November 30, 2020

I know my immediate reaction was I don't believe this had anything to do with a dog.

ADDED: Writing tip: When you're writing about a dog, avoid beginning a sentence with the verb "Spot" as in "Spot details..." Made me think of details about a dog named Spot. The Biden dog in question is "Major." He has another dog named "Champ." They're German Shepherds, by the way. 

ALSO: Remember back in 2002 when we were told, "Bush Faints While Eating A Pretzel" (WaPo). Why did they specify a pretzel, hmm? Why'd they specify the food? I ask the question out loud and Meade says it's not equivalent to today's Major the dog story, which is like "if they'd said he choked on a Snyder's pretzel."

IN THE COMMENTS: Mr Wibble said:
This is the beginning of a modified limited medical hangout 

"He took a minor fall. The doctor is precautionary measure." 
"He took a minor fall. There was a small fracture in his foot." 
"Ok, so there was a minor concussion." 
"He's going to take a week's rest." 
"About that head injury..."


mccullough said...

Is the dog OK?

Joe Smith said...

Re: Biden's new Communications Team...was the dog a bitch?

I know, 'Major,' but I wouldn't put it past a Democrat to own the world's first transgendered dog.

Just sayin'.

rehajm said...

They're not really even trying to hide it now...and why should they go to effort?

How to spot a liar

Will be increasingly more relevant in a Biden administration.

Joe Smith said...

Given his history of eating dogs, will uncle Barack be allowed to babysit when Joe's away?

It's kind of like the pervy, 'handsy' you let him babysit the kids?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Published 3 days ago in The Daily Beast:

Joe Biden’s Dogs Have Told This Pet Psychic a Lot About Their Beloved Master, and His Future"

Why didn't the pet psychic see this coming and warn Joe?!

Sebastian said...

"I know my immediate reaction was I don't believe this had anything to do with a dog."

Just wait till his face meets the exercise equipment in his basement.

Mr Wibble said...

This is the beginning of a modified limited medical hangout

"He took a minor fall. The doctor is precautionary measure."
"He took a minor fall. There was a small fracture in his foot."
"Ok, so there was a minor concussion."
"He's going to take a week's rest."
"About that head injury..."

Dave Begley said...

Biggest lie ever is that Biden is President-elect.

Important day in the PA General Assembly today. The states of WI, MI, PA, AZ and GA need to rise up and assert their plenary power and send Trump electors to the Electoral College. The vote in those states is riddled with fraud.

I the Dane County Courthouse is 3.3 miles from Picnic Point. Reportedly a very large number of "indefinitely confined" voters cast ballots in Dane County; way more than usual. Other methods of obvious fraud too. If these fraudulent votes are tossed in Dane and Milwaukee counties, Trump wins WI.

Skeptical Voter said...

Shufflin' Joe stumbled--maybe over the dog, maybe over the edge of the carpet.

I will say it's possible that he did stumble over the dog--at a much younger age, I stumbled over my then dog and shattered an elbow--so maybe Biden ain't lyin--the odds on that aren't great however.

Meanwhile Trump supporters may nominate "Major" for a medal.

tds said...

one downside of Donald Trump not being an animals fan is we will never find out what the press would write about him having German Shepherd dogs and associated historical imagery

D.D. Driver said...

This reminds me a the "controversy" of whether Huckabee Sanders really baked her own pie. Now, we are accusing Joe Biden of making up a story about playing with his dog. I just don't care.

tim maguire said...

80 year old men don't rough-house with their dogs. It's more likely a massaging of what happened rather than an outright lie. He probably stepped on his dog while it lay in the hallway or at the bottom of the stairs.

Gusty Winds said...

Turns out Althouse not voting was the right move. There was no overcoming the planned fraud in Milwaukee and Madison. Perhaps she knew this. We are being handed am installed, fragile, corrupt, mentally slow avatar as POTUS if the Supreme Court doesn't save us. The courts in PA and other places have also proven themselves political and corrupt.

Trump won by a landslide. Hopefully Sydney Powell and Lin Wood will have success. But if they don't, I will be joining Althouse in the not voting realm. Why participate in a voting system where the winner was corruptly pre-determined?

We are moving toward a totalitarian existence, blessed and promoted by the intellectuals in Madison, WI. I'm sure the Madisonians love and believe the little dog story.

Nonapod said...

My understanding is that many forms of dementia are known to affect a person's sense of balance. There's even a balance test for Alzheimers.

Wince said...

As Archie Bunker noted, "Hitler didn't have children, he had a police dog!"

Hitler owned at least 12 alsatians between 1922 and 1945 including three bitches called Blondi and three males called Wolf. He approved of newsreel footage showing him with the dogs as it portrayed him as an animal-loving man of the people while conveying his status as a leader demanding obedience, the author Jan Mohnhaupt writes in his book Animals in National Socialism.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

China Joe the potted plant stomped his foot when told he'd have to resign the Presidency by Easter so the real President Kamala Harris could assume office.

tim maguire said...

D.D. Driver said...I just don't care.

Whether or not you should care depends on how he actually broke his foot.

Mr Wibble said...

My understanding is that many forms of dementia are known to affect a person's sense of balance. There's even a balance test for Alzheimers.

When my grandmother's dementia started to get bad that was one sign.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Biden is old. Has dementia. Doesn't exercise much because old and demented. Has osteoporosis and probably a host of other debilitating issues because...old and demented.

He could have broken his foot just by standing on it. He will get worse...not better. Probably won't last more than a year at this stage of being OLD and DEMENTED. To pretend otherwise is just to hide from the truth.

BarrySanders20 said...

I used to step on the dachshund alot. She's brown, the kitchen floor is brown. Now she gets her little sausage ass out of the way as soon as she senses that I am moving. I guess shepherds don't have to worry much about that. Maybe Old Joe needs a dachshund who will get out of the way of his soft-tufted slippers.

Freeman Hunt said...

I dunno. Our cat is into tripping people.

wendybar said...

The boot is to hide the ankle monitor.

RMc said...

At this rate, this guy's never gonna get to be president, even if he is declared the winner...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

This has all the hallmarks of a crack communications team!

Anonymous said...

The Biden folks have always tried to shield their boss from the press.

remember the story about locking the reporter in a closet from 2011?

Given his declining mental and physical health, combined with the precedents set by Obama, expect that you will have both a fawning press and a muzzled one.

Anonymous said...


I don't know why you reverted, but the lack of moderation makes me much more likely to return here more often and post



Jeff said...

Mom is playing on the roof...

Chennaul said...

Biden’s walking or gait is narrower and less fluid than it use to be. His steps are shorter as if his leg muscles have shortened. It was hard to watch him walk because it seemed to pitch him forward. In fact the sort of jog Biden started doing looked like an adaptation or modification to deal with the shorter steps.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Biden is old. Has dementia. Doesn't exercise much because old and demented. Has osteoporosis and probably a host of other debilitating issues because...old and demented.

"Look, fat...I’m not sedentary. You want to check my shape, man, let’s do pushups together here, man. Let’s run. Let’s do whatever you want to do. Let’s take an IQ test. OK?”

Inga said...

I heard Biden’s foot was injured because it was stomped on by a DOD agent during a raid to find Dominion related evidence.

WK said...

They should get Jon Lovitz to do is SNL Tommy Flanagan character as part of Biden’s communications team. He was playing with the dog. Yeah, that the ticket.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

No Biden Derangement Syndrome tag?

Fernandinande said...

Anyone can trip over a dog, but if he had tripped over an elephant I'd be impressed.

Joe Smith said...

"Anyone can trip over a dog, but if he had tripped over an elephant I'd be impressed."

Depends on if the elephant was in the room.

henge2243 said...

I picture what happened to Slow Joe to be similar to the 'Hobbling Scene' in Misery with Kamala-toe wielding the hammer, "shhhh, Joe, trust me, it's for the best, I'm gonna be president."

Greg Hlatky said...

Today: a "fall over a dog"

Tomorrow: Acting President Harris

Eleanor said...

Jeff @ 11:11

I was waiting for that one. ;-)

Curious George said...

I had a friend in high school whose father would "walk" the dog while he was wearing roller blades. Until the dog went after a squirrel and wrapped his legs up in the leash causing him to fall and shatter his arm in three places.

I wonder what that perv did to Major. Joe: "I asked him how he liked it and he said "ruff!"

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
tim maguire said...

RMc said...At this rate, this guy's never gonna get to be president, even if he is declared the winner...

That's been the plan from the start.

wild chicken said...

Those walking boots are terrible btw. Makes one leg two inches longer than the other. I threw mine away, and just took it easy on that foot.

Still, $200 billed to Medicare.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone can trip over a dog"

but it's hard to break your foot if you have shoes on.

perhaps he was in his basement slippers and tripped over the dog lying in the hall.

Anonymous said...

Remember Hillary's concussion? They downplayed it for years but she kept having seizures from time to time. I wonder what really happened. Probably no dog involved. He probably got out of bed to pee, got dizzy and collapsed. Maybe twisted the ankle a little on the way down.

Mr Wibble said...

Remember Hillary's concussion? They downplayed it for years but she kept having seizures from time to time. I wonder what really happened. Probably no dog involved. He probably got out of bed to pee, got dizzy and collapsed. Maybe twisted the ankle a little on the way down.

I'm guessing he was walking down the stairs and missed the final step.

MadisonMan said...

It's very reminiscent of the start of the end of Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko. Chernenko was "only" 73 when he died.

Todd said...

tim maguire said...

D.D. Driver said...I just don't care.

Whether or not you should care depends on how he actually broke his foot.

11/30/20, 11:01 AM

Kamala bet Joe he couldn't put his entire foot into his mouth and Joe wrenched his ankle trying to squeeze it all in there. Had the SS not been around, Joe would have suffocated himself. This is the third time in the last week that Kamala has made that bet with Joe...

Fernandinande said...

"Anyone can trip over a dog"
but it's hard to break your foot if you have shoes on.

That's why he just got a harebrained fracture.

Rory said...

Had the exact reaction: Biden fan sister sent me the cute story so I'd think of my own German Shepherd and like Joe more. Instead I thought, yeah, Joe ain't playing with that monster. I average one fall per month with my Shepherd, in my fifties and early sixties. If I was Joe's age, the dog would have buried me by now.

JRoberts said...

That's a real shame.

That boot will probably prevent him from taking the oath of office on the steps of the capitol, or walking the parade route down Pennsylvania Ave, or attending the balls, or making it to Denny's for the 4pm seniors special, or... whatever.

D.D. Driver said...

Kamala bet Joe he couldn't put his entire foot into his mouth and Joe wrenched his ankle trying to squeeze it all in there. Had the SS not been around, Joe would have suffocated himself. This is the third time in the last week that Kamala has made that bet with Joe...

Okay. Fine. You win. But I still don't care about the pie.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

who's better at sniffing?

Iman said...

rough-house with their dogs

Biden rough-housing with his dog? I don’t believe it.

Biden diddling his dog is believable.

Howard said...

Yes, of course. It's obviously staged to hide Joe had a stroke and is now brain dead. The "boot" hides the fact they installed robot functions for him to appear in control.

Freeman Hunt said...

"I heard Biden’s foot was injured because it was stomped on by a DOD agent during a raid to find Dominion related evidence."

Okay, that was funny.

stevew said...

The more detail provided about a largely inconsequential incident or accident the more likely they are to be covering up what really happened, and the consequences.

Am I the only one thinking this is the first step to pushing Slo' Joe out in favor of Kamala?

Oh Yea said...

I’m sure he will fully recover after his therapy in Warm Springs GA

Shouting Thomas said...

Why is Scott Adams talking about Biden? Last time I paid any attention to Adams, he was assuring us that Trump would prevail in all of the post-election kerfuffle.

No, he didn’t. I’ve been watching Periscope.

Hard to say whether you’re lying or simply incapable of hearing what he says. The inability to perceive what another person says is, of course, something Adams talks about frequently.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

There is no Biden Derangement Syndrome because China Joe the potted plant is an object of mockery and derision, not hate.

William said...

It was the dismount from the parallel bars that caused him the difficulty. After finally winning his long term goal of the Presidency, Biden has turned his attention to his other ultimate goal of competing with the American Gymnastic Team at the Olympics and bringing home the gold. Hey, is that any unlikelier than him winning the Presidency. A lot depends on who the judges are in the preliminaries. His floor routine is somewhat idiosyncratic...He is somewhat embarrassed in coming forward with these facts. It sounds too much like bragging so he went with the dog did it story.

DavidUW said...

The question the incurious press won't ask is:

Mr. Biden, did you have your stroke before you fell down and broke your foot?
Or after, when you hit your head?

effinayright said...

Re "playing with his dog": Mark Steyn reported that Biden had jumped high into the air in attempt to catch a stick in his mouth, and landed hard on his ankle.

Nice image.

Humperdink said...

Broken foot? Can’t have a public inauguration then, can we? The Dems are terrified of thousands of Trump protesters showing up.

320Busdriver said...

Looks like Kami will need a new t shirt...

Howard said...

He got the dog from Kamala as a gift

Jersey Fled said...

Biden continued to run ads claiming that Trump was going to cut Social Security benefits for seniors long after WAPO gave him 4 Pinocchios for that claim.

Why should I believe anything he says.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I'm reminded of a joke:

A man had to go on a business trip for two weeks and asked his brother to watch his cat for him while he was gone. After a couple of days the man on the trip called his brother and asked how the cat was doing.

"Bad news," said his brother. "It got loose, got on the roof, fell off, and died."

"What, are you crazy," the man exclaimed. "How could you tell me such bad news so abruptly? You should have broken it to me gently."

"What do you mean," the brother said.

"You should have told me in stages. You could have told me that the cat had gotten out of the house on this call but you were searching for him. Then on the next call you could have told me the cat was on the roof, but you were trying to get him off of it. On the third call you could have told me the cat fell of the roof, but was at the vet. And finally, you could have told me that the cat had died."

"OK, I'll remember that," the brother said.

A few days later the business man called his brother and asked him, "how's dad?"

"He's gotten out of the house, but we're searching for him."

RK said...

We're being set up for an inauguration via Zoom.

Indigo Red said...

My immediate reaction was that Biden was injured in an assassination attempt by his dog. The ball was thrown, Biden ran after the ball, and ... but the plot went wrong.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Todd that was epic. I’m still LOL with tears. Funniest thing I’ve read in long time. Thanks.

sterlingblue said...

For anyone who ever wondered what it was like to live under totalitarian regimes with state-run media... well, now you know.

bagoh20 said...

Biden is already making serious sacrifices for us. Trump refused to die or even get seriously ill from Covid, which would have shown us all how truely dangerous it is, but no, he was selfish and got better immediately. Biden is telling us all that we need to be verwy verwy careful. The world is a dangerous place, and even he can get hurt if he's not careful. Thank you, Joe. Thank you for showing us what true leadership is. We missed that.

bagoh20 said...

I don't how, but Trump is behind this. Putin probably showed him how to hurt his enemies and not get caught.

robother said...

Wonderful to be able to freely speculate online about what really happened to creepy Uncle Joe. (78 year old guy falls and only injures an ankle?).

Enjoy that freedom while you got it. Barring some miracle, starting January 20, speculation like this will risk Althouse being shut down as a Russia disinformation site.

North Star said...

Are they really going to let Biden take the oath of office? He’s obviously confused and too delicate to serve. We all knew he wasn’t going to last a full term. So, pick somebody that can walk from here to there without breaking bones.

Mental capacity is an issue as well. He’s quoted scripture hundreds of times over his career and now draws inspiration from the Palmist? Mrs North Star is convinced that his worst moments get highlighted and blown out of proportion, but the episodes keep stacking up. What is his medication regimen?

C’mon man!!!

gerry said...

Pneumonia is so common a complication for geriatric patients with immobilizing maladies that it is commonly called "the old man's friend."

Spiros said...

It's easy to lie about things that cannot be checked. What I think is more interesting is that the media always started with the presumption that Trump was lying. I don't think Trump is a liar. Trump is a BS'er. Trump does not care at all about whether or not he is telling the truth -- he just wants to look good. Biden is different. Biden is a purposeful liar. Biden doesn't want you to know that he fell because of an unsteady gate or impaired perception or dementia or whatever.

Jeff Vader said...

He never makes it to inauguration, the coup is complete

I'm Not Sure said...

"Am I the only one thinking this is the first step to pushing Slo' Joe out in favor of Kamala?"

Wasn't the first step arranging to have him be the democratic candidate for president?

chuck said...

Good thing Joe Biden isn't named Gerald Ford.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I still say he'll be allowed to get through the inauguration, but not much more. Enough for the portrait on the wall, a presidential library, and perhaps memorials in both Scranton (which I believe did not vote for him) and Delaware. Niether the Obama swamp nor the Clinton swamp want him actually making decisions, or even speaking up at meetings.

Michael said...

He tripped over Hunter passed out on the floor

wendybar said...

Howard said...
He got the dog from Kamala as a gift

11/30/20, 12:10 PM

Now THAT'S funny!!

Fernandinande said...

President-elect Joe Biden injured his right foot while playing with his dog and will probably require a walking boot for several weeks,

his doctor claimed without evidence.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I’m not surprised. I saw Joe in one of his mock media interviews last week. He couldn’t even utter a single coherent sentence without tripping over himself.

rehajm said...

From The Onion:

Doctors Concerned As Hairline Fracture In Biden’s Foot Spreads Through Entire Skeleton

I'm thinking if The Onion has a green light to make fun of Biden in this way, his term is already over..

BUMBLE BEE said...

Kamala to give him the boot?

Reg said...

Seems suspicious. And now I'm hearing reports that the dog is not talking.

Breezy said...

Wow - could the states re-set the electors based on whether Joe is “all there”? Would that constitute a constitutional crisis?

ga6 said...

Ignore the blood seeping from the ear, just a seep, not a flow...

ga6 said...

"will probably require a walking boot for several weeks,"

Press, ignore the walking frame with seat and basket.

D.D. Driver said...

I'm thinking if The Onion has a green light to make fun of Biden in this way, his term is already over..

The Onion has been making fun Joe Biden for decades....

Nonapod said...

And now I'm hearing reports that the dog is not talking.

Yeah, I heard "Major" is a german shepard, a breed that can often be talkative.

ga6 said...

Oh, forgot the deluxe President Elect walking frame with seat and basket is also equipped with Bluetooth connect and button enabling it to be securely connected to the Red Button on Inauguration Day.

Kay Tel to the rescue.

JRoberts said...

Is it true that the dog was last sighted taking walk through Ft. Marcy Park?

Lurker21 said...

I still wonder about Clinton bashing his knee walking down the steps at golfer Greg Norman's place, and always suspected substances of one sort or another were involved.

Obama got Bo to boost his polls and give the press something trivial to talk about. Where is Bo now? In a shelter?

In general, when presidents and pets come together it's usually fake news. It goes back to FDR and his Fala story.

Johnson lifting his beagle by the ears, though -- that's crazy enough to be true. Plus, there are photos.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am a cynical SOB but it never even occurred to me that the Biden story might be made up.

Lurker21 said...

They should get Jon Lovitz to do is SNL Tommy Flanagan character as part of Biden’s communications team. He was playing with the dog. Yeah, that the ticket.

He'd have to wear a dress and let his hair grow to fit into Biden's all female comms team.

I always thought Obama's Jay Carney was a Tommy Flanagan type, but he was part of the club. NBC doesn't go after Democrats.

And in fact, playing with the truth and skating around it is an essential part of a press secretary's job, but it's accepted when Democrats do it.

Todd said...

Lurker21 said...

Where is Bo now? In a shelter?

11/30/20, 3:00 PM

I believe some of him is in the freezer, in a dogie bag...

readering said...

Remember when he was going to refuse to debate because of dementia? Now that no one reads the National Enquirer . . . .

FleetUSA said...

I guess Biden will have to skip the inauguration.

FullMoon said...

Obama got Bo to boost his polls and give the press something trivial to talk about.

Ted Kennedy foisted Bo upon Obama. Bo is a Portuguese water dog. Talk about tone deaf!.

Also, apparently Biden got his first dog in 2008, when he was VP and had Secret Service to take care of it. No way a legit dog lover, family man with children never had a dog before. Maybe story was wrong, or Joe is a fake, or he simply became a dog lover as he got older.

phantommut said...

"Although Parr had requested a stretcher,[42] none was ready at the hospital, and it did not normally keep a stretcher at the emergency department's entrance. Reagan exited the limousine and insisted on walking. Reagan acted casually and smiled at onlookers as he walked in."

Todd said...

FullMoon said...

Maybe story was wrong, or Joe is a fake, or he simply became a dog lover as he got older.

11/30/20, 3:19 PM

Well, he learned from Obama, one of the best. I believe Obama once said dogs were not for everyone, that they were an acquired taste...

phantommut said...

Remember when he was going to refuse to debate because of dementia? Now that no one reads the National Enquirer . .

One decent hour a day courtesy of modern pharmacology isn't going to cut it.

FullMoon said...

I believe Obama once said dogs were not for everyone, that they were an acquired taste...

When invited to Filipino neighbors for celebrations, I never ask "what's in it?"

Same for Chinese friends.

pious agnostic said...

I wonder how many jokes about this there will be on late-night talk shows? If it wasn't a Democrat, it'd be 2-3 jokes every night for a month, and then one or two a week for the rest of eternity.

Lurker21 said...

"Playing with his dog" is a dog whistle.

I'd tell you what it means, but only dogs can hear it.

FullMoon said...

Howard said...
Yes, of course. It's obviously staged to hide Joe had a stroke and is now brain dead. The "boot" hides the fact they installed robot functions for him to appear in control.

Probably not true, got a link?

Bemac said...

You know who else had German shepherds?

Readering said...

Almost as many Americans as labs. Not me. Too big. Have Pomeranian.

Lurker21 said...

Guy Benson

I don’t understand the surprise & consternation about the news media’s heavy coverage of Joe Biden’s pets.

We’ve always known the press loves covering themselves.

rhhardin said...

The most likely elderly injury from dogs is losing footing when a dog on leash takes off after a squirrel.

Skippy Tisdale said...

I worked with a woman who frequently came to the office with similar stories about her frequent injuries. Playing with the dog was one of them. Turned out she was a drunk.

Mrs. X said...

A few days later the business man called his brother and asked him, "how's dad?"

I heard this joke with the punchline, "Dad's on the roof and we can't get him down."

William50 said...

Reading about his injury made me think of the videos we saw before the election of Joe jogging up to the podium or riding his bicycle. All intended to show us, see he might be 78 but look how spy he is. He's still physically capable of running the country no problem.

So I'm thinking they video taped this as another one of those "look how active Joe is" videos and oops, old Joe fall down go boom. I bet there's a video of this somewhere.

Michael K said...

Blogger Skippy Tisdale said...
I worked with a woman who frequently came to the office with similar stories about her frequent injuries. Playing with the dog was one of them. Turned out she was a drunk.

Our beloved Democrat Congresswoman had a similar problem with falls. And yes she is a drunk. Not only did she lie about her residence in 2018 but she defeated a nice lady who actually lives in Tucson and has several small businesses. The drunk has no history out side of government.

Gospace said...

It was obvious even before Biden was selected as a candidate he wasn’t going to make it through the first term. But he was the only candidate who could defeat Bernie.

Now the speculation is- will he make it to his first term. Assuming Trump doesn’t convince legislators to pick his slate, Biden dropping dead after the electoral votes are sent to Congress but before they’re opened and counted could very well lead to the divided government the 12th amendment was designed to prevent- a POTUS and VP of two different parties. A dead body isn’t a person. The Presidential election would go to the house. And there are more Republican state delegations than Democrat. How many seats did Republicans flip? I haven’t yet seen anything about whether those flips have changed party control of additional state delegations.

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
Remember when he was going to refuse to debate because of dementia? Now that no one reads the National Enquirer .

I gotta give it to you guys. I wonder what Joe's Amphetamine level was at those two debates/

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Readering said...

Ok this thread getting loonier than the other one.

Readering said...

Admittedly Joe could learn something from Donald about walking carefully. Can't deny.

Readering said...

And I'm on record criticizing the donald in a ramp stuff.

Readering said...

Falling is the bane of my mom's circle of contemporaries.

Readering said...

And yes, Biden and Trump were both too old to run in 2020.

Karen of Texas said...

"And yes, Biden and Trump were both too old to run in 2020."

Granted we could use some younger blood, but Trump did hit 67 cities to hold rallies in the 6ish months leading up to the election - 23 in the last week. And he did that after covid. I imagine that there are quite a few men (and women) 20 years younger that would be hard pressed to keep up with a schedule like that. Joe couldn't manage a tenth of that.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"will probably require a walking boot for several weeks,"

wildswan said...

Hunter - crack-head; Joe - crack-foot.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Bob Smith said...

I think Humperdinck has it right.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Umm . . We are aware, right, that Biden had a pair of aneurism's back in the 80s? They opened up his skull to fix them? That he had brain bleeding for hours and that this inevitably leads to loss of brain function?
It's all right there in Wikipedia. Why are we pretending that ol' "slow joe" has normal brain function?

DEEBEE said...

So is Major the dog going to insist on the 25th or Kamala the minor female?

Clyde said...

If Biden was Republican, Saturday Night Live would have a Jerry Ford-esque skit this week, with whoever is their current equivalent of Chevy Chase stumbling around like a doddering old klutz. But he's not, so they won't. Should he manage to pull off the steal and get inaugurated on January 20th, it should be entertaining to watch his medical maladies mount.

Clyde said...

Perhaps we could have a Biden Malady Pool, similar to a Dead Pool, but in this case, just taking various illnesses and injuries and the month it occurred. So if you had "Broken foot" and "November 2020," you'd be a winner. I know that "food poisoning" would probably get snapped up quickly across all months in 2021 (I hope he's hired a food-taster).

Clyde said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
who's better at sniffing?

The dog's a professional. Biden does it for the love of the game.

Paul said...

Next thing you know Biden will be giving a speech and when he can't find the notes... he will say his dog ate it.

Howard said...

Are we now entering the acceptance phase of grief? That's good for you.

roesch/voltaire said...

Have a friend who twisted her foot while at the outdoor farmers market, same age as Biden, and does she does not have dementia as far as I know but yes balance is a problem as one ages,

Bunkypotatohead said...

And the press just laps it up.

AndrewV said...

I guess the Secret Service should get Joe a Life Alert bracelet.

DeepRunner said...

Trying to keep democracy from dying in darkness, The Washington Post bravely set the record straight in a Major way after Joe Biden had an "I've fallen and I can't get up" moment:

"President-elect Joe Biden injured his right foot while playing with his dog and will probably require a walking boot for several weeks, his doctor said Sunday."

OK, so it's pretty obvious that they are trying to protect the narrative, taking what Biden's side feeds them just like Major. But, COME on. It went from a "sprain" to "hairline fractures". So...assuming he is really going to be President, will he do January 20 on crutches? I say no. Even if it's only a boot, the sight of a feeble man hobbling to the dais to take the oath of office will be the stuff of meme legend for conservatives. But The Post, where darkness kills intellect, and its ilk will tell us how brave and tough Old Joe is.

Readering said...

Why not make it "very obvious"? Same difference.

Lurker21 said...

Could "playing with his dog" be a euphemism for some other activity?

Let's go to our special correspondent Jeffrey Toobin. Jeff?

T2 said...

Hmm, if Biden suffers some fatal malady before inauguration, is it proper for Kamala to be sworn in as president? I hope he remains well, but this injury made me curious about the laws/rules of succession at that point.

Ken Mitchell said...

So "Biden tripped while playing with his dog" is sort of like "The cat is on the roof."?

Ken Mitchell said...

T2 said...
"Hmm, if Biden suffers some fatal malady before inauguration, is it proper for Kamala to be sworn in as president? I hope he remains well, but this injury made me curious about the laws/rules of succession at that point."

This is one of the reasons why it's not wise to "elect" senile old men to high office. Biden croaking pre-inauguration would certainly cause a constitutional crisis, and probably provoke the Second Civil War.

KevinK said...

Was a subteen girl holding the dog's leash?

ColoradoDude said...

Watch for the next Biden headline:

“Biden physicians urge him not to attempt to chew gum.”