November 13, 2020

So... humor has not died. I question whether it's "too funny." But who cares? At least we're not too uptight to make jokes... or at least only if they are anti-Trump...


Unknown said...

She is so brave.

And smart.

Steve Martin can only wish to retweet such a meme.

stevew said...

It's a snide remark and attack in the vein of turnabout is fair play, aka: touche. Not really a joke or humor.

Dave Begley said...

Good one.

Rocketeer said...

Too soon.

Like, literally too soon. She may yet have to eat this tweet.

AZ Bob said...

What really upsets me about the election is finding out my Grandmother voted for Biden. She never would have done this were she alive.

rhhardin said...

McCain never did anything except for personal advantage. Trump was pointing it out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah - great. You opted for a pile of corruption because Trump insulted you once.

Big Mike said...

Meghan seems to have forgotten that her father picked the fight with Trump, not the other way around.

In the long term, that unknown villager who rescued John McCain from Trúc Bạch Lake after he had broken three limbs, presumably by failing to follow proper bail-out procedure, did more harm to the United States than all the North Vietnamese generals put together. Not least because if he’d left McCain to drown then Meghan would never have been born.

Amadeus 48 said...

You know, John McCain is gone, but Donald Trump is still here. I'm glad McCain's daughter loved him. Many of us didn't because of one salient behavior: he loved to sucker-punch his friends to the applause of his enemies. He was a strange and twisted man.

Quayle said...

The bitter fruit of pride. We all suffer from the contention, and at the end of the day she doesn’t really feel any better herself.

Gusty Winds said...

We like people who actually win Arizona without fraud and a Secretary of State that accuses Trump supporters of being Nazi's.

Gusty Winds said...

It's not even witty.

Leland said...

The corollary to this would be then Megan McCain accepting that Trump's comments were humorous. Does she? Otherwise, she is being the hypocrite.

Gusty Winds said...

“I know you are, but what am I?” – 2nd Grade playground comeback

NC William said...

John McCain - petty and disloyal, even from beyond the grave.

Kate said...

It's funny-ish. She's allowed. I can't get mad at a daughter who champions her father.

Chris said...

Ha! She doesn't realize she's her own target of the joke since she lost Arizona for Trump.

Gusty Winds said...

We like people that spread false dossiers about pee-pee tapes.

Danno said...

Blogger Amadeus 48 said...You know, John McCain is gone, but Donald Trump is still here. I'm glad McCain's daughter loved him. Many of us didn't because of one salient behavior: he loved to sucker-punch his friends to the applause of his enemies. He was a strange and twisted man.

Excellent summation of John McStain!

gspencer said...

Megan, as a reminder, the Communists in Vietnam have extended to you an open invitation to use, permanently, the Loser-as-a-Presidential-Candidate Suite at the Hanoi Hilton.

narciso said...

He threw his first wife under the bus, he did the same to his loyal runningmate, he stood by the flak forjihadi rebels in syria go figure.

Jupiter said...

Since McCain's daughter has chosen to use her father's memory to attack President Trump, it should perhaps be more widely known just exactly what her father's record was. John McCain was not the hero the Press found it convenient to paint him as. It is quite probable that Trump was aware of McCain's real record when he made the remark that is the basis of this meme, but decided not to make an issue of it. But McCain's record, during that war and after it is nothing to be proud of.

narciso said...

I give his war record after all benedict arnold was highly decorated so was alcidiades

Kevin said...

Trump flew McCain's body to DC on AF2 so they could have a funeral that mocked and excluded him.

But that's not enough for the McCain family.

rehajm said...

We all know who John McCain voted for this cycle...

hombre said...

The pettiness was evidently transmitted genetically to Meghan as well as through semen to Cindy. McCain lives on!

Readering said...

It must sting when the state was obviously within reach.

iowan2 said...

So dead, McCain is still a two faced flip flopper

Lurker21 said...

Seen up close, politics may be as much about family feuds and petty rivalries than the issues the rest of us think are important. I don't discount the importance of issues and policies, but one-percenters have a way of adapting to a variety of conditions and surviving under very different administrations, so score settling may be what really motivates them. The critics are right about John McCain, but I can't blame a daughter for wanting to believe the best about her father.

Achilles said...

Have fun watching Georgia flip in a hand recount.

“One candidate could not go up by 20,000 and the other do nothing — in Fulton County or any county in Georgia,” he asserted. “That’s just not going to happen."

Added Favorito: “I think they’re going to find the root cause of the irregularity was something electronic, and I think it’s going to change the results substantially.”

He suggested it may have been the result of a software or equipment malfunction or possibly even vote-swapping “malware” infecting the system. Of greatest concern, however, is the possibility of intentional misconduct by an election official or worker."

"Fulton County elections officials falsely announced that the counting of ballots would stop at 10:30 p.m.,” Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer complained in a recent Tweet. “Officials unlawfully resumed the counting of ballots after our observers left the center."

Favorito fears that what he observed on Nov. 5 was not an isolated incident. “There could have been multiple 20,000-batch irregularities,” he said, “but they never got reported because they cleared out the observers."

wild chicken said...

The joke should be, "Republicans who don't lose Arizona" because that seems so anomalous.

It used to be such a good state! We're running out of those. If Wyoming goes blue it's all over.

Achilles said...

The McCain Republican chair that just resigned because she didn't show up to authorize the Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa county is just the first traitor that needs to be excised.

We must also make sure none of these dishonest hacks pretend to be republicans and take up slots as poll observers.

I guarantee Mitt Romney or any of his corrupt staff would sign off on whatever it took to get Joe elected.

Ann Althouse said...

What if the media made the call that John McCain had been captured by the North Vietnamese? Would we say okay, that's it, accept reality and disparage anyone who thought maybe he hasn't been captured — let's do a comprehensive search and try to rescue him?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOL and her dad voted for Biden last week!

Spiros said...

Native workers must remain indebted and vulnerable. And, we know from tabloid reporting, that migrant worker abuse is something of a past time for the rich and famous. But Trump shows up and shuts down the border. Now labor has the upper hand:

"In 2016, real median household income was $62,898, just $257 above its level in 1999. Over the next three years it grew almost $6,000, to $68,703." (Andrew Sullivan)

The wages of unskilled workers increased because Trump slashed immigration. Period.
End of conversation. This is a crisis for the super wealthy and for corporations. My local Menards is hiring people at $ 17 and $ 20 per hour. Ditto at Aldis (which I think is better than the name brands). The big boxes may be losing their competitive advantage and Meghan McCain her desperate maids. It has to stop!

Bilwick said...

I like people who don't lose their love of statism.

Nichevo said...

I like people who don't lose Arizona

Must be no fan of Rae Chornenky

Babe, your dad was trash, hate to break it to you. The USA would be a better place if he had never lived.

wendybar said...

John WAS the loser of Arizona.

rcocean said...

wow, fat girl Megan still mourning for her father, who died 2 years ago at the age of 82. She's still butt hurt over Trump's ONE comment of FIVE YEARS ago. And nothing Trump did, giving McCain a state funeral, allowing Air Force 2 to fly his coffin to DC, etc. can EVER change it.

I'm glad she's just as disgusting as RINO McCain and his horrible wife. BTW, the R Senator McSally got even FEWER votes than Trump. Throw in the Senate loss in 2018, there's either a lot of fraud in Arizona, or the state is going the way of Colorado and Nevada. Another western state being inundated by the noble "immigrants" and left-wing Californians. In a couple years, the state will be California - with more desert.

wendybar said...

No wonder she is on The Spew...she fits in with all the other angry bitter old women there.

Jupiter said...

"What if the media made the call that John McCain had been captured by the North Vietnamese?"

Not sure exactly where you're going with this, but in fact, the only way the USN could be sure an aviator who did not return from a mission had been captured was if the North Vietnamese announced it. Which they sometimes did, for reasons of their own, and the Press was happy to help. In retrospect, it was insane to allow the son of CINCPAC to fly missions where he might get shot down and captured.

rcocean said...

Trump forced a lot of masks to drop. Looking back we can see that a McCain/Romney loss was actually GOOD for the USA. What horrible Presidents, both these clowns would have been. "invade the world, invite the world" "Reaching across the aside" were their mottos, and its difficult to see ANYTHING they would've done that was Conservative.

I see Mark Salter's latest, and last book, on McCain is dying on the vine. No one cares anymore. I'm going to wait till its at the library to read it or maybe buy it when a copy is selling for $2. It will be interesting to see how "Noble" McCain justifies not inviting Palin or Trump to his funeral. Or his lying about wanting to repeal Obamacare, or his pushing the fake, full of lies, Steele Dossier.

rcocean said...

McCain was such a crap person. Its amazing how he could treat the Conservatives in Arizona with such contempt and lie to them every Primary season (Just Build the Dang fence!), and yet they Loved Him no matter what. Its rather strange. The D's simply don't put up with "Mavericks" whether they are "War Heroes" or not.

Lucien said...

I give it a thumbs down.

MacMacConnell said...

The McCain family are very small people. While McCain was a very bad pilot, who should have been washed out in basic flight school. Hr had a habit of destroying taxpayer owned planes through incompetence. I'll show him respect for his time as a POW. In the end he showed just how small he actually was. McCain, who cares?

Jupiter said...

" It will be interesting to see how "Noble" McCain justifies not inviting Palin or Trump to his funeral."

Um, ....

Iman said...

John McCain is dead asshoe

Joe Smith said...

She is a spoiled, entitled, not so smart CU Next Tuesday.

And just like 'Trump will always be impeached,' her father will always be a duplicitous, back-stabbing, traitorous cocksucker.

His service will never outweigh the malignancy of his toxic personality later in his life.

Ask me what I really think.

Greg Hlatky said...

Thank you for your service, John McCain.

Now go to hell.

DavidUW said...

The wages of unskilled workers increased because Trump slashed immigration. Period.

Correct. I still can't believe no one realizes we just did a 4 year experiment. Wages of working class people went nowhere for 20+ years through every single up cycle. It was such a mystery as we imported millions more dirt farmers from Guatemala. And the WSJ and COC (whores) stated the law of supply of demand is suspended for labor pricing.

Trump dried up that supply and lo and behold, during this upcycle, working class wages not only improved, but improved at a faster rate than everyone else's.

It shall never be spoken of again. 2M new dirt farmers are heading to our border in time to arrive January 21, 2021.

And we'll wonder why again, after the 'Rona is done with, why the "Biden Recovery" sucks as hard as the "Obama Recovery" except for Hunter's cronies.

Scott said...

Arizona was stolen. What a disgrace

Mary Beth said...

If I were sure that AZ had counted all legitimate ballots and only legitimate ballots and Trump had lost, this would be funny. Instead it just reminds me of what a scumbag McCain was when he was peddling the Russia collusion story and how much I regret ever voting for him.

Mary Beth said...

And we'll wonder why again, after the 'Rona is done with, why the "Biden Recovery" sucks as hard as the "Obama Recovery" except for Hunter's cronies.

This is why we need more lock downs. The economy has to crash even more so that later it will appear as if there is some recovery no matter how unhelpful Biden's policies are. The Obama recovery is their model.

Bill said...

I wonder if he belived in God, and if there is a God, I imagine he's really hating the hot poker's up his azz I'm sure...

JaimeRoberto said...

I can't blame her for sticking up for her dad, but I'm surprised that a significant number of AZ voters apparently felt the same way.

mccullough said...

It’s a mildly amusing meme.

Too funny is in the eye of the beholder

Joe Smith said...

"I can't blame her for sticking up for her dad, but I'm surprised that a significant number of AZ voters apparently felt the same way."

I think 'real' Arizonans voted Trump.

It was the asshole Californians fleeing their shithole state that turned it blue.

Same for Colorado and a few more to come.

Liberalism destroys everything it touches.

John Clifford said...

McCain's fatal flaw was that he never forgave his allies, and never took offense from his opponents. He promised the voters that if he was re-elected he'd vote to eliminate Obamacare... yet he valued giving Trump and Republican voters the finger over keeping his pledge. His family followed in his footsteps. Endorsing and voting for Joe Biden is contrary to everything Republicans believe in... but they forget all of the bad, made-up crap that the Obama/Biden campaign used against him in 2008 to strike out against Republican voters. I worked for the guy as a GOTV volunteer in 2008, flying down from WA on my own dime. I don't regret that, but I regret the pettiness that the McCain family has displayed. It's unbecoming.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Talk about people who wouldn’t leave office...

This guy should have resigned when he was dying of terminal cancer. Couldn’t spent the last weeks/days with his family and not focused on his so called legacy.

Life’s too f’ing short. Talk about narcissists....

mccullough said...

Trump won Arizona in 2016 after bashing McCain.

I’m very skeptical anyone in Arizona who voted for Trump in 2016 voted for Biden this time because of McCain.

McSally lost in 2018. And she lost again in 2020, getting fewer votes than Trump in Arizona.

McCain is dead. Voters don’t care about him.

Clyde said...

Should be "I like people who don't have Arizona stolen from them."

Nonapod said...

Every time I think about Meghan McCain all I ever imagine is Tim Dillon in a wig (warning: NSFW due to language).

Howard said...

That's not funny.

Gunner said...

Inflating Meghan McCain's already overinflated sense of her family's importance is the worst result of this election.

The rule of Lemnity said...


RMc said...

Trump ain't lost Arizona yet.

BoatSchool said...

Separate John McCain the naval aviator from John McCain the politician.

The politician, among other things:

- gave us McCain Feingold.

- got played by the media up until he was the republican presidential candidate at which time they turned on him.

- gifted us the Lightbringer by running an incredibly poor presidential campaign.

- actively assisted in pushing the fake HRC dossier in an attempt to bring down PDJT.

- gave republicans/conservatives his middle finger on repealing Obamacare because he wanted to spite PDJT.

Straight Talk Express my ass.

Darkisland said...

I like people who don't lose airplanes.

John Henry

readering said...

I don't remember I time when I've enjoyed reading the AA comments as much as now. I know the honeymoon will end when folks stop writing about Trump, but for now, please keep those Trumpist comments relating to the loser's loss coming.

readering said...

I do feel sad about the racist, misogynist and otherwise hateful stuff that gets posted about other politicians, but I have learned to pass over that like the stuff about me. (You would have thought the regular baiters would have figured out that it does not phase me. I expect more such stuff below. Yawn.)

Paul Doty said...

I on the other hand, like my McCain's dead and burning in hell.

cronus titan said...

It is remarkable that the Republican Party nominated McCain and Romney, two men who found the base of the Republican Party beneath their station. How did that happen? How does one of the two major parties have consecutive nominees embarrassed to be a member of their own party? I suppose the fact that all that effort to wink at the Democrat media complex meant zero -- they were treated like any other turncoat is treated -- made it very entertaining. The truly ironic part is that McCain and Romney caused the rise of Trumpism as much as Obama did.

M Jordan said...

John McCain’s tumor was not amused.

FullMoon said...

It was the asshole Californians fleeing their shithole state that turned it blue.

lol! yeah,Like Dr.K , along with Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot.
87% of native Arizona voters under 30 voted for Biden.

FullMoon said...

I voted for McCain. Was disappointed when he wanted a big meeting about the crash, then sat there like a big dummy while Obama took charge.

Also, Bill Maher gets credit for the original joke,

Anonymous said...

I had the opportunity to vote against McCain 2x when I lived in Arizona. I understood that Arizona wanted to reward him with a Senate seat.

I admired his ability to survive his ordeal at the Hanoi Hilton. I respect him for that. Still do. He was a bad Senator though. He never represented Arizona in the Senate. He always ran on his bio as a young man. It was enough to keep getting reelected. It is what it is.

rcocean said...

" It will be interesting to see how "Noble" McCain justifies not inviting Palin or Trump to his funeral."

Um, ...."

Yeah, I guess if you pull a sentence out of context, you can go "UH.." a lot.


rcocean said...

And if you don't understand what I'm talking about, go back and read my post again. And if you still don't get it, get smarter.

eddie willers said...

We knew he was corrupt when he joined four Democrats to form the Keating Five..

readering said...

Folks here basically hate McCain (and Romney) for the loss to Obama. I'd hope they revise their estimation of Trump accordingly. (Although I'm a little surprised that they now seem to despise Biden as much as they did Obama back in the day.)

Me, I admired Obama, McCain, Romney and Clinton. Biden 2020 not so much, but I'm warming to him given the way he has handled the last two months.

readering said...

And amazing to me that folks can still admire a crybaby whose spokesperson is utterly unable to say that her boss will definitely be in attendance at the inauguration regardless of who is getting sworn in. Gore personally presided over the official counting of electoral votes in Congress in 2000. I voted against him in the primary, but the man was a leader.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Poor R's .still upsetthat after 150 million tries to rid country of ACA and failing, John M. gave them the old "thumbs down"...R's still trying but courts will deny them again with the lame excuses they are bringing..Hows that Republic health plan going? in 2 weeks right? its coming with eliminating the debt,and the infrastructure plan.... DON THE CON still got them sending in their $$$ to pay for his debts,thats why he wont leave,,,its pretty obvious to those who can see... :)

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

What if the media made the call that John McCain had been captured by the North Vietnamese? Would we say okay, that's it, accept reality and disparage anyone who thought maybe he hasn't been captured — let's do a comprehensive search and try to rescue him?

These are the deep thoughts upon which our country hinges! Thank you for posing them!

(They wouldn't be covered in the liberal lamestream media, that's for sure!)

Why can't others come up with such smart questions?

Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...

I voted for McCain. Was disappointed when he wanted a big meeting about the crash, then sat there like a big dummy while Obama took charge.

Exactly! Me too!

No way Kenyan-born terrorist and Columbia/HLS grad Obama was smarter than 5th last-in-his-class grad McCain!

Obama should have just shut up and let the less intelligent white man say self-important things!