Google, I mean, really, could you be any more fucking petty?
BTW, when I search for my ancient Words of Wisdom in the Althouse archives, I find that DuckDuckGo works muuuuuch better at finding content than Google.
I've just noticed that Joe Biden has all the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome. Why has no one noticed this before? Flat upper lip, small eyes, flat cheeks. It's so obvious now. This is a problem child from a problem family.
I have not heard percentage of African American voters for Trump compared to 2016. Haven't heard this about evangelicals either. Anyone have that info?
I loaded the DUCK DUCK GO AP on my phone. I checked out a few web-sites from my phone using it, including this one. When I attempted to get to This site, Duck Duck Go warned me that Blogger is owned by Google and that my privacy could not be guaranteed.
I've just noticed that Joe Biden has all the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome. Why has no one noticed this before? Flat upper lip, small eyes, flat cheeks. It's so obvious now. This is a problem child from a problem family.
I think its just the effect of too much plastic surgery
I subscribe to this free service from the post office that emails me scans of the envelopes of every piece of mail that is in the system addressed to me. It’s handy for me. It should also provide a way to see what is in the mail system by way of ballots.
YoungHegelian said... Ya wanna see something that'll piss you off?
A search for an article at the Babylon Bee using Google.
A search for the same article at the Babylon Bee using DuckDuckGo.
Google, I mean, really, could you be any more fucking petty?
11/5/20, 7:57 PM
Honestly, at one point I thought that releasing the Google algorithm into the wild would have major beneficial consequences for international software, and deleterious ones for American companies, especially Google itself. So a mixed bag. Now I realize *deletes*
"Duck Duck Go warned me that Blogger is owned by Google and that my privacy could not be guaranteed.”
I have gotten ads that were clearly based on comments I made here, and even one ad that was based on an avatar I was using ironically. It was that Hillary one that looked like a Mao poster.
In trying to teach Althouse, first through false/faux flattery and then through a sustained effort to showcase her confirmation bias, I came out a no go.
I wish nothing but the very best Irish luck to all.
People keep saying that polls are over, but these were media polls designed to create a narrative and depress Republican enthusiasm, but Trump kept enthusiasm high anyway. They may even have depressed blue turnout by breeding overconfidence. As I keep saying, we know from Wikileaks that media polls are cooked to help the Democrats with the help of the Democrats.
I think a lot of Trump supporters would agree with that we would be happy to concede the Presidency to Biden if we could just have back what we just lost - our democracy.
How do you ever come back from this? Nobody here, or in the rest of the world, will respect our system or look at us the same. Our high talk of democratic values and rule of law, will from now on ring hollow. Why would anyone want to follow our example.? Why would any of our young men want to fight and die for this? The dishonor it shows toward those sacrifices already paid is on the record of those who perpetrated this and those who continue to protect that crime. You stole something unique in human history, and for what? Great Job!
In her defense, perhaps 10,000 times Althouse learned herself of Justice Thomas' written opinion not vocalized for show at 'hearings' and thought "but his silence can't be considered the dog that didn't bark, because I can't consider Justice Thomas a dog because ..."
My thoughts in Althouse's head are much kinder than Althouse's thoughts in my head.
Just sayin'*.
*see what you've reduced me to? A rando typing "Just sayin'" fer cryin' out loud.
I've been using the Brave browser, and Duck Duck Go for about 8 months now. It works just fine. Occasionally I need to go back to Chrome to get into one of my bank accounts that won't work with Brave, but everything else is fine, and you have pretty deep control on privacy too if you want to use it. I'm sure that Google has some way of still nosing under the tent, but any little thing I can do to reduce their hegemony is well worth it to me.
I was fantasizing today about the half of the country that are not dishonored by what they did in this election all deciding to completely assuage all the leftist controlled businesses they use. It would be devastating to those businesses, but could the patriots survive and prosper in that scenario? I'm sure they could survive, but prosper is a more complicated question. Fantasies for me are like that, always unresolved questions.
Trump has been warning that mail in ballots would be a shitshow and that Dems would engage in fraud for months. Over and over. When something you've been warning about repeatedly cor months happens exactly as predicted, is it really fair to label it a "wild accusation"?
Tried to watch a little golf, but of course, no place is free from politics, not even the Golf Channel. You get the MSNBC promos which are generally left wing agitprop. Back to watching Star Trek, TOS.
I've recently come to appreciate that the Franken-Guitar I bought at age 17 (it's a Japanese "Less pawl" with a Fender neck). It is still fun to play, but really needs an amp. I have no other solid body guitars.
Can anyone recommend a small guitar amp? I do not gig.
My wife and I worked the polls on Tuesday. We were rookies. We asked each other what we thought would be required to validate the photo ID requirement when the ballot is requested. I thought it may be required to have the voter briefly unmask to confirm so we asked the chief when we arrived at 6am about this. We got a terse “ no one is taking off their mask, we are in a pandemic” response. We processed voters from 7 til 2pm. Not a single voter had their identity verified to be a reasonable match with their photo.
So whether the GOP observers are 10 feet or 6 feet from the mail vote processors shouldn't have made any difference; instead, the diminishing of the Trump vote lead is rapidly disappearing (down to less than 20,000 now) and we can expect that Biden will overtake and lead by mid-morning by more than 50,000 votes. Remember that Philadelphia, Alleghany, Lehigh and Bucks counties where some 100,000 uncounted votes reside are Democrat areas.
These observers have yet to find a thing wrong during the entire vote count process to report but they now endanger social distancing when workers move around. Trump just doesn't care about the danger of spreading the novel coronavirus.
Ann, you posted earlier this week that you were not voting in this election. Although you received criticism, I agree with you that the choice not to vote is a political decision itself and is a fundamental right in a free nation. However, now that there is evidence of fraud with mail in ballots, are you sure that you were not disenfranchised from your decision not to participate? How can you, or anyone that did not wish to vote, be sure that your political statement to not participate was not taken away from you by someone using your vote illegally?
How many of you have heard of the mail isolation control and tracking program? Until tonight, I hadn't. Apparently- it's real. And, apparently, it could show that a great number of ballots that are being counted were never mailed. Nor---received. This would certainly throw a monkey wrench into things. Do Trump lawyers know this? Or are they today reading about and going- We need to ask for this information? I don't know. Do you know?
The wikipedia entry on the program:
A NY Slimes article on it:
There's a whole lot of people out there paying attention to things most of us on a daily basis don't think about. I know that the NSA sees every email I send out, and if not actively listened to, scans every call I make listening for key words. And, having had a secret clearance, I assume that every so once in a while every single call and text going to and from my phone number is completely monitored for a short period of time. Standard paranoia that all clearance holders have if they're the least bit aware of how things work. But this is every letter, every parcel, everything, going through the USPS- monitored as to origin and final disposition. As realistically paranoid as I am, I didn't know this.
As the thievery continues, I'd like to put in a shout to @IgnoranceIsBliss, just in case he's reading. You're in our minds and hearts, mate. Hang in there.
Nearly 1400 dead people so far identified to have voted in Michigan. When a Democrat Senator lost a tainted election like this, a Federal Judge ordered a new election. But those protections under the law are for them, not for us.
Here in Maine there has been a softening of the "Stop the Spread!" regime. Not a roll back for sure, not a return to normalcy for all, just a softening of the rules and their enforcement. I'm expecting that to continue. It is not being reported in the press.
madAsHell said... Can anyone recommend a small guitar amp? I do not gig.
Fender makes the Super Champ, which is a Tube amp; with digital affects (which you don't have to use). Since it's a NEW amp, you won't like the price ($399.99)
I'm Not Really Sure, how to explain this to you.. But things do NOT cost what they did, back when you were 17. GOD Bless
back in 1982, when i was 20 years old; i bought my Gibson SG Custom for $800 a year later, i bought a Gibson Les Paul Custom for about a $1000
it turns out; that American Made costs MORE than Japanese imitations on the other hand, 3 years ago; i bought a Fender (Squire) Left Handed Telecaster for $129 It was a factory second (there was a crack, that you couldn't see for the first two years) Korean labor is also much less expensive than US
@madAsHell: I've got a small Line 6 Spider Classic amp that is great for playing in. Has a bunch of features that allow you to play around with tone and effects. If you like to go loud occasionally, this fits the bill too. The purists will probably mock you, but who cares, right.
bagoh20 said... I think a lot of Trump supporters would agree with that we would be happy to concede the Presidency to Biden if we could just have back what we just lost - our democracy.
How do you ever come back from this? Nobody here, or in the rest of the world, will respect our system or look at us the same. Our high talk of democratic values and rule of law, will from now on ring hollow.
Trump sucks all the air out of the room and something is being overlooked at the moment that will become apparent in the coming weeks: this was a good election for the Republicans. Not ideal, since it is almost certain that Biden will be the next president, but much better for the Republicans than the Democrats. Senate held. Dem House majority slashed. Gains in statehouse with redistricting coming up. Identity politics discredited. Antifa discredited. The Squad won, but they have been defanged. None of the left’s big ideas will be enacted.
Blogger gadfly said... "So whether the GOP observers are 10 feet or 6 feet from the mail vote processors shouldn't have made any difference; instead, the diminishing of the Trump vote lead is rapidly disappearing (down to less than 20,000 now) and we can expect that Biden will overtake and lead by mid-morning by more than 50,000 votes. Remember that Philadelphia, Alleghany, Lehigh and Bucks counties where some 100,000 uncounted votes reside are Democrat areas.
These observers have yet to find a thing wrong during the entire vote count process to report but they now endanger social distancing when workers move around. Trump just doesn't care about the danger of spreading the novel coronavirus."
Go fuck yourself you lying, cheating, sanctimonious shit. Sorry, Ann. Had to be said.
The Fender Mustang series amps are solid and have digital effects (if you’re into that). For solo playing, you might look into a headphone amp. Surprisingly good sound and available for next to nothing.
"tim in vermont said... You know why they refused to enforce a court order to allow observers? Because in Florida when they allowed observers, they lost.
This is an illegitimate election to install a corrupt kleptocrat and friend to kleptocrats worldwide as POTUS. Protected by an incurious press."
The Squire Telecaster would have listed for about $225, if it didn't have the crack (which i fixed by sanding off the finish, and filling with epoxy; then spray on varnish)
If the frets are in good shape and it plays in tune, you can make a very good axe out of some cheap imports by swapping pickups and pots.
I have a Yamaha Pacifica. Lead pickup was awesome. Rhythm pickup sounded like a warm fart. Swapped it for a good warm Seymour Duncan pickup and it’s a pro-level workhorse.
Gospace, interesting info about the mail tracking program. The problem is that in PA mail-in ballots could be dropped off at a voting center or drp box, in which case there wouldn't be a record of them going through the mail system.
A concise description of our present-day reality, from Counterpunch this morning:
"If there’s one thing Trump has taught us it’s that lies are no longer a liability, if they ever were, in politics, that fact-checkers are smartypants irritants, that many people like to be told lies and find them deeply comforting. Most people also grew up hearing them in church, civics class, every week."
The Yamaha modeling practice amps are very good for playing alone. You should check them out, anyway. I have seen people use them for performance by miking one up and getting watts through a real amp.
Life's not fair, Tim in Vt. That's why your deplorable brethren will never forget or forgive your Covid-19 hysterical beliefs, no matter how much of their water you carry.
From the same column on today's Counterpunch, a not-surprising indicator of why all those who claim the Dems are "far left" lunatics who will impose a commie dictatorship in the USA are either knowingly scaremongering (i.e., lying) or are stupid/hysterical beyond belief. This is the Dems. They run as (sort-of) progressive and govern as Republicans.
"Biden is in full ideological retreat and he hasn’t even been elected yet. CNBC: 'A source familiar w/the Biden transition points out that Biden + GOP Senate would mean the transition will have to re-evaluate the names it has in mind for Senate confirmed positions. May have to send more moderate figures who can get through. Wall Street will like that.'”
The thing is, I am not “carrying water” for anybody. I only post stuff I believe, which is why I can’t go along with their low IQ no math skills views on COVID, nor can I pretend that all of the statistical anomalies having to do with voting in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are normal for a democracy that should be transparent, you know, so that people can accept the outcome, even if they don’t like it.
I think this whole “water carrying” thing of yours is projection for what you are doing here with your trolling.
I would probably be a Democrat if it hadn’t been so obvious. for decades that the party is trying to undermine democracy and re-engineer the electorate to create a one party state. Oh, and the war mongering
"It’s an axiomatic rule of American politics that when Republicans lose elections, they respond by catering even more deferentially to the demands of their base. Democrats, however, respond by denouncing theirs (what’s left of it) and groveling apologetically before the money brokers."
"Are you talking about the anomalous mail slowdowns in those States, Tim?”
Yeah, because postal workers are notorious Republican activists. There have been several sweeps of postal facilities ordered by federal judges. There is a tracking database of all mail, all of this stuff will come out in the upcoming court cases.
I am talking about precincts from Milwaukee for example where by far the most common ending in vote totals is ’00.’ That is human fiddling, and doesn’t conform to our scientific understanding of how data behaves in the real world. Party of science! Ha ha ha ha!
Anyway, let this get hashed out in court. I am not going to argue it hear anymore, I have shit to do today.
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Wow!!! What a great shot!!
My first reaction was that this could be a backdrop for
Hieranymus Bosch painting. Thank you for sharing your project.
The sheriff refused to enforce a court order to allow Republicans to observe the counting in PA.
That’s not a “wild accusation,” it’s a fact. If they are not stealing the election, why do they insist on making it look like they are?
Love the blues and grey's and touch of orange.
You know why they refused to enforce a court order to allow observers? Because in Florida when they allowed observers, they lost.
This is an illegitimate election to install a corrupt kleptocrat and friend to kleptocrats worldwide as POTUS. Protected by an incurious press.
Ya wanna see something that'll piss you off?
A search for an article at the Babylon Bee using Google.
A search for the same article at the Babylon Bee using DuckDuckGo.
Google, I mean, really, could you be any more fucking petty?
BTW, when I search for my ancient Words of Wisdom in the Althouse archives, I find that DuckDuckGo works muuuuuch better at finding content than Google.
I've just noticed that Joe Biden has all the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome. Why has no one noticed this before? Flat upper lip, small eyes, flat cheeks. It's so obvious now. This is a problem child from a problem family.
"Wild Accusations"
Althouse Troll Level: Grand Master
Is this the open thread?
I have not heard percentage of African American voters for Trump compared to 2016. Haven't heard this about evangelicals either. Anyone have that info?
It sure IS a complicated business. Ahh, 2016... a simpler time ...
I loaded the DUCK DUCK GO AP on my phone. I checked out a few web-sites from my phone using it, including this one.
When I attempted to get to This site, Duck Duck Go warned me that Blogger is owned by Google and that my privacy could not be guaranteed.
' Yes. It's an open thread.
It is reported that Trump got 51% of the Hispanic vote. Haven't heard anything about African Americans.
I want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Correction. That was for Florida.
I've just noticed that Joe Biden has all the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome. Why has no one noticed this before? Flat upper lip, small eyes, flat cheeks. It's so obvious now. This is a problem child from a problem family.
I think its just the effect of too much plastic surgery
FYI! No one's mentioned it, but Oregon Governor Kate Brown has called out the National Guard to assist Multnomah Co. SO and PPB with the rioting in Portland.
I subscribe to this free service from the post office that emails me scans of the envelopes of every piece of mail that is in the system addressed to me. It’s handy for me. It should also provide a way to see what is in the mail system by way of ballots.
YoungHegelian said...
Ya wanna see something that'll piss you off?
A search for an article at the Babylon Bee using Google.
A search for the same article at the Babylon Bee using DuckDuckGo.
Google, I mean, really, could you be any more fucking petty?
11/5/20, 7:57 PM
Honestly, at one point I thought that releasing the Google algorithm into the wild would have major beneficial consequences for international software, and deleterious ones for American companies, especially Google itself. So a mixed bag. Now I realize *deletes*
What, the rioters need help from the National Guard?
"Duck Duck Go warned me that Blogger is owned by Google and that my privacy could not be guaranteed.”
I have gotten ads that were clearly based on comments I made here, and even one ad that was based on an avatar I was using ironically. It was that Hillary one that looked like a Mao poster.
In trying to teach Althouse, first through false/faux flattery and then through a sustained effort to showcase her confirmation bias, I came out a no go.
I wish nothing but the very best Irish luck to all.
People keep saying that polls are over, but these were media polls designed to create a narrative and depress Republican enthusiasm, but Trump kept enthusiasm high anyway. They may even have depressed blue turnout by breeding overconfidence. As I keep saying, we know from Wikileaks that media polls are cooked to help the Democrats with the help of the Democrats.
I think a lot of Trump supporters would agree with that we would be happy to concede the Presidency to Biden if we could just have back what we just lost - our democracy.
How do you ever come back from this? Nobody here, or in the rest of the world, will respect our system or look at us the same. Our high talk of democratic values and rule of law, will from now on ring hollow. Why would anyone want to follow our example.? Why would any of our young men want to fight and die for this? The dishonor it shows toward those sacrifices already paid is on the record of those who perpetrated this and those who continue to protect that crime. You stole something unique in human history, and for what? Great Job!
I've just noticed that Joe Biden has all the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome.
No, that's Greta Thunberg. Biden is just old. He's got "Walter Brennan Face."
Or maybe it's an Irish-American leprechaun thing.
If Biden had FAS, you'd see it in photos of him when he was earlier.
In her defense, perhaps 10,000 times Althouse learned herself of Justice Thomas' written opinion not vocalized for show at 'hearings' and thought "but his silence can't be considered the dog that didn't bark, because I can't consider Justice Thomas a dog because ..."
My thoughts in Althouse's head are much kinder than Althouse's thoughts in my head.
Just sayin'*.
*see what you've reduced me to? A rando typing "Just sayin'" fer cryin' out loud.
I've been using the Brave browser, and Duck Duck Go for about 8 months now. It works just fine. Occasionally I need to go back to Chrome to get into one of my bank accounts that won't work with Brave, but everything else is fine, and you have pretty deep control on privacy too if you want to use it. I'm sure that Google has some way of still nosing under the tent, but any little thing I can do to reduce their hegemony is well worth it to me.
I was fantasizing today about the half of the country that are not dishonored by what they did in this election all deciding to completely assuage all the leftist controlled businesses they use. It would be devastating to those businesses, but could the patriots survive and prosper in that scenario? I'm sure they could survive, but prosper is a more complicated question. Fantasies for me are like that, always unresolved questions.
Trump has been warning that mail in ballots would be a shitshow and that Dems would engage in fraud for months. Over and over. When something you've been warning about repeatedly cor months happens exactly as predicted, is it really fair to label it a "wild accusation"?
Yesss... the isotoped watermarks encrypted something something block code
Tried to watch a little golf, but of course, no place is free from politics, not even the Golf Channel. You get the MSNBC promos which are generally left wing agitprop. Back to watching Star Trek, TOS.
I've recently come to appreciate that the Franken-Guitar I bought at age 17 (it's a Japanese "Less pawl" with a Fender neck). It is still fun to play, but really needs an amp. I have no other solid body guitars.
Can anyone recommend a small guitar amp? I do not gig.
My wife and I worked the polls on Tuesday. We were rookies. We asked each other what we thought would be required to validate the photo ID requirement when the ballot is requested. I thought it may be required to have the voter briefly unmask to confirm so we asked the chief when we arrived at 6am about this. We got a terse “ no one is taking off their mask, we are in a pandemic” response. We processed voters from 7 til 2pm. Not a single voter had their identity verified to be a reasonable match with their photo.
I have NO IDEA why anyone would pay more than a thousand dollars for a solid body guitar!!!.....and my estimate is kind.
Jason Whitlock absolutely N A I L S it!!!!
So whether the GOP observers are 10 feet or 6 feet from the mail vote processors shouldn't have made any difference; instead, the diminishing of the Trump vote lead is rapidly disappearing (down to less than 20,000 now) and we can expect that Biden will overtake and lead by mid-morning by more than 50,000 votes. Remember that Philadelphia, Alleghany, Lehigh and Bucks counties where some 100,000 uncounted votes reside are Democrat areas.
These observers have yet to find a thing wrong during the entire vote count process to report but they now endanger social distancing when workers move around. Trump just doesn't care about the danger of spreading the novel coronavirus.
Unfortunately, I predict Trump will lose all the close remaining states, and his final EV share will be 217.
One analysis of the numbers:
Ann, you posted earlier this week that you were not voting in this election. Although you received criticism, I agree with you that the choice not to vote is a political decision itself and is a fundamental right in a free nation. However, now that there is evidence of fraud with mail in ballots, are you sure that you were not disenfranchised from your decision not to participate? How can you, or anyone that did not wish to vote, be sure that your political statement to not participate was not taken away from you by someone using your vote illegally?
Hey, Althouse.
How many of you have heard of the mail isolation control and tracking program? Until tonight, I hadn't. Apparently- it's real. And, apparently, it could show that a great number of ballots that are being counted were never mailed. Nor---received. This would certainly throw a monkey wrench into things. Do Trump lawyers know this? Or are they today reading about and going- We need to ask for this information? I don't know. Do you know?
The wikipedia entry on the program:
A NY Slimes article on it:
There's a whole lot of people out there paying attention to things most of us on a daily basis don't think about. I know that the NSA sees every email I send out, and if not actively listened to, scans every call I make listening for key words. And, having had a secret clearance, I assume that every so once in a while every single call and text going to and from my phone number is completely monitored for a short period of time. Standard paranoia that all clearance holders have if they're the least bit aware of how things work. But this is every letter, every parcel, everything, going through the USPS- monitored as to origin and final disposition. As realistically paranoid as I am, I didn't know this.
As the thievery continues, I'd like to put in a shout to @IgnoranceIsBliss, just in case he's reading. You're in our minds and hearts, mate. Hang in there.
Nearly 1400 dead people so far identified to have voted in Michigan. When a Democrat Senator lost a tainted election like this, a Federal Judge ordered a new election. But those protections under the law are for them, not for us.
Here in Maine there has been a softening of the "Stop the Spread!" regime. Not a roll back for sure, not a return to normalcy for all, just a softening of the rules and their enforcement. I'm expecting that to continue. It is not being reported in the press.
madAsHell said...
Can anyone recommend a small guitar amp? I do not gig.
Fender makes the Super Champ, which is a Tube amp; with digital affects (which you don't have to use).
Since it's a NEW amp, you won't like the price ($399.99)
I'm Not Really Sure, how to explain this to you.. But things do NOT cost what they did, back when you were 17. GOD Bless
back in 1982, when i was 20 years old; i bought my Gibson SG Custom for $800
a year later, i bought a Gibson Les Paul Custom for about a $1000
it turns out; that American Made costs MORE than Japanese imitations
on the other hand, 3 years ago; i bought a Fender (Squire) Left Handed Telecaster for $129
It was a factory second (there was a crack, that you couldn't see for the first two years)
Korean labor is also much less expensive than US
@madAsHell: I've got a small Line 6 Spider Classic amp that is great for playing in. Has a bunch of features that allow you to play around with tone and effects. If you like to go loud occasionally, this fits the bill too. The purists will probably mock you, but who cares, right.
Line 6 Spider Classic 15
bagoh20 said...
I think a lot of Trump supporters would agree with that we would be happy to concede the Presidency to Biden if we could just have back what we just lost - our democracy.
How do you ever come back from this? Nobody here, or in the rest of the world, will respect our system or look at us the same. Our high talk of democratic values and rule of law, will from now on ring hollow.
Trump sucks all the air out of the room and something is being overlooked at the moment that will become apparent in the coming weeks: this was a good election for the Republicans. Not ideal, since it is almost certain that Biden will be the next president, but much better for the Republicans than the Democrats. Senate held. Dem House majority slashed. Gains in statehouse with redistricting coming up. Identity politics discredited. Antifa discredited. The Squad won, but they have been defanged. None of the left’s big ideas will be enacted.
Blogger gadfly said...
"So whether the GOP observers are 10 feet or 6 feet from the mail vote processors shouldn't have made any difference; instead, the diminishing of the Trump vote lead is rapidly disappearing (down to less than 20,000 now) and we can expect that Biden will overtake and lead by mid-morning by more than 50,000 votes. Remember that Philadelphia, Alleghany, Lehigh and Bucks counties where some 100,000 uncounted votes reside are Democrat areas.
These observers have yet to find a thing wrong during the entire vote count process to report but they now endanger social distancing when workers move around. Trump just doesn't care about the danger of spreading the novel coronavirus."
Go fuck yourself you lying, cheating, sanctimonious shit.
Sorry, Ann.
Had to be said.
The Fender Mustang series amps are solid and have digital effects (if you’re into that). For solo playing, you might look into a headphone amp. Surprisingly good sound and available for next to nothing.
"tim in vermont said...
You know why they refused to enforce a court order to allow observers? Because in Florida when they allowed observers, they lost.
This is an illegitimate election to install a corrupt kleptocrat and friend to kleptocrats worldwide as POTUS. Protected by an incurious press."
No, aided and abetted by a partnering press.
The Squire Telecaster would have listed for about $225, if it didn't have the crack
(which i fixed by sanding off the finish, and filling with epoxy; then spray on varnish)
If the frets are in good shape and it plays in tune, you can make a very good axe out of some cheap imports by swapping pickups and pots.
I have a Yamaha Pacifica. Lead pickup was awesome. Rhythm pickup sounded like a warm fart. Swapped it for a good warm Seymour Duncan pickup and it’s a pro-level workhorse.
You can get great hollow bodies now for a song. It’s ridiculous how undervalued they are.
I guess jazz players are making even LESS money now.
All this crying is unseemly.
Head of the Republican Taliban Steve Bannon called for beheading and Piking Fauci,, I guess this is the normal for twisted Trumpers.
Gospace, interesting info about the mail tracking program. The problem is that in PA mail-in ballots could be dropped off at a voting center or drp box, in which case there wouldn't be a record of them going through the mail system.
A concise description of our present-day reality, from Counterpunch this morning:
"If there’s one thing Trump has taught us it’s that lies are no longer a liability, if they ever were, in politics, that fact-checkers are smartypants irritants, that many people like to be told lies and find them deeply comforting. Most people also grew up hearing them in church, civics class, every week."
"Head of the Republican Taliban Steve Bannon called for beheading and Piking Fauci,, I guess this is the normal for twisted Trumpers.”
Kathy Griffen still has her Twitter account. But he should have just said “heads will roll” like a normal person, and not tried to get to colorful.
The Yamaha modeling practice amps are very good for playing alone. You should check them out, anyway. I have seen people use them for performance by miking one up and getting watts through a real amp.
I agree about gadfly, usually he is just stupid or quoting some opinion from some other stupid person, today he is outright lying.
Life's not fair, Tim in Vt. That's why your deplorable brethren will never forget or forgive your Covid-19 hysterical beliefs, no matter how much of their water you carry.
From the same column on today's Counterpunch, a not-surprising indicator of why all those who claim the Dems are "far left" lunatics who will impose a commie dictatorship in the USA are either knowingly scaremongering (i.e., lying) or are stupid/hysterical beyond belief. This is the Dems. They run as (sort-of) progressive and govern as Republicans.
"Biden is in full ideological retreat and he hasn’t even been elected yet. CNBC: 'A source familiar w/the Biden transition points out that Biden + GOP Senate would mean the transition will have to re-evaluate the names it has in mind for Senate confirmed positions. May have to send more moderate figures who can get through. Wall Street will like that.'”
"no matter how much of their water you carry.”
The thing is, I am not “carrying water” for anybody. I only post stuff I believe, which is why I can’t go along with their low IQ no math skills views on COVID, nor can I pretend that all of the statistical anomalies having to do with voting in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are normal for a democracy that should be transparent, you know, so that people can accept the outcome, even if they don’t like it.
I think this whole “water carrying” thing of yours is projection for what you are doing here with your trolling.
Are you talking about the anomalous mail slowdowns in those States, Tim?
I would probably be a Democrat if it hadn’t been so obvious. for decades that the party is trying to undermine democracy and re-engineer the electorate to create a one party state. Oh, and the war mongering
Another gem from the same column:
"It’s an axiomatic rule of American politics that when Republicans lose elections, they respond by catering even more deferentially to the demands of their base. Democrats, however, respond by denouncing theirs (what’s left of it) and groveling apologetically before the money brokers."
"Are you talking about the anomalous mail slowdowns in those States, Tim?”
Yeah, because postal workers are notorious Republican activists. There have been several sweeps of postal facilities ordered by federal judges. There is a tracking database of all mail, all of this stuff will come out in the upcoming court cases.
I am talking about precincts from Milwaukee for example where by far the most common ending in vote totals is ’00.’ That is human fiddling, and doesn’t conform to our scientific understanding of how data behaves in the real world. Party of science! Ha ha ha ha!
Anyway, let this get hashed out in court. I am not going to argue it hear anymore, I have shit to do today.
Brave - thanks Bagoh - never heard of it. Gonna check it out.
It is time to be brave.
It's time to walk away from facebook and twitter and google. The MSM are a corrupt joke.
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