Seeing way too many chemtrails these days. Really hate when they course adjust right over my farm. Who are they? What are they spraying? Who directs them? WTF?
I'm beginning to just find the MSM and the reaction of our establishment Politicians - both R and D - to this vote fraud and Trump's demand for audits/recounts, so weird, crazy, and sad. I know the D's want to win, but why wouldn't you want to win LEGALLY. Why take this tack that, "Hey, sure there's fraud, but Biden won, so lets not look at those votes"?
Remember 2000? Gore turned the USA upside down for 37 days, over a desire to recount the votes in Florida. Did anyone at the NYT/WaPo/MSM tell Gore to pipe down and concede? Of course not.
Its gotten to the point where EVERYTHING in MSM is slanted, biased, untrue or DNC Propagnda. There' literally no reason to believe them on ANYTHING they say about Trump, Conservatives, Republicans or Democrats. I've stopped reading them. what is the point?
Not only am i skipping the MSM, I'm starting to skip the "Wow, Just wow" articles in right-wing media about the MSM. what is the point of saying for 1,000 time, that the NYT/WaPo is biased or hypocritical unless you add something more?
Just wanted to add: Amazon, Facebook, and Google are making out like Bandits during the lockdowns. And of course, lots of that $$ gets funneled back to the Democrat Politicians.
I'm beginning to just find the MSM and the reaction of our establishment Politicians - both R and D - to this vote fraud and Trump's demand for audits/recounts, so weird, crazy, and sad. I know the D's want to win, but why wouldn't you want to win LEGALLY. Why take this tack that, "Hey, sure there's fraud, but Biden won, so lets not look at those votes"
This is the argument between process and outcome. Once you take the step that you are willing to win by cheating rather than lose with honor in a process like a national election then you have destroyed the purpose of winning the election.
Now they have to rely on power in a system that relies on popular sufferance. It wont work that way.
So Dana Perino and Karl Rove are set up on Fox to mock the conference, and Perino (who until today I liked) says Dominion should sue Giuliani and Powell.
Based on the logic I see from lefties here all the time, if Dominion does NOT sue them, its effectively an admission of guilt. Right? Right?
Had I been exactly who I am today, but had I been born in the 1840s, the Civil War would have been a lot shorter.
Look I know lots of people are mad at cheatin' Joe Biden, but he is a sad old man who has no idea that, if he is actually inaugurated, he is going to go down in history as the most mocked president who was "ever elected" === the poor little old man has no idea why he left his basement and found out he had so so many votes ....
I also know that, here on the comment threads of the Althouse blog, lots of people have gotten angry at things I have said.
Nothing matters much - maybe you are as eloquent as the great poets of antiquity, maybe you are not. IT DOES NOT MATTER.
Maybe you TOTALLY SCORED those times when you told me, or someone like me, how much better than me you are. IT DOES NOT MATTER.
All that matters is this: were you a friend to someone who needed a friend, at that very important point in any of our lives, when we get to decide: will we be decent people who act like friends when our friends need a friend?
or will we fail at that one simple little challenge, a challenge which, if we succeed at it, tells God that we know
what compassion and love is.
Trust me my friends, ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BEING A HUMAN BEING IS TO KNOW THIS: you care about other people or you don't.
If you don't, there will always be people like me who are praying day and night for you ....
if you do, you don't need my prayers but you have them anyways...
but let's get back to the people who don't really care about other people.
trust me if you have ever gotten angry at me, well, look at it this way ...
I am the guy who prays every night of his life for people who don't really like other people all that much.
it is no small thing to be a friend to a creature who never had a friend in this world.
Trust me, God hears your prayers. God hears my prayers too but that is not all that important compared to the fact that GOD HEARS YOUR PRAYERS
i don't know why i bother i guess i just bother because i care
And now, for something completely different.Follow the link for smiles, especially you new guys:
"A reader, whom I won't identify, emailed me about the story (which I hadn't blogged) about the accusation that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders had falsely presented a photograph of a pecan pie as her own. Here's the tweet that baited the Sanders haters:
I️ dont cook much these days, but managed this Chocolate Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving at the family farm! — Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) November 23, 2017
The reader writes:
A blogger at something called the PalmerReport apparently did a reverse image search of the claimed "Huckabee" pie and came up with no matching images and therefore concluded that the allegation of April Ryan was false.
But look at the website of the Whaley Pecan Company...
Wtf? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?
Wasn’t somebody asking about Mike Sylwester? He’s an active commenter over on the meaninginhistory blog. Some interesting pots over there but definitely on the bleeding edge.
Back in the day, I would hear the whistle of the train while the rich people headed home from the city to their suburban houses, and I knew that, EVEN THOUGH NOBODY WHO HAS EVER LIVED CAN TELL ME THEY FOUND MORE NARRATIVE BEAUTY IN THOSE TRAIN WHISTLES THAN I DID, there are lots and lots of people who do not care how much people who suffer have suffered, and who do not realize how much GOD is THRILLED at the fact that those of us who had a bad deal in life care care care, and care enough to pray for others.
there are so so many people who need someone to just be kind to them, I know that, you know that, everybody knows that.
This is off the subject of election news, but it's a sign of the times.
The company I work for sent out an email today about Transgender Awareness Month. (That would be November. Who knew?)
I won't repeat all the boilerplate from bizzaro world. Suffice it to say we shouldn't be "othering" our trans coworkers by forcing them to correct a misuse of the appropriate pronoun. Blah blah blah about discrimination, etc.
So now the company is standardizing the use of pronoun usage across the organization. The (optional) email signature template now includes pronoun choices. I've never used the template, and have always just closed my emails with my name. I'm not high up enough for it to matter. But if I were to now use the template, for the sake of including my position, contact info, and the company logo, I would have to designate my pronouns.
The person who wrote the company email (who I've never heard of, and is in a different city), has "They/Them" after their name. No joke, this person's name and portrait are similar to androgynous Pat from SNL years ago.
Do you know what makes it even more obnoxious? This letter is able to be commented upon by employees. There are dozens of thumbs up and smiley emojis, along with hymns of praise to the company for taking such a brave stand for equality and justice. The only criticism? "This is long overdue."
I'm all for treating people with respect and courtesy, but why the entire world is catering to a fraction of the population is beyond me. Needless to say, if I dared critique the company's policy, or made a snide comment where they could see it, I suspect my job would be in jeopardy.
Somehow, I think Biden's pseudo-election is going to open the floodgates for more of this kind of nonsense.
I know the joke is old, but my pronoun is "Your Majesty." And my name is "Loretta."
I read yesterday that Amazon announced it's going into the pharmacy business and Walgreens and CVS stock immediately plunged. I have been making a concerted effort to shop at places other than Amazon. Not all the time but more than I used to. I think Amazon is not as good as it used to be. The reviews, for example, are suspect in my opinion, a lot of them anyway. They don't even seem to be written by actual human beings. And the price structure for a lot of products, it's all over the place. i feel as if there's some gouging go on there.
I'm starting to feel about Amazon the way I now feel about ebay. I just don't really trust it.
Big corporations with large outside sales orgs benefit financially from lockdowns. My monthly travel expense averaged upwards of $15k/month pre-Covid. And I'm just one of many. The next move is to replace relatively high experience, high priced folks like me with low cost millennials. Fortunately I'm close to retirement anyway.
I feel the same way. Like we are living in a dystopian society. Biden looked like a hologram announcing his "clear victory" a few days ago. Msm are blatantly lying and twisting everything.
“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'” Orwell 1984
Glad people like Rudy Juliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis are fighting against it. Praying for them
the Pants family gathered in front of the house just before dinner to watch the ISS pass overhead. We waved at the astronauts and prayed for them together. Then we had a talk about why people should so what is right and brave, and not necessarily what is 'safe.'
On the long list of negative social trends we rightthinkers must address: the cult of safetyism. It's an intellectual, emotional and spiritual dead end but it's very sticky. We need to recognize, arrest, and battle against it.
Two trump appointees lagoa (who was under consideration for supreme court justice) and brasher, chose not to mandate hard copy of voter logs, one obama appointee adalberto jordan. Actually did.
Ivanka and her husband are moving back to NY and there's all this talk about how they're going to be shunned and humiliated because none of the cool kids will want to play with them anymore and I was thinking, yeah these are the same people who found Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein perfectly fine company. So eff them. Not that I feel sorry for Ivanka.
Kellyanne Conway's daughter, Claudia --she of the anti-Trump Tik Tok fame, or so I've read, I'm not on Tik Tok-- has auditioned for American Idol. I wonder if her anti-Trumpism will hurt her if she makes to the America votes part of the show.
@Andrew - my company just sent out info on an upcoming mandatory “Unconscious Bias Training” class later this month. It is needed to create an intentional dialog and is an essential component of creating safe spaces....15 years ago when I joined the company we were focused on innovation and market share and product quality. Some of us still are.
@Stevew - I would like to get 3 more years. Last few years have been the most successful. And even 2020 will likely be a solid year but there is definitely a push to reorganize older folks out.
Lastly. Ohio started our curfew tonight. 10pm to 5 am. Apparently there are travel exceptions for essentials like groceries and medicine. Kroger is open until 11. Just got back from what will be a nightly essential run after 10 pm (Kroger was empty). But it seems to be working. I didn’t see the virus anywhere.
Those "chemtrails" are the jet engine exhaust of the airplanes flying above you. The engines emit carbon dioxide and water vapor. The water vapor freezes into ice crystals, which is what you see.
And no, there are no special chemicals being added to the jet fuel. The heat of engine burners would destroy the molecular integrity of the "chemtrail" fluid and convert it into CO2 and water. Carry and burning "chemicals" would reduce the fuel-milage of the jets, add weight, which also reduces the fuel milage, require additional maintenance to keep the "chemtrail" system operating plus the cost of the "chemtrail" fluids. All of that would reduce the airliners profitability.
You know, "the company I work for" did not send that e-mail. Some shithead who gets paid by the company you work for sent that e-mail, and that shithead was confident there would be no repercussions. Who is that shithead? How can you harm him?
"Based on the logic I see from lefties here all the time, if Dominion does NOT sue them, its effectively an admission of guilt. Right? Right?"
I think there is close to complete immunity (in most states) from defamation lawsuits against lawyers in the course of on going and sometimes threatened litigation.
tomaso said... Seeing way too many chemtrails these days. Really hate when they course adjust right over my farm. Who are they? What are they spraying? Who directs them? WTF? ***********
Oh for fuck's sake.
Chemtrails are what used to be called contrails, short for "condensation trails".
They consist almost entirely of CO2 and water vapor, just as Mike of Snoqualmie said.. Planes don't add chemicals to them.
Why would they? Those pilots all have to go home to their families, don't they?
They may look a little different than contrails, but that's because modern jet engines are not the turbojets of years ago; the difference in design changes the apparent size of what comes out the engines, but not the composition.
The fact that you think the planes adjust their course to fly over YOUR farm makes you a KOOK, straight up. Paranoia strikes deep...
I think Amazon is not as good as it used to be. The reviews, for example, are suspect in my opinion, a lot of them anyway. They don't even seem to be written by actual human beings.
The book reviews (apart from the useless '5 stars -- arrived undamaged' sort) clearly are mostly human produced. I know mine are. I have noticed a shift in the interaction there though. There used to be a fair number of comments on reviews, now there hardly ever are.
"Luna, Jupiter and Saturn have shewn bright and clear these last few nights; I hope some of you have had views as fine."
So that is Saturn near Jupiter in the early evening! I wondered about it. Of course, I always can identify Jupiter even when I have lost track of what should be in sky on any given evening (same with Mars which is a little higher in the sky right now with the reddish tint and near it's max brightness). I had noticed the dimmer "star" near Jupiter, and was wondering whether or not it could be Saturn- I couldn't remember a star in the vicinity (Jupiter is in Capricorn right now) that would be that bright. I was thinking the other day to dig out my father's binoculars and see if I could see the rings or not.
They only conjunct about once every 19-20 years- I remember the previous two- had to get up early to see the previous one, though, but I had a telescope still at the time, so it wasn't a problem identifying Saturn though the Sun was rising soon after the pair of planets (I think it was about 40 minutes before Sunrise- Jupiter was easy to see with the naked eye, but not Saturn) I was teenager during the first one I observed- was 1980 or 81- easy to spot- they were close together for several months and well after sunset and before sunrise. Those were the days I still wanted to be an astronomer.
Tim Miller at The Bulwark has figured out that Democrats really don't cheat very well. As the facts were discerned by Trump and his brilliant lawyers:
"The Democrats paid the voting-system company to flip X percent of votes from Trump to Biden (but didn’t do the same for down-ballot Democrats)."
Moving enough votes to Dems Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in order for each to exceed 50% and no US Senate runoff election would have been required in the Peach State.
The Devil went down to Georgia. He was lookin' for a soul to steal. He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind. He was willing to make a deal
Fire on the Mountain." Run, boys, run! The Devil's in the house of the rising sun Chicken's in the bread pan picking out dough Granny, does your dog bite? No, child, no"
Wow! John Hinderaker writes an anti-Trump article. Finally after four years! Including this bad research from Michigan, sorry, Minnesota, Sidney Powell adds details to make dismissal of the Trump lawsuit easy. She did similar enlightening document filings to get traitor Mike Flynn out-of-jail - which will make Judge Sullivan's final judgement easy as well.
"I feel sorry for them (my relatives) in a way, once he's [Trump] out of office they'll have no one to hate any more."
Most likely the Trump haters and complainers will turn their ire toward those of us that support him and what he has accomplished while in office. Once you allow hate into your heart it is difficult to remove.
So says the Boston Globe overnight: "‘Terrifying’ COVID-19 trends raise fears in Mass. with holiday looming"
Terrifying for whom?
The NYT chimes in with: "Trump Targets Michigan in His Ploy to Subvert the Election By Maggie Haberman, Jim Rutenberg, Nick Corasaniti and Reid J. Epstein
In a brazen step, the president invited Republican state leaders in Michigan to the White House as he and his allies try to prevent the state from certifying Joe Biden’s clear victory there."
They gave up even trying to hide their bias a long time ago. "Ploy" "Subvert".
tomaso said... Seeing way too many chemtrails these days. Really hate when they course adjust right over my farm. Who are they? What are they spraying? Who directs them? WTF? What others have said. If they're changing course they're probably military. Commercial jets go in a straight line to their destination as this is the more cost efficient. My neighbor who retired from United likened his job to," A flying bus."
Rusty: Commercial airlines often take a less-than-straight-line route to their destinations. Sometimes it has to do with the curvature of the Earth, sometimes because of the proximity to land. There are many interesting videos out there explaining this. One of my sponsees is an American Airlines pilot.
But you're spot-on about "chem trails" I have a poor, delusional nephew who bought into this tinfoil hat idea and we just avoid talking about it. He's convinced it's true
Most likely the Trump haters and complainers will turn their ire toward those of us that support him and what he has accomplished while in office. Once you allow hate into your heart it is difficult to remove.
Pants rightly observes: On the long list of negative social trends we rightthinkers must address: the cult of safetyism. It's an intellectual, emotional and spiritual dead end but it's very sticky. We need to recognize, arrest, and battle against it.
While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. I Thess. 5:3
regarding "straight line" flights. I recall how surprised I was when I called up a flight-tracker website and realized that normal commercial flights between the East Coast of the US and countries in northern Europe (Ireland) spend almost no time at all over water. They cross the ocean, without (almost) ever crossing the ocean.
normal commercial flights between the East Coast of the US and countries in northern Europe (Ireland) spend almost no time at all over water. They cross the ocean, without (almost) ever crossing the ocean.
Depends on the departure and destination, as well as winds. If memory serves, and it's been awhile since I've done it, typically several hours are spent over the ocean (Memphis the departure, destination Stansted or Paris.) Atlantic tracks can vary significantly depending on winds.
In general, airplanes follow a great circle track (the projection on the earth's surface of the plane intersecting the departure and destination that also passes through the center of the earth) because that is the shortest distance between two points on a sphere.
"I recall how surprised I was when I called up a flight-tracker website and realized that normal commercial flights between the East Coast of the US and countries in northern Europe (Ireland) spend almost no time at all over water. They cross the ocean, without (almost) ever crossing the ocean."
Circle routes, ideal for planes and boats to minimize cost and time, especially over a sphere.
I only picked up the stargazing hobby in my 40s, and I can keep track of the planets pretty well now. Saturn and Jupiter have been close for some time now, and Mars stands out easily.
Astronomy as a historical topic fascinates me also. Galileo's Daughter by Sobel, The Fated Sky by Bobrick, and bios like Lemonick's The Georgian Star (about the great Herschel, with one historical howler) are all enlightening.
In Prague last year--almost to the day--we passed the statue of Tycho Brahe and Kepler on the way to the Hradcany complex. I was almost the only person in the group who knew or cared who they were or what they did.
Narr MK. I eyeball--if it was good enough for Brahe, it's good enough for me
In Prague last year--almost to the day--we passed the statue of Tycho Brahe and Kepler on the way to the Hradcany complex. I was almost the only person in the group who knew or cared who they were or what they did.
I wrote a review of it but that was years ago and this is a new edition. The author, an astronomer, decided to visit and look at every copy of Copernicus' "De Revolutionibus." When my daughter worked at the Huntington Library, she saw a copy on the shelf. The last copy in private hands sold for millions.
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Seeing way too many chemtrails these days. Really hate when they course adjust right over my farm. Who are they? What are they spraying? Who directs them? WTF?
There’s a Republican primary in your future, tomaso.
I'm beginning to just find the MSM and the reaction of our establishment Politicians - both R and D - to this vote fraud and Trump's demand for audits/recounts, so weird, crazy, and sad. I know the D's want to win, but why wouldn't you want to win LEGALLY. Why take this tack that, "Hey, sure there's fraud, but Biden won, so lets not look at those votes"?
Remember 2000? Gore turned the USA upside down for 37 days, over a desire to recount the votes in Florida. Did anyone at the NYT/WaPo/MSM tell Gore to pipe down and concede? Of course not.
Its gotten to the point where EVERYTHING in MSM is slanted, biased, untrue or DNC Propagnda. There' literally no reason to believe them on ANYTHING they say about Trump, Conservatives, Republicans or Democrats. I've stopped reading them. what is the point?
Not only am i skipping the MSM, I'm starting to skip the "Wow, Just wow" articles in right-wing media about the MSM. what is the point of saying for 1,000 time, that the NYT/WaPo is biased or hypocritical unless you add something more?
You need to read them like you read Pravda in Russia.
Whatever they accuse Trump of, they're doing.
Whatever is reported is a lie
Whatever isn't reported is the truth.
Just wanted to add: Amazon, Facebook, and Google are making out like Bandits during the lockdowns. And of course, lots of that $$ gets funneled back to the Democrat Politicians.
rcocean said...
I'm beginning to just find the MSM and the reaction of our establishment Politicians - both R and D - to this vote fraud and Trump's demand for audits/recounts, so weird, crazy, and sad. I know the D's want to win, but why wouldn't you want to win LEGALLY. Why take this tack that, "Hey, sure there's fraud, but Biden won, so lets not look at those votes"
This is the argument between process and outcome. Once you take the step that you are willing to win by cheating rather than lose with honor in a process like a national election then you have destroyed the purpose of winning the election.
Now they have to rely on power in a system that relies on popular sufferance. It wont work that way.
So Dana Perino and Karl Rove are set up on Fox to mock the conference, and Perino (who until today I liked) says Dominion should sue Giuliani and Powell.
Based on the logic I see from lefties here all the time, if Dominion does NOT sue them, its effectively an admission of guilt. Right? Right?
You want the smoking gun?
Here is the smoking gun.
Heard on CBS radio News this afternoon that "some models" were predicting another 150,000 deaths between now and inauguration day.
I'll take the under.
Edit: another 150,000 covid deaths.
I hope all our California friends get home safely tonight before 10pm.
Every year is an interesting year to be alive.
Had I been exactly who I am today, but had I been born in the 1840s, the Civil War would have been a lot shorter.
Look I know lots of people are mad at cheatin' Joe Biden, but he is a sad old man who has no idea that, if he is actually inaugurated, he is going to go down in history as the most mocked president who was "ever elected" === the poor little old man has no idea why he left his basement and found out he had so so many votes ....
I also know that, here on the comment threads of the Althouse blog, lots of people have gotten angry at things I have said.
Nothing matters much - maybe you are as eloquent as the great poets of antiquity, maybe you are not. IT DOES NOT MATTER.
Maybe you TOTALLY SCORED those times when you told me, or someone like me, how much better than me you are. IT DOES NOT MATTER.
All that matters is this: were you a friend to someone who needed a friend, at that very important point in any of our lives, when we get to decide: will we be decent people who act like friends when our friends need a friend?
or will we fail at that one simple little challenge, a challenge which, if we succeed at it, tells God that we know
what compassion and love is.
Trust me my friends, ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BEING A HUMAN BEING IS TO KNOW THIS: you care about other people or you don't.
If you don't, there will always be people like me who are praying day and night for you ....
if you do, you don't need my prayers but you have them anyways...
but let's get back to the people who don't really care about other people.
trust me if you have ever gotten angry at me, well, look at it this way ...
I am the guy who prays every night of his life for people who don't really like other people all that much.
it is no small thing to be a friend to a creature who never had a friend in this world.
Trust me, God hears your prayers. God hears my prayers too but that is not all that important compared to the fact that GOD HEARS YOUR PRAYERS
i don't know why i bother i guess i just bother because i care
A look at the state level Democratic crash.
More gunsmoke!
And now, for something completely different.Follow the link for smiles, especially you new guys:
"A reader, whom I won't identify, emailed me about the story (which I hadn't blogged) about the accusation that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders had falsely presented a photograph of a pecan pie as her own. Here's the tweet that baited the Sanders haters:
I️ dont cook much these days, but managed this Chocolate Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving at the family farm!
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) November 23, 2017
The reader writes:
A blogger at something called the PalmerReport apparently did a reverse image search of the claimed "Huckabee" pie and came up with no matching images and therefore concluded that the allegation of April Ryan was false.
But look at the website of the Whaley Pecan Company...
Wtf? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?
Caveat: He is "on the spectrum", so go easy..
I just renewed my driver's license on-line.......while drinking a beer.
Gawd.....I love this country!!
Newsome still going for the trophy, curfew in Ca starting this weekend.
Let's see that Washington gov step up his game and top this!
Not gonna affect my bay area compadres, they all in Georgia, rigging votes.
Wasn’t somebody asking about Mike Sylwester? He’s an active commenter over on the meaninginhistory blog. Some interesting pots over there but definitely on the bleeding edge.
Newsome's curfew is from 10 PM to 5 AM. I don't know what the purpose is. How many people are running around at Midnight spreading CV-19?
In any case, Antifa is exempt and is free to riot. Count on it.
Every. night. You have no idea.
Back in the day, I would hear the whistle of the train while the rich people headed home from the city to their suburban houses, and I knew that, EVEN THOUGH NOBODY WHO HAS EVER LIVED CAN TELL ME THEY FOUND MORE NARRATIVE BEAUTY IN THOSE TRAIN WHISTLES THAN I DID, there are lots and lots of people who do not care how much people who suffer have suffered, and who do not realize how much GOD is THRILLED at the fact that those of us who had a bad deal in life care care care, and care enough to pray for others.
there are so so many people who need someone to just be kind to them, I know that, you know that, everybody knows that.
Wtf? Is Sanders a colossal liar or the most unusual troll in Washington?
Well, she didn't say she baked it. She said she 'managed' it. Managed to buy it, maybe. Probably tasted just fine. :-)
An interesting discussion of our future if Biden manages to slip into office.
This is off the subject of election news, but it's a sign of the times.
The company I work for sent out an email today about Transgender Awareness Month. (That would be November. Who knew?)
I won't repeat all the boilerplate from bizzaro world. Suffice it to say we shouldn't be "othering" our trans coworkers by forcing them to correct a misuse of the appropriate pronoun. Blah blah blah about discrimination, etc.
So now the company is standardizing the use of pronoun usage across the organization. The (optional) email signature template now includes pronoun choices. I've never used the template, and have always just closed my emails with my name. I'm not high up enough for it to matter. But if I were to now use the template, for the sake of including my position, contact info, and the company logo, I would have to designate my pronouns.
The person who wrote the company email (who I've never heard of, and is in a different city), has "They/Them" after their name. No joke, this person's name and portrait are similar to androgynous Pat from SNL years ago.
Do you know what makes it even more obnoxious? This letter is able to be commented upon by employees. There are dozens of thumbs up and smiley emojis, along with hymns of praise to the company for taking such a brave stand for equality and justice. The only criticism? "This is long overdue."
I'm all for treating people with respect and courtesy, but why the entire world is catering to a fraction of the population is beyond me. Needless to say, if I dared critique the company's policy, or made a snide comment where they could see it, I suspect my job would be in jeopardy.
Somehow, I think Biden's pseudo-election is going to open the floodgates for more of this kind of nonsense.
I know the joke is old, but my pronoun is "Your Majesty." And my name is "Loretta."
God may love me but biden/harris/soros and barry want to put it in and break it off.
I read yesterday that Amazon announced it's going into the pharmacy business and Walgreens and CVS stock immediately plunged. I have been making a concerted effort to shop at places other than Amazon. Not all the time but more than I used to. I think Amazon is not as good as it used to be. The reviews, for example, are suspect in my opinion, a lot of them anyway. They don't even seem to be written by actual human beings. And the price structure for a lot of products, it's all over the place. i feel as if there's some gouging go on there.
I'm starting to feel about Amazon the way I now feel about ebay. I just don't really trust it.
ga6 --- don't let it bother you much.
I know what the world looks like to people like the people who, when they hear the name Biden, do not immediately realize that
this world belongs to you, ga6.
Let not your heart be troubled.
It always has and it always will.
Big corporations with large outside sales orgs benefit financially from lockdowns. My monthly travel expense averaged upwards of $15k/month pre-Covid. And I'm just one of many. The next move is to replace relatively high experience, high priced folks like me with low cost millennials. Fortunately I'm close to retirement anyway.
Newsom is the authoritarian that the Dems think Trump is.
Jaime, Ds LOVE an authoritarian.
As long as he's THEIR authoritarian.
Andrew said...
I know the joke is old, but my pronoun is "Your Majesty." And my name is "Loretta."
Playing Ultima Online decades ago I learned any gaming name with "Lord" in front of it became instantly better.
"God Emperor" also has a nice ring to it.
"Newsom is the authoritarian that the Dems think Trump is."
Dems have complained that...
Trump is an authoritarian.
Trump isn't authoritarian enough.
Rcocean said " weird, crazy and sad".
I feel the same way. Like we are living in a dystopian society. Biden looked like a hologram announcing his "clear victory" a few days ago. Msm are blatantly lying and twisting everything.
“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'” Orwell 1984
Glad people like Rudy Juliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis are fighting against it. Praying for them
Luna, Jupiter and Saturn have shewn bright and clear these last few nights; I hope some of you have had views as fine.
Just call me El Supremo and we'll get along great
I Am El Conquistador
My Trump hating relatives have been glued to CNN every waking moment since the election and all CNN is able to talk about is Trump, Trump, Trump!
I feel sorry for them (my relatives) in a way, once he's out of office they'll have no one to hate any more.
the Pants family gathered in front of the house just before dinner to watch the ISS pass overhead. We waved at the astronauts and prayed for them together. Then we had a talk about why people should so what is right and brave, and not necessarily what is 'safe.'
On the long list of negative social trends we rightthinkers must address: the cult of safetyism. It's an intellectual, emotional and spiritual dead end but it's very sticky. We need to recognize, arrest, and battle against it.
Two trump appointees lagoa (who was under consideration for supreme court justice) and brasher, chose not to mandate hard copy of voter logs, one obama appointee adalberto jordan. Actually did.
Ivanka and her husband are moving back to NY and there's all this talk about how they're going to be shunned and humiliated because none of the cool kids will want to play with them anymore and I was thinking, yeah these are the same people who found Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein perfectly fine company. So eff them. Not that I feel sorry for Ivanka.
Kellyanne Conway's daughter, Claudia --she of the anti-Trump Tik Tok fame, or so I've read, I'm not on Tik Tok-- has auditioned for American Idol. I wonder if her anti-Trumpism will hurt her if she makes to the America votes part of the show.
Narr said...
Luna, Jupiter and Saturn have shewn bright and clear these last few nights; I hope some of you have had views as fine.
Those could be excellent pronouns as well.
I'm finally getting a second wind on blogging again. Really cranking' 'em out. I'm not sure where it went.
facebook probably.
@Andrew - my company just sent out info on an upcoming mandatory “Unconscious Bias Training” class later this month. It is needed to create an intentional dialog and is an essential component of creating safe spaces....15 years ago when I joined the company we were focused on innovation and market share and product quality. Some of us still are.
@Stevew - I would like to get 3 more years. Last few years have been the most successful. And even 2020 will likely be a solid year but there is definitely a push to reorganize older folks out.
Lastly. Ohio started our curfew tonight. 10pm to 5 am. Apparently there are travel exceptions for essentials like groceries and medicine. Kroger is open until 11. Just got back from what will be a nightly essential run after 10 pm (Kroger was empty). But it seems to be working. I didn’t see the virus anywhere.
Those "chemtrails" are the jet engine exhaust of the airplanes flying above you. The engines emit carbon dioxide and water vapor. The water vapor freezes into ice crystals, which is what you see.
And no, there are no special chemicals being added to the jet fuel. The heat of engine burners would destroy the molecular integrity of the "chemtrail" fluid and convert it into CO2 and water. Carry and burning "chemicals" would reduce the fuel-milage of the jets, add weight, which also reduces the fuel milage, require additional maintenance to keep the "chemtrail" system operating plus the cost of the "chemtrail" fluids. All of that would reduce the airliners profitability.
"The company I work for sent out an email today about Transgender Awareness Month. (That would be November. Who knew?)"
Well. Obviously, people who are Transgender Aware!
When is Schizophrenia Awareness Month?
You know, "the company I work for" did not send that e-mail. Some shithead who gets paid by the company you work for sent that e-mail, and that shithead was confident there would be no repercussions. Who is that shithead? How can you harm him?
"When is Schizophrenia Awareness Month?"
March and October.
There's a pandemic on: you know what to do
"Based on the logic I see from lefties here all the time, if Dominion does NOT sue them, its effectively an admission of guilt. Right? Right?"
I think there is close to complete immunity (in most states) from defamation lawsuits against lawyers in the course of on going and sometimes threatened litigation.
I wonder who makes up these rules?
John Henry - How many slips across the way? I hope one is yours.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
I feel sorry for them (my relatives) in a way, once he's [Trump] out of office they'll have no one to hate any more.
Don't worry about them, I'll be stunned if their hatred drops an atom.
It should
Lol on the trans and pronoun comments.
@WK,sorry to hear it. There are no safe spaces for people who just want to do their jobs well.
Sir Andrew the Virtuous
Never mind
tomaso said...
Seeing way too many chemtrails these days. Really hate when they course adjust right over my farm. Who are they? What are they spraying? Who directs them? WTF?
Oh for fuck's sake.
Chemtrails are what used to be called contrails, short for "condensation trails".
They consist almost entirely of CO2 and water vapor, just as Mike of Snoqualmie said.. Planes don't add chemicals to them.
Why would they? Those pilots all have to go home to their families, don't they?
They may look a little different than contrails, but that's because modern jet engines are not the turbojets of years ago; the difference in design changes the apparent size of what comes out the engines, but not the composition.
The fact that you think the planes adjust their course to fly over YOUR farm makes you a KOOK, straight up. Paranoia strikes deep...
Seek professional care.
Look here
I'm Not Sure said...
I Am El Conquistador
I think Amazon is not as good as it used to be. The reviews, for example, are suspect in my opinion, a lot of them anyway. They don't even seem to be written by actual human beings.
The book reviews (apart from the useless '5 stars -- arrived undamaged' sort) clearly are mostly human produced. I know mine are. I have noticed a shift in the interaction there though. There used to be a fair number of comments on reviews, now there hardly ever are.
One of the problems with corrupt systems is that they have no internal auditors to make sure bad mistakes are not made.
Like putting Dominion Voting Systems on your DHS advisory committee that releases statements that are later found out to be completely self serving.
As a further pointed out, eas certifier ended up on the board of anothercompany which in turn was on the conference call with krebs.
"Luna, Jupiter and Saturn have shewn bright and clear these last few nights; I hope some of you have had views as fine."
So that is Saturn near Jupiter in the early evening! I wondered about it. Of course, I always can identify Jupiter even when I have lost track of what should be in sky on any given evening (same with Mars which is a little higher in the sky right now with the reddish tint and near it's max brightness). I had noticed the dimmer "star" near Jupiter, and was wondering whether or not it could be Saturn- I couldn't remember a star in the vicinity (Jupiter is in Capricorn right now) that would be that bright. I was thinking the other day to dig out my father's binoculars and see if I could see the rings or not.
They only conjunct about once every 19-20 years- I remember the previous two- had to get up early to see the previous one, though, but I had a telescope still at the time, so it wasn't a problem identifying Saturn though the Sun was rising soon after the pair of planets (I think it was about 40 minutes before Sunrise- Jupiter was easy to see with the naked eye, but not Saturn) I was teenager during the first one I observed- was 1980 or 81- easy to spot- they were close together for several months and well after sunset and before sunrise. Those were the days I still wanted to be an astronomer.
Tim Miller at The Bulwark has figured out that Democrats really don't cheat very well. As the facts were discerned by Trump and his brilliant lawyers:
"The Democrats paid the voting-system company to flip X percent of votes from Trump to Biden (but didn’t do the same for down-ballot Democrats)."
Moving enough votes to Dems Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in order for each to exceed 50% and no US Senate runoff election would have been required in the Peach State.
The Devil went down to Georgia.
He was lookin' for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind.
He was willing to make a deal
Fire on the Mountain." Run, boys, run!
The Devil's in the house of the rising sun
Chicken's in the bread pan picking out dough
Granny, does your dog bite? No, child, no"
@etbass said...
Wow! John Hinderaker writes an anti-Trump article. Finally after four years! Including this bad research from Michigan, sorry, Minnesota, Sidney Powell adds details to make dismissal of the Trump lawsuit easy. She did similar enlightening document filings to get traitor Mike Flynn out-of-jail - which will make Judge Sullivan's final judgement easy as well.
"I feel sorry for them (my relatives) in a way, once he's [Trump] out of office they'll have no one to hate any more."
Most likely the Trump haters and complainers will turn their ire toward those of us that support him and what he has accomplished while in office. Once you allow hate into your heart it is difficult to remove.
So says the Boston Globe overnight: "‘Terrifying’ COVID-19 trends raise fears in Mass. with holiday looming"
Terrifying for whom?
The NYT chimes in with: "Trump Targets Michigan in His Ploy to Subvert the Election
By Maggie Haberman, Jim Rutenberg, Nick Corasaniti and Reid J. Epstein
In a brazen step, the president invited Republican state leaders in Michigan to the White House as he and his allies try to prevent the state from certifying Joe Biden’s clear victory there."
They gave up even trying to hide their bias a long time ago. "Ploy" "Subvert".
tomaso said...
Seeing way too many chemtrails these days. Really hate when they course adjust right over my farm. Who are they? What are they spraying? Who directs them? WTF?
What others have said. If they're changing course they're probably military. Commercial jets go in a straight line to their destination as this is the more cost efficient. My neighbor who retired from United likened his job to," A flying bus."
Rusty: Commercial airlines often take a less-than-straight-line route to their destinations. Sometimes it has to do with the curvature of the Earth, sometimes because of the proximity to land. There are many interesting videos out there explaining this. One of my sponsees is an American Airlines pilot.
But you're spot-on about "chem trails" I have a poor, delusional nephew who bought into this tinfoil hat idea and we just avoid talking about it. He's convinced it's true
I am the god of hellfire and I bring you...
Here is proof there are chemtrails!
Most likely the Trump haters and complainers will turn their ire toward those of us that support him and what he has accomplished while in office. Once you allow hate into your heart it is difficult to remove.
Exactly, stevew!
Pants rightly observes: On the long list of negative social trends we rightthinkers must address: the cult of safetyism. It's an intellectual, emotional and spiritual dead end but it's very sticky. We need to recognize, arrest, and battle against it.
While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. I Thess. 5:3
regarding "straight line" flights. I recall how surprised I was when I called up a flight-tracker website and realized that normal commercial flights between the East Coast of the US and countries in northern Europe (Ireland) spend almost no time at all over water. They cross the ocean, without (almost) ever crossing the ocean.
normal commercial flights between the East Coast of the US and countries in northern Europe (Ireland) spend almost no time at all over water. They cross the ocean, without (almost) ever crossing the ocean.
Depends on the departure and destination, as well as winds. If memory serves, and it's been awhile since I've done it, typically several hours are spent over the ocean (Memphis the departure, destination Stansted or Paris.) Atlantic tracks can vary significantly depending on winds.
In general, airplanes follow a great circle track (the projection on the earth's surface of the plane intersecting the departure and destination that also passes through the center of the earth) because that is the shortest distance between two points on a sphere.
"I recall how surprised I was when I called up a flight-tracker website and realized that normal commercial flights between the East Coast of the US and countries in northern Europe (Ireland) spend almost no time at all over water. They cross the ocean, without (almost) ever crossing the ocean."
Circle routes, ideal for planes and boats to minimize cost and time, especially over a sphere.
I am so stealing that.
Reminds me of the Procol Harum song.
I only picked up the stargazing hobby in my 40s, and I can keep track of the planets pretty well now. Saturn and Jupiter have been close for some time now, and Mars stands out easily.
Astronomy as a historical topic fascinates me also. Galileo's Daughter by Sobel, The Fated Sky by Bobrick, and bios like Lemonick's The Georgian Star (about the great Herschel, with one historical howler) are all enlightening.
In Prague last year--almost to the day--we passed the statue of Tycho Brahe and Kepler on the way to the Hradcany complex. I was almost the only person in the group who knew or cared who they were or what they did.
MK. I eyeball--if it was good enough for Brahe, it's good enough for me
In Prague last year--almost to the day--we passed the statue of Tycho Brahe and Kepler on the way to the Hradcany complex. I was almost the only person in the group who knew or cared who they were or what they did.
You might like a book called "The Book Nobody Read," by Owen Gingerich.
I wrote a review of it but that was years ago and this is a new edition. The author, an astronomer, decided to visit and look at every copy of Copernicus' "De Revolutionibus." When my daughter worked at the Huntington Library, she saw a copy on the shelf. The last copy in private hands sold for millions.
Thankee, Doc K. I will take a look.
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