November 10, 2020

At the Milkweed Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


rhhardin said...

Contesting the election is an interesting legal and mathematical problem. No need to claim low character for following it.

The mathematical part is like DNA, not thought of at the time by the perps but easily discoverable.

Achilles said...

Federal Agents threaten whistle blower in USPS case of backdating ballots in Erie, PA.

No matter how disgusting you think these people are, the next day they come out even more repellent.

Joe Smith said...

Upon a Trump victory, I'd like to see him immediately pull out of the UN and give the bloodsuckers 30 days to vacate the UN building.

They'd have the same 30 days to leave the U.S.

If they want to come back they can apply for a visa like everyone else.

mandrewa said...

Tony Heller: The imaginary software glitch

What Tony Heller is talking about is more important than what Benford's Law reveals. We just are not a democracy if we accept what has happened in states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

There are huge clues that there was massive fraud.

Lawrence Person said...

Three cheers for drug legalization.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Those garbage people at the “Lincoln” “Project” are going after General Mills because they work with the same law firm that some of the Trump lawyers do.

How do you not say “wait. I think I may be a shithead? Things are getting out of hand here?” when you’re staring at the ceiling at 3 am?

mandrewa said...

(This is a repeat but it may have been buried in a rather long thread.)

I've found a good source for doing the Benford Law analysis. He's Mark Nigrini, who has been using Benford's Law to identify white-collar criminals or problematic companies for a long time.

He has written several books on the subject. The most recent one is "Forensic Analytics, 2nd Edition". And he discusses this book and Benford's Law in a YouTube video released back in March of this year.

It's about 25 minutes long. See Mark Nigrini: Forensic Analytics Second Edition. I was delighted to find that he talks about how exactly you identify significant discrepancies. And those calculations include sample size.

This morning he released another video showing his analysis of the Maricopa County, AZ voting results (the final result and not the intermediates, and by the way we need to preserve this data before it disappears) and there does appear to be something going on. Of course this is just the beginning of a real study to try to figure out what is going on just for that one county.

But he walks through step by step how to do this with Microsoft Excel and where he got the data from and what he did exactly.

See 2020 Presidential election: Analysis of Maricopa County results using Benford’s Law and other tests

He also declared his intent to look at the Milwaukee data later this week.

le Douanier said...

“Contesting the election is an interesting legal and mathematical problem. No need to claim low character for following it.”

Right, the person w/ less votes should win. That’s math.

And yur the one who says that women make errors and are slow to acknowledge reality because of emotionalism.

Got it.

Phil 314 said...

Thinking about the pattern of post later and wondering, “what’s the dividing line between being ‘in a groove’ and ‘in a rut’?”

cnnenfreude said...

I don't know if this analysis of a couple of Michigan counties is legit, but if it is, then we are talking systemic corruption of the voting machines. Absolutely insane.

Basically, in selected counties, Biden votes transferred to Trump in Republican areas.

If true, it shakes me to the core.

Chuck said...

Don’t worry, Trump fans! PDJT is possessed of secret information and data that none of us have. And he’s just waiting for an opportune moment to reveal it.

So he can own the libs and their media lackeys.

Scott Adams
One of these things is true: Either Trump is irrationally clinging to hope or he has seen more than the public has so far seen about election fraud and he is letting the press hang itself before revealing it.

This is better than a humiliating Trump concession speech; we get more Scott Adams, with The Race to Prove the Election was Stolen.

Total Master Persuasion.

Jaq said...

"Right, the person w/ less votes should win. That’s math.

No, the person with more legal votes should win the electors in the specific states, you know, the rules that were in place prior to the election, but thanks for playing.

I'm Not Sure said...

Some of you guys are trying too hard.

Just sayin'.

Attonasi said...

mandrewa said...

Tony Heller: The imaginary software glitch

I was thinking about this as well.

if ____:
if ____:

That doesn't get screwed up by a programmer.

He is also correct that you would never "update" software like this the day before the election.

"Glitch" is just trying to blame a computer for doing what it was told.

These people are liars.

Jaq said...

Why isn’t Democrat shill and statistics maven Nate Silver out there giving us all of the innocent explanations for the Benford’s Law anomalies? I am sure there must be one....

Attonasi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flat Tire said...

I still have a twig with 2 open pods hanging on my wall from a hike along the Sangamon River River 16 years ago. The fluff has long departed but the pearly, satin inside walls are still pretty.

Attonasi said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

“Contesting the election is an interesting legal and mathematical problem. No need to claim low character for following it.”

Right, the person w/ less votes should win. That’s math.

And yur the one who says that women make errors and are slow to acknowledge reality because of emotionalism.

Got it.

When poll observers were kicked out of counting sites the election was invalidated.

Full stop.

And democrats argued in court that poll watchers should not be allowed to watch the votes be counted.

Democrats just do not care about free and honest elections.

Nothing you say matters at this point because you do not even support following basic rules of elections.

Jaq said...

I think that the Michigan glitch has an innocent explanation. Not that they shouldn’t make sure to validate all of the votes, but I don’t think that is going to be any kind of a deal. I say this as a retired software designer. I think that the explanation that was given in the Free Press was probably correct.

The thing about Benfords is that it points to probably issues, and instead of giving plausible innocent explanations based on the actual data, which seem unlikely to exist, but may, they simply try to ban discussion of it. After four years of lying about Russian ‘collusion’ and suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop, and BTW slow walking the study on the vaccine, they have used up their trust, it’s time to show your cards. Nobody should take word of the press at face value anymore.

rcocean said...

RH makes an interesting point - as he often does. One can look at the voting data, and analyzing it with statistics and voting history, see fraud indicators and patterns of invalid voting. That's almost a math problem.

However, it all has to be nailed down and proven legally. Anyway, I think people are getting two things mixed up. Invalid votes and Fraud. Proving fraud is difficult since it means PROVING someone deliberately did something wrong.

Much easier to simply concentrate on invalid votes. Votes that were made by unregistered voters, voters that didn't exist, voters who had no right to vote, votes that were cast without the proper signatures or witnesses, and votes that filed too late.

One wonders how many votes in say, Milwaukee, were made by people who aren't US Citizens, or don't exist, or who made irregular and invalid ballots.

D.D. Driver said...

While I think fraud is unlikely, nobody is talking about the ~30k votes that the Green Party got in 2016. The Dems used a highly dubious legal technicality to kick the Greens off the ballot this year, and Joe Biden wins by ~20k.

You can thank Justice Hagedorn for this.

le Douanier said...

“One of these things is true: Either Trump is irrationally clinging to hope or he has seen more than the public has so far seen about election fraud and he is letting the press hang itself before revealing it.”

Adams is a very limited thinker. There are plenty of other possibilities. E.g., what if DJT knows he lost but is dragging things out for some sorta reason that has nothing to do w/ being irrational or thinking he will win?

Like, before getting transition conversations and info access going w/ the Biden folks, DJT is moving people into high gov positions to get rid of the evidence of the F-ery his administration has been up to. Golly, has there been any of this?

Or what about knowingly continuing the BS idea that DJT will win in order to raise dough that is supposed to be for his legal battles but instead is 60% assigned to a slush fund PAC and 40% directed to an generic RNC slush fund, which leaves how much guaranteed for the legal fight? Maybe some of the math experts here can figure out what that leaves guaranteed to pay for Rudy to have parking lot press conferences w/ a star DJT witness who was convicted of exposing himself to very young girls.

rcocean said...

Pennsylvania seems to be different than the other states, because the Courts and the Governor deliberately ignored the election law, and allowed votes that should not legally have been cast.

It was the biggest heist in history, and made in broad daylight.

rcocean said...

"You can thank Justice Hagedorn for this."

Yep. we can always count on some Roberts, Hagedorn, Powell, or Anthony Kennedy to stab us in the back.

rcocean said...

There's ZERO reason for Trump to concede. There's clearly fraud. And the D's clearly STOLE The election. And if even if there wasn't an open and shut case, why would Trump concede. For the good of the country? when the fuck have the D's ever cared about that?

Did the D's care, when Gore tried to steal the election in 2000? Did the D's care about that, when they tried to destroy Trump for 4 years, and act like he was "Putin's Puppet"?

To hell with that noise. Try playing Alinksy's Rules on some other blog.

mockturtle said...

Kristi Noem rocks!

D.D. Driver said...

One wonders how many votes in say, Milwaukee, were made by people who aren't US Citizens, or don't exist, or who made irregular and invalid ballots.

Somewhere between none and not very many. Trump did well in Milwaukee.

rehajm said...

Instead of celebrating their 'victory' they're still here gaslighting. Must not be sleeping easy...

rcocean said...

Only 57% of white men, and 54% of white women voted for Trump. that's why we are, where we are. You wonder what the hell people in Washington, or Minnesota, or Oregon, are thinking. Guess they like lockdowns, riots, Antifa, and hate Trump who's gotten more black votes and gave us a booming Pre-CV-19 economy.

And why would any white man vote Democrat, unless you're getting $$ from their Government gravy pipeline? I can only think of mental illness or a criminal mind.

Chuck said...
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Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Maybe Trump didn't win.

We need a list were fraud is in there somewhere.

That report about Trump saying Americans who died in war are ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ hit supporters hard I believe. It sounded to me like something Trump might say.

Achilles said...

Signed witness affidavit in Nevada.

“I personally witnessed two people handing multiple unopened mail in ballot envelopes to two other people who then opened and filled out the ballots against the side of the Biden/Harris van,” the affidavit said. “The same two people who marked the ballots then put the marked ballots in official pink and white envelopes. These people were not poll workers."

The number of Biden only ballots with nothing down ballot makes more sense now.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I would actually let Biden/Cackler win the White House for the next 4 years in exchange for Trump going ABSOLUTELY NUCLEAR on voter fraud, and enforcing real change via SCOTUS and other means.

In other words, I'd dump Trump for fair elections from here on out. No question.

But... we all know that fair elections are out of the question.

Joe Smith said...

"This is better than a humiliating Trump concession speech; we get more Scott Adams, with The Race to Prove the Election was Stolen."

...says the low IQ shill...

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

So about the later-arriving absentee votes in PA

Any Gardner of the Washington Post reports on Twitter:
“Just in: Pennsylvania Secretary of State reports just 10k ballots came in between Nov. 3 and Nov. 6. Biden wins Pennsylvania without those votes.”

Yeah we know the Post offices in Pennsylvania back dated all of those ballots.

BREAKING: Project Veritas Releases Shocking Recordings of Federal Agents Trying to Intimidate USPS Whistleblower Into Recanting Election Fraud Claim.

You are a complete loser Chuck.

le Douanier said...

Baby Jesus was born in a manager because there was no room at the male inn.

Big Mike said...

That report about Trump saying Americans who died in war are ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ hit supporters hard I believe. It sounded to me like something Trump might say.

@Lem, no it isn't. Trump, Reagan, and both Bushes respected the US military. Barack Obama and Bill Clinton did not, and Hillary least of all. Can you not tell a Democrat disinformation campaign by the stench they leave all over it?

Vance said...

Hey Chuck: you claim to be a "Republican" vote watcher in Detroit, don't you?

How much fraud did you 1) see, and 2) participate in to "elect" Biden?

We all know you would gladly, cheerfully, and openly commit vote fraud to "Get Trump!" so I'm sure you were involved in cheating somehow.

le Douanier said...

“You are a complete loser Chuck.”

What comes after “complete loser”?

That’s what Chuck would be if DJT hadn’t lost.

I'm Not Sure said...

"It sounded to me like something Trump might say."

Did you look into it and find out where he said that? Or did you just go with it because it confirmed your assumptions?

le Douanier said...

Big M,

Odd that W didn’t support DJT, but did implicitly support Biden.

Logic is tricky.

Michael K said...

No witnesses to the fake claim about Military "losers." The lie continues to be spread by some people. Chuck is his usual bullshitter self.

Chuck, isn't it time for you zero in on fire foam lawsuits or hernia mesh ? Sounds juicy on TV. That's about your speed. Politics, I'm afraid, is above you.

Kyzer SoSay said...

"Like, before getting transition conversations and info access going w/ the Biden folks, DJT is moving people into high gov positions to get rid of the evidence of the F-ery his administration has been up to. Golly, has there been any of this?"

This is stupid. Trump can't let a stinky fart without six latte-fetching, low-IQ Obama ball-washers coming out of the woodwork for interviews, book deals, and adulation on Twatter. And still the best wad these limpdicks could spew was a perfectly normal phone call with the leader of Ukraine, and every material witness testified under oath that there was no quid-pro-quo as alleged.

Are you really that stupid or just not paying attention? Either way just about nothing you write has any value, real or imagined.

Kyzer SoSay said...

"That report about Trump saying Americans who died in war are ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ hit supporters hard I believe. It sounded to me like something Trump might say."

Wow, this is dumb too. Watch Trump interact with Gold Star families. Watch him salute and talk to the soldiers on watch at Marine One, or his interactions with military members at visits to the war colleges. The man has utmost respect for the service men and women. He does hold the somewhat feckless generals that Obama promoted in some degree of contempt, but I can forgive that because they mostly suck.

Kyzer SoSay said...

"The number of Biden only ballots with nothing down ballot makes more sense now."

TBH it's made clear sense, in my eyes at least, for awhile. There were some early, data heavy threads on Twatspace that made these claims very clearly and showed reciepts. I've bookmarked so much shit over the past few days that I'm having trouble finding them but when I do I'll post links.

le Douanier said...


Don’t forget that he did serve at military academy where bone spurs were ok.

And, his kids served by making a shit load of money for themselves.

mandrewa said...

rocean said, "Only 57% of white men, and 54% of white women voted for Trump. that's why we are, where we are. You wonder what the hell people in Washington, or Minnesota, or Oregon, are thinking. Guess they like lockdowns, riots, Antifa, and hate Trump who's gotten more black votes and gave us a booming Pre-CV-19 economy."

There have been a lot of lies and it's possible that this too also is a lie. As Shiva Ayyadurai points out, see MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems. there is a lot of evidence that the software that many states are using to count votes has been compromised (thanks to cnnenfreude for linking to this).

There is surely more than one kind of vote fraud occurring in Michigan. And that makes it very confusing because so many things are happening at once. But what Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai found is very good statistical and logical evidence that a minimum of 69,000 Trump votes in Michigan were counted as votes for Biden by the vote counting software.

And where it happened is very interesting. It wasn't in Detroit; no, it was in some of the most Republican counties of the state.

And does that mean there was no vote fraud in Detroit? No! There is more than one kind of vote fraud.

This is something that can be picked up in retrospect because who ever committed this particular fraud didn't realize the mathematical clues that they left behind.

And since the same software is being used in many states, the same thing could have happened elsewhere.

By the way, the mere fact that the voting software allows the people using it to weight votes by percentages, or in other words, there are functions built into the software that allow the operators to do things like make all Republican votes count for only one-third as much as Democratic votes. The mere fact that such a capability is built into the system is enough to damn the system.

How can you possibly have an honest election where you have functions built into the voting software that allow the people using it to do things like this?!!

What possible legitimate reason is there to have such a function in voting counting software!

Big Mike said...

Logic is tricky.

You're going to pick a logic fight with a mathematician. Son, I wrote my master's thesis on logic.

Anyway there's nothing illogical about Bush not supporting Trump. Bush father and son got involved with the Clinton Crime family after they left office; that part is documented, even if their ability to hide their corruption was better than Bill and Hillary's. By defeating Hillary, Donald Trump took money out of their pockets.

FullMoon said...

Some of you guys are trying too hard.

Just sayin'.

C'mon, man! You think he is trying too hard now? You shoulda been here in 2016. He got so upset he threatened to bruise up diminutive Fox News lady Greta Van Sustern. No joke.

And more recently, he over amped and crashed in a discussion about conservative counterfeit pecan pie.

Of course, he has acknowledged being "on the spectrum", but still....

le Douanier said...
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effinayright said...

mandrewa said...
Tony Heller: The imaginary software glitch

What Tony Heller is talking about is more important than what Benford's Law reveals. We just are not a democracy if we accept what has happened in states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

There are huge clues that there was massive fraud.

THIS. Especially note the sudden change in the Wisconsin Trump-Biden vote ratio shown at 2:50

narciso said...

So were finally making progress with miller, patel and ratnick. Hence all the agita.

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Agent strasser was the muscle they used on rich hopkins to try to recant.

narciso said...

Look what we have here:

Kyzer SoSay said...

Hey, anyone want the entire linked universe of Portland Antifa and some other chapters?

There you go. Enjoy.

narciso said...

No wonders theyve had so many positive readings

Kyzer SoSay said...

Maybe some context needed . . .

Pretty thrilling stuff.

rcocean said...

"That report about Trump saying Americans who died in war are ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ hit supporters hard I believe. It sounded to me like something Trump might say."

Yeah, I never can figure "Lem" out. Is he a leftist playing a "concerned" Center-rightist, or just some one who isn't very bright? He constantly says conservative-center stuff, then throw in a little "kicker" that makes a liberal point.

The "those guys are losers" sounds NOTHING like Trump. why would trump care about all those dead military guys in Iraq, if they were "losers"? why would he talk in his 2016 rallies about Hiring Generals, if he thought they were "losers"? Why would he constantly show his patriotism and want to get out of Afghanistan because we're losing military lives, if he thought they were "losers"? why did he hire Kelly as his chief of staff if he thought they were losers"?

In every one of his public appearances he shows respect for the military, and Historical America, even down to the salutes he gives the Marines as he boards the helicopter. But yeah, he made a private comment to people WHO DON"T LIKE HIM that the dead Americans at Belleau wood were "losers". Of COURSE!

Lem, I think you're too smart to think this "Sounds like Trump". way too smart. If y'know what i mean.

le Douanier said...
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FullMoon said...

Anyway there's nothing illogical about Bush not supporting Trump.

Simple. Trump destroyed Low Energy Jeb, who was supposed to easily win nomination, and then lose to Hillary. Bush family naturally gonna remain pissed off.

Mrs. X said...

Odd that W didn’t support DJT, but did implicitly support Biden

Not odd. Bush & co. never forgave Trump for destroying low energy Jeb.

Milwaukie guy said...

Got started on the cable-cutting today. I hear Fox News rating are tanking.

I have Century Link fiber right outside my house and I can get "940 Gb" download and upload speeds for $65/month. We'll see. They install in 10 days. They're so busy right now. Hello Roku and Newsmax.

Goodbye NBC/Universal/Comcast. Goodbye Disney/ABC/ESPN.

le Douanier said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
chuck said...


Honeypot internet connections, love it. What a great idea. And the results are very interesting.

reader said...

It seems as though this should be one of the most exciting times to be a journalist/reporter in decades. It is definitely a target rich environment for stories to be proven or disproven. We are experiencing a political soap opera that should thrill them and instead they have their fingers in their ears whispering, “La, la, la la”.

I’m sad for them.

le Douanier said...
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le Douanier said...
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I'm Not Sure said...

"I have Century Link fiber right outside my house and I can get "940 Gb" download and upload speeds for $65/month."

I recently cancelled my Centurylink account- DSL, 6mbps, $65/month. Before cutting them off, I asked if they had anything faster (like fiber, maybe) and was told "No fiber for you."

le Douanier said...

The deletions are fine.

But I just missed 69.

That sux!

J. Farmer said...

@anti-de Sitter space:

Odd that W didn’t support DJT, but did implicitly support Biden.

Odd?! Trump's 2016 primary campaign annihilated Jeb Bush's future political ambitions. His general election messaging was a repudiation of Bush '41 and '43, Clinton, and Obama, all of who pursued the project of corporate globalization that was conceived in the late 70's and early 80's. Trump's appeal to the economic anxieties of the white working class is 180 degrees from the Bush strategy of largely writing off the white working class and aggressively pursuing conservative Latinos.

narciso said...

So the new oregon secretary of state shemia fagan is black bloc, thats frabjous.

Guildofcannonballs said...

That report about Trump saying Americans who died in war are ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ hit supporters hard I believe. It sounded to me like something Trump might say.

11/10/20, 8:06 PM

So you believe maybe Trump would have or had as you like higher GOP approval than any recent POTUS, even though he already did and does? Sounds like you done been gaslit friend.

How hard could a person with 95% approval from his party have been hit, really? Do you assume 100% approval is a floor somehow, not a ceiling?

You, Lem, as I, never deserved a Trump to try and save our country. And you are now squandering that which was God-given through Providence.

So long as we believe like Farmer --derp derp hey Jesus and Hitler are both human ergo equal-- then we forego wisdom via WFB's admonishment that humans are able ("well-equipped" maybe was the quote) to distinguish between right and wrong.

Jupiter said...

Say, Chuckles, you were gone a long time, and just so you know, no one missed you. But now you're back. And I still can't understand a word you say, because you've got that big dick in your mouth. Do you ever take it out? Life-long Republican I can understand, but life-long dick-smoker?

Kyzer SoSay said...

I remain confident in a Trump win. I personally give him 80% odds. Your mileage may vary.

J. Farmer said...

All through Trump's first term I kept hearing the phrase in my head "be careful what you wish for." It's a cruel irony to have spent 10+ years advocating for a more nationalist conservatism and then see it achieve electoral victory in the form of Donald J. Trump, someone with no coherent understanding of the subject. Except for perhaps a handful of issues, Trump basically gave us Bush's third term, more compassionate conservative than nationalist conservative.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Trump has conquered three realms, construction/media/politics. None of his critics comes close to conquering two.

99% plus of us won't come within legions of the upper tiers of any single realm Trump has made his stepping stone to greater success.

You, human, are right to hate yourself and Trump and the world and the Universe unless you allow God in your heart. Then there is hardly even a you alone to be anything not divine, much less full of jealous hatred.

William said...

Odd that Obama was so hearty in his support of Hillary and so reticent about throwing his weight behind Biden.

Chuck said...

Blogger Vance said...
Hey Chuck: you claim to be a "Republican" vote watcher in Detroit, don't you?

As I have stated repeatedly when my comments have not been selectively removed, I quit doing the hat when Trump became the Republican nominee.

narciso said...

That philadelphia stand up act was the signal to steal it didnt work in miami though.

Chuck said...
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stephen cooper said...

To be fair - Trump has had a great time all through this. Let's not feel sorry for him.

And don't feel sorry for me either ------ I am not arrogant at all, but I like to think that I could do better than Melania, if I were someone who had wed a young woman when I was in my 50s (actually I know I could have done better than Melania, as lovely and sweet as she is! --sorry Melania, you are a sweetheart, but not my type ....)

Who should we feel sorry for?


God loves us all, and it IT IS SO SO EASY to pray for someone, even a great fool, to just WAKE UP and realize how special one is to God.

True story ---- today at work I was listening to a computer tutorial, and all of a sudden I could not help realizing how beautiful the sound of the voice of the dull guy who was giving the tutorial must have been on so many occasions to God, to his mother, to his wife and to any other random woman who fell in love with him ----- and then I looked out the window and I could not imagine how I could be so lucky to live in a world with such beauty ----- and every memory of good times and good friends wanted to show up in my consciousness, at a VAST DEGREE< such a degree that would make me giddy with happiness ----

and I thought, I do not need this job, but there are people who need me to keep it together, I can't just IGNORE IMPORTANT training videos because I CANNOT HELP BEING ECSTATICALLY HAPPY ....

I have said it before, and I will say it again. I have seen the faces of angels when they looked on God, and, if you think hard enough about how much you have loved so many people, today, yesterday, last month, last year, years ago, a lifetime ago ----- maybe if you try hard enough to remember you will figure out what I am trying to remind you about.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Farmer go on achieve what you advocate, not excluding electorally, and leave Trump out of it.

You don't want to share all your soon-to-be glorious achievements with a Trump I presume, so don't.

Surely making a few billion dollars will help, so bitch about your daddy not being Trump's daddy hence you never having had a fair shot at relevance in any field in any way, or alternatively just become relevant in some way and then start to begin to actually enact all those coherent positions you incoherently can't advance.

Scot said...

My mother recalled collecting milkweed pods for the WWII effort. When she filled a "huge" bag (she was about 5 or 6) with pods, she would receive a dime.

TickTock said...

Not certain I believe the Shiva analysis. Look at it another way. In those precincts which are most strongly republican, as evidenced by voting the party line is in not more likely that those not voting the party line would not vote for Trump as opposed to some down party republican. I think that is likely and would probably lead to Shiva's result.

It's late so I may or be thinking clearly. Hope some can tell me why I am wrong.

Jupiter said...

What was that, Chuckles? I couldn't quite understand you. C'Mon, Man! Spit it out!

Attonasi said...

Milwaukie guy said...

Got started on the cable-cutting today. I hear Fox News rating are tanking.

I have Century Link fiber right outside my house and I can get "940 Gb" download and upload speeds for $65/month. We'll see. They install in 10 days. They're so busy right now. Hello Roku and Newsmax.

Goodbye NBC/Universal/Comcast. Goodbye Disney/ABC/ESPN.

Starlink is in beta and is everaging 20-40ms ping and has streaming speeds. 99$ a month for internet everywhere.

Attonasi said...

Jupiter said...

What was that, Chuckles? I couldn't quite understand you. C'Mon, Man! Spit it out!

Please don't let Chuck ruin this place.

Narr said...

I quoted Trump to my TDS bro today, Trump's comment when told how much Barbara Bush disliked and disapproved of him--

"I don't blame her, after what I did to her sons."


Well, the evangelists are out in force tonight. My cue to retire.

Sweet Dreams y'all

Jupiter said...

Ah! The Attorney General of Michigan has rescinded the First Amendment!

"Shut up!", she explained."

Attonasi said...

stephen cooper said...

To be fair - Trump has had a great time all through this. Let's not feel sorry for him.

Trump has a far better than even chance at winning this outright.

All he has to do is have one state overturned and the whole card house comes tumbling down. A preference cascade will start and the move to paper ballots, ID and purple thumbs will be inevitable.

And Pennsylvania not only completely ignored black letter law, they ignored a direct order from Justice Alito.

Pennsylvania is guaranteed to be invalidated at a minimum.

At that point nobody is going to accept any of this.

William said...

I watched another few episodes of Emily in Paris. Watching it triggers a certain amount of self loathing, but Lily Collins is attractive and the Paris background scenes are sunny and pleasant to look at. The show makes fun of Parisiennes, mean girls, and instagram influencers. To date there hasn't been a single villainous Republican on the show so what with the pretty girls and Paris scenery, it makes for excellent escape viewing. You people with gravitas can watch Tucker and master forensic analytics. I don't want to bother my pretty little head about such things. .....I don't follow Instagram, but apparently the influencers there are stylish people with enviable lives. That's certainly true of Emily. She wears a new outfit every few hours, has a glamorous job, sympathetic friends, gets hit on by impressive hunks, and outwits her nasty boss every day. There's nobody on earth who has such a life, but there it is in all its contrived and manipulative glory. Maybe in the final episode, Prospero will suddenly appear as Emily's father and tell us that the cloud capped towers and gorgeous palaces that Emily inhabited were just his gift to us and that our revels now are ended and that the baseless fabric of this vision will dissolve.....The show is certainly far more of a fantasy than anything in GOT. Probably aimed at a different demographic though. Lots of titillation but no nudity.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I feel stranger outpouring of love. Just one little Buckley (mis)quote sets chains of the most dynamic motions.

J. Farmer said...


Surely making a few billion dollars will help, so bitch about your daddy not being Trump's daddy hence you never having had a fair shot at relevance in any field in any way, or alternatively just become relevant in some way and then start to begin to actually enact all those coherent positions you incoherently can't advance.

Wow. An anonymous person being mean on the Internet because someone has a different opinion than them. I've never seen that before! For some reason it never occurred to me to become emotionally enmeshed with a president or to throw a temper tantrum when I read something I disagreed with. I guess I'm just fine with being a citizen and have no desire to join you and the other groupies. If you get something out of it, I think it's wonderful. And dosh garnet, you're wonderful too. Hugs and kisses.

Wandering Badger said...

Biden let the cat out of the bag on Oct. 24th,
“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

BrentonTalcott said...

"acknowledge reality" -Trolluspecious

she fell off every mountain
The ones they tightly wrapped in tape
In her eraser
sang the guilty
As it made the best mistakes

The Mars Volta - L'Via L'Viaquez

Ahh the sweet groove.. :D

le Douanier said...


I don’t know if this is exaggerated:

But, if some fraction of that statistic is true, it seems like your hero may not be a good leader. How hard could it be to social distance in South Dakota? And now w/ the improved therapeutics and understanding of the spread, how does that happen, especially in such an empty state?

le Douanier said...

Do folks remember when Brownback implemented true conservative principles re governing?

Seeing this South Dakota stuff makes me think of that.

BrentonTalcott said...

"Don’t worry, Trump fans! PDJT is possessed of secret information and data that none of us have"

I have possibly found a secret recording of Trump practicing his concession speech.

Readering said...

I cannot decide if this election was made for Norman Mailer or Hunter Thompson.

Gospace said...

I'm seeing more and more of this about the software used to compile votes. And as far as the glitch theory goes, there is no such thing as a computer glitch. Computers run programs and the final result is what the program tells the computer to do. And on election night, in more than one place, the computers switched votes from Biden to Trump.

Now- here's a big question. Apparently, the election computers were not supposed to be hooked to the internet. Apparently, some of them were. Was the ballot switching software already installed? Or was it inserted when someone (the always mysterious and nefarious someone) realized that Trump was winning? Or, possibly, it was already programmed it, but inert until signalled to activate, which would actually be easier. Anyway, since a vote switch happened, which cannot be denied, the company must release, by court order if necessary, the software in the machines, and it needs to be compared line by line with what's in the machines.

On another issue, switching to Parler because "FREE SPEECH!"? Don't bother. Whether you like him or not, read him or ignore him, agree with him or don't, Parler has banned all links to Not a good sign for free speech.

Me, I'm not on Twitter. Used to go to daily to read drawandstrike and carlososweda. Oops- they're banned again! I've had an account on mewe. and it was basically dormant. One son deactivated his FAcebook and switched a long time ago, but the user base is still on Facebook. I'm now on mewe daily. Some of the groups I frequent and participate in are moving there, along with their user base. Another few groups may move. If enough friends and family move, I'll deactivate my FAcebook account. I'm surprised they don't automatically delete all posts that have the word "mewe_ in them.

I also set up up an account on Wimkin. They're having a big push for all FAcebook users to move there and deactivate their facebook accounts November 20. With a FAcebook page saying that! I haven't quite figured out how they're going to work. I don't see a way to form groups there...

narciso said...

Yes voting machines are not supposed to be connected, i did this for 15 years so data isnt commingled

BrentonTalcott said...

"Odd that W didn’t support DJT, but did implicitly support Biden.

Logic is tricky"-Trolluspecious

Traitors of a feather stick together?

J. Farmer said...

I cannot decide if this election was made for Norman Mailer or Hunter Thompson.

H.L. Mencken

eddie willers said...

Speaking of Mencken:

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” ― H.L. Mencken.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Walton Goggins will be a better Hunter than Hunter ever was.

And we all know actors are puke...

Lurker21 said...

I doubt the president has some secret information about how much fraud went on, but like everybody else he knows there was some cheating going on. After hearing the media say over and over again that there is no basis for the accusations, of course he's going to want an investigation. The media disbelieve and get irate about everything Trump says, and he gets irate about everything they say, especially when it's a flat denial of what one knows to be true. They push each other's buttons. Having an investigation may not keep Trump in the White House and may in a sense be counterproductive, but calling for one isn't irrational. If there has been fraud, wouldn't we want to know about it?

As for the idea that Trump is delaying in order to put people in place who can cover up for some great skullduggery on his part, that goes against the idea that he's incompetent. If he knew how to work the system that well, there wouldn't be all the talk of chaos in the administration. He would have had a much more functional and well-oiled machine working for him. Moreover, given all the leaking going on, was there really that much he could have gotten away with?

More likely such a scenario describes Biden, who has been able to get away with a lot over the years.

Gospace said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

I don’t know if this is exaggerated:

That would be 589 out of a little over 3000 hospital beds. And, is that WITH covid or BECAUSE of covid? Huge difference.

My college age son is now in two weeks of lockdown. 2 of the 5 students in his house got sick, vomiting, fever, chills, the works. Classic food poisoning symptoms. The 2 hung out together a lot. So when they went for treatment, they were, of course, tested for covid. One positive, one negative. Since we know the covid test is super sensitive, it's obvious they weren't sick from the dreaded covid, because they had identical symptoms, and one tested negative. But- one tested positive- so all the treatment costs get to be reimbursed at covid rates! What a racket.

SD deaths by population 6.1e-4
CA 4.57e-4
NY .17% (17e-4)
US death rate 7.1e-4

So the SD death rate since the covidiocy started is less than the US, more than CA, and a whole lot less than NY. Provided, of course, you believe the numbers as death from covid or deaths with covid. 6.2% of CA is older than 75. 10.4% of SD is older than 75. Older people die of covid more than younger people. 1.6 times as many old people as CA, 1.22 times death rate. ABout 6.7% of the US is over 75.

I'd say SD is doing pretty well with an unmasked population not practicing social distancing.

The virus is going to do what the virus is going to do. Social distancing and masks don't stop it. Proper treatment can reduce total deaths among those who get it. Californians, BTW, get a lot more sunlight than South Dakotans, hence, a higher vitamin D level. Based on that- CA is doing a piss poor job of preventing spread of the dreaded covid. NY, well, blame Dictator Cuomo and petit Tyrant de Blasio for that.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I doubt the president has some secret information..." and nobody ever doubted you did, doubt that is in case you yourself forgot already, did they.


Guildofcannonballs said...

SBack whhen I used to just cbuck chuck like random, Boom random reset. Older, now conciosly chuck.chhuuck fake real realfake chuckchuck. Cbuhckj lowell weicker will alwas be for us There.

Lowell and Straub and you. Will win. I guarantee t cuchchuch yoh wl be victorious my ggreatest of all tewcher/friends.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I don't.

Guildofcannonballs said...


StephenFearby said...

RCP latest report on Arizona Presidential Election shows Biden's lead has now shrunk to 12,813, or 3/10ths of 1 percent:

98% Reporting Electoral Votes: 11

Joe Biden 49.4% 1,655,192

Donald Trump 49.1% 1,642,379

Although Arizona DOES NOT ALLOW requested recounts, automatic recounts ARE REQUIRED when:

A. A recount of the vote is required when the canvass of returns in a primary or general election shows that the margin between the two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes for a particular less than or equal to the lesser of the following:

1. One-tenth of one percent of the number of votes cast for both such candidates...

The Fox News Decision Desk is sweating this out.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My compulsion knows only of one singular outlet: Lynn Anderson.

"I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden."

Vikn said...

Gospace "the virus is going to do what the virus is going to do".

Here is what is happening in Russia according to my friends and a lot of youtube comments from all over the country. They have been having a massive spike since October. lots of people are sick or know fiends or relative who are. Government is not controlling it at all. Just recommending masks and distancing. Socialized medicine is close to collapse: hospitals are full, not enough doctors, lots of docs are sick, lack of meds ( especially in smaller cities). Most people are not getting tested even if sick (some say maybe one in 50 gets tested). Most are diagnosed with " cold", but treated for Covid ( lots are reporting loss of sense of smell and pneumonias). Since very minimal testing so no true stats - lots of these cases could be colds and flus as well. Basically Sweden experiment ... Survival of the fittest and help yourself. Kazakhstan people say they had a wave like that in June-July. Also with very limited testing.

I think there will never be real statistic about the virus from there (and probably some other countries), as they are trying to make their numbers look better than reality.
Posting this not to cause fear, but just as a perspective as what the virus is doing.

J. Farmer said...


So long as we believe like Farmer --derp derp hey Jesus and Hitler are both human ergo equal--

It's always amusing watching someone try to mock an argument they don't understand. One of the reasons the elite are successful at pursuing and implementing their agenda is they are unified by mutual interests, while the non-elite are divided between mutual antagonisms. Rather than challenge elite position, the non-elite divide themselves between the Hatfields and the McCoys and take potshots at each other. You can think of elite theory as the rule of an organized minority over a disorganized majority.

gilbar said...

tonight's shocking SHOCK!
University of Wisconsin Study finds Most students NOT RACIST!

researchers are saddened, STUNNED to find...
the majority of people did not discriminate in these situations. When the experiments’ subjects interacted with individuals from typically marginalized backgrounds, they treated them just as positively (or negatively) as their non-marginalized counterparts.

“We were surprised by these results,” Brauer says. “We tried out one situation, then another one, and so forth. But study after study came back with the same result: Most students did not treat our white actor more positively than the Black, Asian, or Muslim actors.”

Browndog said...

Every time someone responds to a certain someone, it only encourages them. That forces Meade to do a job he doesn't want to do, quickly becoming a job life is too short to be doing.

Hence, moderation.

I don't blame a certain someone for not being able to control his impulses. I do however, blame the ones that should know better for not controlling theirs.

Professional lady said...

I see a pattern here. "Biden won" is equivalent to "Right wing white supremist Trump supporters are engaging in violence." "There is no fraud" is equivalent to "Mostly peaceful protests." The new narrative (like the old) is fast coming apart.

Humperdink said...

Hillary Clinton (August 24, 2020): "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances."

Good times.

Rusty said...

"Please don't let Chuck ruin this place."
Too late. He just encourages the rest of the slow kids to misbehave.

iowan2 said...

Pay attention to brown dog.
Reasoning with a troll is not productive. Reasoning with a stupid troll?

Lurker21 said...

All through Trump's first term I kept hearing the phrase in my head "be careful what you wish for."

True. But maybe not in the way that you think. Don't expect politicians to fulfill some ideal program or achieve some ideological ideal. They are more practical than that. And when they do aim at some ideal new policy, they go too far, applying the ideology to situations where it doesn't work, and they continue too long, after the limits of the ideology are already apparent. What people want is not what they get, and sometimes it's because politicians try for too much of it. Beyond that, you get your idea realized in policies when and where it suits powerful interests to do so, and those circumstances aren't always the ones in which the idea works best.

stevew said...

As someone above says, software programs do what they are programmed to do. "Glitch" implies the result of the software program was unintended, i.e.; poorly written code. Given the situation, a high profile, high stakes national election between two guys, one of which is hated and that his opponents pledged to defeat by any means necessary, it is quite plausible the software program worked as intended.

Right on Browndog.

Biden threw some shade on President Trump yesterday, I've yet to hear any rebukes or calls to tone down the rhetoric.

Biden and the Democrats should welcome the investigation into potential fraudulent voting; should the claim prove to be false or inconsequential to the result, as they claim, the election would be legitimized.

Rusty said...

When the vote fraud has been proven. What will the usual suspects say?
It is obvious , to me anyway, that democrats aren't interested in free and fair elections. They are interested in graft.

J. Farmer said...


True. But maybe not in the way that you think. Don't expect politicians to fulfill some ideal program or achieve some ideological ideal.

I agree totally with that. I assure you I never had expectations that Trump would achieve an "ideal." I always considered Trump a Hail Mary Pass. My reason for voting for him was primarily to stop amnesty. Beyond that, my hope was that a Trump victory would initiate a realignment within the GOP towards a more nationalist agenda. My concerns were twofold: (1) that the movement would become too entangled with Trump personally, essentially making the two synonymous; (2) In 2020, Trump losing by a comfortable margin, and the Dems taking control of the Senate would've been interpreted as a repudiation of the movement.

Luckily, that did not happen, so my biggest fear was assuaged. For any scenario that includes Trump losing, this is one of the better possible outcomes.

Jersey Fled said...

Unless and until questions about voting are resolved through a process that is free and open, half of the population will feel that they were cheated and the President will be seen as illegitimate.

If Biden had half the integrity of Richard Nixon, he would support such a process.

Fernandinande said...

Jesus and Hitler are both human ergo equal

That depends on how much they weighed.

individuals from typically marginalized backgrounds, they treated them just as positively (or negatively) as their non-marginalized counterparts.

I dug around and found their papers; "non-marginalized" = white & Christian or white & no religion; marginalized = everyone else.

Fun fact: In their data, the cough cough non-marginalized students who were exposed to the simulated peer-pressure propaganda were slightly dumber than those who weren't. Page 20

DavidUW said...

So now that we have a vaccine, they're going to keep us in lockdown until EVERYONE is vaccinated, right?

mandrewa said...

TickTock said, "Not certain I believe the Shiva analysis. Look at it another way. In those precincts which are most strongly republican, as evidenced by voting the party line is in not more likely that those not voting the party line would not vote for Trump as opposed to some down party republican. I think that is likely and would probably lead to Shiva's result."

I assume that Shiva and his two collaborators have looked at other elections in Michigan and found a consistent correlation between voting straight Republican ticket and voting for the Republican candidate for President by non-straight ticket voters.

So although from election to election, you do find differences between the straight and non-straight ticket voters as to how likely they are to vote for Republican presidential candidates but still within a given election it's relatively consistent across the state.

Instead we are asked to believe that in this election and only in this election there is this huge variation across the state precincts and the underlying rule seems to be something like, the more Republican a precinct is, the less likely it's going to vote for Donald Trump.

It's hard to believe.

On the other hand, if you're Gretchen Whitmer (or someone in her circle) and you're watching Trump win, and you're desperate, and you have this option to manipulate the votes, where do you manipulate? You can change all the Trump votes in Detroit to Biden votes. You can do that. You can claim a 100% turnout in Detroit (but then you are already doing that!) and it still doesn't change the result of the election.

No, the best place to go to flip the votes is where a huge percentage of the votes in the precincts are for Trump, and therefore even after your vote manipulation, it is still going to be majority Trump votes. And therefore it's harder for people to realize that their votes have been stolen.

Gospace said...

Vikn said...

I think there will never be real statistic about the virus from there (and probably some other countries), as they are trying to make their numbers look better than reality.
Posting this not to cause fear, but just as a perspective as what the virus is doing.

And it's truly amazing how people quote the numbers from both CHina and Russia to point out how bad the U.S. is doing in managing a virus. Almost as if the spirit of Walter Duranty was possessing the entire news media...

Bilwick said...

rcocean asks: "And why would any white man vote Democrat, unless you're getting $$ from their Government gravy pipeline? I can only think of mental illness or a criminal mind."

Don't forget the visceral appeal of statism: the sheer joy of forcing others (even if by proxy) to submit to one's will. This is why I think modern "liberalism" and other forms of statism are less about economics or philosophical principles than about sadomasochistic proclivities.

readering said...

I voted for Clinton and Obama and the economy did great. I voted against the two Bushes and Trump and the economy did not do great.

Rusty said...

readering said...
"I voted for Clinton and Obama and the economy did great. I voted against the two Bushes and Trump and the economy did not do great."
Why should anybody believe anything you say?

Michael K said...

readering might have a memory problem. An experiment. Look at a stock market chart when Clinton was elected. Now go along until November 1994. Do you see what happens? With Obama, the economy went nowhere./ Slow Joe thought every summer would be a "recovery summer." Didn't happen until Trump's election.

I see some memory supplements advertised on TV. Maybe you should try one.

stephen cooper said...

Attonasi at 11:11 PM - You are of course correct. Well said.

Rusty said...

Doc. To be fair Readering gets a state pension. he doesn't have any investments. In short, to him, the economy is always doing great. He wouldn't understand market economics if it was in cartoon form.

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