November 8, 2020

"The call for Joe Biden isn’t… Who was it called by? All the, Oh my goodness. All the networks. Wow. All the networks."

"We have to forget about the law. Judges don’t count. All the networks, all the networks, all the networks... thought Biden was going to win by 10%. Gee, what happened? Come on. Don’t be ridiculous. Networks don’t get to decide elections. Courts do.... Of course courts set aside elections when they’re illegal. In this particular case, I don’t know if there’s enough evidence to set aside the entire election. Certainly not around the country, maybe in Pennsylvania...."

Giuliani struggles to inspire hope in a coming barrage of litigation. (Transcript.)


MayBee said...

I don't know if Trump will get anywhere with his lawsuits, but we can't have another election like this. Unfortunately, I think we will.

rwnutjob said...

The network announcement was perfectly timed to step on Trump's press conference with actual facts and witnesses showing vote tampering, and now Twitter is stopping Trumps account from sharing evidence of vote tampering. Nothing to see here. Move along

Birkel said...

The thievery is manifest.

The BBC detailed the warning signs.

So now we have to wonder whether the war goes hot.

Mark said...

Right wing snowflakes, unable to accept an honest loss, go on to show what poor losers they are.

They want their participation trophy!

Hilarious that they cannot get any quality ... Corey Lewandowski and Giuliani lmao. Trump won't even bother to attend (or was he in the adult bookstore.

You know why they had to choose a landscape company to host? No one else could handle a load of bullshit that large.

David Begley said...

Former federal judge and AG Michael Mukasy in line for the James Baker role.

rhhardin said...

I heard about it on Radio Japan news. They get all their US news from US networks, but they always add "baselessly" to any Trump statement reports as well.

If you've lost Radio Japan, you've lost the election.

Jaq said...

Newsmax the show was suspended over a spat on the network's coverage of President Donald Trump.

Sources close to the network tell Newsmax, because she made a very staunch defense of President Trump and wanted to expose the vote fraud that took place in the election, Fox News decided not to air her show. It had extended coverage of Democrat Joe Biden's acceptance speech of a contested election.

The sources gave no inclination of whether the network is going to keep the show going, but we hear she was suspended at least for this weekend.

More shit from Fox. I almost wish I still watched them so that I could stop, but as I said before, you don’t really need to boycott vomit flavored milkshakes.

Crypto said...

I heard that Republicans control both houses of the legislatures of GA and AZ, as well as the governorships of those states. If true, they should immediately enact laws barring mail-in voting, except on a limited (for-cause) absentee basis. And mandate that any such absentee ballots be RECEIVED by Election Day.

Jaq said...

"Right wing snowflakes, unable to accept an honest loss, go on to show what poor losers they are.”

Russians hacked the last election, but this one went according to Hoyle because your side is purported to have won the by same press that has printed non stop lies about Trump and Russia for four years?

Funny how anti science you guys have become when it comes to analyzing elections statistically for fraud using the same methods that the State Department has long used to scrutinize foreign elections.

Rick said...

Mark said...
Right wing snowflakes, unable to accept an honest loss, go on to show what poor losers they are.

Note the left's insults closely track what they know to be true of themselves. They've never openly admitted this about themselves but by choosing this insult as the one they find the most hurtful it reveals they know even if they can't admit it.

Professional lady said...

I watched the press conference. Guiliani was not struggling. He was very effective in my opinion

Political Junkie said...

David Begley - That would be a good choice.

Darrell said...

"A man's rights rest in 3 boxes: a ballot box, a jury box and a cartridge box."
--Frederick Douglass

We just lost the first, Fred.

Ray - SoCal said...

I hope Trump wins.

The effusive praise of Biden as the winner and healer are the counter narrative.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Assuming Trump's lawsuits survive motions to dismiss and delaying tactics, how do you think the republican state legislatures in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan will deal with the prospect of their Secs of State being enjoined from certifying their election results? The list of blatant election subterfuges would make your average Third World dictator smile. Those legislatures could choose to redo their elections, but based on Article II and Alito's hints, methinks it more likely they'd choose to certify the republican slate of electors, like the Florida legislature was about to do before Bush v. Gore was decided, point fingers at local election boards and move on. Perhaps this country is about to get another much-needed civics lesson. The media do not decide elections as much as they would like. My guess is that the stuff could hit the fan the week of 23 November and provide a wonderful basis for us to give thanks and be grateful in this bountiful land. Be stout of heart and remain of good cheer, there is a path with faith.

Bilwick said...

Everybody sing!

Brian said...

"A man's rights rest in 3 boxes: a ballot box, a jury box and a cartridge box."

I always heard (and repeated!) it as 4 boxes. The soapbox being first. I'm not sure they had soapboxes in Frederick Douglass' time though so it was probably added on later.

That being said, I think an argument can be made that the soapbox has been lost as well, when Twitter can ban a site for a story they don't like.

Brian said...

BTW, to Rudy, courts don't decide elections either. Ultimately it's the house of representatives that certifies the electoral college vote. Once done, it's done.

This is why the birther argument never made much sense to me after Obama was president. Once the vote was certified by the House, it was over. They essentially were saying that he was qualified to be president.

I worry now that the supreme court no longer favors the left that it's decisions are going to hold a whole lot less weight. How many divisions does Amy Coney Barret control anyway?

Jupiter said...

If a particular election official is accused of fraud, he is innocent until proven guilty. But the election apparatus as a whole is obliged to constantly affirm and demonstrate its integrity, just as the courts are, by being open to observation. That fraud took place in Detroit and Pennsylvania is not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, but it is certainly demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence. The fact that Republican observers were forcibly excluded by Democrat officials places the burden of proof upon those who claim to have counted ballots. Their figures should be rejected unless they can somehow be substantiated, just as we would reject the verdict of a court that operated in secret. Any other outcome implies that the observers should have used force to gain entry to the counting offices and, indeed, would have been justified in taking physical control of the ballots.

hombre said...

Unlike the Russia hoax the current allegations about the corruption of our election process is supported by considerable evidence. Alternative, less persuasive, explanations are available for some of the evidence like the WSJ nonsense purporting to excuse the 100k to 0 surges. Cumulatively, the evidence is clear and convincing. However, it is unlikely that fraud in Wisconsin will be relevant in proceedings challenging Pennsylvania results.

It is now time for the perpetrators of the Russia Collusion Hoax to begin accusing Trumpsters of eroding confidence in “our democratic processes. Somebody needs to remind them that “democratic” doesn’t mean “Democratic.”

Professional lady said...

The Michigan house and senate are controlled by Republicans.

Michael K said...

The Florida scuffle in 2000 was an event, not a conspiracy. This election fraud was planned and very well planned. They took the three states that had large black inner city populations with a history of election fraud already and set up the "mail in ballot" scam. I doubt Trump can overturn this. The evidence was destroyed. I expect that Georgia will be a redo. The basic elements are there.

Qwinn said...

It's funny how all of the "debunking" of voter fraud evidence seems to boil down to the media finding a Democrat election official somewhere willing to say "Nuh uh".

Tip to leftists: We are not obligated to trust you just because you demand it. Give me one legitimate reason that PA Democrats are literally suing to overturn the court decision allowing Republicans to watch the count. Just one.

You can't, and you fucking know it. The rest is gaslighting.

Readering said...

Lawsuits costs money. You need to respond to one or more of the several hundred emails you will be receiving in the coming days and give generously to the Trump campaign. After all, your contributions will be matched 1000 per cent, once POTUS finishes golfing, and you will earn Trump reward points. If you won't give then i guess you want George Soros and me, leftists, running things after all.

Qwinn said...

Note Readering utterly failing to rise to the challenge of providing a single plausible legitimate reason for Dems to sue to prevent Republicans from watching the count as entitled to by long standing law.

Readering said...

Reasons without money get nowhere. Contribute today!

Jupiter said...

I would suggest that what readering needs to explain is why it was necessary for the Democrats to exclude Republican poll-watchers in order to conduct a legitimate count of ballots.

Qwinn said...

I already did. I am also providing a deposition to the Trump legal team affirming that I was prevented from watching the voting process on election day.

Now answer the question, fascist.

Readering said...

Don't you mean declaration? And you can contribute more than once, Trumpist.

iowan2 said...

Those legislatures could choose to redo their elections, but based on Article II and Alito's hints, methinks it more likely they'd choose to certify the republican slate of electors, like the Florida legislature was about to do before Bush v. Gore was decided, point fingers at local election boards and move on.


The media has lied to much, that not 1% of the population know how things played out in Florida in 2000

The Florida state supreme court ordered a state wide recount. It important to understand, that court is an appellate court. It only hears cases from lower courts, appealed to the high court. In this case, the court ordered a recount no one asked for. The court had no case on appeal it was considering. This alone is scary. They acted because they thought there was a possibility the vote was not going to get certified, and electors would not be chosen and florida would not be counted in the election of the President. The esteemed justice ignored the fact the constitution of Florida provides for the House of Representatives to choose electors. The judges hijacked the peoples will for their own and locked out the peoples representative the ability to do their job.
While this is less than perfect. It allows those closest to the people to choose electors, and give the people a non violent response to hold those responsible to account, by turning them out in the next election. Something that cant be done to judges in lots of jurisdictions.

20 years later I find it maddening that the Florida lie lives on forever. Never getting corrected. So is the power of a propaganda alphabet media/dnc, machine.

Qwinn said...

Yes, declaration, sorry.

Thanks for proving beyond doubt that with all the motive in the world to do so, even you can't think of a bullshit justification that could pass a laugh test, and snark is all you've got.

Professional lady said...

I don't know if Trump will "win" this fight or not. But the fraud should not go unchallenged. Perhaps once more the Dems have overplayed their hand. I'm glad we now have 9 justices on the SC. We'll see.

Readering said...

If you don't contribute those justices will have nothing to read. And don't forget the Trump rewards.

Qwinn said...

Leftists everywhere, if they were honest: Of course we fucking stole it. We've been stealing elections for decades. Whatchagonnadoaboutit?

Readering said...

By the way, globalists, Man City are playing Liverpool today.

Darrell said...

An 1849 edition of the Family Favorite and Temperance Journal extended the concept: "Four boxes govern the world..." The fourth being the soapbox. I stand by my original Frederick Douglass quote.

kristen said...

This analysis of voting data is being blacklisted by Facebook. I tried sending it privately to a friend in messenger- not even making a post- and it said it was blocked for being "abusive."

If he actually won, what's the harm in looking at the data? It's only a problem if there was fraud.

rcocean said...

I was hoping Trump would fight and win the legal battle, but once I realized idiot Rudy Giuliani was in charge...

Poor Trump. He can't get anyone of quality to fight for him, and the ones who do are either stupid or lack any courage or conviction.

I'm always amazed how Democrat Lawyers are always fired up 100% for their side, and will say and do ANYTHING to win. Meanwhile The Republican lawyers are always worried about their "legal ethics" and being "Sober minded" and "Careful". Wouldn't want to say anything that wasn't 100 percent true or get anyone's hopes up.

Massive fraud was committed in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Michigan. The R's had better go into this legal battle to win.. and give it 100%. We don't need some half-hearted goobers who want to quit at the first opportunity.


gadfly said...

We can thank Trump and Giuliani incompetence for these biting Tweets at #MAGA:

When the history books look back at this period, the first sentence should be: “It started with a ride down an escalator and ended with a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.”

This is not over. For we shall mount our righteous stand at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Next to Fantasy Island Adult Books. Across the street from the Delaware Valley Cremation Center. Between the fire extinguisher and yellow hose.

It started with a racist rant in the lobby of Trump Tower. It ends at Four Seasons Total Landscaping next to a dildo shop.

n.n said...

JournoLists of the Fourth Estate have spoken. All lesser branches of... uh, our constitutional government, the People and our Posterity, should kneel before their pronouncements.

n.n said...

Meanwhile The Republican lawyers are always worried about their "legal ethics" and being "Sober minded" and "Careful".

I blame Jefferson. Moderation on principle, deference to long established precedents, are part and parcel of American conservative philosophy.

rcocean said...

I wonder how in the world, you can have 110% of the registered vote in many Democrat precincts and those votes are allowed to stand. Or how 95% of votes coming in at the dead of night were all for Biden.. How can that be possible?

How can Trump win a higher percentage of Black votes than anyone since Nixon, yet loses these Big Cities in Ga, Wisnc, Penn, and Michigan by 95-5. If you compare that votes for Biden in Milw, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia he got a much higher percentage than the black vote elsewhere, even in DC And NYC. Its just not possible.

Its just not possible the Biden got more black votes in these cities than Obama did in 2008 and 2012. Just. Not. POssible.

Of course, all the "smart boys" have already given up and want Biden to be elected. Why make a fuss? Just accept the unheard of and insane amounts of vote fraud. Because...Republicanism isn't about winning, its about being a good loser.

rcocean said...

You blame Jefferson? Well you're an idiot.

rcocean said...

Mittens has already gone on TV, and accused Trump of being a liar and praising Joe Biden was a man of "Good Character". What a sanctimonious fraud Romney is. His family is mixed up in the Ukrainian corruption, he lies and smears Trump, he lied about his Republican competition in the 2008 and 2012 primaries, and he lied about being "Severely conservative".

Yet no matter how much he backstabs, lies, and smears, he's still a "Good man" because he carries around a bible and has a nice family! Its like McCain, no matter what he did or how he acted, it was always OK, because he was a "War Hero". Amazing.

Jupiter said...

Blogger Readering said...
"If you don't contribute those justices will have nothing to read."

Don't worry your pretty little head, readering. Everything will be on the up and up. The nine justices of the Supreme Court will meet behind closed doors, at the White House. After they are done, Kayleigh McEnany will announce their verdict. Your Democrat friends can watch from across the street.

Jupiter said...

Maybe we can arrange a little puff of white smoke from the White House chimney. That would be a nice touch, don't you think? It might even become a Republican tradition.

Yancey Ward said...

The Benford analysis, if it is based on actual documented vote totals would be pretty powerful support for fraud, especially so if it applied over a large coverage of votes. If it is just a few wards and districts, then the numbers won't be large enough to really matter. Benford analysis is statistically valid analysis- it is easy to use to it where humans make up numbers rather than just record them from authentic data.

That is Trumps' legal teams task- prove the fraud, and prove it was large enough to change the result enough states to change the outcome. This is going to be a large hurdle to get over, in my opinion, unless they were prepared from the start to catch the fraud while it was being committed. Now, perhaps, they were prepared to do that- it isn't like they weren't warned by multiple people, but my view of human organizations is that they rarely make effective plans of the sort that would be necessary to meed that hurdle I mentioned above.

Mostly what the Republicans probably did to plan for the fraud was to make sure they had pollwatchers in all the counting and vote transportation areas, which, of course, weren't effective- seriously, Chuck used to be a poll watcher for the Republican Party- that should tell you everything you need to know about pollwatching abilities of Republicans.

In order- this is what Trump has to accomplish to win this:

(1) Overtake Biden in AZ.
(2) Win Georgia on the recount.
(3) Get enough late ballots thrown out in PA to overcome Biden's growing margin.
(4) If he fails on any of the first three, then he needs to find enough fraud to overturn Michigan's result.
(5) If he fails on (1) and (2), then he needs also overturn the Wisconsin result.
(6) If he wins the election by fulfilling the necessary combinations of 1-5, then he needs to play Powerball ASAP.

gadfly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

"Are we going to reexamine and manually recount 15 million votes? Not even possible because state laws will have some say in this."

If I understand your position, gadfly, it is "Ha-ha! We stole it fair and square, and wiped our fingerprints, and now we own it!".

As Franklin said, "If you can keep it!"

gadfly said...

Blogger gadfly said...
Blogger kristen said...
This analysis of voting data is being blacklisted by Facebook. I tried sending it privately to a friend in messenger- not even making a post- and it said it was blocked for being "abusive."

If he actually won, what's the harm in looking at the data? It's only a problem if there was fraud.

145,000,000+ voters submitted ballots to elect the president including the largest number of mail ballots ever recorded because of the pandemic which imposed an incredibly large burden on county and local counting teams throughout the country. Thank goodness that we had underpaid but dedicated counters and observers willing to work the long hours to verify and record these votes. To conclude that this supposed unusual counting pattern, influenced greatly by rules that often didn't permit immediate counting of mail ballots, somehow infers cheating is absolutely absurd.

The charts I looked at are all close to the Benford law on the total page but it seems that the smaller the vote count is, the more erratic the data becomes. That, my friends, is called the Law of Large Numbers.

The law of large numbers, in probability and statistics, states that as a sample size grows, its mean gets closer to the average of the whole population. And we are looking at some of largest vote count recordings ever observed in America. The largest counts belong to Biden so Kayne's count is immaterial and where are Jorgensen's counts which exceed Kayne's limited states?

How many times "1" appears in the 1st digit of numbers won't prove anything in a court of law - so it is time to recognize that this is grasping at straws. Are we going to reexamine and manually recount 150 million votes? Not even possible because state laws will have some say in this. Trump can end this silliness with a one sentence tweet and spend the next two months playing golf, while continuing to steal from taxpayers and while pardoning his criminal supporters (and anyone else who wants to make large contributions).

Rusty said...

Gadfly. You had to cheat to win. Don't insult my intelligence by trying to convince this election wasn't rigged. I'm not as dumb as you are.

n.n said...

As Franklin said, "If you can keep it!"

If you like your doctor... In the best case, for a while, maybe. Franklin knew that liberalization is a progressive process that is reset through revolutions, per chance a civil conflict. Still, he deserves credit for his sacrifice and optimistic outlook. Thanks mom. Thanks dad.

M Jordan said...

Gotta say, this election stirred up a lot of hate in my heart. I don’t like that. It also stirred up fear: will this comment of mine be tracked? I remember Lois Lerner. Most of all, it stirred up childish anger at unfairness.

So I must deal with it all. But Macduff said, First I must feel it as a man.

Howard said...

You people are so emotional. It's nice to know that Trump has helped you get in touch with your feminine nature. Let it all out.

The Godfather said...

I watched Guliani's press conference. He argued that the Philly vote counters intentionally prevented the Republican observers from observing the counting, and he presented some eye witness testimony to the misconduct; he says he has more such testimony available. He claims that the same thing happened in Pittsburg and elsewhere. These were counts of mail-out-mail-in ballots, which obviously present a special risk of fraud. The same thing may have happened in other States. Yet the mainstream press is still claiming that assertions that the election results were rigged are "false". I wonder if Biden's "high road" victory speech was an effort to persuade Trump to back off?

readering said...

Godfather: Giuliani needs $$ to prove his claims. Contribute today please.

Jupiter said...

"He argued that the Philly vote counters intentionally prevented the Republican observers from observing the counting, and he presented some eye witness testimony to the misconduct; he says he has more such testimony available."

I would argue that this is all the proof anyone needs that the Democrats stole the election. What possible innocent reason could there be for them to have illegally prevented Republican observers from observing the counting? And what evidence can be required, if the Democrats won't allow the gathering of evidence? Should the Republicans have forced their way in, shooting anyone who tried to stop them, and seized the ballots? That is how the police prevent the destruction of evidence. Perhaps that is how it is necessary to treat elected Democrats.

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