The whistleblower wore a wire, and the recording is quite revealing.
I am hopeful that the wicked smaht folks at Reason are correct when they say a president Biden will be awful in the usual ways.
Today the calendar said November 11, the local weather (southern seacoast Maine) chimed in with "LIAR!".
Despite the attempts of the local media to ratchet up the Pandemic Panic on the news that cases are spiking, the local officials are displaying disinterest. They have mandated masks whenever one is in "public" but don't seem too concerned because I can still walk the beach unmasked without being cited or admonished.
Without Trump how will the Press, MSM, and social media folks generate revenue. Biden is likely to be boring as fuck.
Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden.
This prospective BIden administration is looking like a kakistocracy of kleptocrats.
In those bin Laden letters we found, there was an order to his men not to kill Biden even if they got a clear shot, because he thought that Biden did more harm to America right where he was.
Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed...
Two weeks to flatten the curve is out, then? On the plus side, there'll be fewer businesses to shut down this time.
Of course the Biden team is calling for a prison state, with the suspension of the most fundamental of civil liberties.
After demanding that we must stay locked down until we have a vaccine, now that one is in the offing, they of course will delay its implementation. And of course those who are considered less valuable members of society, like the elderly and disabled, the Biden team says should not get a priority in vaccination.
@Mark: one of Biden's named Covid-19 "experts" a medical ethicist, I believe, says the vaccine should go to the most needy in the world, as in not the United States, first. At least that's what was reported on the news tonight.
If the House splits 218 Dems to 217 GOP, fully expect the Dems to still run roughshod over everything and ram things through, including D.C. statehood, the codification of Roe, the abolition of rights of conscience and religious freedom, all manner of compelled and mandated action, suppression of speech, and worse.
For all their noise, the so-called "moderate" Dems are just as culpable as the left radicals that they go-along with.
That same Biden "ethicist," EE, is well known for calling for healthcare rationing and measuring people's lives by their subjective "quality," with hints of being a eugenicist.
Don't believe that his idea of "needy" is the same as yours, or that it is even objectively ethical.
He did honest statistical analysis of the election, maybe? Maybe because he pretty much nailed the vote in his predictions? How many years until it’s not just the Twat account getting shut down, but secret police coming around?
"Blaming it all on Iran and China.”
You are kind of stupid Chuck. Haven’t you been looking at the stuff that has come out about Biden and the Chicoms? How much kompromat do they have on corrupt old Joe and his wastrel son anyway? Nobody said that the Chinese stole the election, that’s a tactic from your new friends’ playbook.
"At this point it looks like we're headed towards a fairly predictable timeline of events. Here is where we've come from and here is where we I see this headed:"
Chuck said... "Michael K said... Iran and China seem to be the big winners if Biden squeaks through.
This is the seventh stage of grief. Blaming it all on Iran and China." Try and follow this, dipshit. The Biden family are heavily in corrupt deals with the CCP. Using their father's name and position. This is the very definition of political corruption. Congratulations Chuck the C#*t. You and your POS simpleton friends just gave our foreign policy to Chairman Xi. Now run along little man.
Clean and honest elections are not too much to expect. They must be mandatory, with everything done to identify problems and those in charge/with oversight responsibilities held accountable.
narciso @6:29pm... all the gains and steps taken to improve the regional situation would be thrown down the schiffter with a Biden/Harris administration. Our enemies must be licking their chops.
Ohio Gov announced tonight that if Covid numbers don’t start dropping then bars, restaurants and fitness centers will be closed again. No indication that those are a cause of the spiking. And revised mask requirements (provisions) will need to be enforced by stores/businesses or incur a mandatory shutdown for violations. So we will have 16 year olds responsible for mask enforcement at the grocery store. Don’t “provision” something and expect others to enforce it.
Been going to the gym 3x per week since June and have not been made aware of any cases. Doesn’t mean there were not any. But if I did get sick at least I usually see my doctor there working out as well.
I'm sorry, Althouse, but it's time to cancel your NYT subscription. You can go on reading the crap they emit, and commenting on it -- there are ways to get behind their paywall -- but it is ethically problematic to give money to these people.
"I'd like to see more people get vaccinated," Redfield told the AP at an event in New York. "We lost 80,000 people last year to the flu."
CDC officials do not have exact counts of how many people die from flu each year. Flu is so common that not all flu cases are reported, and flu is not always listed on death certificates.
Latest death count for Covid19 is 240,000.
3x as many Covid deaths as flu deaths. But- it is known that the Covid numbers are likely high due to financial incentives in reporting as such and, as noted above, flu deaths are not always reported, meaning that those numbers are likely too low.
So- something like twice as many people have died from Covid, which is more deadly for older, sicker people but not as deadly for the young as the flu. And our economy has been trashed for this.
I'm Not Sure said..."3x as many Covid deaths as flu deaths. But- it is known that the Covid numbers are likely high due to financial incentives in reporting as such and, as noted above, flu deaths are not always reported, meaning that those numbers are likely too low."
Flu deaths are not actually reported to the CDC or taken from death certificates. They estimate flu deaths using this procedure.. See if you can figure it out.
Happy Veterans Day to all of the veteran commenters.
I just entered bio information into the National WWII Memorial website for my father (China-Burma theater flying 72 missions over the Himalayans) and for my wife's father (Army howitzer gunner in 3rd army France/Germany/Luxembourg theater), who is still living at age 96.
You can check out the site and add your loved ones at:
Unfortunately, the IHME modelers’ findings contained an error that even minimal scrutiny should have caught. The projected number of lives saved, and the implied case for a mask mandate, are based on a faulty statistic. Using a months-old survey, IHME modelers assumed erroneously that the U.S. mask-adoption rate stood at only 49% as of late September, and therefore had plenty of room to increase to “universal adoption,” defined as 95%, or to a more plausible 85%. According to more recent survey findings, however, America’s mask-adoption rate has hovered around 80% since the summer.
which, Of Course, raises the serious question... If Masks Work; why AREN'T THEY?
"Hillary Clinton is honest and uncorrupt. She did nothing wrong as SecState and her bathroom server wasn't a crime." "The DNC is running an honest primary." "Seth Rich was the victim of a botched robbery. No, his nice watch wasn't taken, he was just gunned down." "Trump can't beat Hillary." "Trump doesn't even want the job. He'll resign." "Trump colluded with Russia." "Hookers pee'd on a hotel bed in Moscow on Trump's dime, all because he is jealous of Obama." "Flynn violated the Logan Act." "Kavanaugh is a rapist." "Obama and the Democrats didn't spy on Trump." "Mueller has the goods on Trump. The walls are closing in." "Trump is colluding with Ukraine. There was a quid pro quo." "Everything Biden did in Ukraine and China was aboveboard. Nothing to see." "Trump is a fascist for not ordering a nationwide economic lockdown because of a nasty, flu-like illness." "Our COVID numbers are worse than every country in the world." "Cuomo is doing a wonderful job in NY." "Trump is causing these riots." "Trump's name will destroy the downballot GOP. Blue wave incoming." "Ignore all irregularities, these elections were free and fair."
Wow - so much focus on Trump/Biden news that I lost track of other interesting races around the country. Just read that in Maryland, Kim Klacik lost to Kweise Mfume 72%/28%. Like the presidential pattern, Klacik was ahead until 97k ballots were submitted for Mfume well into the evening.
You can check out the site and add your loved ones at:
Didn't find my Dad. My brother and I found some information using his dogtag, but apparently a bunch of military records were lost in a fire in 1973, his among them.
tevew said... Despite the attempts of the local media to ratchet up the Pandemic Panic on the news that cases are spiking, the local officials are displaying disinterest.
Governor Snake Oil Inslee has a "covid" press conference tomorrow. I told my hubby that we need to re-stock the TP, paper towels, etc BEFORE Snake Oil talks because there is no doubt in my mind that he's going to return to lockdowns. After all, we can make local company Amazon even richer by forcing everyone into e-shopping.
I don't know if we have any true autistes in the commentariat, but anyone wanna take a stab at explaining THIS away? (3 very short video segments with an end tweet linking to the original, longer video).
It's the modern cliche movie scene. It means no writers.
The modern cliche movie scene meaning no writers is seeing two near-strangers humping standing up against the wall in a closet at about 12 minutes into the first episode.
Eli Lily’s EUA for its covid antibody drug comes a full month after its submission to the FDA. It is suddenly announced on the first business day after the media proclaims Biden has been elected.
I’m not liking this country much at this time.. The bullshit seems to be accelerating at quite a pace.
If PA didn't keep ballots received after 8 pm on November 3 separate from ballots received before then, as Justice Alito ordered, boy will he be pissed, and rightfully so. Probably the other conservative justices too.
So, in Arizona, the latest vote total has Biden maintaining a lead of 11,635, with about 24,000 ballots remaining to be counted. You really think Trump gets nearly 18,000 of those? (He got 53% of the last big batch of 13,000.)
Meanwhile, Snell & Willmer, the largest in-state firm, which had been lead counsel for Trump's Arizona election case, has just been permitted by the judge to withdraw.
Maybe they weren't being paid. Please contribute to Trump's litigation fund today. (You need to contribute big bucks because the first $8,000 of any donation goes to other, non-litigation uses. But you knew this was all a grift.)
Breyer won't resign unless Dems pick up the Georgia seats or McConnell gives assurances he won't block a successor's confirmation. It's possible. Breyer was confirmed to his court of appeals seat during the Carter lame-duck period during the days of cloture because he had served the judiciary committee and was well liked and respected across the aisle.
Ahh, yes, the New York Times! The same outlet that dished out most of the lies quoted above. And is perfectly fine calling 4 indisputably true stories "disinformation".
And yet again, shit like narciso's 9:42 post is yet more evidence that we need to retally these ballots, find any bad ones, uncover any glitches, and get to the truth.
Unbelievable that elections are such chaos.
Why not have just 4 days of in-person voting (Sat thru Election Day) and be done with it? Why not purge voter rolls of dead and inactive voters? Why not require photo ID for all voters? Why not limit mail-in voting to folks who specifically request it?
If Biden gets an opening, what do you think the odds are that he would nominate Merrick Garland, after all the wailing and screaming the Dems made over him?
You think those odds are about negative 6000 percent? Or worse?
"Predicting Biden's final margin in AZ '20 exceeds Trump's in MI '16. Fox News got it right!"
Thinking that a hugely popular (confirmed by GOP approval ratings, record GOP voter registration, and nationwide job approval of 52% per Gallup) incumbent President, with long coattails on Election Day for downballot races (what happened to the Blue Wave?), could be beaten by a senescent, senile, and largely unseen husk of a candidate with a shrill, catty, unpopular in her own party woman as VP, who is so unaccomplished that it took blowjobs and tight clothes to get her to where she is, is sheer madness.
THAT is how I know there was fraud.
THAT is about all the evidence I need to be suspicious.
And so far, so much has been discovered to confirm those suspicions (things, BTW, that would require research to find - cuz the WaPo and NYT ain't touching a thing that looks shady), that only the uberpartisan hacks are declaring that there was nothing fishy.
Let them. I believe that when the chips fall, we'll be looking at the biggest election scandal in history. Or as we call it in these parts, "more 2020 bullshit."
"You think those odds are about negative 6000 percent? Or worse?"
It would be quite the troll move, almost Trump-ish, except Garland is now 4 years older and likely serves more value as a martyr. 4 years isn't much, but honestly if I were given the job of nominating, I'd try to pick someone with no gray hairs if ya know what I mean.
Thousands of votes found in briefaces, uncounted, a week after the election. In Puerto Rico. And one guess, one guess only, which political party controls Puerto Rico? John Henry knows.
This morning I took down the Scots St. Andrews Cross flag and hoisted the U.S. flag on my flagpole. I have a smaller American flag in front that I fly every day because BLM.
I had a lot of thoughts about my grandpas who both fought in the trenches.
For Armistice Day I would recommend Madison Rising, The Star Spangled Banner:
Garland at 67 would be the oldest person ever to join the Court. He was picked by Obama in part as a compromise gesture to the Republicans--instead of the youngsters Trump picked.
"President Trump took a hit from an error in Shawano County, losing 274 votes. The county’s audit found a poll worker mistakenly mixed up the unofficial totals."
Win or lose, I want all errors found and corrected, and only legal votes counted. If this means Trump loses a few counties, then so be it.
Any idea what happened? This was one of the few Twitter pages I enjoyed.
That guy? Yeah, I saw him around. Used to hang out down at the dock with this dude Gary. At least I think his name was Gary. Point is, there was this broad, Maggie. Real fire cracker if you know what I mean. Anyways, Gary and Maggie get this idea to sell nutritional supplements to the elderly. They call it multi-level marketing or some such bullshit. Total fuckin' snake oil.
Following the anger and following the frustration by some at the powerlessness, the initial elation by others, I sense a certain let down, a melancholy and weariness. If they lockdown again, and people go along with it, or are forced to, it will kill the soul of the nation.
I have 6 flags on 3 flagpoles in my yard. Tomorrow the Trump 2020 flag will be removed, to replaced with the 1835 Gonzales Flag. January 20 is inauguration day. If Biden (or any other Democrat) is inaugurated that day, the U.S. Flag comes down off the pole. The spot will be left empty at the top of the flagpole for the next 4 years. There'll be a Gadsden Flag, a Navy Flag, and a Christian flag flying, with the other 2 alternating between different historic flags as they wear out. If things get bad enough, I may rehang the U.S. Flag- upside down as the universal symbol of distress. Hopefully, things won't get that bad.
According to my son in Texas, in the last week gasoline there has risen 40¢ a gallon. With Biden's announced energy policies, it has nowhere to go but up- with the increases being blamed on the evil oil companies, not Biden's enlighted energy policies.
If the covidiocy tightens up restrictions again- more shortages will occur, more businesses will go bankrupt,and, well, more bad will happen.
And- this far into the covidiocy, we still don't have some numbers that could answer a lot of questions, numbers that could very easily be found.
Of the 50,000+ U.S. citizens taking HCQ long term for RA and some other chronic disease BEFORE the covidiocy started, who have continued taking it- what's 1: Their covid infection rate and 2: Their covid death rate. The medical establishment knows who's been taking it. The numbers could easily be fleshed out. WHy don't we know them? You know, the mere fact that that we don't know them feeds conspiracy theories. I suspect HCQ is a well proven prophylaxis against the dreaded covid. I suspect that solely because those easily obtainable numbers are being hidden from us.
I guess it's time to remind Inga and Readering. I, for one, welcome our new socialist overlords. As a 58 year old retiree in one of the richest cities in America, I will be treated very well by your social programs. I don't make any money, so I won't be taxed, and I don't pay into SS or Medicare/Medicaid. I already made and paid taxes on my money. Wealth tax you say? Congress is going to pass a wealth tax? LOL. I have some money, but not as much as most of them.
When you lock down again, I get checks. When you pass another stimulus, I get checks. When you expand Medicare, my fiancee and I get it. When you eliminate student debt, I'm off the hook. I figure that a Biden presidency could add at least $2,000 a month to my income.
Please send your children and grandchildren thank you cards for me. I'll send you the postage and $5 for each one you send. If you want, I'll even send you pictures of my new Maserati that you can send them, so they can see what they bought for me.
I know, Mark. I will continue for the next 4 years to rub my good fortune in the faces of all of those that cheated and coerced the system against my will to give me a higher standard of living.
Some just a handful of people, five or six, at a restaurant. Others a few dozen spaced out and masked.
The risk to me of catching COVID?
Probably zero. Because it is highly likely that on each of those occasions, 99.9 percent of the people did not have the virus. And you can't catch it in a room full of completely healthy people.
I also encounter and pass by countless numbers of people walking outside and popping into the grocery store. Again, it is highly likely that 99 percent of the people are healthy.
So, clearly we need to lockdown and imprison everyone in their homes. And make sure they wear devices that impair their breathing if they go out. And instill panic and fear too while they crush their spirits with forced solitary confinement.
Rt1Rebel: Don't send me the money. Think about your loyalty, and contribute the money to Trump's litigation fund. Don't worry, you'll still get your benefits from Biden. But Trump and his family will appreciate the gesture.
I'm like those (rational) people who realize that a person has a very, very low risk of catching COVID in the first place from social interactions, and if he does, a very, very low risk of it ultimately being any more serious than the common cold if he is under 65 years old.
Mr Majestic, they did keep the ballots separate in PA. We'll see how they are treated, but at about 10k they won't make up the difference even if all for Biden.
You know, Trump revealed in the debate that the main motivation for his running in the first place in 2016 was Obama/Biden's disastrous administration.
But part of it too was because of Mitt "the Weasel" Romney and John "Maverick" McCain. If they weren't such lousy, ineffectual candidates, if all the anti-Trumper and NeverTrumper Establishment Republicans who hate him had come up with a half-competent candidate themselves, he would have felt compelled to run in order to clean up and fix what they could not. But all they ever offer up is a sh*t sandwich. So they have only themselves to thank for Trump's rising.
Now it's Mannix. With a really good-looking brunette with a cone-pointy bra on. Couldn't place her, so I looked it up. She had red hair before -- Khan's girlfriend (and I just learned that she played Ricardo Montalbán's wife as well on Bonanza a few years before Star Trek . . . and Fantasy Island too!).
John McCain would have hated Trump for winning, regardless of anything else. Cindy felt the same way. McSally ran a very lackluster campaign, and didn't distinguish herself much as the incumbent. On the other hand, we also have plenty of on the ground reports of shady shit going on. So, yeah.
Trump has wanted to run and toyed with running for president for as long as Biden. If Trump hadn't been such an abysmal president Biden would have stayed in retirement.
As far as I can tell, this guy is agnostic on the issue of whether fraud occurred. But he has some interesting insights into the Dominion voting software and some easy and obvious vulnerabilities.
- Cut taxes - Lowest unemployment rate in modern memory - Highest % of working POC in living memory - No new wars - Enforced Obama's "red lines" on Syria - Set foot in N Korea and had a chat with their leader, in attempt to open a real dialogue - Increased manufacturing - Appointed 3 well qualified judges to the Supreme Court - Worked to lower prescription drug costs - Record stock market gains - Yuge economic recovery from the Obama doldrums - Improved trade deals with neighbors and strategic partners overseas - Worked to contain Chinese expansion - Improved NATO readiness by demanding our allies live up to their committments - Worked with respected cultural figures on police reforms to better serve minority communities - Did about as well as anyone could expect on COVID (In April, Dr. Birx said ~200k deaths would be an exceptional success - "perfect response measures". If not for NYS' idiocy, we'd be below that right now)
Readering, you're dullest blade I've come across in many moons. If you were a saw, I'd have cut you up, bent up the pieces, and welded you into a lawn-whirligig by now.
If Trump had a media that valued honesty more than histrionics, censorship, bootlicking, and Marxism, we wouldn't need a massive, all-autistes-on-keys effort to expose the voter fraud and put Biden back into retirement.
Ron Klain will be Biden's Chief of Staff. I am no good at linking on this platform, but a memo he wrote to David Gergen in the Clinton White House as Associate Counsel in charge of judicial vetting, circulating on twitter, is kinda wild. A 2-page memo critical of RBG from July 1993.
"Trump has wanted to run and toyed with running for president for as long as Biden."
This part is even duller than your second sentence. It exposes just how ridiculous it is to think that this election was aboveboard. Because Trump, unlike Biden, made his attempt without any institutional support. And he fucking won against a political legend, the "best" the Dems could put up, and not just by one state - he did it by shattering the old electoral map in a stunning way. Trump succeeded against the LONGEST of odds to win in 2016, and made it look relatively easy despite his grueling schedule. He did it by being as genuine as a man like Trump can be.
Biden tried what, 3 times before? And got shot down in flames each time, without fail, in the early primaries. He would have crashed and burned this time, except the DNC decided they needed to put Bernie out to pasture for good, and coerced the others to endorse Biden as they dropped out. And honestly, if Biden were in command of his faculties like 2008, he probably would've deserved to be one of the 4 or 5 contenders left once things got tight. But he woulda fucked it up somehow if not for the DNC, and it probably would've been Warren or Bernie.
No, between media ignoring stories, relentless anti-Trump negativity, protecting Biden from himself and letting him get away with never taking a firm position, literally censoring conservative voices, and in the ultimate act of sedition, election fraud, this was an engineered result by the Establishment.
Here is my testimony on how I was cured of HIV by Dr Akhigbe,with his natural herbal medicine. on a regular basis in efforts to help others when I could. As you may know, each donation is tested. Well, on July 6th I had a meeting with a Red Cross representative and was told that I had HIV. “What went through your mind when you heard that "Rose" Good question reader! To be honest, I thought my life was over, that I would ever find love, get married, have children or anything normal. Lucky for me I have an amazing support system. My family supported me then I never thought that I was invincible to STD s or pregnancy or anything else parents warn their kids about. I just didn’t think about it. I was in a monogamous relationship and thought that I asked the right questions. We even talked about marriage Scary. During that time I was in college and donated blood on a re as well. who helped me in search of cure through the media.there we saw a good testimony of sister 'Kate' about the good work of Dr Akhigbe natural herbal medicine cure.then I copied his email address and contacted him. A good herbalist doctor with a good heart, he is kind, loving and caring. He replied back to my message and told me what to do. After a week the doctor sent me my herbal medicine and instructed me how to take it.Yes it worked very well, after drinking it I went to the hospital for another test and everything turned negative. What a wonderful testimony I can never forget in my life. Dr Akhigbe is a man who gave me a life to live happily forever so all I want you all to believe and know that cure of HIV is real and herbs is a powerful medicine and it works and heals. Dr Akhigbe also used his herbal medicine to cure diseases like: HERPES, DIABETES, SCABIES, HEPATITIS A/B, STROKE, CANCER, ALS, TUBERCULOSIS, ASTHMA, PENIS ENLARGEMENT, MALARIA, LUPUS, LIVER CIRRHOSIS, DEPRESSION, HIV/AIDS, EPILEPSY, BACTERIAL, DIARRHEA, HEART DISEASES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, PARKINSON'S, ALZHEIMER, COLD URTICARIA, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS,INSOMNIA, BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS, SCHIZOPHRENIA, JOINT PAIN, STOMACH PAIN, CHROME DISEASES, CHLAMYDIA, INSOMNIA HEARTBURN, , THYROID, MAR BURG DISEASES, MENINGITIS, ARTHRITIS, BODY WEAK, SMALLPOX, DENGUE, FEVER, CURBS, CHANCRE, AND OTHERS VARIOUS DISEASES/ VIRUS. You are there and you find yourself in any of these situations, kindly contact Dr Akhigbe now to help you get rid of it. Here is his email address: or you can write to him on whats app with his phone number: +2349010754824. My appreciation is to share his testimony for the world to know the good work Dr Akhigbe has done for me and he will do the same for you.
The Dems have sowed the seeds for chaos and will now reap the result, as will the rest of us. Don't need no stinkin' voter ID. Vote anywhere, anytime. Up to this point, the Dems are amused they were able pull off. It will not be a laughing matter in a few months.
Brandon Smith (Zero Hedge) amplifies what's coming in fairly clear terms:
Whoa! Give Readering some political clout and the real Readering shows up. He really, really doesn't like us conservatives. Well ya got us, kid. You and your little friends managed to steal an election. Way to go! How much did your good character cost? What did they pay you for it? Are your friends going to dox me? Are you going to send antifa to my neighborhood?
The problem with all of these theories about Dominion software is that hard counts of the votes would expose any such antics and people would go to prison in numbers. I just don’t see people taking the risk.
Last night I clicked on a knitting hashtag, and got the message that recent posts for all hashtags were being suppressed to combat the spread of misinformation about the US Election.
I recommend you guys put “readering,” “Readering,” and “Rt1Rebel” in the same bucket as Chuck: some weirdo with sock puppets who has nothing better to do than try to stir the pot with worthless crap.
Don’t know if anyone else saw it but readering/Readering screwed up his puppeteering the other day and posted the same comment as “Rt1Rebel.”
MayBee: I have had about enough of the way every single innocent aspect of life has been infected by either covid or politics. There is no respite. Can’t do anything or go anywhere in real life without running it through the covid filter or being lectured by leftists.
Where is the colony for people who are just sick to death of all of it and how do I get there, yesterday?
" I Have Misplaced My Pants said... I recommend you guys put “readering,” “Readering,” and “Rt1Rebel” in the same bucket as Chuck:" I did long ago. Now they're just entertainment. Occasionally you have to remind them that they are without morals, but other than that, not to be taken seriously.
The bizarre reactions of the Left to clear and extensive evidence of voter fraud has convinced me that they know just as well as we do that it happened. They just believe they have to get rid of Trump BAMN, and the voter fraud was necessary. Telling us it didn't happen, censoring us, gaslighting us is pure will to power. What they didn't expect was for us to fight back against it. They were allowed to get away with it for decades after all. I think they're actually peeved that we won't let them this time. It should be *understood* that its okay for them to do it. It was part of the *bargain* with the Establishment Republicans. They have a responsibility to rein Trump in and let us get away with it!!!!
I am unconvinced by the Benford’s stuff in Milwaukee, but I think a good exercise for somebody interested in getting to the bottom of what happened in that city might be to go to wards where Trump made a fair showing, and wards where Biden did extraordianirly well and drive around and see if the character of the areas are any different.
Here is the vote broken out by ward. It would have been nice to find down ballot votes for comparison, but I couldn’t find them. I didn’t look real hard because it seems like the wards are non homogeneous, which means that the Benford’s stuff likely doesn’t apply.
I am not saying there is no fraud. I think that if wards that went very heavy for Biden are not much different in character than ones that didn’t, it would be a lot stronger case.
The Trump cult seems to be sleep walking through the reality of the vote margin for Biden and the spreading virus in our nation just like Trump. The news networks are now interviewing the Biden transition team to find out what can be done to control Covid.
Sometimes I dream That he is me You've got to see that's how I dream to be I dream to sin, I dream to win Like Joe If I could Be Like Joe Like Joe Oh, if I could Be Like Joe Be Like Joe, Be Like Joe Again I try I just may die For just one day if I could Be that way I dream I sinned I dream I winned Like Joe If I could Be Like Joe I wanna be, I wanna be Like Joe Oh, if I could Be Like Joe
roesch/voltaire said... The Trump cult seems to be sleep walking through the reality of the vote margin for Biden and the spreading virus in our nation just like Trump. The news networks are now interviewing the Biden transition team to find out what can be done to control Covid.
New York Times pushing election fraud to win Georgia
"I hope everybody moves to Georgia, you know, in the next month or two, registers to vote, and votes for these two Democratic senators," Friedman said during a Monday-night CNN appearance.
Georgia election law does not include a length-of-residency requirement in order to vote in the state. It does, however, prohibit prospective voters from "residing in the state briefly with the intention just to vote and then move away."
Joe’s plan is to reject the vaccines that Trump already paid for so that they can go to more deserving people in other countries, and then lock down the US, oh, and to impose excessive and unreasonable mask mandates that are not supported by the science. It’s all about showing deplorables who’s boss.
How "morally bankrupt" is it to advocate sending people to Georgia with the specific purpose of robbing Georgians of their voice in the Senate?
Blogger roesch/voltaire said... "I wonder how Trump is going to con America next—maybe start a new media channel and charge the cult a monthly fee?" Nice try to attempt to redirect. It's obvious now that vote fraud has been committed in nearly every swing state.(That was the first tell)Now it becomes a matter of how much. So I can conclude that as a democrat and a progressive you condone this action? (The second tell. No one on the left is outraged and demanding an investigation.)I know that you abandoned reason some time ago, but when did you sell your good character?
I wonder what Biden will sell to the ChiComs next. Ways to defeat our encryption, stealth technology? Allow dumping of cheap ChiCom steel onto the American market?
No worries though, the press won’t cover these stories, because we now live in Soviet America, where news that leads you to think less of a Democrat is automatically labeled as “disputed” and not reported, even if it is true.
Whiskeybum... Thanks for the link. Found my uncle. Lotsa friends from Viet Nam lost to Agent Orange and PTSD don't have the recognition cept in my heart.
>>How "morally bankrupt" is it to advocate sending people to Georgia with the specific purpose of robbing Georgians of their voice in the Senate?
I've read a couple of those stories. Although there have been some references to the, you know, committing-a-felony bit when you fraudulently claim that you intend to remain indefinitely and have no intention of leaving (and especially if you're taking money to do so), in none of the ones I've looked at has the "reporter" bothered to do the work to determine whether the people doing the moving could legally vote. Even the ones quoting supposedly knowledgable sources. The Georgia statute, which somebody posted here several days ago, is not difficult to find. It makes it pretty clear that the votes wouldn't be legal: Only voters that were eligible to vote in the original election are eligible to vote in the runoff. Not that illegality would necessarily mean the votes wouldn't be counted.
>>When I hear a governor telling people to stay home, I always wonder if that's what they are doing. Or is staying home just for the ruled?
Despite living in Boston for nearly 50 years, I'm still a Chicago boy at heart and keep up with things to some extent. Illiinois's prize of a governor has been particularly egregious. Within the last couple of days, his (20ish?) daughter was photographed at a restaurant violating his dictated limit on the size of outdoor gatherings.
>>"I hope everybody moves to Georgia, you know, in the next month or two, registers to vote, and votes for these two Democratic senators," Friedman said during a Monday-night CNN appearance.
I refer to my comment at 5:57. Friedman obviously didn't bother to do his homework. Maybe he should be fact-checked and his piece be deleted.
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The beginning of the end of Indian summer
Iran and China seem to be the big winners if Biden squeaks through.
The whistleblower wore a wire, and the recording is quite revealing.
I am hopeful that the wicked smaht folks at Reason are correct when they say a president Biden will be awful in the usual ways.
Today the calendar said November 11, the local weather (southern seacoast Maine) chimed in with "LIAR!".
Despite the attempts of the local media to ratchet up the Pandemic Panic on the news that cases are spiking, the local officials are displaying disinterest. They have mandated masks whenever one is in "public" but don't seem too concerned because I can still walk the beach unmasked without being cited or admonished.
Without Trump how will the Press, MSM, and social media folks generate revenue. Biden is likely to be boring as fuck.
Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden.
This prospective BIden administration is looking like a kakistocracy of kleptocrats.
In those bin Laden letters we found, there was an order to his men not to kill Biden even if they got a clear shot, because he thought that Biden did more harm to America right where he was.
Youtube is down, apparently worldwide.
“Youtube is down, apparently worldwide.”
Should have used AWS or Azure.
Just sayin’
Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed...
Two weeks to flatten the curve is out, then? On the plus side, there'll be fewer businesses to shut down this time.
"Youtube is down, apparently worldwide”
Probably from the strain of censoring so many videos they disagreed with politically.
Veterans Day: Celebrating Hiroshi H. Miyamura.
Thanks mockturtle, thought it was just me. But, then, it's usually about me (quoting Biden).
Of course the Biden team is calling for a prison state, with the suspension of the most fundamental of civil liberties.
After demanding that we must stay locked down until we have a vaccine, now that one is in the offing, they of course will delay its implementation. And of course those who are considered less valuable members of society, like the elderly and disabled, the Biden team says should not get a priority in vaccination.
As of now the left holds 217 & right 203 seats. It takes 218 to have a majority.
14 are still undecided & right is solid ahead in 10.
Pelosi is in trouble - twitter
Fox promised us that the Democrats were set to gain ten or fifteen seats....
It’s a lot hard to setup vote fraud operations in districts where there is no big city mob backed machine.
Fun fact! Nancy Pelosi is the granddaughter of a Boston mobster, there is a Bulger mixed up with Hunter and Joe Biden’s business.
Isn’t America great?
The beginning of the end of Indian summer
Just the beginning of the end.
@Mark: one of Biden's named Covid-19 "experts" a medical ethicist, I believe, says the vaccine should go to the most needy in the world, as in not the United States, first. At least that's what was reported on the news tonight.
Jeffery Toobin's going to have a lot more time for...well...toobin'!
The New Yorker fires Jeffrey Toobin after probe into Zoom masturbation scandal
Account suspended
Any idea what happened? This was one of the few Twitter pages I enjoyed.
If the House splits 218 Dems to 217 GOP, fully expect the Dems to still run roughshod over everything and ram things through, including D.C. statehood, the codification of Roe, the abolition of rights of conscience and religious freedom, all manner of compelled and mandated action, suppression of speech, and worse.
For all their noise, the so-called "moderate" Dems are just as culpable as the left radicals that they go-along with.
"Youtube is down"
Eventually, people get tired of being lied to. Eventually, someone does something about it.
That same Biden "ethicist," EE, is well known for calling for healthcare rationing and measuring people's lives by their subjective "quality," with hints of being a eugenicist.
Don't believe that his idea of "needy" is the same as yours, or that it is even objectively ethical.
"Any idea what happened?”
He did honest statistical analysis of the election, maybe? Maybe because he pretty much nailed the vote in his predictions? How many years until it’s not just the Twat account getting shut down, but secret police coming around?
"Blaming it all on Iran and China.”
You are kind of stupid Chuck. Haven’t you been looking at the stuff that has come out about Biden and the Chicoms? How much kompromat do they have on corrupt old Joe and his wastrel son anyway? Nobody said that the Chinese stole the election, that’s a tactic from your new friends’ playbook.
Account suspended”
They are going to bring back blogs.
Is he the same guy that said life saving medical procedures should not be expended on those over 75 years of age?
Short Thread:
"At this point it looks like we're headed towards a fairly predictable timeline of events. Here is where we've come from and here is where we I see this headed:"
Oh, my. This is rich and creamy;
The newsroom joke, one reporter said, was that the masthead farmed diversity and inclusion to the softer sections of the paper — “Styles,” “Arts & Leisure,” The New York Times Magazine — so that “they could hire any white guy they wanted in D.C.”
Chuck said...
"Michael K said...
Iran and China seem to be the big winners if Biden squeaks through.
This is the seventh stage of grief. Blaming it all on Iran and China."
Try and follow this, dipshit. The Biden family are heavily in corrupt deals with the CCP. Using their father's name and position. This is the very definition of political corruption. Congratulations Chuck the C#*t. You and your POS simpleton friends just gave our foreign policy to Chairman Xi.
Now run along little man.
“Fox News can now project that Democrats will keep the House and gain at least five seats.”
What a shit show Fox Noise has turned into.
Clean and honest elections are not too much to expect. They must be mandatory, with everything done to identify problems and those in charge/with oversight responsibilities held accountable.
narciso @6:29pm... all the gains and steps taken to improve the regional situation would be thrown down the schiffter with a Biden/Harris administration. Our enemies must be licking their chops.
Ohio Gov announced tonight that if Covid numbers don’t start dropping then bars, restaurants and fitness centers will be closed again. No indication that those are a cause of the spiking. And revised mask requirements (provisions) will need to be enforced by stores/businesses or incur a mandatory shutdown for violations. So we will have 16 year olds responsible for mask enforcement at the grocery store. Don’t “provision” something and expect others to enforce it.
Been going to the gym 3x per week since June and have not been made aware of any cases. Doesn’t mean there were not any. But if I did get sick at least I usually see my doctor there working out as well.
Don't be surprised if come February, Iran aggression ramps up, ISIS makes a resurgence, China flexes its muscles, Russia moves to expand . . .
If I was America's enemy, that's what I would do.
The caravans in Central America are already starting to form up and plan their move north.
I'm sorry, Althouse, but it's time to cancel your NYT subscription. You can go on reading the crap they emit, and commenting on it -- there are ways to get behind their paywall -- but it is ethically problematic to give money to these people.
Journalism, 2020
From 2018...
"I'd like to see more people get vaccinated," Redfield told the AP at an event in New York. "We lost 80,000 people last year to the flu."
CDC officials do not have exact counts of how many people die from flu each year. Flu is so common that not all flu cases are reported, and flu is not always listed on death certificates.
Latest death count for Covid19 is 240,000.
3x as many Covid deaths as flu deaths. But- it is known that the Covid numbers are likely high due to financial incentives in reporting as such and, as noted above, flu deaths are not always reported, meaning that those numbers are likely too low.
So- something like twice as many people have died from Covid, which is more deadly for older, sicker people but not as deadly for the young as the flu. And our economy has been trashed for this.
From Facebook:
Silver lining! If 120-year-olds voted in Michigan, maybe I really AM only "middle-aged" instead of old!
Agent strasser i presume
I'm Not Sure said..."3x as many Covid deaths as flu deaths. But- it is known that the Covid numbers are likely high due to financial incentives in reporting as such and, as noted above, flu deaths are not always reported, meaning that those numbers are likely too low."
Flu deaths are not actually reported to the CDC or taken from death certificates. They estimate flu deaths using this procedure.. See if you can figure it out.
Happy Veterans Day to all of the veteran commenters.
I just entered bio information into the National WWII Memorial website for my father (China-Burma theater flying 72 missions over the Himalayans) and for my wife's father (Army howitzer gunner in 3rd army France/Germany/Luxembourg theater), who is still living at age 96.
You can check out the site and add your loved ones at:
Case for Mask Mandate Rests on Bad Data
Unfortunately, the IHME modelers’ findings contained an error that even minimal scrutiny should have caught. The projected number of lives saved, and the implied case for a mask mandate, are based on a faulty statistic. Using a months-old survey, IHME modelers assumed erroneously that the U.S. mask-adoption rate stood at only 49% as of late September, and therefore had plenty of room to increase to “universal adoption,” defined as 95%, or to a more plausible 85%. According to more recent survey findings, however, America’s mask-adoption rate has hovered around 80% since the summer.
which, Of Course, raises the serious question...
If Masks Work; why AREN'T THEY?
"Hillary Clinton is honest and uncorrupt. She did nothing wrong as SecState and her bathroom server wasn't a crime."
"The DNC is running an honest primary."
"Seth Rich was the victim of a botched robbery. No, his nice watch wasn't taken, he was just gunned down."
"Trump can't beat Hillary."
"Trump doesn't even want the job. He'll resign."
"Trump colluded with Russia."
"Hookers pee'd on a hotel bed in Moscow on Trump's dime, all because he is jealous of Obama."
"Flynn violated the Logan Act."
"Kavanaugh is a rapist."
"Obama and the Democrats didn't spy on Trump."
"Mueller has the goods on Trump. The walls are closing in."
"Trump is colluding with Ukraine. There was a quid pro quo."
"Everything Biden did in Ukraine and China was aboveboard. Nothing to see."
"Trump is a fascist for not ordering a nationwide economic lockdown because of a nasty, flu-like illness."
"Our COVID numbers are worse than every country in the world."
"Cuomo is doing a wonderful job in NY."
"Trump is causing these riots."
"Trump's name will destroy the downballot GOP. Blue wave incoming."
"Ignore all irregularities, these elections were free and fair."
Hey guys . . . I'm sensing a pattern.
I dropped out of S1E1 of Before We Die when a guy was tied to a chair and was being tortured. It's the modern cliche movie scene. It means no writers.
Europe and East Asia big winners from Biden landslide (Trump's word from 2016. I'm warming to it.)
Wow - so much focus on Trump/Biden news that I lost track of other interesting races around the country. Just read that in Maryland, Kim Klacik lost to Kweise Mfume 72%/28%. Like the presidential pattern, Klacik was ahead until 97k ballots were submitted for Mfume well into the evening.
You can check out the site and add your loved ones at:
Didn't find my Dad. My brother and I found some information using his dogtag, but apparently a bunch of military records were lost in a fire in 1973, his among them.
Youtube is back up.
tevew said...
Despite the attempts of the local media to ratchet up the Pandemic Panic on the news that cases are spiking, the local officials are displaying disinterest.
Governor Snake Oil Inslee has a "covid" press conference tomorrow. I told my hubby that we need to re-stock the TP, paper towels, etc BEFORE Snake Oil talks because there is no doubt in my mind that he's going to return to lockdowns. After all, we can make local company Amazon even richer by forcing everyone into e-shopping.
Look here
Denmark drops plans for mass mink cull after Covid mutation fears
I don't know if we have any true autistes in the commentariat, but anyone wanna take a stab at explaining THIS away? (3 very short video segments with an end tweet linking to the original, longer video).
"Denmark drops plans for mass mink cull after Covid mutation fears"
Blame Big Mink.
Wallingford conn
It's the modern cliche movie scene. It means no writers.
The modern cliche movie scene meaning no writers is seeing two near-strangers humping standing up against the wall in a closet at about 12 minutes into the first episode.
Eli Lily’s EUA for its covid antibody drug comes a full month after its submission to the FDA. It is suddenly announced on the first business day after the media proclaims Biden has been elected.
I’m not liking this country much at this time.. The bullshit seems to be accelerating at quite a pace.
I think a national mask mandate would be a disaster politically for Biden.
Assuming Biden becomes President, I suspect Justice Breyer will resign in the next few years. He won't want to make the same mistake Ginsburg made.
No, Dominion voting machines did not cause widespread voting problems.
Seems as if every one of the so called fraudulent voting schemes have been unproven.
If PA didn't keep ballots received after 8 pm on November 3 separate from ballots received before then, as Justice Alito ordered, boy will he be pissed, and rightfully so. Probably the other conservative justices too.
I think a national mask mandate would be a disaster politically for Biden.
@Mr. Majestyk, do you think he cares?
I think a national mask mandate would be a disaster politically for Biden.
Well, he won't be up for re-election for four years.
The Democrats in a very real sense suspended civil liberties across the nation.
And tens of millions of people voted for those Democrats.
Political "disaster" really doesn't apply to them.
So, in Arizona, the latest vote total has Biden maintaining a lead of 11,635, with about 24,000 ballots remaining to be counted. You really think Trump gets nearly 18,000 of those? (He got 53% of the last big batch of 13,000.)
Meanwhile, Snell & Willmer, the largest in-state firm, which had been lead counsel for Trump's Arizona election case, has just been permitted by the judge to withdraw.
Maybe they weren't being paid. Please contribute to Trump's litigation fund today. (You need to contribute big bucks because the first $8,000 of any donation goes to other, non-litigation uses. But you knew this was all a grift.)
Breyer won't resign unless Dems pick up the Georgia seats or McConnell gives assurances he won't block a successor's confirmation. It's possible. Breyer was confirmed to his court of appeals seat during the Carter lame-duck period during the days of cloture because he had served the judiciary committee and was well liked and respected across the aisle.
Ahh, yes, the New York Times! The same outlet that dished out most of the lies quoted above. And is perfectly fine calling 4 indisputably true stories "disinformation".
The only thing the NYT has unproven is it's own worth as a credible source.
Predicting Biden's final margin in AZ '20 exceeds Trump's in MI '16. Fox News got it right!
Looks like even a member of Joe Biden's transition team agrees that American elections are rigged . . .
We are truly living in the dumbest timeline.
C'mon, man! I'm sure he was just being a lyin', dog-faced pony soldier.
Its curious the margins are even smaller than the state races back in 2018, which the dems never gave up on.
That was in vox, wasnt it snorfle
And yet again, shit like narciso's 9:42 post is yet more evidence that we need to retally these ballots, find any bad ones, uncover any glitches, and get to the truth.
Unbelievable that elections are such chaos.
Why not have just 4 days of in-person voting (Sat thru Election Day) and be done with it? Why not purge voter rolls of dead and inactive voters? Why not require photo ID for all voters? Why not limit mail-in voting to folks who specifically request it?
The answer to all of the above is: Democrats.
Is the pattern becoming clearer?
If Biden gets an opening, what do you think the odds are that he would nominate Merrick Garland, after all the wailing and screaming the Dems made over him?
You think those odds are about negative 6000 percent? Or worse?
"Predicting Biden's final margin in AZ '20 exceeds Trump's in MI '16. Fox News got it right!"
Thinking that a hugely popular (confirmed by GOP approval ratings, record GOP voter registration, and nationwide job approval of 52% per Gallup) incumbent President, with long coattails on Election Day for downballot races (what happened to the Blue Wave?), could be beaten by a senescent, senile, and largely unseen husk of a candidate with a shrill, catty, unpopular in her own party woman as VP, who is so unaccomplished that it took blowjobs and tight clothes to get her to where she is, is sheer madness.
THAT is how I know there was fraud.
THAT is about all the evidence I need to be suspicious.
And so far, so much has been discovered to confirm those suspicions (things, BTW, that would require research to find - cuz the WaPo and NYT ain't touching a thing that looks shady), that only the uberpartisan hacks are declaring that there was nothing fishy.
Let them. I believe that when the chips fall, we'll be looking at the biggest election scandal in history. Or as we call it in these parts, "more 2020 bullshit."
"You think those odds are about negative 6000 percent? Or worse?"
It would be quite the troll move, almost Trump-ish, except Garland is now 4 years older and likely serves more value as a martyr. 4 years isn't much, but honestly if I were given the job of nominating, I'd try to pick someone with no gray hairs if ya know what I mean.
So the Republicans pick up a bunch of seats in the house and none of those same voters pulled the lever for Trump...
Totally possible.
Thousands of votes found in briefaces, uncounted, a week after the election. In Puerto Rico. And one guess, one guess only, which political party controls Puerto Rico? John Henry knows.
So far...
As of Wednesday, 51 of the state’s 72 counties had completed their canvasses. When you add up all of their totals, Biden gained 10 votes and President Trump lost 271 votes compared to the unofficial results from election night.
President Trump took a hit from an error in Shawano County, losing 274 votes. The county’s audit found a poll worker mistakenly mixed up the unofficial totals.
Still avoiding the news.
This morning I took down the Scots St. Andrews Cross flag and hoisted the U.S. flag on my flagpole. I have a smaller American flag in front that I fly every day because BLM.
I had a lot of thoughts about my grandpas who both fought in the trenches.
For Armistice Day I would recommend Madison Rising, The Star Spangled Banner:
All is not lost.
I think a national mask mandate would be a disaster politically for Biden.
Why? He'll be gone in a year anyway. Even if they prop him up and pretend, there is no way he runs for re-election.
Garland at 67 would be the oldest person ever to join the Court. He was picked by Obama in part as a compromise gesture to the Republicans--instead of the youngsters Trump picked.
"Totally possible."
Not bloody likely, given his approval ratings within the GOP at large.
"President Trump took a hit from an error in Shawano County, losing 274 votes. The county’s audit found a poll worker mistakenly mixed up the unofficial totals."
Win or lose, I want all errors found and corrected, and only legal votes counted. If this means Trump loses a few counties, then so be it.
Account suspended
Any idea what happened? This was one of the few Twitter pages I enjoyed.
That guy? Yeah, I saw him around. Used to hang out down at the dock with this dude Gary. At least I think his name was Gary. Point is, there was this broad, Maggie. Real fire cracker if you know what I mean. Anyways, Gary and Maggie get this idea to sell nutritional supplements to the elderly. They call it multi-level marketing or some such bullshit. Total fuckin' snake oil.
Peoples_Pundit is back now. I heard it went offline but the page makes no mention of it.
Following the anger and following the frustration by some at the powerlessness, the initial elation by others, I sense a certain let down, a melancholy and weariness. If they lockdown again, and people go along with it, or are forced to, it will kill the soul of the nation.
I have 6 flags on 3 flagpoles in my yard. Tomorrow the Trump 2020 flag will be removed, to replaced with the 1835 Gonzales Flag. January 20 is inauguration day. If Biden (or any other Democrat) is inaugurated that day, the U.S. Flag comes down off the pole. The spot will be left empty at the top of the flagpole for the next 4 years. There'll be a Gadsden Flag, a Navy Flag, and a Christian flag flying, with the other 2 alternating between different historic flags as they wear out. If things get bad enough, I may rehang the U.S. Flag- upside down as the universal symbol of distress. Hopefully, things won't get that bad.
According to my son in Texas, in the last week gasoline there has risen 40¢ a gallon. With Biden's announced energy policies, it has nowhere to go but up- with the increases being blamed on the evil oil companies, not Biden's enlighted energy policies.
If the covidiocy tightens up restrictions again- more shortages will occur, more businesses will go bankrupt,and, well, more bad will happen.
And- this far into the covidiocy, we still don't have some numbers that could answer a lot of questions, numbers that could very easily be found.
Of the 50,000+ U.S. citizens taking HCQ long term for RA and some other chronic disease BEFORE the covidiocy started, who have continued taking it- what's 1: Their covid infection rate and 2: Their covid death rate. The medical establishment knows who's been taking it. The numbers could easily be fleshed out. WHy don't we know them? You know, the mere fact that that we don't know them feeds conspiracy theories. I suspect HCQ is a well proven prophylaxis against the dreaded covid. I suspect that solely because those easily obtainable numbers are being hidden from us.
You're running reruns Rt1Rebel.
I guess it's time to remind Inga and Readering. I, for one, welcome our new socialist overlords. As a 58 year old retiree in one of the richest cities in America, I will be treated very well by your social programs. I don't make any money, so I won't be taxed, and I don't pay into SS or Medicare/Medicaid. I already made and paid taxes on my money. Wealth tax you say? Congress is going to pass a wealth tax? LOL. I have some money, but not as much as most of them.
When you lock down again, I get checks. When you pass another stimulus, I get checks. When you expand Medicare, my fiancee and I get it. When you eliminate student debt, I'm off the hook. I figure that a Biden presidency could add at least $2,000 a month to my income.
Please send your children and grandchildren thank you cards for me. I'll send you the postage and $5 for each one you send. If you want, I'll even send you pictures of my new Maserati that you can send them, so they can see what they bought for me.
I know, Mark. I will continue for the next 4 years to rub my good fortune in the faces of all of those that cheated and coerced the system against my will to give me a higher standard of living.
So I've been to some gatherings over the months.
Some just a handful of people, five or six, at a restaurant. Others a few dozen spaced out and masked.
The risk to me of catching COVID?
Probably zero. Because it is highly likely that on each of those occasions, 99.9 percent of the people did not have the virus. And you can't catch it in a room full of completely healthy people.
I also encounter and pass by countless numbers of people walking outside and popping into the grocery store. Again, it is highly likely that 99 percent of the people are healthy.
So, clearly we need to lockdown and imprison everyone in their homes. And make sure they wear devices that impair their breathing if they go out. And instill panic and fear too while they crush their spirits with forced solitary confinement.
Rt1Rebel: Don't send me the money. Think about your loyalty, and contribute the money to Trump's litigation fund. Don't worry, you'll still get your benefits from Biden. But Trump and his family will appreciate the gesture.
Nothing like a room of 100 completely healthy people wearing masks and keeping their distance and slobbering sanitizer goop on their hands.
Gospace: Puerto Rico has no electoral votes. You could look it up.
That would be tax fraud. A nice gesture to Trump.
I guess you realized that and deleted.
Shut up Mark, I want more unemployment and stimulus checks.
Watching some weird Alfred Hitchcock Show episode about a jar that mystifies everyone, especially Mr. Haney, who buys it from a carnival barker.
Co-starring Collin Wilcox. Who was the "plain" girl in that Twilight Zone episode. She looking really cute though in her own unique kind of way.
Slim Pickens and Goober are in it too. Ma Joad too. And Dr. Daystrom.
Mark you are like those people who lived in cities before they figured out sanitation prevented the spread of disease. It was all a mystery.
Puerto Rico has no electoral votes.
Well, that depends on the Georgia Senate runoffs.
Andrew Dice Clay: Tax fraud? Voter fraud? What's the fucking difference?!
I'm like those (rational) people who realize that a person has a very, very low risk of catching COVID in the first place from social interactions, and if he does, a very, very low risk of it ultimately being any more serious than the common cold if he is under 65 years old.
Kyzer Sosay: whose side did Cindy McCain take? Who won the Senate race? Right. Had he not been a sociopath he could well have repeated 2016 in Az.
Readering said...
Gospace: Puerto Rico has no electoral votes. You could look it up.
I see you read some invisible ink between the lines like liberal justices do when they read the Constitution.
Several close elections in Puerto Rico could be decided by those previously missing ballots.
Mr Majestic, they did keep the ballots separate in PA. We'll see how they are treated, but at about 10k they won't make up the difference even if all for Biden.
Speaking of Cindy McCain.
You know, Trump revealed in the debate that the main motivation for his running in the first place in 2016 was Obama/Biden's disastrous administration.
But part of it too was because of Mitt "the Weasel" Romney and John "Maverick" McCain. If they weren't such lousy, ineffectual candidates, if all the anti-Trumper and NeverTrumper Establishment Republicans who hate him had come up with a half-competent candidate themselves, he would have felt compelled to run in order to clean up and fix what they could not. But all they ever offer up is a sh*t sandwich. So they have only themselves to thank for Trump's rising.
Now it's Mannix. With a really good-looking brunette with a cone-pointy bra on. Couldn't place her, so I looked it up. She had red hair before -- Khan's girlfriend (and I just learned that she played Ricardo Montalbán's wife as well on Bonanza a few years before Star Trek . . . and Fantasy Island too!).
John McCain would have hated Trump for winning, regardless of anything else. Cindy felt the same way. McSally ran a very lackluster campaign, and didn't distinguish herself much as the incumbent. On the other hand, we also have plenty of on the ground reports of shady shit going on. So, yeah.
Trump has wanted to run and toyed with running for president for as long as Biden. If Trump hadn't been such an abysmal president Biden would have stayed in retirement.
As far as I can tell, this guy is agnostic on the issue of whether fraud occurred. But he has some interesting insights into the Dominion voting software and some easy and obvious vulnerabilities.
Good thread, even for the non-technically inclined.
"abysmal president"
- Cut taxes
- Lowest unemployment rate in modern memory
- Highest % of working POC in living memory
- No new wars
- Enforced Obama's "red lines" on Syria
- Set foot in N Korea and had a chat with their leader, in attempt to open a real dialogue
- Increased manufacturing
- Appointed 3 well qualified judges to the Supreme Court
- Worked to lower prescription drug costs
- Record stock market gains
- Yuge economic recovery from the Obama doldrums
- Improved trade deals with neighbors and strategic partners overseas
- Worked to contain Chinese expansion
- Improved NATO readiness by demanding our allies live up to their committments
- Worked with respected cultural figures on police reforms to better serve minority communities
- Did about as well as anyone could expect on COVID (In April, Dr. Birx said ~200k deaths would be an exceptional success - "perfect response measures". If not for NYS' idiocy, we'd be below that right now)
Readering, you're dullest blade I've come across in many moons. If you were a saw, I'd have cut you up, bent up the pieces, and welded you into a lawn-whirligig by now.
If Trump had a media that valued honesty more than histrionics, censorship, bootlicking, and Marxism, we wouldn't need a massive, all-autistes-on-keys effort to expose the voter fraud and put Biden back into retirement.
Ron Klain will be Biden's Chief of Staff. I am no good at linking on this platform, but a memo he wrote to David Gergen in the Clinton White House as Associate Counsel in charge of judicial vetting, circulating on twitter, is kinda wild. A 2-page memo critical of RBG from July 1993.
"Trump has wanted to run and toyed with running for president for as long as Biden."
This part is even duller than your second sentence. It exposes just how ridiculous it is to think that this election was aboveboard. Because Trump, unlike Biden, made his attempt without any institutional support. And he fucking won against a political legend, the "best" the Dems could put up, and not just by one state - he did it by shattering the old electoral map in a stunning way. Trump succeeded against the LONGEST of odds to win in 2016, and made it look relatively easy despite his grueling schedule. He did it by being as genuine as a man like Trump can be.
Biden tried what, 3 times before? And got shot down in flames each time, without fail, in the early primaries. He would have crashed and burned this time, except the DNC decided they needed to put Bernie out to pasture for good, and coerced the others to endorse Biden as they dropped out. And honestly, if Biden were in command of his faculties like 2008, he probably would've deserved to be one of the 4 or 5 contenders left once things got tight. But he woulda fucked it up somehow if not for the DNC, and it probably would've been Warren or Bernie.
No, between media ignoring stories, relentless anti-Trump negativity, protecting Biden from himself and letting him get away with never taking a firm position, literally censoring conservative voices, and in the ultimate act of sedition, election fraud, this was an engineered result by the Establishment.
And I still don't believe it will stand.
Kyzer SoSay, do you react to DJT photos the way Matt Gaetz reacts to TAT instagrams?
Readering, how often do you arrive to your shift at McDonald's and your team lead gently points out that your shoes are on the wrong feet?
Asking from experience?
No, luckily none of my employees have ever been that dumb.
Unlucky employees.
I don't think mixing up your shoes imparts luck.
Going to work for people unable to resist whatever gratuitous insult pops in their head is bad luck.
Fortunately the only thing that works for you is the soda fountain.
I'm sure you've got a million of 'em.
Here is my testimony on how I was cured of HIV by Dr Akhigbe,with his natural herbal medicine. on a regular basis in efforts to help others when I could. As you may know, each donation is tested. Well, on July 6th I had a meeting with a Red Cross representative and was told that I had HIV. “What went through your mind when you heard that "Rose" Good question reader! To be honest, I thought my life was over, that I would ever find love, get married, have children or anything normal. Lucky for me I have an amazing support system. My family supported me then I never thought that I was invincible to STD s or pregnancy or anything else parents warn their kids about. I just didn’t think about it. I was in a monogamous relationship and thought that I asked the right questions. We even talked about marriage Scary. During that time I was in college and donated blood on a re as well. who helped me in search of cure through the media.there we saw a good testimony of sister 'Kate' about the good work of Dr Akhigbe natural herbal medicine cure.then I copied his email address and contacted him. A good herbalist doctor with a good heart, he is kind, loving and caring. He replied back to my message and told me what to do. After a week the doctor sent me my herbal medicine and instructed me how to take it.Yes it worked very well, after drinking it I went to the hospital for another test and everything turned negative. What a wonderful testimony I can never forget in my life. Dr Akhigbe is a man who gave me a life to live happily forever so all I want you all to believe and know that cure of HIV is real and herbs is a powerful medicine and it works and heals. Dr Akhigbe also used his herbal medicine to cure diseases like: HERPES, DIABETES, SCABIES, HEPATITIS A/B, STROKE, CANCER, ALS, TUBERCULOSIS, ASTHMA, PENIS ENLARGEMENT, MALARIA, LUPUS, LIVER CIRRHOSIS, DEPRESSION, HIV/AIDS, EPILEPSY, BACTERIAL, DIARRHEA, HEART DISEASES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, PARKINSON'S, ALZHEIMER, COLD URTICARIA, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS,INSOMNIA, BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS, SCHIZOPHRENIA, JOINT PAIN, STOMACH PAIN, CHROME DISEASES, CHLAMYDIA, INSOMNIA HEARTBURN, , THYROID, MAR BURG DISEASES, MENINGITIS, ARTHRITIS, BODY WEAK, SMALLPOX, DENGUE, FEVER, CURBS, CHANCRE, AND OTHERS VARIOUS DISEASES/ VIRUS. You are there and you find yourself in any of these situations, kindly contact Dr Akhigbe now to help you get rid of it. Here is his email address: or you can write to him on whats app with his phone number: +2349010754824.
My appreciation is to share his testimony for the world to know the good work Dr Akhigbe has done for me and he will do the same for you.
Where is Kizer Sosay when you need him?
Blogger Humperdink said...Look, over there! It's moderation coming over the horizon.
I hope not, but I can see why it might. Certain people need to get a grip.
The Dems have sowed the seeds for chaos and will now reap the result, as will the rest of us. Don't need no stinkin' voter ID. Vote anywhere, anytime. Up to this point, the Dems are amused they were able pull off. It will not be a laughing matter in a few months.
Brandon Smith (Zero Hedge) amplifies what's coming in fairly clear terms:
Whoa! Give Readering some political clout and the real Readering shows up. He really, really doesn't like us conservatives.
Well ya got us, kid. You and your little friends managed to steal an election. Way to go!
How much did your good character cost? What did they pay you for it? Are your friends going to dox me? Are you going to send antifa to my neighborhood?
The problem with all of these theories about Dominion software is that hard counts of the votes would expose any such antics and people would go to prison in numbers. I just don’t see people taking the risk.
"They call it multi-level marketing or some such bullshit. Total fuckin' snake oil.”
Except he called the election a lot closer than just about anybody else.
Great, the idiots have petitioned for moderation.
"Great, the idiots have petitioned for moderation."
Last night I clicked on a knitting hashtag, and got the message that recent posts for all hashtags were being suppressed to combat the spread of misinformation about the US Election.
On Instagram! All hashtags!! What is going on????
I recommend you guys put “readering,” “Readering,” and “Rt1Rebel” in the same bucket as Chuck: some weirdo with sock puppets who has nothing better to do than try to stir the pot with worthless crap.
Don’t know if anyone else saw it but readering/Readering screwed up his puppeteering the other day and posted the same comment as “Rt1Rebel.”
Just ignore is my advice.
MayBee: I have had about enough of the way every single innocent aspect of life has been infected by either covid or politics. There is no respite. Can’t do anything or go anywhere in real life without running it through the covid filter or being lectured by leftists.
Where is the colony for people who are just sick to death of all of it and how do I get there, yesterday?
Pants- it all makes the things that could be fun feel so heavy instead. It started with sports and just kept going.
"that recent posts for all hashtags were being suppressed to combat the spread of information about the US Election.”
Fixed it for them.
" I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
I recommend you guys put “readering,” “Readering,” and “Rt1Rebel” in the same bucket as Chuck:"
I did long ago. Now they're just entertainment. Occasionally you have to remind them that they are without morals, but other than that, not to be taken seriously.
The bizarre reactions of the Left to clear and extensive evidence of voter fraud has convinced me that they know just as well as we do that it happened. They just believe they have to get rid of Trump BAMN, and the voter fraud was necessary. Telling us it didn't happen, censoring us, gaslighting us is pure will to power. What they didn't expect was for us to fight back against it. They were allowed to get away with it for decades after all. I think they're actually peeved that we won't let them this time. It should be *understood* that its okay for them to do it. It was part of the *bargain* with the Establishment Republicans. They have a responsibility to rein Trump in and let us get away with it!!!!
I am unconvinced by the Benford’s stuff in Milwaukee, but I think a good exercise for somebody interested in getting to the bottom of what happened in that city might be to go to wards where Trump made a fair showing, and wards where Biden did extraordianirly well and drive around and see if the character of the areas are any different.
Here is the vote broken out by ward. It would have been nice to find down ballot votes for comparison, but I couldn’t find them. I didn’t look real hard because it seems like the wards are non homogeneous, which means that the Benford’s stuff likely doesn’t apply.
I am not saying there is no fraud. I think that if wards that went very heavy for Biden are not much different in character than ones that didn’t, it would be a lot stronger case.
The Trump cult seems to be sleep walking through the reality of the vote margin for Biden and the spreading virus in our nation just like Trump. The news networks are now interviewing the Biden transition team to find out what can be done to control Covid.
Sometimes I dream
That he is me
You've got to see that's how I dream to be
I dream to sin, I dream to win
Like Joe
If I could Be Like Joe
Like Joe
Oh, if I could Be Like Joe
Be Like Joe, Be Like Joe
Again I try
I just may die
For just one day if I could
Be that way
I dream I sinned
I dream I winned
Like Joe
If I could Be Like Joe
I wanna be, I wanna be
Like Joe
Oh, if I could Be Like Joe
Your leader has spoken. Nap time America.
What Spencer showed using Benford’s properly was that there is some indication that Bernie got jobbed in Philly in the primary. What a surprise.
roesch/voltaire said...
The Trump cult seems to be sleep walking through the reality of the vote margin for Biden and the spreading virus in our nation just like Trump. The news networks are now interviewing the Biden transition team to find out what can be done to control Covid.
Youre going to get 4 years of it Ken. Buckle up
"The news networks are now interviewing the Biden transition team...”
Anybody ask him about Hunter’s laptop, or the emails and affidavits of Biden’s former business partners?
LOL no.
New York Times pushing election fraud to win Georgia
"I hope everybody moves to Georgia, you know, in the next month or two, registers to vote, and votes for these two Democratic senators," Friedman said during a Monday-night CNN appearance.
Georgia election law does not include a length-of-residency requirement in order to vote in the state. It does, however, prohibit prospective voters from "residing in the state briefly with the intention just to vote and then move away."
r/v said: "The news networks are now interviewing the Biden transition team to find out what can be done to control Covid."
"I have a plan"(Biden).
"What's your plan, Joe?"(Media).
"I have a plan!!!" (Biden)
If you want to know how life is going to proceed in the next few years, just read up on the Chinese Cultural Revolution, ca 1966.
When I hear a governor telling people to stay home, I always wonder if that's what they are doing. Or is staying home just for the ruled?
Joe’s plan is to reject the vaccines that Trump already paid for so that they can go to more deserving people in other countries, and then lock down the US, oh, and to impose excessive and unreasonable mask mandates that are not supported by the science. It’s all about showing deplorables who’s boss.
How "morally bankrupt" is it to advocate sending people to Georgia with the specific purpose of robbing Georgians of their voice in the Senate?
Joe's plan is to punish us, while he and his cronies rake in money for their personal comfort.
Has Hunter Biden been named an executive at Pfizer yet? Or are they still negotiating with Joe over his share?
I wonder how Trump is going to con America next—maybe start a new media channel and charge the cult a monthly fee?
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
"I wonder how Trump is going to con America next—maybe start a new media channel and charge the cult a monthly fee?"
Nice try to attempt to redirect. It's obvious now that vote fraud has been committed in nearly every swing state.(That was the first tell)Now it becomes a matter of how much. So I can conclude that as a democrat and a progressive you condone this action? (The second tell. No one on the left is outraged and demanding an investigation.)I know that you abandoned reason some time ago, but when did you sell your good character?
I wonder what Biden will sell to the ChiComs next. Ways to defeat our encryption, stealth technology? Allow dumping of cheap ChiCom steel onto the American market?
No worries though, the press won’t cover these stories, because we now live in Soviet America, where news that leads you to think less of a Democrat is automatically labeled as “disputed” and not reported, even if it is true.
Whiskeybum... Thanks for the link. Found my uncle. Lotsa friends from Viet Nam lost to Agent Orange and PTSD don't have the recognition cept in my heart.
>>How "morally bankrupt" is it to advocate sending people to Georgia with the specific purpose of robbing Georgians of their voice in the Senate?
I've read a couple of those stories. Although there have been some references to the, you know, committing-a-felony bit when you fraudulently claim that you intend to remain indefinitely and have no intention of leaving (and especially if you're taking money to do so), in none of the ones I've looked at has the "reporter" bothered to do the work to determine whether the people doing the moving could legally vote. Even the ones quoting supposedly knowledgable sources. The Georgia statute, which somebody posted here several days ago, is not difficult to find. It makes it pretty clear that the votes wouldn't be legal: Only voters that were eligible to vote in the original election are eligible to vote in the runoff. Not that illegality would necessarily mean the votes wouldn't be counted.
>>When I hear a governor telling people to stay home, I always wonder if that's what they are doing. Or is staying home just for the ruled?
Despite living in Boston for nearly 50 years, I'm still a Chicago boy at heart and keep up with things to some extent. Illiinois's prize of a governor has been particularly egregious. Within the last couple of days, his (20ish?) daughter was photographed at a restaurant violating his dictated limit on the size of outdoor gatherings.
>>"I hope everybody moves to Georgia, you know, in the next month or two, registers to vote, and votes for these two Democratic senators," Friedman said during a Monday-night CNN appearance.
I refer to my comment at 5:57. Friedman obviously didn't bother to do his homework. Maybe he should be fact-checked and his piece be deleted.
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