Trump might hold onto Georgia, but the numbers of "remaining" ballots keeps changing which suggests the Democrats are trying to find more votes as the day goes on- it is why they have strung out the counting now to two days. It is amazing that these states could count 140 million votes in 6 hours on Tuesday, but then spend 48 hours counting the last 5 million. The delay is purposeful and malevolent apparently.
On Pennsylvania- hard to say. The math doesn't look good for Biden if you look at the NYTimes estimates, but the votes left to count is a black hole that no one seems to want to examine.
Arizona looks promising to Trump still, but it will be close, but for some reason, these fuckers can't seem to count more than a ballot/minute. What the fuck, seriously. It should never take more than 10 hours for a state to count its fucking ballots. Something is going on.
"...Wisconsin Sees Massive Turnout Surge in 2020: 89% of Registered Voters..." LOL - hey did not Saddam Hussein also get 90% voter turnout?
In 2016 that number was 67%.
I guess the headline is correct! Reports now state certain Wards in Milwaukee have exhibited voters at 200% + of registered voters. I guess it averages up to the 89% - LOL!
This shows the kind of chicanery in elections and people don't believe there is fraud being committed. In every state we license people for everything in life except for one our most cherished rights - 'The Right to Vote'. These fraud votes take that right away from millions of people who vote honestly.
I guess Judicial Watch got it right - "...Analysis finds 353 counties with 1.8 million more registered voters than there are eligible citizens..." Betcha, Milwaukee is one of those counties.
Having grown up in various countries in Latin America I am not surprised that people would commit fraud in USA elections. Problem is such fraud is a 'cancer' to the countries way of electing our leaders. Unless fixed one day the USA will become just like those countries in Latin America - either from the Left or Right.
The thing that bugs me the most about that infamous Obama comment is that every person he was speaking to won. They were all elected officials. What he was really saying was that he didn't care about the issues of people who didn't vote for him--a charge Democrats often direct at Trump (despite evidence to the contrary). Just another example of the old saying, if you want to know what a liberal is up to, look to what he's accusing his opponents of.
People like Inga and her ilk still think The Russians stole the election in 2016. How? they cannot say. Did the Russians hack our machines? No - they did not. Did the Russians hack our brains? ding ding ding! Yes - the Russians hacked our brains.. our actual thoughts. You must love all democrats and a few stupid facebook ads that nobody saw actually turned us away from our true calling - the Clinton.
All of this gives way to the left knowing they have every right to partake in vote fraud.
Oh, in Pennsylvania, they keep adding votes. This morning it was 510,000 left to count, now the calculation shows 560,000 left to count. It is over folks- I am absolutely sure it is all fraud at this point in PA and GA, but it will never be proven.
Oh, and the Republicans officials sitting on their hands and saying nothing about this because they held onto control of the Senate- they are morons- the Senate will be 50/50 after the Georgia runoff elections, and will likely be 51-49 after they overcome Tillis' lead in NC. Whatever else I think about Democrats, I have to admire them for one thing- they set a goal and they don't stop until they reach it, and they don't give a flying fuck about how they go about it. At this point, they aren't even trying to hide what they are doing- it is absolutely brazen.
Could you kindly please comment on the "faithless elector" case decided by SCOTUS in July 2020? The case is Chiafalo v. Washington 19-465.
In your learned opinion, could the state legislators in states with rampant voter fraud (such as WI and MI) just bypass the fake election results and select Trump electors to the Electoral College?
There's a good chance that your post would be read by Rush Limbaugh and be quoted on the air tomorrow.
Althouse, given the numerous non-trivial stories of voter fraud, how can you be so certain that you abstained? How do you know that a vote was not cast for "Ann Althouse" that your actually showing up and voting might have prevented?
Left Bank of the Charles said... Everybody’s a winner! Except Donald Trump, he lost.
If Trump lost, it is far to early to say that anyone, much less everyone, is a winner. I suspect that we will all have lost if Biden is installed, check back in four years.
Then you have something in common with China, Iran, Hunter and the fascists running the major American media companies. What’s that saying about the company you keep?
Anyway, I think you’re being shortsighted. Especially since the left’s antics of the last 4 years have now been validated. Expect to see more of the same in every future election.
Arizona looks promising to Trump still, but it will be close, but for some reason, these fuckers can't seem to count more than a ballot/minute. What the fuck, seriously. It should never take more than 10 hours for a state to count its fucking ballots. Something is going on.
One of the big red flags for western poll watchers in third world countries is a vote where it takes an inordinately long time to count the ballots. Congratulations, Democrats. You've turned the US into a banana republic.
If these two middle-of-the road sensible Patriots didn't vote for Trump, how many others do they represent? I say a couple million.
Ergo, on a crude level, that explains partially why Trump is down 2 points on the popular vote. (Biden 50%, DJT 48%).
Popular vote totals are literally meaningless. There are too many states in which the candidates don't bother to campaign except to raise money. As Ann Coulter pointed out in 2016, Trump could get more votes in places like California and New York, but there's really no point unless there's a chance he could flip the state. There's no reason to believe Trump couldn't win the popular vote if that were the goal.
My partner is a suburban white woman, a lifelong liberal and Democrat, and a two-time Obama voter. She is practically inconsolable about what's happened to our election system and to Trump in particular. In her words: "That man did nothing but try to improve this country and the people in it, and he's been treated like shit for it. I feel so bad for him."
Since the 2016 election she has come to hate the media and the Democrats like I do, and I never tried to talk her into anything. I just pointed to other sources of information outside of CNN and NBC. She changed her party from Democrat to independent, and has completely turned on the Dems, and now wears a Trump hat everywhere she goes. She reads about the voter fraud, and although it gets me very angry too, I end up being the one trying to calm her down as she fights back tears while swearing like drunken sailor.
"In your learned opinion, could the state legislators in states with rampant voter fraud (such as WI and MI) just bypass the fake election results and select Trump electors to the Electoral College?"
In short, no- not without a court case at SCOTUS. The laws in these states and federal law are that the governors of the state certify their electoral slates and as long as those slates are certified by 6 days before the meeting in mid December, they can't be challenged at that meeting. None of these governors in WI, MI, or PA will refuse to certify Biden's slate, and none should if Biden is ahead in the vote- that is the fact on the ground regardless of how it came about. If Trump can't hold onto Pennsylvania, then it is over without the federal courts overturning the state/s election and ordering a redo, or remedies to throw out illegal votes. I personally don't think the courts will get involved deeply this time- that was what Roberts was signalling with the PA cases last month, and they probably shouldn't get involved as a practical matter without literally iron-clad proof of massive and effective fraud- a high hurdle to get over.
If you are looking for some way to deny Biden a majority and throw it to the House, then Biden will need to depend on a contested state with a Republican governor and legislature. In short, Trump must win Pennsylvania- then Biden needs Arizona and/or Georgia to get over 269. And even were that to happen, Trump's people would have to demonstrate that Biden winning them depended on fraud before the governors and legislatures acted, in my opinion. A more likely scenario is Trump tying up the process beyond December 7th by keeping everything in court so that states like WI, MI, and PA fail to make the safe harbor deadline, but those Democrat governors will send them anyway, regardless of what a court orders, I think, but if Biden needs GA and/or AZ, is at least plausible that those Republican governors will refuse to certify and neither candidate has a majority.
"...maybe you’ll see it my way, and then you too will have won!"
We can work it out!
"Try to see it my way Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong While you see it your way There's a chance that we might fall apart before too long"
"Today I woke up thinking, if Trump hadn't been *quite* such an asshole, he might have won this thing easily”
If he wasn’t such an asshole, he would have kissed Hillary’s hem and let her win, just like Jeb would have. Do you really think that the Democrats would be resorting to such blatant fraud regardless? I am glad he is fighting this out.
So. Which of the random found ballots and thumb drives this year benefited a Republican? Or is it another cycle of only left leaning votes appearing out of nowhere without a clear chain of custody? Any typos that shift a note in Trump's favor decisively while people in swing states are still counting? Any consolidated efforts to keep Democrats from watching vote counts?
Thinking face @JoeBiden underperformed in the Black vote all across the country except in three counties Wayne County MI, Milwaukee County WI, Philadelphia County PA, where this 78 year old white guy with a history of racial prejudice, outperformed the first black POTUS. Let that sink in.
Just heard from my Trump hating relatives that Trumps speech tonight is going to aimed at firing up his base and getting them to step up their ongoing rioting in Portland, Minneapolis, DC, etc. This came after a long detailed discussion how everyone, but my Trump hating relatives, is living in some alternative reality.
A silver lining to a Biden win, even if it's fraudulent. Namely, one heluva Inaugural Party to be thrown by Hunter Biden. Crack, Meth, Arkansas strippers, Chinese spy chiefs - should be a total blast. I will rent a tux for that one.
I still hope that Trump can pull off an unexpected victory. He's done it before. He seems to have a "resurrection" button that he pushes after all hope is lost.
But having said that, I've never felt more angry or demoralized after an election. For the first time in my life, I'm wondering whether this country has a future as a viable republic. If the citizens of this country can vote for that decrepit and corrupt fossil and his leftwing psycho running mate, after he ran the single worst campaign in our country's history, then they deserve what they get.
Trump is a tragic hero if he loses. I hope he can take a rest for awhile and enjoy a peaceful time with his family. Knowing him, he'll keep on fighting from the sidelines. Perhaps he can still accomplish some good. (The thought of Biden undoing what Trump has accomplished is something I can't wrap my mind around yet. The Senate won't be able to stop everything.)
This country has an ugly future ahead of it. Our adversaries, foreign and domestic, are rejoicing right now. Again, I hope it's not too late, and Trump pulls off another surprise.
"The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken." "So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. May it be so, yet again.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said... "Wanna hear something kinda, sorta funny? Trump did not close the deal with Althouse -- she abstained. Trump did not close the deal with my wife - she abstained."
Want to hear something really funny? Those two fools abstained in the last remotely free election of their lives! Once Kamala orders amnesty and free entry to 50 million third world peasants elections are over. Maybe they can enjoy some "fun times" with a mexican drug gang while the cops walk away. Ha Ha Ha!
How are people going to trust results in future elections when objectively the media, big tech, Democrat controlled cities, and the deep state executed a coup right in front of our faces and there is nothing we can do about it.
So Althouse and I ended up on the same side of this election. I didn't vote for our "stable genius" either. The president just announced that if we count legal votes - he won the election. Dishonest polls did him in, he says. Somehow polls have become reality. I would speculate that the Russia Today poll reporting favored Trump.
But there has not been a single illegal vote identified during the count - Period. End of Report. And Georgia is about to go to Biden - 3600 vote difference for Trump but the Atlanta suburbs are where the uncounted votes which will break the 270 electoral barrier.
How did we get to a place where fixing an obvious problem with votes is the wrong thing to do, but all these obvious illegal acts at poling places and counting locations are just fine. Would even one of these improprieties survive if it was benefiting Trump?
The Right tried to win the way you should in a healthy democracy, by exciting people, convincing people, talking to them, and bringing them together. How is the Left attempting to win? What is their methodology? Demonizing, cheating, lying, corruption. Some people have a lot to answer for, but they won't, because that's who they are, and they have no shame about it that can break through their determination to win at any cost, and to still proclaim themselves just in do so.
In 2000, before I took a near-15 year break from commenting on other people's websites, I stated, on (my moniker was LI/Arlington ---- not that it matters, the entire commenters' history from back in the day of that blog is virtually inaccessible) that I COMPLETELY BELIEVED THAT if every voter in Florida had walked into the ballot booth and voted the way the rules said they should vote, that Gore would have won. But that is not how elections work - the fact was, among people who legally voted the way you have to vote if you want your vote to be counted, Bush did win. About two thousand Gore voters did not successfully vote the legal way they wanted to, even after going to all the trouble of showing up to vote, because Florida State had engineered a crazy butterfly ballot that confused thousands of voters, many of whom got their answers wrong ---and about 500 hundred Bush voters similarly failed, only 500 or so, so Bush was the winner by about 1480 or 1490 in a contest where he could have lost by 10 or 20. (the irony is that the only reason the butterfly ballot was so complicated was because Pat Buchanan, no fan of the silly Bush family, had a prominent place, along with his running mate, on the Florida chad-infested ballot).
And now, 20 years later, I am close to morally certain that, if you look at the question this way:
did more people legally vote for Trump, the way you have to vote if you want your vote to count, or did more people legally vote for Biden, the way you have to vote if you want your vote to count, in the currently contested states ?????
--- if that is the question, I am close to morally certain that the answer is more people voted for Trump in each of the contested states. If poor old demented Joe is inaugurated, it will only be because the poor demented old man profited from the fact that many many more illegal and fraudulent votes were counted on his side (probably more than tens of thousands in the big contested states, and easily more than several thousand in the smaller contested states) because his side was better at casting illegal votes.
Third world stuff. Feel free to disagree, but the facts are on my side.
"How did we get to a place where fixing an obvious problem with votes is the wrong thing to do, but all these obvious illegal acts at poling places and counting locations are just fine."
You can understand when you don't hear about stuff the Democrats are doing but where is the non-stop reporting on voter fraud committed by Republicans? If it was happening, the MSM would be shouting it from the rooftops. As yet- crickets.
My best guess is that there are about 10,000 Democratic vote cheaters who know they will go to jail if Biden is inaugurated. Not a single one of whom does not have family and friends, not a single one of whom is willing to go to jail for demented old Uncle Joe the hair sniffer.
Those are the people who are going to tell Biden to accept defeat, if the courts are kind enough to offer him and his crew that option.
As Scott Adams said, those Democratic amateurs had no idea, until recently, what they were up against. Trust me, they know now.
By the way, mon frere Carlos Osweda has been banned from Twitter, so I am saying what he would say if he could.
The act from 1887 says the governors do. Now, one can take a case to court and get that ruled unconstitutional as an abrogation of the role of the state legislatures.
Here is what would have to happen to even get a court case at this moment. The legislatures of Wisconsin, Michigan, and/or Pennsylvania (Biden will take the lead tonight) would have to vote to certify and send the Republican slate of electors regardless of what the vote totals show. There would end up being two competing slates of electors for the formal count on January 3rd in that case. Of course, the Democrats would argue that the governor certified slate is the one that Congress must accept, and the Republicans and the legislatures would argue otherwise. SCOTUS might well simply say that the joint session of Congress has to make the decision of which if either slate to accept, and if they can't agree, then the election goes into the House for President and Senate for Vice President.
To get there, though- some real iron clad proof of pretty massive fraud will have to be presented to get the legislatures to act. It is a political problem, not really a legal one. I am just guessing that with what we have now, no Republican legislature in WI, MI, or PA will act contrary to the popular vote totals. Trump's task is to show the fraud in an undeniable way. A court case at this point might save PA for him if he can get the late mailed votes disqualified- that actually follows PA law, but I suspect Democrats have removed the audit trail on this as they have been counting.
As for the counts going on- the only one that really matters right now is the one in Pennsylvania. I did a quick calculation- Biden is going to be ahead by more than 100,000 votes when the last 420,000 ballots are counted, and this is me being optimistic. I actually think Biden is going to be ahead by 150,000 or more. That is just what the math says based on the numbers I am getting from the various sites and the way the count has proceeded today- he might actually end up 200K ahead. The only optimistic view I could give a Trump supporter here is this- the counters in the big blue counties of PA might have been trying to create a narrative of Biden catching up quickly by simply holding back the Trump votes and reporting in the Biden votes, but that is a stretch of my imagination.
On Georgia: Trump might squeak this one out, but there are still votes in big population counties that Biden won. I don't really expect Trump's 2800 vote lead to hold. I would predict Biden is leading by about 5000 votes when the counting is done for this cycle. It will be recounted along with the Senate race which is now going to a runoff.
On Arizona: This will a squeaker. Trump is on track to overtake Biden- he only needs to win about 57% of the remaining vote, and that is perfectly possible with the results seen from today and based on what is actually left and where it is located. If I had to guess, I think Trump will end up winning Arizona by about 5,000 votes, but a recount will be required if the state is actually needed.
On Nevada: it is over- Biden increased his lead today as I expected. The only remaining vote is mail-ins that keep trickling in- those have and will continue to be pro-Biden.
Trump's only real hope now is to win AZ and GA, and get enough late-arriving PA ballots disqualified in a court case to retake the lead in PA once the Democrats are through finding lost ballots. Now, I do think enough such late ballots have arrived in the last 2 days- there were definitely more ballots counted and indicated right now than when they first started recounting yesterday morning- it seemed to me that PA added at least 200,000 uncounted ballots in the last 2 days vs what they claimed to have yesterday morning.
Without all that about PA, the only other hope of holding on to the state is that the Democrats have lied about how many ballots are really left- there have been some conflicting reports that there aren't 420,000 left, but that it is more like 100,000, but like I wrote earlier, you can't trust any of the shit coming out of politicians mouths.
wild chicken: You’re right, of course, in assessing the sorry state of election protocols. I am generally against expanding the purview of Washington DC creatures, but this is the exception. Here is my prescription: Choose a “Purple Ribbon Commission” of respected people having no current stake in politics (prior service is fine). Send them off to a mountaintop sealed off from the media, etc. along with with a couple of skilled facilitators. The goal would be reaching concensus around a template for election practices and processes when national offices are involved (and gubernatorial races, too).
The sticky wicket is that pesky old Constitution… the one that says decisions about this stuff rest with the states, not the feds. So, the ouput of this endeavor would be handed off to the states. Ideally, most states would buy in and peer pressure to “get on board” would push the others to take it seriously.
The first ting is- Every double vote, every one of them, in Dade County, was a double vote for Gore and one ot the other candidates. Every one of them. There's only one way to do this with punch card balloting- which should never ever have been approved. You take a stack of cards, without checking to see if there are hanging chads, a word we all learned in 2000. Then- you punch Gore! What happens then? Any blank ballot of one with a hanging chad becomes an incontrovertible vote for Gore! And every ballot with a punched for someone else? INVALIDATED! Double win!
Second- at 7 PM EST, every single major network called Florida doe Gore and reported the polls were closed. In the FLorida Panhandle, heavily Republican, the polls closed at 7 CST, not EST. Not a single network during the next hour corrected their mistake. Polling stations, normally busy during the last hour, were near deserted- because every television and radio station told the voters all FLorida polls were closed. Can you say say election interference? I can.
The confused voter thing was a distraction. Didn't really exist. Ginned up to explain why they had to count hanging chads, but only on some areas of Florida where the ballot was "confusing". And-- AND--- designed by DEMOCRAT election officials.
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The Zombie Vote seems rather impressive this year.
Also, kudos to the dems for getting out the "Over 150 Yr Old" vote.
Trump might hold onto Georgia, but the numbers of "remaining" ballots keeps changing which suggests the Democrats are trying to find more votes as the day goes on- it is why they have strung out the counting now to two days. It is amazing that these states could count 140 million votes in 6 hours on Tuesday, but then spend 48 hours counting the last 5 million. The delay is purposeful and malevolent apparently.
On Pennsylvania- hard to say. The math doesn't look good for Biden if you look at the NYTimes estimates, but the votes left to count is a black hole that no one seems to want to examine.
Arizona looks promising to Trump still, but it will be close, but for some reason, these fuckers can't seem to count more than a ballot/minute. What the fuck, seriously. It should never take more than 10 hours for a state to count its fucking ballots. Something is going on.
Wanna hear something kinda, sorta funny?
Trump did not close the deal with Althouse -- she abstained.
Trump did not close the deal with my wife - she abstained.
If these two middle-of-the road sensible Patriots didn't vote for Trump, how many others do they represent? I say a couple million.
Ergo, on a crude level, that explains partially why Trump is down 2 points on the popular vote. (Biden 50%, DJT 48%).
Feel free to ignore any and all of this. As usual, I could be wrong.
"...Wisconsin Sees Massive Turnout Surge in 2020: 89% of Registered Voters..." LOL - hey did not Saddam Hussein also get 90% voter turnout?
In 2016 that number was 67%.
I guess the headline is correct! Reports now state certain Wards in Milwaukee have exhibited voters at 200% + of registered voters. I guess it averages up to the 89% - LOL!
This shows the kind of chicanery in elections and people don't believe there is fraud being committed. In every state we license people for everything in life except for one our most cherished rights - 'The Right to Vote'. These fraud votes take that right away from millions of people who vote honestly.
I guess Judicial Watch got it right - "...Analysis finds 353 counties with 1.8 million more registered voters than there are eligible citizens..." Betcha, Milwaukee is one of those counties.
Having grown up in various countries in Latin America I am not surprised that people would commit fraud in USA elections. Problem is such fraud is a 'cancer' to the countries way of electing our leaders. Unless fixed one day the USA will become just like those countries in Latin America - either from the Left or Right.
The thing that bugs me the most about that infamous Obama comment is that every person he was speaking to won. They were all elected officials. What he was really saying was that he didn't care about the issues of people who didn't vote for him--a charge Democrats often direct at Trump (despite evidence to the contrary). Just another example of the old saying, if you want to know what a liberal is up to, look to what he's accusing his opponents of.
Everybody’s a winner! Except Donald Trump, he lost.
Left Bank cheers fraud because he is an immoral shit.
Will the Democrats be surprised to learn that the Republican's version of "no justice, no peace" isn't looting a Footlocker?
If these two middle-of-the road sensible Patriots didn't vote for Trump, how many others do they represent? I say a couple million.
Suburban white women more than offset the minority vote breaking for Tump.
People like Inga and her ilk still think The Russians stole the election in 2016. How? they cannot say. Did the Russians hack our machines? No - they did not. Did the Russians hack our brains? ding ding ding! Yes - the Russians hacked our brains.. our actual thoughts. You must love all democrats and a few stupid facebook ads that nobody saw actually turned us away from our true calling - the Clinton.
All of this gives way to the left knowing they have every right to partake in vote fraud.
I wonder who the dead person voted for, don't you?
We all know who he voted for.
Amazingly in India elections are fraud free - otherwise there will be blood.
Trump should get guys wearing yarmulkes to count ballots in all the states!!
You guys need to up your game and weapons. Sissies
Oh, in Pennsylvania, they keep adding votes. This morning it was 510,000 left to count, now the calculation shows 560,000 left to count. It is over folks- I am absolutely sure it is all fraud at this point in PA and GA, but it will never be proven.
Oh, and the Republicans officials sitting on their hands and saying nothing about this because they held onto control of the Senate- they are morons- the Senate will be 50/50 after the Georgia runoff elections, and will likely be 51-49 after they overcome Tillis' lead in NC. Whatever else I think about Democrats, I have to admire them for one thing- they set a goal and they don't stop until they reach it, and they don't give a flying fuck about how they go about it. At this point, they aren't even trying to hide what they are doing- it is absolutely brazen.
Could you kindly please comment on the "faithless elector" case decided by SCOTUS in July 2020? The case is Chiafalo v. Washington 19-465.
In your learned opinion, could the state legislators in states with rampant voter fraud (such as WI and MI) just bypass the fake election results and select Trump electors to the Electoral College?
There's a good chance that your post would be read by Rush Limbaugh and be quoted on the air tomorrow.
Today I woke up thinking, if Trump hadn't been *quite* such an asshole, he might have won this thing easily.
Althouse, given the numerous non-trivial stories of voter fraud, how can you be so certain that you abstained? How do you know that a vote was not cast for "Ann Althouse" that your actually showing up and voting might have prevented?
The People have voted for tyranny. May they get what they asked for.
Also thanks to Yancey Ward, who felt like he was filling the role of live-blogging election night. I got more info from Yancey than from Fox News.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Everybody’s a winner! Except Donald Trump, he lost.
If Trump lost, it is far to early to say that anyone, much less everyone, is a winner. I suspect that we will all have lost if Biden is installed, check back in four years.
Isn't it odd how vote totals only go in one direction for one candidate.
Mathematically improbable even impossible - but only Biden gains. No votes for Trump at all.
I won
Then you have something in common with China, Iran, Hunter and the fascists running the major American media companies. What’s that saying about the company you keep?
Anyway, I think you’re being shortsighted. Especially since the left’s antics of the last 4 years have now been validated. Expect to see more of the same in every future election.
In the meantime, enjoy the win.
Arizona looks promising to Trump still, but it will be close, but for some reason, these fuckers can't seem to count more than a ballot/minute. What the fuck, seriously. It should never take more than 10 hours for a state to count its fucking ballots. Something is going on.
One of the big red flags for western poll watchers in third world countries is a vote where it takes an inordinately long time to count the ballots. Congratulations, Democrats. You've turned the US into a banana republic.
If these two middle-of-the road sensible Patriots didn't vote for Trump, how many others do they represent? I say a couple million.
Ergo, on a crude level, that explains partially why Trump is down 2 points on the popular vote. (Biden 50%, DJT 48%).
Popular vote totals are literally meaningless. There are too many states in which the candidates don't bother to campaign except to raise money. As Ann Coulter pointed out in 2016, Trump could get more votes in places like California and New York, but there's really no point unless there's a chance he could flip the state. There's no reason to believe Trump couldn't win the popular vote if that were the goal.
My partner is a suburban white woman, a lifelong liberal and Democrat, and a two-time Obama voter. She is practically inconsolable about what's happened to our election system and to Trump in particular. In her words: "That man did nothing but try to improve this country and the people in it, and he's been treated like shit for it. I feel so bad for him."
Since the 2016 election she has come to hate the media and the Democrats like I do, and I never tried to talk her into anything. I just pointed to other sources of information outside of CNN and NBC. She changed her party from Democrat to independent, and has completely turned on the Dems, and now wears a Trump hat everywhere she goes. She reads about the voter fraud, and although it gets me very angry too, I end up being the one trying to calm her down as she fights back tears while swearing like drunken sailor.
I don't think the popular vote should include dead people, or others for whom someone voted for them.
"In your learned opinion, could the state legislators in states with rampant voter fraud (such as WI and MI) just bypass the fake election results and select Trump electors to the Electoral College?"
In short, no- not without a court case at SCOTUS. The laws in these states and federal law are that the governors of the state certify their electoral slates and as long as those slates are certified by 6 days before the meeting in mid December, they can't be challenged at that meeting. None of these governors in WI, MI, or PA will refuse to certify Biden's slate, and none should if Biden is ahead in the vote- that is the fact on the ground regardless of how it came about. If Trump can't hold onto Pennsylvania, then it is over without the federal courts overturning the state/s election and ordering a redo, or remedies to throw out illegal votes. I personally don't think the courts will get involved deeply this time- that was what Roberts was signalling with the PA cases last month, and they probably shouldn't get involved as a practical matter without literally iron-clad proof of massive and effective fraud- a high hurdle to get over.
If you are looking for some way to deny Biden a majority and throw it to the House, then Biden will need to depend on a contested state with a Republican governor and legislature. In short, Trump must win Pennsylvania- then Biden needs Arizona and/or Georgia to get over 269. And even were that to happen, Trump's people would have to demonstrate that Biden winning them depended on fraud before the governors and legislatures acted, in my opinion. A more likely scenario is Trump tying up the process beyond December 7th by keeping everything in court so that states like WI, MI, and PA fail to make the safe harbor deadline, but those Democrat governors will send them anyway, regardless of what a court orders, I think, but if Biden needs GA and/or AZ, is at least plausible that those Republican governors will refuse to certify and neither candidate has a majority.
I just realized, there isn't any other news.
Not a thing going on except...this.
"...maybe you’ll see it my way, and then you too will have won!"
We can work it out!
"Try to see it my way
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your way
There's a chance that we might fall apart before too long"
I never liked that song.
The White Left in MI stole the senate election from a black man.
Sheriff won’t enforce court order and allow Republican observers in in Philadelphia
I am sure it’s all on the up and up though.
"Today I woke up thinking, if Trump hadn't been *quite* such an asshole, he might have won this thing easily”
If he wasn’t such an asshole, he would have kissed Hillary’s hem and let her win, just like Jeb would have. Do you really think that the Democrats would be resorting to such blatant fraud regardless? I am glad he is fighting this out.
Everybody’s a winner! Except Donald Trump, he lost.
Keep cheering the destruction of the Republic, Left Bank.
I mean, there's no way anyone would come knocking at your door when lawlessness reigns supreme, right?
Why does the right want to know how people voted and the left wants to conceal it?
Structure stability versus feelings. Men vs women.
It's not that the left is evil, but that they're women.
So. Which of the random found ballots and thumb drives this year benefited a Republican? Or is it another cycle of only left leaning votes appearing out of nowhere without a clear chain of custody? Any typos that shift a note in Trump's favor decisively while people in swing states are still counting? Any consolidated efforts to keep Democrats from watching vote counts?
Thinking face
underperformed in the Black vote all across the country except in three counties Wayne County MI, Milwaukee County WI, Philadelphia County PA, where this 78 year old white guy with a history of racial prejudice, outperformed the first black POTUS. Let that sink in.
Being Above It All is not winning.
wild chicken thinks voter fraud happened because Donald Trimp was an ass hole.
Left Bank loves that dirty water... dirty like his politics and, apparently, his soul.
Just heard from my Trump hating relatives that Trumps speech tonight is going to aimed at firing up his base and getting them to step up their ongoing rioting in Portland, Minneapolis, DC, etc. This came after a long detailed discussion how everyone, but my Trump hating relatives, is living in some alternative reality.
250K voters were allowed to vote in Wisconsin without an ID simply by checking a box
Cinematic gestures I could do without: hero sweeps everything off desktop to show frustration.
Trump earned 200,000 more votes in Wisconsin this time than in 2016.
That was a 12.5% increase in votes.
I did not believe the fraud could be as blatant as it is.
Biden outperformed both Obama's 2008 and 2012 performances?
In the upper Midwest?
Yancey Ward,
You are wrong. The governors have NO TOLE in certifying the slate of electors to the electoral college.
A silver lining to a Biden win, even if it's fraudulent. Namely, one heluva Inaugural Party to be thrown by Hunter Biden. Crack, Meth, Arkansas strippers, Chinese spy chiefs - should be a total blast. I will rent a tux for that one.
"Sheriff won’t enforce court order and allow Republican observers in in Philadelphia."
-- Damn it Democrats; I WANT to put an end to conspiracy theories. You're NOT helping.
I still hope that Trump can pull off an unexpected victory. He's done it before. He seems to have a "resurrection" button that he pushes after all hope is lost.
But having said that, I've never felt more angry or demoralized after an election. For the first time in my life, I'm wondering whether this country has a future as a viable republic. If the citizens of this country can vote for that decrepit and corrupt fossil and his leftwing psycho running mate, after he ran the single worst campaign in our country's history, then they deserve what they get.
Trump is a tragic hero if he loses. I hope he can take a rest for awhile and enjoy a peaceful time with his family. Knowing him, he'll keep on fighting from the sidelines. Perhaps he can still accomplish some good. (The thought of Biden undoing what Trump has accomplished is something I can't wrap my mind around yet. The Senate won't be able to stop everything.)
This country has an ugly future ahead of it. Our adversaries, foreign and domestic, are rejoicing right now. Again, I hope it's not too late, and Trump pulls off another surprise.
"The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken." "So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. May it be so, yet again.
I try to be cynical, but I can’t keep up.
They are trying to prevent us from organizing in this fight.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said... "Wanna hear something kinda, sorta funny? Trump did not close the deal with Althouse -- she abstained. Trump did not close the deal with my wife - she abstained."
Want to hear something really funny? Those two fools abstained in the last remotely free election of their lives! Once Kamala orders amnesty and free entry to 50 million third world peasants elections are over. Maybe they can enjoy some "fun times" with a mexican drug gang while the cops walk away. Ha Ha Ha!
Where do I go to get my Election Integrity back?
How are people going to trust results in future elections when objectively the media, big tech, Democrat controlled cities, and the deep state executed a coup right in front of our faces and there is nothing we can do about it.
No, Birkel. If he had been more dignified the fraud going on wouldn't be enough to defeat him.
He acts like he wants to take the whole ship down with him. Should have seen that coming.
So Althouse and I ended up on the same side of this election. I didn't vote for our "stable genius" either. The president just announced that if we count legal votes - he won the election. Dishonest polls did him in, he says. Somehow polls have become reality. I would speculate that the Russia Today poll reporting favored Trump.
But there has not been a single illegal vote identified during the count - Period. End of Report. And Georgia is about to go to Biden - 3600 vote difference for Trump but the Atlanta suburbs are where the uncounted votes which will break the 270 electoral barrier.
If this doesn’t turn out in his favor (and I don’t think it will), I hope he devotes his life to exposing the left.
Wooo hooo!
Spanberger on the Dem caucus call: We lost races we shouldn’t have lost.
Defund police almost cost me my race bc of an attack ad.
Don’t say socialism ever again.
Need to get back to basics.
(Is yelling.)
How did we get to a place where fixing an obvious problem with votes is the wrong thing to do, but all these obvious illegal acts at poling places and counting locations are just fine. Would even one of these improprieties survive if it was benefiting Trump?
The Right tried to win the way you should in a healthy democracy, by exciting people, convincing people, talking to them, and bringing them together. How is the Left attempting to win? What is their methodology? Demonizing, cheating, lying, corruption. Some people have a lot to answer for, but they won't, because that's who they are, and they have no shame about it that can break through their determination to win at any cost, and to still proclaim themselves just in do so.
I think we have a problem with 1) pollster advocacy, 2) networks calling races early, and 3) sloppy election standards in in the states.
It was bound to end up in a mess like this.
With the sloppy rules, the late registration and mailing, you can always claim fraud.
But any attempt to tighten the rules is "suppression."
Donald Trump Jr.
The total lack of action from virtually all of the “2024 GOP hopefuls” is pretty amazing.
They have a perfect platform to show that they’re willing & able to fight but they will cower to the media mob instead.
Don’t worry
will fight & they can watch as usual!
Show this thread
To all of you condoning this:
You. Will. Pay.
To be fair ---
In 2000, before I took a near-15 year break from commenting on other people's websites, I stated, on (my moniker was LI/Arlington ---- not that it matters, the entire commenters' history from back in the day of that blog is virtually inaccessible) that I COMPLETELY BELIEVED THAT if every voter in Florida had walked into the ballot booth and voted the way the rules said they should vote, that Gore would have won.
But that is not how elections work - the fact was, among people who legally voted the way you have to vote if you want your vote to be counted, Bush did win. About two thousand Gore voters did not successfully vote the legal way they wanted to, even after going to all the trouble of showing up to vote, because Florida State had engineered a crazy butterfly ballot that confused thousands of voters, many of whom got their answers wrong ---and about 500 hundred Bush voters similarly failed, only 500 or so, so Bush was the winner by about 1480 or 1490 in a contest where he could have lost by 10 or 20. (the irony is that the only reason the butterfly ballot was so complicated was because Pat Buchanan, no fan of the silly Bush family, had a prominent place, along with his running mate, on the Florida chad-infested ballot).
And now, 20 years later, I am close to morally certain that, if you look at the question this way:
did more people legally vote for Trump, the way you have to vote if you want your vote to count, or did more people legally vote for Biden, the way you have to vote if you want your vote to count, in the currently contested states ?????
--- if that is the question, I am close to morally certain that the answer is more people voted for Trump in each of the contested states. If poor old demented Joe is inaugurated, it will only be because the poor demented old man profited from the fact that many many more illegal and fraudulent votes were counted on his side (probably more than tens of thousands in the big contested states, and easily more than several thousand in the smaller contested states) because his side was better at casting illegal votes.
Third world stuff. Feel free to disagree, but the facts are on my side.
"How did we get to a place where fixing an obvious problem with votes is the wrong thing to do, but all these obvious illegal acts at poling places and counting locations are just fine."
You can understand when you don't hear about stuff the Democrats are doing but where is the non-stop reporting on voter fraud committed by Republicans? If it was happening, the MSM would be shouting it from the rooftops. As yet- crickets.
My best guess is that there are about 10,000 Democratic vote cheaters who know they will go to jail if Biden is inaugurated.
Not a single one of whom does not have family and friends, not a single one of whom is willing to go to jail for demented old Uncle Joe the hair sniffer.
Those are the people who are going to tell Biden to accept defeat, if the courts are kind enough to offer him and his crew that option.
As Scott Adams said, those Democratic amateurs had no idea, until recently, what they were up against. Trust me, they know now.
By the way, mon frere Carlos Osweda has been banned from Twitter, so I am saying what he would say if he could.
The act from 1887 says the governors do. Now, one can take a case to court and get that ruled unconstitutional as an abrogation of the role of the state legislatures.
Here is what would have to happen to even get a court case at this moment. The legislatures of Wisconsin, Michigan, and/or Pennsylvania (Biden will take the lead tonight) would have to vote to certify and send the Republican slate of electors regardless of what the vote totals show. There would end up being two competing slates of electors for the formal count on January 3rd in that case. Of course, the Democrats would argue that the governor certified slate is the one that Congress must accept, and the Republicans and the legislatures would argue otherwise. SCOTUS might well simply say that the joint session of Congress has to make the decision of which if either slate to accept, and if they can't agree, then the election goes into the House for President and Senate for Vice President.
To get there, though- some real iron clad proof of pretty massive fraud will have to be presented to get the legislatures to act. It is a political problem, not really a legal one. I am just guessing that with what we have now, no Republican legislature in WI, MI, or PA will act contrary to the popular vote totals. Trump's task is to show the fraud in an undeniable way. A court case at this point might save PA for him if he can get the late mailed votes disqualified- that actually follows PA law, but I suspect Democrats have removed the audit trail on this as they have been counting.
As for the counts going on- the only one that really matters right now is the one in Pennsylvania. I did a quick calculation- Biden is going to be ahead by more than 100,000 votes when the last 420,000 ballots are counted, and this is me being optimistic. I actually think Biden is going to be ahead by 150,000 or more. That is just what the math says based on the numbers I am getting from the various sites and the way the count has proceeded today- he might actually end up 200K ahead. The only optimistic view I could give a Trump supporter here is this- the counters in the big blue counties of PA might have been trying to create a narrative of Biden catching up quickly by simply holding back the Trump votes and reporting in the Biden votes, but that is a stretch of my imagination.
On Georgia: Trump might squeak this one out, but there are still votes in big population counties that Biden won. I don't really expect Trump's 2800 vote lead to hold. I would predict Biden is leading by about 5000 votes when the counting is done for this cycle. It will be recounted along with the Senate race which is now going to a runoff.
On Arizona: This will a squeaker. Trump is on track to overtake Biden- he only needs to win about 57% of the remaining vote, and that is perfectly possible with the results seen from today and based on what is actually left and where it is located. If I had to guess, I think Trump will end up winning Arizona by about 5,000 votes, but a recount will be required if the state is actually needed.
On Nevada: it is over- Biden increased his lead today as I expected. The only remaining vote is mail-ins that keep trickling in- those have and will continue to be pro-Biden.
Trump's only real hope now is to win AZ and GA, and get enough late-arriving PA ballots disqualified in a court case to retake the lead in PA once the Democrats are through finding lost ballots. Now, I do think enough such late ballots have arrived in the last 2 days- there were definitely more ballots counted and indicated right now than when they first started recounting yesterday morning- it seemed to me that PA added at least 200,000 uncounted ballots in the last 2 days vs what they claimed to have yesterday morning.
Without all that about PA, the only other hope of holding on to the state is that the Democrats have lied about how many ballots are really left- there have been some conflicting reports that there aren't 420,000 left, but that it is more like 100,000, but like I wrote earlier, you can't trust any of the shit coming out of politicians mouths.
wild chicken: You’re right, of course, in assessing the sorry state of election protocols. I am generally against expanding the purview of Washington DC creatures, but this is the exception. Here is my prescription: Choose a “Purple Ribbon Commission” of respected people having no current stake in politics (prior service is fine). Send them off to a mountaintop sealed off from the media, etc. along with with a couple of skilled facilitators. The goal would be reaching concensus around a template for election practices and processes when national offices are involved (and gubernatorial races, too).
The sticky wicket is that pesky old Constitution… the one that says decisions about this stuff rest with the states, not the feds. So, the ouput of this endeavor would be handed off to the states. Ideally, most states would buy in and peer pressure to “get on board” would push the others to take it seriously.
The Russians hacked my brain.
But it's okay.
I wasn't using it.
If these two middle-of-the road sensible Patriots didn't vote for Trump, how many others do they represent? I say a couple million.
I don't know your wife, but how does that describe Ann Althouse?
I wasn't using it.
Things you don't use can be sold on eBay.
You can get at least 30 for it.
stephen cooper said...
To be fair ---
A few things wrong with your analysis.
The first ting is- Every double vote, every one of them, in Dade County, was a double vote for Gore and one ot the other candidates. Every one of them. There's only one way to do this with punch card balloting- which should never ever have been approved. You take a stack of cards, without checking to see if there are hanging chads, a word we all learned in 2000. Then- you punch Gore! What happens then? Any blank ballot of one with a hanging chad becomes an incontrovertible vote for Gore! And every ballot with a punched for someone else? INVALIDATED! Double win!
Second- at 7 PM EST, every single major network called Florida doe Gore and reported the polls were closed. In the FLorida Panhandle, heavily Republican, the polls closed at 7 CST, not EST. Not a single network during the next hour corrected their mistake. Polling stations, normally busy during the last hour, were near deserted- because every television and radio station told the voters all FLorida polls were closed. Can you say say election interference? I can.
The confused voter thing was a distraction. Didn't really exist. Ginned up to explain why they had to count hanging chads, but only on some areas of Florida where the ballot was "confusing". And-- AND--- designed by DEMOCRAT election officials.
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