Robinette Brain Dead Biden, Joseph Brain Dead Biden. Brain Dead Joe Biden. Joseph Brain Dead Robinette Biden. Joe Biden Brain Dead. Thanks America.
First impressions are so toadally important
I'm Full of Soup: "Even Inga and Readering and Howard had the sense to refrain from commenting. But not LLR Chuck."
Thats because Inga, readering and Howard are merely liberals while LLR-lefty Chuck has clearly established himself as a leftist.
There are many issues where the position LLR-lefty Chuck has staked out is so far to the left it would cause Pelosi to shake her head and mutter "too far".
So humiliating
Biden voters better get used to that. The rest of us are laughing.
Maybe he never heard it pronounced, like Obama and corpsman.
So Slo Jo does get inagurated. He is in his first real policy meeting with his cabinet to discuss some real actual world crisis and decide what the US position and response will be. There is not teleprompter for Poor Ol Jo to read. Do the folks in the cabinet just do all of the discussing and deciding? Do they have a small moment of 'Oh Krap, what did we do?' when Slo Jo does start yammering incoherently away? What in heavens name is going to happen when he actually has to make a public appearance with some foreign dignitary and the word salad starts and the meds wear off and his depends can't take the load? Does the foreign dignitary just go along that everything is hunky dory becasause the cash in the envelope is really, really huge?
I mean the possibilities are pretty much endless. Or do the folks running the poor old phart just keep him under wraps 24/7 except for the rare, scripted and drugged up video response about whatever?
"His inauguration speech is going to be lit. It'll be hilarious."
A copy of that un-read, un-delivered speech will be found in the 2021 edition of What Might Have Been.
Singer Mel Tillis is a famous stuttered when he speaks but never stutters when he sings.
This is the plot device of a P.G. Wodehouse short story. Boy ends up singing proposal to girl.
We will never see Joe give an off the cuff thirty or sixty minute impromptu presser. Poor guy has to study and practice ahead of time just to read from the teleprompter.
While the brief clips are amusing, and psycho leftists can tit for tat with Trumpisms, watching a speech from Joe in 2016 or before and the contrast with current incompetence is undeniably staggering.
He used to be a good bullshitter. Not particularly intelligent, but not totally stupid either. He was a master of the political ramble on, and on, and on.
We really are entering a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity.
Dementia patients are people too!
Palmists come in on the Sunday before Easter.
I didn't comment because I repeatedly said over the past year that I would not vote for Biden or any candidate pushing 80. Held my nose last Spring and voted for Warren as youngest (!) CA primary candidate. But relented when Trump caught covid and lost it completely.
Not a good look-- either there was no prep and rehearsal or he's as as addled as he seems, or both.
My ideal car's upholstery is Crushed Corinthians.
Nice town, Corinth.
There's supposed to be one in Greece or France or somewhere too
Biden voters better get used to that. The rest of us are laughing.
Not hardly. We’re seething. The Democrats went all out with blatant, in-your-face-wadyathink-you-can-do-about-it election fraud to put this worthless, empty husk of a human being in the White House?
Check Joe tearing down Romney in 2012 campaign. Usual political bs, but competent. Nobody can watch and say ol' Joe is not slipping, a lot. 2 minutes of fire and brimstone.
"Two Corinthians walk into a bar."
A letter from St. Paul to the Romans:
Dear Romans,
Having a great time. Wish you were here.
"Singer Mel tillis is a famous stuttered when he speaks but never stutters when he sings."
Tillis was a great singer but also a great writer. He wrote Kenny Rogers' big hit "Ruby (don't take your love to town)."
>>That is why he has to call a lid at 10 am.
Joe didn't campaign because he didn't need to. He knew the fix was in for Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA.
This is why campaigns make a difference. Before the election people get to evaluate and decide, do I want this person in the White House for the next four years? This year is wacky and public opinion has a chance of a do over. Face it, progressives are pissed by Biden's choices and buyers' remorse is setting in. Can the media keep Biden propped up for four years? It's easier to tear someone down than prop someone up. Biden is an embarrassment and he's ultimately what is worse, he has bad judgement.
I'm beginning to think that people won't be so freaked out if the election fraud in key states is publicized and the election rigging is overturned.
Of course many people like Ann aren't there yet, preferring the illusion of calm and status quo to the tumult of overturning the tables in the Temple. Would they still choose Biden if that means accepting this massive horrible corruption of a presidential election? Certainly the Democratic and Republican establishment elites will only surrender their positions at the easy money trough if and when they sense a major backlash coming their way. The collapse of the Republic might make them a little nervous. There is only so much that media BS can do to keep people in line.
perfectly coherent to the incoherent
Singer Mel Tillis is a famous stuttered when he speaks but never stutters when he sings.
There are singers in Glasgow who have very, very thick accents when they speak, but sound like Texans when they sing.
In 9th grade, back during the Watergate kerfuffle, I brought a news article in for our weekly news roundup. I read the title, which was about an administration official getting indicted.
The rest of the class laughed, because I pronounced "indicted" with a hard "C", never having heard it said aloud. And I had learned to read using phonics. This is the only time phonics has betrayed me, although I still don't know how to say "slough".
Joe Biden, on the other hand, has dementia and will not be president for long, if at all.
I'd bet on a stroke or blowout of his previous aneurism before January 20, but perhaps Schumer, Pelosi, and Bernie can get him to step down, before such medical problems are needed to remove him.
Joe didn't campaign because he didn't need to. He knew the fix was in for Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA.
Suspect Joe actually believes he won fair and square. He does not read the same information we do. He is only aware of MSM info that is edited by his handlers to make him a believer.
On the other hand, he knows he is mentally slipping and it is probably frustrating and sometimes a bit scary to him. Struggling to remember words, names, or phrases like Grandma and Grandpa used to do.
The stricken look on his face is the real tell. All Kamala's people have to do is cut off the teleprompter in a major public address (is the Inaugural too soon?) to create prima facie evidence of a need to invoke the 25th Amendment. I wonder if Bandy Lee has the Alzheimer's diagnosis already printed out, with only a date to be filled in.
If Trump manages to remain in office, and if Biden thereafter falters and declines, his decline will confirm that the Trump people weren't crazy or power-hungry.
I'd bet on a stroke or blowout of his previous aneurism before January 20,
If it happens before the Electoral College votes, all bets are off. The electors could vote for literally anyone eligible to be president. They could vote for me for example.
Not hardly. We’re seething. The Democrats went all out with blatant, in-your-face-wadyathink-you-can-do-about-it election fraud to put this worthless, empty husk of a human being in the White House?
If you're going to force someone to eat a shit sandwich, it might as well be the shittiest sandwich you can make.
When Taft's veep died during the 2012 campaign his electoral votes were switched to Nicholas Murray Butler. Should Trump or Biden die in the next few weeks his votes will go to Pence/ Harris.
Slow Joe will be pushed out by the Ho after the 2022 midterms where it is likely the House reverts Republican and would otherwise begin impeachment hearings on his corruption. He'll resign for "health reasons" and the D party elders will support that to supposedly give Kameltoe a couple legs up in the air for her campaign in 2024.
Unfortunately for the D elders, Kameltoe has even less appeal than Clinton. But the fraud machine will rev into even higher gear because all the polls will support D+17 leads because of her "historic" black female tokenism.
It might be too much even for the tech/media/deepstate mafia to fraud their way for Kameltoe to win in 2024.
Vicki from Pasadena:
I grew up there! Upper Hastings Ranch neighborhood.
My guess is Joe hasn't stepped inside of a church for mass in 5 or 6 decades, and he cannot recall what a Psalm is or how to pronounce "Psalm"... Being a good and authentic Catholic and all that...
*Hey man. It's not true!*
I never talked to my son about business... I just knew you'd ask me that you fraud! How dare you, you son of a bitch.* *Well son of a bitch, he fired the prosecutor!*
or it could be because he fears bursting into flames upon entry.
To be fair, Joe Biden is no more mentally incompetent than the people who voted for him.
>>or parts of the day where they need to be functional in what I call the "clarity window".
We just went through this a year or so ago with my mother in law. If you called around 9A or so, she could manage to carry a conversation, even if she was confused about who you were or where she was. After 6P or so, she was basically incoherent. The contrast was stark. Now, a year later, she needs help to eat. It's just heartbreakingly awful in every way.
If Joe regresses as my mother in law did, a year from now it will be shocking how much worse he is. It was surprising to us, in retrospect, how much we "missed" or "didn't realize", but the evidence was right there. We just didn't want to see it.
So if you think Joe is "stuttering", I understand why you want to think that. But he's not, and in a few months his most ardent supporters will have to admit the truth.
"But he's not, and in a few months his most ardent supporters will have to admit the truth."
"Have to admit"? I wouldn't bet on that.
the humor is lost on me, when russian truthers and chinese enablers like sullivan, and the other guy would be making policy, if yates is persecuting administration figures, if erotic poetry reader haines, is covering for the coup plotters,
Joe isn't stuttering, he's a lying fraud. Everything about him is fraudulent.
I wonder if Biden even had the compos mentos to vote for himself.
>>"Have to admit"? I wouldn't bet on that.
I suspect he could announce a formal diagnosis of dementia from 100 different doctors, post the PDF online, all while standing naked in an open bathrobe, and about 10% of his supporters would be able to explain why all of that was perfectly normal. That fringe element is beyond rationality... way beyond.
I was referring to the vast majority, who will see the truth eventually, but only long after it was screamingly obvious to everyone else.
Biden is progressing. #InStorkWeTrust
In sCranton, PA the s is silent
PA Republican legislatures are starting the process for the legislature to appoint the electors.
One of the items Rudy highlighted was the Elections dept. mailed out 1.8Million absentee ballots, logged in 1.4 million returned ballots, but tabulated 2.5 million absentee ballots. Rudy said there were 700,000 mystery ballots; he was wrong, it's 1.1 million. Where did the 1.1 million absentee ballots come from to go from 1.4 million to 2.5 million?
When Taft's veep died during the 2012 campaign his electoral votes were switched to Nicholas Murray Butler. Should Trump or Biden die in the next few weeks his votes will go to Pence/ Harris.
Says who?
"I was referring to the vast majority, who will see the truth eventually, but only long after it was screamingly obvious to everyone else."
Of a significant portion of this group, a discussion of the topic would start out "Yes, but..." followed by some sort of rationalization to excuse not having recognized what's as plain as the nose on their face. Because Trump.
It’s “One Corinthians” and “Two Corinthians” most of the time. Same with all numbered Bible books. But, when reading you an say “One Corinthians Two six through sixteen” and everyone familiar with the Bible will open to the right place. Alternatively, you can say “The first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians...” or “Paul the apostle” or in more “modern” congregations substitute letter for epistle. I’ve never heard in any service in any denomination I’ve attended say first or second Corinthians, always one and two.
Assuming Trump's legal appeals come to nothing, Kamala Harris will be President by June. As the WaPo and NYT and DNC wanted all along.
Baptists say First and Second Corinthians. Anything else would sound odd to us.
Off topic, thank goodness...
John henry said...
Nevil Shute stuttered in English but not in French.
I recently worked up the courage to read "On The Beach" during the pandemic, saw the movie as a kid, but just read the book for the 1st time. It was OK.
I guess Nevil Shute is a neglected author. "In the Wet" is magnificent, and referenced International 14s and Dragons (nothing to you perhaps but cool for me). "Trustee from Toolroom" is a lot of fun.
1872 - Horace Greeley dies before the Electoral College votes and his electors scatter to a bunch of different candidates.
Something tells me, though that there will be more discipline and unity this time. There were a number of "wayward electors" last time in Washington State, Texas, Maine, and Hawaii. That probably won't happen this time, whatever else happens.
It looks like the actual phrase is "faithless electors," but I kind of like "wayward." Maybe they hang out in cheap dives and can be easily bought.
Those who miss Joe unplugged and off-script can get their dose with Kitty Kelley's 1974 Washingtonian profile. There's also a fawning 1970 interview here, but I don't feel like giving up my data to read it.
With dementia he would pronounce the word correctly but have lost the thread of what it meant or what the context was. One reverts to old knowledge with dementia, and it is new things which are difficult.
He never knew this. In 1958 96% of America identified with some religious tradition. His family identified as Catholic. He attended, he went to CCD and confirmation, he has been to Mass and weddings and funerals a thousand times. But he never paid attention enough to learn this. It isn't even in the conversation of the people he has spent his life with. And Kamala accused the K of C of being a far-right organisation.
Hey, all you people who hate evangelicals (and I even agree with you about some of those criticisms), this is your other choice. These are the people you are counting on to let your worship continue as it has been understood for centuries, rather than reinterpreted for the SJW/seminary crowd.
It's possible the speechwriter misspelled it, and Biden just read without thinking.
"The rest of the class laughed, because I pronounced "indicted" with a hard "C"..."
There is a rumor going around that, during the Benghazi attack when he couldn't be found, Obama was getting indicted with a hard "C."
Does he celebrate Psalm Sunday the week before Easter?
>>It's possible the speechwriter misspelled it, and Biden just read without thinking.
It's possible my wife's grandfather actually built my mother in law's house, and none of us remember it.
Thanks for the great example of rational-lies-ing.
"Hunter Biden ran the Biden Scholarship Foundation, providing microgrants to single mothers working their way through nursing or law school."
What was his salary for this work? Did he make grants based on a personal interview? Come on Dems, don't make an ass of yourself defending this pervert.
"With dementia he would pronounce the word correctly but have lost the thread of what it meant or what the context was. One reverts to old knowledge with dementia, and it is new things which are difficult."
I'm witnessing the early stages in real time with my own father. He can't remember something that happened minutes ago, but if you mention something that happened 40 years ago, he knows every detail.
in other news,
See the 2000 remake of "On The Beach" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv_OJBBaF48&list=PLF23FADA331C96264
Starring Armand Asante, Bryan Brown, Rachel Ward. Made for Australian TV. China is the enemy.
It's very good. Compares favorably with the Gregory Peck version.
Biden will resign before the end of his first term. I'm guessing 2022. Then Kamala, whom the media wanted all along, will be President.
I'm sad for America that its first female president will be unelected, but I suppose that only fits with the death of our democracy.
In the meantime, don't make fun of Biden or you might lose your job.
serious question, for any out there; that voted for Jo Biden?
Does this bother you? if so, Why? if not, Why?
"I'm sad for America that its first female president will be unelected..."
Credit where credit is due- how many people would be willing to do what she's done to get to this point in her career?
Credit where credit is due- how many people would be willing to do what she's done to get to this point in her career?
Good point. Such sacrificial acts should not go unrewarded. US President might be overkill, though. Perhaps she could win an Emmy.
Well at least Biden regularly attend church and doesn’t hold a bible up side down in a signal to the dark forces.
As a Catholic Biden had heard of the Psalms. There is a Responsorial Psalm at every Mass. And Biden had heard the word pronounced correctly many times. He said "Palmist" because he didn't know what he was saying. This was supposed to be our inspiring unifying speech. And it showed us that someone else wrote the whole silly thing and that Biden was merely reading words which he did not comprehend. Not for the last time.
"US President might be overkill, though."
For progressives, sex and skin color (and other things) are more important than ability. I'm pretty sure being competent is racist, anyway.
"Credit where credit is due- how many people would be willing to do what she's done to get to this point in her career?""
All it means is she is an opportunistic, scheming, conniving $%*&@...
Most people have the morals to not fuck their way to the top.
It's sad that her antics aren't reported on/well-known.
It's even sadder that liberals probably wouldn't care anyway.
Why don’t y’all f-f-f-fade away
Don’t try to dig what he all s-s-s-say
"All it means is she is an opportunistic, scheming, conniving $%*&@..."
No argument there. In my earlier comment, I forgot the /s tag.
"This is going to be a Howard Hughes presidency."
What an insult to Hughes, who as a young man had enough money to sit around and do nothing for the rest of his life. But he didn't. He took his fortune and tried to do amazing things (often failing ... he was a suspect businessman). He brought the world real advancements in aviation and Jane Russell's impressive cleaveage in The Outlaw.
One of my far lefty sisters, the eldest of them, sent me an email the other day titled, "The best we could do?" in which she expressed severe disappointment after watching a recorded statement delivered by Biden. My simply reply: this is what your and your fellow travelers irrational hatred of Trump produced. I added that the best we all can hope for is that he is boring and inconsequential.
Was this recorded or live? If it were recorded, it's hard to imagine no one in the room noticing the mispronunciation. Yet it's also hard to imagine him doing it live.
He can ride a bike!
I think he knows how to pronounce it. He's just tired and reading without thinking.
As I age I lose some spelling power, some grammar skills, and pronunciations sometimes come from my distant past. Spell check makes it worse.
Biden will be impeached in 2022 if they lose the house. As will Harris. Why not? They have to maintain fraud to stay in office. I wonder if they can do it?
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Yeah,Joe is really bad with words right? This is one of hundreds of trumps "sarah Palin" word salads and they are wind turbines knuckle head not windmills
I never understood wind. I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous — if you are into this — tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right?
Like Jimmy Durante...he's got a million of em!
"Yeah,Joe is really bad with words right?"
And yet again the salient point is missed.
It's not that he screws up words, it is why he screws up words...
Michael K said...
"I wonder if the new trolls will get tired of boasting and go away soon ?"
The short bus kids are still jazzed about it. It will take awhile for it to wear off. The head short bus kid Won!! The head window licker is now president of the United States and they are soooo proud. Good for you guys. You ge ta participation trophy.
I'll believe in their calls for unity when Joe "potted plant" Biden admits that the Russia-gate scandal was a hoax created by Hillary Clinton and nurtured by Barrack Obama and the Obama administration. That Mike Flynn was ambushed by the FBI to remove him from NatSec oversight. China Joe needs to make that statement by Jan 1.
That Mike Flynn was ambushed by the FBI to remove him from NatSec oversight. China Joe needs to make that statement by Jan 1.
Let the healing begin. Oh, and apologies to the other collateral damage. It was a cover-up, no hard feelings. #HateLovesAbortion
Joe is much scarier when he's says things I can understand.
BTW, I voted for the guy who can speak English. I know it's not a Constitutional requirement, but it's a pet peeve of mine.
I don't buy the excuse that Biden's verbal f*ck-ups are due to his stuttering. There are several members of my extended family who have or had stuttering problems (including my father), and none of them ever mispronounced "psalm" or got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired for investigating his son's family.
But speaking of stuttering, do you remember this one:
The assistant cook on the freighter ran up to the Captain on the bridge, and he said. "Cap, cap, captain, the, the, the". And the Captain said, "Look, I know you stutter, young man, but I understand that you don't stutter when you sing. So whatever your message is for me, put it into a song, come back, and then I'll understand."
Two hours later the young man came back, and he sang:
"Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind,
The Cook fell overboard before,
And he's 20 miles behind."
DINKY DAU 45 said...
they are wind turbines knuckle head not windmills
No, they are windmills.
I've been involved with nuclear and other alternative (renewable) energy since 1968.
I was a big fan of wind in the 70s & 80s because I thought they could evolve into something useful.
They can't.
I Always and purposely call them "windmills" to mock the stupidity (or ignorance) of people who think they may be a good idea. They are not and never will be.
Solar might be useful one day if a feasible storage system can be developed. I am dubious but do allow for a possibility.
Wind probably never.
John Henry
I've been involved with nuclear and other alternative (renewable) energy since 1968.
I meant to also say conventional fossil energy as well.
John Henry
The P in Psalms is silent, just like the P in any Biden Presidency.
Rosalyn C. asked :
… Can the media keep Biden propped up for four years?
it is the foreign media that you have to worry about re: naked emperor on two legs + dangle between - which at least will satisfy Secret Service that they have their principal in sight and under protection
FullMoon said...
Suspect Joe actually believes he won fair and square. He does not read the same information we do. He is only aware of MSM info that is edited by his handlers to make him a believer.
On the other hand, he knows he is mentally slipping and it is probably frustrating and sometimes a bit scary to him. Struggling to remember words, names, or phrases like Grandma and Grandpa used to do.
Q: can / will Trump do a kindness to Nation by pardon to Joe Biden ?
This is a truly amazing thing. Slurring Joe can't read very clearly, even when the teleprompter probably has billboard-sized lettering. Droopy Joe will not last a year in office before he is 25th-ed out. And yet, the strange year that has been 2020 would have us believe that Trump lost to the equivalent of a vegetating, drooling corpse.
Biden will be impeached in 2022 if they lose the house. As will Harris. Why not?
Worthless exercise unless the GOP also has 67 senators — 70, counting Romney, Collins, and Murkowski.
gilbar said...
serious question, for any out there; that voted for Jo Biden?
Almost nobody voted "for Biden." The choices on the ballot were Trump and Not Trump.
I know smarter second graders. Plus, those second graders will be even smarter one year from now. Can't say that about Joe Biden.
We've elected a corrupt cipher. We have no idea who will be running the Executive Branch come January 20.
Why Kamala Harris? Obama.
Why Obama? Valerie Jarrett.
The left is far more radicalized than most people realize. They think Iran is superior to America. So here we go.
Don't forget that Biden suffered a pair of brain aneurisms back in the 80s. This means that it is virtually certain he sustained irreparable brain damage.
John Henry this is what SCIENCE COMMUNITY says
Windmills and wind turbines both harness wind energy and put it to practical use. The difference is in how they do it: One is a machine with mechanics powered by the wind, the other generates electricity for use elsewhere.
Windmills convert wind energy directly into mechanical energy for such tasks as milling grain--the source of the term--or pumping water, which is usually the purpose of windmills you see on farms.
Windmill Mechanism
The spinning vanes of a windmill turn a camshaft, which is connected by gears and rods to the machinery that does the work. All power is directed into the work
Brought to you by Sciencing
Wind Turbine
A wind turbine converts wind energy into electricity, which can then be used to power electrical equipment, stored in batteries or transmitted over power lines.
Wind Turbine Mechanism
A wind turbine has essentially the same parts as a simple electric motor, but it works in reverse: A motor uses electrical current to produce motion; a wind turbine uses motion to create electrical current.
Though "windmill" is frequently used by laypeople to describe electricity-generating wind turbines, the wind power industry and windmill manufacturers both make a careful distinction between the terms.
Im not a scientist but it seems there is a definite distinction from scientists not personal terminology to carry a point?
And, of course, we should allow wind power manufacturers and the wind power industry to define our language — not.
DINKY, there is no such thing as 'the science community'. Or the 'scientific community'. You obviously never worked in the field of science. It is likely that you also use terms such as 'the black community' and 'the Hispanic community' to further sociological arguments when you have scant evidence to support them.
Joe doesn't know how MUCH he doesn't know.
Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind!
Grandpa Gropes was quoting from the overlooked Book of Trunalimunumaprzure.
Good grief. And there are actually people who voted for that dumb, aging, senile mofo over Trump. Unflippin'believable.
I can say I am no election prognosticator. I didn't see Trump winning in 2016 nor losing in 2020.
Say Hello to President Harris for me on the way out.
Whatever you want to call them, they are a hugely inefficient way to generate electricity, but are wildly efficient at generating subsidies.
Both windmills and wind turbines CONVERT WIND ENERGY TO ANOTHER FORM OF ENERGY.
That is the key; windmills were restricted by the technology to using the energy at point of generation, and turbines use the same conversion of wind to rotary motion to store and transmit that energy because the technology allows it (and powerful interests benefit from it).
Unless it's important to be pedantic in a particular case, the distinction makes little difference IMO. Otherwise we'd be using "windpump" rather than windmill for many of the structures.
Trump was lambasted for using the term "wiretapping," which is perfectly acceptable and understandable to a layperson, just like "windmill" for tall structures with blades for converting wind energy to another form.
No literal wires were literally tapped, which changes nothing important
"Of course many people like Ann aren't there yet, preferring the illusion of calm and status quo to the tumult of overturning the tables in the Temple. Would they still choose Biden if that means accepting this massive horrible corruption of a presidential election?"
Some scared animals will not leave their cage when the door is opened, and they sure as hell won't claw their way out. The more they are abused - the more they prefer their cage. Not all, but some.
There are a lot of Americans sufferings from Stockholm syndrome these days.
Bob said,"
"Good grief. And there are actually people who voted for that dumb, aging, senile mofo over Trump. Unflippin'believable."
They just couldn't take four more years of prosperity.
It looks like he is trying to read the word "psalmists," not "psalms" ("the palmists who wrote the following words...")
I bet whoever put that word into a Biden speech is applying to Starbucks as we speak.
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