November 8, 2020

"I would implore everybody who’s celebrating today to remember that it’s good to be a humble winner. Remember when I was here four years ago, remember how bad that felt?"

"Remember that half the country right now still feels that way. Please remember that. Remember, for the first time in the history of America, life expectancy of white people is dropping because of heroin, because of suicide. All the white people out there that feel that anguish, that pain, they mad because they think nobody cares — maybe they don’t — let me tell you something: I know how that feels. Promise you, I know how that feels. If you’re a police officer, and every time you put your uniform on, you feel like you got a target on your back, you’re appalled by the ingratitude that people have when you would risk your life to save them. Believe me, I know how that feels. Everyone knows how that feels. But here’s the difference between me and you: You guys hate each other for that, and I don’t hate anybody. I just hate that feeling. That’s what I fight, and what I suggest you fight. You gotta find a way to live your life. You gotta find a way to forgive each other. You gotta find a way to find joy in your existence, in spite of that feeling.” 

Dave Chappelle, hosting "SNL" last night.



Sebastian said...

"Remember that half the country right now still feels that way. Please remember that."

I'm sure progs will. For a second. Then remember that it serves the deplorables right, and continue the struggle.

Lurker21 said...

Not a bad speech, but a lot depends on who the "you" he's referring to are. It's not entirely clear from sentence to sentence just who he's talking to. Is the "you" in any given sentence to be taken narrowly, referring to just policemen, or Trump voters, or White people, or more broadly, taking in the world, the country, the audience and Dave Chappell himself? A little ambiguity can make the exhortation richer. Too much makes it confusing and frustrating.

Greg Hlatky said...

You gotta find a way to forgive each other.

Hope you're addressing that to your Democrat pals who are drawing lists for the Night of the Long Knives.

Sorry, Dave. People like you, the world you occupy, the industries your Leftist friends dominate, they don't exist for me any more.

Gahrie said...

You gotta find a way to live your life. You gotta find a way to forgive each other. You gotta find a way to find joy in your existence, in spite of that feeling.”

I'd be more impressed by this if he had said it in 2016. Or anytime before Biden was declared the winner.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We can find joy now that the corruptocrats are in charge.

Go to sleep and find joy. biden family grifters are in charge... well, you know the thing.

Rick said...

It's revealing it takes a random comedian to meet the standard left wing politicos demand of others but cannot apply to themselves. The more people internalize left wing politics the more terrible they become.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left fraudulently dragged an old mob-king pin across the finish line. Feel the joy!

biden out there promising to hike taxes on the little guy, on the working class and self made. We work our asses off so the bidens can wash OUR taxes clean thru the international corrupt laundry system, and stuff their coffers.

Feel the joy.

You know who doesn't get their taxes hiked?
Twitter men

Kate said...

I like Chappelle but I couldn't watch past his bit about Ohio farmers. Usually he's more witty. This was flat and mean.

holdfast said...

When he said “You gotta find a way to forgive each other” He was addressing partisans on both sides.

If you watch his long comedy specials on Netflix , you’ll realize that he actually has an amazing amount of insight into different political, economic and racial groups within America. He understands the white working class far better than pretty much anyone else in the Democrat party. He’s not a conservative by any stretch, but he is a keen observer and a cynic.

JPS said...

I like Chappelle.

Flipped him off a couple of times during that, but I'm glad I saw it. He's a good guy - and one of the few celebrities who's *ever* willing to challenge his audience's worldview.

Thanks for posting that, Prof. Althouse.

Silence said...

Considering the left has control of far more institutions than the right does there's much more of an onus on them being compassionate. Aside from that over the next couple of years they are going to realise that they're going to need do far more than shutting up to get back to the phony peace of the pre-Trump era and it's about then they'll start to regret their actions from recent years.

Howard said...

I'm shocked and horrified Althouse posted this video. Dave uses the n-words frequently and I was told this blog was an n-word free zone.

He was not as funny as Bill Burr

Birkel said...

Meanwhile, the golden standards of detecting election fraud were outlined four years ago.

And all of them are apparent in the current frauds committed in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta.
Oh, and Vegas.
We know that to be true.

So what has such cheating bought the cheaters in the past?
What real world examples of this sort of cheating have led to better situations in the countries that have experienced it in the past?
Many of them got civil war.
Others got mass graves.

What sort of Pyrrhic victory do you seek?

MikeR said...

The man.

Sally327 said...

I haven't listened to this but reading, it comes across as patronizing. He shifts almost immediately from admonishing the winners to be humble to patronizing the losers, oh you white people are dying, nobody cares, but I know how you feel, except I'm not a hater, you're a hater, stop being a hater.

How many white people were in the audience? And is black life expectancy now increasing? If not, what's the point? That we're all dying faster represents progress? And can the humble winner talk, be as gloating and obnoxious as you want. You elected a rich old white guy who spent 50 years in power doing absolutely nothing for racial progress except impede or ignore it. And isn't going to do anything for it now either.

Jupiter said...

Oh, so Chappelle took some time out from race-baiting George Floyd's fentanyl overdose to call for national unity? Color me white.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Will Hunter and brother Jim get back to their gravy train international American tax payer money laundering for personal profit schemes?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

4 years of Schitt and Pelosi lies and we are supposed to forgive.


iowan2 said...

Shut up and tell me a joke.

These entertainers, Court Jesters, need to understand their role. Chapell knows less about how I feel than I know about him. The difference is I have no desire to explain his emotions to him. I'm way smarter than that.

whitney said...

Some things never change. Ann is still dishonest

Dude1394 said...

Let’s get together now that we have stolen the election. Well **** off.

Iconochasm said...

Gahrie,Gabriel, look up his monologue from 2016. He told people to chill and hope for the best from Trump.

Heartless Aztec said...


chuck said...

There is an attempted coup in progress. Eff that.

Fustigator said...

I'm planning to buy firearms and ammo for the first time ever. Used to shoot guns as a kid, but never wanted them around the house. Kids grown now, time to arm up. Things are going off the rails. Bet I never see another republican president elected in what remains of my lifetime.

The democrats have learned how to rig the system and will never lose again. They will import more immigrants (legal and illegal) and bring in a whole bunch of new voters that will vote for them permanently (more of the free shit army) and they have figured out that mail in voting, ballot harvesting and the like works. And even if it doesnt they are in charge of counting the big cities that can swing the result.

If conservatives and republicans are smart they will begin to form their own banks, financial systems, companies, their own version of Facebook, Google and Twitter. Their own PayPal etc and start moving to likeminded communities. That way when civil war and dissolution come (and they will), they will have largely geographically segregated into defensible communities.

Amadeus 48 said...

I missed seeing the "civility bullshit" tag on this one.

Oh, it's not there.

I often like David Chapelle's work for its iconoclasm.

This is not that. This is cheap sentiment dolled up as kinda empathy.


SGT Ted said...

I feel better knowing that Hunter Biden will be kept in meth and hookers.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

You can bet he'll never host SNL again.

But then once Slow Joe gets going as President SNL will be even more unfunny than it was during the Obama years.

Amadeus 48 said...

When Obama won in 2008, I thought, "OK. He won. Let's see how he does."

When Obama won in 2012, I thought, "Wow. He won. This is a solid victory. His team totally outsmarted Romney. Wow."

When Trump won in 2016, I thought, "Wow. He won a populist campaign Let's see how he does."

This year as Biden is anointed by the media with no new evidence, I thought, "Wow. The pandemic beat Trump. Not with the public, but with the process. They stole the election with mail-in ballots and 'social distancing' at counting centers."

I'm staying with that for this year.

Leland said...

Great speech, I heard something like that from another person, who was vilified for suggesting there are good people on both sides of the debate.

Fernandinande said...

So a black comedian walks into a bar and starts lecturing people on how they should live and what they should feel, and the bartender says:

- "Why the long face?"
- "We have a drink named after you!"
- "What is this, some kind of a joke?"

mccullough said...

I like Chappelle

stlcdr said...

Republicans, conservatives, libertarians and those who value freedom would to be left the fuck alone.

But no, democrats paint us as racist, bigoted narcissist who must be stopped and are going out of their way to attack us. Trump was in the way, now he is gone [going, but not without a fight] they will full out attack the ‘deplorables’. They have no interest in bringing the country together, but obtaining power and rulership.

How long can a Republic stand under such onslaught of the masses?

Bilwick said...

I was reading about how Dementia Joe was saying we can now bend "the moral arc" in a direction he and I assume other State-shtuppers want it to bend. I thought, if you're bending it in the direction of more statism and therefore more coercion, it's bent indeed.

Earnest Prole said...

Not a bad speech, but a lot depends on who the "you" he's referring to are. It's not entirely clear from sentence to sentence just who he's talking to. Is the "you" in any given sentence to be taken narrowly, referring to just policemen, or Trump voters, or White people, or more broadly, taking in the world, the country, the audience and Dave Chappell himself?

The "you" refers to you.

mccullough said...

It’s the Royal “You”

Perhaps we should just get rid of pronouns

Anonymous said...

Yea, Mr. Biden missed a huge opportunity with his "unity" speech. He should have had a "Sister Souljah" moment, and criticized the #Resistance doing the exact opposite of what he called for. That is, prove that he meant what he just said.

Or, at the very, very least, called out AOC and Jennifer Rubin for compiling enemies lists.

MayBee said...

Wonderful, Dave Chapelle.

Fernandinande said...

The moral arc of the universe bends into a bar and the bartender says "What is this, some kind of a joke?"

sterlingblue said...

Good for Chapelle. It's unfortunate that Blacks are the only people allowed to speak truth to power these days, because of "white privilege".

We must therefore rely on Blacks to save America from the elites and the Chinese. I hope they are up to the task. It won't be easy.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lurker21 said...

Yea, Mr. Biden missed a huge opportunity with his "unity" speech. He should have had a "Sister Souljah" moment, and criticized the #Resistance doing the exact opposite of what he called for.

You get your "Sister Souljah" moment when you are running for office, not after you've been elected. Biden wasn't going to rebuke his own supporters. The theme of the week was that this is Paris 1944 or Berlin 1989, and the bad old regime has been ousted. No way was Biden going to introduce more complexity into the moment than that.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hstad said...

As long as you have grifters like Chappelle using words like "White People" you won't have unity in the USA.

le Douanier said...

People say he walked away from a fifty million dollar contract for his TV show. And for a while he would randomly start doing standup on streets in Seattle to try out material.

There’s some sorta connection w/ AOC saying that she’d walk away from so-called success for something more basic. One big difference is that Chappelle didn’t talk about doing these things, he just did them.

Anywho, I hope he’s been recording the shows that he and his invited comics have been doing during Covid. There’s got to be hours of killer material. But Burr said everyone who knows about the shows has promised to be completely silent re the events. Maybe the idea is that they were one-time things, now gone, not for selling. Leaving money on the table. Again.

I dunno.

Amadeus 48 said...

Folks, it isn't white people. It isn't black people. It isn't brown people. It's just people. To the extent Chappelle communicates that, great.

I don't think he communicated that at all well. He seemed to put white people in one bucket (losers). He put cops in the same bucket (losers). He said he had been a loser, too, four years ago. He says that the losers hate the winners and the winners hate the losers, but he doesn't hate anyone. He hates that feeling. I don't know what he is talking about, but I guess he is saying the equivalent of hate the sin but love the sinner. OK. I got that in Sunday school. He says find a way to live your life. OK. Got that. I wasn't contemplating suicide.

But the problem is slightly different than the way he set it up. I don't hate anyone. But I do hate the idea that an election with serious consequences was decided from a voting base that had no controls (mail-in ballots, walk-up registration, no voter ID, non-compliant ballots, extended vote delivery, mid-night vote counts with no observers, dead voters, non-resident voters,etc.). It didn't have to be this way. Observers could have been allowed to remain in place while votes were counted. Absentee vote processes could have been rigorously followed. Voter ID could have been put in place. And the shenanigans appear to largely go in one direction. The press has no interest in good old-fashioned reporting.

So, at a minimum, I am disgruntled. And Chappelle is spouting civility bullshit.

Dude1394 said...

“ If conservatives and republicans are smart they will begin to form their own banks, financial systems, companies, their own version of Facebook, Google and Twitter. Their own PayPal etc and start moving to likeminded communities. That way when civil war and dissolution come (and they will), they will have largely geographically segregated into defensible communities.”

This, starting with parlor and needing badly some conservative funding mechanisms.
I would like to continue seeing family member photos, but I’m not sure I can stand the communist Facebook/Twitter much longer.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I love Norm and I love Chappelle.

Big Mike said...

Judging from the nasty remarks of Inga, Howard, Chuck, Ernie Prole, and roesch, Chappelle is too late. I haven’t clicked on the video yet because I have work to do today, the sky is sunny, and all too soon my ability to work outdoors will be curtailed. But after reading their comments posted starting last Wednesday and thereafter, and reading other commentaries written by Democrats and NeverTrumpers, if they were burning on the street I wouldn’t bother to piss on them.

mikee said...

I wonder if Chapelle will continue his growth from a great Black comic artist to an influential person of color. He certainly has the ability and I'd rather hear him talk about race than Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Brazile, or Harris. Here's hoping he continues to be a thoughtful voice in an unthinking era.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Fernandinande said...

The moral arc of the universe bends into a bar and the bartender says "What is this, some kind of a joke?"

The moral arc of the universe bends into a bar and the bartender says "You know, I used to be a Congresswoman from New York!"

Jaq said...

Nobody listens to him, but they should. They won’t, right now Democrats are in the throes of a manufactured neurosis, colloquially known as TDS. People who have struggled with real demons and have overcome them can see this. It’s heartbreaking to see what some people are willing to do to the American people just to gain power.

robother said...

Ah yes, after 6 years of contempt turning into open hatred for police, for White middle/working class men, for Trump and his voters, we could be all in this together, now that Democrats have won. "Wouldn't it be pretty to think so?"

DEEBEE said...

Pap worthy of Rodney King.

DavidUW said...

Biden’s gonna die or get replaced by the Ho. Probably with/in time for the midterms to avoid impeachment. R’s going to take the house bigly

But I’ll be watching from the sidelines in my new country of residence and citizenship.

rehajm said...

This year as Biden is anointed by the media with no new evidence, I thought, "Wow. The pandemic beat Trump. Not with the public, but with the process. They stole the election with mail-in ballots and 'social distancing' at counting centers."

That works for me, too. By every fundamental and historical voting metric it shouldn't have happened.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

Humility looks better when the winner hasn't cheated brazenly and proudly.

Gunner said...

It looks like Biden won, so can SNL PLEASE get some bland cast member to play him instead of me having to look at Jim Carrey's gross, psychotic face for however long until Biden croaks?

Jaq said...

Dave Chappelle “thanked God” for the coronavirus pandemic during his Saturday Night Live opening monologue—because it stopped “murderous whites” from committing mass shootings. In an N-word-filled opening where he also called President Trump’s coronavirus infection “hilarious,” Chappelle noted how a friend in the UK celebrated Joe Biden’s election win being declared earlier Saturday.(Snip) Chappelle, 47, also targeted “poor white people” who “don’t like wearing masks.” “What is the problem? You wear a mask at the Klan rally, wear it at the Walmart too,” he said, adding, “Wear your Klan hood at Walmart so we can all feel safe.”

- NY Post

Jaq said...

You know who has associations with the Klan, David? Joe Robinette Biden.

Narr said...

Whoa! Sixteen minutes? No way.

Nothing on SNL is worth that much time

Iman said...

Fuck all of these people. Chappelle used to be funny. SNL hasn’t been funny for decades. IMO.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

Meme stolen from Scott Adams:
As a thought experiment, consider that by some miracle, the Supreme Court reverses PA, and a couple of other states are also reversed. PDJT re-elected.
How gracious would Biden be in conceding?
How conciliatory would your Dem neighbors be?
That exactly how gracious and conciliatory I am.

PaoloP said...

A nice person, at last.

le Douanier said...

It seems that at some point people get tired of Adams’ bait.

Althouse had a run that ran out. Presumably she was bored w/ being hooked.

For a very wee bit I went for his bait. Though at least half of my interest was related to the oddness of his old ass being w/ a hot gal who makes boring (IMHO) piano videos.

Anywho, I’m not saying a person is more or less smart based on how long it takes for them to tire of Adams. So it’s fine that WTIC is still taking. the bait. IMHO.

Rick said...

Gilligan said...
Yea, Mr. Biden missed a huge opportunity with his "unity" speech.

Biden wants to unite all Americans who believe Mitt Romney wants to return blacks to slavery. The question is not whether he can do it. The question is whether this is a worthy goal.

le Douanier said...

BTW, I wonder if Althouse looks at Scott and Kristina and thinks, hot/young/piano v small/old/bicycle.

Well, I guess I F-ed the open comments.


le Douanier said...

FTR, if I’m not joking: Meadehouse is cute.

Adams w/ a woman that looks like his grandchild is odd. I don’t understand why it’s not maximally satisfying to have a super hot gal that looks like your kid, why would you want to go grandkid? That’s not appealing. IMHO.

Rosalyn C. said...

I have liked and enjoyed Dave Chappelle's comedy -- and respect his right to express himself, even his anti-white racism. At least he's being honest. But I wouldn't sit there and laugh if I were in the audience, and I suspect he thought they were aholes as well. What is wrong with those people?

What I find unfactual about Chappelle's routine is his blame the "white community" for all the hatred and bigotry, misogyny, anti-semitism, homophobia in our nation. The reality is that no one disrespects (Black) women more than Black men. Listen to the lyrics of rap artists. Women are hoes and pu$$y, good for only one thing and that is sex. Chappelle also ridiculed (white) Dr. Birx, with what do you expect from a woman?

The documented fact is that homophobia as well as antisemitic attitudes are higher in among Blacks than whites. White supremacist attacks on synagogues are horrendous but day to day hate crimes against Jews outnumber hate crimes toward any other religious group and is perpetrated by Black youth towards Orthodox Jews living in NYC. The videos are disturbing -- Jewish men walking down the street being assaulted by gangs. And there was the Black Hebrew attack and murder at a Kosher market in New Jersey. The second highest rate of anti-semitism as determined by the ADL polling is among foreign born Hispanic immigrants. Just the facts. Whites don't have a monopoly on hate and Blacks and other POC aren't always victims, Dave.

Gk1 said...

I'd like to think democrats were humbled by the fact every candidate running with the BLM and defund the police crap got kicked in the nuts and that their platforms are not nearly as popular as they dreamed they are. But that's wish casting. Like the French Bourbons, the democrats learn nothing and forget nothing.

Lets see how conciliatory they remain as the mail in fraud allegations get weeded through. I am skeptical it will be enough to reverse the results but more than enough to taint Biden's 'victory' with half of the country. So let's hold off on those olive branches just yet.

MalaiseLongue said...

@Holdfast: He understands the white working class far better than pretty much anyone else in the Democrat party.

Analysis: true.

The pooh-bahs of the Democratic Party understand nothing about the white working class.

And Dave Chappelle understands next to nothing about the white working class.

I'm Not Sure said...

Gk1 said...

"Lets see how conciliatory they remain as the mail in fraud allegations get weeded through. I am skeptical it will be enough to reverse the results but more than enough to taint Biden's 'victory' with half of the country."

The Democrats are so used to cheating and not suffering any consequences that it's quite likely they've left their ass hanging out in enough places that somebody who was prepared to watch for it could have gathered a fair amount of evidence. It'll be interesting, however it goes.

Narr said...

Other than Dilbert on and off over the decades (and I haven't subscribed to the newspaper in several years) all I know about Scott Adams is what gets posted here. I have tried to watch some of the segments prof has posted but he just doesn't do it for me.

That little wife, now! Woohoo buddy. Who says money can't buy happiness?

I guess no loyal long-suffering dried-up old mother-of-his-children first wife was harmed in the making of this perfect relationship, or the biddies we sometimes hear from in May-December sex cases like this would have tutted by now.

You go, Dilbert guy!

Leora said...

Dave Chappelle seems to be one our few sensible celebrities.

Jupiter said...

"But here’s the difference between me and you: You guys hate each other for that, and I don’t hate anybody."

Check your Black privilege, Dave. Me, I'm still trying to put y'all back in chains, remember?

stevew said...

Dave Chappelle, just another lousy winner.

Roughcoat said...

Oh, shut up, Dave.

furious_a said...

Turned off cable news Wednesday and prepared for North Texas HS football weekend . Watched daughter’s marching band and enjoyed the game (we lost :-( ). Read up on the other area games in Saturday’s paper: 68-47 game, the losing team had 35 first downs! Another game the winning team has 2x200 yard rushers and the other team’s quarterback threw for 467 yards. Another game had one team with 2x 190 yard rushers and the other’s quarterback throwing for 420 yards. One Dallas Hs team has +280 point differential in 4 games (yes) won 83-0. What are they feeding these kids?!?

HS basketball season starts next week. I can’t wait!

Unknown said...

To the critics here: What else was he supposed to talk about, and did you watch it thinking it was supposed to be a comedy routine?
Chappelle is fearless.

Narr said...

No, I didn't watch it expecting a comedy routine. I just didn't watch it.

I know lots of wipipo affected by opioids and suicide long before Chappelle deigned to gloat

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